Green Bay Press-Gazette from Green Bay, Wisconsin (2024)


T. Club are Entertained on Thursday Evening. The members of the T. 0. T.

club were entertained on Thursday evening at the home of Miss Victoria Ro-billard. A very enjoyable evening was spent by the guests, and the hostess served dainty refreshments. The club has planned to make a trip to Apple-ton tomorrow, where the day will be spent Miss Florence LuMaye will entertain the club next Thursday evening at her home. CIRCUIT COURT TO CONVENE ON MONDAY June Term Cases Will Be Arranged and First Trial Begun Tuesday. Calendar Consist of 70 Cases, of Which 44 are for Jury Damage FOR SALB AH kinds of Indian loads, loss by tbs city, at the lowest prices and till guarantee, t.

wileoa, 41S West Walamt ft set. Phone II. Tail, pktmt Jjj Suits Against Railroads Are Numer ous This Term. The June term of circuit court for Brown county will open on Monday with Judge Hastings presiding. Court will be called at 10 o'clock and the cases ready for trial will be bo reported by the attorneys and the others disposed of by the judge in some manner.

A calendar for the second day of the term will be made by Judge Hastings and the first Jury case begun on Tuesday morning. There is a total of 70 cases on the calendar, 44 of them being issues of fact for the court and four issues of law for the court. The calendar con tains about the same number of cases as for court termB for the last few years. In the list of Jury cases are nine damage suits against railroad compa nies and three against the Green Bay Traction company. There are three actions for divorce on the calendar.

DEATH OF YOUNS WOMAN OCCURS If.ST NIGHT Miss Sadie Pearson Dies at Good Shepherd's Home Funeral Services Are Conducted. The death of Miss Sadie Pearson occurred last night at the home of the Sisters of Our Lady of Charity. Miss Pearson had made her home at this institution for the past six years. She was 23 years of age. The funeral services were conducted at 8:30 o'clock this morning from the Good Shepherd's chapel.

Father Corley had charge of the ceremonies and the remains were interred in the Allouez Catholic cemetery. REBEKAHS CONDUCT INITIATION AT MEETING Out-of-town Visitors Present at Meeting Held In I. O. O. F.

Hall. The members oP the Rebekah lodge conducted a meeting last evening at I. O. 0. F.

hall and transacted routine business. The Initiation of candidates occurred at this time, and the meeting was attended by a large number of visitors from out of the state. HOME FROMJLONG TRIP Hiram Flsk Returns from an Extended Trip Through Different States. Hiram Fisk has arrived in this city after an extended trip through differ ent parts of the country, on his way home from Leland Stanford university, where he attended school during the winter. Mr.

Flsk came by way of Panama, going by steamer from San Francisco, and from the south went to New York. He visited a number of eastern cities, and in Boston was joined by Miss Mary Fisk, who is a student at Smith. On his trip he vta lted in all seven colleges and unl versltles. Miss Mary Fisk will arrive home from Smith in two weeks. GREEN BAY TMEATHi: EVErtY NIGHT NOW.

PICTURES 8UBJECT8 TONIGHT: Shaksspearc the Win ter Tain. The Cure of Gambling Girls Dream. Daff.ed lover I REEL8 (3,000 FEET) EVERY NIGHT. MATINEE SATURDAYS Two Chll- dren on One 6o Ticket MATINEE SUNDAYS Admission 5c DANCE FOR JUNE 16 Affair Will Be Given at Bay View Beach Will Be Invitation Affair-Plans Being Made. The Retail Clerks' union, local 249, conducted a business meeting last evening at 35c'es' Nest.

A good attendance was present, and business matters importance were transacted. The clerks decided to give a dancing party on Thursday evening, June 18, at Bay View Beach. This will be an invitation affair, and will probably be largely attended. The chairman is to appoint a committee on arrangements at a later date. BUILDING TRADES PICHIC TOMORROW Labor Organizations Will Conduct Big Affair at Bay View Beach.

Band Concert, Ball Game, Dancing, Roller Skating and Other Amusem*nts Will Be on Program Parade of Unions at Noon Through Business Streets. The Building Trades Council will conduct its first picnic tomorrow afternoon and evening at Bay, View Beach, and with weather conditions warmed a little above the general average of the week it is expected that a great throng will assemble at the summer resort. A committee has provided with the Bay Shore Electric Railway company to maintain 15 minute service through the afternoon. Various games and amusem*nts have been provided for the entertainment of the crowd at the beach. There will be dancing and roller skating in the big pavilion, with a baseball game between two of the unions as a special feature.

