A Catalogue Libra - [PDF Document] (2024)

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m T A D R T un


8yslematlcally Classed,

A Catalogue Libra - [PDF Document] (9)

A Catalogue Libra - [PDF Document] (10)

No. 1- 2 3- 10

11- 17 18- 19

19a 20

21-. 23 24- 43 44- 70 71-111

112-139 140-153

154-156 157--1640


167-179 180-183 184-189 190-197 198-204


214 -236 237-2也2243-268 269-279 280-287 288-298

299-318 319-329 880-833



1. MÏsωllaneouø W orkø 11. Br&hmanism

PÁG.. 5 5 6 6

III. Bud,也ismIV. Religions in China


O.-SOIENOES AND ARTS. I. General and Miscellaneous Works .. .• •• •• 6

11. Philosophical and Moral Scienoos • • • • • • • • fS III. Political and Eωnomical ScienooA . . • • • • • • 8 IV. Natural. Physica.l and Medica.l Scienoea .• •• •• 9 V. Mathematical 吕ciences and their appli,ωtiona .. .. 11

VI. Works on Scienoes and Arts (Chinese or relaÜDg to Chin份 12

D.一BELLES LETTRES. 1. Lin肌lÍstics:


a Mi田lellaneous Work. b Europe~n Languageø c Aaiatic Languages-:

1 Generalities 2 Tartar Languageø:

a Manchu. Mongol. &0. b Tnrkish

3 l3eulltic Langnages (8严时也ab. &0.) 4 Persian Languages 5 Indian Languages (Pali-Sanskrii) 1) Tro.nsgangetic Lo.n职lages:

18 18


.. 13 u

.. l4. l4.

.. 14.

a Tibetan Language-Indo-Chineøe L&nguageø 15 b Chinese Langue.ge : Lez.-Lexicography:

• Dictionaries . . . • • • • • 15 •• Handbooks of Conversaüo且. &0. .. 16

仙 _-Grammars. &c. . . . . • • • • 16 Chr.-Chrestomathies-Handbooks. Ac. •. .. 1'1

c Japanese Language .. .. .. .. 18 tl Miscellaneous Languagea " . • . . • • • .四

(Afriω.Oc幽,nia 盹ld America.) Compoaition :

a Fables. Tales &nd N。刊Is .. b P,倒也T1c Theaire

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19 to 卢20

A Catalogue Libra - [PDF Document] (11)

• .

E.-HISTORY. No. P .. e. 334-888 1. G翻恕"‘,phy.. •• •• 110

339-355 356-369 370-371


404-468 469-4740 475-4081





556-574 575-583 58也-599

6创)-741742-756 757-764 765一776777一778-793 794-798 799--805

II. Trave1ø: a Introducuon-Collωions-Travels around the World •• 21 b Travels to several Parts of the World .• •. •• 22 c Travels in Europe . . ... . • .•. • • • • 22 d Travels in Asia:

1 Travels to several P缸ts of Asia. • • . . . • • 23 2 Travels in Cisgangeuc and Tr阻sgangetic India and

in Centra.l Asia, &c. . . ... • . . • • • 23 3 Travels in China a.nd J a.pa.n .,. •• •• •• 24 4 Travels in Russian AsiB . . . . . • • • • • 27

ø Travels in America, Afri盹 to 也he Islands of the' Pa.cific Ooean, &0. . • • • . . • . • • . . 28

m. Anoient History. .

IV. Eωlesia.suCl‘1 Histol'y ..

V. Aroh国ology

VI. Modern History:

a Europe b Aøia:


.. 28

.. 30


1 Asia genera.lly . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 2M扭曲lla.neou8 works on di货ercnt countries in Asia. • . 33 3 Cisgangetio a.nd Tra.nsga.ngetic India, &e. . . . . 33 4 China. and Chinese posliessions :

a History, Customs, &0. b Blue Books on China c MÍsωllaneous Works publillhed in China d Shangha.i Local Publica.tions e Hongkong L∞al Publioa.tions

5 J a.pa.n c Afrioa.-Island目 of the Paci1io Ocean, &c. d America

35 4.2 43 43 44 44 45 4.5

806--812 VII. Biopra.phy 46

46 813-836 VIII. Litera.ry History and Bibliogra.phy


837--1:145 84ü-850 851-879

I. Europe: αGreat Britain b France .. .. .. c Austria., G.rmany, Scandinavian Sta.tes, &c.

880-889 II. Amerioa

890-89~ .900-903 904-920


1II. A.ia, &C.:

a Tran目ac古ions of Learlled Societ沁园, &c. b Periodioal Publica.tions rel a.ting to Asia c Periodical Publication目 of China.

Addenda ..Dlgltlz;ι

47 49 49


5l! 58 58

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ROYAL ASIATIC SOCIETY, Including the Library of Alex. Wylie, Esq. C:)

(Systematica /ly classed.)

A.-R E L I G I 0 N . 1. MISCELL.\NEOt:S WOlllíS.

1一.1 The Ceremonies 'lIl cl religious Customs of the 1dolatrotls Nations; by Mr. Bernard Picart

立一.2 Het Gebet des Heercn, Lei巾11 , 1855, í1pt 4 0 •

ll. BRARM‘、NIS)r.

3- 1 Trauslation of the V ctl冶,他1)(1 ùf SOllle cOlltmveröi!Ù works on Brahminioal Theology by Rajah Rammohull Hoy. SecondEdition, LOllM髓, Parbury Allen æ 00.

TlúEl volulJtc contaius thc !ollowillß' thrco pampWct也4- 2 Translation.of an abridgment 01 thc Ve t1nnt or Resolution of all th. Veds;

by Rammohun Hoy. Calclllla , lH16, 14 pag.=Trauslatiou of the 18ho. panish时, olle of tlw chapters of thc Yagnr Veda.; by the same. Oa1-cutta, 1816, xxiv. l; pag.:- 'A ,lcfence of Hindoo Theism in reply to the attack of (ln advocllte for idolatl'Y a.t Madras by the same. Oalcutta, 1817, 58 pag., snu~1l岳。-

5- 3 Exposé t1e qnelql1c~ I1n得<1es plÌncipaux articles de la Théogonie des Brahmes, pnr M. l'"ùbé J. A. Dn协is. PCLrÎs, DOlldey Dupré, 1825, 8 0

6- 4 The religious aSI削ts of Hindoo Philo80phy stated and diSOtl8Sed. A Prize Essay by the Hùv. Jο甜ph Mnllens. Londoll , S7IIith, Elder ô: 00. ,

1860, 8 。

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[ 6 ]

7- 4 The S缸lkhya K缸ik品, or Me~orial Vel'se_s on the Sánkhy80 Philosophy by Iswara Krishn8o; transla.ted from the S80nscrit by Henry Thom8os Oole­br∞ke, Esq., al80 the Bháshy80 or Comment8ory of Gaurapáda; tr8ons­laωd and illustrated byan origiUIIl comment by Henry H8oyin 8on Wilson. Ozford, 0 1'. tra阳• fUlId, 1837, 4 。

8- 5 Essa~s 80nd Leotures chiefly on the Religion of 也.he Hindus, by the late H_ H. Wilson, M.A., F.H.B. Bod<ln Pl'ojèBHOI' 切 the Universtty of Oz­ford... .collect.ed and edited by Dr. Reinholt Rost. Lon彻饨, 1'riibner (/; 00. , 1862, 2 vols., 8 0

Vol. _1. A skelch ,01 the Rcligiou8 Secls 01 Ihe Hindus " ll.M扭ccU皿CQUS EB崎.y臼 alld Lcc也ure8.

9- 6 The Vishnú Pur阳á: a system of Hindu Mythology and tradition 衍晶.ns­l80ted from the origina.l s8onskrit.... by the l80te H. H. Wilson... .edited by Fitzedward Hall. LOlUloll , '1"l'iibnel' â; 00. , 1864, 2 vols. 8 0

10- 7 A sketeh of the Religious Sects of the Hindus, 8 。III. BUDDHISM.

11-*1 Introduction à I'histoire du ßuddhisme indien p80r E. Bnrtlouf. Tome premier (tlw only olle pllblislted.) Pal'i.~, IIIψ. Reyale, 1844, 4 。

12-*2 Le Lotus de 180 Bonne Loi,也raduit du Sansc巾, par ~I. E. 'Bnrllonf. PariH, 11Iψ. Nationale , 1852, 4 。

13一*3 Parabole de l'Enfant ég80lé fO l'mn.nt 1e Chapitre IV du Lotns de 111. Bonne Loi d'n.près 10. version tib创aiue dn Kanjonr par Ph. Ed. ].<'ouc晶.nx.Pω'ís , B. Dllpγαt , 1854, 8 。‘

14- 4 Three Lectnres on Buddhislll by Hev. Ernest J. Eitel. HOll!J ko1!U a1ul LondOlI , 1871, ppt. 8 。

15- 5 P8onthéon ehinois, ou P8or8ollèle entl'e le Culte religieux des Grecs et celui des Chinois; par Joseph Hager. Pα I'Î~ , Didot l'aínê, 1806, 4 to.

16-一句 8pecimen du Gy且-Tcher-Rol-Pa (Lalit8o Vist8ora) P80rtie du ch8opitl'e VII, conten8ont 1& n8oissanco de CakY8o.l\Iun i. Pal' l'h. Ed. Foucaux. l'a l'Îs , B. DU}Jmt, 1841, 8 0 , 33 pag.-Bound with A Ill. *3.

7 BuddhisD1 in 'l'hibet by Emil Schlagintweit, LL.D. Atl80s of objects of Bnddhist worship. xx-platcs. Lci]lzig , Bl'ockltous, 1863, folio.

17一*8 Buddhist Inscription 80t Ken.Yung-K飞lIan, by A Wylie, 1870, 8vo. IV. RELI0I0NS lN C1I1NA.

18- 1 Historia Cultus SinensilllD, seu vRl'i8o Scripta ùe CuJtibllS Sinarum. … oblata Innω喝ntio XII poutifici m邸iD1o.. ..Cυlon õæ, 17∞, 2 vols. 12 。

19- 2 Die Religion und ùer. Cultus der alten Chinesen von Dr. Joh , Heinrich Plath. JJI iinchen, 1862, 4 。

JURISPRUDENCE. 1 Ta Tsing Leu Lee: by Sir Geol'gs Thomas Stallnton. London, Cαdell ,

1810, 4 。

20- 2 A Digest of Hindll L80w on Contl'acts 80lld snccessions: by H. T.' Cole­brooke, 3rd edi也ion. Lo阳lon , 1801 , ;l[adrlls, 1864-65, 2 vols. 8 。


21- 1 The E ncyclopædia Britanuic80 01' Dictionary of A1'ts , Scienees 80nd General Lit er创llre. Ei!J ltth Edition. Adα川 ω!<l CI!(lrles Black, Edil山W'ull,1853-1860, 21 vols. 4 0 and Index.

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[ 7 )

22- 2 A Dictionary of Tenns in Art, edite<l nn<l illl1 strated by F. W. F由holt,F.事 .A. Vi1'tt,比 l1all <.C' Virtue, LOIulon, !l. n. 8 0

23- 3 A Collection 01 Pamphleωbound in 5 vols. 8飞/0.

11. PUILosol'mcAL AND MOIlAL 8C1E!(CES. 24- 1 Les Livres Classiques 巾. l'Empire de la Chine recneillis par le Père Nω1 ;

7 vols., bound in 4, in-18. 25一吃 Les Livrcs 但acrés de I'Orient, comprcnant le Chol1king ou le Livre par

ex饵llen臼; les l:lse-chou ou les q\tntre livres momux de Confncius ei de 8es disciples ; les Lois de Mnnon, premicr legislateu1' de 1'lnde ; le Koran de Mahomet; tra<lni衍。n reVl1!l et publiè!l pl\r ü. Pnnthier. Parût, Firmin Didot F l'èl'e. , et AU!J. Dc挝阳z, 18-H, gl'.目。

26- 3 The Chinese Classics : hy Jnmes Legge, D.D., in seven volnmes. (roy.8 0 )

27-*4 Le Chonking. Tmduit et cl1\ iclíi Jc l1ote8, par Fcu le P. Gaubil. Mis­sionnaire à la Chine, revu ct corrigc … . lmr M. Je Guiglles_. _ .on y a joint unc notice 3ur l'Y -king. . • . J>a .-i. N. .lI. '1'i Uiartl , 1770, 4 0

28一哈 COllfnciufl 8inl\rum Philosoph l1s, Rivc Scienti!t Sinensis lntine cxposita ; studio et opem Pl'OSp. Intorcctt乱, Uhrist. Hcrdtrich , Franc. Rouge­mont, Phil.

29一*6 Wilhelm 8chott: 飞,Vel'ke tl~r ttichincsi8chen WeÏ;;ell KUllg-lu-dsu und seiUèr l:lchiiler. I1,ûle , 11;26, 1l11dβc l'lin , 1832, 2 vols. 8 。

"7 Li-k汹i on hlé缸创111οrÌl比川11 <le臼巴 丑i挝tcô , P咀旧ω J. M. Uλ汕11川L让训巾11汕Ic呻 '1'1I1-in, I lIIp. Roy., 1853, 4 。

3()...,. 8 Mémoire sur l'origine ct ht propn.gation <le 111. Joctrinc du Tω. par M. Pnnthier. p (ll 户 , DOlllle!l D lIl' rf , 1831, 8 0 , 79 pag.

31一句 Le Livre des récompeu8es et des peines en Chinois et en Frangais. Tmduit du Chinois pl\r Stani乎,las J uliell. 1怡I'i. , prillted !or the Oricntfll 7'1'll.usl. .F'1t1ul, 1835, 8 。

32-*10 Lno '1'seu Tao TIl-king. Le Livre ùc ll\ voie ct tle ln 飞'巳1'tu par Stanislas Julien. p.ω'i. , I lIIp. Roy. , H!42, 8 。

33'-*11 Y-king antiq\ùssimus siuarum libcr qnem cx latino. iute l'pretatione P. Regis alior.um(!ne ex Soc. Jes\I P. P. edidit JU' I\\S :hfohl , 1834-39. Stutt{/al'tÎα! et '1'lIùillyæ, 2 vols. H 0 bd. in 1.

υn Jcan. Unptistc Rógh;. Vitlc 1l1_:m1tsat, p. 2í赂,川剧J.

34一*12 Meng Tsen vel Mencium, illustravit Stauislaus Julien. Lutetiæ Pa l'Ï,­

SÎOI'III1t, 1 vol. 8 。

35-*13 S. Julien's Mellciw, in Chil1!‘-

36-*14 The Sacred Ed'ict. Translated fro皿 the Chinese ol'iginal, and illustrated with uote!:l by tlw Hè、. WilIiam 1\Iilnc. LOlldon , 1817, 8 。

37-"15 lIien-W川~,~h?o-Chillese 1\lornl :MaxilUs, cO lUpiled by John Fr阻cisDa.vis. F .R. S. Lo阳lon, 1828 , 8 。

38一*16 7'!te 1_'!tree Foltl Sαn-7'sze-KÏ1tfl or the T l'iliteral Classic 01 Ch迦B. as issued: 怕也hnotes by the Hev. S. C. Malall, l'ú.A. L01l<1cm. 再ω]'.'wt , 1856, 12 0 , 78 pag.

39- 17 8irnple Exposé d 'nn tait honor仙le odiensem*nt Jénaturé dans un libello récent de 1\1. Pauthier.... pa1'吕tau诅U每 JuliCl1. Pll l'i. , lJ. Dllprat , 1842, 8 。

10- 18 Le 缸,héou-Li ou llìtes clcs 1_'c !twu par Feu Etlouard Biot, p.α I' ÌII. 1851, 革 vols.8 。

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( 8 )

41-19 De;2hd创均e Ethik fre lUstJlet af H. Martens盹 Kj伪enhavn, 1871,

42- 20 Lao.tzü, a study in Chinese phil080phy by T. Watters, LOlldon, 1870. 岳3- 21 Confuciall Cosmo[Jeny by the Rev. Thos . l町'Clatc 1tie , Shall!Jhai, 1874,

llI. POLITICAL AND ECONOM lCAL SC lENCEH. 44- 1 Institutes po日创cal and military written originally iu the Mogol Langu­

age , by the Great 'l'imour, witlJ m!lrginalnotes hy Major Davy, &c. , &c. , by Joseph White, B.D.οxford, Clarmdon Pres8, 1783, 4 0

45一吃 Ayeen Akberry; 01', the 1nstitutes of the Emperor Akber. Tranölated from the oiiginal Persian by Francis Gladwin, 2 vol8. 4 C bd in 1. London, 1800.

46- 3 Das Gesetz des l\Ienschlichen Wachstl lUmes.... von Franz Liharzik. Wiell , 1858, 8 c

47- 4 The 1ndian Revenuc SystclU .as it is, by Harvey Tuùkctt, Gent. LOl/(I,侧,Smith, Eldcr (() Co. , 1840, 8 。

48- 5 A Dictionary of CO ll1merce an :l Commerdnl Navigation by J. R. !\1 'Cul l∞:h , Esq. Vol. 11. 8 0 , Pldlade怡hià , 1856 , 但 copies.)

49- 6 Les valeurs de DOllune o1Iì ci('lks ct IIctllclles cn 1"mnce, en Angleterre et en Belgiq ue par :M. N ,ttalis Rondot. lJαris , Guillαulllin ct Cie. , ppt. 8 0 , 1858.

60- 7 Chambre de Commerce dc LYOll-Musée d'Art ct t1 'Industrie-Rapport, de r.r. Natalis ROlldot. . • . Lyo衍 , S l'e门仰, 1859 , 4 。

51- 8 Our Commerce with China by C. A. Skatschkoff (in Russian.) 的.l'etersbUl'[J, 1863, ppt. 8 。

52- 9 Annual Report of thc Sωretary of State relative to the Statistics of the Poor of the State of Ncw York, March 23, 1855. Albωny , 1855 , 8 0 , (2 copies.)

53- 10 Report of the Secretary of Stllte on the Criminal Statistics of the State of Ncw York. Albαny , 1855, 8 0 , (2 copies.)

54-- 11 Seventh Annuru Repo l't of the Governors of thc Alms House, New York, for the year 1855. Ncw 1'o/'k , 1856, 8 0 , (2 copills.)

55- 12 Annual Report of the Commissioners of .Emigration, of the State of New York, for the year cl1,ling Dcccmber 31 , 1856. Ncw York , .lIcssrs. C. Bryant (() Co. , 1857 ,. 8 0 , (2 cop.ieò.)

56- 13 Tenth Annnnl Statemcnt of the Trade l\nd ComlUcrce of Chica肘, for tbe yeal' cmlillg 1\1arch 31, 1868, by John F. Bωty. Clticα!JO, 1868, 8 0 , (2 copies.)

67- 14 Codigo de Comercio concordado y anot阳10 , 4th e乱 , JlIadrid, 1863, 8 。58- 15 Beretning om Ladegaardsoens hoveaganrd for 1862 IInd 1863. Chris­

tiana, 1865, 4 0

59- 16 Reports of the United St,\tes Commissioncrs to thc Paris UniversaJ Exhibition, 1867, 8 。

60- 17 The Chinese Commercial Gniùe, by S. Wells Williams,自fth edition, IIOII!J koll[J, 1863, 8 。

61- 18 Le Congr创 des Oriontalisteli par Charles le Mansois dn Prey, Sai1Lt Etie1l1凹, 1875, 8 。

62- 19 Second Allnual Heport of the Board of Illdian Commissioners, 1870, Washin!J ton 1871 , 8':' ,但 copie8.)

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( 9 ]

64- 21

63- 20 Reports and 0侃侃1 Letω,rs to the Krutakushi, by Horac揭 Capron, To1cei, 1875.

65- 22

66- 23 67- 24

68- 25

69- 26

70- 27

71- 1




a---,, •• ,


吨,••• 飞.




75- 27

76- 28

77- 29

78- 30 79- 31

80- 32

81- 33

82- 34

83- 35

84一 36

Mon也ly Reporta on the Commerce and Navigation of the United 8ωes for the tiscal Ye缸 ended June 30, 1872, WlUh切庐侃, 1873.

8peoial Report on Emigration ill the Western and 80uthern States, by Edward Young, Washingto饨, 1872.

La Sériculture au Jllpon plll' Emcst de Bavier, 1874, S。Ré∞uil de Lois, eto. , conccrnllnt le commer阔的 18 nnvigation de Norvége

Ch l'istìania, 1861 , 岳飞 (2 c句JÎ('S.)

Resumé de Renseignements Statistiques sur la Norv画'ge , Ch州øtian切,1875, 8 0 ,但 copie8.)

Norwegian 8pecial Catalogue íor the 11lternational Exhibition 创 Phila.delphia, 1876. Christiania, 1876, 8 0 , (2 cψieB.)

Le Royaume de Norvége et le Pellple Norv句ien par le Dr. P. J. Brω:11, C hristiania, 1876, 8 0 , (2 copìes.)


Albohazen Haly filii Abenragel. Basìl由 ea: o(ficina Hmric. Petrin4, folio 8.4.

Mizaldus redivivus sive Centllriæ XII Memorabilium, Editio "脚.Norimb. Johæ饵nis Zig时, 1681, 12 0 -Bollnd w4.th the fol1owiDg :一

Joannis Franci VeroniωTheezans id est Collatio Veronicæ Eñropææ cum Th伪 Clinitico. Lip8iæ, P. G. 可'otenhaUertlm, 12 0

Commentllry on the Hindu System of Medicine by T. A. Wy阂, M.D. Calcutta, 1845, 8 。

A Mannsl of Scientifio Enquiry, prepared for the use of offiωrs of Her Majestý's Navy; and Travel1era in general, by the Rev. Robert Main. Lrm命,也, John Murra霄, 1859, sm. 8 。

Rulesin cωe of Railroad Injury by John H. Pack时, M.D. Philadelphia, (1 sheet.)

-Tenth Annual Report of the Col11mbia Institution for the deaf and dumb, for the ye缸 ending June 30, 1867, ppt. 8 。

Sta.tistical Report on the 8ickneas and Mortality in the 'Army of the United 8tatea. Wa8hington, 1840, 8。一1856, 4 0 , 1860, 4 0

The United Sta饲s8皿itary Commission. B06勿n, 1863, ppt. 8 0 The 8 a.nitary ComInission of the United 8tates Army. Nnø York,

186~‘, 8 。Memorial of the Great Cen优al Fair for the United 8tates 8anitary Com.

mission held at l'hiladelp:hia, June, 1864, by Charles J 8tilli6. Phila. delphia, 1864, 4 。

Reports of the Materials available for the preparation of a Medical and 8urgiω1 History of the Rebellion. Philadelphia, 1865, 4 0

ARωord of the Metropolitan Fair in aid 01 伽 United 8ta饨B Sanitary ComIDÍ8sion held at. New York in April, 1864. Nnø YC1'k, 1867, sm. 4 0

日i侃。'ry of the United 8饵,tes 8anitary Commission by Charles J. S侃出­New York , 1868, 8 0

Report of the ComIDÍssioner of Agriculture for Üle y'ω;r 186&. w4ωhing. 制 Gωt. PrÎnt. OjJice, 1867, 8 0 ,但 c明ie,.)

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85- 37







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89- 41

90- 42 . 91- 43

92- 44

93- 45 94- 46 95- 411 96- 48 97- 49 98- 50 99- 53

100- 54

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102- 56 103- 67

104- 68

105- 59

106- 60

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1ω- 62

109- 63 110- 64

-111- 65

[ 10 ]

Monthly Report of the Depnrtment of Agriculture. for the year 186_6. J. R. Doùge, E(litor. }Vu.ltinfJtòn Gov.' Print: O.(fice, 1867. 8 0 , 。 copies.)

The 8f1m~ for the yenr 1867. W.αJl1tington,.I868, 但 copies.)

Report of the Commissioner of Agricultllre for the year 1868. WlUl1ling­ton, G仰• Print. O.[lice, 1869, 8 。

Cosmos by Alexnnder von HumhoMt. Londοn., L(m!J1Jtan cf Co. John 且'1urra.y , 4 yok 肉。

Catalogue des Collections rapporté剧 dc l'Ameriqlle Russe par Alph. Pin缸t. Pα.ris , 1872, 8 。

Le Nevé de Jllstednl et ses Glo.ciers par C. de Seue, Christia由切, 1870, 4 0

Defence of Dr. GOllld by the Seientifie Couneil of the Dudley Observ且tory.Albαny. 1858, 8 0 , and

Re理ly to- the " 8tatement of the Trustees" of the Dudley Observatory by Benj. Althorpe Gould. Jr., Albα;ny , 1859, 8 。

Report of the Commissioner of AgrieuJture for the year 1869, Wa8hing-ton, 1870, 8 。

The s且me for the year 1871. The same for the ye自r 1872. The samaafor the year 1873. Monthly Reports of the Dep凡,rtment of Agrieultnrc for the yoar 1872. The S:lmc for the year 1873. The samc for the yC:lrs 1874, 1875 anù 1876. List of Elev:ltions West of the Missi四ipi River, by Henry Gannett.

JVasldllllton. 1875 Cataloμle of the Pllblications of the Uniteù St脱s GeologiωSurvey by

J. V. Hayden. Washingto饨, 1874.

Historieal Notes on the Earthqm、.kes of New England, 1638.1869, by 飞;Vill!lIm T. 13righllm.

The Sermon of the Mount [in Shangh!Ù) for the blind, by W. M∞n.

Note得 sur 1ft Hiehesse Minérale <1n Japon pllr M. F. Coignet. Saint Elienne. 1874, 8 。

Mémoires sur la Galvanoeausti'il1e thermique par A. Amussat. Paris, 1876.8 0

Die oesterreiehisehc Kiistcnaufnahmen im Adriatisehen Meerc von T. Ritter von Oesterreichel'. T'riest, 1873, 8 。

Dic Ceph/llopo<lenfanna der (去oS/ln~chichten in den Norùöstliehen Alpcn von Anton Heùtenhachcl'. Wi('ll, 1873, 4 。

Etudes snr le自 Mouvements c1e l'Atmosphère par C. M. Guldherg et H. Mohn. ChriMiania , lil7ö, ..。

飞:Vindrosen <lcs sii<llichen Norw~gens VOI1 C. D. Scue. J{l'istiania, 1876 , 主。

An<len Dül'et Ilin"οmL阳leg '\rIl叫OCIl S Hoyedga'lTll. Cltri.~tinaæ, 1875, 告。,

Transfusion unù Plethora VOIl Jakob Worm M创]er. Cln如tian旬, 1875 ,

8 0

Geologic:ll Snrvey of the Oil Lands of Japan by B. S. Lyman. Tokei , 1877, 8 0

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112一 .1 One volume 4 0 containing:

1. M\Ù}ammed.is Fil. Ketiri Ferganensis. Å 7IIIttTOdami, 1869. 2. Id est itinera Mund.i, sic d.icta nempe Cosmographia, auωm

Abrahamo Peritsol. Ox佣约 1691.

3. Astronomia e盯ep配a sub imperatore Tartaro-sini佣 C缸n B.Yappelato ex umhra in lucem rev,副l&ta. a R. P. Ferdinando Ver. biest. Dilingæ, 1687.

113一吃 The Algebra of Mohamllled ben Musa, ed.ited and translated by Frederic Rosen. Londl% Orielllal Tra阳lat份nFund, 1831 , 8 。

114- 3 Om Cirklers Ber:>ring af C. M. Guldberg_ Ch巾tiana, 1861, 也 o ppt., 32 pag.

115- 4 Resultate Magnetischer, Astronomischer und Meteorologisoher Bωbaoh­tungen au( einer Reise naoh dem östliohen Bibirien in der Jahren 1828-1830 von Profes8or Christoph Ha.usteen und Lieutenant Due. Chγistiα.na , 1863, 4 。

116- 5 A List of the reported Dangers to Navignt.ion in tbe Paoific 0ωan. Washingt01也, Gov. Printi侃9 O.ffice, 1867, 8 。

117- 6 Report on Interoceanic Ca.na.ls ßnd Railroads between the Atlantic and Paoific Oceans by Admira.l Charl制 H.Da"世S. Wωhington, G仰.Pr似t­ing Ojice , 1867, 8 0

118- 7 Meteorologica.l Register for the years lil26, 1827, 1828, 1829 a.nd 1830, ~ad~. b,Y t~~ Surgeon!:.~~ t~e. ~r:nY. ~~~ I!.t~er~_ a.t t~e ~凶町 po巾。fthe Uuited States. Philadelph切, 1840, 8 0 ,但 cop阳.)

