


|Oflθ:i 1 This application claims the benefit of U.S. Non-Provisional Patent Application No 60/882,500 filed

December 28, 2006.

FIELD OF THE INVENTION (00021 Non- natural amino acids, polypeptides containing at least one non-natural amino acid, methods for producing such non-natural amino acids and polypeptides, and uses of such non-namra! amino adds, and polypeptides for diagnostic, environmental, industrial, and therapeutic uses.


(0003) The ability to incorporate mm-genetically encoded amino acids (i.e.* "non-iϋiiural amino acids") into proteins permits the introduction of chemical fitneiiona! groups that could prov ide valuable alternatives to the naturally-occurring funciiottal groups, such as the epsilon -NH2 of lysine, the Milrlrydryl -SH of cysteine, the imino group of hisHdine. etc. Certain chemicai functional groups are documented as inert 1« She functional groups found in the 20 common, genetically-encoded amino acids but react cleanly and efficiently to form stable linkages with ninctiorial groups thai can be incorporated onto n on- natural amino acids. (QU(Mj Method? ate now available io selectively inttoduce chemical functional groups that are no! found in proteins, thai are chemically inert to ail of the functional groups found in the 20 common, genetically- encoded amino aαds and that may be used to read efficiently and selectively with reagents comprising certain functional groups to form stable covalent linkages.,

SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION [0005] Described herein are methods, compositions, techniques and strategies for making, purify ing, characterizing, and using non-natural amino acids, noo-ftaiwai amino acid polypeptides and modified noii- narural amino acid polypeptides. In one aspect are methods, compositions, techniques and strategies for deπvatizmg a non-natural amino acid and/or a noti-namral amino acid polypeptide, In one embodiment, such metbodsj composiiions, techniques and strategies involved chemical derealization, in other embodiments, biological derivaπsatioo, in other embodiments, physical derealization, in other etnbodiroetrts a combination of derivalizaiions. In further or additional embtxbments, such derealizations are regioselective, In further or additional embodiments, such derivatizattons are regiospeαfk:. ϊn further or additional embodiments, such derealizations are rapid at ambien! temperautre. its further or additiotial etnbodimenis, such derealizations ofcxir in aqueous solutions. In further or addtt tonal embodiments, such derealizations occur ai a pH bcuvetrn about 2 and about I D; including a pH between ahoiii: 3 and about S; a pH between about 4 and about 10; a pH beiween about 4 and about S; and a pH between about 4.5 arid about 7.5; a pϊT betwen about 4 and aboxU 7: a pH beisveen about 3 and about 4; a ρ_H between about ? and about 8: a pϊi between about 4 and about 6; a pii of iibotit 4: and. a pH of about 6. In further or additional embodiments, with the addition of an accelerant such derivations are stoichiometric, near stoichiometric or stαiehiometrioiike in both the non-naiural amino acid containing reagent and the det ivaαzitig reagent !π further or additional embodiments are provided strategies. reaction mixtures, synthetic conditions which, with the addition of m\ accelerant, allow the stoichiometric, near stoichiometric or stoiehiomemc-like incorporation of a desired group onto a non-natural amino acid polypeptide.

{0006| ϊfl one aspect are non-natural amino acids for the chemical derealization of peptides ami proteins baseci upon a qmnoxaϋne or phenazine linkage. In further or additional embodiments, the non-natural amino acids ;«e functionalized on their sick-chains such thai their reaction with a derivaiizing molecule generates a qninoxaliπe m phenasdne linkage, m further or additional embodiments, the non-natural amino acids are selected from amino acids having 1,2-dicarbonyJ or t ,2-arykϊiarriine sidechains. In fuπher or additional embodiments, the non-natural amino acids are selectee! from amino acids having protected or masked 1 ,2- dicarbonyi or ! ,2-aryidiamine skit-chains. Rirthet included are equivalents to 1,2-dicarbonyl sidechaitis, or protected or masked equivalents to 1 ,2-dicaxbotiyl sidechains. In a further or additions! embodiment, the ncm- iiatirrat amino acids resemble a natural amino acid in structure but contain one of the aforementioned functional groups. In another or further embodiment ihe tion-Tmtiural amino acids resemble phenylalanine or tyrosine (aromatic amino acids): while in a separate embodiment the txnv natural amino acids resemble alanine and leucine (hydrophobic amino acids). In one embodiment, the non-natural amino acids have properties that are distinct from those of the natural amino acids. In one embodiment, such properties are the chemical reactivity of the sidechain. In a further embodiment this distinct chemical reactivity permits the sidechain of the non-natural amino acid to undergo a reaction while being a unit of a polypeptide even though the sidechains of the naturally-occurring amino acid units in the same polypeptide do not undergo the aforementioned reaction. In a further embodiment, the sidechain of the non-natural amino acid has chemistries orthogonal to those of the naturally-occurring amino acids. It! any of the aforementioned embodiments in this paragraph, the non-natural amino acid exists as a separate rαcteeule, a attached on either side by at leas! one amino acid (including a polypeptide of any length). [0Θ07J In another aspect, are non-natural ammo acid polypeptides, whereby one or more non-natural ammo acids are incorporated into a polypeptide of any length and which optionally further incorporate* naturally-occurring or non-natural ammo acids,. In a further or additional embodimenϊ, the non-natural amino acids are incorporated site -specific at Iy during the hi vivn translation of proteins. In further or additional embodiments are non-natural amino acid polypeptides that react with a derivatizing molecule to generate a qumoxaline or pheuazine containing nots-naturai amino acid polypeptide. In further or additional embodiments, the non-natural amino acid polypeptides comprise one or mote amino acids having 3.2-dicarbonyi or 1,2- arykbamiTie sidechams; protected or masked 1 ,2 -dicarbonyl or i,2-aryldiamine sidechains; equivalents of 1 ,2- dicarbonyl sidechains and protected or masked equivalents of 1 ,2-dicaxbonyl sidechains. in a further or additional embodiment, the non-natural amino acid polypeptides comprise one or more non-natural amino acids that resemble natural amino acids in structure but contain one of the aforementioned functional groups, which in some embodiments resemble phenylalanine or tyrosine (aromatic amino acids), or, in separate embodiments;, resemble alanine and leucine (hydrophobic amino acids), in one embodiment, the non-natural amino acid polypeptides comprise one or more non-natural amino acids that have properties distinct from those of the natural amino acids, in one embodiment, such distinct properties are the chemical reactivity of the sidechain. (n a further embodiment (Ms. distinct chemical reactivity permits the sidechain of the non-natural amino acid to undergo a reaction while being a unit of a polypeptide even though the sidechains of the naturally-occurring amino acid units in the same polypeptide do not undergo the aforementioned reaction. In a further embodiment. the sidechain of the non-natural amino acid has chemistries orthogonal to those of any naturally-occurring amino acids of the non-natural amino acid polypeptide.

J0008] In another aspect are derivatiztng molecules- for the production of derivatized non-natuial amino acid polypeptides based upon quήioxaHnc or phenazine linkages. In one embodiment are 1.2-dicarbonyl substituted molecules used Io derivative 1.2-ary]diamine containing tion-natoral amino acid polypeptides io form <|uinoκaline ot phenazine linkages. In another embodiment are S ,2-aryidiamine substituted molecules used to derivatiae 1 ,2-dfcαrbϋiiyl containing ticm-πaturai amino acid polypeptides to form quinoxaline or phenazine linkages- hi further or additional embodiments, the 1.2-dicarbonyI and J ,2-aryldiamine substituted molecules. for the production of detivatized non-natural amino acid polypeptides based upon quinoxaline or phenazine linkages, comprise a group selected from: a label; a dye; a polymer; a water-soluble polymer; a derivative of polyethylene glycol; a photocTOSsiinker; a cytotoxic compound; a drug; an affinity label; a pliotoaffiniJy label; a reactive compound; a resin; a second protein or polypeptide or polypeptide analog; an antibody or antibody fragment; a metal chelator; a cofactoπ a fatty acid; a carbohydrate; a polynucleotide; a DNA; a RNA; an aπnsense polynucleotide; a saccharide, a water-soluble dendrimer, a cyclodexirin, a biomaterial; a nanoparticle; a spin label; a ftuorophore, a metal -containing moiety; a radioactive moiety; a novel functional group; a group that covakntly or noncøvalerrtJy interacts with other molecules; a photocaged moiety; an actinic radiation excitable moiety, a ligand. a photoisoraerizable moiety; biotin; a biotin analogue; a moiety incorporating a heavy atom; a chemically clεavabie group; a photocleavable group: an elongated side chain; a carbon-linked sugar, a redox-active agent; an ammo thioacid; a toxic moiety; an isoiopically labeled moiety; a biophysical probe; a phosphorescent group; a cheiniluininescent group; an electron dense group; a magnetic group; an intercalating group; a chromophobe; ao energy transfer agent; a biologically active agent; a detectable label; a small molecule; an inhibitory ribonucleic acid, a ratlionucleoiide;. a neulroo-captixte agent; a derivative of biotin: quantum dot(s); a nanotranamitter; a radiotransniitter; an abzyme, sπ activated complex activator, a virus, an adjuvant, an aglycan, an alkrgan, an angioslaun, an antihoπtiotie, an antioxidant-, ats aptamer, a guide RKΛ, a saponin, a shuttle vector, a maeroniolecuie, a mimotope, a receptor, a reverse micelle, and any combination thereof. Tn further or additional embodiments, the 1 ,2-dicarborιyl or 1 ,2-aryldiarnine substituted molecuk-s. are ] ,2-dicarbony] or 1.2-atykhainuιe

polyethyleric glycol (PEG) molecules. In a further embodiment, the sideeruiin of the non-natural amino acid has a chemistry orthogonal to those of the naturally-occurring amino acids that allows (lie tion-riatural amino acid to react selectively with the 1,2-dicarboiiyl or 1 ,2-aryldiamine substituted molecules.

10009] in a further aspect related to the above embodiments are the modified πon-nautraϊ amino acid polypeptides that result from tlw reaction of the derivatiztng molecule with the non-narurεd amino acid polypeptides. In one emboditnem are 1 ,2-aτykliamiiie coniainisig non-natuial aroino acid polypeptidcfs dcrivaHzed vMh 1,2-dicarlxmyi substituted molecules to form quinoxaline or phenazine linkages. In another eittbodiment urβ 1 ,2-dicarboπyi cotrtaitiing non-natural amino acid polypeptides denvatized with 3 ,2- aryldiamine substituted molecules to form quinoxaline or phεnazύie linkages. In further or additional embodiments the qimioxaline or phenazine derivatized non-natural amino acid polypeptides, comprise a grmip selected from: a label; a dye; a polymer; a water-soluble polymer; a derivative of polyethylene glycol; a pliofocrosϊiinkcr; a cytotoxic compound; a drug; an affinity label; a photoaffiniiy label; a reactive compound; a resiti; a second protein or polypeptide or polypeptide analog, an antibody or antibody fragment; a raetaϊ chelator; a eofactor; a fatty acid; a carbohydrate: a polynucleotide; a DNA; a RNA; an antisεnse polynucleotide; a saccharide, a water-soluble dendrimer, a cyclodextrin, a biorcmtemd; a nanopamcle; a spas label; a fiuorophore, a metal-containing moiety; a radioactive moiety; a novel functional group; a groπp that covalenily 5 or uoncovalemly interacts with other molecules; a photocaged moiety; an actinic radiation excitable moiety, a ligand, a rnoiety; biotin; a biotin analogue: a moiety incorporating a heavy atom; a chemically eleavabie group; a phokicϊeavable group; an elongated side chain; a carbon-linked sugar; a redox- aciive agent; an amino Ihioacid; a toxic moiety; an rsotopically labeled moiety; a biophysical probe; a phosphorescent gtoup, a diemilumincscent group; an electron dense group; a magnetic group; art intercalating

} Q group; a cliromophore; an energy transfer agent; a biologically active agent; a detectable label; a small molecule; an inhibitory ribonucleic acid, a radiomtcleoftde; a neutron-capture agent; a derivative of biotin; quantum dαtfs); a a radiotransroitter; an ateyrue. an activated complex activator, a virus, an adjuvant an aglycan. an aϊiergan, an arigiostattn, an antihormone, an antioxidant, an apiamer, a guide RMA, a saponin, a shiutfc vector., a macromolεcule, a mimotops, a receptor, a reverse micelle, and any combiiiariori

15 thereof In a preferred embodiment, the quinoxaϊiαe or pbenaznie derivatized non-tiatmal amino acid polypeptides, cotnpnse a polyethylene glycol (J0EGj!, or substituted polyethyk-Be glycol (PEG) group. Further embodiments include any further modifications of the already modified non-natural amino acid polypeptides. {001 Oj Irs another aspect are mono-, bi- and multi-functional linkers for she generation of dciivatized non- natural amino acid polypeptides based upon the formation of qninoxaϊtne or phenazine linkages, In one 0 embodiment are molecular linkers (bi- and multi-functional) that ate used to connect 1,2-dicarbonyi or 3 ,2- arykhamme containing non-natural amnio acid polypeptides us other molecules by forming qimioNaltne or phemrøne linkages. In an embodiment utilising a 1 ,2-aryldiamme containing noπ-mituial amino acid polypeptide, t3te molecular linker contains a 1,2-dicarboαyl group at one of its, termini ϊn an cmbodimen! utilizing a 1.2-dicarbony{ containing non-natural amino acid polypeptide, the molecular linker contains a 1 ,2- 5 aryldiamine group at one of its teπnmi. In further or additional embodiments, the 3 ,2-dicarbotiyl or S ,2~ aryldiamine substituted linker molecules are 1 ,2-dicarbonyl or 1 ,2-ar>']diamine substitiUed polyethylene glycol (PEG) linker molecules- In farther embodiments, the phrase "other molecules'" includes, by way of example only, proteins, other polymers and small molecules, 1« further or additional embodiments, the 1,2-dicarbonyl or ϊ ,2-ars'Jdiamine containing molecular linkers comprise the same or equivalent groups on all termini so thaf upon 0 reaction with a 1 ,2-dscarbonyi or 1,2-aryldsamine containing non-natural amino acid polypeptide, the resulting product is the hom*o-iruiltirrserizatiois. of the non-natural amino acid containing polypeptide, In further embodiments, the hom*o-mαitinierixalion is a hom*o-dinicrixation. In a further embodiment, the sκlechairι of the non-natuta! amino acid has a chemistry ottbogoπal to those of the naturally-occurring amino acids, that allows me πoπ-naturai ariiino acid to react selectively with She 1.2-dicarbony! or 1 ,2-aryldiamiπe subsritυted linker 5 lϊiolecules. In a further aspect related to the embodiments described in this paragraph are the linked "modified or unmodified" non-uaturai ammo acid polypeptides that result from the reaction of the linker molecule with the non-natural ammo acid polypeptides. Further embodiments include any further modifications of the already- linked "modified or unmodified" non-narural amino acid polypeptides. JOβl i \ In another aspect are methods for the chemical synthesis of «on- natural amino acids for inclusion into peptides, polypeptides and proteins to be chemical deπvatized via qαinoxaline or phenazine linkages. In further or additional embodiments are methods for the chemical synthesis of non-natural amino acids selected from amino acids having 1,2-dicarbonyl or 1 ,2-aryldiarnine skiechains, protected or masked l.2-dicarbonyt oi ϊ,2-arykiiamine skϊechams. equivalents to 1 ,2-dicarbosryl sidechains, or protected or masked equivalents to 1 ,2- dicat'bony! sidechaiπs.

J0012| IK another aspect are methods fot the chemical synthesis of S ,2-dicarbon yϊ ox J ,2-aryldiamine substituted molecules for the derealization of 1 ,2-aryldiamiue or 1,2-dicarbonyl substituted polypeptides, or proteins, respectively, and in either case, forming phetwJne or qυiπoxaliue linkages. In one embodiment, the 1 ,2-dicarbonyϊ or 1 ,2-aryidiamiae sxthshtiiied molecules optionally comprise peptides, other polymers ^non- branched and branched) and small molecules. In a further oτ additional embodiment, the non-natural amino acids are incorporated site-speciHcaliy during the in vivo translation of proteins, in a further or additional embodiment, the ϊ ,2-dicarbonyl or ϊ ,2-aryIdiamine substituted molecules allow for the site-speafic deπvatjzatiorj of the 1,2-dicarbonyl or 1,2-arykϊtaπώe containing non-naiuraϊ amino acid via quinoxaiine or phenazjnc derivatized polypeptides in a site-specific fashion, ϊπ particular embodiments. 1,2-chcarbonyf sitbstitiiied molecules allow fot the site-specific dertvaiizatioπ of the 1 ,2-aryidtaminε containing non-natural amino acid via quinoxaiitie or phenazine derivatized polypeptides in a site-specifHc fashion, or 1 ,2-aryidiaimne substituted molecules allow for the site-specific derivatization of the 1 ,2-diearbonyl containing πoo-naSiira'i amino acid via quinoxaiine or phenazine derivatized polypeptides in a site-specific fashion, in a further or additional embodiment, the method for the preparation of 1,2-dicarbonyl or 1,2-aryldiamme substituted molecules provides access to a wide variety of site-specifically derivatrzed polypeptides. In a farther or additional embodiment are methods for synthesizing 1,2-dicarbonyl or 1.2-atyldiamme iunctionaliztd polyethylene glycol (PEG) molecules. f00 ϊ 3| In another aspect are methods for die preparation of polypeptides or proteins comprising non natural amino acids. In one embodiment polypeptides or proteins comprising noil natural amino acids are produced biosyritisetieally. In another embodiment, polypeptides or proteins comprising non natural amino acids are produced, chemically. In a farther embodiment, polypeptides or proteins comprising non natural ammo acids are produced as. ing a combination of biosyntheuς: and chemical methods, in a further or additional embodiment. are methods for the preparation of polypeptides or proteins comprising 1.2-dicarbonyi or 1,2-aryldiamine non natural amino acids, in a further or additional embodiment, the tion-natoral amino acids ate incorporated site- specifkaily during the in vivo translation of proteins. In a further or additional embodiment, 1.2-dicarbonyl or 1 ,2-aryidiamine non-natural amino acids are incorporated site-specifically during the in vivo translation of proteins. |0βl4J in one aspect are methods to derivatize proteins via the reaction of 1 ,2-dicarbonyl or 1 ,2- jiryldiamine reactants to generate quiooxalme or phenazine based products. Included within this aspect are methods for the derealization of proteins based upon the reaction of 1,2-dicarbonyl or 1 ,2-arykiiamioe containing reactaiits, to generate qninoxaliπe or phenazine derivatized protein adducts. In additional OΪ further embodiments are methods to derivatize ! ,2-<hcarboπyl contammg proteins with 1 ,2-aryldiamJne iunctionaiixed polyethylene glycol {PEG) molecules. Ia additional or further embodiments are methods to deπvatize 1,2- aiyldiamine containing proteins with 1 ,2-dicarbonyl runcπonaϊized polyethylene glycol (PEG) molecules. In yet additional or further aspects, the 1,2-dicarbonyl and 1 ,2-aryldiamme substituted molecules optionally include proteins, other polymers, and smalt molecules.

(0015) In another aspect are methods for the chemical derealization of l ,2-diearbony1 or 1 ,2-aryidiarnine substituted non-natural amino acid polypeptides using 1,2-aryldiaraine or 1 ,2-dicarbonyl containing bi- functional linkers, respectively. In one embodiment are methods for attaching 1 , 2 -die a ebony 1 or O-atyldiarame substituted linkers to ! ,2-ary!diamine or 1 ,2-diearbonyl substituted proteins, generate quitioxaiine or plieπazine linkages. 1» farther or additional embodiments, the non-natural amino acid polypeptides are derivatizcd site-specifkaily and/or with precise control of three-dimensional structure, using a t ,2-diearbonyl or 1.2-arykhan:itne containing bi-iunctional Ewiker. In one embodiment, such methods are used to attach molecular linkers (including, but not limited to, mono- bi- and multi-functional linkers) to 1.2-diearboayl or 1 ,2-aryldinmme containing non-natural amino acid polypeptides, wherein at least one of the tinker termmi contains a i ,2-dicaibonyl or 1 ,2-aryldiamine group which Sinks to the 3.2-aryldiamme or 3 ,2-dicarbonyl containing non-natural amino acid polypeptides, respectively, to form a quiπosaline or phenazine linkage (to be clear, either combination is used to form a qiriπoxaHne or phenaxine linkage). In a farther or additional embodiment, these linkers are used to connect the 1,2-dicarbonyl or 1 ,2-aryldiamine containing fion-narural amino acid polypeptides to other molecules, including by way of example, proteins, other polymers (branched and jwn-branςbed.) and small molecules.

|0016j In .some embodiments, lite noτi-nafural amino acid polypeptide is "linked to a water soluble polymer. In some embodiments, the water soluble polymer comprises a polyethylene glycol moiety, hi some embodiments, the polyethylene glycol molecule is a bimncuortal polymer. In some embodiments, the hifunciiooal polymer is linked to a second polypeptide, trt some embodiments, the second polypeptide is identical to the first polypeptide, in other embodiments, the second polypeptide is a different polypeptide. Tn some embodiments, the non-natural acid polypeptide comprises at least two amino acids linked to a water soluble polymer comprising a poly(ethylene glycol) moiety, (0017] In some embodiments, the non-natural amino acid polypeptide comprises a substitution, addition or deletion that increases aiϊiaity of the non-natural amino acid polypeptide for a receptor. In some embodiments, the non-natural amino acid polypeptide comprises a substitution, addition, or deletion 'hat increases the stability of the non-natural amino acid polypeptide in some embodiments, she τion-naturat amino acid polypeptide comprises a substitution, addition, or deletion that increases the aqueous solubility of the non- natural amino acid polypeptide. In some embodiments, the non-tiatma! amino acid polypeptide comprises a substitution, addition, or deletion that increases the solubility of the noxt-siatural amino acid polypeptide produced in a host ceil. In some embodiments, the non-natural amino acid polypeptide comprises a substitution, addition, or deletion that modulates protease resistance, serum half-life, immunogenic! ty, and/or expression relative to the amino-acid polypeptide without the substitution, addition or deletion. [(MHSj In some embodiments, the non-natural amino acid polypeptide is an agonist, partial agonist, antagonist, partial antagonist, or inverse agonist. lit some embodiments, the agonist, partial agonist, antagonist, partial antagonist, or inverse agonist comprises a non-natural amino acid linked to a water soluble polymer. In some embodiments, the water polymer comprises a polyethylene glycol moiety. In some embodiments., the polypeptide comprising a non-rsatnral amino acid linked (o a water soluble polymer prevents diπierizaiioπ of the corresponding receptor. In some embodiments, the polypeptide comprising a non-natural amino acid linked to a water soluble polymer modulates binding of the polypeptide to a binding partner, Iigand or receptor. In some embodiments, the polypeptide comprising a non-natural ammo acid linked to a water soluble polymer modulates one or more properties or activities of the polypeptide.