Heynen's band will render a concert and Director Heynen has arranged a popular program for the occasion. At 12 o'clock the unions belonging to the Building Trades council will form a parade on Cherry street between Jefferson and Washington, and march to Walnut, then to Washington and north to Main and thence east to Twelfth street, where cars will be taken to the beach. The unions In the Building Trades Council, which Includes the electrical workers, plumbers, carpenters, masons bricklayers plasterers will march in the parade, and the delegates of the Federated Trades Council will form in the line. The Federated Trades Council and the Building Trades Council are two distinct organizations, and the unions in the Federated Trades council are not required to march in this parade tomorrow. MEMEE RESIDENT OfES IN TH GiTY Mrs.

Frank Frousee Will Be Laid at Rest at Lincoln Tuesday Husband Mourns Death. Mrs. Frank Frousee, a resident of Menominee, died in a hospital in this city last night after a brief illness. She was 46 years of age. The remains were shipped to Lincoln, Kewaunee county, this afternoon, and the funeral will be held on Tuesday morning.

Her husband accompanied the remains. Mrs. Frousee was a sister of Mrs. Jule Duchaine of 502 North Jefferson street. GIVES A NOVELTY SHOWER Mrs.

Fred Pfotenhauer Entertains In Honor of Mies Rose DeBaker. Mrs. Fred Pfotenhauer entertained a number of friends Thursday evening at her home on Main street, the occasion being a novelty shower for Miss Rose DeBaker. During the evening games were played by the guests, at the close of which dainty refreshments were served by the hostess, who was assisted by Miss Elsie Pfotenhauer. A most enjoyable time was spent by all in attendance.

STARTS AT U. S. Departm't of Agriculture I i V. a by authority or tne the Weather Bureau, ICLDUuI, Washington. D.

C. for Infor-1 I mation of the public. I Green Bay, June 4. Partly cloudy tenlght and Sunday; warmer tonight. State and Lake Forwut.

For "VViseontin: Partly cloudy tonight and Sunday: warmer tonight. For the Upper Lakes: Light and variable wind, except moderate east on southern Michigan; partly cloudy tonight and Sunday. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED A competent girl at 81 S. Qulncy St.

6-1 tf WANTED Girls at the Hotel Cook. (-1 6u WANTED Good cook for summer resort; woman preferred. State wages wanted. Address M. H.

Mills, Sayner, Vilas Co. 6-2 6d WANTED A dining room and a kitchen girl at the Northwestern Hotel, 411 N. Broadway. 6-8 Id WANTED Housekeeper. Inquire of Fred Deleter, 904 S.

Norwood Green Bay, Wis. 6-2 3d WANTED A woman or girl to cook at viio uuncuon iioiei. WANTED A girl at the Hotel Gotto, b. Washington St. o-a WANTED A Rlrl for general house- work.

Apply 307 s. jacKson oi. Mrs. Henry Goldman. 6-4 Sd HELP WANTED MALE.

WANTED TINNERS A few first- class tinners. Fox River Cornice Works. 6-4 3d WANTED Tailors, flrst-claKS coat, makers, at John E. Jackson's Ksca-naba, at once. 6-3 8d WANTED Girls or boys for stripping tobacco.

Inquire at 712 ChlcaKO, Mr. Surplice. 6-3 Sd WANTEO Men to work In Box Factory. Kiel Woodenware Kiel, Wis. 6-3 6d WANTED An A No.

1 aocountant, to work I or 1 evenings per week. State experience and salary expected. Apply Kittle Suamlco Creamery Little Suamico, Wis, 6-2 2d MEN Learn Automobile Business. Wages $25 weekly. We teach by mall.

Make $10 weekly while learning-. Rochester Auto School. 749 Rochester, N. Y. 6-4 Id SUCCESSFl'L Gasoline Light Salesmen make $200.00 more profit per month selling the only Instantaneous lighting system know to science; pull chain, HaM Instantly; home and commercial lighting; write for territory.

Gloria Light Company, 1270-6 Washington Chicago. 6-4 Id S2S WEEKLY and expenses to trustworthy people to travel and distribute samples for big wholesale house. C. H. Emery, 45, Chicago.