119- 8 叫e sß.me for the years 1831.1842. Wωhington, 1851, 8 0 , (2 c币比}120-• 9 Results of Meteorologica.l observations made under the direction 01 the

United States Pa也ent Office. 121-- 10 Fourth Meteorologica.l Rllport of Prof. James P. Espy. Wωhingto饨,

1857, 4 0

122- 11 Report upon the Colorado River 01 the West, explored in 1857 and 1858, oy Lieutenant Joseph C. Ives. By οrtkr 01 the Sec. 01 War. Wωhi叼·ωn, 1861, 4 。

123- 12 Army meteorological register for twelve years, 18.13 to 1854 inclllsive. Washingto饵, 1855, 4 。

124- 13 Report of the Sl1pe出ltendent 01 the United State得 Coast Surveys, show­ing the _ progresR of the sl1rvey during the year 1856. W刷hingt棚,1856,4t。

125- 14 The 盹me for 18;)7. Wα8hingto饵, 1858, 4 0

126- 15 The same for 1863. Washill!lton, 1864, 4 0

127- 16 The same for 1864. Wasltington , 1866, 4 0

128- 17 The sarne for 1865. Washi饲:gl棚, 1867, 4 0

129- 18 Statistik Handbog lor Kongeriget Norge-udarbeidet af A. N. Kiaer. Kristiania, 1871, 8 0

130- 19 Ezechiels S川er og Chaldavernes Astrolab af C. A. Holmboe. 侃,也­tiαnia, 1866.

131- 20 Our Kompa.ssets Deviation... .af C_ F. W组e. Kri8tiania, 1869, 8 。132- - 21 Report 01 the Secretary 01 War. Walhi1lgt佣. 1871 , 8 。

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133- 22 Annulll Repol't of the Secrcta.ry of War for the year 1872. Washi叩ω饵,1872, 8 。

JH4- 2~ Jla在netic Declination of 'frevand1'ullI, by .John A. Brown. L 01Idon, 1874, 4 。

135- 24 Annuul Repol't of the Chicf Signal Officer to the Secretary of War for thc ye i1.l' 1872. Wa ,<hill.?ton, 1873.

136- 25 Uniteù State飞 Coa吨 Sm'yey during the y创l' 181;7. Wasllill!J lol忍, 1869.

137-- 2G

]:18• 27

:\f agnetische llll.l ?<IeteoroloJ,!ische B,'ohachtnll::ten IIn der K. K. Stem. wartc zn Prug illl .Jahre 1872.

Hypsometl'ical l1n,l Geographical 自xing of place对 in Mongolia, ]\[anchnrin, on the Ámoor IIn,l the U四nri (饥 J!nsSictfl.) 8 。

13fl一例 Pnblica.tions of the Centml :\Ieteorυlogical Ohsel'vatory in the City of Mexico, 1时77.

V1.飞V01ll< S 0;>; ScmxcEs AXD An1'H. (ι!l刷刷e or relatin!J to Ch切ι}

140- '1 i坷'ecimen ?lIedicin曲 Sin icæ , sive opuscula i\Ietlica ad Mentem Sinensium . . . . e<li<1it Andreas Cleyer. . . . Fr刷刷ifnrli ,T. J>. Znbrodt , 16:32 , 4 。

lU • 2 \' ote8 011 Chine晴 Matel'ia. Medic3 hy Daniel Hn.l1hnry. LOlldoll , ISli2, 8 0 , -18 pag. 吨 (2 , ο'!Jl e凡)

142 3 Fir;;t PreJiminary Kotiee of geologica.! explora.tions in China by F. Ba1'on 、l{jélllilOfcn. I:l 0 , 12 pag.

143 → 箱 r, ltéimmé des principaux t1'础és chilloi~ Sllr In. Clllture des Mm'iers d l'εdnc:ttion des ve1's à soie-.traduit pll1' St'1nislas Julicn! J>(lI节 , lmp.1'IJyllle ‘ 1月:37 , 8 。

144 1) Recherclws ~nr I'Ag1'icul川崎 et l'Horticlllture des Chinois.... par 16 1:II11'on Léon ,1' Herιvey Sa.int.Deny咀. 1斗I l'is , Anο lI.a.rd â: Kaeppelin, 1850, 8 。

145- 7 Ch l1mbre de Comme1'cc de Lyon-;)fotice du Vert de _ Chi!le Ilt <le la. teillture en ve1't chcz les Ohinois pllr 111. Natali~ Rondöt. Pω i.'i, Ch. Lalture d'; CÍ<~., 1858, roy. 8 0 , (2 copies.)

146←呛 Histoi1'e et Fa.h1'ication de la Porcelaine Chinoi肥, par M. Stanislas Jnlien. Pttl'ts, Mttllet.]Jα !: ltelier, 1856, 8 。

147• 9 Clltl110gue of Chinese Objccts in the Sonth Kensington Mllseum , by C. Alaba,ter , J..ollllon, 8 。

148二 10 F川'!J.Shui , 01' the RmlimentK of Na.tnml Science in Chinll, hy E. .1. EiteL I.owlon , 1873, 8 。

'149 .. 11 Cnlthatioll Ilnd Manufa.cture of Tea in China , by SlIm l1cl BaJl. J,ondo饵,1848.

150 _. 12 L 'indnstrie • <les Ohinois IIn point de vue d l1 Comme1'ce E:nropωn , par C. de JJahllrthp. P lIris. 1870.8 。

I 151- 13 'l'he A1'chitectlll'e of CI归队 hy W. Simpson.

152- 14 Umnographie Chinoise par Gustllve Schlegel. Hag时, 1875.

153- 15 GeogmphicaJ, Magnetic and Hypsomet1'ic Pllblications of Dr. H. Fritsche. Peki1lfl.

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a-MÏscellaneous Works. 154- 1 Sinico-Acuyptiaca-par G Pa.uthier_ Paris, 18位, 8 。

1 1)5一吃 Lectures on the Science of LRngua.ge by Ma.x M讪]er, M_Å_ Lmufo l/.

18ül , 8 。

156- 11 On the Origin of Languu.ge by Hensleigh Wedgwood_ Lon(lol~ , 18t\6. ~m_ 8 。

b Enropean Langnages. 157← 叮 Le Gnmd Dictionna.ire Frllni'ais et Fln.mand. _ . .1'ar F lI\n!)oi f! Hnlma,

Am.~terdalll , 2nd ed. , 1717,告。11;8-- "2 Dictionnail'e Fl"mand et Fran!)a.is JlI1l' Fran!)ois Halma. 2ncl ed. ~1It­

$tenlam et Ut l"ccltt , 1769, 4 。

1.S!I一 .3 Ncdenlnitschc Rpr!lukkuust ten diclll;te der Scholen , uitgegeven d∞r P- 飞;Veiland, te Dοr<lrecht , 1820, 8 。

11\0-.4 Syntaxi, of woonlvoeging der ~et1erdnit,che T ll.:ll, k J~eidelt l'U Dct'elllcr, 1846 , 8 。

161一叮 A Gaelic Dictional'Y, by n. A. Armstrong, A.i\1. Lο11<1侧, 1825,甚。

162一 鸣 A UlM'olial ln<lex to the printe(l 日nglish litemture of the thirteentlJ 四ntury by H川bert Coleri也C . LOl!lloll, 1859 l:! 0 ,但 copieι)

163• 7 Suffolk Surn:l.1nes by N. r. llowilitch. 3rd e,l" LOlldoll, Bosto凯 1861 , 8 。

164- 8 NameH of town究 and villag凹, ancl of ri,ers , of the County of No/:(olk , 、by the Rev. George l\Iunfοrd . London, 1870. 8 。

c.-Asiatic Languages. 1 Ucneralities.

165-- '1 . 1 .<",l'o/y.'l/υtta von Julius Kla[ll'oth. 1"'I' i抖, 18古3 , 1 。

11\1\• "2 .4 ., ;α PO/Y.'l lottαvon Julius Kl'Lproth- -Spr:lchatl:t~ . Paris , 1823, foli"

2 'ru.l'tar L,m:;lIages. a l\Innchu-Mongol , &c.

167-- *1 Hechel'ches Sllr les 1剧19nes tllrtal'cô Jes )IanJchous, des MOJlgols. <1e~ OuiιOU1'8 et <1es Tibéta.ins, pn.r _M . Abel Uémllsat. Vol. r. (the only υut! p时dishd.) Pαris , 111ψ . roy. , 1820, 4 。

168一. *2 Alphabet l\{'Lntchou, par L. Langl己也 3e. éd. l'山 i.< , 1807 , 8 。

169- '3 Vollstaendige nebersicht tler aeltesten 'l'lIerki削hcn , Tataritichen U11<1 :\Iogholischell Voelkcrst.lenlll tC Jl flch 孔'1;chid- lIù心n 's vorgan)!e bear­beitet vυn FmJlz VOIl Er,lmann. 1""-'tl l/, 1841 , 8 。

170一吨 Tl'8.Jl sldion of the 1γ心/-.'1 日 "a u. .k'cm. u,1ty , 仙 CLinese (, rnmlllltr of the l\hn­clm Tar t.ar Languagc. ShanflltaÎ, l i:!5':;, 8 。

171- '5 I ,ingnæ MI1D<lshnric陆 In,titlltione地'lUll~ con玲Cl'ipsit , indicibns ornlwit, Ch l'estomnthia et Voca.bulario 民uxit F l1tnciscns Kaulen_ Rati"how-e, J85G, 币。

172一哈 Gl'8.mnmtik del 飞V!st:~[.?!1g01i8clwn oclèr KaJmiikischen Spre.che \o~ H. A. Zwick . -j 0 . 1853.

电73--.7 Gra阳mmatik七kde创l' lIIong伊0叫仙li8圳咄cJ',恬ner.内挝 IJlI川4川,γ'9 , 1831.4 0

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174- *8 .M. Alexa.nder Cωtr缸'8 Grundzüge einer Tungusischen Spachlehre.... von Anton 8chiefner. St. Petersburo, 1856, 8 。

175一呼:M. Alexander Castr旬's Versuch einer Koibalischen und Kar晶gassischen8prω;hlehre.... VOll Anton Schiefner. St. Petersburo, 1857 , 8 。

17ι-*10 :M. Alexander Castr旬's Versuch einer Burjätischen Sprachlehre von Anton Schiefner. St. Petel'功'111'0 , 1857, 8 。

177一'11 M. Alexa.nder Castr钮'8 Versuch einer Ostjaki8chen Sprachlehre von An ton Schiefner. St. Petersburg , 1858, 8 0

178- 12 Inscription Mongole en cR.l'Ilc.tères Pa'sse.pa par 1\1. A. 飞N'ylie . p,α'ri.... , 1862, 8 0

179- 13 Manchu.Russian Dictionary by J. Zacharoff. St. ppter.~bu叨, 1875 , 8 。b TUl'kish.

180-'1 Gr阻lmaire Turke.... par Arthur Lumley Davids. Londrc.>, 1836, 4 。

181一吃 Vocabula.ire Frangais.Turc par George Rhl也SiH . 的• Pele'r~burg , 4 。

182一 '3 Primi Principi della Grammatioa Turca composti da Cosimo Comidl\s de Carbognano. 1n Roma, 1794, 4 0 '

183- " Chrestomathie en Turk oriental p且r M. Quatremèl'e. Pa l'is , 1841 , 8 。

3 Semitic Languages (SYl'iac.Arab, &c.) 184-. 汀 Chrestomathia Syril\ca AUgustU8 Hahn et Fried. Luù. Sieffert. Lip~ia.

~825, 8 0

185- - 2 AI.Mufassal, Opus de re grammaticø. arl\bioun , edidit J . P. Brooh. CIt1耳stianæ, 1859, 8 。

186 • 3 An Essay on the Age and Antiquity of the Book of Nabathæan Agricul. ture by M. Ernest Renan , LondG隅, 1862, 12 。

187- 4 Specimen de la Langue Berbère par J. D. Delapol'te 188- ;) De la Philologie et des Langues Sémitiqlles par A. Dutase. Pa巾, 1860,

8 。

189- . 6 Chrestomathies Orientales. Extraits dll Roman d'Antar. PαI'Ü' , 1841, 8 。

4 Persian Languages. 190.-'1 A Vocabulary of the Persian La.nguage by S. ROllsseau. LOlll阳t , 1802, 8 。

191一吃 A Grammar of the Persian Language by William .Jones, Esq., 6th ed. London, 1804, 4 。

192- 3 A Dictionary Persian, Arabic and Eng1ish; by John Richardson, ESI}., Lon必n, 1806.1810, 2 vols. 4 。

193- 4 Vie de Dzenghiz Khan par Mirkhond, l'α巾, 1841 , 8 号

194- 5 Histoire des SasSIInides par Mirkhond , Pari.. , 1843, ij 。

195- 6 Extrait d~ l'Histoire ùes l\fongols de Raschid.EMin , par M. Quatre ­mètre, Paris , 1844 8 。

196- 7 Histoil'e deR Sultans de KharezIIl par Mirkhonù, Pa l'i" , 1842, 8 。

197- 8 Ch)'e8tomathie Persane pal' L. P. E. A Sédillot, Po l'Î." lR47, 8 c

5 Indian JJanguages (Pali.Sa.nskrit.) 198一 '1 Essai SUl' le Pali, par E. BUl'Dollf et Chr. Lassen , Paris, 1826, 8 。

199--'2 Ob~er~~t!~n::_ G_:ammaticales SUl' quelques pas8ages de I'Essai 8ur le Pati de 1\1. M. E . BUJ'llouf et 1血ssen; pal' E. Bnrnonf, P阳台, 1自27 , gc

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~OO-"3 M创hode pour tléchiffrar et transcrire les noms 9且nscrits q时 ee rencon, trent dans les Iivres Chinois : par :r.r. Stanislas Julien. Paril , 1861, 8 0

201- 4 A practical Grammnr of the Sanskrit Io.rgua.ge, by Theodore Benfey, Berlitl, LondQII, 186:1, 8 。

~02- 5 Il Brall1l i-Stmlio 心 Etnologia lingtústica di Felice Finzi, Firenze, 1870, 8 。

203- 6 Chrestomo.thie Hindie et Hindouie, Paris , 1849, 8 。W4- 9 La Langue et littérature Hilldoustanie en 1871 , par Garcin de Tassy,

Paris , 1872, 8 。

ð Transgangetic Langnages. a Tibetall Lnnguage-Indo-Chinese Languages.

205-"1 Alphabetum Tibetannm studio et labore, Fr. Augustini Antonü Georgii. Romæ, 1762, :ð parts bd. in 1 vol. 4 0

206一吃Alphabctum Tangutanum sive Tibetanum. RO l1l æ, 1773. 207一 "3 Grammatik der TibetiHchen Sprache, von I. J. Schmidt, 1839,的. Peter,­

bur{l â: Leipzig , 岳。

~08一飞 Essay tow旧.'ds a Dietionary Tibetan and English, by Alexander Csoma de Körös.ι:alcutta , 1834, gr. 4 。

209-.5 Grammaire de ln, Langue Tibetaine, par Ph. Ed. Foucaux. Pari., 1868, 8 。

21。一 .7 Dialoguee en Langue Cochill-Chinoise, par Abel des Michels. PaI讼, 1869,8 0 , ~4 pag.

211- 8 Disωurs prolloncé à l'ouverture du Cours de Cochin.Chinois à l'école annexe de la Sorbonne (Amphithèâtre Gerson) par Abel des Michels. Pal'句, 1854 , 4 。

212- 9 Manuel de la lallgne Cambodgienne, par G. Jannean. S'nigon , 1874, fol. 213一 ]0 Dictionarimn Linguae Thai Siamensis anctore D. J. B. Pallegoix. Pari. ,

1854, 4 。

b Chinese Language. Lex.-Le;ricooraphy.

.. Dictionaries, &c.

214一份1 An_Explnnation of the Elementary Charactir9 of the Chinese, by Joseph Hager, D.D. London, 1801, fol.

215一吃 Dictionnaire Chinoi霄, Fraugais et Latin; par M. de Guigne9....à Pω啦,1813, in fol.

216一 "3 Supplément au Dictionnaire Chinois du P. Dasile de Glemona par Jttles K1aproth. Pα l' i8 , 1819, fol.

217一 "4 Sylloge minutiarum lexici latino-sinico characteristici, exposita a Chris­tiano Mentzelio... . NOTÍmberoæ , 1685, 4 0

218一句 A Dictionar:r of the Chinese Language by the Rev. Rober也泪。ηison , 3 parts bd. in 5 '\'019. Lo咽don & Macao, 1815-23, 4 。

219一 "6 Ul'h-Chíh-Tsze-Tëen-Se-Yín-Pe-Keáou; being a Parallel drawn between the two intended Chinese Dictionaries: by the Rev. Robert Morrison, and Antonio Montucci, L.L.D. Landoπ , 1817 , 4 。

220一 "7 A _1)ic_tionar;y of the Hok-keen Dialect of the Chinese Language; by w. H. Medhurst, Batavia. Macao , 1882, imp. 4 。

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221一 "8 Diccionario Portuguez-Chilla, por J. A. Gon!)a.lves. Macao , 1831, sm. 曲。222- '9 Diccionario China-Portuguez, por J . A. Gongalves. 1I1acao, 1833, sm. 4 0

223- 10 Lui Ho , sive Vocabularium Sinense in KörnÏanum ∞nversum , Ph. Fr. de Siebold. Lug. Bαt. , 1838, folio,

224一"11 Lexicon Mannale Latino-Sinicnm & Sinico.Latinum.... auctore Joa. chi.t且o Alphonso Gonsalves. i'<[αcai , 1839. 8 。

225--*12 Lexicon Magnnm Latino.Sillicum, auctore J. A. Gonsnlves, Pl'tsbytero, Macai, 1841, imp. 4 。

226一*13 _Systema Pholleticum Scriptmæ Sinicæ , auctore J. M. Callery. Macao , 1841 , 8 。

227-'14 Dictionnaire des Noms des VilIes et Al'rondilSemellts dans l'Empire Chinois.. . . par Edouanl ßi,)t. Pω'i.' , I lIIp. roy. , 1812, 8 。

228- 15 An English and Chinese Voc(tbnlary in the Conrt Di!Ùect, by S. Welll Williams. Macao, 1844, 8 。

229一*16 Dictionarinm Sinico.Latintlln,肌ctore M. de Guignes. IIongkong , 1853, 4 。

230-*17 A Tonic Dictionary of the C(tllton Dialect, by S. Wells Williams. Oan­ton, 1856, 8 。

231-. 18 A Medical Dictiollary in English and Chinese, by ßenj. Hobso口, M.B., Lond. , Shanghai 1I1ission Press, 1858, 8 0 , 74 pag.

232一*19 An English and Cantonese Pocket Dictionary . . •• by John Chalmers, M.A. HOll[)kon_q, 1859, 18 。

233- 20 A Vocal川lary of Propcr Names, by F. Porter :-3mith. Shan!}hai , 1870, 8 。

234- 21 A Chineae and English Vocabtùary in the Pekinese Dialect, by George Ca.rter Stent. Shonghai , 1871, 8 。

235- 22 StCJlt's Fan Dictions.ry in Chinese and English, Shanghai.

236- 23 A Chillese alld English Pocket DictiollRry, by G. C. Stent. Shangh叽1874.

.' Handbooks of Conversation, &c. 237一气 The English and Chinese Student's Assistant. Malacca , 1826, 8 。238一吃 Chinese Dialogues, by W. H. Medhurst, Sen. 1844, 8 。239一 '3 :Manuel pratique de la Langue Chinoise vtùgaire . …par Louis Rochet.

Pari8 , 1846, 8 。240一.. A Gdde to Conversation in the English e.nd Chinese Languages, by

Stanislas Heruisz. Boston, 1854, 8 0

241一句 Selcct Phrases and reading lessons in the Canton Dia.leet, by the Rev. W. Lobscheid. Hongkol叨, 1864 , 8 。

242一气o Ensy Phrases in the Ce.nton Dia.lect. 1866, 4 。Gr.-Grammllrs, &c.

243一 '1 Probabi1ity that the Language of China is the Primitive Le.nguage, by John 飞可7ebb. London , 1669, sm. 8 。

244一吃 Thpophili Sigefridi Bayeri. . . . Museum Sinioum. 2 vol日., 8 0 , Petropo日,1t>30.

2'5- .S Lingu田 Sinarum Mandarinicæ Hieroglyphicæ Grammatica. Author Stephanu8 .Fourmont. Lutetiæ ParisioTtlm , 1742, folio, bound tDith Dc6b Gγ.4.

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246- .4 Medit且tiones ::>inic圈, author Stephanus Fourmont. Lttt. Pari., 1737, folio.

247一句 Lettre de Pékin, sur le Génie de la Langue Chinoi.e. Par (le P. Cibot) Å. Bruxelle. , 1773, "。

248一鸣 Dissertation on the Characters and Sounds of the Chinese Language. Se1"ampore, 1809, 4 0 (by Joshua Marshman.)

249一 '7 Clωis Sinica , or Elementa of Chinese Grammllr; by J. Marshmlln , D.D. , Sel'(口np01飞 1814, 4 。

250一鸣 A Grllmmar of the Chinese Language by the Rev. Rob. Morri8on. Serampo时, 1816,也。

2‘1一句 Elémens de la Gmmmllire Chinoise, par M. Abel Rémusat. Paril, 1822, "。

252- 10 Lettre à M. Abel RémlH;at snr la na.ture des formes grllmmaticales en gónéral, et snr le génie de la Lllngne Chinose en partlculier, par M. W. de Hnmboldt. Pm'is , 1827, 8 。

253一.11 Arte China constantc de Alphabeto e Grammatica, por J. A. Go叫aJves.Macα0, 1829, sm. 4 。

254一"12 Notitia Lingnæ Sillic曲,阳ctore P. Premare. 1J,αlaccæ , 1831 , 4 。但 COpiCB.)

255一.13 A Dissertation on the N叫ure and Character of tke Chinese system of writing, by Peter S. Dn POllceau. Phi切de怡lIÍ ll , 1838, 8 。

256一.14 Exercices pmctiqnes d' lInalyse, de Byntaxe et de lexicographie Chinoise, par Stanisllls Julien. Pωris , B. Dupart , 1842, 8 0 ,卫xiv-270 pag.

257一'15 Anfnngsgriillde der ChincBischen Grammatik von Stephlln Endlicher. JVitn, 1845, 8 。

258一.16 Méllloire sur le8 principes génél'l>ux dn Chinois vulgaire, pω: M. ßazin. Pαγis , 1845, 8 0 , 12υpag.

2‘9一'17 Elementn. Grallllllatic自 Latino-Sinicæ. Victoγiæ, Hongko l![J, 1853, sm. 8。260一.18 Chinesische Sprnchlehre, Wilhelm Scnott. Bet'lin, 1857, 4 。261一.19 A Grammar of the Mandarin Din.lect, by Joseph Edkin8-Second

Edition. Shα I!!}hai , 1863, 8 。262一吃o Grn.rumar of the Chinese Lan~uage by the Rev. W. Lohscheid (bd. in 1

飞101.) lIollyko叼, 186且, 8 。

263一吃1 Chinese-English Grammar by the Rev. Wi11ia.rn Lob皿heid. Part 1, Ilon(/kollg , 1864, ti 0 , 45 pllg.

264一'22 Chinese-EnciliHh Gralllruar by the Rcv. 飞:Vil1in.lll Lohscheid. Pllrt II, HQ I!!}koll!} , 1864, 8 0 , 80 pag.

265- 23 GrA.IDmaire Fran♀aise avec 1a traductioll 、 Chinoise, par lln 1飞rissionnaireLazaIÏste ùe Pékin-Prellli在re partie: Grnmmaire. Pékin, 1864, 8 。

266- ~4 SY]}tax~ nouvelle de 1n. Langlle Chilloise, par l\I. Stanilas Julien. Pαris , Vo1. 1, 186!1, 8 。

267- 2b San- 1'sell-[{illg , Trium Litterarlllll Libcr, Stanislas Jlùien. Paris , 1864, 8 。二

268- 26 归国ien-1'sw-Wm, le Livre (le8 Mi11e mots, par Stan i1as Jnlien. Paris , 1864, 8 。

Chr.-Chrestυmathies-Hantlùooks, æc.

269-- 气 Han-Wen:Kiell- l"ao. Essai sur laLanglle et la Littfrature Chinoises, par J. P. Abel Rémusat. Pal食, 1811 , 8 。

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[ 18 ]

270一哈 A View of China. for Philologiω1 PUrpOSe8; by the Rev. R. Morrison, 且Iα!cao , 1817, 4 。

271- *3 Logicæ Institutiones, a J. L. Taberd. HOII[l koll!}, 1849 , 8 。

272一吨 A Ma.nual of Chinese Running-band Writing, by R. J_ de St. Aulaire and 可甲. P. Oroeneveldt. Aηl$ttrdu阳, 1861 , 4 。

273- *5 The Analytica.l Reader-A ahort Metbod for learningωread and wl'Ìte Cbine.e by the Rev. 飞~. A. P. Ma.l'tin , D.D. Sltan!l llll'Î, 1863, 8 0

27韭一吃 Ora.dnated Reading. Hon!lkon[l, 1864, 12 。

275一叮 Tones of the Mandarin Dialect, by 8au-Mallg-Yinn. CalltOIl, 1865, 8 。276一句 The Household Companion a.nd 8tl1den t's Fil'st Assistant by Dr. Deva.n.

H01I!lkong , 1867, 8 0 , 140 pag. 277- 9 The Chinese Reader'e Mnnnal, by William Frederick Mayers. Sltllll!l­

hai, 1874. ~78- 10 Han-Tseu-Thso-Yao , Sinensi l1m Litterarnm Compendi l1Dl. Pari., 1845,

8 。

279- 11 Contro'l'ersies of the Name of Ood, 2 vols. Sltan[lh<l i , 8 。

c Japaneae L且ngl1age.

28Q一 *1 Wörterbnch del' J a.panischen 8prache von Allgust Ptìzmaiel'. Jrien , 1851, 4 0

281- 吃 Introduction à l'étnde de la. langne JI飞ponnise l)ar L. Léon de Rosny, Paris, 1866, 4 。

282-- *3 Proeve eenel' J a.panische Spraakkl1nst vnn Mr. J. H . Donker Cl1rtills. •.•. Ltyden, 1857, 8 。

283- 飞 Essai de Grammaire Japonaise comp。ωpl\l' 1II. J. H. Donker Cl1rtins. enrichi pa.r !11. le Dr. Hoffm且nn , traduit dn Hollandais pnl' Léon Pagès. Pα/1-' , 1861 , 8 。

281一 *5 Elements of Japanese Gramma.r, by Rutherford Alco*ck, Esq. SllOn!}hai. 1861 , 8 。

285一 *6 Shopping Dia.logues in Dl1tch , English aml Japanese, published by J , Hoffmann, 1861. London and tlte Ha!11时, ob1. 8 0 , 44 png. (2 copies.)

286一叮 A New Familiar Phrascs of thc English nnd Japnncse Languages, tìrst parts. Nagαsaki , 1859, obl. 8 。

287- 8 Familiar DiaJogues in Japanese witb Ellgli~h and F l'ench Trnnslntions, by Rntherfol'd Alock. P削'is-Lol/ dol/. 186B, 8 0 , pag. vili-40.

d-Miscellaneous Lan♂lages.

Africa-Ocennia.-Americll. 288一汀 Athanasii Kircheri. Pl'odromus Coptus siye 二Egypticl1 s. ROl1l<c,] 636 ,

4 。

289- *2 Maleischen Nedertuitsch Woordenboek d001' r. P. Roorda vnD Lysillga. Batαria , 1825, 8 。

290- *3 A Grnmmal' of the Kn且l' L!mgnnge , by W. n. Boyce. .Graham'sTown, 1834., 4 。

291- - 4. Collec♀ao de Vocabnlos e F l'ases nRndos nn Pro\'incia de 8. Pedl'o do Rio Orande do 8ul no Brazil. Londl'时, 1856, 32 。

292- 5 A Comllarat_i_va Grammar of 80 l1th AfriOOll LaDgl'lI\ges, by W. H. 1. Bleek, Ph.. D.-Part 1, Pho71olo!ly , L071do饵, 1862 , 8 。


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293- 6 First Lessons in the Ma.ori Language with a 日hort Vocabulary by W. L. Williams; B.A. LonMn, 1862, p. 73, 12 0

294一叮Eléments de Ia Grammaire 0仙。mi traduits de l'Espagnol suivis d'un Vocabulaire ∞mparé Othomi-Chinois_ Pari8, lJlai.~onneuve , 1863, 8 0 , p.39.

295- 8 El在ments de Ia Langue MaIai盹 ou Malaye par Alfred Tugault. Paris, 1863, 8 0

296- 9 Gramm必re Jnvanruse p缸l'Abbé P. Favre. Pa l'is , 1866, 8 。297- 10 Dictionnaire J町anais-Ftangais par l'Abbé P. Favre. Vien时, 1870, 8 0

298- 11 Chrestomathie Malay. Pa巾, 1845, 8 。


a-Fables, Tales and Novels. 299- *1 Anglais et Chinois par Méry. Pa巾, 1853, sm. in 12. 300- *2 Le l<'ifs dll Ciel, Roman-Chinois p缸 Pierre Zaccone. Pll i' i爪, 1857, 12 0

301一 "3 The Mal'vellous Adventures and Rare Conceits of 111由te?' l'yll 0由 19la.~~,by Alfred Crowquill. 2nd ed. London , 18liO, 8 。

302- 4 . Reynard the Fox in Sonth Africa; or Hottentot Fables and Tales, by W. H. 1. Bleek, Ph. D. Lond棚, 1864 , 8 。

303一 "5 Contes Chlnois précéd臼 d 'une histoire pi挝oresque de la Chine par Charles Richomme. P由台, 8 。

304一句 HauK切u Clwα仰 or the Pleasing Hi$tory. 305-一叮 Fa.饨-Hy-Cheu: a. Tale in Chinese and English with Notes by Stephen

Weston. London, 1814, 8 。

306一 "8 胁n-Yu-Lo由: or the Tl1ree Dedicated Room~, a Ta.le trnnslated from the Chinese by J. l<'. Davis. Canton, 1815, 8 0 , p. 56.