[0019| In some embodiments, the selector codoπ is selected from the group αntsjs.tit)g of an amber codon, ochre codon, opaϊ codon, a unique codon, 3 rare codon, an unnatural codon. Jt five-base COCIOB, and a four-base codon, f0820| Also described herein are methods of making a non-natural arroτio acid polypeptide linked to a water soluble polymer. In some embodiments, the method comprises contacting ati isolated polypeptide comprising a non-natural amino acid with a water soluble polymer comprising a moiety that reacts with (he rrøn- natural amino acid. In some embodiments, the incorporated non-natural ammo acid is reactive toward a watet soluble polymer thai is otherwise lxtireaettve toward any of She 20 common amino acids. In some embodiments, the water polymer comprises a polyethylene glycol moiety. The molecular weighs of the polymer is of a wide range, including but uoi limited to, between about 100 Da and about 100,000 Da or more. The molecular weight of the polymer is between about H)O Oa and about 100,000 Da, including but not limited to, about H)0,000 Da, about 95,000 Da, about 90,000 Da1 about 85,000 Da1 about S0,000 Da, about 75,000 Da. about 70,000 Da, about 65,000 DA., about 60,000 Da, about 55,000 Da, about 50,000 Da. about 45.000 Da, about 40,000 Da, about 35,000 Da, about 30,000 Da, about 25,000 Da, about 20,000 Da. about 15.000 Da, about 10,000 Da, about 9,000 Da. about S:000 Da, about" 7,000 Da, about 6,(K)O Da.. about ?,000 Da, about 4,000 Da, about 3,000 Da, about 2.000 Da, about 1 ,000 Da. about 900 Da. about 800 Da, about 700 Da, about 600 Da, about 500 Da, abouf 400 Da, about 300 .Da, about .200 Da, and about 100 Da. In some embodiments, the molecular weight of the polymer in beiween about 100 .Da and about 50,00(3 Da, in some embodiments, tbe molecular weight of the polymer is between about" 100 Da and about 40,000 Da. In other embodiments, the molecular weight of the polymer is between about 5, 0000 Da and about 30,000 Da. in other embodiments, the molecular weight of the polymer is about 30,000. fa some embodiments, the molecular weight of the polymer is between about 1,000 Da and about 40,000 Da. In some embodiments, the molecular weight of the polymer is between about 5,000 Da and about 40,0θ0 Da. Io some embodiments, the molecular weight of the polymer is between about 10,000 Da and about 40,000 Da, In some embodiments, the polyethylene glycol molecule is a branched polymer. The molecular weight of the branched, chain PBG is. between abouf LOOO Da and about 100,000 Da. including but not limited Eo, about 100,000 Da, abouf- 95,000 Du, about 90,000 Da, about 85,000 Da, about SO1OOO Da, about 75,000 Da, about 70,000 Da, about 65,000 Da, about 60,000 Da, about 55.000 Da, about 50,000 .Da, about 45.000 Da, about 40,000 Da, about 35,000 Ds, about 30,000 Da, about 25,000 .Da, about 20,000 .Da, about 15,000 Da, about 10.000 Da, about 9,000 Da, abouf S1OOO Da, about 7,000 Da, aboui 6,000 Da, about 5,000 Da, about 4,000 Da, about 3,000 Da, about 2,000 Da, atκl about 5 ,000 Da. In some embodiments,, she molecular weight of the branched chain PEG is between about 1 ,000 Da and about 50,000 .Da. m oiher embodiments, the molecular weight of the polymer is. between about 5, 0000 Da and about 30,000 Da. in other embodiments, the molecular weight of the polymer is about 30,000. In some embodiments, the molecular weight of the branched chasn PE-G is between about 1 ,000 Da and about 40,000 Da. in some embodiments, the molecular weight of the branched chain PEG is between about 5,000 Da and about 40,000 Da. In some embodiments, the molecular weight of the btanched chain PEG is between about 5,000 Da and about 20,000 Da. |00211 Also described herein are compositions comprising a polypeptide comprising at least one of the non-natural amino acids described herein and a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier, In some embodiments, the non-natural amino acid is linked to a water soluble poiymer Also described herein are pharmaceutical compositions comprising a pharmaceutically acceptable earner and a polypeptide, wherein ai least one amino acid is substituted by a non-natural amino acid. m some embodiments, the non-natural amino acid comprises a saccharide moiety. Tn some embodiments, the water soluble polymer is linked to rhe polypeptide via a saccharide moiety. Also described herein are prodrugs of the non-natural amino acids., non-natural amino acid polypeptides, and TnKHUl)Cd noii-tiarural amino acid polypeptides; further described herein are compositions comprising such prodrugs and a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier. Also described herein are metabolites of the Λon-natursi amino acids, non-natural amino acid polypeptides, and modified non-natural amino acid polypeptides; in some embodiments, metabolites have a desired activity that complements or syπergizes with the activity of the non-natural acids, non-natural amino acid polypeptides, and modified non-naturai arrano acid polypeptides. Also described herein are the use of the non-natural amino acids, non-naiurai amino acid polypeptides, and modified non-natural amino acid polypeptides described herein to provide a desited metabolite to an organism, including a patient in need of such metabolile.

|OO22] Also described herein are ceils comprising a polynucleotide encoding the polypeptide comprising a selector codort. Tn some embodiments, the ceils comprise an orthogonal RNA synthetase and/or an orthogonal tRNA for substituting a rion-πatural amino acid into the polypeptide. In some embodiments the cells ate- m a cell culture, whereas m other embodiments the cells are part of a multicellular organism, including amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals, Jn any of the cell embodiments, further embodiment1} include express tot) of the polynucleotide to produce the non-natural amino acid polypeptide. In other embodiments are organisms that utilize the πon-naUiral amino acids described herein to produce a πou-narural amino acid polypeptide, including a modified non-naturai amino acid polypeptide. In other embodiments are organisms containing the non-natural amino acids, the -non -natural amino acid polypeptides, and/or the modified non-natural amino acid polypeptides described herein. Such organisms include, unicellular and multicellular organisms, including amphibians, reptiles., birds, and marmnals. In some embodiments, the noiϊ-namral amino acid polypeptide is produced in vitro. In some embodiments, the non-natural amino acid polypeptide- is produced iit cell lysate. In some embodiments, the non-naturai amino acid polypeptide ss produced by πbosomαl translation. S00231 Λlso described herein are methods of making a polypeptide comprising a tion-naiutal amino acid, In some embodiments, the methods comprise culturing ceils comprising a polynucleotide or polynucleotides encoding a polypeptide, an orthogonal RNA synthetase and/oτ an orthogonal tRNA under conditions to permit expression of the polypeptide; and purifying the polypeptide from, the cells and/or culture medium. [ΘΘ24{ Also described herein are libraries of the non-narural amino acids described herein or libraries of the non-natural amino acid polypeptides described herein, or libraries of the modified non-natural amino acid polypeptides described herein, or combination libraries thereof. Also described herein are arrays containing at least one non-natural ammo acid, at least one non-natural amino acid polypeptide, and/or at leas! one modified non-natural ammo acid. Also described herein are arrays containing at leas! one polynucleotide encoding a polypeptide comprising a selector eodoα In certain embodiments, the art ays described herein are used to screen for the production of the non-rtatura! amino acid polypeptides in. an organism (either by detecting transcription of the polynucleotide encoding the polypeptide or by detecting the translation of the polypeptide), 10025] Λho describee! herein are methods for screening libraries described herein for a desired activity, or for using the arrays described herein to screen the libraries described herein, or for other libraries of compounds and/or polypeptides and/or polynucleotides for a desired activity. Also described herein is the use of such activity data from library screening to develop and discover new therapeutic agents, as well as the therapeutic agents themselves.

{0026) Also described herein are methods for iluorescently detecting & non-natural amino acid or non- natural amino acid polypeptide. In some embodiments, the methods comprise use of an amino acid sidechain. comprising at least one phenazine and/or qumoxalme moiety, hi some embodiments, the pheriaziπe and/or quinoxabne moiety is formed by post-traπslaiional modification of a non-natural amino acid. In further embodiments, such a non-natural amino acid has a diearbonyl, an aryl diamine, or a hydroxylamine sidechaiα In further embodiments, the phenazwie and/or quiπoxaiine moiety is formed in vivo: in other embodiments, the phenazme and/or qαinoκalijne moiety is formed in vitro.

100'27] Also described herein sue methods of increasing therapeutic haif-iife, serum half-life or circulation time of a polypeptide. In some embodiments, the methods comprise substituting at least one non-natural amino acid for any one or more amino acids i.π a naturally occurring polypeptide and/or coupling the polypeptide to a water soluble polymer. jOO28| Also described herein are methods of treating a patient in need of such treatment with an effective amount of a pharmaceutical composition winch comprises a polypeptide comprising a non-natural amino acid and a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier In some embodiments, the non-natural ammo acid is coupled to a waier soluble polymer.

;0029j En further or alternative embodiments are methods for treating a disorder, condition or disease, the method comprising administering a therapeutically effective amount of a non-ti-ttuia! amino acid polypeptide comprising at least one uon-natural amino acid selected from the group consisting of a 1 ,2-dicarbonyl containing non-natural amino acid, a 1,2-aryldiamine containing nf>n -natural amino acid, a quinoxaline containing non-natural amino acid, and. a phenaziπe containing αon-rtaturai amino acid, In further or alternative embodiments such non-natural amino acid polypeptides comprise at least one non-υansral amino acid selected from amino acids of Formulas !-XI and XXXMl-XXXVIl. in another embodiment, such non-natural amino acid polypeptide comprises at least one natural amino acid selected ftom amino acids of compounds 1 -12, |00301 in further or alternative embodiments are methods for treating a disorder, condition or disease, the method comprising administering a therapeutically effective amount of a non-natuial mnjno acid polypeptide comprising at least one quinoxaliπe or phenazme containing non-tiatura! amino acid and the resulting quinoxaliπe or phenazme containing non-natural amino acid polypeptide ύiereases the bioavailability of the polypeptide relative to the hom*ologous naturally-occurring amino acid polypeptide. J0031] ϊt) furlher or alternative embodiments are methods for treating a disorder, condition or disease, the method comprising administering a therapeutically effective amount of a non-natural amino acid polypeptide comprising ai least one quinoxaϊine or phetiazme containing non-natura! amnio acid and the resulting quinoxahne or phenazine containing non-natural amino acid polypeptide increases the safety profile of the polypeptide relative to the hom*o logo as naturally-occurring amino acid polypeptide. {0032J In further or alternative embodiments axe methods for treating a disorder, condition or disease, the method comprising administering a therapeutically effective amount of a πoa-πaturai amino acid polypeptide comprising at least one quinoxaline oi pheπazine containing non-natutal amino acid and the resulting quinoxaliϊie <tr phenaziπe containing non-natural amino acid polypeptide increases the water solubility of the polypeptide relative to the hom*ologous naturally-occurring ammo acid polypeptide.

(0033] In further or alternative embodiments are methods for treating a disorder, condition or disease, the method comprising administering a therapeutically effective amount of a nott-narural amino acid polypeptide comprising at leaal one quinoxaline or phenazine containing non-natural amino acid and the resulting quinoxaline or phenazine containing non-natural amino acid polypeptide increases the therapeutic half-life of the polypeptide relative to the hom*ologous nafuraliy-occarriπg amino acid polypeptide,

[0034] In further or alternative embodiments are methods for treating a disorder, condition or disease, the method comprising administering a therapeutically effective amount of a noa-nafural amino acid polypeptide comprising at least one qtiinoxahne or phenazme containing nou-naiural amino acid and the resulting quinoxaline or phenelzine containing no n -natural amino acid polypeptide increases the scrum half-life of the polypeptide relative to the hom*ologous narurally-oeenrπng amino acid polypeptide.

J0035J further or alternative embodiments are methods for treating a disorder, condition OE disease, ihe method comprising administering a therapeutically effective amount of a non-natural ammo acid polypeptide comprising at least one quinoxaline or pheiiazme containing non-nafural amino acid and the resuliing qumoxaline or phenazine containing non-naairal amino acid polypeptide extends the circulation time of the polypeptide relative to the hom*ologous naturally-occurring ammo acid polypeptide.

JΘ036] In further or alternative embodiments are methods for treating a disorder, condition or disease, the method comprising administering a therapeutically efiective amount of a noti-jtatoral amino actd |X)lvpepridβ comprising at least one quinoxaline or phenazine containing non-natural amino ac id and the resulting qumoxahtie ot prie-riazme containing non-nafural amino acid polypeptide modulates the biofogicai

of the polypeptide relative to the hom*ologous naturally-occurring amino acid polypeptide, iO837J In tittther ot alternative embodiments are methods for treating a disorder, condition or disease, the method comprising administering a therapeutically effective amount of a non-natural amino acid polypeptide comprising at least one quinoxaline or phena/ine containing non-natutal amino acid and the resulting quinoxalnse or phenazinc containing rii>n-πa!ural amino acid polypeptide the hnitnmogemcity of 1 tic polypeptide relative to the hom*ologous naturally-occurring amino actd polypeptide.

(0038) The methods and compositions described herein are not limited to the particular methodology, protocols, ceil lines, constructs, and reagents described herein and as such may vary. The lerminolouy used herein js for the purpose oi' describing particular embodiments only, and is not intended to limit the scope of the meJltodϊ and compositions described herein, which will be limited only by the appended claims. |0039) As used beretti and in the appended claims, the singular forms; "a," ''an," and "the" include plural teference unless the eontexi clearly indicates otherwise. ff)040| Unless defined otherwise, all technical and scientific terms used herein have die same meaning as. commonly understood to one of ordinary skill in the art to which the inventions described herein belong. Although any methods, devices, and materials similar or equivalent to those described herein can be used in the practice or testing of the inventions, described herein, the preferred methods, devices and materials are now described.

58041] The publications; discussed herein are provided solely for their disclosure prior to the riling date of the present application. Nothing herein ts to bε constated as. an admission that the inventots described herein are not entitled to antedate such disclosure by virtue of prior invention or for any other reason. J0042J The term "affinity label" as used herein, refers to a iabel which reversibJy or irreversibly binds another molecule, either to modify it destroy it, or form a compound with it. By way of exampie, affinity labels include, enzymes and their substrates, or antibodies and their antigens.

[0043] The terms "alkoxy." "alkylanxino" and "aikylthio" for. thioalkoxv) refer to alkyl groups linked to molecules via an oxygen atom, an amino group, or a sulfur atom, respectively. [0044] The io rm "alkyl," by itself or as part of another molecule, means, uniess otherwise stated, a straight or branched chain, or cyclic hydrocarbon radical, or combination thereof, which optionally is fully saturated, mono- or polyunsaturated and include di~ and multivalent radicals, having the number of carbon atoms riesi strutted {i.e. C<-Cu, means one to ten carbons,). Examples of saturated hydrocarbon radicals include, but are tiot limited to, groups such as methyl, ethyl, n-propyl, isøpropyi, n-butyϊ, t-bmyl. isobutyt, sec -butyl, cyclαbexyi, (cvciohexyl}me{hyi, cycioptopylmethyl, ho mo logs and isomers, of. for example, (i-pentyl. ti-hexyl, it-heptyi, n-odyl, and the like. An unsaturated alkyl group is one having one or more double bond? or triple bonds. Examples of unsaturated alkyl groups include, but are not limited to, vinyl 2-propenyU crotyl, 2- isopeiiietiyi. i-fbutadienyl). 2,4-pentadienyl, 3-( ! ,4-ρeiHadicτiyl), elhynyi. 1 - and 3-proρynyi ?-biiiyπyl. and the higher hom*o togs and isomers. The term "alky!," tmlcss otherwise noted . is also meant to include those derivatives oFalkyl defined in more detail herein, such as "heteroaikyj", "haJoalkyi" and "horaoalkyl", (0045) Tlte teon '"alkyiene" by itself or as part of another molecule means α divalent radical derived from an alkatie, ;JS exempli lied fay (--CIi]- )a, wherein a is 1 to about 24. By way of example only, such groups include, but axe not limited to, groups having 10 or fewer carbon aiøms sucrt as the structures -CHSCrIr- ^sd - CU^CH JCHJOI;-. A "lower alkyl" or "lower alkykne" is a shorter chain alkyl or atkyleiie group, generally ha\ ing eight or fewer carbon aiorm 'T he term "alkyiene," unless otherwise noted, is also meant to include those gjoups described herein ΆS "heteroaikykne,"

|tiO46| The term "amino acid" refers to namrsliy occurring and non-natural amino acids, as v.cll as ammo acid analogs and amino acid osmetics that function m a manner similar to the naturally occurring amino acids. Naturally encoded amino acids are the 20 common amino acids l alaπuse. arginiπe, asparagine, aspartic acid, cysteine, gluraniine. glutamic acid, glycine, histidine. isolcucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, proline, seπtte. threonine, tryptophan, tyrosine, and valine) and pyrolys.ine and seienocysteiπe. Aπrino acid analogs refers to compounds (hat have the same basic chemical structure as a naturally occurring ammo acid, by way of example on!>, an w -carbon that is bound io a hydrogen, a carboxyi group, an amino group, and an I^ yroup. Such analogs opiiooally have modified R groups (by of example, norleucinej or optionally have modified peptide backbones, while still retaining the same basic chemical structure as a naturally occurring JHiDtKi acid. Non-limiting examples of amino acid analogs include hom*oserme. norleuαπe, methionine sulfoxide, methionine rtiethyl sui ionium. i0047j Amino acids are referred to herein by either their name, tbesr commonly known three letter symbols or by the one-letter symbols, recommended by the ILiPAC-IUB Biochemical Nomenclature Commission. Additionally, nucleotides, are referred to by their commonly accepted single-letter codes.

J0048J An "amino terminus modification group" refers to any molecule that is attached to a terminal amine group. By way of example, such terminal amine groups are optionalϊly at the end of polymeric molecules. wherein such polymeric molecules includes but are not limited to, polypeptides, polynucleotides, and polysaccharides. Teritiiinis modification groups include but are not limited to, various water soluble poiymεrs, peptides or proteins By way of example only, terminus, modification groups include polyethylene glycol or serum albumin. Termimis mcsdiftcafiot) groups ace; used to modify therapeutic characteristics of the polymeric molecule, including but not limited to increasing the serum half-life of peptides, fO049| By "antibody fragment" is meant any form of an antibody other than (he fuU-teagth form

Antibody fragments herein include antibodies thai are smaller components that exist within full- length antibodies, and antibodies IJhut hove been engineered. Antibody fragments include but are not limited Eo Fv, Fc, Fab, and (Fab' j2, single chain Fv (scFv), diabodies,. triabodies, tefrabodies, biftiticuoπai hybrid antibodies, CDRl, CDR2, CDR3, combinations of CDRΛs, variable regions, framework regions, constant regions, heavy chains, light chains, and variable regions, and alternative scaffold non-antibody molecules, bispeeiiϊe antibodies, and the like (Maynard & Georgiou, 2000. Annu. Rev. Brøned Eng. 2:339-76; Hudson, 1998, €mτ. Opin. Biotechπol. 9:395-402). Another functional substructure is a single chain Fv (scFv), comprised of the variable regions of the imπnmoglobulin heavy and light chain, covalently coiineded by a peptide linker (S-x Hu et ah, 1996, Cancer Research, 56, 305S-3O61 ). These small {'Mr 25,000) proteins generally retain specificity and affinity for antigen in a single polypeptide and provide a convenient building block for larger, antigen-specific molecules. Unless specifically noted otherwise, statements and claims, that use the term "antibody" oτ "antibodies" specifically includes "antibody fragment" and "antibody fragments,"

[0050| The term "aromatic" or "aryl", as used herein, refers to a closed ring structure which has at least one ring having a conjugated pi electron system and includes both carbocyclic aryl and heterocyclic aryl (or "heieroaryi" or "heteroaromatic") groups. The carbocyclic or heterocyclic aromatic group optionally contain from 5 to 20 ring atoms. The term includes monocyclic rings linked covalenfly or fused-rmg polycyclic (i.e., rings which share adjacent pairs of carbon atoms) groups. Au aromatic group is optionally unsubstituted or stibsJiJuted. Non-Uniiting exmnples of "aromatic" or "aryl", groups include phenyl, 1 -napSnhyl, 2-naphthyl, 4- biphenyl, aπtliraceπy!, and phenanihraceayL Substimems for each of the above noted aryl and heieroaryl ring systems are selected from the group of acceptable substiments described herein. [00511 For brevity, the semi "aromatic" or "aryl" when us>ed in conjbination with other terms (including hut not limited to, aryioxy. arylthioxy. araJkyl) jnc hides both aryl and heteroaryl rings as defined above. Thus, (he term "aralkyϊ" or "alkary!" is meant Io include those radicals in which an aryl group is attached to an aϊkyi group (including but not limited to, benzyl, phettethyl, pyridylmethy! and the like) including those alky] groups in which a carbon atom (including but not limited to, a methylene group) has been replaced by a heteroatom. by way of example only, by an oxygen atom. Examples of such aryl groups include, but are not limited to, pheooxymethyi, 2-pyridyioxymethyL 3-(l-naphthyloxy)propyh and the like. fOO52j The term "atylene", as used herein, refers to a divalent aryl radical, No a- limiting examples of

"aryleπe" include pheπylerie, pyridinytene, pyrimidinyiene and thiophertytene, Subsdtuenls {or arylene groups are selected from the group of acceptable substituents described herein.

|00531 Tte term "at least one amino acid" refers to a single ammo acid, a multiplicity of amino acids, an

5 oligopeptide, an amino acid dirtier, an amino acid iritπer, an amino acid tetramer, a polypeptide, a protein, an antibody. Of any other connected chain of amiτio acids.

