Easy Blender Hollandaise Sauce Recipe for Carnivore Diet (2024)

By Caitlin Weeks

Easy Blender Hollandaise Sauce Recipe for Carnivore Diet (1)

Easy Blender Hollandaise Sauce Recipe

Are you looking for a quick sauce to pair with your carnivore meals? Have you been wanting to add flavor and life to your low carb, ketogenic, and carnivore meals? Then this easy blender hollandaise sauce recipe is for you. Hollandaise sauce is a rich decadent sauce that is irresistible. Its warm buttery and lemony sunshine brighten up every carnivore dish it touches.

This classic creamy French sauce can be made quickly using a blender and with just four ingredients. It is an emulsion of egg yolks, melted butter, and lemon juice. I love its lemony flavor. You can substitute lemon juice with white vinegar or even apple cider vinegar if you want. This quick and easy blender hollandaise sauce recipe is perfect for the low carb, ketogenic and zero carb diet as well. It includes instructions for success on both regular blender and immersion blender.

Carnivore friendly Hollandaise Sauce

Hollandaise sauce is the best choice as a condiment because other sauces and dressings have added sugar that will blunt the benefits of your diet. It is a butter-based sauce that makes for a good carnivore-friendly substitute for mayonnaise. It is very similar to how one makes mayonnaise. Store-bought mayonnaise is not suitable for the carnivore diet because it is most likely be made with inflammatory plant oils like soybean or canola oil. As extra fat helps improve satiety on a carnivore diet, hollandaise sauce is a perfect option to top on your favorite meaty carnivore meals. Get my 30 Day Carnivore Diet Challenge ebook for many more recipes and helpful tools and tips to support people who want to try the carnivore diet.

Easy Blender Hollandaise Sauce Recipe for Carnivore Diet (2)

Get my ketogenic diet mayonnaise recipe for free on my blog here. You will also want to make my dairy-free and low-carb ranch dressing recipe that is also available on my blog for free here.

What to Serve Hollandaise Sauce With?

Hollandaise is such a delicious and versatile sauce that can be used in a range of breakfasts, brunch, lunches, and main courses. Flavors of this sauce meld beautifully with poached eggs, steamed vegetables, salmon, and whatever else you would like to top it with. I love adding it on leaner cuts of meat and steaks. It is perfect to drizzle on chicken as well. This finger-licking sauce is even great to be served as a dip with your favorite snacks.

Tips to ensure the perfectly creamy sauce

  • Use the right size container for an immersion blender version. Avoid using a very large bowl or jar. Make sure the head of the immersion blender should barely fits inside.
  • As you are blending the sauce using an immersion blender, make sure to gently lift the blender slightly so that all the liquid gets emulsified.
  • Add the hot melted butter in the running blender slowly in a thin stream, not all at once. Adding the butter too quickly can cause the sauce to separate.
  • A bit of extra water can help to emulsify the sauce better. Make sure to melt your butter on low heat. As high temperature will evaporate the water in the butter.
  • If your sauce is too thick, you can add in a bit of water or even more lemon juice to thin the sauce.
  • If your sauce is not thickening for any reason, try adding egg white and blend again.
  • You can add dijon mustard or cayenne pepper for a boost of flavor but if you like fewer plants then leave it off.

Hollandaise sauce is not suitable for storing and should be served immediately after making. It is best eaten soon after made, all in one sitting. I do not suggest storing or reheating the sauce. In case you have leftovers, you can reheat it but keep in mind that there is a chance that eggs will cook up a bit so you have to do that very gently.For reheating, pour the sauce in a double boiler or a heat-safe bowl over the saucepan with boiling water. But make sure that you stir it frequently until it is warm, not hot.

Easy Blender Hollandaise Sauce Recipe

This four-ingredient easy blender hollandaise sauce is perfect for keto and carnivore diet. This rich creamy and delicious sauce recipe is very simple and quick. It includes instructions for success on both regular blender and immersion blender.

CourseBreakfast, Brunch, Condiment, Sauce

CuisineAmerican, French

KeywordCarnivore Diet, Gluten Free, Grain Free, Hollandaise Sauce, Ketogenic, Low Carb, Paleo, Real food

Prep Time 5 minutes

Cook Time 10 minutes

Servings 4 servings

Calories 435 kcal



For Blender Version:

  1. Put the butter in saucepan over medium low heat until melted. Remove the pan from the heat and set aside. You can use the microwave for melting butter if you want.

  2. Separate egg yolks from the egg whites.

  3. Mix vinegar or lemon juice with egg yolks using fork.

  4. Pour this mix into the blender.

  5. Pick up the pan containing melted butter and start the blender on low.

  6. Pour the melted hot butter very slowly into the blender in a thin stream, with the blender running. Go as slow as you can, it will help the sauce to emulsify.

  7. After you have used up half the butter, you should start to see the sauce thickening in the blender.

  8. Blend the mixture until a thick and creamy sauce begins to form and all butter is used up.

  9. Season with salt as per your taste.

  10. Serve immediately on your favorite steak, fish or on top of eggs.

For Immersion Blender Version:

  1. Find the tall mixing container or glass with a bottom that barely fits the head of the immersion blender.

  2. Add egg yolks and vinegar to the bottom of the glass.

  3. Place the head of the immersion blender in the bottom of the glass, turn it on to mix the ingredients and blend it for about 30 seconds.