307一叮 Chlnese Novels, translated from the Origina.l; by Sir John Francis Davis. Lond州, 1822 , 8'。

308- 10 7'he :Fort1mote V刑。n, a. RomRnce, tl'Rnslated from the Chinese originaI by John l<'rancis Da.vis, in 2 vols. 8 0 • Londo'/l., 1829.

309-*11 Blancl1e ét Ble1时, 0 1l les dellx Couleuvres, pa.1' Stnnishtf; Julien. Paris, 1834, 8 0

810--*12 The P01'celain '1'01"肘, or Nine Stones of China, o_y "T. T. T:' LοudJ)饨,1841, 12 0

311- 13 The Rambles of the Empel'or Ching Tîh in Këllngna.n, by James Legge, D.D., 2 VOI8. , 12 0 • LOlldon, 1843.

312-*14 Idem. Lond刷1 , 1846, 2 vols. 12 0

313一"15 Sa'll.~Koué-Tchy-Ila1t KO'llI'O'll!l-ipithê: I!istoil'e des Trois Ro.)'a.umes, par Théodore Pavie. Pω'is , 1845-51, 2 vols. 8 0

314-- 16 Wa饥.g-kcao1t I.wan Pih Nëen Challg Han oder die blutige Rache einer jungen l<'ra.u, übersetzt von Adolf Böttger. Leipzig 1846, 8 0

315- 17 Sechs Wandschirme, Gestalten der vergänglichenWelt, Ein Japanischer Roman, von Dr. August Pfizmaier. Wien , 1847, 8 。

316-"18 P'切g-Chan-I.切- Y tfI. Les deux jeunes filles lettr恤, par Stanislas Julien. Par旬, 1860, 2 vo!s. 12 0

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317一.19 Les Av叙lân邸, Contes et 吨。logues indiens, p缸 M. Stanislas Juliω. Pa对8, 1859,3 vols. 16 。

318- 20 F,副âneh 'adja'ib (Pers. Tales of marvel), novel in Urdu. Luckn。咽,(1268), 1852.


319- 1 Edda Saemundar Hinns Frôda一.The Edda of Saemund the Learned. Part 1. London, 1866, 16 0

320- 2 The Shah Namu, by Abool Ka.usim J. Firùoosee. Vol. 1, sm. folio. Calcutta, 1811.

321- *3 The Sá.nkhya K缸也品, or Memoria.l Verses on the Sánkhya Philosophy by Iswa.ra Krishna ; by Henry Hayman Wilson. Oxfiοrd, 1837, 4 0 • See A一口, 4a.

322一吨 Eloge de la 材11e de Moukden, par le P. Amiot. Paris , 1770, 8 。323一 .5 The Conquest of the Miao.阔, by Stephen Weston. London, 1810, 8 0

324-一鸣 (Jhinese (Jourl8h午, in verse, by Peter Perring Thoms. London and 1I1ac肘, 1824, 8m. 4 0

325-.7 Confucü (Jhi King sive Liber Ca.rmÍllum edidit Julius Mohl. Stuttgar. tiæ et Tubingæ, 1830, 8 。

326一句 p。创ies de l'époque des Thang , p缸 le Ma.r(lWS d'Hervey.Saint.Denys. PαriR , 1862, 8 0

327- 10 Na切8 und Damajanti, eine indische Dichtung von Franz Bopp. Berl切,1838.

328- 11 Fanning the Grave and the Wife Tested, by G. C. Stent. Shanghai, 1873.

329- 12 The Jade Chaplet, by George Carter Stent. London, 1879.


'ioa --,,




A"'A onvaa 。。。。

Hoeï.l.an.ki, ou l'histoire du Cercle de Craie, pa.r Stanislas Julien. L佣­don, 1832, 8 。

Tchω.chi.kou.eul, ou I'Orphelin de la Chine, p缸" Stanislas Julien. Paril' 1834, 8 0

Select Specimens of the Theatre of 也e Hindus, by Horace Hayman Wilson-2 vols. 8 0 , 2nd 00. Lond侃, 1835.

Theàtre chinois ou Choix de pièωs de theàtre ∞mposées sous les Em­pereurs Mongols , p~ M. Bazin Aîné. 1切巾, 1838 , 8 。

Le pi Pa.ki ou l'Histoire du Luth.drame chinois ùe Koa.Tong.kia, p ll1' M, Bazin Aîné. Pari8 , 1841, 8 0

JênK,时i's Return, a play from the Chinese, by G. C. Stent. Shanghai. 1873.

.. 11




333- 5


334-'1 Précis de la Géographie universel1e, p缸 MaJte Bl'un. BruxeUe" 3 vo1s. 8 0 , 1829.

335- 2 What the Chinese know of Geography by C. A. Skatschko1f. ppt. 8 0 (in R田S讪n.)

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336- 3 Geogra.phiω1 Sketch of the Is1a.nd of H创B曲, byE. C. Ta.inωr. Oa1lω矶1868, 8 0

337- 4 COur8 ∞mpl恤entaire de Géogra.phie, d'Histoire et de Légi8lation deø éta.ts de l'Extrème Orient, pa.r M. G. Pa.uthier. Parïs, 1873, 8 。

338- 5 Cours compl品menta.ire ete des éta.ts Musulma.n.~, pa.r M. Gusta.ve Bugat. Pa付8, 1873 , 8 0


a.-Introduction, Collections, Travels round 也e World.

339- 1 Voyages ùe Mr. de Thevenot tant en Europe qu'en Asie et en Afrique, 3 vols. 12 。

34()'一 '"2 Recueil ùe Voyages a.u Norù. AII~, t el'<la剧, 8 vols. 12 0 , va.r. dates. 341- "3 Nouvea.u Voyage auto旧 ùu Monde par Mr. Le Gelltil a.vee une Descrip.

tion de I'Bmpire ùe la Chine. Allt<ter<lam, 1730.1, 3 vols. , sm. 8 。3-12- 4 Na.vigllntium atque Itinerantium Bibliotheca: or a. Complea.t Collection

of Voyages and l'r趴:els: by John Harris. LOlu1oll, 1705, 2 vo18. folio. 343一 '5 A Collection of Voyages and Tmvels. London, printed by aswig刷lent

from ][essrs. Churc/lill , 1732, (j vols. folio. 344- 6 A Collection of vo)'ages and Travels. 3rd ed. LOl巾n, prtnted by

ass 'Ígll1l1cllt from J[cs.'rs. Chltrchill for Hcnry Lilltot tJ: Johπ 08bO'l咽,1744.1746, 6 vols. folio.

341)- 7 A Collection of Voyages and Travels, compiled from the Library of the late Earl of Oxford. London, 1745, 2 'l"ols. folio.

346一咆 A New Genera.l Collection of Voyages and Travels. London, Tlwmas Astley, 1745.47, 4 '1'018. 4 。

347- 9 Histoire généra.le des Voyage窍, ou Nouvelle Co11ection de toute8 les Rela­tions de Vsyages par mer et pa.r~ terre. Paris, Didot, 1746.1761 (15 vols. , 4 0 et 1 table)-16 vol8. 4 。

Suite de l'Hist. 日创éra.le des Voyages-Tome XVII pollr servir de Supplément à l'édition de Paris. Amsterdmn, 1761.

Continuation de I'Hist. génér'a.le des Voyages-Tome XVIIl formant le 1 er. vo1. de la continuation. Pal"ÍS, 1768.

Tome XIX formant le dernier vo1. des Voyages de Mer. Pα巾, 1770

Tome XX. Brttxclles et Pa巾, an X.

3甚&一*10 Hi8ωry of the Voyages anù Discoverie~ rn缸1c in the North-tra.nslated from the German of John Reinhold FOl"ster. London, 1786, 4 0

349- 11 A General Collectiou of the best anù most interesting Voyages anù 'fra. vels in a11 Parts of the 飞~orld , by John Pinkerton. Lυ川1<m, 4 0 , 17'1'018. , 1808.1814.

350--.12 Journal _of Reseu.rc.!-le~ int.o the Natnra_l_ JIistory and Geology of the ∞untrie旨 viRited dnring the voy吨e of H.M.S. Beagle, by Cha.rles Da.r­win, M.A., F.R. H. 12 0 , 2 vols. N e11J York, 1846.

B51一'13 A Woman'8 Joumey round the World, l da. Pfciffer. 6th ed. 1856, 8m.8 。

352一'14 la.pan,也h_e Amoor, and the Pacific; by Henry Arthur Tilley. L ondoI, 1861 , 8 日

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353- 15 Reise des österreÎschen Frega.tte Nooara , um die Erde, imp. 4 0

Statistieh.Commercieller Theil von Dr Xarl yon Seherzer Wiell 1864,6, 11 voJs. Zool叫p.cher Thei1. 2 Bde.

Lin职liøtischcr Theil von.Dr. Friedrieh MUller. Wi,n, 1铺1Anthropolo目前cbel' Theil tr Abtheil. lVitn, 1867. III' AbtheiJ. W;cn, 1酬­G曲logi盹,her The诅 .

IB剧ld 1 Abtheilnn日 : Geologie 、'on J\.u.Scelanù lVif1l, IP64. II Ablheil. Paleontolo日ie von Ncn也回land.Bol血i6Cher TheiJ 1 Band lViell, 1870.

Nanti田h-Pày.icnlli回her Theil lVie饵 , 1862.65.

354- 16 Les Voyages d'Etudes autour du monde. Paγis , 1870, 8 。

355一 17 E a.rly Migt'ations-Early Maritime Illtereourse of ancient WeRtern Na. tions, by Charlcs Wolcott B l'ooks. 8an Franl.'Î.<ro, 1876, 8 。

b.-Travels to Several Parts of the World. 356- *1 The Tra,els of Ma.rco Polo, thc Venetian , the tl'lln~lati (ln of 11[,刷、,,'ell

revised. Edited hy Thomas 飞iVright. L 01Id01I , 1854 , 8 。

357- 2 The Merits of J\Ia l'co Polo (价 Rus.~ian) by C. A. Skatgkoff, ppt. 8 。358- 3 Dc Wonderlykc Reizen ,an Femando Mendez Piuto. Am.,terdallt, 1653,


359- *4 Peregrillaçao de Fernao .Mendez PilltO. Non/ fo: c/ i f;αο-Conforme ft. pl'imeira. de 16B. Lisúoa, 1829, 3 vols. in 18.

360一 *5 The Voyages antl Tmvels of 也he Ambassadors sent by ]<'rederìck Duke of Holstein to the Great Duke of Muscovy , and the King of Persia. Faithfully renderp(l into English hy .Tohn Davics, of llidwelly. 1,01• don, 1662, sm. in folio.

361一鸣 Memoirs and Trayel s of Mauritius Augustns, COIUl t de llcnyowsky ; writ. ten by himself banslated from the original manuscripts. L01I命,ι1790, 2 vol8. 4 0

362一叮 The Travels of Ibn Batiita ; by the Re,. Samuel Lre. Lo饨don, 1829, 4 0

363→ 呛'1.'1叫e an<l Travel in the Far East; by G. F. DavidRon . 1,ond01l, 1846, in 12.

364 一 *9 The East: gketchcs of Travel in Egypt and the Holy Land , by the Rev. J. A. Spencer , M.A. , 3rd ed. Ne1V YOl'k , 1852, in 12.

365一*10 China , Australü、 and the Pacific hlnnds, in the yearR 1853邱, by .T. d'Ewes, Esq. Lond01l, 1857, in 12.

366一"11 Voyuges to India, China and Anstrnlia, by W. S. Rmùshaw. LonM饵,1857, sm. 8 0

367-.12 A L且dy's Visit to M得lila and .Jap!m hy Anlla tl'A. London, 1863, sm. 8 0

368一*13 Voyageurs anciens et D1odernes .. . . par J\I. Edouartl Charton . Tome II . Voy仰的Ir.~ du 1Iloyen Age. Pæγi.. , 1863 , 4 0

369-. 14 Instructionen fiir ilie Fachmännischen Begleiter der K. K. Mis~ion nach Ostusien und Si\dnmerìka. H九iell , 1868, sm. 8 。

c.-Travels in Europe. 370- 1 Russia-St. Petersburg, Moscow, Khal'kofJ, Riga , Odcssa., the German

provinces on the Baltic, the Steppes, the Crimea, and the Interìor of the Empire, by J . G. Kohl. Lo1i伽霄• C1tap1llan tf; llall, 1844, 8 。

371- 3 Zur Kennlniss von Süd.Albanien vonJo回f Lehnert. Wirn, 1872, 8 0

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d.-Travels in Asia. 1 'l'ravels in Several Pal'ts of Asiø..

a72一 "1 Divers Voyages et Missions du P. Alexandre de Rhodes en lø. Chine. Pal 缸;1653,岳。

:J73-"2 AneieilDes Relations des Indes et de lø. Chine', de deux voyageurs Ma.ho­méta.ns qui y a.llèrent dans le neuvième si品cle; tra.dtùts d'Arabe.... (pø.r Eusèbe Rena.udot.) Paris , 1718, 8 0

a74- *3 Aneient A∞ounts of lndia. and China, by two Mohammedan Tra.vellers, who went to those Parts in the 9th 饵ntury; translated from the .Ar&­bic, by tbe lø.te learned Eusebius Renaudot. L佣仇n, 1733, 8 。

革75-.4 Travel略 from St. Petersburg in Russia to diverse pø.rts 01 Asia., by John Bell, of Antemony. Glωgo甜, 1763, 2 vols., 4 。

376一吃 The Oriental Voyager; or Descriptive Sketches on a Voyage to India a.nd China,问, J. Johnson, Esq. London, 1807, 8 。

377 - 6 The Traveller in Asia; or a Visit to the most celebra.ted parts of the Easi lndies and China.. • •• by Priscilla Wakefield. London, 1817, 12 。

378一叮目前。ri曲1 Ac∞un徊。f Disωveries and Travels in Asia., by Hugh Mur­ray, F.R.S.E. , 3 vols. 8 0 . Eclinbltrgh, 1820.

379一 .8 l<'oekoueki ou Relωion des Roya.nmes bouddhiques: Voyage dans lø. 'l'a.r­ta.rie, ex品。u饨, à lø. fin du IVe si也le p町 Chy F'(c Hian. Traduit du Chinois et comme且t6 par M. Abel Rémusat. Pαγis , 1836, imp. 4 。

380..... 吩 Tra.vels in Sou出 Ea的emA邸, by the Rev. Howo.rd MaJ∞1m. Lmuloft, 1839, 2 vols. 12 0 , bd. in 1 vol.

381一.10 The Voiage and Tr町e.ile of Sir John Maundeville, Kt., which treateth of the way to HierusaJem; 阻d of Marvayles of Inde. Reprint时 fromthe edition of A.D. 1725, by J. O. H创liwell, Esq. LonlZ侃, 1839, 8 0

382一.11 The Nestori拍S ; or the Lost Tribes: by Asa.hel Gra剖, M.D. 3rd edition. Lcmdon, 1844, sm. 8 。

38各-*12 Relø.tion des Voyages faitR par les Ara.bes et les PerSaDs dans l'Inde et 阜lø. Chine dans )e IX siècle de l'在re chl'étienne, par M. Reinaud. Paris, 1845, 2 yols. in 24.

秘4一*13 A Visit to India., China., and Jap脯, in Ule year 1853, by Ba.yard Ta.ylol'. New YCl1'k, 1855, 12 0

:J85一.14 A VisitωIn也a, China, IIJld Jnpan,怜'Bayard Tay)or. newly l'evi~ed and edited by George Frederick Pardon. Lon仇11 , 1859, ~m. 8 。

366一*15 Personal Narra.tive of a voyage to Japal1, Kamtschatka, Siberia, T缸tsry,皿d ya.rious pa.rts of the cοast of China; in H.M.S. Barr,由'lJuta , by J. 1[, Trol1son. L。如仇m, 1859, 8 0

387-]6 The I'rivatc Letters of Sir J刷es Dr∞岭, Ra.jah of Sarawllk. 3 '1'01比[.οI/IÚ11I, 1853, 8 。

388- .1

389一 "2


2 'fravels in CiR~,ngetic and TranRgAllgetic India and in Central Asia, &c.

Voyage l'cma.rqllnble de Guillø.tune de Rubruqtús: PrincipaJement tn Ta.rtru'ie et à lø. Chwe traduit de l'anglai日 par le Sr. de Bergeron, 4 。

A Voya毡e to Siam. Lond棚, 1688, 8 0

A Voyage to tbe East Iudies in 17.17 antlI748. 1.棚4伽1, 176.)1,.8。 冒D19' Ized by \....:.0081 e

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[ 24 ]

391一 *5 Ambωsade au Thibet et au Boutan. • • • par M. Samuel Turner; traduit de l' Angla.is par J. Castéra. p,α巾, an IX (1回0) 2 vols. 8 。

392一鸣 A Voyage to Cochin.Cltina in 1792 and 1793, by John Barrow. Lond(}lI, 18俑,也。

393一叮 Journalof a VOj'age in 1811 and 1812 to M:adrll.S and China; by JameH 引rathen. Lmllúm, 1814, 4 。

394一哈 Narrative of the Chinese Embassyω 仙e Khan of the Tourgouth TIU'­

tars, in the yenrs 1712, 13, 14, & 15; by Sir George Thomas 8taunton , Bart. LondÙlI, 1821 , 8 。

a95一句Travel伺 in thc Himalay嗣1 ProvinωS of Hindustan and the Panjab ;油Ladakh and C阳1皿ir; in Peshllwar, Kablù, Kund l1z and B6khara; by Mr. William Moorcroft and Mr. George Trebeck from 1819 to 1825. Lond@, 1841, 2τ018.8 。

3!16-*10 Travels in T创如~rJ. Thibet, anù Chinll duriug the yelU's 1844-5-6, by M. Huo, tran;;late(l from the French by W. HR~litt. 2nd edition, '.11.. 2 vols. 12 0

且97一.η11 Re ∞llec叫ti。惆E8 d衍f a .Tol1盯rne叼yt仙hrol1吨gh Tart侃阳a剧l肌 Th巾i沁be创t, Ilnd China d l1ring the years 1844, 1845 IInd 1846, hy M. Huc; a cond♂llsed Trlln臼lationby Mrs. Percy Sinnet. J,ond棚, 1852,民m.8 。

398- 12 Histoire l(le la \ïc de Hiouen-Thsang et de 8es Voyages dans I'lnde, de­puis 1'an 629, jnsqu'en 645, par Hoeï-li et Yen-Thsong; 也raduite du Chinois par StanislR8 Julien. Pa而8, imp. , Imp. , 1853, 8 0

399-- 13 M61ll0ires snr les Contr(,es occidentales, traduits du Sanscrit en Chinois, en l'an 648, par Hiouen-Thsang, et du Chinoi~ en Fran伺is plU' M. Stani81as Julien. Paris , 2 vols. 8 0 , 1857-68.

400..*15 Description du Royal1me Thai ou Siam par Mgr. Pallegoix. Pa巾, 1854 ,2 、;018 . 12 0 , bd. in 1τ01.

401 --*16 RecolIections of Tartar Steppes and their Jnhabitants hy Mrs_ Atkinson. LO!ldOll , Mu付仰, 1863, 8 0

402一 *17 Travels oniHor随back in Mantchu Tal'tary; b_y Georgc Fleming , Esq. LonlÙ>饵, 1863, 8 0

403--.18 'Cochin-China, and my Experienee of it; hy Edward Bro矶刀, Amoy, Ch泊a. [,011仇隅, 1861 , Slll. 8 。

3 Travels in China and Jllpan. 404.- - 气 L'Ambassade]êt1e la Compagnie Oricntale des P l'OVinCe8 Unie吕 verl'

l'Empereur de la Chine, -par le Mr. Jean Niellhoff. … mi8 en frllngais ....p町 Jelln le Carpentier. J,f !lde , 1665, folio.

405一句 An Embassy from tbe Ea协lndia Company of the Únited Pl'ovinccs, t~) the Grllnd TartHr Chllln , Empelor of C1ÙUII, by Mr. ,Jobn Nieu110ff.. Englished.. .. by .John Ogilby. Lontloll , 1669, fol.

406- - 3 Het Gezant,schap Jel' Neôlanùische 0081-Indische Compagnie, aan den Grooten T缸tarischen Cham , den tegenwoordigen Keizer "3n China : door Joan Nieuhoff. . Am"terda71t, foli(), 1670.

40i-. *.1 Borts VOyllgie, N嗣r de Kuste van China en F'ormosa启y een gestelt , en Berijmt door Matthij~ Crnmer. A1II"t. , 1670, in 12.

408- 5 Ambassades mémorables de la Compagnic des Indcs Orientales des Pro­vinces Unies vt-I"R les Empereurs du Jnpon. A'IIIsterdam , 1680, folio.

409--- 6 Atla~ Japanenis: Addresses by way of Emba8sy from the Ea8t-India ~mp~n~_ of thc United PrOvinces to the Emperor ..QJ Japan.… .by John Ogilby. J,O'Idoll , 1670, folio. DI9'IZ叫GoogIe

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[ 25 ]

410- 7 At阳 Ch!MI!!!_Í8 : _A }:\e1&~on of re~M.ke.~!e pe.~s~e8 凶 two Embassies from the Ee.st-In必a Compe.ny of the United pro世nces, to Kongclù, Emperor of Ch记1\ e.nd El\st-Ta同ary....∞U回ted.. • • by Amoldu8 Mon­timus .. . . English'd by John Ogilby; London, folio, 1671.

411→ 鸣 Ambassadea de 1& Compngnie Holle.nd必se des Indes d 'Orient vers l'且ll1perenr du Japon... .à la Haye, M,凹indert 1Titct'erj, 1696, 2 vols. in 24. '

412 - *9 Relation (lu Voy附 de Mr , Evert 1由时, En\'o:吨 de Sa Majesté Czar. ienne Ìl l'Emperenr de Ia. Chine en 1692, 93 et !I~ , par le Sieur Ada.m Bre.nd. Am><terdam , 16!I9, sm. 8 。

na ._ * 10 Three Years Tra.vels fro01 M08COW overll\Dd 也o Chinu....wri伽:n by his ExcelIency E. Ysbrants Ides, AmbaSRadOF 1rpm th... Czar of Musωvy to the Empel'or l>1 Clùntt, Lon御帽, 1706,盈。,

414一8叮11 11均e dro倒e帆可叫i目附。l:Ihipbr四e凹11毗11由k 、Ja句P阻 n阔r Ba‘.t.ω,)\'川τ札巾il肌s比凡也h、 ,1∞r A. Bó句g斟rtι. A7I恻&蜡ωøte阳rdll川,川,叽,沁'11, 1η72纯3, 8 。

415一*12 De Reizendtl Chinees,叩 bevel on koften V8Jl zyuoll keizer, bd. 泊 4 vol8. 8 0 , Ams t 叫 1727-28 ,

416-一"13 Herrn Peter Osbeek.Rci吨 n时h Ostin,lien un<l (' hilln , 11,川IJck , 1765, 8 。

417• 14 A Voyage to Uhilll\ antl the E e.st Indies b~ Peter υsheck , tmns1&ted by John Rdllhold I"orster. London, 2 vol8. 8 0 , 1771.

4111--*16 Le Voy吨。ur ]<'re.nqnis, par M. I'l\bhé De1&porte , Tl)me Cinqnième : 14 Chine. P,ω.ri<l, 1767, in 12.

419一-"17 A Narra.tive 01 the British Emb制町'‘, Chinn ill thc years 1792, 93, and 9..... .by Alnee.s Anderson. 1-001<1,,".179;; , j"

490- *18 An authentic Ac∞Imt of an Embassy 1rom the KiDg 01 Great Britain io the Emperor of China.... taken thiefly 1rom the Papers 01 . . . . the Earlof Ma倒rtney.. •• l:Iir Erll8mllti 仙)wer. . . , by 8ir George 8taunton, Barι LlYIldo-n , G. Nicol, 1797, 3 vob. 8 0

421一"19 An historical Aecount of the Amb嗣即扣 the Emperor of China.…∞m­piled by S让 Gω,rge Staunton, Bart, L佣0011, 1797, 8 。

4~一"20 Voyages à Péking, Me.nille ell'tle de Fre.n四 faits pllr M. de Guigne8, aPm旬, 1808, 3 vols. 8 0 et atle.s folio.

4盼$一*21 Voyage à Canton, par Gor扫; suhi d'observatif' ll;; "llr le voyage Ù 111. Chine, de Lord Macaltnl'Y et du citoyen Van , I; , a""I. l'~r 1<' C: Clutr. pen tier Cossigny. l?aris" 由 v日, 8 .

424一*22 Reize van het gezll.ntsch且p tler Holla.n,lische O(\~ I in品CI世 Co皿ptl.gnie ,na8J' den keizer van Chins. in den Jn缸'e 17侈品 "11 17!1.j mll A. E. van Bra.am Houckgeest. Haarlem, 18040, 2 vols. 8 0 , bd in 1.

425-*23 Travels in China, by John Burl'ow. L川崎筒, 1804.4 。但∞'pi~s ,)

426一*24 Reizen in China. . . . door .Tol1n Ra lTow lIit het engel~俨1 , . '['., TJaarlem ,


428一, *26


1807-1809, 3 vol8. 8 。

Jonmal of the pr∞eedingd of tho late Embassy t:> China, by Henry l<i!li@. Londo饵, 1807, 4 。

Na.rrative of 11. JOIll'ney in ihe Interior 01 China, II.lld of aYoyage to and from thnt COlmtry ill the y('阳R 1816 I1.nd 1817; by Clarke Abe1. T.on . 命n, 4 0 , 1818.

Narrative of my Captivity in .1执.pe.n duringthe years 1811, 12 e.nd 13 ; wHh 。,bservations on the ∞untryand pωple, by Captllin 00lownin , R.N. Londω1 , 1818, 2 vols. 1:1 0 /"飞冒

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26 ]

430--- .28 Le Japon ou Voyo.ge de Paul Ricord, aux iles du Jap()D, en 1811, 1812 et 1818, pour la d剑ivra.nce dn Capitaine Golownin, tra<l l1it par 讯 Breton.Paris, 1822, 2 vols. in 24, (bd. in ].)

431- 29 Voyage of his Maje町's 也ip A Iceste to China, Corea, and the Isl咀d of Lewchew,切, John Y'Leod, M.n. 3rd ed. London, 1819, 8 。

甚32一*30 Voyage to Corea and the Island of L∞chow, by Captaiu Basil HaJI. London, 1820, sm. 8 。

甚33一*31 Voyage à Peking, à travers la MOllgolie en 1820 的 1821 P缸lIf. G. Tim. kovski; par M. .1. Klaproth. Parù , 1827, 2 vols. 8 。

4M• *32 Travels of the Ru胁lian Mission through Mongolia to Cbina and Resi. dence in P牛ing in the ycars 1820.1821 , by George Timkowski,剖thcorrections aÌld Note得 by Jlllills von Klaproth. L例吵隅, 1827, 2 vols. 8 0 , (2 copies.)

43.5- 33 Re 时也 of Prooeedings on a Voyage to the Nortbern Por创 of Chino. in the ship Lord A.lIlherdt (hy l!. Lin:lsay才 Lο侃don, 1833, 8 。

436一'34. Report of Proceedings on a Voyr.geωthe Northem Ports of China in the ship Lord Amhel'st, printed by order of the House of CoÌllmons. 2nd ed. Lon衔n, 1834, 8 。

.37一 '35 .Joumal of. thrωVoyages '111ong the Coast of China in 1831, 1832 and 1833, by Charles Gutzla货• LlYTUÙ!饨, 1834, 8 。

438..*36 Sketohes of Chinll; by .John Francis Da.vis. London, 1841, 2 vols. 12. 0

439 哈7 A Na.rrative of an exploratory visi也 to ea.ch of the Cons旧a.r Cities of China, in the years 1844, 1845 and 1846, by the Rev. George Smith , M.A. London, 18盛7, 8 。

440- -- 38 The Chinese 阻scclla.ny-No. 1 A glance at the Interior of China ob. te.ined during a jOl1rney through the Silk 阻d Green Tea Dístricts. Shang l!ai, 1849, 8 。

441-鸣9 Three Yèars' Wanderings in the Northem Provín四s of China, inc1uding a visit to the Tea, Silk, and C创ton COlwtries, by Robert Fortune. 2nd ed. Lond<刑, 1847, 8 。

442-.告o Avent町es de Robert Fortune da.ns ses Voyo.g四 en Chine 品 la. reoherahe des Fleurs et du Thé, tra.duit de l'anglais (1848.50.) Pa-巾, 1854, ill 16.