[§054[ The term "at least one sugar group" refers to a single sugar group, a multiplicity of sugar groups, an oligosaccharide, a saccharide dimer, a saccharide trimer, a saccharide tetramer, a polysaccharide, or any other connected chain of sugar groups.

10 [0055| The term "at least otie nucleotide" refers, to a single nucleotide, a multiplicity of nucleotides, an oligonucleotide, a nucleotide dimer. a nucleotide trimer, a nucleotide tetraτixrr. a polynucleotide, a nucleic acid, RNA, DNA, or any other connected chain of nucleotides.

[00561 A "bifuncttonal poiyrner", also referred to as a ''bifαoctionai linker", refers to a polymer comprising two functional groups that are capable of reacting specifically with other moieties to form covaient

! 5 or nuπ-covaleiU linkages.. Such moieties include, but are not limited to, the side groups on natural or non-natural amino acids or peptides which contain such natural or non-natural ammo acids. By way of example only, a bifunctioπal linker has a functional group reactive with a group on a first peptide, and another functional group which is. reacHve with a group on a second peptide, whereby forming a conjugate, that includes the first peptide, the biftmcttonal linker and the second peptide. Many procedures and linker molecules for attachment of various 0 compounds to peptides are known. See, e.g., European Patent Application No. 188,256; U.S. Patent Nos. 4,671.958, 4,659,839, 4,414, 148, 4,699,78-1; 4.680,338; and 4,569,789. A "muUi-futictional polymer" also referred f.o as a "mulii- functional linker", refers to a polymer comprising two or more functional groups thai are capable of reacting with other moieties. Such moieties include, but are not limited to, the side gamps on natural or non-naturaϊ amino acids-; or peptides, which contain such natural or non-natuta! amnio acids, (including but πoi 5 limited to, amino acid aide groups) to form covakiit or non-covaleni linkages, A bi-funetkmal polynwi or miiltt- functional polymer is optionally any desired length or molecular weight, and is optionally selected to provide a particular desired spacing or conformation between one or more molecules, linked to a compound and nioiecuies it binds to or £he eosnpounci [0057] The term "bioavailability," as used herein, refers, to the rate and extent to which a substance or its 0 active moiety is delivered from a pharmaceutical dosage form and becomes available at the site of action or m the general circulation. Iπc teases in bioavailability refers to increasing the raϊe and extent a substance or its active moiety is delivered ftora a pharmaceutical dosage form and becomes, available at the site of action or m the general circulation. By way of example, an increase in bioavailability is indicated as. an increase in concentration of the substance or its active moiety in the blood when compared to other substances or active

35 moieties. A non-limiting example of a method to evaluate increases πi bioavailability is given in examples 22- 26. This method is optionally used for evaluating the bioavailability of any polypeptide.

J 00581 The terra biologically active molecule", "biologically active moiety" or "biologically active agent" when used herein means any substance which affects any physical or biochemical properties of a biological system, pathway, molecule, or interaction relating to an organism, including but not limited to, 0 viruses, bacteria, bacteriophage, traυsposon, prion, insects, iimgi, plants, animals, and humans. In particular, as

S3 used herein, biologically active molecules include but arc not limited So any substance intended for diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease in humans or other animals, or io otherwise enhance physical or mental well-being of .humans or animals. Examples of biologically active molecules include, but are not limited to, peptides, proteins, enzymes, small molecule drags, hard drugs, soft drugs, carbohydrates, inorganic atoms or molecules, dyes, lipids, nucleosides, radionuclides, oligonucleotides, toxins, cells, viruses, liposomes, mJcropartkies and micelles. Classes of biologically active agents that arc suitable for use with the methods and compositions described herein include, bat are not limited to, drugs, prodrugs, radionuclides, imaging agents, polymers, antibiotics, fungicides, ami-varal agents, ami- inflammatory agents, anti-tumor agents, cardiovascular agents, anti-atixiely agenϊs, hormones, growth factors, steroidal agents, microbially derived toxins, and the like.

[0059] By "'modulating biological activity" is means increasing or decreasing the. reactivity of a polypeptide, altering the selectivity of the polypeptide, enhancing or decreasing the substrate selectivity of She polypeptide. Analysis of modified biological activity is. optionally performed by comparing the biological activity of the non-natural polypeptide to that of the natural polypeptide. [0060] The term "biomateπal." as used herein, refers to a biologically-derived material, including but not limited to material obtained from bkireacKirs and/or from recombinant methods and techniques, |0061] The term "biophysical probe,'" as used herein, refers Io probes which detect or monitor structural changes in molecules. Such molecules include, but are not limited to, proteins and the "'biophysical probe" is optionally used to detect or monitor interaction of proteins with other reacrornolecules. Examples of biophysical probes include, bat are not limited to, spin-labels, a iluorophores, and photoactivatible groups,.

[0062] The term "biosynthetically/' as used herein, refers to any method utilizing a translation .system

{cellular or non-cellular), including use of at leas! one of the following components: a polynucleotide, a codon, a tRNA, and a ribosome. By way of example, non-natural amino acids are "biosynthettcaUy incorporated" into non-natural amino acid polypeptides using the methods and techniques described herein in section "hi vivo generation of polypeptides c omprising nan-natural am itio acids" .

[0063] The term "biotin analogue," or also referred to as "biotin mimic", as used herein, is any molecule, other than biotin, which bind, wilts high affinity to avidin and/or streptavidin.

(00641 The term "carbonyT" as used herein refers to a group containing a rnoieiy selected from ihe gsonp consisting of -C(O)-, -SfO)-, -S(Ob-, and -CCS)-, including, but not limited to, groups containing a least one ketone group, and/oi at least one aldehyde groups, and'oi at least oue ester group, and/or at least one carhαxylte acid group, and/or at least one thtoester group. Such carboiiyl groups include ketones., aldehydes, carboxyiic acids, esters, and thioeslers. Ia addition, such gjoups are optionally part of linear, branched, or cyclic molecules. [0065] The term "carboxy terminus modification group" refers to any molecule that is attached to a terminal carboxy group, βy way of example, such terminal carboxy groups are optionally at the end of polymeric molecules, wherein such polymeric molecules include, but are. not limited to, polypeptides, polynucleotides, and polysaccharides. Terminus modification groups, include but are not limited to, various water soluble polymers, peptides or proteins. By way of example only, terminus modification groups include polyethylene glycol or serum albumin Terminus modification groups ate optionally used to modify therapeutic characteristics of the polymeric molecule, including but not limited to increasing the serum, half-life αf peptides. [00661 Hie terra "chemically cleavabie group," also referred to as "chemically labile", as used herein, refers to a group which breaks or cleaves upon exposure to acid, base, oxidizing agents, reducing agents, chemical initittators, or radical initiators.

|006?1 The term "chemiiuminesceM group," as used herein, refers to a group which emits light as a result of a chemical reaction without the addition of heat. By way of example only, irmiinol (5-ammo-2.3-dilmiio-l,4- phtlialazinedtonε) react-; with oxidants like hydrogen peroxide (H2O,) in the presence of a base and a metal catalyst io produce an excited state product (3-arnioophthalate: 3-APA).

|00()S| The lerm "chromophore." as used herein, refers to a raolecsϊls which absorbs light of visible wavelengths, UV wavelengths or IR wavelengths. [0069] T he term "eofactor," as used herein, refers to an atom or moiecυle essential for the action of a large molecule. Coiactots include, bui are not limiied to. inorganic ions, coenzymes, protein;;, or some other facϊor necessary for the activity of enzymes. Examples include, heme in hemoglobin, magnesium m chlorophyll, and metal ions for proteins. j0870| "Cofolding," as used herein, refers to refolding processes, reactions, or methods which employ at least uvυ molecules which interact with each other and result in She tmαsibrmation of unfolded or improperly folded molecules to properly folded molecules. By way of example only, "cofoJding," employ at least two polypeptides which interact with each other and result in the transformation of unfolded or improperly folded polypeptides to native, properly folded polypeptides. Such polypeptides optionally contain natural amino acids and/ot ai leaal one non-natural amino acid. f©07j ] A "comparison window," as used herein, refers a segment of any one of contiguous positions used to compare a sequence to a reference sequence of the same number of contiguous, positions after the two sequences are optimally aligned. Such contiguous positions include, bur are not limited to a group consisting of from about 20 to about 600 sequential units, including about 50 to about 200 sequential units, and about TOO to about 150 sequential units. By way of example only, such sequences include polypeptides and polypeptides containing non-natural amino acids, with the sequential units include, but are not limited to natural and oon- naturai amino acids. In addition, by way of example only, such sequences include polynucleotides with nucleotides being the corresponding sequential units. Methods of alignment of sequences for comparison include, but are tioi limited to. the local hom*ology algorithm of Smith and Waterman ( S 97O) Adv. Appl, Math. 2:482c, the hom*ology alignment algorithm of Needleman and Wunsch 0970} J, MoI. Biol. 48:443, the search for similarity method of Pearson and Lipman ( 1988) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci, USA 85.2444, computerized implementations of these algorithms {GAP, BESITlT, FASTA, and TFASTA in the Wisconsin Genetics Software Package. Genetics Computer Group, 575 Science Dr., Madisoti, WS)1 or by manual alignment artd visual inspection ('see, e.g., Λαsubel et a!.. Current Protocols in Molecular Biology ( 1995 supplement)). 10072} By way of example, an algorithms) which is used to determine percent sequence identify atid sequence Similarity are the EiLAST and BLAST 2.0 algorithms, which are de-scribed in Altschu! et al. (1997) Nae. Acids Res. 25:3389-3402. and Ahschtil et al. ( 1990) J. MoL Biol. 215:403-410, respectively. Software for performing BLAST analyses is publicly available through the National Center for Biotechnology Information. The BLAS T algorithm parameters W. T. and X determine the setisiiivny and speed of the alignment. The BLASTN program (for nucleotide sequences) uses as defaults a wordlength (W) of 1 L at) expectation (E) or H). M~5, N-----4 and a coaipaiison of both strands. For amino acid ϋcquertccs.. the RLASTF program uses as defaults a wordiength of 3. aad expectation (E) of 10. and ihe BLOSIJM62 scoring trams (see Henikorϊ and .Hemkoff ( 1992) Proc. Natl. Acad. Set, USA 89:10915) alignments (B) of 50, expectation (Ei of 10. M-5, N-K and a comparison of both strands. The BLAST algorithm is typically performed with ϊhe "low complexity" filter turned off. f0073| 'The BLAST algorithm also performs a statistical analysts of the sirmlariiy between two sequences

{see, e g., Karim and Aitschul ( 1993) Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA <>0:58?3-578?), One measure of similarity provided by ihe BLAST algorithm is the smallest sum probability (P(N)), which, provides an indication of the probability by which a match between two nucleotide or amino acid sequences would occur by chance. For example, a nucleic acid is considered similar to a reference sequence if the smallest sum probability in a comparison of the lest nuctec: acid to the reference nucleic acid is less than about 0.2, or less than about 0.05 , or less than about 0.001.

(0074} The terra "'conservatively modified variants" applies to both natural and noivnatiua! amino acid and natural and non-natural nucleic aαd sequences, and combinations thereof. With respect to particular nucleic acid sequences, "conservatively modified variarus"" refers to those natural and non-natural nucJeie acids which encode identical or essentially identical natural and non-natural amino acid sequences, or where the natural and non-natural nucleic acid docs not encode a natural and aon-naturaJ amino acid sequence, to essentially identical sequences. By way of example, because of the degeneracy of the genetic; code, a large number of functionally identical nucleic acids encode any given protein. For instance, the codons GCA1 GCCi, GCG and GCtJ all encode the amino acid alanine. Thus, at every position where an alanine is. specified by a codon, the- codon is optionally altered to any of Ihe Corresponding codons described without altering the encoded polypeptide. Such nucleic acid variations are "silent variations," which are one species of conservatively modified variations. Thus by way of example every natural or non-natural nucleic acid sequence herein which encodes a natural or non- natuial polypeptide also describes every possible silent variation of the natural or non-natural nucleic acid, "Each codon in a natural or non-nafural nucleic acid (except AUG, which is ordinarily the only codon for methionine, and TGG, which is ordinarily the only codon for tryptophan} is optionally modified to yield a functionally identical molecule. Accordingly, each silent variation of a natural and non-natural nucleic acid which encodes a natural and non-natutai polypeptide is implicit in each described sequence,

|0075| As to amino acid sequences, individual substitutions, deletions or additions to a nucleic acid, peptide, polypeptide, or protein sequence which alters, adds of delates a single natural and non-natural amino acid or a small percentage of natural and non-natural amino acids in the encoded sequence is a "conservatively modified variant" where ihe alteration results in the deletion of an amino acid, addition of an amino acid, or substitution of a natural and non-natural amino acid with a chemically similar amino acid. Conservative substitution tables available in the scientific literature, provide functionally similar natural amino acids. Such conservatively modified variants are in addition Ks and do not exclude polymorphic variants, interspecies hom*oktgs. and alleles of Ihe methods, and compositions described herein.

[0076 J The following eight groups each contain amino acids that are conservative substitutions for one another:

I } Alanine (A). Glycine (G);

2) Aspartic acid (D), Glutamic acid (E); 3) Asparagme (N). Glutamitie (Q); 4) Arginine (R), Lysine (K);

5) ϊsoleucine (I), Leucine ( U, Methionine (M), Valine (V);

6) PlicnySalatϊinc (F), Tyrosine < Y ), Tryptophan ϊ W); 7} Serine (S), Threonine (T); and 8} Cysteine (C). Methionine (M ?

(see, e.g., Ct-eighson. Proteins Structures and Molecular Properties (W H Freeman & Co.; 2nd edition (December 1993)

(00?7i The terms "cyctoalkyl" and "heterocyeloalkyl", by themselves or in combination with other terms, represent, unless otherwise stated, cyclic versions of "alky!" and "heteroalkyl". respectively . Thus, a cycSoalky! or heterocycloalkyl include saturated, parlialiy unsaturated and fully unsaturated ring linkages. Additionally, for heterocycJoaϊkyh a heieroatotπ occupies, for example, the position at which the heterocyeie is attached to the remainder of the molecule. The heteroaføra includes, but is not limited to, oxygen, nitrogen or sulfur. .Examples of cyeioaikyl include, but are not limited to, cyclopenlyl, cyclohexyl, 1 -cyclobexenyJ, 3-cydohexenyl. cydβheptyi, and the like. Examples of heterocycloalkyl include, hut are not limited to, 1— (1.2.5,6- tetrahydropyridyl), l-piρeτκiiiiy3. 2-piperidmyK 3-piperidiτiyL 4-morρhoHtiyϊ, 3-morphoitnyl, tetrahydrofuran-2- y], tctrahydrofuraπ-3-yI, tetrahydroth.ϊen-2-yl, ιetrahydrothien-3-yl, I --piptτazinyl 2-piperazinyl. atid the like. Additionally, the serin encompasses multicycϊic structures, including but not limited to, bieyclic and tricyclic vmg structures. Similarly, she teπti "heterocycSoalkylene*' by itself or as pari of another molecule τneaxιs a divϋkxii radical derived from heJerocycloalkyK arid the term "cycloaikylenε" by itself or as part of another molecuie means a divalent radical derived from cycloalkyϊ.

|O5)7S] The iemi "cyclodcxtriα," as used herein, refers to cyclic carbohydrates consisting of at least six so eight glucose molecules in a ring formation The outer of the ring contains, waiet soluble groups; ar the center of the ring is a relatively nonpolar cavity able to accommodate small molecules, [0079] The term "cytotoxic," as used herein, refers to a compound which harms cells. [0ΘS0| "Denaturing agent" or "deiiatiitatit," as used heiein. refers io any cotnpound or raateπal which will cause a reversible uafolding of a polymer. By way of example only, "denaturing agent" or "denaturants," cause a reversible unfolding of a protein. The strength of a denaturing agent or denaUiπmt will be determined bosh by the properties and She concentration of ihe particular denaturing agent ot desiamratiL By way of example, denaturing agents ox denaturanits include, but are not limited to, chaotropes, detergents., organic, watex sniscible solvents, phospholipids, or a combmation thereof. Non-limiting examples of chaotropes include, but are not limited to, urea, guaiiidiπe, and sodium tiiiocyatiaie. Non-linitting examples of detergents; include, but are not limited to, Htrong detergents such as sodium dodecyJ sulfate, or poiyosyethykne εthets (e g. Tween or Triton detergents), Sarkosyl. mild non-ionic detergents, (e.g.. digitonin), na!d caϋonic detergents such as N->2,3- ( Dioleyoxy)-prt>ρy!-N,]Si,N-trimetlrylatnmotiitiin, mild ionic detergents, (e.g. sodium choUite or sodium deoxychoiate) or xwitterionic deiergents, including, hut not linriied to. sulfobetaiiies. (ZwitSergeπt}, 3-( 3- chloianiidopropyl}dimethylammt>nio-l~piOpane sulfate (CHAPS), and 3-t'?- chlolauώlop!Opyl)dtmethylamtϊionio-2-hydro>-y-l -propane su3 fonate (CIlAPSO). Noπ-htniting examples of organic, water miscϊble sαivenis include, but are not limited to. acetonnrile, lower alkanois (especially C5 - Cj alkanols stjch as ethanol or isopropanof), oτ lower alkandiols (C2 - C« aϊkandiols such as ethylerse-givcol) used as dεnafυrams. Non-limiting examples of phospholipids include, bul are τκ.>t limited Kt, natutaily occuixitjg phospholipids such as phosphatidylethanølamrae. phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidyherine, and phosphatidyl inositol or synthetic phospholipid derivatives or variants such as dihexanoyϋphosphatidykholine or diheptanoyiphosphεtridykholme,

JO(JSiJ The terra "detectable labet," as used herein, refers to a label which is optionally observable using analytical techniques including, but not limited to, fluorescence, chemilurmneseence, electron-spin resonance, ultraviolet/visible absorbanee spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, nuclear magnetic resonance, magnetic resonance, and electrochemical methods.

[0082] The term "dicarbonyl" as used herein refers to a group containing at least two moieties selected from the group consisting of -C(O)-, -S(O)-, -S(O)2-, and -C(S)-, including, but trøi limited to, 1 ,2-dieatbonyl groups, a 1,3-dtcarbon.yl groups, and 1 ,4-dicarbonyi groups, and groups containing a least one ketone group, and/or at least one aldehyde gtoups, and/or at least one ester group, and/or at least one carboxylic acid group, and/or at least otκ- thioester group. Such dicarbony! groups include diketones, ketoaklehyctes. kcioaeids. kctoesfers. and ketothioesters. In addition, such groups are optionally part of linear, blanched, or cyclic molecules. The- two moieties m the dicarbonyl group sic the same or different, and optionally include substimeiJts that would produce, by way of eNample only, an ester, a ketone, an aldehyde, a thioesscr, or an amide, at either of the two moieties.

{00831 The term " I f2-dicarbonyi equivalents" or "equivalents to ! .2-diearbonyi" as used herein refers to a group containing at Jeast two moieties, positioned in a 1 ,2- substitution pattern, wherein one or both of the moieties are replaced by groups other than carbonyi groups, but that still react wiih 1 ,2-atyldiaiϊiines; to form qitinoxaiine or pheπazine groups. Λ πon limiting example of a 1 ,2-dicarbonyl equivalent is a l , l -dibrαmo-2-oxo group.

{0084) The term "drag," as used herein, refers io any substance used in the prevention, diagnosis, aiteviatioa, treatment, or care of a disease en condition. fOOSS) The term "dye," aa used herein, refers to a soluble, coloring substance which contains a chromophore,

{00861 The term "effective amount," as used herein, refers to. a sufficient amount of an agent or a compound being administered which will relieve to some extent one or more of the symptoms of the disease or condition being treated. The result Ls reduction and/or alleviation of the signs, symptoms, or causes of a disease, or any other desired alteration of a biological system. By way of example., an ageni or a compound being administered includes, but is not limited to. a natural amino acid polypeptide, non-natiirai amino acid polypeptide, modified natural amino acid polypeptide, or modified non -amino acid polypeptide. Compositions containing such natural amino acid polypeptides, non- natural acid polypeptides, modified natural amino acid polypeptides, or modified rioH-nalwa! amino acid polypeptides are optionally administered for prophylactic, enhancing, and/or therapeutic treatments. At) appropriate "effective" amount tn any individual case is determined, for example, using techniques, such as a dose escalation study.

