Opalescence Whitening Syringe 35% - Subscription – Eldorado Dental (2024)

Opalescence Whitening Syringe 35% – Subscription

From: $50.00 every 3 months

Opalescence PF 35 is the most powerful and effective tooth-whitening gel in the Opalescence PF line available on the market today. This monumental formula provides 35% carbamide peroxide content that produces the ultimate whitening power. Achieve maximum results with this gentle, yet powerful gel. Each syringe contains additional components that will reduce tooth sensitivity and even help strengthen your teeth.

This is an effective, quick, safe, and professional approach to modern-day teeth whitening that you can administer in the comfort of your own home. All products are safely stored in a temperature-controlled environment to ensure the highest quality and potency.

Packages include:

– 2 Syringes of 35% carbamide peroxide content
– Accurate latest expiration dates

Opalescence Whitening Syringe 35% - Subscription – Eldorado Dental (2024)


Is Opalescence 35% too strong? ›

Conclusion: Carbamide peroxide in 16% and 35% concentration are effective and safe for bleaching discoloured vital teeth, however, 35% concentration gave significantly more lightening effect without additional side effects compared to 16% concentration.

How long do you leave 35% Opalescence on your teeth? ›

Wear Opalescence 35% for no longer than 30 minutes. Remove excess gel with clean finger or soft toothbrush. Rinse twice; do not swallow rinsed gel. If significant sensi(vity occurs, stop treatment and consult den(st.

How many teeth whitening syringes do I need? ›

How many applications in 1 syringe? Each 3ml syringe delivers 3-4 applications (both top and bottom teeth). Most people need 7-14 applications (once per day, 1-3 hours per application) to completely remove all stains from their teeth.

What percentage teeth whitening do dentists use? ›

Tooth whitening products containing or releasing between 0.1% and 6% hydrogen peroxide can ONLY be sold to dental practitioners; For each cycle of use, the first use can ONLY be carried out by dental practitioners or under their direct supervision, if an equivalent level of safety is ensured. whitening.

Is 35% teeth whitening strong? ›

This monumental formula provides 35% carbamide peroxide content that produces the ultimate whitening power. Achieve maximum results with this gentle, yet powerful gel. Each syringe contains additional components that will reduce tooth sensitivity and even help strengthen your teeth.

What happens if you leave Opalescence on too long? ›

Results: All four different Opalescence products damaged enamel. The most damage was done when treated for a long period (112 hours). SEM images also showed damage to enamel by all 4 products.

What strength do dentists use to whiten teeth? ›

Tooth whitening is most often done using peroxide-based bleaching agents. At-home systems contain from 3% to 20% peroxide (carbamide or hydrogen peroxides). In-office systems contain from 15% to 43% peroxide. Generally, the stronger the solution and the longer you keep it on your teeth, the whiter your teeth become.

How long should one syringe of teeth whitening last? ›

How long should each syringe of whitening last? Each syringe of Boutique Whitening should last around 5 days when whitening the upper and lower teeth. If you use too much gel, it may leak, causing sensitivity owing to irritation of the gums. If you use too little, the teeth may not whiten very well.

Does swishing hydrogen peroxide whiten teeth? ›

A simple hydrogen peroxide mouthwash may help remove mild stains. However, a person should avoid leaving hydrogen peroxide solutions on their teeth for extended periods. For people who have darker stains, stronger whitening options are available both over the counter and from a dentist.

Do most celebrities get their teeth whitened? ›

Most celebrities opt for regular teeth whitening treatments or veneers. Below you will find more information about which one is right for you.

What is the most effective teeth whitening from a dentist? ›

The most effective treatment you can receive through your dentist is Zoom! laser teeth whitening treatment. While this procedure is not the cheapest fix for yellowing, it is the most effective, quickest, and long-lasting procedure. If you are looking for the best brightening solution, Zoom! is it!

Is 35 hydrogen peroxide safe on teeth? ›

Using it in high concentrations or for a long period of time may damage your gums and teeth. If you're considering using hydrogen peroxide regularly, only use it in low concentrations. That way, you'll avoid harming your oral tissues (soft and hard).

What is the difference between Opalescence 35 and 15? ›

The difference is twofold: The 35% needs to onlt stay on for 30 minutes, but the 15% needs to stay on an hour. Second, the 35% will get your teeth whiter faster. E.g., if it takes 12 weeks for the 15% to get to the desired whitening, it may take 8 weeks for the 35%.

Is 35 carbamide peroxide equivalent to hydrogen peroxide? ›

Myth 3 – All whitening Gel is the same

Carbamide Peroxide concentrations contains roughly 1/3 of the active ingredient, Hydrogen Peroxide. As an example, 35% Carbamide Peroxide is roughly equal to 12% Hydrogen Peroxide.

How can I whiten my teeth with 35%? ›

Place the whitening tray(s) in your mouth carefully, making sure that it is seated all the way. Remove any excess gel from the gum tissue with your finger or dry toothbrush. Keep the tray in your mouth for 30-60 minutes. After 30-60 minutes, remove and clean the trays with cold water.


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