443 -- *,11 A Residence a.mong the Chinese, by Robert Fortune. Londcn, 1857, 8 0

444 吨2 A Voya.ge ω China... .by Dr. Bemcastle. Londott, 1850, 2 vols. 12 0

φd. in 1.) 44;; -.43


447-一 *-'6

44'" ‘,(6



Voyage en Chine p!I.l' 1\1. C. La.\'o11铃• Pa-γ臼, Oct., 1862, 8 。Re∞Uections of a three, years' Residence in China, by W. Tyrone Power.

LOlld例t, 18.53, 12 。Voya.ge en Chine du Capitaine Montfort par Georges Be11. Paris, 1864,

12 0

IJEmpire Chinoi" f,.i抽川崎ite á l'ouvralleintitueé Sou17cnirs d'un 170仰伊dallg la Tarta叫ie et le 7'hibet pa.l' M. Huc. 2e ed. Paris, 1854, 2 vols. 8 。

'l'he sa.me. 3e ed. Pa,ri8, Gaum-e, 18.57, 2 vols. 12 。Na.rrative of the Expedition of 皿Amer如m Squa.dron to the Chin晶 Seas

and Japan performed in the y曲,rs 1852, 1853 a.nd 1854, by FrancÏR L. H a.wks. New York , 1857, 8 。

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460- 58

461- 59 46Z:- 60

463- 61

464- 62

465- 63

466- 64 467- 65

468- 66

469一 .1

47()'一 "2

[ 27 ]

Ge句raphiω1 aud EthnographiωJ Elucidationsωthe Diøcoveries of Maerten Gerrits Vries, Commander of the .ftute Castricum, .t. .D. ~ 1643 i且也he East and North of Japan , e.nd to Jezo, Krafto, and the Kurils, by P. F. von Siebold. Tre.ns1&ted 告。.m the Dutch by F. M. Cowe.n. A刷terda隅, 1859, 8 。

Two Joumeys to Japan 1856-57 by Kinahan Comwallis. Lo1l命11, 1859,2 volø. 12 。

A Jourual of the First French Emb8.8sy to China, 1698-17∞. L佣命11,1859, 12 。

N町rative of the Earl of Elgin's Mission to China and Japan in the ye缸s 1857-58-59, by L8.uren伺 Oliphe.nt. Edinburgh and London, 1859, 2 vols. 8 。

Souvenirs d'une Ambassade en Chine et 8.U Japon en 1857 et 1858 par le Mis de Moges. Pa巾, 1860, 12 0

Fanuy Lovio'ι-Les Pirates chinois. Pa'巾, 1860, in 12 。A Residence at Nagasaki and Hakodate in 1859-60. London, 1861, sm. 8 。

Ten Weeks in Japan by G回.rge Smi仙, D.D. , Bishop of Victoria (Hong­kong.) London, 1861, 8 。

Five Months òn the Yangtsze, by Thomas W. Blakisωn, with Maps by Arr9wsmith. Lond棚, 1862, 8 。

Un Voyage autour du Japon p町 Ro(lo1phe Lindau. Pæ州8, 1864, 12 0[1850-1864]

De Macao á Fuchau, por -Gregorio José Ribeiro. L i8boa, 1866, ppt. 8 0

~ote8 for Tourists in the North of China by N. B. Dennys. Hongkong, 1866, ppt. 8 0

A Sketch of the New routeωChina and Japan by the P四.cfic Mail S. B. ()o. San Franci8co, 1867, ppt. 12 0

Voyage d'Exploration en lndo-Chine publié por Fran∞is Garnier. ParÌ8 , 1873, 2 vols. and Atlas, 2 vols. folio.

Journal de mon troisiéme voyage d'exploration dans I'Empire Chinois par l'Abbé Armand David. Pa巾, 1875, 2 volR. 12 0

Voyage dans 1& Chine occidentale par I'Abbé A.J'm'In,J J)avid. The Eastem Seas, ne.rrative of the voyage of H :\{. S. Dt()a~(, by Captain

B. W. Bax. London, 1875, 8 0

Voyage de l'Abbé Armand David en Clúne. ppt., 8 。4 Travels in RussÌan ASÍ&.

Voyages de M. P. S. Pall8.S, en difff'rentes Provincps de l'em}'ire de Rus­sie, et dallS l'Asie septentrion ll.Je; t l'aduits pll.r M. Gauthier de la Pey­ronie. Pari., 1788-93, 5 飞'0Is.4 。

Ne.rr8.tive of _8. Pedestrie.n Journey t:敬。ugh Russi8. and Siberian Tarte.ry, from the Frontiers of China to tbe Frozen Sea and Kamtchatka; òy Captain John Dundas Cocbrane, R.N. Loηllo饨, 1824 , 8 。

471-"3 Travels in Kamtchatka e.nd Siberia; with a Narmtive of a Resid仓nce in Chin8., by Peter Dobell, 2 vols. 8m. 8 0 (bd. in 1 vol.) Londo仰 , 1830.

472- 4 Travels in Siberia; including Excursions Northwards, down tbe Obi, to ~e Polar Circle, e.nd Southwards to the Chinese Frontier, by Adolph Erme.n, tre.ns1&ted by William Deøborough C∞.ley. L佣仇n, 1848, 2 volø叶 8 。

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[ 28 ]

473一 *5 Travels in the Règions of the Upper and Lower Amoor and the RusSÏ&n Acquisitions on the Confines of China.... by Thomas Wil1iam Atkin-50n. London, 1860, 8 。

474- 6 Travels &long the Frontiers of Russian Asia, by M. Verniouko!i (饥 RU$'sian.) St. P etersbUI百, 1868, 8 。

e-Travels in America, A仕ica, to the Islands of the Paciftc Ocean, &0.

475-.-- *1 A Journ&l of a Voyage to the South Seas, in his Majesty'ø sbip, TM En lÙavour. Londo'll , 1773, 矗。

矗76一 *2 Incident5 of Travel in Yucatan, by John L. Stephens. New York , 1843, 2 vols. 8 。

垂77- 3 The ~ Chinaman abroad; or a desultory Account of the Malayan Archi­pelago, particularly of Java. Shanghai, 1849, ppt. 8 。

4178一吨 Hongkongω M,anila., by Henry T. Ellis, R.N. Londcn, 1859, 8 0 479- 5 Narrative of a Journey to Musardu, the Capit&l of the Westem Mandin­

goes, by Benjamin Anderson. New York , 1870, ppt. 12 0

480- 6 Appendix to Benjamin Anderson's Journey to Mus缸du, by Edw, W. Blyden. New Y01'k, 1870, ppt. 12 。

481一 7 Baron Carl Claus von der Decken's Reisen in Ost-Afrika von OtωKer­sten. 2 vols. Leipzig, 1869, 8 0


482一气 Fa8ti Hellenici. The Civil and Literary Chronology of Greece from 仙,earliest accounts ωthe death of Angustu日, by Henry Fynes Clinton. 0矿'ord, 183岳, 3 vols, 4 。

483- 2 Historical Researches into the Politics, Intercourse, and Trade of 也heprincip&l Nations of Antiqui纱, by A. H. L. Heeren.

484- :3 A Mannal of Ancient History, by A. H. L. Heeren. L例~dcn, 1847, 8 0

485-- 4 Historical Rese缸ches into the Politics, Intercourse, and Trade 01 the Carth&ginians, Ethiopians, and Egyptians, by A. H. L. Heeren, 2nd ed. Lond棚, 1850, 8 。

486一 *5 The Geography of Herodotus, by J. T&Iboys Wheeler, F.R.G.8. L佣御霄,1864, imp. 8 。

487- 6 H且driani Relandi Dissertatiornm Miscellane缸nm. 1 vol. 12 0

488- 7 The Ten Tribes of Israel, by l\ús. Simson. Lmdcn, 1836, 8 0 489一树 Zur Gescbichte der unteren Donil.ulander von Dr. E . Roesler.


490一气 Epistolæ Indic回 et Japa~cro de Multarum Çl-entium ad Christi fidem. Tertia editio, Lo-uanii, 1570, sm. 8 。

491一吃 Lettern del P. Alessl\ndro Valignano, Visitatore del1a Compagnia di Gieøu nel üiappone é nella Cina de'JO d'ottobre de11599. lIlilano, 1603, 102 p. în 16.

492一哈 L'Etat présent de l'Eglise de la Chine-Relation abr6gée de la nouvelle persé咱ution de la Chi~e.. .. Pa俨缸, 1711.

493- *4 A Bistory of the MÏssions in J I!-pan, p. 8 。

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494一 *5 De Christianis apud Japonios triumphis, sive de 伊a世ssima ibidem con位画Christi fìdem persecutione exorta anno 1612 usque ad annum 1620 Libri V. 且[onac1l锐, 1623, 4 。

495一句 De Christiana Expeditione apud Sinas sus四pta ab Societ创e Jesu ex P. Matthaei Ricii. Mang印刑, 1615, 4 。

496一叮 Defensa de los nuevos christianos, y missioneros de 1110 China, Japon, y Indias, contra d@s libros intitulados, Lα Practica Moral de W8 Je8uit咀"y el Esipritu de 111. Arnal<lc. …por Don Gabriel de Parraya. Madrid, 1690, 8 0 .

497一鸣 Del1e Missioni dé Padri del1a Compagnia di Giesu nella Provincia del Giappone. e particolarmente di quel la. di Tunkino Libri Cinque. del P. Gio. Fγlippo de Marici. Roma, 1663, 4 。

498一 *9 The History of the Church of Japan. L棚<lc饨, 1705, 2 vols. 4 0 bd. in 1 vol.

499一*10 Rela.tion de 1110 nouvelle persecution de la Chine jus惧'à. la. mort du Car­dinal de Tournon dressée par le R. P. Fraugois Gonzales de S. Pierre -1714, in 12.

500一"11 Jo, Laurentii Moshemii Historia T町tarorllm Ecclesiastica. Helmstad证,1741, 4 0

ω1一.12 Mémoires historiques présentés en 1744 au souver必n pontife Benoite XIV sur les missions des Peres j创útes aux Indes orientales. . . .3e. ed. p缸 le R. P. Norbert. Besançon, 1747, 2 vols. 4 。

502一*13 A Chinese Fragment containing an Enqu让y into the pre酷的 s饵te 01 Religion in Engla.nd. Lond棚, 1786, 8 。

503-一*1" A Retrospect of the First 也en yoors of the Protestant Mission to China, by William Milne. Ma切cca, 1820, 8 。

504一.15 A Narrative of Missionary Enterprise in the Sonth Sea Islands.... by John Willi创ns. Lon<lc咽, 1838, 8 。

505-*16 China: its State and Prospects, with especial references t。也he spread 01 the Gospel. . . . by W. H. Medhurst. L01!<lc1!, John Srww, 1838, 8 。

506一*17 Maritime Discovery and Christian Missions by John Campbell. Lon<lc凯1840, 8 。

507-幡18 ChJ;ibtianity in Cèylon;by Sir James Emerson Tennent. Lon<lcn, 1850, . 8 。

508-.19 The Cross and the Dragon, or, the Fortunes of Christianity in China, by John KesBon. Lond例~, 1854, 8 。

509-*2D The Land of Sinim or China and Chin'llse Missions by the Rev. William Gillespie. Edinb. , 1854, sm. 8 。

510一.21 Missions cle Chine - Mémoire 8U1' l'Etat actuel de la Mis8Íon du Kisngnan, 1842-1855 par le R. P. Broullion. Paris, 1855, 8 0

611,-.22 Recherches sur l'Origine et 1110 Constitution des Ordres religieux dans l'Empire Chinois par M. Bazin. Pari.ç, 1856, 8 0 , 70 p.

612一吃3 Proclamations du Manclarin Ye et du Vice-Roi Ho , Commissaire im­pél'Ïal et Gou飞! 【<rneur géuéml des Deux-Kiang, ordonnant la liberté du culte c:üholique en Chine, traduits par M. G. Pauthier. Pari8, 1860. ppt. 8 。

513-*24 The Jesuit J\fatiyrs of Japan. Dublt饨, 1862, 12 。

514-*25 La Vie de St. F l'aDgois Xavier, par le Père Bouhours. Av'igno饵, 1819,2 vols. in 12.


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516- 27







523- 34

524- 35

525- 86

[ 80 ]

L创始res on the Sayings of Jesus by Robert ,Morrison, D.D. Malacca , 18a2, 2 pans in 1 vol. 8 0 /

Memoirs of the Life e.nd Labours of Robert Morrison, D.D., by Samuel Kidd. Lo咽扁11, 1839, 2 vols. 8 。

The Lüe and Opinions of the Rev. William Milne, D.D., Mis8Ìonary to China, by Robert Philip. Lond棚, 1846, in 16.

Memoir of the Rev. Samuel Dyer, sixteen years Missionaryωthe Chinesc, by Evan Davies. Londoll, 1846, in 16.

Memo让s of the Rev. Walter M. Lowrie, MissionaryωChina, edited by his father. Philatlelphia.

Sermons preached in China by the Rev. WeJter M. Lowrie. New York , 18õ1, 8 0

Memoir of the IJüe e.n(l Brief Ministry of ihe Rev. David Sandeman. MissionaryωChina, by the Rev. Andrew A. Bonar. 1..ondo1l, 1861 , sm.8 。

Lectures on Theology, Science, e.nd Revelation by the late Rev. George Legge. L01I彻11, 1863, 8 。

Storia del1a Fondazione de l1a Congregazione c del Collegio de'Cine嗣回>tto il iiω10 della 8agra Famiglia di G. C. scritta deJlo SteS80 fonda­tore Matteo Ripa. Napoli , 1832, 3 vols. , 8 。

Fac Similes of the Hebrew Mss, obtained Irom the Jewish Synagogueïn K‘ae-Fu1Ig- l!"oo. Shanghai, 1861, 4 。

The Bible in China by A. Wylie. F.ωchow, 1868, ppt. 8 0

526- 37 Prophetae P08teriores in Hebrew by Dr. Nathc. Forster, 4 0 534-38. Thomas Saga, Erkibyskups. Fortaelling, om Thomas Beoket of C. R. Unger. Ch付stia饲切, 1869, 8 。


527一 .1 Antiquitates S80roo veterum Herooorum delineatæ ab Hadrie.no Rele.ndo.


ã29- 3

530- 4


Trajecti Batavoru隅, 1712, 12 。Monument de y.矶 suivi de trente d‘mx formcs d'ancicns caract也res

Chinois, par Joseph Hager. Paris , 1802, folio. Description des Médailles ChinoiseR du Cabinet Impéria} de France, par

J.Hιger. Paris , an. xm, 1805, 4 。

E田ay on the Architecture of the Hindús by Ram Ráz. London, 4 0 , 1834 (2 copies.)

The Early History of Egypt by Samuel Sha耶• L01Ido咽, 1836.8 。

532 一 .6 Ru<1 i lOent窍。f a Vocabulary of Etiyptifln Hicroglyphics by Samnel Sharpe. 1..oll t!on, 1837 , 8 。

533一叮 Opemtions carried on at the Pyramids of Gizeh ill 1837, by Colonel Howard Wyse. L01I命11 , 1840-1842, 3 vols. 4 由

534一 .8 The Anti'luities of Egpyt; with a particul町 noti愧。f those that illns­trntc the Sacred Scriptures. Londoll. lleli ; iotls 'l'rnct Society, 1841. 8 。

535- 9 Guidc to Northern Archaenlogy by the Ri;:;ht HOll (川uable the Earl of Ellesmare. Lond棚, 1848, 8 。

536-.10 A Di田ertation on the Ancient ChineωVases 01 the 8hang Dynasty Irom 17<63 to 14毗 B.O. , by P.川oms. 咐ti愤怒。营四es.

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[ 81 ]

537一.11 A Pop时arAcωun~ 01 ~he Anoient Egyptians, by Sir J. Gardner Wilkin­son. 2 vols. 8 0 , 1854.

538一'12 The Egyptians in the Time of 也he Phar晶。hs being a Companion to ilie 。"她al PalaωEgyptian Collections by S让 J. Gardner Willånson. Lo饵don, 1857, 8 0

.';39一.13 The Monuments of Assyria, Babylonia, and Persia, by the Rev. Charles Forster. L佣命饨, 1859, 80

540- 14 NotiωraÏsonnée d'un tr&i钝 m甜cal datant du XIVe 'si刨e avant notre ère par le Dr. Henri Brugsch. Leip8ig, 1863, 8 。

541- 15

542-- 16

;;43一 17

5<<- 18

545- 19

546- 20

547- 21

548- 22

549- 23

';;50- 24

Etu.des Egypωlogiques-Etude s旧 un Rouleau magique du Ml旧ée de Leide, pa.r w. PIey古e. Leide, 1886, 8 。

Grundplan des Grabes König Ra.mses IV von Richard Lepsius. Berl侃,1867, 4 0

Aelteste Texte des Tod也enbuchs nach Sarkophagen des Altaegyptischen Reichs, von R. Lepsius. Berlin, 1867, iIrlp. 4 。

Deux Papyrus hi位'atiques du Musée de Turin publiès en Fω.Simile par J. Lieblein. Gh时stian旬, 1868, 8 。

Tree and Se'1日ent Worsh侈 : or 迦ustr创ions of Mythology and Art in India in the First and Fourth Centuries after Christ from the Sculp. tnres of the Buddhist Topes at Sanchi and Amravati, by James Fergus回n , Esq. London, 1868, imp, 4 0

lllustrations of Ancient Buil函ngs in Kashmir, by Henry Hardy Cole. London, 1869, imp. 4 0

Zeitschrift des Vereins zur Erforschung d町 Rheinischen Geschichte und AlterthÜDler in Mai时, 1863, 80

Je1咄咄俑, an Introduction to its Ar唱haeology and Topography by W过liam Sampson. Lond棚, 1872, ppt. 8 。

Beschreibung der Scheidemünzen von China, Japan, Nord.und Süd. Ann缸n, von Josef Neumann. Prag, 1862 , 8 。

Beitrâge zum bürgerlichen Militärwesen Brünn's der alten bis Jetztzeit von Moriz Trapp. . B俨且?隅, 1873, 8 。


A-Europe. 551-.1 An His切rico-geographica1 Des优iption of the North and Eas切mP缸"

。,f Europe and Asia; but more particularly of Rus8Îa, Siberia and Great T缸tary, by Mr. Philip John von Str且hlenberg. London, 1738, 4 0

55各- 2 Hisωry of the Politiω1 System of Europe and its Colonie.s}r~m its formation at the close of the fifteenth Century to i饵 re.establishmentupon 也he Fa1l of Napoleon, by A. H. L. Heeren. Lond棚, 1846, 8 。

;;53- 3 Sixth Report of the Postm翩ter.General on the Post.o值00. London, 1860, 8 。

554- 4 R回ueil de Lois, Rèsoluti,。剖, Circul&ir饵, e臼.,∞nωImant le Commeroo et la Navigation du Royaume de Norv在伊• Ghristian饵, 1861 , 4 0

565- 5 Norway-Art 01 the Prcsent Time-P必蝉鸣曲d Sculp~ure , Ch惰邸,也旬,1876, 8 0

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[ 82 ]

b-Asia. 1 Asia Genera1ly.

516- 1 Aeia, eive Historia UDiver幽lis Asiatioarum gentium et rerum domi forisque gestarum, auctore Jo. Baptista Gramaye. Ant饵rp切, 1604, 4 。

557-.2 Anecdo~s ohinoises, japonaises, siamoises , ωnquinoises, etc. PIt.巾,1774, 8 0

558- S Lettres chinoiees, indiennes, et ta此属res à Monsieur Paw, par UD Bene. dictin. Pa巾, 1776, 8 。

559- *4 Bibliothðque orientaIe ou Dictionn必re universelωntenant tout ce qui fait ∞nnl必re lesPeuples de I'Orient, p缸Mr. d'Herbelot-à la Halle, 1777-1779, 41 vols. 4 。

560- 5 Nouveaux Mémoires des MÎs8Ìons de la Compagnie de Jesus dans le Levant. ParÍ8, 1716, 12 。

561一句 Lettres édi1ìantes et curieuses lJ时也es des Mis8Ìons étrangères par quel. ques Mis8ionnaires de la Comp鸣挝e de J lJsus. XXV Recueil, Pa州1,1741, 12 0

56~.7 Travels 01 the Jesuits inωvarioU8 p町徊。f the World: par筒。ularlyCh烛aand the East Indie8,位anslàted from the 回iebra~ Lettres 品也1ìanteset curieuses, écrites des Missions 创rangères, par les MÎssionnaires de 1& Comp锦nie de Jésus, with a. General Index to the whole Work by Mr. Lωb丑陋, 2nd 00. Londo饨, 1762, 2 vols. 8 。

563一 *8 Lettres lJdi1ìan旬s et ourieuses, lJerites des Hissions 品衍姐.gères-NoutleUeldition. Pa'巾, 1780-1811. 26 vols. in 12.

564- *9 Nouvel1es des MÎs8Ìons orient创es regues au Semin剑re des Missions lJtr皿gères 晶 Paris, en 1782, 1791, 1792. Liége, 1794, in 12.

565-*10 Nouvelles des Missions orientaIes regues à Londres par les Directeurs du 8lJmin创re des MÎssions 品优angerès en 1793, 1794, 1795 et 1796. Londγ白, 1797, in 12.

566- 11 Nouvelles Let衍es 创i1ìantes des Mis8Ìons de la Chine et des Indes Orientales. Par旬, 1818-1823, 7 vols. 12 0

567-.12 Vol. V. of the above work. PW巾, 1820.

i68一.13 Morωa.ux choisis des Lettres 创温皿tes et curieuses, lJerites des MÎsSiODS lJtrangères.... par Antoine Caill伴也.ed. Pa巾, 1823, 2 vols, 12 0

569一.14 Mémoires rela.tifs 晶l'Asie, contenant des Recherches historiques, glJogra. phiques et philologiques sur les Peuples de 1'000ent; par M. J. Klapro伽­PW悦" 1824.26.28, S vols. 8 0

570一.15 14,创anges Asiatiques, ou Choix de morceaux critiques et de M品moiresrelatifs aux Religions, a皿 8cien棚, a.ux Coutnmes,川'Hisωire et'à 1a G60graphie des Nations orientaIes; par M. Abel.R6mu踊ι Pa而"1825.26, 2 vols. 8 0

571-.18 Nouveaux M6langes a.siatiques, ou Recueil de morc阳ux de critique et de mlJmoires rela秘18 aux Religions, aux 8cienωs, aux Coutumes, à I'Histoire et à 1a Goographie des Nation90rientaIes par 14. Abel.R6musat. ParÍ8, 1829, 2 vols. 8 0

572-.17 14e1anges posthnmes d'Histoire et de Litterature orientale咽 par 14. Abel. R6musat. Pari8, 1843, 8 0

578-.18 Zei怕也rift für die Kunde dω lIrIorgelllandes. G3<<ingen, 3 ",018. 8 0 , 1837.40.

574- 19 Aeiatische 8tudien von Carl FriOOrich Neumann. L,ip/I旬, 1837, 8 。

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[ 88 ]

~ Miscella.neou8 Works on 必lIerent Oountries of AIIia. 575- *1 Inde, Ohine et Japon ou Nouveau Tableau a.necdotiqne de la re出ion, des

moeurs, u幅ges et coutnmes deωs Oontr铃sloint创ne8. Pa巾, 12 0

576- *2 De Regio Persarnm Principatu Libri tres. F.x adversariis Viri clarissimi Barnabæ Brissonü Senatus ParisiensÍ8 Præsidis. Edttw .ec棚彻,Pa巾饰, 1599, sm. 8 。

577- 3 History 01 the lndia.n Archipelago by John Crawl盯d , F.R.8. Edi价urgh.,1820, 3 vols. 8 0

~78一吨The Dynasty of the Kajars, tra.nslated from the Original Persia.n . Ma.nu. flOriI>t presented by his Majesty Faty Aly Shah to Sir H缸ford Jones Brydges, Bari. Lo饵don, 1833, 8 0

579- *5 The Shajr创 ul Atrak, or Genealogical Tree of the Turks and Tartars; tra.nslated and abridged by 001. Mileø. L佣do饵, Wm. H. Al阳 lt 00., 1838 , 8 。

580- 6 Chronique de Abou-Djalar.Móhammed-Ben-Djarir-Ben-Yezid' Tabari traduite øur la version perøa.ne d'Abou-Ali-Móhammed-Bel'ami, p阳也Hermann Zotenberg. Pari8, 1867-69, 2 vols. 8 0

i81- 7 Tra.nslations from the Chinese a.nd Armenia.ns by Charles Fried. Neuma.nn. London, 1831, 8 0

ó8也- 8 Babad Tanah 巧a时, in proza. Jav;崎nsche Geschiedenis loopende to~ , het J植r 1647 va.n J. J. M:einsma. S'Gravenha.ge, 1874, 8 0

‘83- 9 Extraits de l'Histoire des Mongo18 de Baschid Eldw.. Texte Persan. Pa时ð, 1874, 8 0

~. Ois~a!~e~c .a.n~. '1'~a.nsga~getic l~d}~.:. &~. 5M-- 1 Tunchlnensis H胁。n回 libri duõ, ab anno 1627 ad annnm 1646 Authore

P. Alexandro de Rhodes. L臼:gd'钮,时, 1652, 4 0

585一 *2 Histoire générale de l'Empire du Mogol depuis sa fondation jusqu'矗présent, par le R. P. Frañ♀。,is Catron. Pa'巾, 1715, 4 0

586一句An Ac∞>unt of the Kingdom of Nepal a.nd of the Territories annexed to !_hls_ Dominion by the H。翩。1 Gorkha by :J:'rancis Hamilton (fonnerly Bucha.na.n) M.D. Edinburgh; 1819, 4 0

587- 4 A View 01 the Hisω巧, Literature, and Beligion of the Hinqωø .••• by ( the Rev. W. Ward-8rd ed. London, 1817-1820, 4 vols.8 0

588- 5 .AU'airs 01 the East India Oompany , 16 vols. ~ 0 -Report from the 8elect Committee of the House 01 Lords appoinωa

to inquire 旭ωthe Present State of 也eA信airs of the Eà81.Indìa Compa.ny, a.nd into 古he Trade between Great BritaiD,也e East­Indies, a.nd Chin曲• London, 1880, 4 0

-Appendix 4 0 , 1880. -Papers relating to the Fina.ncial A,ω。unts of the E且st India. Oom.

pany.-Pap阳 relat. particular叭。 the China Trade carried on by the Oompa.ny . a.nd other British , su'均ects.-Pap. re1at. more esp创al1yω 也he Tea Trade.-Pap. re1at~ ωthe Trade oarried OD by the Amerioa.nø a.nd other Fore地D Nations with India., China. and thê E嗣terD Islands.-Pap. relat. ωthe cultivation 01 0011,倒,c。伽缸,a.nd Tobω∞ in In创晶.':_Pap. relat. to the Trade with India and China.-Pap. relat. t。他e FÌnanC6s of the East.India. 0侧­P幅y, abroad and at home.-Gleuary of Orienbl Temìø.

-R饵10ft from the、 8el_0饥nmittee 01 ihe Houøe of Oommón8, 1息80;-Seωnd Report, 1创O.

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[ 84 ]

-Third Repori, 1832. -Appendi田s to the Third Report, 1832.

Aω。unts and Papers-Chilla Papers-External and Internal Com: mer惧。f B!l~gal, M_~as, a!l~ ~ombay-~dministration of Monopolies; Opium and Sal• The esto.blisbment of Legislo.tive Councils.

-MÏnntes of evidence taken before the Select Committee of the Honse of Commons on the affairs of the Easιln也a Compnny 1 Public­Appendix Jan. 1833.

一.Minutes II F'切allce mul Acω棚tB-Trade-Appendix Pari 1. Jan. 1833.

Appen必x-FinallCt and .dccounts.Trade. Part II Commercial, 1833. -MÏnutes....III Revenue, .ìan. 1833. -Appendix alld Index. lbid. -l\finutes... .IV Judicial. lbí.l.

Appendix and Index. -MÌnutes. . •• V Mílita叩. lbid.

Appendix and Index. -Minu伽. • • • VI Political 01' Poreig1l. lbíd.

Appendix and Index. -Report from the :;elect Committee of the HOU8e of Common8

General Appendix and Index. 一-Papers respecting_ th~ NeBotiation with his Majesty's Ministers on

the snbject of the East India Company's cha.rter and the Govern­ment of his Majesty's Indian Terriω,ries , for a further 阳m after the 22nd April 1834.