10087 J The term "'electron dense group,1' as used herein, refers to a group which scatters electrons when irradiated with an electron beam. Such groups include, bus are not limited to. ammonium moiybdate, bismuth suhmtraie cadmium iodide, 99%, carbohyckazide, ferric chloride hexahydrate, hexamethylene tettatniπe, 98 5%. indium trichloride anhydrous, lanthanum nitrate, kad acetate trihydrate, lead citrate rrihydrate, lead nitrate, periodic acid, phosphoiuolybdjc acid, phosphotungstic acid, potassium ferric yanide. potassium ferrocyanide. nUhenium red, silver nitrate, silver proteinaie (Ag Assay. 8,0-8,5%) "Strong", silver tetraphetjyJporphui (S- TPPS). sodium chloroaυrate, sodnsrn tungstate, thallium nitrate, thiosetπicarbazide (TSC), uianyl acetate, υranyi nitrate, and vanadyl sulfate

|0088J The Serin "energy transfer agent," as. used herein, refers to a molecule which either donates or accepts energy from another molecule. By way of example only, fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRKT) is a dipole-dipole coupling process by which the. excited-state energy of a fluorescence donor molecule h non- tadiatively transferred to an unexcited acceptor molecule which then fluoresce ntly emits the donated energy at a longer waveletigth. f0089j The terms "enhance" or "enhancing'' means to increase or prolong either in potency or duration a desired effect. By way of example, "enhancing" the effect of therapeutic agents refers to the ability to increase or prolong, other in potency or duration, the effect of therapeutic agents on during treatment of a disease. disorder or condition. An "enhancmg-effeetive amount," as used herein, refers to an amount adequate to enhance the effect of a therapeutic agent in the treatment of a disease, disorder or condition. When used in a patient, amounts effective for this use will depend on the severity and course of the disease disorder or condition, previous therapy, the patient's health status and response to the drugs, and the judgment of the treating physician.

(009Oj As used herein, the terra "eukaryote" refers to organisms belonging to the phylogenetic domain

Eucarya, including but not limited to animals (including but not limited to, mammals, insects, reptiles, birds, etc), ciliates, plants (including but not limited to, reionocots, dicots, and algae), fungi, yeasts, flagellates. microsporidia. and protists,

[00911 The term "fatty acid," as, used herein, refers to carboxylic acids wsth about Q or longer hydrocarbon side chain, fβO92] The term "fluorophore," as used herein, refers to a molecule which upon excitation emits photons and ΪS thereby fluorescent. fS)093| The terms "functional group", "active moiety", "activating group", "leaving group", "reactive site", "die-nueall y reactive group1' and "chemically reactive moiety." as used herein, refer to portions or units of a molecule at which chemical reactions occur. The terms arc; somewhat synonymous and are used herein to indicate the portions of molecules that perform some function or activity arid are reactive with other molecules. [8094| The term "halogen" includes, fluorine, chlorine, iodine, and bromine. [0095[ The term "haloacyl," as used herein, refers to acyl groups which contain halogen moieties, including, but not limited to, -C(O)CH5, -C(O)CF3, -CfO)CH11OCH3, and the like.

}0Q%] The term "haloaikyl,1' as used herein, refers to alky! groups, which contain halogen moieties, including, but not limited lo, -CT3 and -CH1CFj and the like. [0097 J The term "hetetoalkyϊ," as used herein, refers to straight or branched chain, or cyclic hydrocarbon radicals, or combinations thereof, consisting of an alky I group and at least one hetcroatom selected from She group consisting of O, N, Si and S, and wherein the nitrogen and sulfur atoms are optionally oxidized and fhe nitrogen heteroatom is. optionally quaterntzed. The heferoatom(s) O, N and S and Si are optionally placed a! any interior position of the heteroalky! group or at the position at which the alky I group is attached to the remainder of the molecule. Examples include, but arc not limited to, -CHrCHrO-CiJ;f: .CH2-CHrNH-CH:i! -CHrCHr NfCHrO-CM3, -CHr-S -CHJ-CHJ, -CHJ-CH ^S(O)-CH 5, -CHrCHr S(O)--CM J, -CH-CH-O-CH:, -St(CH:),. - CHrCH-N-OCH5. and ---CH^CFI-N(CHO-CH-J. In addition, up to two heieroatøms are optionally consecutive. such as, by way of example, -CHj-NΗ-OCH, and -CHrO-Si(CH3) }.

(Q09SJ The term "heteroalkylene,11" as used herein, refers to a divatem radical derived from heierøalkyi, as exemplified, but not limited by. -CH2-CfTj-S-CIkCH;,- and -CHrS-ClIrCM2-NH-CISj-. For heteroaikylcne groups, the same or different heieroatoms also optionally occupy either or bor.h of she chain termini (including but not limited to, alkyleneoxy, alkyleπediαxy, aikylenearnino, alkyJenediaπiino, aminooxyalkyfcne, and the like), Sitll further, for aϊkytene and heteroalkytene linking groups, no orientation of the linking group is implied by the direction in which the formula of the linking group is written. By way of example, the formula -C(O)^R'- rcpreseiits both -C(O)2R'- arid -R'C(O)r. 10099} The term "heteroaryl" or "heteroaromatic," as. used heieiii, refers to aryl groups which contain at least one hetematom selected from N, O, and S; wherein the nitrogen and sulfur atoms are optionally oxidized, and the nitrogen atotn(s) are optionally qtiaterπtzed. Heteroaryl groups are substituted or unsiibstituted. A hetεtoaiyl group is optionally attached to the remainder of the molecule through a beteroatom. Non-limiting examples of heteroaryl groups inehide i-pytτolyl, 2-pyrrolyl, J-pyrrolyl. 3-pyτazϋiyl, 2-imk1a2ohi, 4- iπiiciazolyl, pyraxinyi, 2-oxazolyl, 4-oxazoiyi, 2-phenyl-4-oxazolyi, 5-oxazotyl, 3-isoxazoϊyl. 4-isoxaxolyI, 5- istixazolyϊ, 2-tliiazoϊyl 4-thiazolyi, 5-thiazoϊyϊ, 2-ϋιryI, 3-r'uryi, 2-r.hienyl, 3-ihienyS. 2-ρyridyl. ?-pyridyl, 4- pysidyl. 2-ρyrimidyl, 4-pyrinϋdyl, 5-beRzothiazolyl, puriπyf, 2-benzimjdazoiyl, 5-indoiyS, l-i&oquinolyt, 5- isoquirtolyl, 2-qumoxahnyl, 5-quinoxalmyl, 3-qιiinotyl, and 6-quinolyl. fOOlθθ) The term "hom*oalkyi," as used herein refers to aikyl groups which are hydrocarbon groups. fOOlOl) The tens "identical," as used herein, refers to two or more sequences or subsequences which are the same. In addition, the term "substantially identical," as used herein, .refers to two or more sequences which have a percentage of sequential units winch are the same when compared and aligned for tnaxinmtπ correspondence over a comparison window, or designated region as measured using comparison algorithms αr by manual alignment and visual inspection. By way of example only, TWO or more sequences are "'substantially identical" if the sequential units are about 60% identical, about 65% identical, about 70% identical, about 75% identical, about 80% identical, about 85% identical, about 90% identical, or about 95% identical over a specified region. Such percentages to describe the "percent identity" of two or more sequences. The identity of a sequence can exist over a region that is at least about 75 to about 100 sequential units in length, over a region that is about SO ?eqiieπtiaϊ units in length, or. where not specified, across the entire sequence. This definition also refers to the complement of a test sequence. By way of example only, two or more polypeptide sequences are identical when the amino acid residues ate the same, while two or more polypeptide sequences are "substantially identical" if the amino acid residues are about 60% identical, about 65% identical, about 70% identical, about 75% identical, about 80% identical, aboui S 5% idenucaϊ, about 90% identical, or about 951K5 idenhcai over a specified region. The identity can exist aver a region that is at least about 75 to about H)O amino acids in length, over a region that is about 50 amino acids in length, or, where not speci fied, across the entise sequence of a polypeptide sequence. In addition, by way of example only, two or more polynucleotide ϋetjueπces are identical when the nucJeic acid residues are the same, while two or more polynucleotide sequences are "substantially identical" if the nucleic acid residues are about 60% identical, about 65% identical. about 70% ideππca.!, about 75% identical, about 80% identical, about 85% identical, about 90% identical, or about 95% identical over a specified region. The identity can exist over a region that is at least about 75 lυ about i OO nucleic acids in length, over a region that is about 50 mideie acids in length, or, where not specified, across the entire sequence of a polynucleotide sequence.

J001021 for sequence comparison, typically one sequence acts as a reference sequence, so which test sequences arc compared. When using a sequence comparison algorithm, test and reference sequences are 5 entered into a computer, subsequence coordinates, are designated, if necessary, and sequence algorithm program parameters are designated. Default program parameters are optionally used, or alternative parameters are- designated. T he sequence comparison algorithm ihen calculates the percent sequence identities for the test sequences relative io the reference sequence, based on the program parameters. 100103) The term "immunogenic! ty." as used herein, refers to an antibody response to admmisiratkm of a

K) therapeutic drug. The immunogenic ity toward therapeutic πon-naturat amino acid polypeptides is obtained using quantitative and qualitative assays for detection of anti-nort-namral amino acid polypeptides antibodies in biological fluids. Such assays include, but are not limited to, Radioimmunoassay (RlA). Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay { ELlSA). luminescent immunoassay (LIA), and fluorescein immunoassay (FJA), Analysis of immunogenic ity toward therapeutic nαn-υatural amino acid polypeptides involves comparing the

I 5 antibody response upon administration of therapeutic non-τiatutal amino acid polypeptides to the antibody response upon administration of therapeutic natural amino acid polypeptides.

|00f 04| The term "intercalating agent," also referred to as "intercalating group;" as used herein, refers, to a chemical that inserts into the intramolecular space* of a molecule or the mtermolecular space between molecules. By way of example only an intercalating agent or group is a molecule which inserts into the stacked bases of the 0 DNA double hefo,

{00105| The term "isolated." as used herein, refers to separating aod removing a component of interest from components, not of interest. Isolated substances are in either a dry or semi-dry state, or in solution, including but not limited to art aqueous solution. The isolated component is in a hom*ogeneous state or the isolated component is a part of a pharmaceutical composition that comprises additional pharmaceutically 5 acceptable carriers and/or excipients. Purity and hom*ogeneity ate optionally determined using analytical chemistry techniques including, bat not limited to, polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis or high performance liquid chromatography In addition., when a component of interest is isolated and is ilie predominant species present in a preparation, the Component is described herein as, substantially purified. The term "purified," as used herein, refers to a component of interest which is at least 85% pure, at least 90% pure, at least 95% pure, at 0 least 99% or greater pure. By way of example only, nucleic acids or prυtems are "isolated" when such nucleic acids or proteins are free of at least some of the cellular components with which it is associated io. the natural state, or that the nucleic acid or protein has been concentrated to s level greater than the concentration of its hi vivo or in vitro production. Also, by way of example, a gene ts isolated when separated from open reading frames which flank the gene and encode a protein other than the gene of interest. 5 [00106| The tern) "label," as used herein, refers to α substance which is incorporated into a compound and is, readily delected, whereby its physical distribution is optionally detected and'or monitored. fθθtθ7[ The term "linkage." as used herein to refer to bonds or chemical moiety formed front a chemical reaction between the functional group of a linker and another molecule. Such bonds include, but are not limited to, covaleiit linkages and non-covatent bonds, while such chemical moieties include, bin are not limned to, 0 esters, carbonates, uninεs phosphate esters, hydrazines, acetals. orthoesters, peptide linkages, and oligonucleotide linkages. Hydrolytically stable linkages, means that the linkages are substantially stable in water and do no! react with water at useful pH values, including but not limited to, under physiological conditions for an extended period of time, perhaps even indefinitely. HydrolytieaJly unstable or degradabie linkages mean that the linkages ate degradabie in water or in aqueous solutions f including for example, blood. Enzymatically unstable or degradabie linkages mean that the linkage is degraded by one or rnorε enzymes. By way of example only, PHG and related polymers include degradabie linkages in the polymer backbone or in tire linker group between the polymer backbone and one or more of the terminal functional groups of the polymer molecule. Such degradabie linkages include, but are not limited to. ester linkages formed by the reaction of PKG earboxyJic acids or activated PEG carboxyiic acids with aϊcohol group-, on a biologically active agent, wherein such ester groups generally hydrolyze iindet physiological conditions to release the biologically active agent. Other btydroiyticaliy degradabie linkages, include but are not limited to carbonate linkages; inline linkages resulted from reaction of an amine and an aldehyde; phosphate esier linkages formed by reacting an alcohol with a phosphate group; hydraxojπe linkages, which are reaction product of a hydrazkle and an aldehyde; ac.eta! iinlcages thai ate the reaction product of an aldehyde arid an alcohol; orfhoε&ler that are the reaction product of a formate and an alcohol; peptide linkages formed by an amine group, including but not limited to, at an end of a polymer &ucb as PEG, and a carboxy! group of a peptide; and oligonucleotide linkages formed by a phosphoramkh'te group, including but not limited to, at the end of a polymer, and a 5" hydroxy! group of an oligonucleotide. J00108] The terms "medium" or "media," as used herein, refer to any culture medium used to grow and harvest ceils and/or products expressed and/or secreted by such cells. Such "medium" or "media" include, but are not limited to, solution, solid, semi-solid, or rigid supports that support or contain any host cell, including, by way of example, bacterial host cells, yeast host ceils, msect host cells, plant host cells, eukaryotic hoϋ ceils, mammalian host cells. CSTC) cells, pro kεtry otic- host cells, E. cols, or Pseudomonas host cells, and ceil contents. Such "medium" or "media" includes, but is not limited to, medium or media in winch the host cell has been grown info which a polypeptide has been secreted, including medium either before or after a proliferation step. Such '"medium" or "media" also includes, but is not limited To, buffers or reagents that contain host ceil iyaates, by way of example a polypeptide produced iniracellulaily and the host ceils are lysed or disrupted to release Jhe polypeptide. S0Θ169J The term "metabolite," as used herein, refers to a derivative of a. compound, by way of example natural amino acid polypeptide, a non-natural amino acid polypeptide, a modified natural amino acid polypeptide, or a modified non-natural amino acid polypeptide, thai is formed when the compound, by way of example natural amino aeid polypeptide, non-natural amino acid polypeptide, modified natural amino acid polypeptide, or modified non-natural amino acid polypeptide, is metabolized. The term "pharmaceutically active metabolite" or "active metabolite" refers to a biologically active derivative of a compound, by way of example natural amino aeid polypeptide, a. non- natural amino acid polypeptide, a modified natural amino acid polypeptide, or a modified ncnvnatucal anύtrø acid polypeptide, that is formed when such a compound, by way of example a natural amino acid, polypeptide, tion-oatutal amino acid polypeptide, modified natural amino acid polypeptide, ot modified non- natural amino acid polypeptide, is metabolized.

7"> [001 i 0| The term "metabolized," as used herein, refers to the s>um of the processes by which a particular substance is changed by an organism. Such processes include, but are not {united to, hydrolysis reactions and reactions catalyzed by enzymes. Further information on metabolism is obtained from The Pharmacological Basis of I'herapeuties. 9th Edition, McGraw-Hill ( 1996). By way of example only, metabolites of natural amino acid polypeptides, non-natural amino acid polypeptides, modiiied natural ammo acid polypeptides, or modified non-natuial amino acid polypeptides are identified either by administration of die ttatuta! amino acid polypeptides, non-natural amino acid polypeptides, modified natural amino acid polypeptides, or modified non- natural amino acid polypeptides to a host arid analysis of tissue samples from the host, or by incubation of natural amino acid polypeptides, non-natural amino acid polypeptides, modified natural amino acid polypeptides, or modified non-natural amino acid polypeptides with hepatic ceils j« vitro and analysis of the resulting compounds.

{001 M ] The term "mete] chelator." as used herein, refers so a molecule which forms a metal complex with metal ions. By way of example, such molecules form two or more coordination bonds with a central metal ion and. optionally form ring structures. [0010] The term "metal -containing moiety," as used herein, refers to a group which contains a metal ion. atom or pattscle. Such moieties include, but are not limited to, ctsplatin, chelated metals ions (such as nickel, iron, and platinum), and metal nanoparticles (such as nickel, iron, and platinum).

|00t 13] The term ''moiety incorporating a heavy atom," as used herein, refers to a group v/hich incorporates an ion of atom which is usually heavier ihait carbon. Such ions or atoms include, but are not limited to, silicon, tungsten, gold, lead, and uranium.

JΘ9114J The term "modified," as used herein refers to {.he presence of a change to a natural amino acid, a non-natural ammo acid, a natural amino acid polypeptide or a non-natural amino acid polypeptide. Such changes, or modifications, are obtained by post synthesis modifications of natural amino acids, non-natural amino acids, natural amino acid polypeptides or non-natural amino acid polypeptides, ot by co-translational, or by post-franslaiional modification of natural amino acids, non-natural amino acids, natural amino acid polypeptides or non-natural amino acid polypeptides. The form "modified or unmodified" means that the natural amino acid, non-natural amino acid, natural amino acid polypeptide ot non-natural amino acid polypeptide being discussed are optionally modified, that is, the natural amino acid, non-natural ammo acid, natural amino acid polypeptide or non-natural amino acid polypeptide under discussion are optionally modified or unmodified. 100 ϊ 3 S I As used herein, the term "modulated serum half-life" refers to positive or negative changes in the circulating half-life of a modified biologically active molecule relative to its non-modified form. By way of example, the modified biologically active molecules include, but are not limited to, natural ammo acid, non- natural amino acid, natural amino acid polypeptide or non-natural amino acid polypeptide. By way of example, serum half-life is measured by taking, blood samples at various time points after administration of the biologically active molecule or modified biologically active molecule, and determining the concentration of that molecule in each sample. Correlation of fhe serum concentration with time allows calculation of the serum half- life. By way of example, modulated serum half-life is an increase in serum half-life, which enables improved dosing regimens or avoids toxic effects. Such increases in serum are at least about two fold, at least about threefold, at least about five-fold, or at least about ten-fold. Tins method is optionally used for evaluating the serum half-life of any polypeptide. JOi)116) The term "modulated therapeutic half- life," as used herein, refers, to positive or negative change in the half-Hfe of the therapeutically effective amount of a modified biologically active molecule, relative to its non-moάifted form. By way of example, the modified biologically active .molecules include, but arc not limited fo, natural ammo acid, ncm-natura! amino acid, natural ammo acid polypeptide or non-natural amino acid polypeptide. By way of example, therapeutic half-life is measured by measuring pharmaco*kinetic anά;'or pharmacodynamic properties of the molecule at various time points after administration. Increased therapeutic half-life enables a particular beneficial dosing regimen, a particular beneficial total dose, or avoids any urulesiied effects. By way of example, the increased therapeutic 'naif-life results from increased potency, increased or decreased binding of She modified molecule to its target, an increase or decrease in another parameter or mechanism of action of the non-modi Tied molecule, or an increased or decreased breakdown of the molecules by enzymes such as. by way of example only, This, method ss optionally used for evaluating the therapeutic half-life of any polypeptide. j00117| 'I tie term "nanoparticle," as used hereύs, refers to a particle which has a particle size between aboui 500 run and about ! nrø, [001 IH] The term "near-stoichiometric," as used herein, refers to the ratio of the moles of compounds participating in a chemical reaction being about 0.75 to about 1.5.

100119} As ifsed herein, the term "non-eukaτyote" refers to noπ-eukaryotic organisms. By way of example, a non-eukaiyotic organism belongs to the Eubactena. {which includes but is. not limited to, Escherichia coli, Thermus thermophiius, or Bacillus stearothermophilus, Pseudomonas fluoresceins, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Pseudomonas putida), phytogerietic. domaiti, or the Archaea. wlueh includes, but is not limifed to, Methanococcαs jannaschύ. Metbaπobaeterruπi thermoautotrophicum, Archaeoglobiis fulgidus,, Pyrococcαs. furiosiis, Pyrococcus horikoshii, Aeuxopymm pernix, or Halobacteriinn such as .Haloferax. volcanii and Ualobacterium specie? N1RC-S , or phyϊogeπetic domain. [(H)IlOj A "troπ-rtatural amino acid" refers to an amino acid that is not one of the 20 common amino acids or pyroϊysme or sdenocysteme. Other synonymous terms are "non-natural Iy encoded amino acid." "unnatural amino acid/' "noiv naturally-occurring amino acid," and variously hyphenated and non-hyphenated versions thereof. The term '"non-natural amino acid" includes, but is not limited to. amino acids which occur naturally by modification of a naturally encoded amino acid (including but not limited to, the 20 common amino acids or pyrcoiysine and seienøcysteine) but are not themselves incorporated into a growing polypeptide chain by the translation complex. Examples of naUirally-oecurring amino acids that are not naturaiSy-encoded inciude, but are not limited to, N-acetylglucosaminyl-L-s.eriric, N-aceiyJghicosaminyl-l.-threonine, and 0-phosphotyrosine. Additionally, the term "non-πaturai amino acid" includes, but is not limited to. ammo acids which do not occur nalυrally and are obtained synthetically or are obtained by modification of non-naiura? amino acids. JOOt 2 I j The term "nucleic acid.," as; used herein, refers to, deoxycihcnucieosides. nbonucieosides or πfoomicleotides and polymers thereof in either single- or double -stranded form. By way of example only, such nucleic acids and nucleic acid polymers include, but are not limited ϊo, (s) analogues of natural nucleotides which have simitar binding properties as a reference nucleic acid and are metabolized in a manner similar to naturally occurring nucleotides; (β) oligonucleotide analogs including, but are no! limited to, PNA (peptsdonuckic acid}., analogs of DNA used in antssense technology (phosphorotluoates. phosphoroaniidates. and the like); (iii) conservatively modi Red vatiaπis thereof {including but not iimϋed to, degenerate codon substitutions) and complementary sequences and sequence explicitly indicated. By way of example, degenerate codon substitutions axe achieved by generating sequences in which the third position of one or more selected (or all) codons is substituted with mixed-base and/or deoxyinosine residues (Bateei et al., Nucleic Acid Res. 19:508! ( 191H); OhtsuSca ei at, .?. Biol Chem. 260:2605-2608 (WSS); and Rossolini ef al., MoL Cell. Probes 8:91-98 ( 1994)}.

