Exercises to Get Rid of Back Fat and Bra Overhang | Livestrong.com (2024)

Exercises to Get Rid of Back Fat and Bra Overhang | Livestrong.com (1)

HIIT is a great way to burn calories.

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The only way to get rid of back rolls is to lose fat from all over your body. Regular exercise burns calories and builds lean mass, which can make your back firmer and more defined. But not all types of exercise are created equal.


Burning Calories to Lose Weight

Trying to get rid of back rolls? Then you need to get leaner overall. Fat loss requires an energy deficit, meaning that you have to burn more calories than you take in, according to the U.S. National Library of Medicine. It's not as easy as it sounds, though — even if you work out a lot, you can eat enough to replace all the calories you've burned.

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Read more: How to Get Rid of Lower Back Fat

The best approach to losing weight involves both diet and exercise. Choose the right kind of exercise, and you'll burn more calories. Shift your diet to be more calorie-conscious and reduce your energy intake.

When you burn more calories than you take in, you're in a state of "negative energy balance," according to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. This state allows your body to lose fat. If you take in the same number of calories as you burn, you'll maintain your weight. If you eat more than you burn, you'll end up putting on pounds.


Get Rid of Back Rolls

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has some exercise recommendations that can help you get started with your workouts. They outline two different types of exercise: aerobic and resistance training.

For aerobic training, there are two different kinds that the CDC recommends. The first is moderate-intensity aerobic training, such as brisk walking. The other type is vigorous-intensity training, which encompasses exercises running or jumping rope.


As far as moderate-intensity exercise goes, try to get at least 150 minutes per week. When it comes to vigorous-intensity workouts, aim for 75 minutes or more. Depending on your schedule, you can do 30 minutes per day, five times per week, or 50 minutes per day, three times per week.

Resistance training is also recommended at least two times each week. For best results, try to work most, if not all, of the major muscle groups. That means your legs, back, chest, hips, shoulders, arms and abs should each be involved at least twice per week.


Aerobic or Interval Training?

For your aerobic training, you can choose moderate-intensity training, vigorous exercise or both. Examples of moderate-intensity exercise include walking, jogging, cycling, swimming and rowing. The intensity is relative to your fitness level, so if you're in good shape, your workout will be more difficult than that of someone new to training.


Interval training, sometimes referred to as high-intensity interval training (HIIT), involves periods of all-out effort followed by rest. This training method puts more stress on your body, increasing the calorie burn. Your heart rate will go higher than it will during steady-state training.


Examples of HIIT training include circuit-style workouts and sports like boxing, where you stop and then start all over. You can even include body-weight exercises like burpees, push-ups, triceps dips and mountain climbers into your HIIT routine. That's a good choice for at-home workouts.

The American Council on Exercise points out that HIIT training is time-efficient. While jogging and other types of steady-state training can take an hour or longer to complete, interval workouts can be 30 minutes or shorter, depending on how hard you work.


Does HIIT Really Work?

There isn't a big difference between HIIT and steady-state training in terms of fat loss, according to a May 2017 review published in Obesity Reviews. Researchers looked over multiple studies comparing interval training and steady-state training. HIIT and sprint interval training yielded similar results to moderate-intensity training.

Keep in mind that the researchers weren't looking at how long each workout took. Instead, they assessed how much body fat was lost with each style of training. However, they did find that HIIT training might not actually be more time-efficient than steady-state training.


As the scientists note, there wasn't a significant amount of body fat lost in either group. This is important because it shows that your workouts might not be enough to get you to lose fat and get rid of back rolls.

Other studies indicate the opposite. For example, a May 2019 research paper in the British Journal of Sports Medicine indicates that both interval training and moderate-intensity continuous training facilitate fat loss, but the former is more effective.


Resistance Training to Lose Fat

For further benefits, incorporate resistance training into your workouts. This form of exercise can be performed with equipment like dumbbells, barbells, kettlebells, cable machines and resistance bands. A small study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research in May 2019 suggests that combining aerobic and strength training is effective for fat loss.

Don't focus on just one body part, such as your back muscles. If you do so, you may experience improvements in muscle tone, but you may not necessarily lose fat. Your body cannot burn fat in one specific area.

Read more: The Best Ways to Get Rid of Lower Back Fat for Good

Spot reduction is based on the idea that you can do specific exercises to get rid of back fat and bra overhang by only targeting the back muscles. The same goes for belly fat. Unfortunately, this approach doesn't work. Fat loss occurs all over the body, not just in one spot.

Therefore, it's important to create a well-rounded workout routine that targets all of the major muscles. Add HIIT or cardio to the mix to burn more calories and fat.

Nutrition to Lose Back Fat

If you're having trouble burning fat from exercise, you should take a look at your diet. The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases has some recommendations for healthy eating to lose fat or maintain a healthy weight.

Start by choosing whole grains over refined carbohydrates, such as breakfast cereals. This means you should eat oatmeal or whole-grain bread instead of sugary cereals or white bread.

Fill up on vegetables. Spinach, kale, cucumbers and other veggies are high in water and fiber, keeping you full longer. Lean meats like seafood and poultry are recommended too due to their high protein content, which promotes satiety. In general, try to stay away from sugary foods like desserts and soft drinks.

Read more: The DOs and DON'Ts of Clean Eating

The key to fat loss is to consume fewer calories. However, meeting your nutritional needs is just as important. Reach for whole and minimally processed foods, watch your portions and avoid hidden sugars.