589- 6 Orienta1 Memoirs: a. Na.rrative 01 Seventeen years Residence in India, by Ja.mes Forbes 2nd ed. London, 1834, 2 vols. 8 0

59。一 7 llinstrations to Orienta1 Memoirs by James Forbes with explaDatory Notiωs. London, 1834, 4 。

.391- 咆

;,9各- "9

593- 10


595- 12

:;96- 13 597- 14

598- 15 599- 16

Fragments Arabes et Persans inédits relo.tifs a l'Inde, antêrieuremenl au X1e. siècle de 1毛re Chrétienne, recueillis pa.r M. Reinaud. PIli而8,1845, 8 。

Indische Skizzen von Albrω:ht Weber. . Berl切, 1857, 8 。

Ceylon, Skizzen 8einer Bewohner, seines Thier-nnd PfianzenlebenB, von Ba.ron Eugen von Ransonnet-V汹ez. Braumch四eig, 1868, folio.

Central Asia and the Anglo-Russi皿Frontier Question, by Arminius V缸nbéry. Lon必n, 1874, 8 。

An Aω。unt of the P垣mitive Tribes and Monuments 01 the Nilagi'由 byJames Wilkinson Breeks. London, 1873, 4 。

Bangkok-Calenda.r lor the yea.r 1870. Histoire de l'Asie Cen位叫e (Afghanistan, Bonkha.ra., Khiva, Xhoqand)

1740.1818, pa.r皿r Abdoul Kerim Bonkha.ry, publié pa.r Cha.rles Schefer. Pa巾, 1876, 8 0

The aa.me. Texte Ptf'31li饵, 4 0

刷刷on de l'Amb剧ade au Khartzm (血iva.) par RÍlla QouleB xh翩publié pa.r Cha.rlcs 8cheler. Parï., 1876, 8 0

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6似弘- 1


[ 815 ]

4 China and Chinese Posse8sions.

a (History, Custom圃,仇)

Histoire du grand Royaume de la. Chine situé aux Indeø Orlentales.... Jean Arnaud, 1606, 8 0

Imperlo de la. China. 1. Cultura evangelica en el, por 108 Religios de la. 。mpa.nia de Jesus-Compuesto por el Padre Alvarez Semmedo....

Publicado por Manuel de Faria i Sousa. . • • Segunda Impression. 1642, 8 0

6ω- *8 The History of that Great and Renowned Monarchy 01 China, la.tely wri伽n in ltali皿 by F. Alvarez Semedo. London, 1655, folio.

创8一 *4 Histoire universelle de la. Chine , par le P. Alvarez Semedo, Portug1凶If,avω l'因8ωire de la. guerre des T,翩翩目, contenant les Révolutiona arrivees en 四 grand Royaume, depuis qu缸ante ans par le P. Mar位aMartini. Lyo帽, 1667 , 4 。

ω←- *5 Imperlo de la. China, y Cultura evangelica en el, por los ReligiOSOB de la. Compania de Jesus Sacado de las Noticias del P8.dre Alv缸o Semmedo por Manuel de F缸ia y Sousa. Lúboa occidental, 1781, folio.

605- *6 Rerum morumque in regno Chinensi ma.xime notabilium His切ria per B. P. M. Joannem Gonzalez de Mendosa ex Hispanica lingua in la.tinam transtulit F. Joachimus Brulius. Antverpiæ, 1655, 4 。

608-一份7 Martini Martinü, e Societate Jesu, Si且icæ Histοriæ Decωprima, res 1\ gentis origine ad Christum natum in extrema Asia, sive Magno Sin且rumImperlo gestas complexa. Alllltelodami, 1669, 8 。

607- 8 A也anasü Kircheri e Soo. Jesu China Monumentis , qua sacrls qua pro­fanis , nec non v缸üs naturæ & artis spectaculis, aliarumque rerum memorabilium argumentis illustrata, auspicüs Leopoldi P丘皿i, romø.n. imper. _semper Augusti, Munitìωntissimi Mecænatis. Âlllltelodami, 1667, 10Iìo.

60ι- *9 La Chine d' Athanase Kirchere de la. Compagnie de J创us....avωunDictionnaire Chinois et Fran♀血. Traduit par F. B. Dalquié. A嗣­,terda隅, 1670, folio.

609-*10 Palalox-La Conqueste de I'Empire de la. Chine p町 le目 T缸饱,res, trad. de l'Espagnol. Pa巾, 1670, 8 0 , (00 title page.)

610一*11 团aωriaT町t缸。.Sinic唱 nova authore P. Francisco de Rougemont Socie. tatis Jesu. Lovanii, 1673, 8 0

611一.12 Tratados hisωd∞目, politi∞s, ethicos y :religi080s de la Monarchia de C恤且 por el P. Maestro Fr. Domingoj Fernandez Navarette. 1676, Mad:训, lolio.

61各-*18 A New History of China ∞ntaining a Descrlption 01 the most oonsider­able Particulars of 也at vast Empire written by Gabriel Magaillans 01 也eSωiety of Jesus done out of French. Lonàon, 1688, 8 0

618-一*14 Nouvelle Relation de la. Chine... .compo日创 en l'année 1668 par le R. P. Gabriel de Mag创lla.ns. Par旬, 1688, 4 0

614- 15 Abdallæ Beid町æi Historia Sinensis P,rsicè, é geminô Manuserlpto edita, Latinè quoque reddita ab Andrea Mullero Greiffenhagio. Berolini IIt Je咽æ, 1689, 4 0

615-*UI Histoire de deux Conquérans Tartare目, qui ont subjugué la. Chine par le B.P.J.D…. (D'Orléans.) Pa巾, 1690, 8 0

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[ 86 ]

&16-*17 One vol. 4 0 ∞,utaining:

611- 18



620- 21



-LQUüle σ饵nte. Beschry世nge van het machtige keyserrik China ,'Oravenhage, E. Boucquet, 1698.

-J.B仰vet en C. Gobien. Historische Beschryvinge van het m句句ekeyserrik China. Utrecht , G. Kribber, 1710.

-E. J.. Saken一'tVerwaerloosde Formosa of wωrac!ltig verhael. d阳terda隅, 1675.

Memoirs and Observations... .made in a 1&te Journey through the Empire of China.... by Louis Le Comte, Jesuit. …Second edition. L佣dcm, 1698, 8 。

Nouvωux Mémo让es sur l'Etat pré盹nt de la Chine par le P. Louis Le Comte. PaTÍ8, 1701, 2 vols. 12 0

Apologie des Dominiωins Missionn&Ìres de 1& Chine ou Réponse au livre du Père Le Tellier, J创ui饨, intitulé Défeme 仇8 Nouveau$ Chrétie1睛,创 à l'éclaircÍ8sem*nt du' P. Le Gobien de la même Compagnie, sur les honneurs que les Chinois rendent 晶 Confucius et aux -Morls, 2e. ed. Colcgne, 1700, 12 。

Description géo事raphique, hisωrique, chronologique, politique 的 physi­que âe l'Einpire -de 10. Chine et de 10. Tartarie Chinoise.. ..par le P. J. B. du Halde. Paris, 1735, 4 vols. folio.

The General History of China-cont&ining a Geographiω.1, Historical, Chronologiω.1, Politico.l and PhysiωJ Descz:iption of the Empire of Chiuo., Chinese Tarlo.ry, Corea and Thibet..: .done from the French of P. Du Halde. Lon必饨, 1736, 4 vols. 8 。

A Descl'iption of the Empire of Chino. and Chinese Tarto.ry. • • • from the FrenclÏ of P. J . B. du Halde, Jesuit. London, 1738-41, 2 vols. folio.

623一*25 Designs of Chinese Buildings, Furniture, Dresses, Mo.chines, and. Uten­sils engro.ved by.. ..Mr. Chambers, Architect. Lond侃, 1757, folio.

624一"26 The History of Chino. upon the Plo.n of Mr. Rollin's Ancient Hisω'ry translated from the French. London, 1763, 8 。

625- 27







Chineesche Geschiedems, behelzende de gevallen van den heer Tieh­Chung-U en de jongvrouw 8huey-Ping-Sin. Te Amsterd.棚, 1767, 8 0

Lettres au R. P. Parrenin, Jésuite; ∞ntenant diverses questions sur la Chine. Nouvell注 édition, par M. Dorlous de M&Ìro.n. PaTÍ8, J. 770, 8 0

Recherches philosophiques sur les Egyptiens et les Chinois par Mr. de P. …(Paw). Berlin, 1773, 2 vols. 8 0

Philosophical Dissertations on the Egyptians o.nd Chinese tl'anslated from the French of Mr. de Pauw, by Capt. J. Thomωn. Lon必饵,1795, 2 vols. 8 0 bd. in 1 vol.

Mémoires concerno.nt l'histoire, les 8cience日, le8 缸ts, les moeurs, les usages,曲., des Chinois par les Missionn&Ìres de Pékin. Pa巾, 16 vols. 4 0 , 1776-91.

A General Description of China.... translo.ted from the French of the Abbé Grosier. London, 1788, 2 vols. 8 。

An Historical, Geographical, and Philosophical View of the Cbinese Empire.. ..byW. Winωrboth缸n to which is o.dded,晶∞,pious A创:ountofLordMωarlney's Embllssy. Londo饵, 1795, 8 。

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[ 87 ]

ω11-.84 A Comple始 View_ of the Chinese Empire exhibited in a Geographi幽』Description of tha也 Countη, a Dissertation on its Antiquity,皿dag♀nuine and copioUII A∞。unt of Earl Maωrtney's Embassy from the lring of Great Britain to the Emperor of China. Londo饵, 1798, 8 0

68岛-.85 Costumes de la Chine, repr创entl,s en soixante Gravures 町ωdes explioa. ~ons ~n anglais et en frangais par George Henry Mason. L柳ldreB,18∞, large 4 0

68会-.36 China: its Costume , Ar钮, Manufacture目, &0. , edi也ed prinoipally from the Originals 讪 the Cabinet of 也he late M. B钉出; with Observations •••• by M. Breton. 4 vo)s. 例. in 1), 2nd ed. London, 1812-1818.



687- 89



6剑头- 48









De_ la Chine, ou Description générale de cet Emp让e r创igée , d'aprèø les Mémoires de la Mission de P他:in. • .. 8e éditi佣, par l'Abbé Grosier, Paris, 1818-1820, 7 vols. 8 0

Miscellaneous Notices relating to China and 。旧 Commercial in旬:rçour阅with that Country, by Sii George ThomωStaunton , Bart. 2nd ed. L例ulon, 1822, 8 。

Misc啤llaneous N otiωs rel晶ting to chin晶 and our Commercial inter∞,urse with that Country, by Sir George Thomas S~unton. 2侃d ed.; enlarged !!1 1822, and _accompanied in 1850, by introductory observations on 也eEvents which have -affected our Chinese Commerce during th创 in切rvaJ.Lond,饵, 1822-50, 8 。

Beautés de l'Histoire de la Chine, du Japon et des T阳tares.…par Fr. M. de Beanmont. 2e. ed. Paris, 1825; 2 vols. 12 0 ~bd. in 1 vol.

British Relations with the Chinese Empire in 1882. Lon仇,喜, 1882, 8 0

China. An Outline of its Govemment, La啊, and Policy; 皿d of the British and Foreign Embassies to, and inier∞urse with,也hatEmpire,by Peier Auber. London, 1884, 8 。

A Sketch of Chine回History, ancient and modem: comprising a Reiro­llpect of the Foreign inier∞urse and trade with China, by the Rev. Charles Gutzla1J. L佣仇n, 1884, 2 vols. 8 。

Journal of a Residence in China and the neighbouring Countries 仕'om1830 to 1888 by David Abeel. London, 1885, 12 。

An Historical Sketch of the Portnguese Settlements in China; and of the Roman Catholic Church and Mission in China, by Sir Andrew Ljungstedt. B08t,仰, 1836, 8 0

The , Chinese: a G.eneral Description of the Empire of China and its inhabitants, by John Francis Davis, Esq. London, 1886, 2 vols. 12 0 • bd. 讪1. •

An Historical and Descriptive Account of China.... by Hugh MtllTay­John Crawfurd-Peier Gordon-Capt. Thomas L,严n-W泊.iam Wallωe -and Gilbert Bumett. Ed切burgh, 1886, 8 vols. 18 。

Relation des Mongols ou T,似iares par le Frère Jean du Plan de C缸pin,Nonce en Tartarie pendant les années 1245, 1246, 1247, pr回nwreédition complète publï画。... .par M. d'Avezac. P,αris, 1838, 岳。

China opened: or a Display of the Topography, History" Customs.._. .of the Chinese Empire, by the Rev. Charles Gutz1ajJ, revised by the Rev. Andrew Reed, D:D. Lon仇n, 1888, 2 vols. 12 0 (bd. in 1 'vo1.)

The Fanqui in Ch讪a 1886-87, by O. T,∞s∞dDo~、 ning, Eeq., M.R.C.S. Lond棚, 8 vola. 111 0 (in 1 vol.)

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88 ]

Ø(9一 5t Desoription of the City of Canton. Canton, 1839, 8 0 . 2nd ed.

650- '53 1河航rative of tbe late Proccedings e.nd Events in China, by John Slade. China, 1839, 8 0

651一'54 De.soription dela Cbine et des Etats tribute.ires de l'Empereur p晶l' M.leM:缸qlÛS de Fortia d'Urbnn. Pari8, 1839.四40, 3 vols. 12 。

652一'55 Histoire e.nt;,diluVÍenne de h Chine ou Histoire de la Chine jusqu'au déluge d'Yao l'an 2298 旧:ant notre ére par M. le Marquis de Fortia d'Urb也n. Pari8, 1840, 2 vols. 12 0

653-"'56 Le Cbine et l'Angleterre ou Histoire de la Dêclaration de guerre 创.te par la reine d'Angleterre à l'Empereur de la Cbine par M. le Marquis de Fortia d'Urban. ParÍB , 1840, 12 。

6õ公-'67 China andits Resources, and Peculiarities, with a View of the Opinm ques创on and a Notice of Ass创n by Robert Mudie. London, 1840, sm.8 。

666-'58 Disωur8 sur l'Empereur Kien.Long, par 1\1. le Ma.rquis de Fortia d'Urban. Pa伊归, 1841, 12 。

656-'59 China, or lliustrations of the Symbols, Phil080phy, Antiquities, Customø-; Superstitions, Laws, Government, Educa.tiou and Li也era.ture of the Chúlese by Sa.muel Kidd. Lon仇,忘, 1841, 8 。

667-"60 The Chinese IIS they are: their morlll, social aU!lliterary character; a newAn他lysis of the Language, by G. Tradescant Lay. London, 1841, 8 0 (2 copies.)

858-'61 China en de Chinezen, d∞,r J. F. Da.viil, d∞r Mr. C. J. Zwωrω• Te .A msterdαm , 1841, 3 vols. 8 0

600-*62 Ten Thou咽,nd Things relating to China and the Chinese; an Ep岛幅画of the Genius, Government, History, Literature, &0., of the people 01 也.he Celestial Empire together with a Synop8Ìs of the Chinese Collection, by William B. Langdon, Esq. L例1don, 1842, 8 0

660-一'68 A Comple饨 View of the Chine嗣 Empire; exhibited in a geographi锦』Description of th创 Coun位y, a Di田ertation on its Antiquity, and 晶 genuine and copious Account of Earl Mωartney's Emba自sy. London. 1842, in 32.

661一'64 Narrative of the Second Comp啕n in China by Keith Stewart M,创kenzie.London, 1842, 12 0

862-*66 Narra.tive of the ExpeditionωChina in 1842, by Commander J. Ellio~ Bingham, R.N. 2nd ed. London, 1843, 2 vols. 12 0 in 1.

66忌-*67 The War in Cbina. Narrative of the Chinese Expedi筒。,n from its f011llllr­tion in April 1840ωtbe Treaty of Peace m August 1842, by D. Macpberson, M.D. , 3rd ed. London, 1843, 8 0

66令-*68 Doings in China. Being the personaJ Narrative of an 0篮嗣r engaged iD the Cbina Expedition from the r~capture of Chusan 讪 1841 to the P臼~e of N姐姐n in 1842, by Lieuι Alexander Murra.y. Londo睛,1843, 8 。

665-.69 The Closmg Even徊。f the Campe.ign in China: the Opera.tions in 也,Yang.tze.溢剧g, and the Treaty of Nanking, by Cap饱in Granville G. Loek, R.N. London, 1848, 12 0

666 -.70 Schetsen en Tafereenlen uit Ohina d,∞,r J. F. DaVÍ目. Groningen, 1848, 2 vols. 8 。

667- 71 Mémoire ønr la Constitution politique de 1a Chine au XDe øi品。le av跑也no优e 品re par M. Ed. Biot. Pa:时1, 1844, 4 0

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[ 89 ]

668一*72 A Hisωry of China. from 也he ea.rliest Reωrds io the trω.ty with Great B出血 in 1842, by Thomas Thomton, Esq. (in 2 vols. 8 0 ) Vo1. 1. L佣don.1844.

ð69一*78 An Aide.de.Camp'sR刷出ollectionsof Serviωin China, a Re国.dence in Hong. kong and Vi8its to other lslands 沁 the Chinese seas, by Captain Arthur Cunynghame. London, 1844, 2 vols. 12 0 (bd in 1.)

~70一*740 The Chinese War: an Acωunt of all the Operations 01 the British Forces from the commen佣ment to the Treaty 01 Nanking by Lieu旬,nantJohn Ouchterlony, F.G. :::l. London , l844, 8 0

~71一*75 Narra侃ve of the Voyages and Services of the Nemesis , from 1840io 1848; and of the ∞mbined naval and militRry operations ín China: from notes of Commander W. H. Hall, R.悦, wíth personal observations, by W. D. Bernard, Eeq., A.M., Oxon. LOIUlon, 1844, 2 vols. 8 。

67各-.76 The Nemesi8 in Chína, comprising a History of the late War in that Country; from the Notl'S of Capta.in W. H. Hall, R.N., and the per. sonal observatíons of W. D. Bernard, Esq. , A.M., Oxon. Lo悦命n,事846, 3rd ed. 12 。

673-一.77 The History of Chínß a.nd lndia, pictorin.l and descriptive by Miss Corner Londo饨, 1846, 8 。

67令一*78 China; politicn.l,∞mmercial, and social; in 闻。筐。:ial Report to Her Majesty's Govemment by R. Montgomery Martin. Lona棚, 1847, 2 vols. 8 。


676- 80





681- 85



Gützlaff's Geschichte des Chinesischen R l'iches.. ...von Karl Friedrich Neumann. Stutf}art und 7'ubinf}ell , 1847 , 8 。

Essa.i s盯 l'histoire de l'instruction publique en Chine e也 de la. Corpora. 也.ion des Lettrés depuis les anciens temps jusqu'à nos jours... .par Edouard Biot. ParÍ8, 1847 , 8 。

Desultory Notes on the Government snd People of China, and on the Chinese Language, by Thoma.s Taylor Meadows. LOlldon, 1847, 8 。

Five Years in China; from 18.12 to 1847, by Lieut. F. E , Forbes, R.N. London , 1848, 8 。

China, during the War and since the Peace, by Sir John Francis Da村民Bart., F.R.S. Lo帅n, 1852, 2 vols. 12 。例. in 1 vol.)

The Life of Taou.Kwan!(, late Emperor of China; wíth Memoirs of 也heCOllrt of Peking, by the late Rev. Charles Glltzlaff. London, 1852, 12。

Chine ou Description historique , géographique, et littéraire de ce vaste Empire; Première Partie, comprenant un Résumé de l'histoire. et de 1& civ;li"ation chin_oises depuis les temps les plus ancieu8 jusqu'à nos jours p町1\1. G. Pau:bier. 8ecn1lâe Partle, A巾, Líttérature, M回urs, etc., par M. Dazin. Pari8 , 1853, 2 vols. 8 。

Lewchew and the Lewchewans; being a Nllrrative of a Visit to Lew. 。h ,哥w, or Loochoo, in October 18.30, by George Smith, D.D., Lord Bi何hop of Victoria. L ,mdoll. 1853. 8 0 ,一95 pages bound wíth -The Seventh Report of the Loochoo Mission Socíety for 1851.52.

• LOlldon, 1853, 8 0 , p. 32. -L∞<,hoo Mission: Extracta from the Joumru of the Soeiety's

Míssionary, Dr. Bettdhei田. 1850.52. LOlldo矶 11. d. 8 0 , p. 61. The HiRtory of the Gr曲.t and Mighty Kíngdom of China and the Situa.

tion thereof compiled by the Padre Juan Gonzrues de Mendoza and now reprinted from the flMly translation of R. Parke edited by Sir Gωr::!e T. Staunton, Dart., with an lntroduction by R. H. Major. Esq. L佣命n, 185iJ, 8 0

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[ 40 ]

L'记~ ~n Chin~ depuis øon origine jusqu'à la prise de Næ企inpar M. M. Callery et Yvan: Par缸, 1853, 12 0

History of the Insurrection in Cbina: with Notiees of the Chris~ty. Cr,回d, and Proc1&ma创。!I8 of the insurgents by M. M. Call町 andYvañ:b晒slated 仕om the French by John Oxenford. 2n时ded. Lon饨t咖t185ω5 , sm. 8 。

A History of China to the present Time including an Aooonnt of 也eRi锦 and Progress of the present religious insurrection in that Empire. London, 1854, SIn. 8 0

Les Chinois pendant l1tle période de 4458 années-Histoire, Gouvemement. 8cienees. … par H. de Chavannelii de la Giraudit\re. 26. ed. Tou帽,1854, 8 。

I缸lpressions of China. and the present Revoll1tion: its progress and prospects by Capt. F‘ishboume. London, 1855, 12旦

Eight months' Journal kept on board one of her Majesty's SI∞'ps of war during visits ωLoochoo, Japan, and Pootoo, by ~fred Laurenee Halloran, R.N. Londcn, 1856, 8 。

The Chinese and their Rebellions , viewed in connection with th由 na.tion~al philosophy, ethics, legislation, and administration, by Thomas Ta.ylor Mea.dows. London, 1856, 8 0

The Middle Kingdom; a Survey of the Geography, Government, Educa­tion, Social Life, Ar钮,}telie:ioIl' &c., of the Chinese Emp祉'e and its inhabitants, by S. Wells Williams. 4th ed. New York , 1857, 2 vol8. 12 0

692一份96 Life in China by Rev. William C. Milne, M.A. Londo钮, 1857, 8 0

69如-*97 Le Christiauisme en Chine en Tartarie et au Thibet p且r M. Huc, 4 vol8. 8 0 bound in 3 vols.

倒也-*98 La Vie réelle en Chine par le Révérend Willi侃n (ì..Milne tra.duite par André Tasset avec une introduction et des notes de M. G. PI元utwer.Par旬, 1858, 12 。

695一*99 Arbeiten_der kaiserlich Russischen Gesandtschaft zu Peking~über China, seine Religion.... aus dem Russischen nach dem 切,l3t. Petersbnrg 1852.57 veröffentlichten Original von Dr. Carl Abel und F. A. Meklen: burg. Bel'li饨, 1858, 2 vols. 8 0 bd. in 1 vol.

696-"1∞ L'Angleterre , la Chine et I'Inde, par Don Sûúbaldo de Mas. Pam. 1858, 8 0

697一*101 Exp创ition des mers de Chine. Rapports a.dress创 à S. Exc. le Ministre de la Guerre par le Capitaine Labbe, publiés par les soins du dép6t de Ia guerre. Pm旬, 1858, 8 。

698-一'102 China; being .. The T Í1l1es" special Correspondenee from China in the 巳ars 1857-58, with corrections and a.dditions by the author, Gω.rge

Wingrove Cooke. Newed. Lond棚, 1859, 8 0

69如-'103 Organisation militaire des Chinois ou de Ia Chine et s回 armées par P. Dabry. Paris, 1859, 8 0

7例如-*104 The Past and Future of British R冶Iations in Cbina by Captain Sherard Osbom, C.B., R.N. Edinburgh ll: Lon:Iotl, 1860, 8 。

701- 105 Société orientale de France-Mém_gire adr~ssé ~à l'empereur _ Hien.Foung actuellement régnant par un Lettré chinois sur Ia conduite á suivre av回 les puis盹nces européenneø tra.duit du ohinois par M. G. Pauthier. Pari8, 1860, ppt. 8 。

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[ 41 ]

to2-*1回到伽res of the Chinese, drawn by themselves described b)' Bev. B. B. Cobbold. Lond例1, 1860, 8 。

,协--107 The Englishman in 他ina. Lon命n, 1860, 12 0

"ι-*1佣 Twelve years !n China. The Pω.ple,他.e Rebels, and the Mandarirs by a British Resident (John 8ω约.h.) Ed仿burgh, 1860, 8 0

筑路-*1ωN&rrative of ihe North China Camp&ign of 1860.. •. by Robert 8wlnhoe. Lon命矶 1861 , 8 0

706-*11 0 The Taeping Rebellion in Chin&; a Narrative of its 血e and progrωø, by Commander Lindesay Brine. L佣命n, 1862, 12 。

707一*111 Narrative of the War with China iu 1860 io which is added the A,制lOun*。f a short residence with the T&iping Rebels at Nankin, by Lieut.. Colonel G. J. Wol盹ley. LonlÙJ饵, 1862, 8 。

7侃一.112 ExpMition de Chine par Paul Va由• Pa巾, 1862, 8 。

恨地~.l1a How we got io Pekin. A Naηative of the Camp&ign in China of 1860 by the Rev. R. J. L. M'Ghee. Lond<啊, 1862, 8 。

710-.1141 China from a Medical Point of view in 1860 and 1861, by Charles Alex. ander Gordon, M.D.C.B. Lond棚, 1863, 8 。

711一.115 Personal Narrative of Three Year圃'如何iωin China by Lieut.-Colonel Fisher. LonIÙJn, 1863, 8 0

112一.116 The numerical Rel&tions of the Population of Ohina during the 4'创10ye缸8 of ÌtS historical e总sten佣; or the Rise and Fall of the Chinese Population, by T. 8acharo盒, trBnslated into Eug1ish by the Rev. W. Lobscheid, also the Chr咽。1句y of the Chinese, from the Mytholo 去CaJtimeø Up to the present Ruler. Hongkong , [1864] , ppt. 8 0 • Vll-89 pag.

718- .117 Peking and the P_Ilkingese du~g the first year of the British Embassy 硝Pekillg. by D. F. Rennie, M.D. LOlldO'll, 1865. 2 vol8. 8 。

714- 118 . Thian Ti Hwui-The Hung League or Heaflen-Earth League. A 曲优et80ciety with the_ Ohine盹 in China and India by GU8tave 8chl<制­Batut/ia, 1866, 4 0

'115-.119' The Origins of the Chinese: an Attempt to tr副18 theωmωtion of 也­Ohine8e With wès也ern nations in their religion. superstitions. 缸tø,lsnguage, and 优aditions. by John Ch创mers, A.M. Hongkong, 1866, ppt. 8 0 pag. 78.

718- 120 8upprèsBÌon of the Taiping Re~1lion in the DepRrtments around Shnng. li&i. 8hanøllai. 1871. ppt. 8 0

717一*122 Tt&it1l des Tartareø, de leur orieine, p&Íø, peuple. …; de 1& suite de le11rll Ohamø et Empereurs.. ..par Pi,缸re Bergeron. Pa巾阳, 4。份。undWith E II d. 2-1.)

718-.1~8 Avril's Ohina, 1窜。 (no title page.) 719-*1 ~4 Chi.Da, hi饰。d回h. romanti盹h, malerisch. Carlsruh4, 4 0 . s. a. 720-*125 Picturesque Representations of the Dr例s &nd Manners of ihe Chinese

到ustrated with fiftyωloured En阴市gs with deø创.ptionø. by William Alexander. L佣扁饵, 4 0 , ø. a.

721........126 Biot-Oonsid6rations øur les ancienø tempa de I'Histoire Ohinoise. 8 0 (no title page.)

72忽-.127 .The Celestial Empire; or POint8 _and Pickings or information about ohiaa 血d the Ohine8e bÿ也e Author of .. Solditr' and Sa仙1'1." .. .Paul Pru酬,"刷• L刷doR.f副呻.8 0 .....

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[ 42

723-.128 Hisωir~_ _du grand Genghizoau, divisée en quatre livres; 位叫.uite e1; ∞mpilω. . . . par feu M. Pétiß de la Croix le père, à P副旬, 1710, in 12.

724-.129 'l'he History of Geoghizcan the Great; in four Bωks by the la.旬 M. PeÛ8 d~}~ Cro_ix Senior, and now faithfully 衍阻slated inωEnglish. Londo同1722, 8 。

725-*130 Geschichte der Ost-Mongolen und ihres Fürstenhauses, von IsaωJacob SchmiJt. St. Petersburg (/: Leipzig, 1829, 4 。

726-*131 Geschichte des östlichen Asiens von Dr. Joh. Heinr. Plath-Er8ter Theil -Die Mandschurey. Gotti侃'gen, 1830, 8 。

727一*132 Denkwiirdigkeiten 植ùer die Mongolei, von dem M6nch Hyakinth, aus dem russischen ubersetzt von Karl Friedrich vou der Borg. BerZin, 1832 , 8 。

728- 133 A巾ficia Hominum Miranda :Nllturae in Sina et Europa. Francofurti ad J1αenun~, 1655, iu 24.