[0(H22[ The rerrn ""oxidizing agent," as used herein, refers to a compound or material which JS capable of removing an electron from a compound being oxidized. By way of example oxidizing agents, include, bur are not limited to. oxidized glutathione, cystine, cystaraine, oxidized dithiothreitoi, oxidized eryi.hreitoL and oxygen. A wide variety of oxidizing agents are suitable for use in ihe methods and compositions described herein,

[00123] The term "pharmaceutically acceptable", as used herein, refers to a material, i tic hiding but not Unrated, to a sail, carrier or diluent, which does not abrogate the biological activity or properties of ihe compound, and is. relatively nontoxic, i.e., the materia! is administered to an individual without causing unde&irable biological effects or interacting in a deleterious manner with any of the components of the composition m which it ss contained,

{00124] The term "phoioalTmity label," as used herein, refers to a label with a group, which, upon exposure io light, forms a linkage with a molecule for which the label has an affinity. By way of example only, such a linkage is either covalenE or πon-eovalenL (001251 The term "photocaged moiety,'' as, used herein, refers to a group which, upon illumination at certain wavelengths, covalently or πoti-covaletrtly binds other ions or molecules.

{00126] The term "photocleavable group," as used herein, refers to a group which breaks upon exposure Ut light.

{00127] The term "photocrosslinker," as used herein, refers to a compound comprising two or more functional groups "which, upon exposure to tight, are reactive and form a cαvaleni ø:t non-covalein linkage with two or more rncmoraerie or polymeric molecules.

[0012S) The term '"photoisomerizabJe moiety," as used herein, refers to a group wherein upon illumination with light changes from one isomeric form to another,

(001291 The term "polyalkylerte glycol," as used herein, refers to linear or branched polymeric poiyether polyois. Such polyalfcyiene glycols, include, but are not limited to, polyethylene gϊycoϊ. polypropylene glycol, polybυtylene glycol, and derivatives thereof. Othεi exemplary embodiments are listed, for example, in commercial supplier catalogs, suets as Shearwater Corporation's catalog "Polyethylene Glycol and Derivatives foϊ Biomedical Applications" (2001), By way of example only, such polymeric poiyether polyois have average molecular weights between about 0. S kBa to about 300 kDa. By way of example, such polymeric poiyether polyois include, but are not limited Eo, between about 100 Da and about 100,000 Da or more. The molecular weight of the polymer is between about i00 Da and about 100,000 Da, including but not limited to, about. 100,000 Da. about 95,000 Da, abom 90,000 Da, about 85,000 l>a, about 80.000 Da, about 75,000 Da, about 70,000 Da, about 65,000 Da, about 60,000 Da. about. 55,000 Da, about 50,000 Da, about 45,000 Da, about 40.000 D;s, about 35,000 Da, about 30,000 Da, about 25,000 Da, about 20,000 Da, about 15,000 Da, ahuui 10,000 Da, about 9,000 Da, about 8,000 Da, about 7,000 Da, about 6,000 Da, about 5,000 Da, about 4,000 Da, about 3,000 Da, about 2,000 Da, about LOOO Da, about 900 Da, about SOO Da, about 700 Da, about 600 Da, about 500 Da, about 400 Da, about 300 Da, about 200 Oa. and about 100 Da. in some embodiments, the molecular weight of She polymer is. between about 100 Da and about 50,000 Da. In some embodiments, the molecular weight of rhe polymer is between about KJO Da and about 40,000 Da. hi other embodiments, the molecular weight of the polymer is between about 5, 0000 Da and about 30.000 Da. ϊn other embodiments, the molecular weight of the polymer is about 30,000. In some embodiments, the molecular weight of the polymer is between about 1.000 Da and about 40,000 Da. Ia some embodiments, the molecular weight of the polymer is between about 5,000 Da and about 40,000 Da. hi some embodiments, the molecular weight of the polymer is between about 10,000 Da and about 40,000 Da. i» some embodiments, the polyethylene glycol molecule is a branched polymer. The moJeculai weight of the branched chain PkG is between about ! ,000 Da and about 100.000 Da, including but not limited to, about 100,000 Da, about 95,000 Da, about 90.000 Da. about 85,000 Da, about 80,000 Da, aboυf 75,000 Da, about 70,000 Da, about 65,000 Da, about 60,000 Da, about 55,000 Da, about 50,000 Da, about 45,000 Da, about 40,000 Da, about 35,000 Da1 about 30,000 Da, about 25,000 Da, abouf 20,000 Da, about 15 J)OO Da, about i 0.000 Da, about 9.000 Da. about 8,000 Da, about 7,000 Da, about 6,000 Da, about 5,000 Da, about 4,000 Da, about 3,000 Da, about 2,000 Da, and about 1 ,000 Da. fii some embodiments, the rnoleculat weight of the branched chain PEG ts berweeo about 1,000 Da and about 5O1OOO Da. Jn other embodiments, the molecular weight of the polymer is befween about 5, 0000 Da and about 30.000 Da. Iu other embodiments, the molecular weight of the polymer is about 30,000. In some embodiments, the molecular weight of the branched chain PEG is between about 1,000 Da and about 40,000 Da. In some embodiments, the molecular weight of the branched chain PECJ is between about 5,000 Da and about 40,000 Da. in some embodiments, the molecular weight of the branched chain FΕG is between about 5,000 Da and about 20,000 Da.

{0013ΘJ The term "polymer," as used herein, refers to a molecule composed of repeated subυruts. Such molecules include, but are not limited to, polypeptides, polynucleotides, or polysaccharides or poiyalkyleoe glycols. {00131 ] The terms "polypeptide," "peptide" and "protein" are used interchangeably herds to refer to a polymer of amino acid residues.. That is, a description directed to a polypeptide applies equally to a description of a peptide and a description of a protein, and vice versa. The team apply k» naturally occurring amino and polymers as well as amino acid polyπieis irt which one or more amino acid residues is a non-natural amino acid. Additionally, such "polypeptides," "peptides" and "proteins" include amino acid chains of any length, including foil length proteins, wherein the amino acid residues are linked by covaleiit peptide bonds.

{00132] The Serm "post-traπslaiionally modified" refers to any modification of a natural or non-natural amino acsd which occurs after such an amino acid has been transhiionally incorporated into a polypeptide chain. Such modifications include, but are not limited to, co-transJational in rivσ modifications, eo-translational JH vitro modifications (such as in a cell-free translation system), post-translatioπal in vivo modifications, and post-translationa] in vitro modifications.

J0ΘJ33J The terms ''prodrug" or "pharmaceutically acceptable prodrug," as used herein, refers to an agent ihat is converted into the parent drug (« vivo or in vitro, wherein such agents do xios abrogate the biological activity or properties of the drug, and is relatively nontoxic, i.e., the material is administered io an individual without causing undesirable biological effects or interacting in a deleterious manner with any of the components of the composition in which it is contained. Prodrugs are generally drug precursors that, following administration to a subjecr and subsequent absorptioti, arc converted to an active, or a niote active species via some process, such as conversion by a meiabolic pathway. Some prodrugs, have a chemical group present on the prodrug that renders n less active atid-'or confers solubility ot some other property to ihe drug. Oτtce the chemical group has been cleaved and/or modified from the prodrug the active drug is generated. Prodrugs are converted into active drug within the body through enzymatic or non-enzymatic reactions. Prodrugs, for example, provide improved physiochemieaS piopeπies such as better solubility, enhanced delivery characterise, such as specifically targeting a particular cell tissue, organ or ligand, and improved therapeutic value of the drug. The benefits of such prodrugs include, but are not limited to, {ι) ease of administration compared sviih the parent drag; (U) the prodrug is bioavailable by oral administration whereas the parent is not; and (iin the prodrug has improved solubility in pharmaceutical compositions compared with the parent drug. Λ pro-drug includes a pharmacologically inactive, or reduced-activity, derivative of an active drug. Prodrugs arc designed for example, to modulate the amount of a drug or biologically active molecule that teaches u desired sue of action through the mamptilaiton of the piopeπies of a drag, such as physiochemical, biophaπnaceurical, or pharmaco*kinetic properties. An example, without limitation, of a prodrug is a non-natural ammo acid polypeptide which is administered as an ester (the "prodrug") to facilitate transmittal across a cell membrane where wafer solubility is detrimental to mobility but which then is metaboϋcaiiy hydrolyzed to the earboxylie acid, the active eniiiy, once mside the cell where water-solubility is beneficial. Prodrugs are also designed as reversible drug derivatives., for u^e as modifiers to enhance drug transport to site-specific tissues jθftl34j 1 he term "prophylacϋcally effective amount," as used herein, refers. !hst amount of a composition containing at least one non-natαra! amino acid polypeptide or at least one modified non-natural amino acid polypeptide ptϋphylaeΛieally applied to a paiient which will relieve to s>ome extent one or more of the symptoms of a disease, condition or disorder being treated. In such prophylactic applications, such amounts depend for example, on the patient's state of health, weight, and the iike. By way of example, such prophylactical Iy effective amounts are determined by methods including, but not limited to, a dose escalation clinical trial. ff)0i35S The ieirn "protected" as used herein, refers lo the presence of a "'ptαk-eting gtoup" or rtwieiy that prevents reaction of the chemically reactive functional group under certain, reaction conditions. The protecting group vary depending oo the lype of chemically reactive group being protected. By way of example only, (n if the chemically reactive group is an amine or a hydrazine, the protecting group is selected from fert- bntyiosyearbony! (t-Bαc) aod S-παorenylmethoxycarbonyl (Fmoe), (iii if the chemically reactive gtoup ts a thiol j the protecting group is oilhopyridyldisulfi.de1; and {iin if the chemically reactive group is a carboxylic acid, such as biitanoic or propionic acid, or a hydrmyl group, the protecting group is benzyl or art alky I group such as methyl, ethyl, oi lert-bαtyl. [ftO136] By way of example only, blocking/protecting groups are also selected from:


t-butvt TBOM; Teoc

[00137) Additionally, protecting groups include, bin are not limited to, including photolabiie groups such as Nvoc atid MeNvoc and other project ing groups such as those described in Greene and Wins. Protective Groups in Organic Synthesis. 3rd Ed., John Wiley & Sons, New York. NY. 1999.

JO01381 The term "radioactive moiety" as used herein, refers to a group whose nuclei spontaneously give off micieax radianoxs, such as alpha, beta, or gairana pattieles; where in> alpha particles are helium tiuclei, beta particles a*e eleetron-s, and gamma particles are high energy photons. (00J39J Tlic term "reactive compound" as used herein, refers to a compound which under appropriate conditions is reactive toward another atom, molecule or compound.

100140} The term "recombinant host cell" also referred to as "host cell" refers to a ceh* which includes ati exogenous polynucleotide, wherein the methods used to insert the exogenous polynucleotide into a cell include, bui are not limited to, direct uptake, transduction, ørf-matmg, or other methods used to create recombinant host cells. By way of example only, such exogenous polynucleotide is a nonmtegrated vector, including but not limited to a plasmid, or is integrated into the host genome.

J00I4I } The term "redox-active agent" as used herein, refers to a molecule which oxidizes or reduces; another molecule, whereby the redox active ageni becomes reduced or oxidized. Examples of redox active agent include, but are na\ limited to. ferrocene, qumones, Ra2 "''"" complexes, Co';< :' complexes, and Os'1 "''' complexes. {00142} The term "reducing ageni." as used herein, refeτs to a compound or maredal which is capable of adding <ra electron to a compound being reduced. By way of example reducing agents include, but are not ϊϊτntled io, dithiothreilol (DTT), 2-in.ercaptoethaijαJ, dithioerytlititol, cysteine, cysteamine {2-aminoellian.eihiol}. and reduced glutathione. Such reducing agents s:re used, by way of example only, io maintain, sulfhydryi groups in lhe reduced ssate and to reduce intra- or intermoleeαlar disulfide bonds, |00l43j "Refolding." as used herein describes any process, reaction or method winch transforms an improperly folded or unfolded state to a native or properly folded conformation. By way of example only, refolding transforms disulfide bond containing polypeptides from an improperly folded or unfolded state to a native or properly folded conformation with tespect to disulfide bonds. Such disulfide bond containing polypeptides are natural amino acid polypeptides or non-natural amino acid polypeptides. j0iH44| The term "resin" as used herein, refers to high mokcuiar weight, insoluble polymer beads. By way of example only, such beads are used as supports for solid phase peptide synthesis, or sites for attachment of molecuks prior to purification.

100145J The term "saccharide" as used herein, refers to a scries of carbohydrates including but not limited to ϊugats, monosaccharides, oligosaccharides, and polysaccharides.

[001461 The term "safety" or "safety profile" as used herein, refers to side effects that are related to administration of a drug relative to the number of times, the dmg has been administered. By way of example, a drug which has been administered niaτry times and produced only mild or no side effects is said to have an excellent safety profile. This method ss used, for example, for evaluating the safety profile of any polypeptide. |00147j The phrase "selectively hybridizes to" or "specifically hybridizes to" as used herein, refers, to the binding, duplexing, or hybridizing of a molecule to a particular nucleotide sequence under stringent hybridization conditions when that sequence is present in a complex mixture including but not limited to, total cellular oi library DMA or RNA. J0014SJ The term "spin label." as used herein, refers; to molecules which contain an atom or a group of atoms exhibiting an unpaired electron spin (i.e. a stable paramagnetic group) that is detected by electron spin resonance spectroscopy and is attached to another molecule. Such spin-label molecules include, but arc not limited to, nitryl radicals and nkroodes. and incktck single spin-labels or double spin-labels. |00149] The term "stoichiometric," as used herein, tefers to she ratio of the moles of compounds participating m a chemical reaction beiτtg about 0.9 to about 1.1. f 00150] The term "stoichiometrie-like," as used hεtein, refers to a chemical reaction which becomes stoichiometric or nεar-sioichtomεtric upon changes in reaction conditions or in the presence of additives. Such changes in reaction conditions include, but are not limited so, an increase in tempeτarure or change in pH. Such additives include, but are not limited to, accelerants, |001511 The phrase "stringent hybridization conditions" refers to hybridization of sequences of E)NA, RNA, PNA or othe.t nucleic acid mimics, or combinations thereof, under conditions of low ionic strength and high temperature. By way of example, under stringent conditions a probe will hybridize so its target subsequence in a complex mixture of nucleic acid (including but not limited to, total cellular or library DNA or RNA) but doe1? not hybridize to other sequences in the complex mixture. Stringent conditions are sequence- dependent and will be different in different circ*mstances. By way of example, longer sequences hybridize specifically at higher temperatures. Stringent hybridization conditions include, but are not limited to. (i) about 5- 10 "C lower than the thermal melting point (Tm) for the specific sequence at a defined ionic strength and pH; (ii) the salt concentration is about 0.01 M to about 1.0 M at about pH 7.0 to about pM 8.3 and the temperature is at least about 30 "C for short probes ( including but not limited to, about 10 to about 50 nucleotides) and at least about 60 ''C for long probe* {including but not limited to. greater than about 50 nucleotides); {iii) the addition of destabilizing agents including, but not limited to, formamide. Civ) 50% tbππamide, 5X SSC, and i% SDS, incubating at 4?. "C5 or 5.X SSC, 1% SDS, incubating at 65 0C, with wash in 0.2X SSC, and 0.1% SDS at 65 11C for between about 5 minutes to about J 20 minutes. By way of example only, detection of selective or specific hybridization, includes, but ii not limited to, a positive signal at least two times background. An extensive guide to the hybridization of nucleic acids is found in ϊϊjssen. Laboratory Techniques in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology-Hybridization wiiih Nucleic Probes, "Overview of principles of hybridization and the strategy of nucleic acid assays" ( 1993).

[00152$ The k-rm "subject" as. used herein, refers to ar. animal which is the object of treatment, observation or experiment. By way of example only, a subject is, but is not limited to, a mammal including, but not limited to, a human.

1001531 'I'hc term "substantially purified," as used herein, refers io a component oi interest thai is substantially or essentially free of oilier components which normally aecornparty or interact with the component of interest prior to purification. By way of example only, a component of interest is '"substantially punfietT when the preparation of the component of interest contains, less than about 30%. iess than about 25%. less than about 20%, iess than about 15%, iess than about 10%, leas than about 5%, k&s than about 4%, less than about 3%, less than about 2%, or less. Elian about 1% (by dry weight) of contaminating components. Thus, a ''substantially purified" component of interest has a polity level of about 70%, about 75%, about 80%, about 85%, about 90%, about 95%. about 96%. about 97%, about 98%, about 99% or greater. By way of example only, a natural amino acid polypeptide or a noπ-namral amino acid polypeptide is purified from a native cell, or host cell in the case of recombinant 3 y produced natural amino acid polypeptides or non-natural amino acid polypeptides. By vniy of example a preparation of a natural amino acid polypeptide or a non-natural amino acid polypeptide is "substantially pimfied" when ihe preparation contains iess Shan about 30%, less than about 25%, less than aboui 20%, less than about } 5%, less than about 10%, less than about 5%. less than about 4%. less than about 3%, less than about 2%, or lcs,s than about 1% (by dry weigbtl of contaminating material. By way of example when a natural ammo acid polypeptide or a non-natural amino acid polypeptide is recombinant! y produced by host ceils, the natural amino acid polypeptide or non-natural amino acid polypeptide is present ai about 30%. about .25%, about 20%, about 15%. about 10%, about 5%. about 4%. about 3%. about 2%, or about 1 % or iess of the dry weight of the cells. By way of example when a natural ammo acid polypeptide or a non- natural amino actd polypeptide is recombinaπtly produced by host cells, the natural amino acid polypeptide oi non-natural amino acid polypeptide is present in the culture medium at about 5g''L. about 4g/L, about 3g/L, about 2g/L, about lg/L, about 750rag/L, about 500mg/L. about 2.5C!mg;L, about 100rag/L. about 50rag/L. about 10mg/L, or about Img/l. or less of rhe dry weight of the cells. By way of example, "substantially purified" natural amino acid polypeptides or non-natural amino acid polypeptides has a purity level of about 30%. about 35%, about 40%, about 45%, about 50%. about 55%, about 60%. about 65%, about 70%, about 75%, about 80%, about 85%, about 90%, about 95%, about 99% or greater as determined by appropriate methods, including, but not limited to. S.DS/PAGE analysis., RP-HPLC, SEC, and capillary electrophoresis.. [00154 S The term "sobstituents" also referred to as; "non-interfering substiruents'" "refers to groups which are optionally used fo replace another group on a molecule. Such groups include, but are tioi limited to, halo, C1- Cj0 alkyl, Cj-C;,? alkenyl, &-C,,, aikyrtyl, CrC!(, alfcoxy, Cj-Cj3 araikyl, Ci-Cj7. cycloalkyl, C4-C13 cycbaϊketiyi, phenyl, substituted phenyl, ktktolyi, xyleriyl, biphenyi. CVCl:; alkoxyaikyl, C3-d > alkoxyaryi, CVC1J aryloxyalkyl, C7-C- oxyaryi, CrCtl alkylsuifinyl, C1 -CK, alkylsiilfonyK -CCHj)1n-Q-(C rCj.i alkyl) wherein ni h front 5 to 8, aryl. sub&hruied aryl, substituted alkosy, tluoταaikyl, heterocyclic radical, substituted hetetαcyclic radical, nitroalkyϊ, -NO,, -CN. -NRC('O)-{C.-C:f, alkyl), -C(O)-(C5-C^ alkylj, CrC!0 alkihioalkyl. -C(O)O-(C1- Cn. alkyl ), -OH. -SO,, -S, -COOH. -NR,, earboπyi, -C(0)-(CrCiQ alkyϊ)-CT,, -C(O)-CF3, -CfO)NR2.. -(C1-C10 ary!)-S-C(VCμ., aryl), -C(O)-(Ci1-CjC aryl). -(CH;}!:i-0-fCH2}m-0-(CrCto alkyl} wherein each ra is from 1 to S, ■ CiO)NR,, -QS)NR;, -SCKNR-:, -NRC(O)N R^ -NRQS)NR,, sate thereof, and the like. Each R group m the preceding Hsi includes, but Ss not limited to, Ii1 alkyl or substituted alkyl, aryl or substituted aryl, or alkaiyl. Where suhstittient groups are specified by their conventional chemical formulas, written from left ro tight, they equally encompass the chemically identical sυbstimems that would result from writing the structure from right Io kit for example, -CH2O- is equivalent to OCH2-.

