How Long Does Meal Prep Last In The Fridge - Fit Men Cook (2024)

How Far in Advance Can You Meal Prep

We’ve all had prepared food disappear into the back of the fridge for far too long.

Have you ever opened ameal prep containerthat’s been hanging out in the back of the fridge for who knows how long and said to yourself, “I’m sure it’s still good.”

Or maybe you’re more of a “better safe than sorry” kind of person and toss everything after a day or two.

Whichever side of caution you fall on, if you crack open a container and the food is slimy, stinky, or moldy, it’s sure to hit the trash. So when you want to save time and money withmeal prep meals, the thought of throwing away spoiled food can be a major hang-up to getting started.

Food safetyis important – ain’t nobody wants food poisoning!

But thereisa way tomeal prepthat gives you the convenience of a quickbalanced mealwith the confidence that your food is stillsafe to eat.

Below you’ll find a guide for makingmeal prep that lasts a weekor more.


According to the USDA,most food lasts safely in the fridge for about four days.Some foods can last longer depending on the ingredients and storage container. Foods stored in the freezer generally last three to six months.


Short answer: it depends.

You should feel fairly confident that your meal prep will last up to four days, but after that food safety can be questionable.

Here are a few factors that impact how long you can safely store food in the fridge:

  • Citric Acid.Sauces that contain citric acid (think oranges, lemons, and limes) last longer since the citric acid works as a preservative.
  • Temperature.Check the thermostat of your fridge – food lasts longer when stored closer to 30 degrees Fahrenheit instead of 40 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Ingredients.Some foods attract bacteria faster than others (rice and quinoa last about a day longer than cookedpasta dishes), so using foods with a longershelf lifecan help your meal prep last longer throughout the week.
  • Storage container.A quality,airtight containerprotects your food and helps it last longer and taste fresher.
  • Fridge capacity.Filling your fridge to the max increases its overall temperature, so avoid overstuffing your fridge to make sure the food stays cool enough to avoid spoilage.

Most people will tell you to make a meal plan for two separate cooking days to cover 7days worthof meals. We often recommend this as well. We usually cook half a week’s worth of meals on Saturday and the other half on Wednesday. And that’s a great way to manage your meal prep.

But if you’re wanting to experience the magic of cooking only one day a week, keep reading – we’ve got an FMC meal prep hack for you! (And no… it doesn’t include eating the mystery meal from the back of the fridge.)


When it comes to food safety, your first rule of thumb should bewhen in doubt, throw it out.If you’re questioning whether or not something is safe to eat, it’s best to avoid the risk of food poisoning.

For a more detailed guide on food spoilage, the FDA offers helpful tips to keep you safe. Here are a few to keep in mind for your meal prep.

How It Smells

Our nose can be the best guide for detecting spoiled food. If your food smells bad or if it smells “off” it’s most likely growing bacteria that will make you sick. The food should smell the same as when you first cooked it.

How It Looks

Color changes are a sign that your food may be spoiling. Produce (think lettuce and avocados) becomes brown and meat gets patches of gray as they go bad. Not all spoiled food changes color, though. Foods full of preservatives hold their color well, even after they’ve spoiled. So look for color changes as a hint for spotting spoiled food, but don’t assume a meal is automatically safe to eat just because it’s held its color.

How It Feels

If it smells normal and looks good but feels slimy, it’s still on its way out the door and should be tossed. Any major changes in texture are a sign that the food has gone bad.


This one is the easiest to spot. If your meal is developing mold, it’s time to throw it out. Eating mold can cause allergic reactions and respiratory problems. Even if you spent a lot of money making a meal, if it has developed mold it’s not worth the risk of serious illness to eat it.


Always check for mold or smell, color, or texture changes to help you determine if a food is safe to eat. But here is a quick guide on the shelf life of your favorite meal preps to help you determine if yourhealthy mealis no longer healthy.

Green Salads

Fridge: 3-4 days

Freezer: no

FMC Tip: keep salad dressing separate until ready to eat

How Long Does Meal Prep Last In The Fridge - Fit Men Cook (1)

Overnight Oats

Fridge: 4-5 days

Freezer: 3-4 months

FMC Tip: add chia seeds and dried fruit before storage but add nuts, seeds, fresh fruit, granola, and coconut flakes just before eating

How Long Does Meal Prep Last In The Fridge - Fit Men Cook (2)

Rice and Grain Bowls

Fridge: 3-4 days

Freezer: 4-5 months

FMC Tip: batch cook rice and freeze individual portions so you always have a quick grain on hand

How Long Does Meal Prep Last In The Fridge - Fit Men Cook (3)