729- 134 Novissima Sinica historiam nQstri tempol'is illustratura... .edente G. G L. (Leibnitis) 1697.

730- 135 An historical and geographical Description of Formosa, by George Psalmanaazaar, a Native of said Island. 2nd ed. London, 1705, 8 0

731- 136 Yu le Gmllù et COllfucius par M. Clerc. SOiS80时, 1769, 4 P缸ts in 1 vol. 4 0

732- 137 Chinese Miscellanies: 11 Collection of Essays and Note日, by Sir John Francis Davis. London, 1865, 8 。

733- 138 The Marriage of the Emperor of China 1872, by L. M. F. (皿ss Lydia Mary Fay.) Shanghai , 1872, ppt. sm. 8 。

734- 139 Recherches sur l'existellce des Juifs en Chine p町 Mr. A. Wylie; traduit de l'Angla.is par M. l'Abbé Th. Blanc et allnoté par M. G. Pau伽ier.Pω旬, 1864, 8 。

735- 140 The Province of Shantung; its geography, natural hisω'ry, etc., by A. Fauvel. Hongkong , 1875, ppt. 8 。

736- 141 Letters of the Baron F. von Richthofen to the Sh!o!lghai.General Cham. ber of Commerce. 1 vol. folio.

737- 142 Chinese Sketches by Herbert A. Giles. London, 1876.

738- 143 The Morning of my life in China, an outline of the history of foreigu intercourse 183革-18ä9, by Gideon Nye Jr. Oanton, 1873.

739- 14也 Ephemerides Commemorativas da Hist心ria de M副泡u por A. M:缸ques.l'ereira. lIIacau, 1868.

740- 14ô Notes on the Malay Archipelago and Malacca. Compiled from Chinese sour四s by W. P . Groelleveldt. Batavia, 1876.

741- 147 Manners and CustomR of the Cbinese at Macao translated by Rufino F. Martins. Shangl,时.1877 , 12m.

b Blue B∞ks on China. 74.2- 1 Papers relative to the Establishment of a Court of Judi倒也ure in China.

1838. 743- 2 C。ηespondellce relating to China. 1840. 744- 3 Additional Papers rela.ting ωChina. 1840.

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746- 4

?剑J- 6

7417- 6 148-- 7

7"9- 8 760- 9

761- 10

162- 11

763- 12 76公- 13

766- 140

[ 48 ]

Pa.rlia.ment町 Paperø relaUng to the Opium Trade: fl iJ: 1821 ω1881. 1840.

Be阳lnØ of Trade at the P,侧目 。,f Canton, Amoy, and Shangbai. for 阳yea.r 18岳4. 1846.

P晶,perø reøpecting the Civil Wa.rø in China. 1868. Corres归,nden,ωwith the Superintendent of Briûsh Trade in 侃inau'归n

the øubj创 of Emigration from 也atωm町. 1863. Correspondenωrespeoting Insults in China. 1867. Further Papers relative to the Pr∞ω缸gs of Her Majesty's Nava1 Foroel

at Canton. 1857. Corre~llondence relative to the E a.rl of Elgin's specia1l1rfissionsω China

and Japan 1857拍59. 1869. Oorrespondenωwith Mr. Bru俑, Her Majesty's Envoy Extraordinary Il!1d

Minister Plenipo也entiary in China. 1860. Correspondenωrespecting Affairs in China 1859.1860. 1861,.

Correspondence respecting the fìtting 0凶, dispa饲hin~ωch沁血, and ultimate withdraw鼠, of the Anglo-Chinese Fleet under the Comll1皿dof Captain Sherard Osborn; and the dismissa1 of Mr. Lay from 仙,Chief Inspectorate of Customs. 1864.

Commercial Reports Irom Her .Majesty's Oonsuls in C溢na 1862.64, 8 0 • 1865.

76伽- 16 Report, Oommercial Belations with China, 1847. c 阻scellaneous Works published in Ohina.

767- 1 The Anglo.Chinese Calendar. Canω饵, 8 0 , 1848, 1849-1851, 1863, 1856. 768- 2 The China Pilot . .…compiled.…by Staft Oommander John W. Xing,

R.N. 4th ed. London, 1864, 8 。'769- 3 The China Directory lor 1864. Hongktmg, 1864, 8 0

760- 4 The Chronicle and Directory lor China, Japan and the Philipμne8. HtmgkQng , 8 0 , 1866, 1867-1868.

761- 5 A H l\nd-book 01 Treatises with China and Japan-.Firøt SeTÚ': Grωs Britain with China and Japan-United S饭,tes of America wi也h Ohina and Japan-and Franωwith Chin晶• Bh棚gOOi, 8 0

( A Statement 01 the needs 01 也he United States Consulates in China, ppt. 8。762- 6 {The Legislative Authority 01 the Minister 皿d Oonsuls of the U凰ted

l Stll也es in China, ppt. 8 0 763-- 7 Inl\u~ur"l Address at Conω,rdia Hall, Canton, Deωmber 16th, 1873, by

施r. Nye. 764- 8 Anglo-Chinese Calendar Manual for_ _t!t~ _est~现tion of Chinese Da切a

during the period from 1860ω1879 by Wi11iam Frederick Mayers. Shanghai.

. à Shanghai Local Pnb1ications. fThe Great Currency Question or t_h~ Rise_ ~nd Fa1l of Mexiω; byPhilo­I Carolus_ SOOng1Íai,'1856, ppt. 8 0 , p_. 3~ I om:~i~ïP~pe;s-~; tne'Aiminis~r~tion õf A邸rs at the Port of Shanghai,

T部- 1 ~ 185!. 800叼OOi, 1854, ppt. 8 。1 Co~;;pond~~ωon the ' Bωωr Government of 8hangbai. 800叼00',I 1862, ppt. 8 。飞Rult:s o((he Shanghai Debating 8制埠ety, p.4.

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[ 44 ]

f88- i 他aughaiA抽翩翩• 8ltimg1uri, 8 0 , 18157, 18阔, 1860, 1制1 , 1掷S, "1889. 767- 8 The Fourte倒也 8ev四teenth . and Eigh切enth Annual Bepo血 of the

他iDeωEω.piωat 8h皿ghai. 1861; 1864, 1866, S P阱.8 0

附J-- 4 Beporl of the 8hanghai General B,ωpita1 81st Deoember 18ω, 1874-1878. 8hat‘ghai, 1869, ppt. 8 0

T锁扣- li CArútian MiI,例,一A 8ermon pr魄。hed iD Trinity Church, Ootober 11th 1863, by the Rev.. William M1Ûrhead. 8h4nghai, 1863.

770- 6 ca剧。哪1e of Austri血 and Bungarian pr咀du,仙似挝bited iD the 8ha.a1g. 拉Olub, p由lished 均 Victor Schönbe.略肌 8114叼hai, July 跚, ptñ.

'Land Begul&tions and Bye Laws for the Foreign Settlementø of 跑啊I hai North of tbe Yang-King-Pil.ng. Bhanghai, 1870, ppt. 8 0 , 1860.

1870, 2 ppt. 8 0 MiDu'棚。.f a M,刨出gofR创始rø of Land on the Engliøb a.nd Ameri,幅画

Bettlementø. 8hangh4i, 1缸>8, 1869, 1875, 1876,~1878, 1879, ppt. 8 0

771- 71. id. MunicipaZ C.倒nciZ, 8ha'帽gh4iI -~:r.>~~!~r P::^y,ωU's ended 31st Maroh 1866, 1867, 1868-1869, 1870.

1871, 1874-1878. -Appelldiω目 to Report for tbe yω?l ended 31st Maroh, 1871. -Emmates for the years ∞mmenωd 1st AprilI868, 1869-1870-1871,

1873, 187li-1877. 772- 8 Comeil d'.J.dm伽iBtmtion Municip础 de la Conce"ion FrangaiBe à 8ha叼·

114←Comp始 rendu de la g倒üOn ponr l'exeroioe 1868-69- (6ohue le '81 JrIarS 1869)-Budget 1869-70.

778- 9

"如- 10 775- 11 776- 11

The North China Daily N tllJI. 8114叼h4i, folio, volø. X.XIV. The 8114叼h4iElImi.叼 C侃而伊, 1869, Jan.-Apr.), 1870-187420 vels. The Bh4ngh4i WeekZy Bu<lget, 1871-1874 (8 voI8.) TheNor仿 CAina Herald. 8h4nghai, foUo, vol. 1 and II (18翻).52) Vol. 皿皿d 町, (1852.楠, vol. VII and IX, (1867-68), vol. X.XIV (l邸9-1864).

e HongkongLωal Publi,锚tion8.Ifte Bongkoag Almanaok_ and Dir阴阳y for 18是6. Hongkong, 1846, 8 0

,Reporl 01 tbe Morri~on 剖阳创,on 阳iety lor the year 186{-65. H,侧,777- 1 ~协ng, 1865, ppt. 8 0

1)(,阻orandum -ãnd Ar笛oleø 01 A.søooiation of the HOIIgkong Botel 'Oo. \ Limited. Hongkong , 1866, 8 0

li Japan. '18- .1 La nouveUe 盟øtoire du 'Japon di畴aèe en oiDq Lbres. .'..ωm阳帽品e en

eøp略nol pa.r le R. P. Louys PigDeyra. Pa巾, 1618, 8 0

"伽-.1 Deeoriptio Re胆i J &poniæ.…翩翩re Bernbardo Varenio, Med. D • .J.mlul刷fami, 1649, 16 0

胁川挝胁叫,fer-De BeIOh刷ng van Ja阳. ..{""叫

781- 鸣


相8- .6

Ueber die Japani伽 Nati锢, von C&rl Peter Thun协鸣, p. 56, 8 0

。6l6mòtile8 ttøi胁8 au Japon, pour le8 mø由,ges, 188 funerailleø, e~ .. 川ndEf钢筋阳 de l'annω. .-. • par M. Peu 岱胁。• 'Pa巾, 1822,'事'蚀8. '}fo'bdfn 1 'vol.

BerinDωingeD nU Japu 1'II1l Bmclrik Dω,fl. Ha4,L!m,.J8IS, 8 ~ D19' Ized by \....:.0081 e

A Catalogue Libra - [PDF Document] (52)

章制...... *7

785- 8

7~抱一 *9


788- 11

if89- 12 7创)- 18 791- 14 'rrg2- 16

798- 16

[ .8 ]

MaDDe:rø and Oustomø of the J,咿跚跚,iD the Nlne协ωth 0幅切ry trom "佣的 Dutoh Viøiω,r80f Japan, and 也he German of Dr. Ph. Fr. VOD Siebold. L佣必帽, 1841, 12-0

Nippon. Archiv zur Be80hreibung von Japan und deøø幅 Neben UDIl 8Chutzlandem .…von Ph. Fr. von Siebold.

The Capital of the . Ty棚,n: A Narative 01 a 也rωyears' Besiaen锄 inJapan, by Sir Rutherford Al倒也忍O.B. L佣必n, 1863, 11 vola. 8 0

De Bebus Japoni巾,沁dicis et perva由 B阱tolæ reωntiores a J,ωnn8 &yo Dalgãttiensi Sωto 8.J. in librum unUDl 刷刷ruatø. .A.nwl7pÏae, 1创5, 8 。

Heike M01回'gat时, Réc加 de l'hiø也oire du Japon au me si创e par Franωis Turrettini. Genève, ppt. 4 0 , p. 23.

Tale田 of Old Japan, by A. B. l\fitford. Lond棚, 1874, 8 0

Japan as it Was and Is, by Richard Hildreth. Bo.t佣, 1855. Eωmpfer's Aceount of Japan. L佣必帽-The Japanese Empire: Us physi叫, politiool 阻d s创削∞nditioD and

history, by S. B: Kemigh:、 L佣命n, 1860.

Early Mì伊ati.on~, Japanese _wr~k~ suanded and picked up adrift I J! the North Pac泊。 oω腿, byOh. W. Br∞,ks. 8an Francilco~ 1876, 8 0

o-A创ω.-Islands of也e Paoiflo Ooean, &0. q件- *1 An Aω'1lJlt of the Native Afri唰由加 tbe Neighbourhωd 01 Bierra.

Leone: by Thomas Winterbo蜘m, M.D. L例uWn, 1S<邸, 9 0

伊协- *2 View of Ancieni and M似iem Egypt: by the Bev. 血。,hael Buøse11. Nft1 York, 1842, 12 0

796- *8 An A创~t _of_ the _ Natives of the Tonga lølands, in tbe 80mb PacI40 。"剧, by John Mar缸, M.D. 8rd.OO. Edi'灿tlll'gh, 1827, 11 vola. 'lJO

797- *4 Gems from the Ooral Islands; by tlae Bev. William G也 Raro份叼a.L佣&隅, Wa州4 Co., 1866, 11 't'Ols. 8,0

'fi8- 6 -The Hawaiian Specta伽, vol.1,贺。.1 , Jan. 1888. Honolulu, 1838, 8 。

d-Amerioa. 宫"一 *1 , A Histor:v of N耐h aød 80uth Amerio&: iDo1uding theωlebratOO Work

by Dr. Bobertson,∞,ntinued by a ∞mplese Hiøωry of,the United Bta阳to the . pre回nt time. L佣扁n, Imp. 8 0 , ø. a.

刨出。- 2 Hiøtory of the Br∞,klyn and Long Island F,恼, Feb. 112, 1864. Brookl1/fl, 1创4, 8 0

.801- .a Be归,rt of 他e8础。tary of俨War. Walhi~阳帽, 1865 刷d ,18611, 11 ppts. 8。锁知- 4 .p耐y Ninth Annual , Be阴晴 、"也由 千 Publio . 8oh∞,ls of ' the Firøt 80hω1

心istrict of Pennsylv嗣ia, ωmpriøi吨 the Oity of Plliladelphia, for伽y倒.r 8ndin!rDecember 81st 1861. Phi切ddph旬, 1创始.8 0

808- 6 Twenty First Annusl Report of the Board of Truøtees of ~e Publio 8chωIls of 也eOit.Y ofW~幅.W;ωhing棚, D. C., 11M邸, 8 0,,:,.

.-86. .*""- 7 Tb&Pab1io Leqer B创础us:.p汹aIW萨由:喃地曲Aω饵.. t ofthe 虫IlOO

"甜Dg&:OOIIllω剧唱ühHtø 0PeD1咽, . J.1lJle剧, 1867. Phila呈elphi4J,1868, 8 。

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[ 46 ]

8Oó- 8 The War wi也 the 8outh. A Hieωry of the gre硝 Ameriωn BebeDioø.. by Bobert Tomee. 3 vole. New York, 4 。

vn. BIωllAPIIY. 创始- *1 Th_e true Nature 01 Imposture of Mahomet.…by Humphry Prideaux,

D.D. 7th ed. LondOn, 1718, 8 。

807- *2 Ab!ég~ his~rique . <!es prillcip晶ux traitll de 1a vie de Confuoius, par 1\1. Amiot. Pari8, 4 0 , s. a.

sω- *8 .Mémoir of the Life and Family of the late Sir Gω,rge Leon缸d Staunton, Bart. • • . 1823, 8 。

809- 4 Sketch of the Life and Char则er of John Broadhead B创业, .M.D., by O. R. Gilman, .M.D., 1851, ppt, 8 0 , p. 11.

810- *ó Life 01 Taiping-Wa吨, Chiel of the Chinese Insurr唱cti.on, by J. 四1ωn.Mackie. New York, 1857, 12 。

811- 6 La Vie et le8 Oeuvre8 de P. Chr. A8bjor8en. ClIristiania, 1873, ppt. 4 0

812- 7 Les Au旬I.il'S HindOU8饱nie8 et leurs ouvr鸣e8 par .M. Garcin de Tassy. Pari8, 1868, 8 。


818- *1 . 币leop}让li Spizelii de Re literaria Sinensium Co=entariω• Lug. Bat., 1660, 12 。

814- *2 Le Siècle des Youèn ou Tableau hi8torique de la litt6rature chino!se depuis l'avènement des Empereurs .Mongol8 jusqu'品 la restaur晶悦。,ndeaMing , par .M. Bazin. Pa巾, 1850, 8 。

816- *8 Entwurf . einer Beschreibung der Chinesisohen Li仿eratur von Wilhelm I:lchott. Berlin, 1854, 4 。

816.一 *4 No切8 on Chinese Literature: by A Wylie. Shangllai, 1867, 4 0

817- (Siebold-I幅goge in Bibliothecam Japonicam et Studium literarum , Ja 也ica.rum-folio.818- *ó ~ Cata!?♂18 Librorum et .Manu8cn肘。rumJa庐山rum a Ph. Fr. de Si伽,ld

1ωUectorum, annexa enumeratione illorum qui in .Mu8eo R锦io Hagano I servantur auotore Ph. Fr. de Siebold一libros de即ipsit J. HotJm皿n.飞 L叼duni-Bat. , 1845, folio.

819- 6 Catalogne de8 Ouvrages rel甜f8 à l' Asie et à l' Afrique qui ont p缸udepuislaDéωuverte de l'imprimerie jusqu'en 17'∞: par H. Temaux-臼'mpans.Pa州8, 1841 , 8 。

820- 7 .Manuel de Bibliographie orientale par J. Th. Zenker. Leipeig, 1846-1861, 2 vol8. 8 。

821- 8 Verzeichuiee der 8eit der .Mitte dee vorigen J由rhunderts bis zu Ende dee Jahre8 1856 in 'Deutschland erschienenen Werke über Geographi地und Reisen von Wilhelm Engelmann. Leipe旬, 1857拍58, 2 vo1s. 8 0

82也一 *9 Catalogue de8 Ouvrage8 re1atife au Japon qui ont é始 publiés depuis le XVe. Sl刨e jU8qu'à n08 jOur8 r6也gé par M. Léon Pagès. Pa巾, 1859,4。但∞pies.)

翩8- 10 Catal锦ue of B∞ke on china (other 也anp隘l010gioal) published on Cbina andJa严n in tbe EngJish laoguage ωmpiled by N. B. Dennye一ppt.80

824-*11 Verzeichniel der Chinesischen und Mandøhurischen Bücher und Hand. øahrifωu der Köoiglichen Bib蓝创hek IIU Berlin 'ferfuøt von 1uliu Klapro也• Paril, 1822, folio. í飞 E

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825- 12

826- 13




830- 17

831- 18

832- 19

8s备一 20

884- 21

885- 22

886- 23

[ .7 ]

C&talogue of the Chine目。 Library of the Royal Asiatio Society by the Rev. S. Kidd. Lon命霄, 1838, ppt. 8 0 p. 58.

Katalog der Bibliothek des K. K. Hof- l\Iineralien-Cabinets in Wien zusam­mengestellt, von Paul Partlch. JVim, 1851, 4 。

Catalogue des Livres imprimés et Manuscrits composant la biblioth品qu.de feu M. Louis-Mathieu Langlès. Pari8, 1826, 8 。

Ca比logues des Livres imprimés, des ManuRcrits et des Ouvra~es_chinois, tartares, japonais, etc~, composant ìa bibliothèque de feu M. Klaproth. Pri1lli~re pαrtie_ PaI如, 1839, 8 。

cωalogue des Livres imprimés et Manuscrits compo随nt la bibliothèque de feu M. Eugène Burnouf. ParÎ8 , 1854, 8 。

T俨ilbner's American and Oriental LiterarγRecord, 8 0 , Nos. 48/51 (1869) , 56/59, 63/64 (1870) , 66/71, 73/74 (1871) , 80/82 (1872) , 120/122 (1876), 123/128 (1877).

Norton's Liωrary Letter: 4 0 , No. 1 NtlO Serit8 1860 ωmprising the Bibliograpby of the State of New Hampshire-No. 2 çomprising the Bib. of the 8tate of Vermont.

A Rough List of B∞ks....to be 田ld by Bernard Quaritch. No. 5, Jrme 1870.

Catalogue de la Biblio削que Orientale de Veuve B叫m讪 Dup时,却.partie, n. d.

Biblioa句旧 IlIternat必阳le Univer8elle. Collection des chéf d'oeuvres anoiens et modernes-Progra7I11ne. Pa巾, 1869, ppt. 4 。

Revue Bibliograpbique de Philologie et d'Histoire par Ernest Léroux No. 1 (1874).

Manual of Chinese Bibli句raphy, by P. G. &. O. F. von MöllendorlY. Shanghai, 1876, 8 。




a-Great Britain. 887- 1 Buyal Societll 01 Great Brita饥 and Ireland.

Transactions-Vol. 日~ P&rt J_ (1829). Vol.四, P&rt 1 (1881). n (1838, 2 copies). 皿 (1834). Vol. lli Appendix (18:15) 4 0

Proceeding8-VoL XIV (1866) Nos. 76 and 77. Vol. XV (1866-67) Nos. 8215:87j_93. _ Vol. XVI (1867-68) 94}104. _Vol. xvn (1888-69) 105/113. Vol. X盯n (1869-70)114/122. Vo). XIX (1870-7月 123/129.Vol. XX (1871-72) 130jl38. 飞rOI. XXI (1872-73) 189/147. Vol. XXII (1878叫 148/155. Vol. XX皿 (1874币) 15创163. Vol. XXIV (1875-7~11~_4L!7Q. Vol. XXY(1~76叫 !?Y178. Vol. XXVI (1877) 179/184. Vo). xxvn (1878) 185/189. Vol. XXVllI (1878-79) 190/195.

SixDiscour盹s delivered before the R. S. a.t iheir anniversary meøt­旭gs on the a,!a.rd of the_ Roya.l a.nd CC?pley Medals, p阳时edbyanAddr串嗣 io 也e Society o~ the _progreøs and-PrOspeots of ãoien铺, by8:让Humphry Davy, B&rt., Pres. R. S. Lω命n, 且rurrav. 1827,_" 0

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[ 48 ]

Report Oll the adjlldieation of the Copley, Rllmford, and Royal Medals; and appoimment of the BakeriaD, Cr∞,nian and Fairchild Leetures,∞mpiled from the original documents in the Archives of the R. S. by James Hlldson, Assistailt Secre协ry and Libranan. London, 1834, 4 。

Correspondence between the President of the R. S. and the Board of Trade on the l\fa*gnetism of Ships, an<1 on the Meteorologieal De. partmentjrom the Proc. .R. S .. LOIUloll , 18(;5, 1>pt. 8 0

838- 3 Roya! Asiatic Society οif Gl'eat n对tailt ((Iu! l l'eland, 7'ransαction树-Vol. 1 (1827 , 2 cop.1 \'01. II (1830, 2 cop.) 飞'01.

III (1835) 4 。The JOllrna!-Vol. I-XVII (and lIInps to Vol. XI) 17 vols. 8 。

(1834.18601 J.on<loll , Parke l'-Vol. XVIII.XX (1861.63) , Loudοn, Qua l' itch , 3 vok 8 0 -N ew Sel'ie.~ Lonclon , T川Ibnel', 8 0 . Vol. 1, Part 1 (1864, 3 cop.) II (186~) . Vo1. II, Pnrts 1 and_II (1~66) . _Vol. !l~,

XII , Part 1 (1849). II (l850). Vo1. XIII, P ll,rt 1 (1851).___II (l852)~ 飞'01. XIV, Part 1 (1851). Vo1. XV, Pnrt 1 (1853) . Vo1. XIX, Part 1 (1861). III (18621. Vo1. XX, _!'l1l't _!I (1_863, _2_ copJ___III _a_nd}y (1自63'.) Vol. \'II, Part 1 (187'1), Part II (1875). Vo1. VIII (1875-76). Vo1. XI (1879).

Fifty Seeond Annual Report 11:175. 8311- 6 Statidtical Society oj LO lUlon: L071doll , Stal扩01'(1 , 8 。

Joumal-Vol. X, Pal't 1 (MllJ'ch 1847). 飞'01. XII, Part 1 (Feb. 18扮). Vo1. XIV , Part 3 (Sept. _!~_5~ì , Part '!. (D比 1853). Vol. xxv'm , Parts 1/4 (1865)._ _V01. XXrx (1866) , Parts 1J_'!:_},,01. XXX (1867) 、 Parts 1/4: __'Y~I~_XX)(_~ (1~68) , 1!arts !L4: _~?~:_~~_I_. (1~69) , Parts'l/4. Vo1. XXXIII (1870) , Parts _y~. _~?I:_~X:xJ:y_(18:?1) , P~rts 1/4. Vo1. XXXV (1872), Parts 1/4. Vo1. X.xXVI (1873), Par俗 1/4.飞tol. XXXVII (187-1), Pal'ts 1/,1. Vo1. XXXVIII (1875) , Parts _1/4. Vol. XXXIX (1876) , Parts 1/4. Vo1. XL (1877), Parts 1/4. Vo1. XLI (1878) , Parts 1/4.

List oj t he jellol时, 1865 _

Statistieal Society Almannck íor 1876. General Index to vols. XXVI.XXXV (1863.1872).

84υ- 6 Royal Geog l'aphiC{!1 Society oj Lonrlon. P,'ocee刷刷一Vo1. X, No. 2/6 (1866). \'01. XI (1867)_._No. 1/6.

Vo1. XII (1868) , _No. 2;5. . V_~1. X_II]: (I~ß~) , _~_~: 1{~:.._ yo1:.XI~ (1~7伪,No. 1/5. . Vol. XV 11871), N~: .1/~:___'Y.?L_ ~_YI (!!37刻, No. 1, 2, 5. Vol. XVII (1873) , No. _1j_5~ _ V~L _~VIII (187抖, No. 1/5. Vol. XIX (1875) , No. '1/7. ' Vo1. XX (1876) , No. 1/6.

Jo川'nal-LollrlvlI,lIIurray , 1831.阳, 32 \'ols. 8 0 nnd "仇fleral1711le:r: to tht COllltlltS oj Ihe First 1m Volllme .. 勺.. by J. R. Jaekson, 1844, and to "the Secoll tl. teñ Volllmes ," b.)' lieorgc 8111ith Brent, 1853-the two indexes honnd in one \'01. \'01 35/ -1(\ (1865.1870) 6 vols. 8 0 • Vol. 41 (1871) , Vo1. 42 11872), ,y_o~:.43jl.87?) , .Y.?L. 44 (187功, Vol. .5 (1875) , Vo1. 46 (187ß), Vo147 (1877) , Vo1. 48 (1878).

Cata10gne of the Library of the Royal Geographical Society, May

186‘-Classified Cata10gue of the Library of the Royal Geographieal Society ωDecember 1870.

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[ 49 ]

Supplementωtbe Alphabeti创 Ca剧ogue of 阳 Library R. G. B. from 1865ωDeoember 11370.

841- 7 Royal Society oj Edinburgh. Proceed仿.gø-Session 1865.66-1866.67 (2 cop.), 1868-69, 3 ppts.

8 0 • 1869.70, 1870.71 (2 ∞肘, 1871.72 (2 c()p小 1872.73 (2 ∞时, 1873.74 (2ω肘, 1874.75 (2 ∞川, 1875.饨, 1876.77, 1877.78.

842- 8 E R.8t lndia Association Journal. Vo1. V口, No. 2 (Sept. 1873). Vol. VIII No. 2 (Sept. 187.4). No. 3 (Feb. 1875).

843- 9 Tbe Orientnl. A Montbly Maga对ne, edited by J. H. Sto叫uel缸. Vol.ll No. 12 (June 1874).

844- 10 Ooeau Higbways, by Clementi R. Markho.m. New 自由民 Vol. 1. Lon. don, 1874.

845- 11 Geographicnl Magazine, byαemen饵 R. Markham. Vol. 1 (1874), Vol. II (1875). L佣don.

B-France. 84.6- 2 Société de Geographie.

Bulletin-1870币, 8。但础, 1872, wanting). 847- 3 Société Asi<l tiqu~-Nonveau Journa1, Vol.皿.XVI (1829.1835).

Journnl Asiatique, IlI.VI Sel'ie , (1836.1872). 倒也- 4 Mémoires de 1a Soci制 d'Ethnographie (1873). 849- 5 Annuaire de 1a Société des 创udes Japonaises, Chinoises etc. , 1873. 850- 6 L'E:r;plomtell l' :géographiqt汩的 ωmmercial-2. annèe, 3 vo1ø. (1876).


C.-Austria-Germany, Scandinavian Statel, etc. 851- 3 Delltsche 7IIo1'geη liindische Gesell8chajt-Leipzig.Brockhau8.

Zeitschrüt XVI Band (1862), XXX Band (1876), xxxr Band (1877), XXXII Band (1878).

852- 4 Vere_injii l' Erdkunde zu Dresden-1865 (1 Jabre;;lH:rich的, 1866 (1日, 1866(III) , 1868 (IV u V) , 1870 (VI u V町, 1872 (VIII u 1坷, 1874 俐, 1875(XI u XIl) , 1877 (XIII u XIV), 1879 (XV).

Nachtrag zum VI u VII Jabrelbericht. Dio Co1onie am Pozuzer von Dr. Robert Abendroth.

853- 5 Dr. W. Koner-Repertorium von 1800.1860 der Gescbiohte. Berl仰,1852 (No. 1/匀, 1853 (II. 1), 1854 (口.刻, 1856 (II. 3.)