6-4 Id 100 MONTHLY and expenses to travel and distribute samples for big manu-' facturer; steady work. S. Schefter, Treasurer, eu, unicago. b-4 la 80 MONTHLY and expenses to men to post signs and distribute samples for wholesale house. Steady work.

H. Monroe, President, 65, Chicago. 6-4 Id WA SITED We want ten good lumber pliers at once. We pay the standard wages. Glrard Lumber Dunbar, Wis.

6-2 6d AGENTS Sell genuine guaranteed hose. 70 per cent profit. Make $20 a day. Live agents and beginners Investigate. Strong Knit, West Philadelphia, Pa.

5-21 ltawk 4wks WANTED First-class cabinet makers. Minimum wage 27Hc per hour. Steady work. Robert Brand Sons Oshkosh, Wis. 6-2 6d WANTED Experienced Shoe Soles-man.

Must be well acquainted with Green Bay trade and capable of handling the best of It. Give age, experience and references. Address to O. A. Haase, Neenah, B-Sl tf WANTED At once; tailors.

Address E. W. Dunek. Algoma, Wis. 5-28 6d MEN Our illustrated catalogue explains how we teach barber trade in few weeks, mailed free.

Moler Barber College, Milwaukee, Wis. 6-2S 6 WANTED Young men to learn automobile business by mall and prepare for postXIons as chauffeurs and repair mefX We make you expert In ten weeks; assist you to secure positions. Pay big; work pleasant; demand for men great; reasonable; write for Particulars and sample lesson. Empire Automobile Institute, Rochester, N. Y.

5-28 6d WANTED Carpenters. Call at 1112 Cass or phone 1077 Bell after 6 p. m. 6-2 2d WANTED A shoemaker at the Green Bay Shoe Repairing Co. 6-3 Sd FOR AUL FOR SALE A one year old colt.

Inquire John Kverhard, W. 9th Ht Phone 2092-3 Wis. -2 2d FOR SALE CHEAP A high bookkeeper's desk, at Singer Sewing Ma-chine 204 N. Adams Bt. 6-2 2d Don't whine about your lack of opportunity.

There are opportunities for every one who Is able to convince the world by his Industry that he la worthy of success. Abraham Lincoln NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received by A. Z. White, Hec'y Bosrd of Education, Marinette, until p.

M. of Wednesday, June 15th, for an eight room, brick school building to be erected In the City of Marinette according to plans drawn by Derlek Hubert, Architect, of Menominee, Mich. Plans and specifications may be had by applying to O. H. Landgraf, Superintendent of Schools, Marinette, or may be seen at the Architect's office.

Hepnrste propossls will be received for heating and plumbing. The Board of Education reserves the right to accept any or to reject any or all proposals submitted. (Signed) A. Z. WHITE, Sco'y Board of Education.

-4 Jd Marinette, Wis. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS Woodlawa Cemetery Association. Notice Is hereby given that a meet-In nf the Stockholder of the Wood- lawn Cemctory Association will be Starting Today Business Places Will Close Afternoons Until October. Employees at Local Banks, Morley-Murphy Company, Joannes Broth-era, Carglll Office Force and Dentists Discontinue Work at Noon as Custom In Past Few Years. Saturday afternoon summer closing commenced today in this city when the employees at the five local banks, Morley-Murphy company, Joannes Bros, and the office force of the Car-gill Elevator company with the dentists discontinued their duties at noon.

The Cargill office employees worked for a short time after 12 o'clock today but In the future they will finish their work for the week at that time. Joannes Brothers and the Morley-Murphy company will shut down their places of business at 1 o'clock, thus affording local merchants a very good oppor tunity for securing any articles In these lines of which they might run out, before closing for the week. Other establishments will close at precise ly 12 o'clock. This custom which was Introduced in this city several years ago is generally followed in larger places, thus giving the employees who are working Indoors all week, a much greater advantage for outings during the warm weather. Most of these business places and professional men will resume their regular working hours the first Saturday in October, as the weather usually begins to get cooler by this time.

REPUBLICANS PICK THEIR DELEGATES Men to Represent County at Milwaukee Meeting Number 19. Conference Held at Court House and Chairman McQrath Expresses Sentiment In Favor of Holding County and State Convention Yearly. First Assembly District. James H. Elmore.