Sheet PanMeals

Fridge: 3-4 days

Freezer: no

See Also

FMC Tip: when possible, reheat food using the oven or air fryer to get a crispier texture

How Long Does Meal Prep Last In The Fridge - Fit Men Cook (4)

Pasta Dishes

Fridge: 3-4 days

Freezer: 4-5 months

FMC Tip:slightlyundercook your pasta before freezing to avoid mushy pasta

How Long Does Meal Prep Last In The Fridge - Fit Men Cook (5)

Soup, Chili, and Stews

Fridge: 4-5 days

Freezer: 5-6 months

FMC Tip: lay freezer bags on a sheet pan when freezing so they flatten out for easy stacking

How Long Does Meal Prep Last In The Fridge - Fit Men Cook (6)

Baked Goods

Fridge: 7 days

Freezer: 5-6 months

FMC Tip: wrap each item individually in plastic wrap and then store in a freezer bag

How Long Does Meal Prep Last In The Fridge - Fit Men Cook (7)

Foods to Avoid for Meal Prep

If you want longer-lasting meal prep ideas, avoid these foods and you’ll get a longer shelf life out of your meals.

  • Creams:sour cream, mayonnaise, yogurt, creamy soups, and creamy sauces
  • Crunchy or Fried:foods with a crunchy texture tend to get soft and mushy in storage
  • Salads:lettuce and other salad ingredients should not be frozen and typically only last a few days

Some of these ingredients can lead to faster spoilage and some just don’t taste as good after hanging out in the fridge or freezer. While these foods can make great short-term meal prep, choose different foods for the meal plan you eat at the end of each week.

Use the Right Storage Container

Not all storage containers are created equally. A high-quality container will help your food stay fresh for longer.

Tips for selecting a container:

  • When storing your food, make sure your containers areairtight.
  • For freezer storage, usefreezer-safecontainers.
  • Consider how your food will be reheated and whether you need amicrowave-safecontainer.

Tips for storage:

  • Always leave extra space in the container when storing liquids –liquids expand when frozen.
  • Fully cool mealsbefore placing them in the fridge or freezer.
  • Keep the freezer door closedfor several hours to ensure the new food freezes completely.


Are you ready for an FMC hack that will get you 7 types of meals with one day of cooking?

We use a combination of fridge and freezer meals to help our meal prep last.

Here’s what that looks like:

Step 1: Batch cook several meals that freeze well and pop individual portions into the freezer for long-term storage. You only need to complete this step once a month if you batch cook enough meals.

Step 2: Cook your meal prep for the first 4 days of your week and store it in the fridge.

Step 3: On the fourth day of the week, move your freezer meals for days 5-7 to the fridge so they can thaw.

BAM! You’ve got a full week of meal prep in 1 day of cooking.

Use the power of the freezer to extend the life of your meal prep. Test different meal prep recipes to see which holds up best for freezer storage. An easy way to stock your freezer over time is to double a recipe and use half of it fresh and store half in the freezer for later use. This helps add variety to your menu since you don’t need to eat the double batch all at once and can pull out a mix of foods from your freezer later.


How far ahead can youstore your meals? It depends. The type of food and location of storage impact how long food will last. Make a meal plan of about four days of safe storage in the fridge and about four months of safe storage in the freezer. Watch for changes (smell, color, texture, and mold) to your meal prep food as a sign that it’s gone bad. If you’re unsure if food has spoiled: when in doubt, throw it out. A combination offridge and freezermeal prep is the safest way to prep an entire week of cooking meals at one time.

For meal prep ideas to get you started, check out our meal prep recipeshere.

How Long Does Meal Prep Last In The Fridge - Fit Men Cook (8)


Hey, I'm Kevin

My name is Kevin. My life changed when I realized that healthy living is a lifelong journey, mainly won by having a well-balanced diet and maintaining an active lifestyle.

By experimenting in the kitchen and sharing my meals on Tumblr, I learned healthy eating is not boring! By making a few adjustments to my favorite foods, I could design a diet that could help me achieve my wellness goals while satisfying my desire for BANGIN food! 😅 Now I try to help people around the world realize that same level of freedom in eating regardless of budget. Welcome, let's #DemocratizeWellness together!

How Long Does Meal Prep Last In The Fridge - Fit Men Cook (2024)


How long does cooked meal prep last in fridge? ›

Typically, refrigerated meal preps last between 3 to 5 days, depending on the ingredients used. However, this relatively short window can be a challenge for many people, as it requires diligent planning and scheduling to ensure that all meals are consumed before they spoil.