[OGISSj By way of example only, subsrituenis for alky! and heteroalkyJ radicals (including those groαps referred to as alkyietie, atkenyϊ, heteroalkyletie, heteroalkenyl, alkynyl, cydmlkyl, heterocyeloalkyl, cyctaaltetsyi, and heteroeycioalkenyl) includes, but is not limited Ur. -OR, --O, ^NR, ---N-OR, -NR?, -SR, - halogen, -SiR3, -OCfO)R, -C(O)R, -COjH5 -CONR2, -OC(O)NR,, -NRC(O)R, -NRC(O)NR2, -NR(O)A -NR- Q NRj.p NR. -S(O)R, -S(O)2R, -S(O)2NR3, -NRSO:R, -CN and -NOj. Each R. group in the preceding list includes, but is not limited to, hydrogen, substituted or unsubstituted hetetoalkyh substituted or nmubsti titled an1!, including but nol limited to, aryl substituted with 1-3 halogens, substituted or unsubstituted afkyl, alkoxy or ihioalkoxy groups, or araJlcy! groups. When two R groups, are attached to the same nitrogen atom, they optionally combine with the nitrogen atom to form a 5-, 6-, or 7-membered ring. For example, -NRj is meant to include, but oot be limited to, i -pyrroSMinyi and 4-mϋrphoHnyl,

I OO 156 J By way of example, stsbsUtuents for aryl and heteroaryϊ groups include, but are not limited to, - OR. O, -NR, -N-OR. -NR2. -SR, -halogen, -SiRj, -OQO)R, -C(OlR, -CO2R, -CQN R> OC(O)NS.,, - NRC(O)R, -NRC(O)NR2, -NR(O)2R. -NR-C(NR^)-NR, -S(O)R, -S(ObR, -S(O)2NR;, -NRSO2R, -CN, -NO,, - R, -N3, -CH(Ph):., fkιoκ>(C(-C4}alkoxy, and fluoro(C.YCj)alkyl, in a number ranging from zero to the total number of open valences on the aromatic ring system; and where each R group in the preceding list includes, but js not limned to, hydrogen, alkyi, heteraalkyl, aryl and heteroaiyl.

J0CIΪS7] The terra "therapeutically effective amount," as used herein, refers to the amount of a compositioti containing at least one non-natuta! amnio acid polypeptide atid/or at least one modified uon-namral amino acid, polypeptide administered to a patient already suffering from a disease, condition or disotder, sufficient to cure or ai least partiaHy attest, or relieve !o sotxte extent one or more of she symptoms of the disease, disordεi or condition being treated. The effectiveness of such compositions depend on conditions including, but not timik-d to, the seventy and course of the disease, disorder or condition, previous therapy, the patient's health status and response so the drugs, and the judgment of the treating physician. By way of example only, therapeutically effective amounts are determined by methods (including, but not limited to. a dose escalation clinical trial. |ΘOI 58j The term "tbioaJkoxy," as used herein, refers to suϊfui containing alkyϊ groups linked Io molecules via an oxygen aiom.

[OO 159] The terra "thermal inciting point" or Tm is the temperature (under defined kmic strength, pH, and nucleic concentration'} ai which 50% of probes complementary to a target hybridize to the target sequence at equilibrium. [00160] The term "toxic moiety," as used herein, refers to a compound which causes harm to a subject.

[00161] The terms "treat," '"treating" or "neatment'\ as used herein, include alleviating, abating or ameliorating a disease or condition symptoms, preventing additional symptoms., ameliorating or preventing the underlying metabolic causes of symptoms, inhibiting the disease or condition, e.g., arresting the development of the disease or condition, relieving (he disease or condition, causing regression of the disease or condition, relieving a condition caused by the disease or condition, or stopping the symptoms of the disease or condition. The terms "treat," "treating" or "treatment", include, hut are not limited to, prophylactic and/or therapeutic treatments.

1001621 As used herein, the term "water soluble polymer" refers to any polymer that is soluble in aqueous solvents. Such water soluble polymers include, but are not limited to. polyethylene glycol, polyethylene glycol propionakiehyde. mono Cf-Cs,;. alkoxy or aryϊoxy derivatives thereof (described m U.S. Patent Na. 5.252,714 which is incorporated by reference herein for the disclosure of such water soluble polymers), monomethoxy- poiyethylerie glycol, polyvinyl pynolidαne. polyvinyl alcohol, poryaroino acids., divinyJether rnaieie anhydride. N-i2-Mydroxypϊopyi)-!T)eihaC3:ylamide, dextran, dextran derivatives including dextrati sulfate, polypropylene glycol, polypropylene oxide/ethylene oxide copolymer, poiyoxyeihylatεd polyol. heparin, .heparin fragments;, polysaccharides, oligosaccharides, glycaiis, cellulose and celiuloie derivatives, including but not limited to methykellulose and catboxymethyl cellulose, scrum albumin, starch and starch derivatives, polypeptides, poiyaikyleiie glycol and derivatives thereof, copolymers of polyalkylene glycols and derivatives thereof, polyvinyl ethyl ethers., and alpha-beia-po3y[{'2-hydrυxyeϊhv!)-DL-asρartaniide, and the like, or mixtures thereof. By way of example only, coupling of such water soluble polymers to natural amino acid polypeptides or non- natural polypeptides results m changes including, but not limited to. increased water solubility, increased or modulated serum half-life, increased or modulated therapeutic half-hie relative to the unmodified form, increased bioavailability, modulated biological activity, extended circulation time, modulated imimmogenictty, modulated physical, association characteristics including, but not limited to, aggregation and multimer formation, altered receptor binding, altered binding to one or more binding partners, and altered receptor dirnerizanon or rπuiritnerizatioπ. In addition. s>uch water soluble polymers optionally have their own biological activity.

[80163] Unless otherwise indicated, conventional methods of mass spectroscopy, NMR, HPLC, protein chemistry, biochemistry, recombinant DNA techniques and pharmacology are employed. (β()164{ Compounds, {including, but not limited to nαα-natuπiS amino acids, noa-natural amino acid polypeptides and modified non-natural amino acid polypeptides, and reagents for producing the aforementioned compounds) presented herein include isotopicaiiy-Iabcled compounds, which arc identical to those recited in She various formulas and structures presented herein, but for the fact that one or more atoms are replaced by art atom having an atomic mass or mass number different from the atomic mass or raass number usually found m nature. Examples of isotopes that are incorporated into the present compounds, include isotopes of hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, fluorine atxi chlorine, such as 2H, % 15C, 14C, 'SN, i!iO, "θ. "5S, iSF. JftCl, respectively. Certain isotopicalty^ labeled compounds described herein, foi example iho&e into which radioactive isotopes such as ?H and 14C are incorporated, are useful in drug and/or substrate tissue distribution assajs. Further, substitution with isotopes such as deuterium, i.e., 2H, afford certain therapeutic advantages resulting front greater metabolic stability, for example increased in vivo half-life or reduced dosage requirements. SOOlόS'j Some of the compounds herein (including, but not limited to non-natural amino acids, non-natural, amino acid polypeptides and modified non-natural amino acid polypeptides, and reagents for producing the aforementioned compounds) have asymmetric carbon atoms and therefore exist as enatitiomers or diastert-omers. Diasteromeric mixtures are separated iπio their individual diasiereotners on the basis of their physical chemical diiϊetenees, using methods including, but not limited to, chromatography and/ot fractional ciysiati.izu.tion. Eiiai-tiomets are separated by converting the enantiomeric mixture into a diastereomeric nristure by reaction with an. appropriate optically active compound (e.g., alcohol), separating Uie diastereomers and converting (e.g., hydrcslyzuig) the individual diastereoraers to the corresponding pure enaiitiomers. AI! such isomers, including diastertxjmeis, eiianfiomers, and mixtures thereof are considered as part of the compositions described herein. 100166) In additional or further embodiments, the compounds; described herein (including, but not limited !o rioti-tiaiural amino acids, nun-natural ammo acid polypeptides and modified non-nahiral amino acid polypeptides, and reagents for producing the aforementioned compounds) are used in the form of pro-drugs. In additional or further embodiments, the compounds described herein (irsciudissg, but not limited EO non-natural amino acids,. Tion-πaturai amino acid polypeptides and modified non-natuntl amino acid polypeptides, and reagents for producing the aforementioned compounds) are metabolized upon administration to an organism in need to produce a rnetabohte that is then used Io produce a desired effect, including a desired therapeutic effect. ID furtbet or additional embodiments are active metabolites of non-natural amino acids and "mods Sled or unmodified" non-natural amino acid polypeptides, JOOl 67) The methods and formulations described herein include the use of N-oxides, crystalline forms (also known as polymorphs), or pharmaceutically acceptable salts of non-natural amino acids, non-naturai amino acid polypeptides and modified non-natural amino acid polypeptides. Iti certain embodiments, non- nahiral amino acirfs, non-nalυral amino acid polypeptides and modified non-natural amino acid polypeptides exist as taυiomers. All tautomers are included within the scope of (Ite non-natural amino acids, non-natural amino acid polypeptides and modified non-natural amino acid polypeptides piesented herein. In addition, in certain embodiments the non-natural amino acids, oon-πataτal amino acid polypeptides and modified non- nalural amino acid polypeptides described herein exist in unsolvatεd as well as solvated forms with pharmaceutically acceptable solvents such &u water, eihanol, and ilie like. The solvated fonifi of the noa-natuia! amino acids, non-natural amino acid polypeptides and modified non-natural amino acid polypeptides presented herein are also considered to be disclosed herein. 1001681 in certain embodiments, some of the compounds herein (including, but not limited to non-natuial amino acids, non-natural amino acid polypeptides and modified non-naiυral amino acid polypeptides and reagents for producing the aforementioned compounds) exist in several tautomeric forms, AM such tautomeric forms are considered as patt of the compositions described herein. Also, for example all e.tiol-kεto forms of" any compounds {including, but not limited to non-natural amino acids, non-natoraS amino acid polypeptides and modified non-natural amino acid polypeptides and reagents for producing the aforementioned compounds) herein are considered as part of the compositions described herein. j00169| Jn certain embodiments, some of the compounds, herein (including, but not limited to non-natural amino acids, non-natural amino acid polypeptides and modified non-natural amino acid polypeptides and reagents for producing the aforementioned compounds) are acidic and form a sail with a pharmaceutically acceptable cation. Li other embodiments, some of the compounds herein (including, but not limited to non- natural amino acids, non-natural amino acid polypeptides and modified non-natural ammo acid polypeptides and reagents for producing the aforementioned compounds} are basic and accordingly form a salt with a pharmaceutically acceptable anion. All such salts, including di-salts are within the scope of the compositions described herein and they are prepared by documented methodologies. For example, salts are prepared by contacting the acidic and basic entities, in either an aqueous, non-aqueous or partially aqueous medium. J he salts are recovered, by using at least one of the following techniques: filtration, precipitation with a non-soivem followed by filtration, evaporation of the solvent, or, in the ease of aqueous solutions, lyophilizaiion. [0017Oi Pharmaceutically acceptable salts of the non-natural amino acid polypeptides disclosed hetein are optionally formed when an acidic proton present in the parent mm-naiural amino acid polypeptides either is replaced by a metal ion, by way of example an alkali metal ion. an alkaline earth ion, or an aluminum ion; or coordinates with an organic base, Tn addition, the salt forms of the disclosed non-naturai amnio acid polypeptides are optionally prepared using salts of the starting materials or intermediates. The non-natural ammo acsd polypeptides described herein are optionally prepared as a pharmaceutically acceptable acid addition salt (which is a type of a pharmaceutically acceptable salt) by reacting the free base form of non-natural amino acid polypeptides described herein with a pharmaceutically acceptable inorganic or organic acid. Alternatively, the non-natural amino acid polypeptides described herein are optionally prepared as pharmaceutically acceptable base addition salts (which are a type of a pharmaceutically acceptable salt) by reacting the free acid form of tion-natnra! amino acid polypeptides described herein with a pharmaceutically acceptable inorganic or organic base. |'(t01711 The type of pharmaceutical acceptable salts, include, but are not limited to: ( I ) acid addition salts, formed with inorganic acids such as hydrochloric acid, hydrobromic acid, sulfuric acid, nitric acid, phosphoric acid, and the like; or formed wish organic acids such as acetic acid, propionic acid, hexanoie acid, cydopentanεpropionic acid, glyeolic acid, pyruvic acid, lactic acid, malonie acid, succinic acid, malic acid. aialeic acid, fαtnaric acid, tartaric acid, citric acid, benzoic acid.. 3-(4-hydroxybetizoy])ben2θic acid, cinnanne acid, mandelic acid, mdhanesuϊfαnte acid, ethaπesulfonic acid, i,2-ethanedistflfotne acid, 2- foydroxyethanesuitmiic acid, benzenesuifonic acid, 2-mιρhthakcesulfonic acid, 4-methylbieycio-[2.2.2]oct-2- ene-I-earboxylic acid, glυcoheptotiic acid. 4,4'-πiethyfenebis-(3-hydro-<y-2-ene- [ -esΛoxylic acid), 3- phenyipropiomc acid, trtmethylacetic acid, tertiary butylaeeiie acid, lauryi sulfuric acid, gluconic acid, glutamic acid, .hydroxynaphthoic acid, salicylic acid, stearic acid, niucorac acid, and the like; (2) salts formed when an acidic proton present in the parent compound either is replaced by a metai ion, e.g., an alkali metal ion, an alkaline earth ion, or an aluminum ton; or coordinates with an organic base. Acceptable organic bases include ethanoiaraine, diethanoiarame, triethanolaraine, trometharnine, N-methylglucamuie. and the like. Acceptable inorganic bases include aluminum hydroxide, calcium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide, sodium carbonate, sodium hydroxide, and the like. jθftl72] The corresponding eouπteriøns of the non-natural amino acid polypeptide pharmaceutical acceptable salts are optionally analyzed and identified using various methods including, but not limited to, ion exchange chromatography, ion chromatography, capillary electrophoresis., inductively coupled plasma, atomic absorption spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, or any combination thereof. In addition, the therapeutic activity of such non-natural amino acid polypeptide pharmaceutical acceptable saits art tested using the techniques and methods described in examples 22-26.

JOS)J 73 J A reference to a salt includes the solvent addition forms or crystal forms thereof, particularly solvates ot polymorphs Solvates contain either sEoichiorneiric or πoti-stoichiometrie amounts of a solvent, and are often formed during the process of crystallization with pharmaceutically acceptable solvents such as water, ethatroL and the like. Hydrates are formed when the solvent is water, or alcohoJates are formed when the solvent is alcohol Polymorphs include the different crystal packing arrangements; of the same elemental composition of" a compound. Polymorphs usually have different X-tay diffraction patterns, infrared spectra, melting points, density, hardness, crystal shape, optical and eϊectriea! properties, stability, and solubility. Various factors such as the rectystal&atkm solvent, rate of crystallization, and storage temperature are expected to cause a single crystal form to dominate. [001741 The screening and characterization of non-natural amino acid polypeptide pharmaceutical acceptable salts polymorphs and/or solvates is accomplished using a variety of techniques including, but not limited to. '.hernial analysis, x-ray diffraction, spectroscopy, vapor sorption, and microscopy. Thermal atialysis methods; address thermo chemical degradation or thermo physics! processes including, bus not limited to. polymorphic transitions, and such, methods are used to analyze the relationships hdween polymorphic forms, determine weight loss, to fund the gla&s. transition temperature, or for exdpieiit compatibility studies. Such methods include, but are not limited to. Differential scanning ca Ion me try (DSC)1 Modulated Differential Scanning Calorimetry (MDCS), Ttieτrnograv [metric analysis (TGA), and Theππϋgravi-mdπc and Infrared anaJysis (TG 'lRi. X-ray diffraction methods include, but are not limited to, single crystal and powder diffractoineters and synchrotron sources.. The various spectroscopic techniques used include, but are not limited to, Ramaτi, FTIR, UVLS, and NMR (liquid and solid stare). 'The various microscopy techniques include, but arc not limited to. polarized light microscopy. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) wish Energy Dispersive X -Ray Analysis (EDX), Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy with EDX (in gas or water vapor atmosphere), IR microscopy, and Raman microscopy.

BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE HGIfRES |ΘOI75] A better understanding of the features and advantages of the present methods and compositions is obtained by reference to the following detailed description that sets forth illustrative embodiments, in which the principles, of oui methods, compositions, devices and apparatuses are utilized, and the accompanying dia wings of which; [Θ0I76] FIG. S presents a non-limiting schematic representation of the relationship of certain aspects of the methods, compositions, strategies and technique;-; described herein. j00i?7j FIG. 2 presents an illustrative, non-limiting example of the synthetic methodology used to make qumoxahne and phetiasime derivatives, described herein. Illustrated is the formation of quiitoxalmes and pheπazines from 1,2-aryldiamm.eκ and 1 ,2-diearbonyl compounds, under biocompatible conditions. [90178] FIG. 3 presents the formation of 2-PhcnylqumoxaJine from the reaction of 2-oxo-2- pheπylacetaldehyde with o-phenyldiamine <oPDA). and the high-performance liquid chromatography trace of the reaction, as an illustrative, non limiting example of the formation of qxiitjosaJitje derivatives described herein.

{00179} FlG. 4 presents the formation of 2-eihyl-3-rnethyIqui«oxaJjne from the reaction of pentane-2,3- dione phis o-phenyidiainine foPDA), and fee high-performance liquid chromatography trace of the reaction, as an illustrative, non limiting example of the formation of quinoxaline derivatives described herein.

580180} FIG. 5 presents the formation of 2-tnelhyl-3-phenytquhioxaijne from the reaction of 1 - pheτiylpropane- i,2-d)one plus o-phenyldiamine (oPS>A}. and the high-performance liquid chromatography trace of the reaction, as an illusixatsve, non limiting example of the formation of quinoxahoe derivatives described herein. |S)(H8i [ FΪG. 6 presents the formation of 2τ3-diphenylqumo>;alioe from the reaction of benzil plus o- phenyldiarnine (oPDA), and the high-performance liquid chromatography trace of the reaction, as an illustrative, nciii limiting example of the formation of quinoxalinε derivatives described herein. (0βϊ82| FΪG. 7 presents the formation of 2}3-di(pyridi«-2-y!}quinosaUπe from toe reaction of 1 ,2- di<pyπdiβ-2-yi)tlhane- i ,2-dtooe plus ø-phenyldiaroiue (oPDA), and She high-performance liquid chromatography trace of the reaction, as an illustrative, non limiting example of the formation of quinoxalinc derivatives described herein.

[001831 FIG. S presents the formation of benzofa'jphena-drte from the reaction of naphthalene- 1,2-dione plus tJ-phetiykliamwie (oPDA). and me high-performance liquid chromatography trace of the reaction, as an illustrative, turn limiting example of the formation of phenaziiw derivatives described herein.

|ΘO184j HG. 9 presents the formation of 4-su]foi)yϊbeϊixo[a.|phenazine ftom the reaction of 5-suifonyl- naphthaleπe- 5 ,2-dione plus ø-phenyldiamirte ioPDA ), and the high-performance liquid chromatography trace of tlte reaction, as an illustrative, non limiting example of the formation of phenazine derivatives described herein. (00185] FlG. 10 presents the formation of strongly fluorescent d(pyrklo[3,2-3:2'π3'-c]phe»azme from ihe .reaction of lJO-phenanttirolmeό^-dione plus o-pheiiyldiamine (oPDA), &nd She high-perfoπnance liquid chromatography trace of the reaction, as an illustrative, non limiting example of the formation of phenaxrae derivaϋves described herein.

[00186| FΪG. I l presents the formation of strongly fluorescent dibenzo[ax|phenaziiϊe from (he reaction of ρhfnaii!hrene-9, iϋ-dicuic pins o-pϊietiyldiatrtiϊie (oPDA), and the high-performance liquid chromatography trace of the reaction, as an illustrative, non limiting example of the formation of phenazme derivarivcs described herein.

(00187J FIG. 12 presents iihisfiative, ΩOii-ϊimitmg examples of the noti-tiarttrai amino acids containing 1,2- dscarbonyi, and l,2-3ryldιamine groups described herein. Such non-natural ammo acids are optionally used in or incorporated into any of the methods, compositions, techniques and strategies for making, purifying, characterizing, and using non-natural ammo acids, non-natural amino acid polypeptides and modified non- natural amino acid polypeptides described herein. Such amino acids are optionally incorporated into any non- natural amino acid polypeptide, including urotensm (UT-II), XT-S. fibroblast growth factor (FGF), erythropoietin, epidermal growth factor, granulocyte cell stimulating factor (G-CSF ), granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF), hepatocyte growth factor (MiF), human growth hormone (hGBj, human serum albumin, insulin, insulin-like growth factor (IGF). insulin-like growtli factor 1 (JGf-I), insulm-Uke growth factor H (IGF-II), interferon (IFNj, interferon-alfa, interferon-bεta, interferoii-gatnma, tumor necrosis factor, tumor necrosis factor alpha, tumor necrosis factor beta, tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNFR), and corlicostcroπe. {00l88( FiG. 13 presents illustrative, non-limiting examples for the preparation of derivatiicing agents [Z- I']n-^- -W-R and [Z-Ljn-I. -W-R from Marting material ccHitaiiitng Z and W groups. Such agents are optionally used in or incorporated into any of the methods, compositions, techniques and strangles for making, purifying, characterizing, and using non- natural amino acids., non-natural amino acid polypeptides, and modified non- natural amino acid polypeptides described herein. |00189] FiG. 14 presents an illustrative, non-limiting representation of the synthesis of PEG reagents. Such PEG reagents are optionally used in or incorporated into any of the methods, compositions, techniques and strategies for making, purifying, characterizing, and using non-natural amino acids, noti-nsrurai amino acid polypeptides and modified rton-ratutat amino acid polypeptides described herein. Any polyaikyleπe glycol is 5 optionally used in such synthetic methods and m-PEG3()k is shown here for illustrative purposes.

[0011JO] FIG 15 presents illustrative, non-limiting examples, for the preparation of derivatiztng agents [Z- I.j:rl..'-W-R and [Z-Lin-IJ-W-R from starting materia! containing Z and W groups. Such agents are optionally used m or incorporated into any of the methods, compositions;. techniques and strategies for making, purifying, characterizing, and using trøn- natural amino acids, non-natural ammo acid polypeptides and modified non- 0 natural amino acid polypeptides described herein .