-T. J. McGrath. H. A.

Barkhausen. W. B. Coffeen. John M.

Boland. J. Wellems. Frank J. B.

Duchateau. W. E. Duncan. Fred F.

Martin. Fred B. Warren. E. G.

Boyden. Second Assembly District. Paul L. Halline. William Workman.

B. C. Jones. George Salter. John F.

Enz. R. M. Prust. William Van Susteren.

James Smith. Delegates to represent Brown county and named above were elected this morning by the republicans to attend the convention in Milwaukee on Wednesday. There are 11 delegates from the First assembly district and eight from the Second district. The meeting of the republicans was organized with the election of T. McGrath as chairman, and M.

E. Davis as secretary. A motion to name com mittees to select the delegates was made and the gentlemen chosen on the committees were as follows: First district, Timothy Burke, Frank R. Weeks and Jules Parmentler; Second district, George Salter, Michael Scorey and R. M.

Prust. After the adoption of the reports of the committees a motion was mado by Mr. Weeks that each delegate ap point a proxy or alternate in case he could not attend the Milwaukee meeting. The motion further conveyed the sense that the delegation vote as a unit. Indorses Convention Idea.

Chairman McGrath, before the conference ended, spoke on the Milwaukee convention by saying he believed the county and state conventions proper in order that the opinion and thought of representative republicans all over the state be obtained on important questions. He urged the delegates to attend the Milwaukee meeting In order to help to make it a success. TO FIREMEN'S CONVENTION 0. N. DeGuIre to Represent Hlckey Lodge at St.

Paul. G. N. DeGuIre, a delegate of John Hickey lodge, No. 266.

of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and En-glnemen, left here today for Milwaukee to Join a party going to St. Paul for the national convention of firemen and englnemen. The meeting opens on Monday. No one loves a man who respects him ever pretends to know all about him. That pleasant assumption Is left for his enemies.

The Philistine. Benderville boat leaves dock, foot of Pine street, Sunday, June 5th, at 10 a. m. and 2 p. m.

Capt. Edmund Geniesse. 1d roil SALB Let t. Mk. ML Beat frewt.

eleetrto eara on wet aid of blae. Aaply to H. Walker. SMIHI Bib ron salb 9 room house at 711 go. urtenwooa at near para.

Very cheap. Inquire at realdenoa ar 'phono Blue 141L -4VtJ FOB SALB Let 11, BIk. Atr, llM oj comer oi awoa ana Webster aranue. Apply to It Walker, I2 a Adams at e-f tl 1 1 rtt RlTEtu Bar gal a is an makea of saeehtnaa. Lota pftos) iti7.

a Tmith change, rooms 12-31 Xmpir Ekj. t-S tf FOR BALE A house sad lot. Moderate prloed. Bur from owaer direst a4 aare commission. lot r.

Huntington, 1 IBM FOR alb One new surrey sad one wona nana surrey; uuawm Livery, Both Phones It. t-if tf ACRB farm, bouse, barn, bl noraea. cow wajroa, ana ram wm. ery; al Uor fUl. Wlleoz paoa tU.

paoae te. FOB SALB A 4-aro a. w. or Btepbensoa; mail I ana other building. JH swa a WfM.1' fot VIST FOR SALB Cheap lands.

Our next civ excursion leaves for Sdmontoa SUP. 7- excellent land at II. par aore, payabla aa very easy to all who buy wa allow 'r! hob for the round trlr is Our eaoonfoabfta will 'P. a our ears from tko time of starting until we save roturaoi. Thus saving hotel expenoe.

Do net delay, reservations of berths will bo In order of appUoelteae. JTor full Information eall on or write f. Armstrong, Fox Block. Oreen Bay, l-H tr FOR NT Hou se, an mor eoa re'raaavr e4ra FOR RENT and bans at ltTa a. Mason hi.

inquire at it Fine St. td FOB RBiriv--toraare Flatten. Ooaaaaaa ft. for RBirr Doable river onago. George Bta.

one of tko boat leeat In the eltv far tmsms. A a-anJ (ate Ml If fob RBirr strietlr mod era roan flat in the Rlngsdorf. Inquire 111 f-I tf FOR RENT Floor spaeo for- storing carriages, I1.0A aer month, in quire. Sarah R. C.