Is meal prepping for 5 days safe? ›

Understanding the Shelf Life of Meal Prep

Generally, most meal prepped foods will remain safe to eat for 3-5 days when stored in the refrigerator at or below 40 degrees Fahrenheit. The lifespan can vary depending on the ingredients and methods of preparation.

How long can you leave prepared meals in the fridge? ›

The United States Department of Agriculture recommends using cooked leftovers within 3 to 4 days. Refrigeration slows but does not stop bacterial growth.

Can you meal prep chicken for 5 days? ›

Chicken is one of the best meats for meal prep because it's inexpensive and lasts for up to four days in the fridge after you've cooked it, so we're here to make sure that when it comes to chicken, your prep is perfect.

Can you eat 5 day old meal prep? ›

Leftovers can be kept for 3 to 4 days in the refrigerator. After that, the risk of food poisoning goes up. If you don't think you'll be able to eat leftovers within four days, freeze them right away. Frozen leftovers will stay safe for a long time.

Does meal prepping food go bad? ›

However, it's important to meal prep safely and store the food in a proper way. When it comes to batch food storage, you have a few options. You can store meal prep food in the fridge for up to four days. Or, you can store prepped food in the freezer for a longer period of time.

Should I meal prep for 5 days or 7? ›

According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), no one should be planning to keep pre-prepped meals around for longer than a handful of days. That is, unless they enjoy a forkful of spoilage bacteria along with that colorful, healthy fare.

Can meal preps last 7 days? ›

How long do meal preps last? Meal preps stored in the refrigerator are generally safe to eat for up to 7 days. If you choose to freeze your meal prep, be sure to do so in an airtight container to prevent freezer burn and they'll be safe to eat for up to 4 months! Simply thaw, reheat and enjoy.

Is it okay to meal prep for 6 days? ›

One important note though: as long as you cook meals properly, food will be perfectly safe to eat within seven days. However, by day five, it might not be as tasty. If there's one number to remember from this cheat sheet, it's four. Most meals are good (safe AND tasty) in the fridge for up to four days.

How long is chicken and rice good for in the fridge? ›

Once stored in the fridge, leftovers should be eaten up within three to four days because bacteria can still grow even at refrigerator temperatures. To help you remember how long something has been in the fridge, we recommend labeling it with the date it was cooked to help you keep track.

Can you meal prep scrambled eggs? ›

A: Eggs are one of the quickest products to meal prep. Find out how many portions you need for the week ahead, cook the eggs (cooking scrambled eggs only takes ca. 15 minutes), and then divide the food into individual portions to store in the fridge.

Can you eat cooked chicken after 5 days? ›

USDA recommends using cooked chicken within three to four days, kept refrigerated (40°F or less). Refrigeration slows but does not stop bacterial growth. USDA recommends using cooked leftovers within three to four days.

How long does chicken and rice last for meal prep? ›

How Long Will it Last Cooked chicken and cooked rice should both last in an airtight container in the fridge for 3 to 4 days, which is why this meal prep for the week only includes 4 portions. As you're nearing the end of the days, always be sure to check the chicken for any odd colors or odors.

Is it better to freeze or refrigerate meal prep? ›

Freezer meal prep is a great way to make your family more environmentally friendly. When you store food in the freezer, you can greatly reduce the amount of food that you throw away. Freezing food allows you to extend the lifespan of the food you purchase so you'll be able to eat it before it goes bad.

Is 5 days too long for chicken in the fridge? ›

Raw chicken lasts in the fridge for 1–2 days, while cooked chicken lasts 3–4 days. To detect if chicken has gone bad, check the “best if used by” date and look for signs of spoilage like changes in smell, texture, and color. Avoid eating spoiled chicken, as it can cause food poisoning — even if you cook it thoroughly.

Can you eat meal prep after 6 days? ›

Per health code, prepared food is perfectly safe for consumption from the day it is prepared, plus six days. On the 7th day, it must be discarded. We do this at home to keep track of leftovers too, it saves a lot of food (and guessing, ``when did we make this?''). Example: Food prepared on 4/1 has a use by date of 4/7.

Is cooked chicken good after 7 days? ›

USDA recommends using cooked chicken within three to four days, kept refrigerated (40°F or less). Refrigeration slows but does not stop bacterial growth. USDA recommends using cooked leftovers within three to four days.

How long does cooked pasta last in the fridge meal prep? ›

Allow cooked pasta to cool slightly. It can then be stored in airtight containers (from $5, The Container Store) in the refrigerator for 3 to 5 days. Again, store pasta and sauce separately, if possible. To reheat, drop the pasta in boiling water for just a few seconds; drain.


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