854:- 8 Der Actioniir.G,.-chiijts.Kalender für 1871.72. Ltipzig, Bulin, 8 。855- 9 Russian A1manack 1782 and 1792. 856- 10 Leitfllden zur Nordiscben Altertbnmskunde. Kopenhagen, 1837, 8 。857- 11 Memoωir陀es d仇e 1& S勘ocié创té Ro句y晶创,1e des An川ti勾qu施刚凰&Ïres du Nord 184ωo

pe1饲lhαgue , 8 。

858- 12 Die Königlicbe Gesellschllft für Nordiscbe Alterthumskunde. Copen. lIage饵, 1842.43, ppts. 8 。

859-*13 Nova Acta Regiæ Societatis Scientiarum Upsaliensig. Vol. V. [局.alice,1867,4.。

86ι- l40 Meteorologisobe J句ttagelser. • • .1868-66. CII由tiana, 18ð7, 4 。

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[ 50 ]

861- 15 Norsk Meteorologisk Aarbog for 1867, 1868, 1869. OhriB tiania. 862- 16 For Ide Of( Virkelighecl,的 Tiùsskrift. uclgivet af R. Nielsen, Bj. Bjorn­

son og Rud. Schmidt. 1870 (12 parts), 18.71 (5 p.) 86各一 17

864- 18

865- 19

866- 20

867- ~1

8&8二 22

Det Kongelige Norste Frederiks Universitets A缸sberetning for Aaret 1867. Christiαnia, 1868 , 8 。

Compte rendu de 11\ 80c. Imp. Géogrl\phique de Russie pour l'annél 1864. St. Petcr8boul'g, 18自5, ppt. 8 。

J'ournal_ of the Imp. Russian Geographical Society (in RUS3iα凡) . Vol. VI (1870, No. 5, 6, 7一(1871) 8. Vo1. VI (1871,到0.1 , 2, 5.)

Discorso del Comm. Cristoforo Negri, Presidente della Società 0'0-grapltica Italiana , 1871. ppt. 8 0 , 45 pa击es.

Königl Physikalisch-oekonomische Gesellschaft zu Künig3beη.

00.Il101. (Jommunicazioni della Géografia di Guido Cora. Torino, Vol. 1873. Vol 日, 1874.

869- 23 Gesellscbaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin. Zeiuchrift-1873 , Vol. VIII No. 1-6. Verhandlungen-1873 No. 1-4; 1874 No. ~/4, 6.

870- 24 K,仇ligl. Pr刷刷..A.切缸nie der WÍlumcl!旷~en zu Bel'lin; Monatsberich饨,1874 Febr.-Dec忖 1875, 1876, 1877, 1878, 1879.

871- 25 Sitzungsberichte der K. B. .Aka彻,即 ùr Wis,e唰chafte1l zu JfUnc加川1.-phil。ωphisch-philol句isch und historiscbe C1asse, 1873; 18741,

Vol. 1 &; II; 1875, Vol. 1 &; II; 1876; 1877; 1878, Vol. 1 &; II. 2.-m‘ thematisch-physikalische Cl晶倒e: 1873; 1874; 1875; 1876:

1877; 1878. 8.-Vo由单ge; Fest-und Denkschriften.

872- 26 .: ..-Bijdragen to~ de Taal-, Land en VolkeDkunde van Nederlandach­Indie.

Derde Volgreeks: 1873, No. 1/2; 1874 No. 协-Vierde VoJsreeks: 18n No. 1/5; 1878 No. 1/$; 1879 No. 1/8.

b.-Bataviaalch Oenoou,hap l1an Kumún en Wetemchapyen: 1.-Tijdscbr泊, Deel XXV No.1/6 (1878); 1I.-Notulen, Deel XVII, 1879 No. 1/4. S.-Verhandelingen, DωlXXXIX, 1. S侃k (1877), lIe Stuk (1880).

878- 27 Oeaterreichische Monatøsohrift für den Orient; 1876-1878. 874- 28 阻地eilungen der 0四Igraphischen Ollell.chaft 仿 Wim: 1878-1875,

XVI-XVlII.; 1877, XX.; 1878. 876- 2i ,Archivio per l'Antropolop e la Etnologia-Pr恤o Volume. Fir,佣ze,

1871. 876- 80 Be归川剧。 S~∞-Gi画,ppone阂, Faaci∞10 1 (A-ltukou); ]1',翩.n (it曲回­

m~orikatan&). Firmze, 1876. 877- 311 币。,y&1 Hungarian Academy of Sclen,剧创 Budape的).A.'M锦yar Tud6s

T~I'IA8句 Evkönyvei. (20 Volumea, 1835-1872.) 878- 33 M单hrisch-achle8. GeeellschaH zur B.förderung d,ωAokerbau.~ der

Natur-und Landeakunde-Brllnn. ..-Notizen-Blaü, 1872. b.-Mi怕,heüUDgeJl 18饵, 1878, 187'. 1876.

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{ ðl 1

87如 84 A.创 della R. A.oademia dei Linoei-Boma-TranIlUDti. Vol. 1 1B78J7f­VoL n 1877/78-Vol. m 1878/79.


PUBLJO.lTJ01ll8 01' A.Jn:BJOA.

880- 1 .dmerican Oriental8ocuty.

Journal--Vol.I, No. l.l (18州; 3 (1847); 4 (1849, 2 ∞,p.) Vol. 口(1851). 皿I_ No. 1 (1852, 2ωp.) ; 2 (1853). 町, No._~ (1853~ 2 仰.) ; í! (1854). V, No. 1 (1855); -2 (1856, 2 ∞p.)__YI, No: 1_ (1859); 2 (~860, 2. cop.) vn, Nó. 1 (i861); 2 (1862). - V1n , No. 2 (18116, 2 ∞p.) IX, No. 1 (1869) ; 2 (1869/11).

881- :1 SmithB01Iian 11旧titut旬n.

C佣tributi佣8ω kno四ledge-Vol. vnI, IX, Xl, Xll, xm, X凹,XV, XVI, XVII, XVIII, XIX, XX, XXI-1857-1876, 7 vols. 4 0

Miscellaneoω Collect伽18-Vol. I.Xll, 1862.1874.

R. Osten 8acken. Cata10gue of the des优ibed Dipωraof North .America prep町'ed for the 8mithsonÏan lnstitu创on. WlUmπ,gt佣-Jan. 1858, 8 0

Meteorology in its ∞nneotion with asrlculture by Prof,ωøor Joseph Henry. Washingto饵, 1858, 8 0

Liøt of Fore蜷n Correspondentø to January 1862. A.nnua1 Report of the Board of Rege础: 1856/1刷一(1859 and

1860 wanting). 1869 (2ω,p.) 1871-1878.

88各- 8 Le伽r of the President of the Na尬。na1 Academy of Soiences, 8enat,. Waøhingω饨, 1866 and 1867.

888- 矗 .dmerican Geographical and 8tatisticaZ Societll' B侃llet仙一Vol. 1, No. 2 (1858) ; 8 (1864). n for 1866.

On the extension of the Decimal System to weights and measnres of the United 8tates. 1867.

A∞ess to an open polar Sea in connection with the Searoh after Bir John Franklin anð. hiii oompanions, by E. K. Kane, M.D. 1868.

On tbe 8tatistios and Geography of the production ofωin.... by Abraham 8. Hewitt. 1866.

The Growth of Citieø, by Henry Tappan. 1856. 884- 6 A.nniversary Oration delivered þefore the Medical Society of thø D剖:rict

01 Columbia. 8ept. 26, 1866, by J. M. Toner, M.D. 1869, ppt. 8 。886- 7 .&merican Phiw80phical Society at Philadelphia.

Transact仿制-Vol. VI, 1889, 4 。

l'roceeding8-yo~:_~.. 7?{r~ (186~) .;.75川76 (1866); _77 (18l)7). !I...!.. 81/86 (1869 anc!. 18TIl1 . ~口,~~/81J!871ì; 88月~ (187功, Vol. X町, 9刊ij J!~7~L_Yo~ .~~! _9~~. Vol. XVI, 97/98 (i876)"; 99' (1877). Vo1. xvn, 1ω(1877) ; 1,01 (1878).

886- 10 Annua1 Report of the .Americ&D Institu饨, of the City of N." York • .dlbany, WendeZl, 8 0 • 1864/66 (1865). 1866/66 (1866)

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888- 12

889- 18

[ 51 ]

Tbe Trans翩翩。f 也e .dc,呻叼 oJ 8ciencu oJ 8t. LouiB. (1857) : 2 (1858) ; S (1859) ; 4 (1860).

4meriωn Medical 488仰句"棚,恒的ituted 1847-Philadelphia. Tramactions-Vol. XXVI (1875),

E 8Bez Imtitute, Salem, Me.ss. BulZetin-Vol. I-VllI, 1869/76_ His旬riωCollectious-Vol. XIV (1877).



a-Transac世ons of Leamed Socie植es, etc.

Vol.I, 1

倒也-"1 .d8iatic Re,earches: or Transωtions 01 tbe Society insti~uted in Bengal. G vols. 8 0 printed verbe.tim in London lrom tbe CaZcutta ,dit句饵 inqu缸ω_ Vol. I-V (1798-1799.)

891- 2 Literary 80cietll oJ Bo刑ba!l.

Tramactioll8: Londo帽, Longma饨,而1. I-III (1819-23) , 3 vols. 4 0

892一*' Verbandeligen ve.n bet Be.ts.vi抽sch genootschs.p vs.n kunsten en weten­sche.ppen. . Batavia, 14 vols. 8 0

893- 5 Boyal A.8iatic 80ciety (Ceylon Branch.) Journal-Pe.rt 1 (1856-58.) Colombo, 1858, 8 0

89← 6 问al A..iatic 80ciet!l (Ch伽 Branch_)

Tra1l8actions, 1874. Hongko叩, 1848, ppt. 8 0 895- 7 Boyal A.8iatic 80cièty (N例h China Branch) 8ha叼加,i , 8 0

J创lI'lls.l, 1, J une 1858ω价• b电fOTe the affiliatio性 oJ the 8'hai Litera叩 and Scienti如 SciC!e_ty._tÞi~h _the A.!i~tic Society.) 口,脑y1859; llI, Dec. 1859. Vol. 口,-No. 1, 8ept. 1860.

NetÞ Serie.-I , Dec. 1864; 口, Dec. 1866; III, Dω.1866; IV, Dec.1867 汀, Dec. 1868; 胃, (1869 阳<1_1870) ;叨, (1871 and 1872) VIII , (1878) ; IX, (1874); X, (1875) ;泪, (1876); XlI, (1877); XIÍI (1878).

Reports, 1864-65.66-67-68. Catalogue 01 Books rele.ting to Chins. and the Ee.st. Notes sur les Recherches que l'on pourrait faire en Chine et en

Japon au po讪t du vue de le. Géologie et de 10. Paléontologie pe.r G. Eug. Simon, 1869, 8 。

Ne.rre.tive 01 the American Embassy _ to Peking in J叫y 1859, by S. Wells W illia.msJrom t1te J倒rnal, Vol. 1, No. 皿. Art. VI, 1859.

896- 8 Report 01 the Medics.l Mission缸y8∞:iety in Chin息, 1854/1865, 1866/1876, 8 ppts. 8 0

897- 9 Reωrds 01 tbe Siberian Bre.nch 01 the ~peris.l Geographical Society (inB旧sian.) Vo1. VIll, Irkoutsk 1865, 8 0

898- 10 Mittheilungen der Deutschen Ge,se11scl!础 1iir_ _Nat'!1'-und, Völkerkunde, Ost-Asiens :一1.-8. Helt,(1878), 4. (Jann, 1874),‘. (Ju1i 1874), 6. & 9. (187•Ma y 1876), 10. (wanted), 11. (Nov. 1876), 12. (Mai 1877), 18. lNov. 1877).

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[ 58 ]

899- 11 Tranaaoti.ons of the ..4..iatic Society 01 Japa恃-

9∞- 1

901- 2

创)2- 8

From 30tà Oct. 1872 to 9th Oct. 1878; from 22nd C协t 1878ω 15th July 1874.

Vol. m, Pt. 1, from 141th Oct. 1874 to 28rd Dee. 18741; Vol. III, Pt.口, from 13th Jan. 1875 协 30th June 1876 ; Vol. IV, from 20th Oct. 1875 to 12th July 1876; Vol. V, Pt. 1, from 25th Oct. 1876 to 27位 June 1877;

Pt.日~ ~ S~~ of the Japanese Penal Lawø, by John H. Longford.

Vol. VI, Pt. 1, from 27th Oct. 1877 to 26th Jan. 1878; 民.口, from 9th Feb.1878 to 27th Apr. 1878; Pt.I丘, from 25th May 1878 to 22nd June 1878 ;

Vol. VII, Pt. I-IV.

b-Periodical Publicati.ons relating 切Asia.

The ..4..iatic J,ωrnal and Mon也ly Register for British India and iu dependencies. Vol. I.XXvm, 1816.1829. Loo命n, 27 vo1s. 8 0

The A.iatic Journal and Mon也ly Register for British and Fore放aIndia, China, and Austr叫asia. New 8eries. L。但必n, 11 vols. 8 èi • Vol. I.XI, 1830.1883.

Tm Phænix-a Monthly Magazine for China, Japan, and Eas切mAaia,edited by 也he Bev. J缸nes 8ummers. L佣don, '0 , 1870 (1, 2, 5, 6), 1871 (7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 18.)

M∞ke对ee's _Magazine (New 8eriee) of PO日出匾, 8<>oio1ogy eto., edited by g缸nbhu Chandra Mukhopádhyaga. Oalc咽tta, Berigny d: 00., 1872. Vol. 1 Nos. n and m 8 。

拥也- 4 The Calendar of the Tokio Kaùei. (Jak1co-or ImperialUnivereity 01 T,甜。for the y'创101' 1875. Published by the Direotor, 1876,8 0

904-- 1 905- 2

906- 8

阅7一 .4

908- 5 909- 6

萨-Periodical Publica世.ons of China. The Oanton Múcellany. NO. 1, 1881, 8 0

The Ohineøe Bep倒itary , Oantoo, 20 vo1s. 8 0 , 1882.1861. Another set: 1. II. m. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX.. X. XI. XII.

X皿. XIV. XVI. @~. Vol.5 (No. 8). X (7, 8, 12). XVIrr (8, 9). XIX (3). XX (6.)

The Ohine.e M_Ï!cellany d~signed to illuøU&饲 the govemment! phllo_. sophy. . . .of China, No. l:-A Glan曲 at the interior of China obtained dtiring a Journey through the 8ilk and Green T崎 Diøtrlcts in 1846. Shanghai, MÚI旬饵 Prel8, 1849, 8 0

The Ohine8C and Japaneøe BejJO.itary of Facts and Events_ in Science, History, and Art relating to Eas饨ril Asia, edited by the Rev. James 8ummers. .Vol.I (18ω). n (1864, 18/17). 皿 (1865, 18/29.)

No阳刚 Q时U on Ohina and Japan--Vol. 1, II, m and IV (No自.1.8).Tm Ohine.e Bccoråer anå Mú.ionary Jou1'll4l-:-Vol. I(IJI2.8,!). II

1/12.1, 2, 8, 4, 8, 10, 12). 皿 1/12.4, 6, 7, 12). IV (lfI2). Vol. V (1874). Vol. VI (1875).

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[ 54 ]

910- 8 The F凶h Annual Bepon of 也e Hankow Medi叫Miaaion H创pi地E刷kOID, 1869.

911- 9 The 1ωyears Anglo-Chinese Calendar, 1st Jan. 1776ω25th Jm. 1876, by P. Loureiro. Shanghai, North China He1'aùl, 1872, 8 0

912- 10 The Canton Register, Vols. 8-12 (1835-1839), 918- 11 Reports of Trade 创 the Treaty Pons 沁 China for the ye缸'8 1871-2;

8hanghai, 1874. 914- 12 Retums of Trade at the Trea.ty Ports in China. for the years 1874, 1877,

1878 and 1879. Part II-Sta.ti8tiosof the Trade a.t eωh Port. Sha7叨'hai.

916- 13 China.-Trade 8ta.tisti06 of the Trea.ty Ports ,for $he Period 1863-1872 。ompiled for the Austro.Hunga.rian Universal Exhibition, Vienna,' 1872. 8hanghai, 1873.

916- 14 China.-Port Ca.ta.logues of the Ohinese Customø' Oolleotion8 at the Austro.Hunga.ri阻 Universal Exhibition, Vienna, 1873. Bha时hai,1873.

917- 15 Reports on Tra.de a.t the Trea.ty Ports in China for the year 1875, 1876, 1877, 1878. Shanghai.

918- 16 Returns of Tra.de at the Trea.ty Ports for the years, a 18'16, b 1878, c 1879.

P缸tI.-Ab毗ωt of Tra.de and Custom Revenue Statistiω. αfrom 18640 to 1876. b from 1866 to 1878. c from 1867 to 1879.

919- 17 Imperial Maritime Cuøtoms-Medi创 Repo刷一12仙, 19th Issue. 920- 18 List of the Chineøe Light-hou揭s, Light.ves盼,ls, Buoy田 and Bsaoons for

1878, 1879, 1880.


A.-m. 921- 9 Ohine盹 B叫他ism by the Rev. Joseph:Ed溢DØ. London, Trübne铲 400.

1880, 8 0

B. 92各- 8 An Intema.tioDa.l Court for China., by James Joseph HendersoD. Shang­

加,i, 1879, ppt. 8 0 , p. 27. 923- 4 La Puissanse Patemelle en Chine,_ pa.r F. Boherzer. Pa,巾, En四t

Lerou3l, 1878, 12 。924- 5 The Family La.w of the Chinese and its Compara.tive Rela.tiODS with

other Na.tiODs, by P. G. von Mõllendro1f. Shanghai, 1879, ppt. 8 0 , p.25.

C.-I 、925- 4 Ha仰lOnium 8utra, Or a. Trea.tise on Harmonium by Sourindro Mohun

Tagore. Oalcutta, 1874, 8 0

926- 5 ~ory of Sa.nskrit Musioωmpiled from the anoient 盹,thorities by Sourindro Mohun Ta.gore. Oalcutta, 1875, 8 0

927 - 6 Hindu Musio from various authors oomplled by Sourindro Mohun Ta.g,ωe Part 1. Oalcutta, B4bu Punchanu1I Muket81jea, 1874, sm 8 0

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928- 7 Yantra Ko,ha. or a Treasury 01 tbe Musie&l Instruments 01 ancieni and modern India, by Sourindro Mobun Tagore. Oalcutta, 1875, sm 8 0

929- 8 Public Opinion and 0篮cial Communications about tbe Beng晶1 Music Seb∞>1. Oalcutta, Panchanun Mukujee , 1876, 8 。

930- 9 8ix Princ华al Rágas, witb a briel view 01 Hindu Musio ,by Sourindro Mohun Tagore. Oalcutta, 1877, 4 0

931- 10 8bort Notices of Hindu Musie&l Instruments, by 80urindro Mohun Tagore. Oa阳tta, 1877, 32 0

932- 11 Gitávali, or a Hindi Manusl 01 Indian Voe&l Music, by 80盯indro Mohun Tagore. Oalcutta , 1878, 8 。

983- 12 8angita 8ára, or a Treatise on Hindu Music, by Ksbetra Mohana Gosràmi. Oalcutta, 1879, 8 0

C.-II. 934- 22 Occasional Papers on Chinese Philosophy, by Cbaloner Alabas恼, ppi.

8 。

No. IV.-Tbe Triune Powers, known in the Classios a田 the 8an­Huang of the 8an T8'ai.

No. VI.-Tbe ChineRe Bible. 935- 23 A Guide to the Tablets in a Temple of Confuciu日, by T. Wa.tters. Shan,­

hai, 1879, 8 。986- 24 Tbe Doctrine of the Ohi, ppt. 8 0 , p. 17.

C.-III 937- 28 .Memorandum on the Currency 01 China, by George F. 8eward. Pek仿g,

ppt. fol. p. 11. C.-IV.

938- 67 Report of the Commissioner of Agrioulture lor the yω 1876. Wa8h切g­ton, 1877, 8 。

939- 68 Tbe same for 1877. Washington, 1878, 8 。

9'0- 69 Die Liszkova.er Hohle im Baráthegy (Liptauer Comitat) von L. von Loczy. Budα~pe8t, F~州edr. Kilia饨, 1878, 8 。

94.1- 70 Metaphysics or the 8cience 01 Peroeption, by John Miller. New York , Dodd ct Mead, 8 0

C.-V. 9"2- 29 United Sto.tes Coast Survey dur切g the ye舷 1874. WII,hi叼t01l, 18门,

4 0

943- 80 The same for 1875. Washingω帽, 1878, 4 0

944- 31 The Bame for 1876. WaBh切gton, 1879, 4 0

945- 32 United ::ltates 8urveys West 01 l00th Meridian. Vol. 11. Astronomy and Barometrio Hypsometry. Washingto风 1877, 4 。

946- 33 On Periodical Change of Terresirial Magnetism , by F. W. Scàulz.. 8hanghai, Kellll tf; Waùh, 1879, 8 0

C.-VI 947- 16 The Mongol Astronomical Instruments in Peking, by A. Wylie. LØide,

E. J. Brill, 1878, ppt. 8 0 , p. 26. 948- 17 勘oherches sur leø Varia伽ns des Ven饵, a Zi-ka-wei, p&r le P. M.

Dechevr铀s. Zi-ka-wei. 1877. 4 0 /'飞冒D19' Ized by \....:.0081 e


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[ 66 ]

9矗9- 18 Bnlletin Mensuel de 1'0bservo.toire Mo.gnétique et M创éorologique de Zi. ka.-wei-Tome III, 1877-Tome IV. 1878-Tome V, 1879. 4 。

D.-I-a 950- 4 Genèse du La.nga.ge et le Mystère Antique, pa.r P. L. F. Philo.stre. Parü

E押lelt Lerot屿, 1879, 8 。

D.一I-c6b Lex • 951- 24 The Cities and Towns of China, by G. M. H. Playfa.让• Honghong , 1879, 8"

D. • II-a 952- 21 Javaansche Vertellingen bevattωde de lotgevallen van een Kantjil, een

Reebok en andere Dieren door Dr. W. Palmer van den Bloek一鸣,Gravenhag~, 且1αrtinuI N臼11Off, 1878, 8 。

953- 13 954- 14

955- 15 956- 16

957- 17

958- 18

959- 19

960-- 20

961- 21 962- 22

9ð3- 2S

964- 24

965- 25

9116- 26

D.-II-b De Tritonide Lacu-Theses C. Thissot. Divione, 1863, 12mo. Abiasa, een Javaansch Tooneelstuk (Wajang) door H. C. Humme. '8.

Gmvenhage, lJlartinus Nij1lOff, 1878, 8 。08 Lusiadωpor Luis de Camôe8-1880. Victoria 8ámrájyαn , or Sanskrit Stanzas in Commemoration of the

assumption by H. M. G. Maj. the Queen Victoria of the diadQm "In剑aeImperatrix," by Sourindro Mohun Tagore. Calcutta , 1876. 8 。

Victorω-Giti-lJlalá, or a. Brief History of England in Bengali Verses, by Sourindro Mohun Tagore. Calclltta, Panchanan Mookerjeø , 1877, 8 。

A few Lyrics of Owen Meredith, set to Hindu music by Sourindro Mohun Tagore. Calcutta, Panchanαn 且Iookerjee, 1877, 8 。

Bhugol止。-Jtillasa Ghatita. Britta.n协-Part 1, Europe, by Sourindro Mohun Tagore. Calcutta , 1877, 16 0

Fif勺 Tunes composed and set to Music, by Sourindro Mohun Taiore. Calcuttα, 1878 , 8 。

A Vedic Hymn, published by Sourindro Mohun Ta.gore. Calcutta, 1878. Yantm K. hetra D飞piká, or a Tre&tise on the "Setar," by Sorindro Mohun

Ta.gore , Sec. Ed. Calcutta, 1879, 8 0

A few Speeimens of Indian Songs, by Sourindro Mohun T8.iore. Cal­cuttα , 1879 , 8 。

Kari-Rαha.ya隅, or 0. Root-LeXÌω且, within a Poem by Bhatia H&1在,yudha.Calctlttα , 1879, 8 0

The ten principal Avatáγa. of the Hindus, by Sourindro Mohun Ta.gore. Calcutta, 1880, 4 。

Manala Pujα阳n, a. collection of SanskrH Hymns, by Sa.nk缸'aCh叫ya..sm 8 0


967- 6 Málabikágnimitra, a dra.ma in tiVQ aeis by K剑id创0., Sec. ed. Calcutta, 1877, 16mo

968- 7 Bháratiya Nátya Raha$ya or a Trea?se on Hindu Dr&m.匾, by Sourindro Mohuñ Tagoie. Oalcütta, 1878, 16mo.

989 - 8 The eight præcipal Raaaa of the Hindu目, by Sourindro Mohun To.gort, Oalcutta, 1879, 4 。

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[ 1$7 ]

970- 9 Ven( Sanhara Nstaka, or th. Binding of the Br&id, a SanskrU drama, 'b1 Bhatta-Nar且.yans_ CaZoutta, 1880, 8 0

971- 10 Mu Tctabali Natika, s Bengali dr缸ns. 12 0

E.-II-a 971-一 18 Å Voya.ge in the "Sunbee.m" by Mrø. Brslsey. Leip~旬, B~rnhard

Tauchnit~, 1879, 12 0

E.-II-à2 973- 19 Reiøtochten van de Geel世nkbaai up Nieuw-Guinea in de Jaren 1869

en 1870 door C. B. H. Rosenberg. '8. Grallenhage, Martimu Nijhoff, 1875, 4 0

974- 20 Reizen naar Neder1andsch Niew-Guinea in de Jaren 1871, 1872, 1875-76 door P. J. B. C. Robidé van der Aa. 'S. Grω,,,hag', Jlartinm Nijhoff, 1879, 8 。

E.-II-à3 975- 67 Reisen in Chins von Peking zur Mongolisohen Grenze, von Dr. Adolf

Bsstian. Jtna , Costenoble, 1871, 8 0

E.-IV 976- 39 The Missionary Enterprise, its success in other lands, the assuro.nce 0

its success in China, by a Missionaη• 8hanghai, 1880, ppt. 8 0 23 P

E.-V 977- 25 The Tenno-Sα"阳, or Mikoshi, Ark Sh由es of Jspan, by William Simpsonf

ppt. sm 8 0 5 p. 978- 26 Boro-Boedou up het E i1and J o.va door Dr. C. Leemans. LeilÙn, E. J.

Brill, 1873, 8 。979- 27 Bôrô-Boudour sur l'ile de Javo. po.r le Dr. C. Leemans. Leide, E. J.

Brill, 1873, 8 。980- 28 Bôrô Boudour sur l'ile de J a.vs. Leide, E. J. B州11, folio , le-8e Liη必.on,

Pl. I-CCCXCIII. 981- 29 Plo.nches du texω Bôrô-Boudour. 1m fol.


982一.22 Nouvel Atlas de 10. Chine, de 10. Ta.rtø.rie Chinoise 创 du Thibet... .par. Mr. d'Anvil!e. La Hay' , 8cheurleer, 1734, folio.

983一.25 Designs of Chinese Buildings, Furniture, Drilsses, Maohines and Uten­sils, engra.ved by Mr. Cha.mbers, Ârchitect. London, 1757, folio.

984-一句i Sketches of Chin且a.nd ihe Chinese, by Augu日te Borget. London, Tilt ct Bogue, 1842, folio.

985-148 Th~ ~fe of _ Jengh_is _Khan, by Robert Kenna.way DougI创 London,T铲übner ct Co. , 1877, sm. 8 0

986-149 TI:"__<2hi_n~se Government, by William Frederiok Mayers. Bhanghai, 王878, 8 0

987-150 Ls Province Chinoise du Yün-nan, par Emile Rocher. 2 vols. , Paris, Ernest htrouz, 1879, 8 。

988-161 Ch_i!l~~e _ <!~ronology and CycJeli, by Thoma. Fergusson. 8hanghai, 1880, 12 。

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989-152 The Provinee of 8hing-应吨, (by J叫ius Bηner). 8hanghai, 1880, 4 0

E.-VU. 990- 8 A Brief Âocount of the Tagorl Famil!l' Calcutta, J. C. Bo,e ~ Co. ,

1868, 8 0

E.- vnI. g91- 241 Bibliothéque de feu M. ;T_ules Tll()n~li~r~ Partie Orienta1e and Linguis­

tique. Pa巾, ETfte.t L,roUA:, 1880, 8 。

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[ ðg ]



AUTHOR日, &0. No. IN C .olTALOGUE. .瓦片

A. , Anna d'.. .• .• . .367 AbdaJ.la of Beyza . . . .614 Abeel, D. .. .. .. ..642 Abel, Ca.rl.. .. .. .. 695 Abel, Clarke .. .. ..428 Abendroth , R. .. . . . .852 Abon-Ali Móha.mmed . .580 ..tcad. dei Lincei, Romα..879 Akber .. .. .. .• .. 45 A1abaster, C. .. .. . .147, 984 Albohazen Haly.. • • .. 71 Ajco*ck, Sir R. .. • • . .284, 287, 786 Alexander, τV. .. .. ..720 A协hαb. Tangut. ~ Tibet ..206 Ambassαdes d与 la Cie. hollαn-dαi&e.. .. .. .. ..411

Ambassades mémorables . .408 Amiot, J. J. M... .. . .322, 807 American L_αrned Societie'.880-889 Amuss抖, A . .. .. . .10. Anderion , A. • . . . . .419 Anderson, B. . • . . . .479,480 A necdotes C hi1ωises .• .. 657 A且村11e , d' .. .. .. ..982 Armstrong, R. A. . . . .161 ..trtificia Hominum •• ..728 Aabjorsen, P. C. .. ..811 .Ásiatic Journαl.. .. ..1100 Asiatic Researches . • . .890 Asiatic Soc. (Royal) 0/ Gr.