Readenon. Ill 8. Broadway. Valley Phone G. II.

ft I mo. WANTED Position In real estate of -flee, by young lady; experienced. Address Miss Regg, Lock Box 117, Green Bay. (-4 Id WANTED Plain Sewing, at 11 Washington St. 6-t Id WANTED One or more Horses to pasture on the bay shore.

Inquire Aug. Deems, phone 1581-4. 6-4 tf wanted To ber a "ood llrht drlv- log horse, welgi rrom in to IN Address 37 L. Wilcox, west pounds. Ida -is tf WANTED TBAMS For hMllag freight and pp4leo eat of lloatcU.

Packwaukeo. and Westfleld. steady work for eight montha, We pay prices that will enable teams to make from tl. to 7.N per day. Free transportation: a snao, oeaio gad see ua McGrath Coaatrvetloa Oreen Bay.

Wis. i-ll-lsds WANTED TO TRADE. TRADE FARM FOR HOtTSB SO-sere farm mue rrom station ana viuago 40 acres In arood cultivation; l-roem house, cost barn with hey fork, worth 1976.00; all machinery, team and stock, worth I1.060.M. Price only $6,600.00. Will take good frame house to value of $1,160.00.

Balance any terms. J. C. Johnson, Stephenson, Mich. 6-4 Id LOST LOST A Bull pup I months old.

Brln. die and white; has ears trimmed. Return to 722 S. Qulncy or phono 851. 6-4 2d LOST At Sale school park, a gold necklace with Initials S.

M. E. Its-ward If returned to Green Bay House, Main and Adams St. 6-1 Id LOST A gent's tan shoe. Finder re- Mm rill.

1 mi ll iy o. v. All) Bt. or phone 1624 Wis. -l Id LOST A stick-pin with cameo setting.

Reward If returned to 401 Dousmaa Bt. ia FOUND. found A Bicycle, near Brenner's Candy factory. Owner ean jret same by calling on engineer at Brenner's Candy Co. I- Id none.

CALL VS UP home or a It you are loekTa far a lot WUoox pheae lit CUT RATB SHTrrnrej, CUT RATB ON HOOSBBOLD O4MB0 to Paoine Coast and other aotata. mibbv if Fop Sale! Brand new cotUg ea Croofci street. Sime wu built thh year, and it brand new. Trica abnolatoly right. 20 acres cf 1 a gad bnildlngi oa wait lide.

Price will trade for real ti-tate. Fine bnildiof Iota near St. Paul ihops. Price ttZO $1.00 down; $1.00 a' week. BUCHHOLZ "THE LAND MAN." 134 S.

Adams St -Both Phone 437, FOR SALE A carved bedroom suite, book case, music cabinet and other household furniture at 154 N. Chestnut. (-2 Id FOR SA1.R acres or cultivate land, black loam, three-fourths mile from city limits, west aids, near ear Use. rrlce 11,200. Lot on Norwood Ave, 109.

J. J. Nelson, Valley phone IJk a tr FOR SALE A Maxwell touring car, fully equipped, cheap If taken at once. Inquire at 134 8. Adams St 1).

U. Meyers. -S Sd COME and sea us If you want anything In real estate. We have alwaysgot It at the lowest price. Wilcox, West Walnut street 418.

Phones M. Valley phone III. 1-1 tF FOR SALE Fins lam bouse and. I lota on Doty St 11.16. WUoox.

411 West Walnut St Phone I-J tf FOR HA LB One flno lot on West Mason. 60 by 104. pries SI0. Now room house and lot on ltth arenas. Price 11.11.

J. Nslson. alley phone 175. t-ll tf FOR SALE 2-story house nicely finished, water In house, barn and 1 lot f.VV I payments. Green Bay Land Cor.

Washington and Pine both phones 1125. 6-4 tf FOR SALE 1 story house, city water, wnofisneq. Darn and 1 high lots, $1,600.00. Green Bay Land Cor. Washington and Pine Sts both phones 1125.

6-4 tf FOR SALE Frame saloon building. nance nan. large oam ana acres or land. Will trade for other business property. Green Bay Land Cor.

