Consumer Reports rates teeth-whitening products (2024)

Crest Whitestrips Supreme reigns supreme among home-based teeth-whitening products, according to a new survey in Consumer Reports.

The product-testing publication had 82 of its employees compare eight home-based teeth-whitening products over several weeks. They used a digital color-measuring device to assess staffers' tooth color before and after the course of whitening. The testers also described their experiences with the product.

In addition to determining that Crest Whitestrips was tops in whitening, Consumer Reports noted that sensitivity was common among all the products and that several product trays did not fit correctly.

Copyright © 2009

Consumer Reports rates teeth-whitening products (2024)


What is the best teeth whitening product that actually works? ›

Known as the No. 1 dentist-recommended at-home teeth-whitening product, you can't go wrong with Crest 3D Whitestrips. They're formulated with the same hydrogen-peroxide whitening ingredient that dentists use, which will help enhance your smile after a recommended ten days of use.

What is the most effective professional teeth whitening? ›

Laser Teeth Whitening. Currently, the preferred choice of tooth-whitening treatment is Philips' Zoom! laser teeth whitening. For laser teeth whitening, a patient will typically come in for an hour-long session and then use formulated take-home teeth-whitening trays for lasting results.

What is the number one teeth whitening method? ›

Option #1: In-Office Laser Whitening

This is one of the popular teeth whitening methods that some people believe is the most effective way to get a brighter smile. Using lasers and peroxide-based whitening agents in a professional setting, this teeth whitening method provides dramatic, lasting results.

What is the most effective teeth whitening ingredient? ›

Every whitening gel needs an active ingredient to be effective, but not all active ingredients make for the best or safest experience. Good: Hydrogen peroxide tops the list when it comes to active teeth whitener ingredients.

Are there any teeth whitening products that actually work? ›

There are two types, two versions of peroxide, hydrogen peroxide, and carbamide peroxide, that are used for whitening. And they are effective. They do work. So if the whitening kit you're using lists that product, you can rest assured that it will be effective.

Are there teeth whitening products that actually work? ›

Rembrandt 1 Week Whitening Kit

Look no further than these Rembrandt whitening strips if your teeth tend to be sensitive. They effectively whitened teeth, by 1.6 shades in one week, yet 100% of testers agreed that they didn't cause sensitivity.

Can yellow teeth become white again? ›

Fortunately, there are ways of making your yellow teeth white, from improving your oral hygiene and diet to visiting the dentist and having them professionally whitened. There's no need to feel ashamed of your smile anymore.

How to whiten yellow teeth naturally? ›

The following strategies may help whiten teeth:
  1. Making dietary changes. Eliminating foods that mark the teeth can prevent further staining. ...
  2. Trying oil pulling. ...
  3. Brushing with baking soda. ...
  4. Using hydrogen peroxide. ...
  5. Whitening with fruit. ...
  6. Chewing high fiber foods.

What teeth whitening do the Kardashians use? ›

Kim Kardashian turns her teeth temporarily purple as she promotes the V34 Colour Corrector Serum from the brand HiSmile.

How to whiten teeth over 60? ›

Bleaching Trays

Compared to commercial products, whitening trays from your dentist are stronger and much safer for seniors in particular. As you age, your gums and teeth can become more sensitive. Your dentist can first evaluate your oral health to determine if you are eligible to receive teeth whitening.

Does baking soda whiten teeth? ›

Baking soda can be used with some water to remove the stains on the surface of the teeth. It can also be used with hydrogen peroxide to enhance its whitening effects. Baking soda can be used by individuals with regular toothpastes too. It is also used commercially in some teeth whitening products and toothpastes.

What is the most effective teeth whitening method at home? ›

Best Ways to Whiten Your Teeth at Home
  • Teeth Whitening Kits. An over-the-counter whitening kit can involve a mouthguard-like tray filled with a gel or paste made of a peroxide solution. ...
  • Teeth Whitening Strips. ...
  • Teeth Whitening Pens. ...
  • Teeth Whitening Toothpaste.
Jul 10, 2023

What is the fastest and cheapest way to whiten teeth? ›

Use teeth whitening toothpaste. Choose a toothpaste specially designed for whitening. These pastes include small, abrasive particles that lift stains from the surface of your teeth. Some also contain bleaching agents like hydrogen peroxide, commonly used in at-home and professional whitening treatments.

What is the most permanent teeth whitening? ›

Dental veneers are a great way to permanently whiten your teeth, so no more white strips and no need for whitening treatments. A dental veneer is a thin piece of porcelain material that is placed on top of natural teeth. They are bonded to the tooth with a cement-like material to ensure a stronghold.

Can old yellow teeth be whitened? ›

Teeth whitening treatments are for everyone – there's no age limit to having any kind of cosmetic dental treatments, so it doesn't matter if you're 26 or 62 or older, if you want whiter teeth, your age is not going to prevent it from happening.


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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

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