Exercises to Get Rid of Back Fat and Bra Overhang | Livestrong.com (2024)


How to lose back fat and bra bulge? ›

Back Bra Bulge Exercises
  1. One-arm lat row with weight.
  2. Lat pull-down & reverse fly with band.
  3. Seated low row & high row with band.
  4. Bow & arrow with band.
  5. Side-lying shoulder trio with weight.
Jun 13, 2023

How to reduce upper back fat for females? ›

6 Exercises to Lose Back Fat
  1. Pull-Ups. White recommends pull-ups to target the upper back muscles. ...
  2. LAT Pulldowns. This exercise works the largest muscle in the back, the latissimus dorsi. ...
  3. Seated Rows. ...
  4. Face Pulls. ...
  5. Bent-Over Rows. ...
  6. Cardio.
Oct 24, 2023

How do you release back fat? ›

To get rid of fat deposits on your back, you'll need to start by creating a caloric deficit. That means that you'll need to burn more calories than you consume. In addition to cutting calories, you can tone your back muscles if you focus your exercise routine to target the muscles in your upper and lower back.

Why does my back fat hang over my bra? ›

The main cause of this issue is a lack of proper band support. The bra band should provide stability and support around your ribcage - when it's too big or too small, this can lead to what is known as 'back fat' or unwanted spillage over the edges.

How to lose belly and back fat in 2 weeks? ›

Below are some of my tips for how to abdominal belly (and other) fat.
  1. Take a Brisk Walk Before Breakfast.
  2. Start with Some Fiber-Loaded Oatmeal.
  3. Choose Red Fruit Over Green.
  4. Load Up On Avocados.
  5. Mix Up a Plant-Protein Smoothie.
  6. Power Up with Eggs.
  7. Drink Citrus-Infused 'Spa Water'
May 6, 2023

How much time does it take to lose back fat? ›

How long will this take? Don't expect to see results from just one trip to the gym, or even two weeks. Losing fat through exercise alone can take about 6 months of consistent effort before you notice a big difference.

How to lose 4 inches from a bust? ›

Eating a healthy diet

The breasts mostly consist of adipose tissue, or fat. Losing body fat can reduce a person's breast size. Maintaining a diet and lifestyle where energy expenditure is higher than calorie intake will cause a person to lose weight. This weight loss may lead to a reduction in breast size.

What burns lower back fat? ›

The ultimate lower-back fat-burner
  1. Single leg glute raise. Sets: 3. Reps: 10 each side. Rest: 0. Lie on the floor with your feet flat and knees bent. ...
  2. Mountain climber. Sets: 3. Reps: 20 reps. Rest: 0. ...
  3. Squat jump. Sets: 3. Reps: 20 reps. Rest: 0.
Feb 2, 2016

What hormone causes upper back fat? ›

A buffalo hump is most commonly a result of Cushing syndrome, a disorder of excess cortisol, a naturally occurring hormone that is involved in a variety of bodily processes, such as metabolism. High levels of the hormone cortisol can lead to increased fat synthesis.

Can walking reduce upper back fat? ›

Walking is a form of aerobic exercise. This means it gets your heart rate up and helps you burn calories and fat. When you combine walking with a healthy, low-calorie diet, you can lose weight from your body, including your back and stomach.

Why is back fat so hard to lose? ›

There's a problem with using exercise to target areas for fat loss and that is because spot reduction doesn't generally work. This is because the body is very good at storing fat and for you that might cause the fat to end up on your back. Exercises for flabby back need to focus on calorie burn and boosting metabolism.

How do you melt back fat fast? ›

Getting rid of fat usually requires a combination of healthy eating, regular exercise, and cutting calories. You can also tone your back muscles by doing exercises that build muscle in your upper and lower back. In case you didn't know, an exercise ball is the best thing to bring to a quarantine.

Does back fat ever go away? ›

Factors like genetics can determine how and where fat is stored, making some areas, like the back, more resistant to fat loss. However, with consistent effort in diet and exercise, it's entirely possible to get rid of back fat.

How to lose bra bulge fat? ›

7 Best Bra Fat Exercises
  1. Bent Over Dumbbell Rows. How to do it: ...
  2. Push-Ups with a Twist. The right technique: ...
  3. Standing T-Raises. Detailed step-by-step process: ...
  4. Lateral Plank Walks. Instructions and benefits: ...
  5. Reverse Flys. Technique and posture pointers: ...
  6. Band Pull Aparts. ...
  7. Dumbbell Pullovers.
Oct 16, 2023

How can I reduce the appearance of my back fat? ›

To eliminate back fat, focus on a combination of diet and consistent exercise. Prioritize nutrient-dense foods and avoid excessive calorie intake, especially from processed foods and alcohol. For your workout routines, focus on compound exercises, targeting the obliques, and developing wider lateral deltoids.

How can I lose weight on my back and bust? ›


Aerobic exercises — such as stair climbing, cycling, and power walking — can speed up your metabolism and help you lose all-around body fat. Strength training exercises like pushups can also tone the chest and change the appearance of breasts.

What causes upper back fat in females? ›

There are several causes of back and bra fat in women. It can be the result of the natural ageing process, a genetic predisposition to store fat in this area, or due to excess weight. As you age, your muscles lose strength and tone – known as atrophy of the back muscles.


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