How To Do A Seated Leg Press (2024)

Commonly Asked Questions On Seated Leg Presses

  • The seated leg press is a good lower body exercise that can help to build strength and size of the legs. This is a good exercise for beginners learning the movement pattern, and for those who are unable to squat heavy due to core or balance issues. The 45-degree leg press is a more challenging variation that may be preferrable for those wanting to expose the legs to greater loads, as the angle of the plate creates more resistance.

  • The depth of your leg press will influence how many muscle fibres are recruited during the leg press. Aiming to get your knees to a minimum of 90 degrees will ensure the legs are sufficiently challenged, however the deeper you go the more strength you will build at end range motion. A good approach is to perform some sets at a weight that allows you to reach 90 degrees, then dropping the weight to increase the depth. However, you should only go to a depth that allows you to maintain a flat back – this will depend on your hip and ankle mobility.

  • There is no correct weight for a beginner to leg press, and several factors will influence how much you can lift. Find a weight that allows you to complete your desired reps close to failure, for example if you are aiming for 10 reps, choose a weight that you can only complete 10-12 with good form.

How To Do A Seated Leg Press (2024)


How To Do A Seated Leg Press? ›

Place your feet on the platform about shoulder-width apart, and grasp the handles with your hands. Slowly push the platform away with your legs. Keep your feet firmly planted on the platform and stop just short of full knee extension. Then slowly return to the starting position.

How do you position a seated leg press? ›

The standard posture set-up for the seated leg press machine consists of your legs being shoulder-width apart, with your body at a 90-degree angle to your legs. In this position, the leg press places most of the load on your quadriceps.

Is the seated leg press effective? ›

Seated Leg Press Benefits

The seated leg press is a good exercise for beginners or physical rehab patients. The leg press machine helps beginners to gain more strength and lower body endurance to perform advanced leg exercises. This includes squats, deadlifts, and powerlifting exercises.

Why is seated leg press so easy? ›

Because the leg press machine operates on a set path, it doesn't force you to balance as squats do. Not having to balance makes the leg press machine fairly easy to use, because you just have to focus on lifting the weight, rather than having to focus on lifting and balancing simultaneously.

Is seated leg press easy? ›

One of the big benefits of a machine like the leg press is that it can build those larger muscles, and it's easy to use. There are those who argue this machine is less effective at building overall strength than free weight exercises; the truth is, no matter what you'll still get stronger while you're using it.

Is leg press better than squats? ›

Leg Press Isn't as Good for Functional Strength

And that's precisely why you can't ditch the squat. Because the leg press provides back support that the free weight squat doesn't, you aren't getting the same core activation when you ditch the barbell for the machine.

How much should a beginner leg press? ›

For beginners, it's generally recommended to start with a weight that's 50 to 75 percent of their total body weight. As an individual progresses, this ratio may increase depending on their goals, experience, and fitness level.

What's the difference between seated leg press and leg press? ›

The seated leg press is also a horizontal leg press machine because the mechanics move the weight horizontally. However, the footplate is stationary with this machine while the seat moves. This also adds your bodyweight to the resistance, which is great for your lower body muscles.

Should leg press be straight or angled? ›

Greater range of motion: The angled design allows for a more natural and extensive range of motion compared to the horizontal leg press. Direct resistance: The weight is more directly applied to the legs, potentially increasing the effectiveness of the exercise.

Can leg press build glutes? ›

The leg press machine is a fantastic tool for sculpting and strengthening your glutes. By following these simple yet effective tips, you can make the most of your leg press workouts and unlock the full potential of your glutes.

Can leg press replace squats? ›

The main difference between a leg press and a squat is the range of motion. A leg press only allows you to move your legs through a limited range of motion, while a squat allows you to move your legs through a greater range of motion. This means that squats can target more muscle groups than leg presses.

How to do seated leg extension at home? ›

Sit in a chair with your back straight. Lift one leg to straight out from your body. Hold for five seconds. Lower to starting position.


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