Washington and Pine both phones 1126. 6-4 tf FOR SALB 8-room house, good base ment, ceiiar, cistern, city water, woodshed, barn and 2 high lots, $1,400. Green Bay Land Cor. Washington and Pine both phones 1125. 6-4 tf FOR SALE New house In food loca tion, rmisnea niceiy.

uun do bought for $2,000, easy terms. Green Bay Land Cor. Washington and Pine Both phones 1125. 6-4 tf FOR SALE 8-room house, barn, hen- nouse, artesian wen ana i aore land; a bargain; easy payments. Cherney Land 216 Pine St.

phones 60. 6-4 tf FOR SALE S5-acre farm with good frame buildings, and SS-aore farm with buildings and good soil, $2,600. Cherney Land 116 Pine t. t-none ou. tr FOR SALE Modern house on Cherry modern house on 8.

Monroe and modern house on S. Webster, all bargains. Cherney Land 216 Pine t. fnones bo. -4 tf FOR SALE OR TRADE 160-acre farm, 65 acres cleared, with buildings, a bargain; or will trade for city property, cnerney Land zte rine si.

rnones tu. 6-4 tr FOR SALE 1 lot on Crooks St. for $250, or will trade ror lot or acreage outside of city limits. 1 lot on Grig-tion St. $125.

Cherney Land 216 1'lne St. Phones 580. 6-4 tf For Sale. Busla FOR SALE Saloon and boarding house at Appleton; rattltntr roo3 money maker; must be sold quick. Address W.

Ewlg, Germanla Bldg. Milwaukee, Wis. 6-4 2d FOR SALE 15,000 acres at wholesale, Clark County, 70 miles from La Crosse. Good farming and dairying land. Only $7.00 per acre.

K. P. Elliott, New York Life Building, Minneapolis, Minn. 6-4 Id Piano for Sale. Circ*mstances compel us to sell our Fine Piano at a sacrifice, for cash.

Please address at once, A. D. care Gasette. 6-4 Id FOR SALB Rouse and barn to be sold off from lot Lot ean be bought la same block. Price $640 for house bsrn and lot J.

i. Nelson, telephone 17. 6-7-tf FOR SALB Three new. modern T-roon houses and bath all latest Im provements beautiful homes corner of Mason and Cheetnut aold on time. J.

J. Nelson, Val i lie. l-T-tf FOR SALB Lota on Aator Height 1. Baat froat. eleotrte it side of block.

Apat to ter. 114 to, Adams Xt. ixt mm. wi r-- rm An west i ht B. Walker.

1-1 ftf FOR SALB 119. acres of land, aboat 1 acrea cleared, balaaqo timber salt able for cordwood and poata; small Price goo bargain. J. L. WUoox, phono (I.

111 tl FOR SALB Hotels, stores, dock property, and acreage for manuraotarlai nasi tt hone III. FOR SALE Piano, upright, newt a bargain. Beat value over brought to Jlreen Bar. Call or write. eftersoa St -lf IFOR SALB Modern housa on Crooks mouwru noun on norm mestnut avenue, modern house on Oregon street; modern house on Ashland avenue.

J. WUoox, 411 West Walnut street Phone III. Valley phone Ha, ll-tf FOR SALB All kinds of Indian laada close by the city at the loweotprtees ana uue guaranteeo. j. wiloox.

411 West walnut street phono Valley phone III. l-i-tf OR SALB Four One Iota la Daae addition, 110 and I. J. lT.J-eoa. 411 West Walnut street.

Mm. 16. Valley phono Ms. 1-1 FINE NEW nocsB and big lot block from Webster Ave. oar lino.

FOR SALB Modern bouse on Crooks St. modem house on North Cheat nut avenue, modern bouse on Oregon rtreet: modern house on Ashland avenue. 3. WUoox, 411 Weet Walnut street Phone III. Valley phono S3.

I-t tf COMB and see ue itrou want earthing In reel estate. Wo have always got It at the lowest prloe. Wilcox. West tvamui street fts. mono Val ley pnune sis.

S-B-tl FOR SALB A few lots left on Mather nt. in me crocxer-Hendsrson addition. Water, sewer, gas, macadam; nice lots, conveniently located for N. W. R.

R. men. Time, or cash, payments. Will call and explain if do sired. Valley Phone O.

tt. Residence 121 8. Broadway. Mrs. Sarah II.

C. Henderson. I-II tf MODERN norSB on Oregon It Three fine cottages on West Walnut St All bargains. Wilcox phone til tf FOR SALB CHEAP II ft Launch, at 1226 Stste Bt. 1-1 6d FOR SALB Hew store with living partment basem*nt sewer, water.