  4. Slowly drizzle in hot melted butter into the glass in a thin stream with the blender constantly running.

  5. It should start to thicken and emulsify with egg yolks and vinegar quickly.

  6. Continue pouring slowly until all butter is used up.

  7. Blend until it gets a thick and creamy consistency you want.

  8. Season with salt as per your taste.

  9. Serve immediately on your favorite steak, fish or on top of eggs.

Recipe Notes

Net Carbs: 0.3g

Nutrition facts based on 4 servings

Nutrition Facts

Easy Blender Hollandaise Sauce Recipe

Amount Per Serving

Calories 435Calories from Fat 432

% Daily Value*

Fat 48g74%

Cholesterol 227mg76%

Sodium 363mg16%

Potassium 32mg1%

Carbohydrates 0.5g0%

Protein 1.9g4%

Calcium 25mg3%

* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

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Easy Blender Hollandaise Sauce Recipe for Carnivore Diet (2024)


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Raw Eggs Note

and the friction of the blender and the scalding hot butter essentially “cook” the egg while blending. In fact, most Blender Hollandaise Sauce recipes don't provide any disclaimers, but to be extra safe and for peace of mind, I suggest using pasteurized eggs.

What sauces are carnivore friendly? ›

Carnivore sauce options include butter-based, bone broth-based, cream-based, and homemade animal fat sauces. Acceptable sauces in the Carnivore diet include some soy sauce, homemade mayo, limited hot sauce, Tabasco with substitutions, and Buffalo sauce in moderation.

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How do you fix a runny hollandaise? Blenders tend to make runny hollandaise - it's usually because the butter was too cold and hasn't cooked the eggs enough to thicken them. To thicken a runny hollandaise, tip the mixture into a heatproof bowl set over simmering water and whisk over the heat until thickened.

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Foods related to hollandaise sauce

Hollandaise sauce contains 85 calories per 16 g serving. This serving contains 9.1 g of fat, 0.9 g of protein and 0.3 g of carbohydrate.

How do you make hollandaise sauce safe to eat? ›

To ensure that the hollandaise sauce is safe to eat and not raw, the egg yolk must reach at least 149ºF (65ºC) to help destroy any harmful bacteria. This temperature is achieved when the yolk is warmed over the double boiler or bain marie (a pan with simmering water to place a bowl on top for warming).

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According to the FDA, eggs qualify as “safe” to eat once they reach an internal temperature of 160 degrees Fahrenheit. At that temperature, the heat will kill any Salmonella bacteria.

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Even on the most pure versions of carnivore, seasonings like salt and pepper (in moderation) are permissible. Consider expanding your palate with a wide range of spices like turmeric, basil, bay leaf, sage, or thyme. You can even experiment with a dry rub if you're feeling adventurous.

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We're here to tell you that some seasonings are okay, like salt, pepper, and a few others, but straying away from artificial seasonings, like ketchup and barbecue sauce, is recommended and followed by many people on the carnivore diet as they can be full of toxic and artificial ingredients.

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Hollandaise Sauce

One common hollandaise mistake is overcooking the egg yolks, and there's no coming back from that.

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If you don't whisk fast enough or pour in your butter too fast it'll turn greasy and broken. Don't cook the eggs enough and it won't thicken properly.

What is the basic formula for hollandaise? ›

In a small bowl, whisk together egg yolks, lemon juice, cold water, salt and pepper. Melt butter in a saucepan over low heat. Gradually whisk yolk mixture into butter. Continue whisking over low heat for 8 minutes, or until sauce is thickened.

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It's what happens next that sets them apart: Hollandaise gets its acidity from lemon juice (sometimes vinegar) and is usually seasoned with salt, white pepper, and cayenne pepper. Béarnaise, meanwhile, builds upon hollandaise with white wine vinegar, shallots, tarragon, and other fresh herbs.

How long does homemade Hollandaise Sauce last? ›

Hollandaise sauce can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two days. To store hollandaise, place it in an airtight container and make sure that the hollandaise is cooled down before you put it away.

Does Eggs Benedict have hollandaise or bearnaise? ›

In appearance, hollandaise is pale yellow, smooth, and creamy. It's commonly served as a finishing sauce for eggs Benedict, poached fish, and asparagus.

Is it safe to eat raw eggs in hollandaise sauce? ›

No one should eat foods containing raw eggs. This includes health food milk shakes made with raw eggs, Caesar salad, Hollandaise sauce, and any other foods like homemade mayonnaise, ice cream, or eggnog made from recipes in which the egg ingredients are not cooked.

Does hollandaise sauce have raw eggs? ›

Some people worry about raw eggs in their hollandaise sauce. In this sauce, the eggs are cooked, they are just cooked very slowly to avoid curdling! Cooking the hollandaise allows for a thicker, yummy sauce for your Eggs Benedict.

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Do not eat or drink foods containing raw or undercooked eggs. Examples include homemade eggnog, hollandaise sauce, and undercooked French toast. Eggs should be cooked until they reach 145 degrees F or until the yoke is solid. Pasteurized eggs are available in some grocery stores.

What is a common mistake with hollandaise sauce? ›

Hollandaise Sauce

One common hollandaise mistake is overcooking the egg yolks, and there's no coming back from that. But the most common problem is that the emulsion breaks, and you see streaks of liquid butter instead of a uniformly creamy sauce.


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