Br. t.f; 1... .. .. ..838 do. (Ceylon) ..893 do. (Hongkong)..894 do. (Japan)..899 do. (N.-China

Branch).. .. .. ..895 Asiatique, Journal •• . .847 .A.siαtique , Société . . . .8407 Atkinson, Mrs... .. ..401 A古kinson , T. W... .. ..473 Auber, P. .. .. .. ..6也O.1ul必re, R.' S. de St. • • • .272 Avez邸, d' .. .. .. ..646 .1Tril .. .. .. .. ..718




az'An0 456 52






14329422668432836468668472453485897561242 .···川川.·,






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Beaumont. F. M.de .. Beek, J. B. Be11, G. Be11, J. Benfey, T. Benyowaky, M. A. de. B.rgero口, P.....Bernard, W. D .. Be1ncastlQ, Dr... Bettlilheim, Dr.. Bibl. Intern. Univ. •.• Bingham, J. E.. .

Biot, E.


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AUTIIO.圃, &0. No. 四 C.l.T丛OGUJ:.

Brand, A. Brassey, Mrll. Breeks, J. W. Brent, G. S. Breton. • Brigh创n, W.T...Brine, L. Brissoniu目, B.British relat. 四• Ohi~幅Broch, J.P .. Brooke, Sir J. Brookl!ln Fair •• Brookø, C. W Broul且on....Brown, E. Brown, J. A. Bruce Brugsch, H.. Bruliuli, F. J. Brydgss, Sir .H. J. Bryner, J. •. Bugat, (l Burnett, G...

Burno时, E., OO AWu --‘

453'9 呐咀。。







17948007$7805103540788419 4958417568






c Caillot, A. .' • • • • • • 568

J 29.1., 226, 684 Calleη, J.M.....i685

Camðes, L. de • • • • • .955 Campbell, J. .. " ..506 Canton, d'8cription 01 . . 649 Oanton D切lect .. ..242 Oltnton .Mi8cell.ny .• • .904 Oanton Regi.ter • • • • ~. 912 Capron, H. • • • • •• 63 Carbognano, COII. OODÜd.de182 Carpentier, J. le.. .. ..40画Caøtéra, J. •• • • • . ..391 Castrén, A... .. .. ..174-77 Catron, F .. .. .. .. 585 Oelestial E1I吧pire, the.. • .722 Chalmer日, J. .. .• ..232, 71ó Cha.mbers • . • . _ • • .623, 983 Charton, E.. . .. .. .. 368 Cha.va.nnes de la Giraudière,

H. de .. .. •• ..687 Chi, 也ctrine 旷.. •• ..936 Ohina, Blue Boo1u on.. ..742-766 Ohina, E饲glilh11Ul侃侃 ..703 Ohina, Hiltory oJ .. ..624, 686 Ohinlt, hi.tori.eh, 4e. • .719


AUTlIOBI, &0. No. IN C.l.T .I.LωUIIi

Oh伽α, MÍle. Wor1u pub-lished in •.••• .757-764

Ohinaman abroad, the . .477 OJ&ina and Jap. , n白, route to .. .. .. .. ..463 Oh臼. ~ Jap. Repository. .907 Ohi时, Hist. du gr. Roy刷-

me de la .... ..600 Ohi咐, l' Eglise de la • .492 Ohilleesche Ge.chiedems... 625 Chinees, de reize现de.. ..415 Ohillue Emp. , Oompl. view

01.. .. .. .. ..632, 660 Ohinese Fragment • . . .502 Ohinese Miacellany.. ..440, 477, 906 Ohinese Rec. a饥d Mis8.

Journ. .. .. .. ..909 Ohinese Reposit01Y .• • .905 Ohin. O-旧t01时'Public. ..913-920 Chre8tomathies Orientale...189 Ohrestomathie Hωdie ..203 Ohγ'estomathie Malay . .298 Chy Fá Hia.n (Fá Hia.n) • .379 Cioot, P. M. .. .. ..247 Clero.. .. .. .. ..731 Cleyer, A... .. .. ..140 Clinton, H. F. .. .. .. 482 Cobbold, R. H. . . • . . .702 Cochran., J. D. .. ..470 Codig'o de 00阳rcio.. .. 57 Coignet. F.. .. .. ..103 Cole, H. H.. .. .. ..546 Colebrooke, H. T. .. .. 7, 20 Coleridge, H. • . . • • .162 Colleeçao de VoeabuloB ..291

Confuoiu8 • • • • • . ~ ~~, ~~!. 29, I 43, 825

Oonf1rls des Orientalistes.. 61 Cooke, G. W. .. .. ..698 Cooley, W. D... .. ..472 Cora, G. .. .. .. ..868 Corner, Miss .. .. .. 673 Cornws.l卫队豆.,. •• ..452 COBsigny, C. .. .. . .423 Couplet, P.. .. .. .. 28 Cowan, F. M .. ., • .451 Cram饵, M.. .. .. ..407 Cxawfurd, J. .. .. ..577, 645 Crowquill, A • • • • • .301 Cunynghame, A. .. .. 669 CurtiUI, J. H. Donker . .282, 283


Dabry (d. Thiersa.nt), P. 699

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[ 61 ]

AUTHORS, &c. No. 1. C4T.u.oeU.. I AUTHOR圃, &0. No. 1M CU.u.OG'O'B

Dalqui6, F. 8. .. .. • .608 Danrin, Charl.s.. .. .. 3ω David, Armand.. .. ..465, 486, 4068 Davids, A. L. • • • • • . 180 Davidlon, G. F... .. ..363 Davies, E. .. .. .. .. ;)18 Dllvies, J. .. .. .. ..360 Davis, C. H.. .. .. . .117 1 F' Hian (Chy Fá Hian). .879

(37, 306.8,438,1 .Fairholt, F. W.. .. .. 22 Davis, Sir J. F. .•••.•.. ~ 644, 658, 666,1 !amiliar Jap. PTtrø,es ..286

l679, 732 1 Farill i Sousa, M. • . • .601, 6040 Davy, S让 H. .. .. ..837 1 Fcuâneh 'a4jωb (Per.. PIlVy, Major .. .. .. 44 1 taZII) .. .. .. .. 318 Deehevrens, M. .. . • . .948-9 1 Flluvel; A... . . . . . .735 Decken, C. C. von der . .481 I Favre, P. " . . ., . .296-97 Delaporte, Abbé.. .. ..418 I Fay, L. M... .. .. ..733 D.lllporte, J. D... .. ..187 I Fergu剧。n , J. .. .. ..545 Dennyø, N. B. • . • . . .462, 823 I Ferguøøon, T. •. • • . . 988 Deutsche Gesell. f. Nat. ~ '1 Finzi, F... .. .. ..202

Völkuk. OBtaBiem.. ..898 I Firdoosee, Abool Kausim..820 De'Utsche M,旷genl. Guell.. .851 1 Fisbb。时时, Cllpt.. … .688 Devan, Dr... .. .. ..276 I Fi8her, Lieut.-Col... ..711 Dobell, P .. .. .. ..471 I Flemi且g, G. .. .. ..402 Dodge, J. R. .. " .. 85 I Forbes, J... .. .. ..589-90 Doe筐, H. .. .. .. ..783 I Forbes , F. E. .. .. ..678 Domil巾ai旧,.Åpologie del...619 I Forster, Ch. .. .. ..539 Douglas, R. K.- .‘.. ..985 I For8ter, J. R... .. ..348, 417 Downi吨, C.T... .. ..倒 I Fortia d'Urban, de •• • .651-53, 655 Dubois, -J. A. •• •• •. 5 I Fortune, R. .... .. . .441ι Due, Liøut. . . . • • • . .115 I Foucllux. Ph. Ed. •• •• 13, 209 Duprat, Vve. B. •. • • • .833 I Fourm。此, S. .. .. ..245-46 Dutaile, A. .• • • .. . .188 I Frllncu8, J. . . . .. .. 72 Dyer, S. •• •• •• • .518 I Fritsche, H. .. .. • .153

E E. , L. P. .. .. .. ..197 East India .ÅB'OC. Joumal.. 842 Jtast India Oompa饵.y.. ..588 ~QjJt Indiel , .Å voyage to ..390 Edkin日, J. .. .. .. ..261, 921 ~!lypt!__ Antiquitie. of.. .. 534 Eitel, E. J. ~. .. .. .. 14, 148 Elementα Grammat. Lat俨

Sin... .. .. .. ..259 Elgin, Earlof • •• •• . .454.751 Ellesmere, Earlof •• • .635' Ellis, H. .. .. .. ..427 Ellis, H. T... •• •• • .478 ~ncyclopaedia Britannica... 21 Endlicher, S. .. .. ..~7 Engelmann, W... •• ..821 EJ:由tolae I"!_d. d Jap. • .490 Brdmann, F. Ton -.. ~.169 Erman, A... .. .. ..472

Espy, J . P. EBlex Imtitute. . Ewel, J. d' Explorateur




.... .... .... ••••


G Gann.U, H. • . • . .. 99 Gllrnier, F.. .. .. .. 4114 Gaubil, A. .. .. .. .. 117 Gaurapà.da.. .. .. .. 7 Gebet de, H"ren. •• • • 2 Gentil, le •• • • • • • .841 Geogr, 80cietll, (Royal)

London.. .. .. ..840 (840, 846, 852

Geogr. Societú. • • • {864-66, 86 9, 1874. 883. 897

GeorgiuB, F. A. A. .• . :205 Gil锢, H. A. .. .. ..737 Gill. W. .. .. .. ..797 Gilleøpie, W. • •. • • • • ó佣Gilman, C. R. ... .. . .剧9Gladwin, F. • • • . •• 45 Gobien, 0.1. .. .. ..616, 619 God, Na'fM of •• •• ..279 GoloWDin, Caμ. .. ..429-80

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[ 62 ]

AUTHon日, &0. No. IN Cn.A.LOQUB. 1 AUTHOR8, &。 No. IN C.l.TALOaUB.




hveo' 旷maa




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EEEBEEEEEHEEHEHEHEEEEHEEEEEEEEEEH Ibn Batüta .... ..362 Ides, E. Ysbrants .. . .412, 411 1nde, Chi1te et Japon • .575 1n.truct. f. d. Fachm. Be-

gleiter .. .. .. .. 369 Intorc8tt且, P. .. .. .. 28 Iswá.ra Krishna • • • • 7, 321 Ives, J. C... .. .. ..122

4 Jackson, J. R. .. .. . .840 Janneau, G. •• .. . .212 Japαn, σIl!lrch of • . . .4118 do. , .1li.~si0n8 饥.. ..493

JohnlOI1, J. .. •• ..376 Jones, W... .. .. ..191

{31 , 32, 34, 35, 139, 143, 146,

Julien, Staui.lω.. ~~ω, 256, 266-,-.------ . . 168, 309, 316, 1317, 330, 398, 飞399

k Kaempfer, E . .• •• ..780,791 Kálidás8. • • • • .. • .967 Kane, E. K. •• •• ..883 Kaulen, F... •• ... ...171 Kemigh, S. B. •• • • • .792 Kersten, 0.. .. .. ..481 Kesson, J... .. .. .. 508 Kiaer, A. N. .. .. .. 129 Kidd, 8. .. ... .. ..516, 656, 825

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[ 63 ]

AUTRon日, &c No. IN CATALOGUE. ! AU l'IIOnS, &c. 1\0. IN C.UAT.OGt:.R.

:King, J. W.. . .. .. .. 7~8 I Kircher, Athlln. .• •• ..288, G07, 608 I M

(IG~, ~66, 216 I I .r____<-___ "..' , 1420, 423, 631 IGnp毗 J… ····iztiii, 569iEfacaI伽J , Eazltpf· · imω

、 I ;\fac]wnzic, 1\.:';. • • • .ti t) 1 Körös, A. Csom:\ <10 •• .• 2U8 I kohl, J-G.-370|BImkie, J-M..... . .810 .Ko凹, VJ......853|hcp1mmhD.....663

I Magal1川川, G. <1e .. .. (]l:!- l:l , :J]αgn. ,f' Metcω'. Bcobacl: l. lii7 I ]lJahomet .. . . . . . .剖, 80G

LlEfain-R....... . .74 , l\[aira口, D. de.. .. ..6:!G

Mp,jor, R. H. . . . • . . (]向3lIInJn11, ~. C. . . .. _. . 38

Labllωr古$仙he. C. de .. •... .150 I Mlllcω。ω,h盯m , H. .. .. ..3浏80L血abb呻e队, Capμtι.. .. ..0!l7 1 ~!alt飞La必且f民阳m吨gclω011队1, W. B... .. ..GiJωu I ~i!lllOn. .' .:. .. _ '.' .. 2凶3 Langl沁占s鸟, L. •• • . ". . .168, 827 1 ~!an.s~is _c_llt.!.~.C):, C. lc • . .~! Lao Tseu •• .. •• •. 52, 42 , lIIarini, G. Fil. <1e •. • .497 Lasscn. Chr.. • . • . • .11时, 199 ., lIIarkhrun , C. R. .. . .844.4:; Lavòllfe, C... .. •• ..44;, I Mnrsdcn .. .. .. .. 5iJ6 Lay, G. T... .. .. ..657, 7:;4 I !-!:u" hman,!... .. ..248-49

1837-.12, 846.49! l\I:utensen , H. •• .. .. 41 I 85Í.52; 8iJ7.ωt Mn巾1 , J. ..……"。

Leal'lled Socinie~ •• 18G4.G7: 8G9.74! i[~IÍi~;iL Û. :: .. ..(\71 , (877-119 1 1IIartin ,飞N'. A. P. .. ..2,;;

Le Comte, L. •• •. • :616.18 I .Marti时,I1Inl't . .• . . • .60;S,机"Lee, S. ........362 I I1Iartins, R. P. " " ..741 Leeinans. C. ••• . ..978.81 I Mas , S. de •. • . • . . .696 I吨ge, G. .. .. .. ..522 I ~!!lson., (~ß. _..._.. ..~3~ I吨肝; James •. •. •• 26 , 311.12 I ~!!lnnde\:i_~口, Sir J... ..iliJ l Leωhnertι, J汇.. •. ..371 1 卫Iayers 飞V. F... .. ..'277, 'i引G刀1 , ~引'81;Lei且Jei创ibni江皿z. G. G • • • . •• 729 1 EMfkcωωt巳ωnn…币飞d品i马~lι汕hi让认iLep严】陆sius, U... .• .. ..Mω2, i)4必3 I ~!‘'Cn川I让1I0ch, .1. 1卫:. •. •• 4钊8 Léroux瓦, E. .. •. .• ..肌 l l\Ie以l.e Tellie町r .. .. .. ..6们10 1 , r~ _'l__~._"_ , t "' TT 1 ___ \ ' 吃ο, 21阴;川鸡 , 1μ~O I.μI.ett州tt陀附8 éd伊伽αan肌 • •• ..圳5ωG川 | 挝川Eω毗dln川u盹 W. J盯f. (扣b咀e臼叫1Lieblein, J. •• •• •. . .5-1凶也 1M盯川州1ic阳caαωII JJi ,ι. 尺,(.,,~oο川川》町cicty • .8\JG Liharzik, F. ...... 46 , l\Icinsma, .1. H... .. . .;;&:J Lindau, B. .. . . . . . .460 I l\feklenh盯日, E'. A. .. ..f;!).j Lindsay .. .. .. ..435 I J[(川oi此'S C()IlC. Ics C" ill(>i$ li~甘Ljnngstcdt, Sil' A. •• • .643 I Jlémoi,付 110"/1,.. d".j .11 Î." , d♂

f 2.H , 202.64, I la Cie. rlc JtSlIS •• ..5(:。Lobscheid,引·.....i712ψI ~!~~~i由it阳.. •• • • •• 34川-♂3Lo创叫cl.. G. G. •. •• •• . :liOií I l\IClω11址do7.且趴, J. Go创11Z. do .. 60:; , 683 Lockman J... 二 ..óG:l I l\Tentzcl, Chr. .. .. ..217 I.oczy, L. TOI1 .. .. .. HO I ~~érJ: .:.... .. .. .. ~~~ Loocílòo Mission.. .. • .682 I !oIcxico JJIetc(lr. Uú~en'aloly139 .. Lord Amherst" • • • • • .135.3(; I M'Ghee, U . J. L. . . • .7υD Lonreiro. P... .. .. ..!lll I Michels, Abel de~ .. ..210-11 Loviot, F. .. .. .. ..,1,;0 I l\liles, Col..…… .iJï9 Lowrié, W. 1\I. •• •• ..519.20 I l\Ii11er, J. •• .. .. . .IiH IAyman-B S.......111|Mi1跳WC j mJ肌[: 1"7 Lynn , T. .. .. .. .. 6.15 I l'~1U"', ......... .. .. l6t1兰 , lì\J.i

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AUTHons , &c. No. I~ CATALOGUE. I AUTHOnS , &c.

::I I览I口i拙r此khon时<1. •• •• •• • . 1()3ω3.9归4 , 1'3怕6 I 0 JI川I刀4ωi.;.çioll川Iaαr扩 1-: 川川川/e叮fì\Iitfor<1, A.υ. .. .. ..78'3 I Oes剖terl'eich川C1'叽, T. von ..105 3立1izaω础圳1,川‘,ltl归s , A儿.. .. .• 72 I ο仇e"t巾terr. JlIollatschr. _r. d. ~‘Looll. J... .. .. ..431 I 仙'iellt. •. •• •• • .873 ::I!öllelHlorff, O. F. \'on • .836 I O~ilby, J. . • . • . . . .-105 , .10'3, 410 3!öllell<101'丘, P. G. VOIl • .836, !J24 I O!iphllnt, L. •• .. ..45生2\1oges, de • . . . . • . .-1泊 I Orlénlls, J. ll' .. .• • .615 ::I1ohllmmell Len ::IInsa ..113 I Osbeck, Petcr .. .. ..-!lG.17 2\1ohl, J lIl. •• •• •• •• 33 , 325 I Osbo1'n , S. • . .. •• . . 700, 7ií也:'o1oh口, H. .. .• . . . .107 i Osten.Sacken , R. ., • .881 MOlltn.nns, A. .. .• . . 410 I ()tllO川人 Elé川ents •• • .294 :'o!ontfort, Cn.pt. .. ., • .447 Onchterio町, J... .. . . G70 :'I1ontucci, A. .. .. ..21'3 1 Oxenfo1'd, J. .. .. ..G85 :'IIoon ,飞V. ..... .. .. 102 :'I100rcl'oft,飞IV . .. .. ..3 '35 J[时'!I I! I!ll/ ud , Zeil ,'chriJ~ _".

;":II1I<le des • • • • • . ,;73 ( 218-19. 2;:;0

::IIol'l'ison , R. . . . . : :;;;; -;,' , 27υ , 51:;.IG Mosheim, J. fJ.τon .• . ..:;00 l\!ndi t>, n. . . . . . . . .65县立iiller , A. .. .• •. ..61-1 :;\[ iille1', 1.'. .. .. .. .. 353 :'o!ülle l', J. W. .. •• ..110 ::IIiille l', lIIax . . . . . . 15;; :'IInh n.nunedes 1' ;1. Ketid • .112 :'IInirhea<1, W. . • •• • .76!) .1III/;taò<<li Nati/;(t •• ..!J71 :;\IlIllens. J. .. . . • . . . 6 :'IIunfonl , G. ....• .IG4 :'IIul'l'I1.}', A... .. .. ..jjlj也:'o!u1'ray , H... . .. . .. .. ;;i ::l, (j .l;;


Nal'ày且no. Bhattn. • • • . ~'iO Navarette, 1:'. D. F. . • • . (jll Negri , C. .. .. .. ..8lì(j ~eÙI1lI~nn , C. F... .. . ..374.581 , 67;; Nenmaun , J. .. .. . . [)汕Nielsen , n. .. . . . . . . tiG2 Nienho筐, J... .. .. ..404.G No剖, F. .. ...... 24 Norbcl't , I、自re .. .. .. GOl

\ 67.70, 12'3, Sorway , Repo l' /J 011.. ~ ~54币,& cfr.

1 Sweden. 11'0 1'/011' ,' Lit. Letler . • . .81Jl Note8 ,(. Qlω'ics 011 Cltina

fllld J <ll'tlll.. .. .. .. 908 ,, _\'.υV Ill刊., •• •• •• • .1153 ~ye , Gitl. •• .. •• ..738, 7G3

[ 64 ]



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(547. 573 , iJ!t6, Period. PubliωiúllS.. \798: 837: iízõ' Peritsol. A. . • • . • . 112 Pétis de la Croix • . . .723.24

; 1:'叭 ronie , Glluthier tlo la. .46 '3 1 PI~iJl'el', 1. • • •• •• • .~?~

l'Iizlllai'er, A. .. .. ..280, 31':; PhihH吨1'e , 1'. L. F... ..950 Philip,卫. ..……517 P!t ilo- ι!llrolus .. .. •• íti5 Phoell Î.V .. .. .. ..901 Picart. B. •• . , •. •• 1 l ' ierre , F. Oouzales de St.A '3!l Pillneyra, L. • • • • • .778 Piuart. A. .. • • • • •. 8U Pinkerton , J. .. . • . .3,19 Pinto, Ferno.ndo, l'úellùez .358.5'3 Plano.C'o.l'piui •• • • • .646 J>!ath , J. H. .. .. ..凹, í26 1'1nyfai儿。. l\I. H. .. ..951

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[ 65 ]

AUTHORS, &c. No. tN CATALOG{;E. 1 A1.iTHOIIS, &c. 1\0. 1l! Cu丛OGU&'.

Pley饨, W. .. .. .. ..5.H 1'010, ?tIarco . . . . • • • . 356-57 }'oncea口, P. S_ ùu .. ..255 Po.tma"te l' Gell ., lI~Jlo l't of .553 l'。、vel', W. T. .. • . . .4.16 P l'eUUlre, J . :lt. de . • . .254 P I'CU'3 . Akad. d. JJ'is.sem ch.

(1(.).. .. .. .. ..870 Prideamc , H. •. .• • .80n P l'ophetae Posteriores . • • .52ü 1、almanaaznal', U. " ..7110 1'IIÙ/ . Le句er lJ lli/diny ..玛01

Quaritch , B. {,! ll且tremère



. . 8 :32

..183, l (1 .j

lladtenhnchcl', A. •• • . 106 lhlm RÙ >I ., •• •. . .530 ]t 'lmmolmm Roy • . • .骂, 4Hansonuct-Yillcz, E. 飞 011 . . !:í93 Haschid-Elilin .. .. .. ](J;; , .:í83 Heeù, A. .• •• .. • . ü47 Hegi虫 , J . n. .. .. .. ..;)3 ltein且u<l .. .. .. .. 383, 5!)l Uelnnd, At1rinn •• .• • .487, ;;27

(167 , 251 , 252, Uélllllsat. Abcl •• -' 2(;U, 37 \1, ;;70, :

(571 , 5i2 ltenan, Erncst .• . . . .186 Uenandot, E. .. .. ..373-74 Hennie, D. F. •• •. . . 713 Hhnsis, U. .. .. .. . . 181 l/heill. Gesell. f. A 1ω.

thll1ll.1mn<le •• •• • .,;47 Ultodes, Alexandrc dc . .372, 5,H Uibeiro, G. J. .. .. ..4ül Ricci. lIIntth. . • . . • .49;; Rich且d崎n, J. •• .. ..1\υ Richomllle, Uh. .. . • . .303 Richthofen, F. vou •• . .142. 7il6 Ricorù, P. .. .. .. ..430 Hipa, M. . . .. .. . . ;;23 Uob!'rtson , lJr. •• . . . .799 1:tobiùé v阳 tlel' Aa, P.J.B.C. !J74 Rocher, E. .. .. •• • .(187 Rochet, L. •• • • • • • . 23 !1 Rocsler, E... .. .. ..489

Roscnbcrg, C. n. H. • .973 Hosny , JJ. Léoll ÙC .. ..281 Rost, U. .. .. • • •. 8 ROllgClU创刊, F. cle .. •• 2月, 610Houssean, S. . • . . . . 190 lloyal Sor. I(f E <linùu1'!flt..8H 11οyal SυC. 0/ 0 1'. B I' . á; 1..837 Rllbr l1'll1is, G. de •. . . 1lH闯Russcll , l\I. • • • • • .79':;

i S

|Sa削ch阳a创I盯r咄 T. .川. •• . .71型SnemUllù the Let\l'ne,l • .;Il!l Saken, E. A. .. • • • .6Hl Snlldeu l!ln, D. .. • . • . 521 Sa11knra Chal'jya • • . .甘61iSnn-:lfnllg-Yian • • . .27;; Scarth, J _ .• . • • • • .70-1 Scheíor, C. ...... ;j !l7-!)9 Scherzcr, P. . . . . • • !123 Scherzer, K. von .. ..1l5H Schiefncr飞 A. .. .. ..171-77 Schlngilllweit, E. • • •. 1ü Schlegel, G. •. .• • . 1;;2, 711 Schmidt, I. J... .. ..173, :J07 , 725 Schmiùt, H-. • • • • • . t:l62 8chυnbergel', Y. .. .. 770 Schott, 飞,\, illl….. . . 划 , 2f刀, 815Schtùze, F. 飞~... .. • . !J1fi δcmeùo, Alv. • . . . . . üOl-4 Sene, C. de • . . . .. no, 103 Scwanl, G. F. .. . • . .11:17 ,可l川 Il[J JI(! Î [.oc. l'uù /ic. •. 7G.ï-iG Shar]le,创. .. .. .. ..;;31- ;;~ Si1l1ll, A 'coytl [Je 10 • • • . 3t:l!)

Sicbolù, 1'11. Fr. \'011

SieiTert, F. L. SÎl丑on , ü. E. •• Simpsoll , W. •• •• Sims011, Mrs. Sinllct, P. .. SkatschkotI, C. A. ,. Slade, J . Smith, F. r. .. .. Smith. ü... .. .. Smithsο11. IlIstitutiQI~ SOllth Seas, 古oyayetoSpeucer, J. A. ••

1223, J51 , 78.'. ,78;;, 817-1ti ..18县..8日5..151 , 518.977 ..488 . .397 . ;, 1, 335, 357

• • ().jl)

• . 23!l ..43日.4;;8 , ü8:l .. 881 . .-17.; . . HtH

Bondot, N. .. .. .. .. 49, 50, 145 Roorùa van Lysillga, 1'. 1'. .289 ROSCll. F. •• •• •• ..113

!sp阳, T.Stllt istical Society Staunton, Sir G. L. • •


. .8:311 • • .120, 421 , 80S

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w 飞:\'akefield,' P. .. •. .. 3ïï \Yall民ce,飞"fV. •• .. ..645 飞Yat'd,飞,Y... .. .. ..587 飞Yathen, J. .... ..ö93 飞;Vatters, 1,'. • • • • •• 42, 935 飞γebb, J. .. .. .. ..213 飞"fVeber, A. •• .• •• • .592 飞,Yed月wood, 11. . . • • • .156 飞:reiland. P. .. .. ..159 飞Yeston , St. .. •. ..305, 323

l「mm阳川m阳时e胆时el川1飞飞,V丁hite , J... .. .. .. 44 W i1kinson, Sir J. G. ..537-38 1飞,'ille, C. F. • • • • . .131 Williams, .J. .. .. ..504

J 60, 228, 230. Wil1iams, S. "'. • • l691; å95 飞;\'i1liamg, \V. L. •• . .293 飞Vilson, H. H . .. •• ,, 7-乳白1. l;31 τVinterbotham,飞~T. •• , .631 飞:\ïllterbottom , Th. ., • .79占\\'olseley, G. J... .. .. 70i Wright, T... .. .. ..356

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z Zaccone, P. .... • .300 Zacharo聋, J. .. .. ..179 Zenker, J. Th. •• .. ..820 Zi-Ka- Wei Obse l"vatory ..948-49 Zo也enberg, H. .. .. ..580 Zweerts, C. J... .. ..658 Zwick,日. A. .. .. ..172


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Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

Birthday: 2000-07-07

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Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.