(001911 RG. Ui presents illustrative, non-limiting examples of She derealization of diamine-corttaimng non-natural amino acid polypeptide with dikerone-cαntaimtig reagents to form modified quinoxaline and phenazine-cofitaiiiing non-natural amino acid polypeptide. Shown is. the derealization of diamiite-contammg Urotensm (UT-II), however, any diamiiie-comaming non-natural amino acid polypeptide is used in such5 reaction, including. XT-8, fibroblast growth factor (FGF). erythropoietin, epidermal growth factor, granulocyte cell, stimulating factor (G-CSF), granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF), hepatocyte growth factor ChGF), human growth hormone (hGH ), human serum albumin, insulin, insulin- like growth factor (IGFj. in&uim-bke growth factor ! (IGF-.I), insulin-like growth factor Il (IGF-ϊl). interferon (ΪFN), mterferon- alfa, ήiterferoH-bets. interferon-gamjna, tumor necrosis factor, Uitnor necrosis factor alpha, tumor necrosis factor0 beta, tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNFR), and corticosterone. Such non-natural ammo acid polypeptides are optionsily used in or incorporated into any of the methods, compositions, tecfenkμies and strategies for making. purifying, characterizing, and using non-nattiral amino acids, υoϋ-natural amino acid polypeptides and modified aoπ-natural amino acid polypeptides described herein. [00.192] FIG, 17 presents illustrative, non-limiting examples of the derealization of diearbotryl-containirtg5 nori-natural amino acid unprotected peptide with diatrmie-containmg reagents to form modified quiitoxahne and phenazine-containing non-naSiiral amino acid polypqjtides. Shown is the derealization of dicarborcyl-coritaimrig .XT-S, however, any dicarbonyl-containing πqn-πatiirai amino acid polypeptide is used in s.ueh reaction, inchiding ϋrotcπsiii (1UT-II). fibrobla&t growth factor (FGF), erythropoietin, epidersπaS growth factor, granulocyte cell stimulating factor (G-CSF). granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM -CSF),0 hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), human growth hormone (hGH), human serum albumin, insuiint insulin-like growth factor (IGF), insulin-like growth factor T f IGF-I), insulin-like growth factor Il (IGF-II t, interferon (IFN), mterfeiOH-aifa, interferon-beta, interferon-gamma, tumor necrosis factor, tumor necrosis factor alpha, rumor necrosis factor beta, tumor necrosh factor receptor (TNFR), and corticosterone. Such non-natural amino acid polypeptides are optionally used in or incorporated into any of the methods, compositions, techniques and5 strategics for making, purifying, characterizing, ancl using non-natural amino acids, uort-naturai amino acid polypeptides ami modified non-nauiral amino acid polypeptides described herein.

[00193 j FFG 18 presents illustrative, non-iimitfng examples of the post-transϊational modification of dicarbonyl cotrtairmig non-natural amino acid and diamme-coπtatmng amino acid proteins or polypeptides with diamine and dicarbonyS reagersfs respectively to form modified quiπoxaiine and phenasϊme-coiitaining non~() natural amino acid polypeptides The grey shaped object represents a polypeptide or protein, including urotensin ((JT-H). XT-S. fibroblast growiit factor (PGF). erythropoietin, epidermal growth factor, granulocyte cell stimulating factor (G-CSF), granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF), hepatocyte growth facior jliGF). human growth hormone (HOH)1 human serum albumin, insulin, insulin-like growth factor ( !GT), msulin-bke gtovnh factor 1 (IGF-I)1 insulin-like growth factor 0 (IGF-U), interferon (!FN)1 interferon- a] fa, 5 intetferon-besa, interferon- gamma, tumor necrosis factor, iimior necrosis factor alpha, rumor necrosis factor beta, tumor necrosis factor receptor (1"NFR), and eomcosierone. Such non-namral amino acid polypeptides are opϋonaliy used in or incorporated mto any of the methods, compositions, techniques, and strategies for n taking, purifying, characterizing, and using noii-naruraJ amino acids, noπ-narural amino acid polypeptides and modified ncm-naturα! amino acid polypeptides described herein. i 0 |OOΪ94) FIG. 19A represents, illustrative, non-Urmimg examples nf the modification of diamine and dtciirbonyl non-natural amino acid containing polypeptides or proteins to introduce new chemistry functional groups. The grey shaped object represents a polypeptide or prøfetn, including urotensm (IHMi), XT-S, fibroblast growth factor (FCiF), erythropoietin, epidermal yrowth factor, granulocyte cell stimulating facior (G- CSF), granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF)1 hepaiocyk growth factOT (hθf ), human

15 growth hormone fhGH}. human serum albumin, insulin, insulin-like growth factor (IGFj. insulin-like growth factor ϊ (IGF-I), insulin-like growth factor H (IGF-II). interferon (TFN"), interferoivait'a. mferferoπ-beta, interferon- gamma, rumor necrosis factor, tumor necrosis factor alpha, tumor necrosis, factor beta, tumor necrosis factor receptor l TNFR), and corticostcrotie. Such non-naturai ammo acid polypeptides, are optionally used in or incorporated into any of the methods;, compositions, techniques and strategies, fot making, purifying, 0 characterizmg. and using non-natural amino acids, non-natural amino acid polypeptides and modified iκm- naruraϊ amino acid polypeptides described herein.

|OOΪ95j FIG. I 0B represents illustrative, non-SuTsitiog examples of the reaction of functional group containing polypeprides; or ptoteiiis with PEG derivatives. The grey shaped object represents a polypeptide or protein, including urotunsiin (IPT-H), XT-S, fibroblast growth factor (FGF), erythropoietin, epidermal growth 5 factor, granulocyte cell stimulating factor (G-CSF), granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM- CSF), hepatocyte jg«τwf h factor fhGF). human growth htjrmonc (JiOH), human serum albumin, insulin, insulin- like growth factor (IGF), insulin-like growth facior I (IGF-I), insulin-like growth factor U ( IGF-I!). interferon UFN)* interferosi-aifa, interferon -befa, interteroti-gararna. tumor necrosis factor, tumor necrosis factor alpha, tumor necrosis factor beta, tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNFR), and corticosteroid. Such mm-naturaJ amino 0 acid polypeptides are optionally used in or incorporated into any of the methods, compositions, techniques and •strategies for making, purifying, eharaelcrizing, and using noo-nafural amino acids, non-natural ammo acid polypeptides and modified non-naturai amino acid polypeptides described herein.

{00196} FIG, 20 represents illustrative, non-limiting examples of the modification of diamine and dicarhonyϊ non-natural amino acid containing polypeptides or proteins Jo introduce new chemistry fimclϊotial 5 groups and the reaction of illustrative functional groups with PhG derivatives. The grey shaped object represents a polypeptide or protein, ineludhig motensin (UT-Il J. X T-S, fibroblast giowih t'aetøt (.PGF), erythropoietin, epidermal growth factor, granulocyte cell stimulating factor (G-CSH, granulocyte-macrophage colony slinmlaung facior (GM-CSF). hepatocyte growth factor (hGf ), human growth hormone (hGH ), human serum albumin, msuiiτt, insuHn-like growth factor (IGF), insulin-like growth factor I (IGf-I). insuim-hke () growth facior ϊi ( IGF-M), interferon (IFN), iπietferon-aifa, mterferon-beia, interferon-gamma, tumor necrosis factor, tumor necrosis; factor alpha, tumor necrosis factor beta, tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNFR), and corticosteroid. Such non- natural amino acid polypeptides are optionally used in or incorporated into any of the methods, compositions, techniques and strategies for making, purifying, characterising, and using non-naturai amino acids, non-natural amino ackl polypeptides and modified non-natural amino acid polypeptides described herein.

{00197} FIG. '21 represents illustrative, non-limiting examples of site-specific phenaxine formatbnon πoo- πatiiral amino acid containing polypeptides. The oval represents human growth hormone (hGH) and attachment of the aceiopbenotie to the ova] reptesenis modification at amino acid 35 of hGH. Such non-naturai ammo acid polypeptides are optionally used in or incorporated into any of the methods, compositions, techniques and sfrategies for making, purifying, characterizing, and using non-natural amino acids, non-natural amino acid polypeptides and modified non-natural amino acid polypeptides described .herein.

100198] FlG. 22 represents illustrative, non-limiting examples of sequential conjugation for protein labeling to form qnsnoxalirse and phenaztae moieties. The ova! shaped object represents an antibody. polypeptide or protein, including urotensin (.UT-H), XT-8, fibroblast growth factor (FGF), erythropoietin, epidermal gtowth factor, granulocyte cell stimulating factor (G-CSF), granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF), hepatocyre growth factor (tiGF). human growth hormone (hGH), human serum albumin, insulin, insuim-like growth factor (IGFK msniin-iike growth factor ϊ ClGF-I), insulin-like growth factor II (IGF-Tl ), interferon (IFN), interferon-alfa, interferon -beta, inicrferoij-gamroa, tumor necrosis factor, tumor necrosis factor alpha, tumor necrosis factor beta, tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNFR), and corficQSierane.Such non-natural amino acid polypeptides are optionally tistx! in or incorporated into any of the methods, compositions, techniques and strategies for making, purifying, characterizing, and using non-natural amino actd&. noo-natutal ammo acid polypeptides and modified non-natural amino acid polypeptides described herein. [<>0199| FtG. 23 presents an illustrative, non-limiting representation of the use of a bifimctional linker group to link protein or polypeptide containing non-natural amino acid with PEG derivatives through the formation of a phenazine moiety. Tire grey shaped object represents a polypeptide or proleirs, including urotensin UJT-[I). XT-8, fibroblast growth factor (FGF). erythropoietin, epidermal growth factor, granulocyte cell stimulating factor (G-CSF), granulocyte -macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF), hepaioeyte growth factor ( hCd"). human growth, hormone (hGH), human serum albumin, insulin, insulin-ϋke growth factor (IGF), insulin- like growth factor I (ICsF-!), insulin-like giowth factor JI (IGF-H), interferon (.1FN), ύiterferon- aifa, tnteii'eron-beta, tmerferon-gamma, tumor necrosis factor, tumor necrosis factor alpha, tumor necrosis factor beta, tumor necro$.is factor receptor (TNFR), and eortieosterone. Sαch noti-tiantral amino acid pohpcptides are optionally \ιu-ά in or incorporated into any of the methods, compositions, techniques and strategies for making, purifying, characterizing, and using non-natural amino acids, non-natural amino acid polypeptides and modified non-natural amino acid polypeptides described herein.

{ 00200] RG. 24 presents illustrative, non-1 irast hi g examples of the &yπιhesis of a bi functional linker group containing ary! diamine at both ends

(002Θ1J FlG 25 presents illustrative, non- limiting examples of the synthesis- a bifunctioual linker to Smk together two πon-narural amino acid, polypeptides to form a hom*odimer. The grey shaped object represents a polypeptide or protein, including nrotensin (UT-Ji), XT-S1 fibroblast growth factor (FGF), erythropoietin, epidermal growth factor, granulocyte cell stimulating factor (G-CSP.), granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF), liepatocyte growth factor (hGF'J, human growth hormone ChGH), human serum albumin, insulin, insuiin-like growth factor (iGF). insulin-lib; growth factor I (IGF-S), insulin-like growth factor O (IGF-H), interferon ( IFN), imerferou-alia, mterferon-bcta, interferon-gamma, tumor necrosis factor, turner necrosis factor alpha, tumor necrosis factor beta, turner necrosis factor receptor (TNFR), and corticosteroid Such non-natural amino acid polypeptides are optionally used iti oτ incorporated imo any of the me (hods, compositions, techniques and strategies for making, purifying, characterizing, and using non-natural amino acids, non-natural amino acid polypeptides and modified non-natural amino acid polypeptides described herein. |002G2{ FKl 26 represents illustrative, non-ϊimiting examples of the reaction between branched PEG contaiiutig reagents and. dicarbonyl non-natural amino acid containing polypeptides to form qumoxaline and pheπazine modified polypeptides. The grey shaped object represents a polypeptide or protein, including urotensui (UT-H), XT-S. fibroblast growth factor (FGF), erythropoietin, epidermal growth factor, granulocyte celt simulating factor (Ci-CSF), granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF1 ), hepatocyte growth factor (hGF), human growth hormone O)GH). human serum albumin, insulin, insuiirt-h'kc growth factor (IGF), insulin-like growth factor 1 <1GF-1>, insulin-like growth factor H (TGF -II), interferon (WN), interieroi)- alfa, iiiterferoπ-beia. interferoo-garriraa, tumor necrosis, factor, tumor necrosis factor alpha, tumor necrosis factot beta, tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNFR), and corticosteroid. Such non-naαsrai amino acid polypeptides are optionally used in or incorporated into any of the methods, compositions, techniques and strategies for making, purifying, characterizing, and using non-natural amino acids, non-natural amino acid polypeptides and modified non-natural amino acid polypeptides described herein

(002Θ3J FIG. 27 represents illustrative, non-limiting examples of the reaction between branched PEG coniainiπg reagents and diamine noo-naturai amino acid containing polypeptides to form isomers of qumoxalme modified polypeptides. The grey shaped object represents a polypeptide or protein, including uroteπsiπ (L5T-II), XT-8, fibroblast growth factor (f(ϊF), erythropoietin, epidermal growth factor, granulocyte ceil stimulating factor (Cj-CSF), granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF), hepatocyte growth r'actot (hGF), human growth hotmone (hGI-f), human ieπun albumin, lnsuHn, insulm-Hkc growth factor (IGF), insulio-ϊtke growth factor ϊ (IGF-f), insulin-like growth factor II (IGF-H), interferon (iFN). interferon-alfa. interferon-beta. ititerferon-gamma, tumor necrosis factor, tumor necrosis factor alpha, tumor necrosis factor beta, tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNFR), and corticosteroid. Such non-natural amino acid polypeptides are optionally used in or incorporated into any of the methods, compositions, techniques and strategies fot making, purifying, characterising, and using non-natural amino acids, non-natural amino acid polypeptides and modified non- natural amino acid polypeptides described herein.

{00204 j FϊG. 28 represents illustrative, no n- U roiling examples of the reaction between branched PEG containing reagents and substituted diamine non-natural amino acid containing polypeptides Jo form isomers of phenazine modified polypeptides. The grey shaped object represents a polypeptide or protein, including urotensin (UT-Ii), XT-S, fibroblast growth factor t'FGF), eryiisropoietin, epidermal growth factor, granulocyte cell stimulating factor (G-CSF), granulocyte -macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF), hepatocyte gro th factor (hGF), human growth hormone (hGH), liunian serum albumin, snMsiin, insuiiπ-Hke growth factor U(τF)- itisiifiti-ϋke growth factor ϊ (IG-Mj, irmilin-iike growth factor II (IGF-II), interferon (IFN), iπiedeτon- alfa, intεrfcrotvbeta, ititeiferoti-gamma, tumor necrosis factor, tumor necrosis factor alpha, tumor necrosis factor beta, tumor necrosis factor receptot (TNFR), and corticosterorie Such non-natural ammo acid polypeptides are optionally used iu or incorporated into any of fee methods, compositions, techniques and strategies, for making, purifying, characterizing, and using non-natural amino acids, non-natural amino acid polypeptides and modified non-natural amino acid polypeptides described herein. |0020S| FiGs, 29A-D represents illustrative, non-limit ing examples of the synthe&is of linkers thai are optionally used in or incorporated into any of Ae methods, compositions, techniques, and strategies for making, purifying, characterizing, and using non-natural amino acids, non-narural amino acid polypeptides and modified nuii-πatraal amino acid polypeptides described herein. [90206J PlG. 30 represents ithts&ative. non-limiting examples of PBC! derivatives containing aryl diamine and dicaibotiyl groups.

[OO207| FiG. 31 presents illustrative. non-Hrmtuig examples of both a two -step and one-step conjugation of a PEG containing reagent and a non-natural amino acid containing compound. The grey shaped object represents a polypeptide or protein, including utαVensin t IiT-II), XT-S, fibroblast growth Factor (FGF,), erythropoietin, epidermal growth factor, granulocyte cell stimulating factor (G-CSF), granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF), hepatoeyte growth factor (hGF), human growth hormone (hGH), human serum albumin, insulin, insulin-like growth factor (IGF). insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-!), insuHn-iike growth factor U ( ΪGF-11 ), interferon (IFN), interieron-alia, interferon-beta, imerferon-garoma. tumor necrosis factor, tumor necrosis factor aiplia, tumor necrosis factor beta, tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNFR), and corticosteroid. Such non-natural amino acid polypeptides are optionally used in or incorporated into any of the methods, compositions, techniques and strategies for snaking, purifying, characterizing, and using tion-natural amino acids, non-natural amino acid polypeptides and modified non-natural amino acid polypeptides described herein.


L Introduction i00208| Recently, an entirely new technology in the protein sciences lias been reported, which overcomes many of the limitations associated with site-speciik modifications of proteins. Specifically, new components have been added to the protein biosyntheuc machinery of the prøkaryote Escherichia con {E. cali) (e.g., L, Wang, et at, (20Oi), Science 292:498-500) and the eukaryote Sacchramyces cereviside (S, cerβvisiae) (e.g., i. Chin et al., Seksce 301 :964-7 (2003)), which has enabled the incorporation of non-natuiai amino acids Ks proteins in vivo. A number of new amino acids with novel chemical, physical or biological properties, including photoaffiπity labels and phoϊoiscsπierkabk amino acids, keto amino aods, atϊd glycosylated amino acids have been incorporated efficiently and with high fidelity into proteins irs £. coli and in ycasl in response to the amber codon. TAG, using this methodology. .See, eg.r J. W. Chin et al., (2002),

Society 124:9026-9027 (incorporated by reference in its entirety); J. W. Chin, & Ϋ. G. Sclrultx. (2002). ChemBiρChεm 3( 1 1 ); U 35- 1 137 (incorporated by reference in its entirety); J. W. Chin, et aL, (2002), PNAS United States of America 99( 17); ! 1020-1 1024 (incorporated by reference in its entirety); and. L. Wang, & P. G. Schuilz, (2002), 5 -1 1 (incorporated by reference in its enmety). These studies have demonstrated that π is possible ;o selectively and routinely introduce chemical functional groups that are not found in proteins, thai are chemically inert to all of the functional groups found in the 20 common, genetically- encoded amino acids and that are optionally used to react efficiently and selectively to form stable c

qvalent linkages.

Jh Overview

{002Θ9I Figure 1 presents an overview of the compost! urns, methods and techniques that art- de&c-πbed herein. At one level, described herein are the tools (methods, compositions, techniques} for creating and using a polypeptide comprising at least one non-natural amino add or modified non-natural amino acid with a 1 ,2- chcarbotiyl, 1 ,2-aryldiamtne, quinoxaline or pheπazioe group. Such non-natural amino acids optional!)- contain anther functionality, including bur not limited to, a label; a dye; a polymer; a water-soluble polymer, a derivative of polyethylene glycol; a photocros si inker; a cytotoxic compound; a drag; an affinity label; a photoaffintty label, a reactive compound; a resin; a second protein or polypeptide or polypeptide analog; an antibody or antibody fragment; a metal chelator; a cefaclor; a fatty acid; a carbohydrate: a polynucleotide; a DNA; a RNA: an aπiisense polynucleotide: a saccharide, a. water-soluble dendrimer. a cyclodextrm, a biootak-rial; a naiioparticle; a spin label; a fiuorophore; a nietal-cotitaπung moiety; a radioactive moiety- a novel runciionn) group; a gioup that covalently or noacovaiently interacts with other molecule'!}; a photocaged moiety; an aclinic radiation excitable moiety: a Jigand; a photoisomemable moiety; biotin: a hiotin analogue; a moiety incorporating a heavy atora; a chemically eleavabk- gtoup; a photocieavabie group; an elongated side chain; a carbon-linked sugar; a redox -active agent; an amino thioaetd; a toie moiety; art isolopicaliy labeled moiety; a biophysical probe; a phosphorescent group; a cherπiϊumiπcscent group; ail electron dense group; a magnetic group; an intercalating group; a ehrornophore: an enetpy transfer agent; a biologically active agent (in which case, the biologically active agent is an agent with therapeutic activity ami She non-natural ammo acid polypeptide or modified rum-natural amino acid serves either as a eo-lherapeuuc agent with the attached therapeutic agent or as a means; fof delivery the therapeutic agent to a desired site wiihin an organism}: a delectable label; a small molecuie; an inhibitory ribonucleic acid; a raciionueleottde; a neutron-capture agent; a derivative of biotin; quantum dot(s): a rtanotransmitter: a radiotransrnittcr; an abzytrte, an activated complex activator, a virus, an adjuvant, at! aglycan, an allergan, an aogiostatin, an antihormoπe, an antioxidant, an apiamer, a guide RNA, a saponin, a shuttle vector, a macroπiokcide, a τnrniotope. a receptor, a reverse πnccϊle. and any combination thereof. Note that the various aforementioned functionalities are not mean; to imply that lite members of one functionality can not be classified as members, of another functionality, indeed, there will be overlap depending upon the particular circ*mstances By way of example only, a waier-sohibic polymer overlaps in scope with a derivative of polyethylene glycol, howev er the overlap is not cotnplefc and thus both runetionainies are circd above,

|0l>210} As shown in Figure 1. in one aspect are methods for selecting and designing a polypeptide to be modified using the methods, compositions and techniques descnbed herein. The new polypeptide h optionally designed de novo, including by way of example only, as part of high-throughput screening process (in which ease numerous polypeptides are designed, synthesized, characterized and/or tested) or based on (he interests of the researcher. Alferuanvdy. the new polypeptide is optionally designed based on the structure of a known or partially characterized polypeptide. By way of example only, the Growth Hormone Gene Supcrfamiϊy (sec infra) lias been the subject of intense itudy by the scientific community; and in certain embodiments a new polypeptide is designed based on fhe structure of a member or members of this gene ^uperfannly. The principles for selecting which amino acid< s) to substitute and-'or modify are described separately herein. The choice of which modification to employ is also described lietein. and is used to meet the need of UK- experimenter ox end αs>er. Such needs include, but are not limited in, manipulating the therapeutic effectiveness of the polypeptide, improving the safety profile of the polypeptide, adjusting the pharmaco*kinetic's, pharmacologics, and/or pharmacodynamics of the polypeptide, such as, by way of example only, increasing water soiubihiy, S bioavailability, increasing serum half- life, increasing therapeutic half-life, modulating immtitiogenteiiy, modulating biological activity, or extending the circulation time in addition, such modifications, include, by way of example only, providing additional functionality to the polypeptide, incorporating a tag, label or detectable signal into the polypeptide, easing the isolation properties of the polypeptide, and any combination of the aforementioned modifications.