Ight, cement walk, lot II by 14 on the HUI. doing good. business, prleo 12,10. i. 1.

Nelson, Valley $71. 4-H tf FOR SALB A set Encyclopedia la good condition. Inquire at the Oa tsiic 11 let WHIST PLAYERS IN CONGRESS III CITY Mrs. Grunert, Mrs. Dafter, Mrs.

Josslyn and Mrs. Brand Win. Second Session on This Afternoon and Final Games Will Be Played TonightMany Outside Players In Matches at Elks' Hall. As a result of the play this morning in the tenth semi-annual congress of the Northern Wisconsin Whist league. Mrs.

Brand and Mrs. F. H. Josslyn of Oshkosh won north and south with a score of 136, and Mrs. W.

H. Grunert of this city and Mrs. Emma Dafter of Marinette won east and west with a scort of 136. The other scores made this morn ing are as follows: North and south, J. H.

Gilliland and Mrs. Streckenbach, 131; Mr. and Mrs. Frentz of Oshkosh, 128; Mrs. Comstock and Mrs.

Parker, 127 and Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Winter, 121; east and west, Miss HInkley and Mrs.

Hooper, 135; Mrs. Dunham and Miss Beaumont, 131; Mrs. Spear and Mrs. Rich, 128; Mrs. Carney and Mrs.

Campbell, 127. A reception game was played last night at Empire hall and a number of local players and several players from Oshkosh and Marinette participated. The second session of the congress Is in progress this afternoon and the final games will be played tonight at 8 o'clock. A large number will play at tonight's session. A business meeting will be held at 7:15 o'clock.

The games are being played at the Elks hall. SHIPMENT OF AUTOS RECEIVED BY CO. Hudson and Chalmers-Detroit Cars Here R. E. Minahan Buys Thomas Roadster.

Five automobiles were received In a shipment to the Lucia Bros. Motor Car company yesterday afternoon. One of these machines was a six cylinder Thomas roadster for Dr. Robert E. Minahan.

This is the flrBt six cylin der roadster, three passenger seatine- capacity, to be run in the city. A Hud son roadster in the shipment is for Frank H. Hoberg, and three Hudson touring cars are for outside parties. A car load of Chalmers-Detroit and a carload of Hudson cars were received by the company last week and anotJher shipment of Chalmers is en- route to the city now. BAND TO CGOUPANY THE ELKS TO NEENAH Green Bay Lodge Going After Next Convention with Vim Special Coach on Wednesday.

Exalted Ruler Frank R. Weeks of the Green Bay lodge of Elks has char tered a coach of the Chicago North western road to take the Green Bay delegation to Neenah for the state convention next Wednesday. The party of Elks will leave here at 11:30 o'clock. The delegates of the local lodge will go to Neenah on Tuesday and begin their work to land the 1911 convention for Green Bay, and the "boosters" will aid them on Wednes day. Heynen's band of 25 pieces, which helped the drummers at Wau-sau, will be taken to the Elks' meet ing.

NEW8 FOR THE PRESIDENT. A few years ago, while President Roosevelt was holding an open air reception in a New York town, a tall negro pushed his way forward through the crowd, and eagerly grasped his hand. "Yo'n me war bo'n on the same day, Mistah Roosevelt!" he cried, enthusiastically grinning. "De-lighted, Indeed, to hear It," was the warm response. "Yo' war bo'n on October 17, 1858?" "Yes." "Ya-as, suh," then exclaimed the man, shaking all over with rapture; ya-as, suh, Mr.

Roosevelt, yo an' me is bofe twins!" Consider the Cat. Nine times out of ten she can whip anything twice her site. And yet, there's nothing to ber except quick thinking, quick action, and almost maniacal intensltf Dockrell. A determined resolution which leads to work produces the hpst re sults. The Scnsatlon0f-The-Century The Mock-Sad-Alli Stock Co.

OPENING Sunday Matinee and Night fi 10c UilTU(C(BinN iQ 10 15c PZRfOEHAJCE held at the nine fr tne Joannes wros. st 7:30 o'clock p. m. on Tuesday, June 21st, for thn purpose of fleeting directors for the ensuing year. R.

CAMPBELL, Sro'y. (-4 tf. O. t. 3d.

Green Bay Press-Gazette from Green Bay, Wisconsin (2024)


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Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.