I O [OKI I J Also described herein ate non-natural amino acids that have been or are optionally modified to contain a 1 ,2-dieaihonyl, 1,2-aτyldιanutie. quinoxahne or pheiuzine group. Included with this a&ped are methods for producing, purifying, characterizing and using such non-natural amino acids. Also included is the synthesis of quiaoxaline and pheiwuie derivatives as described in Fig. 3, 4, S, 6, ?, 8, 9. 10 and 1 S , and the incporporadon of such derivatives into non- natural amino acid polypeptides.. 1« another aspecr described herein

1 5 are methods, strategies and techniques for incorporating at least one such non-tiaiural amino acid into a polypeptide. Also included with this aspect ate methods for producing, purifying, characterizing and using such polypeptides containing at least one such non- natural amino acid. Also included with this aspect are compositions of and methods for producing, purifying, characterizing and using oligonucleotides (including DNA and RNA ) that aie used to produce, at least in pars, a polypcpϊide c*nts tiling at least one noivnatuial 0 suit no acid. Also included with this aspect arc compositions of and methods for producing, purifying, characterizing and using cells that express such oligonucleotides used to produce, at least in part, a polypeptide containing at least one non-natural ammo acid.

JOO212| Thus, polypeptides comprising at least one non-natural ammo acid or modified non-natural amino acid with a 1 ,2-diearbonyl, 1 ,2-aryldtamitie, quinoxaiine or phenazine grotip arc provided and described hetem. 5 IH certain embodiments, polypeptides w.i{h at least one non-natural amino acid or modified non-natural ammo acid with a 1 ,2-diearbonyl. 1.2-aryldianune, qmnoxaϋne or phenazme gϊoup include at least one post- translaiionai modification at some position on the polypeptide. In some embodiments the co-rraaslattotia! ot post-translationai niixJification occurs vut the cellular machinery {e.g., glycosylation, acetyiaύort, acySation. Hptd-modificattoa pahnttoylation, palnntatc additioiE, phosphorylation, glycolipid-htikajϊe modification, and the 0 like), in many instances, such cellular-machmery-based co- translations! or po&i-traiiskiionai modifications occur at ihe naturally occuiring amino acid &iies on the pol>peρtidε, bowεvεr, in certain embodiments, the cdhiiar-jmachmery-based co-translational or posjs-transiattonal raodtfications occur on the non-natural amino acid stte{s) on the polypeptide. |00213i In other embodiments the post-ttanslational modification does not utilize the cellular truiclnaeτy, 5 buf the funcuonabty is instead provided by attachment of a molecule (including but not limited tα, a label; a dye, a polymer; a water-soluble polymer: a derivative of polyethylene glycol, a photυcrosslinker; a cytotoxic coiπpound; a drug; an affinity label; a photoafftnity label; a reactive compound; a resin; a second ptoiein or polypeptide or polypeptide analog; an antibody or antibody fragment: a metal chelator; a t.ofactor; a fatty acid; a carbohydrate: a polyimcleoHde; a DNA; a RNA; an aniisjense polynucleotide; a saccharide, a water-soluble 0 dεndrimet. a cydodexfrin, u bioniaterial^ a nanopariicle; a spin label: a fluorophore, a metal-containing moiety: a radioactive moiety; a novel functional group; a group thai covalenily or nβncovalently interacts with other molecules; a pholøcagεd moiety; an actinic radiation excitable moiety; a ligand; a photoisomeπzable moiety; biotm; a biotin analogue; a raσiery incøtporating a heavy atom; a chemically eleavabie group; a photo eleavabie group; ail elongated side chain; a carbon-linked sugar; a redox-active agent; an amino thioacid; a toxic moiety; 5 an horopically labeled moiety; a biophysical probe; a phosphorescent group; a chemilumiiiescem group: an electron dense group; a magnetic group; an intercalating group; a ehromophorε; an energy transfer agent; a biologically active agent; a detectable label; a small moieeuk; an inhibitory ribonucleic acid a radboucleoride; a neutroπ-captare agent; a derivative of biotm; quantum doi(s); a rumotπiπsmitter; a radioiransmitter; an abzytne, an activated complex activator, a virus, an adjuvant, an agiycan. an aliergaπ, an aπgiostatin. an

10 anhhormooe, an antioxidant, an aptamer, a guide RNA, a saponin, a shuttle vector, a roacxomoleeule, a mtmotope, a receptor, a reverse micelle, and any combination thereof) comprising a second reactive group to at least one non-natural amino acid comprising a first reactive group ( including but not limited to, uon-namral amino acid containing a ketone, aldehyde, aeelai, hemiacetal, oxime. or hydroxylamiπe functional group) utilizing chemistry methodology described herein, or others suitable for the particular reactive groups, ft) certain

I S embodiments., the co-translationa! or posi-transiational modification is made in vivo in a eukaryotie cell or in a non-enkaryotic cell. In certain embodiments, the post-translational modification is made in -vitro not utilizing the cellular machinery Also included with this aspect are methods for producing, purifying, eharaetetksiϊg and using such polypeptides containing at least one such co-translationally or posl-translationally modified non- naniral amino acids,

20 [002 ϊ 4] Also included within the scope of the methods, compositions, strategies and techniques described herein are reagents capable of reacting with a non-natural amino acid (containing a 1 ,2-dicarbonyl or 5 ,2- aiyϊdiamine group, or masked or protected or equivalent forms thereof) that is part of a polypeptide so as to produce any of the aforementioned post-translational modifications. In general, She resulting pαst-translationaHy modified non-natnrat amino acid contains at least one quinoxaline or phenazine group; (he resulting qitinoxalme 5 or phenazine containing non-natural amino acid oprioπaϋy undergo subsequent modification xeactioas. AKo included with this aspect are methods for producing, purifying, characterizing and using such reagents that are capable of any such post-translational modifications of such non-natural amino acsd{s).

£00215] In certain embodiments, the polypeptide includes at least one co-iransJaπotiai or post -ttatisiatiotral modificaπors that is tnade in vivo by one host cell, where the post-translational modification is not normally

30 made by another host cell type. In certain embodiments, the polypeptide includes at least one co-traπslaiional or post-translatioϊtal modification that is made in vivo by a eukaryotic cell, where the co-translationai or post- transϊational modiii cation is not normally made by a non-eukaryosic cell. Examples of such co-rratislatiunal or posf-tratisiational modifications include, but are nol limited to, glycosylatiort, acetylation, acylation. hpid- modi Sϊcation, patmitt>ylatiot), palmitate addition, phosphorylation, glycolipid-ϋtikage modification, and the like. 5 In one embodiment, the co-translational or po&i-tianslaHonal modification comprises attachment of an oligosaccharide to an asparagioe by a GicNAc-asparagπje linkage (including but not limited to. where the oligosaccharide comprises (GlcNΛc-Man^-Man-GkNΑc-OlcNΛc, and the E;ke,s. In another embodiment, the co-translaiionai or post-translanonal raodificatioti comprises attachment of an oligosaccharide (including but not limited to, Gal-GalNΛc, GaI-G IcN Ac, etc.) \o a serine or threonine by a Gal N Ae -serine, a GaINAc -threonine, a 0 GkNAc-serinc, or a. GlcNAc-threoniπe linkage. In certain embodiments, a pioleiπ or polypeptide comprises a secretion or localization sequence, an epitope tag. a FLAG tag, a poiyhisndwie tag, a GST fusion, and/or the like. Also included with this aspect are methods for producing, purifying, characterizing and using such polypeptides, containing ai least one such co-transϊational or post-tonslatiooal modification. In other embodiments, the glycosylated non-natural amino acid polypeptide is produced in a tion-gϊycosyϊated form. Such a nort-glycosylated form of a glycosylated non-natural amino acid are optionally produced by methods that include chemical or enzymatic removal of oligosaccharide groups from an isolated or substantially purified or υnpuπfied glycosylated non-natural amino acid polypeptide: production of the non-natural amino acid in a host thai does not glycosylate such a non-natural amino acid polypeptide (such a host includes, piokaryotes or euJkaryotes engineered or mutated to not glycosylate such a polypeptide). She introduction of a glycosylation inhibitor into the celi culture medium in which such a non-natural amino acid polypeptide is being produced by a eukaryote that normally would glycosylate such a polypeptide, or a combination of any such methods.. Also described herein are such non-glycosylat'ed forms of normal! y-glycosyiated non-natural ammo acid polypeptides. (by normally-glycosylated is meant a polypeptide that would be glycosylated when produced under conditions in which naturally-occurring polypeptides are glycosylated). Of course, such noπ-giycosyJated forms of nortiiaHy-giycosylatcd non-natutal amino acid polypeptides (or indeed any polypeptide described herein) ate in an unpurified føπn, a substantially purified form, or in an isolated form.

|08216] In certain embodiments, the non-natural amino acid polypeptide includes at least one post- traπslatioπai modification, wherein the post-translatiortal modification is, stoichiometric. skHcbiometπε-like, or near-stoichϊoϊnetrie. |002171 The non-natarai atnino acid containing polypeptide contain in alternative embodiments, at least about one, at least about two, at least about three, at least about four, at least about five, at least about six, ai leasf about seven, at ieast about eight, at least about tiine, or about ten or more non-natural ammo acids cofrtamϊHg either i ,2-diearbonyl, 1,2-aryldiamiπe, qtiinoxaliπe or phenazine groups, ot protected or equivalent forms thereof. The non-natural amino acids are the same or different for example, there are ! , 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. 7, 8, 9, SO, i 1, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, ! S, 39, 20, or more different: sites in the protein that comprise 1 , 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. S i , 12, 13. 14, 15, 16, 17. I S, 19, 20, or more differenf non-narural amino acids, in certain embodiments, at least one. but fewer than, all, of a particular amino acid present in a naturally occurring version of the protein is substituted with a non-natura! amino acid. [0021 S] The methods and compositions provided and described herein include polypeptides comprising at least one non-natural amino acid containing a 1 ,2-dtearbonyl group, a 1 ,2-aryldiaroine group, or protected or masked or equivalent forms thereof, or a quiπoxalitre or a pheoazitie group. Introduction of at least one ncm- natarai amnio acid into a polypeptide allows for she application of conjugation chemistries that involve specific chemical reactions, including, but not limited to, with one or more non-namra] amino acids, while not reacting with the commonly occurring 20 amino acids. Once incorporated, the non-naturally occurring ammo acid side chains are optionally modified by utilizing chemistry methodologies described herein or suitable for the particular functional groups or swbsutnεnts present in the naturally encoded atnino acid.

[00219] The nun- natural atnino acid methods, and compositions described herein provide conjugates of substances having a wide variety of functional groups., subs.tituents or moieties, wish other substances including but not limited to a label; a dye; a polymer; a water-soluble, polymer; a derivative of polyethylene glycol; a phoiocrosslinker; a cytotoxic compound; a drug; an affinity label; a photoaffiniiy label; a reactive compound; a resin; a second protein or polypeptide or polypeptide analog; an antibody or antibody fragment: a metal chelator; a cofactor; a fatty acid; a carbohydrate; a polynucleotide; a DNA; s RNA; an antisense polynucleotide; a saccharide, a water-soluble dendriract, a eyelodexttin. a biomatenai; a naπopartide; a spin label; a fiuorophore, a metal-containing moiety: a radioactive moiciy; a novel functional group; a group (hat covakntly or rioncovalently interaeis with other molecules, a photocaged moiety; an actinic radiation excitable moiety; a ligaπd; a phαtoisomerijotbic moiety; bioiiti; a biorin analogue; a moiety incoφorating a heavy atom: a chemically cleavable group; a photocleavable group: an elongated side chain; a carbon-ltπked sugar; a redox- active agent; an amino thioacid; a toxic moiety; an isotopicaily labeled moiety; a biophysical probe; a phosphorescent group: a cheπniummescern group; an electron dense group; a magnetic group; an intercalating group; a chroraophorc; an energy transfer agent; a biologically active agent; a detectable label: a small molecule; an inhibitory ribonucleic acid, a radϊonucieotide: a neutron-capture agent; a derivative of burtin; quantum dotiX); a namrtraasmitter; a radiotτatisrnittar; an abzyme, an activated complex aciivator, a virus, an adjuvant, an aglycaπ, an altetgaπ, an angiostatin, an antihormone, an antioxidant an apiamer, a guide RNA, a saponin, a shuttle vector, a macrornolecule. a mimotope. a receptor, a reverse micelle, and any combination thereof,

(0D22θ| In certain embodiments fhe non-natural amino acids, non-natural amino acid polypeptides, linkers. and reagents described herein, inchtdtng compounds of Formulas 1-Xl and X.XXI11-XXXVH atid cotiipoutids t - 6 are stable in aqueous solution under mildly acidic conditions (including but not limited to pH between shout 2 and about 10; including a pH beHvecn about 3 and about S; a pH between about 4 and about 10; a pH between about 4 and about 8: and a pM between aboui 4.? and about 7.?; a pH bet wen about 4 arid about 7; a pH between about 3 and about 4; a pH between about ? and about 8: a pH between about 4 and about 6; a pH of about 4; and a pH of about 6). Tn other embodiments, such compounds are stable for at least one month under miSdSy acidic conditions. .In other embodiments, such compounds are stable for about at least 2 weeks under mildly acidic conditions. In other embodiments, such compounds are stable for about at least 5 days under mildly acidic conditions.

{00221 [ Fo another aspect of the compositions, methods, techniques and strategies described herein are methods for studying or using any of the aforementioned "modified or unmodified" non-natural amino acid polypeptides. Included within this aspect, by way of example only, are therapeutic, diagnostic, assay-based, industrial cosmetic, plant biology, environmental, energy-ptoduetkm. cotjsuniei-producis, and/or military which would benefit from a polypeptide comprising a "modified or unmodified" non-natural amino acid polypeptide or protein.

///, Location of ttøn~natural amine acids in polypeptides

|00222] The methods and compositions described herein include incorporation of one or more non-naturai amino acids into a polypeptide. One or more non-natural amino acids ate. in certain embodiments, incorporated at one or more particular positions which does not disrupt activity of the polypeptide. This is optionally achieved by making "conservative" substitutions, including but not limited to, substituting hydrophobic amino acids with non-natural or natural hydrophobic amino acids, bulky amino acids with non-natural or natural bulky amino acids, hydrophshc amino acids with nun- natural or natural hy drop hi lie amino acids) and/or inserting the non-natural amino acid in a location that is not required for activity. [00223! Λ variety of biochemical and structural are used Io select the desired sites for substitution with a non-natural amino acid within the polypeptide. Any position of the polypeptide chain is suitable for selection Io incorporate a non-natural amino acid, and selection is optionally based on rational design or by random selection for any or no particular desired purpose. Selection of desired sites is optionally based on producing a non-natural amino acid polypeptide ('which is optionally further modified or remains unmodified) having any desired property or activity, including but not limited to agonists, super-agonists, partial agonists, inverse agonists, antagonists, receptor binding modulators, receptor activity modulators, modulators of binding to binder partners, bindmg partner activity modulators, binding partner conformation modulators, chmer or mulfimer formation, no change to activity or property compared to ihe native molecule, or manipulating any physical or chemical properly of the polypeptide such as solubility, aggregation, or stability. For example, locations in the polypeptide required for biological activity of a polypeptide is identified using methods including, bui not limited to, point mutation analysis, alanine scanning or hom*oiog scanning methods. Residues other than those identified as critical to biological activity by methods including, but not limited to. alanine or hom*oiog scanning mutagenesis, are good candidates for substitution with a non-natural amino acid depending on the desired activity sought for the polypeptide. Alternatively, me sites identified as critical to biological activity are also good candidates for substitution with a non-naturai amino acid, again depending on the desired activity soughs lor the polypeptide. Another alternative is to simply make serial substitutions in each position on the polypeptide chain wilh a oon-naturai ammo acid and observe the effect on the activities of the polypeptide. Any means, technique, or method for selecting a position for substitution with a non-natural ammo acid into any polypeptide is suitable for use in the methods, techniques and compositions described herein,

J00224] The structure and activity of naUirally-occurrmg mutants of a polypeptide that contain deletions are also examined to determine regions of the protein that are likely to be toletatrt of substitution with a tion- natura] amino acid. Once residues that are likely to be intolerant to substitution with non-natural amino acids have been eliminated, the impact of proposed substitutions at each of the remaining positions is examined using methods including, but not limited to, the three-dimensional structure of ilie relevant polypeptide, and any associated ligancis or binding proteins. X-ray crystal iographie and KMR structures of many polypeptides are- available in file Protein Data Bank (PDB,, a centralized database containing three-dimensions! structural data of large molecules of proteins and nucleic acids, are <ilso used to identify amino acid positions that are optionally substituted (as desired) with non-natural amino acids. In addition, models are optionally made investigating the secondary and tertiary structure of polypeptides, if three-dimensional structural data is not available. 'I hits, the identity of amino acid positions that are available for substitution with non -natural amino acids is readily obtained,

[O0225] Exemplary sites of incorporation of a non-natural amino acid include, but are not limited to, those that are excluded from potential receptor binding regions, or regions for binding to binding proteins or ligands are fully or partially solvent exposed, have minimal or no hydrogen- bonding interactions with nearby residues. are minimally exposed to nearby reactive residues, and/or are in regions that are highly flexible as predicted by the three-dimensional crystal structure of a particular polypeptide with Us associated receptor, ligand or binding proteins. |00226| A wsde variety of nαn-natuial amino acids are optionally substituted for, or incorporated into, a given position in a polypeptide. By way of example, a particular non-natural amino acid is selected for incorporation based on an examination of the three dimensional crystal structure of a polypeptide with iis associated ligartd. receptor and/or binding proteins, a preference for conservative substitutions, (00227J Iti one embodiment, the methods described herein include incorporating into the polypeptide the non-natural amino acid, where (he non-naiural amino acid comprises a first reactive group; and contacting She polypeptide with a molecule (including but not limited to a label; a dye; a polymer; a water-soluble polymer; a derivative of polyethylene glycol: a photαeros.s.iinfcer; a cytotoxic compound; a drug; an affinity label; a phoioaifmity label; a reactive compound; a resin; a second protein or polypeptide oτ polypeptide analog; an antibody or antibody fragment; a tnetal chelator; a co factor; a fatty acid, a carbohydrate; a polynucleotide; a DNA; a RiNA; an antisense polynucleotide; a saccharide, a water-soluble dendrimer, a cyclodextτio, a biomateriai: a nanopaxficie; a spin label; a fluorophore, a metal-containing moiety; a radioactive moiety; a novel functional group: a group that covakπtly or trancovaieiϋly interacts wish other molecules; a pholocaged moiety: an actinic radiation excisable moiety; a iigand; a photoisomerizabk* moiety; biotin; a bio tin analogue; a moiety incorporating a heavy atom; a chemically cleavable group; a photαdεavable group; an elongated side chain; a carbon-finked .sugar; a redox-active agent: an amino thioacid; a toκic moiety; an isotopicaily labeled moiety; a biophysical probe; a phosphorescent group; a chemiluminescent group; an electron dense group; a magnetic group; an intercalating group; a chromophobe; an energy transfer agent; a biologically active ageni; a detectable label; a small molecule; at! inhibitory ribonucleic acid, a radionucleotkle: a neutron-capture agent; a derivative of biottn; quantum dot(s); a nanoiranstratter; a radiotransmitter; an abzyine, an activated complex activator, a virus, an adjuvant, an aglycan, an aiϊergan, an angiostatin, an antihonτione, an antioxidant, an aptamεr, a guide RNA, a saponin, a shuttle vector, a macrotnolεcule, a mimotope, a receptor, a reverse micelle, and any combination thereof) that comprises a second reactive group. IH certain embodiments, the first reactive group is a 1 ,2-dicatbouyl moicry and the second reactive group is a { ,2-aryldiamine moiεty, whereby an quinoxaϊtsie linkage is formed. In certain embodiments, the first reactive group is a i ,2-dicarbony! moiety and the second reactive group is a 1 ,2-aryidiaτnine moiety, whereby an phenazine linkage is formed. In certain embodiments, the first reactive group is a 1,2-aryMiamirϊe moiety and the second reactive group is a 1 ,2-dicarboiiy! moiety, whereby an quinoxaiine linkage is formed. In certain embodiments, the first reactive group is a 1.2-aryldiamiiκ- motety and the second jteactive group is a 1,2-dicarbcuiyl moiety, whereby an phenaziiie linkage is formed. [00228) In some cases, the non-natural amnio acid substitutions) or incorporation's) are optionally combined with other additions, substitutions, or deletions within the polypeptide to affect other chemical, physical, pharmacologic and/ or biological traits, "in some cases., the other additions, substitutions or deletions increase the stability (includitig bus not limited to, resistance Jo proteolytic degradation.) of the polypeptide or increase affinity of the polypeptide for its appropriate receptor, Hgand and/or binding proteins. Its some eases, the other additions, substitutions or deletions increase the solubility ( including but not limited to, when expressed in E. coli or other host cells) of the polypeptide, hi some embodiments Kites are selected for iubsrϋurion with a naturally encoded or aon-natural amino acid m addition to another sue for incorporation of a non-natural ammo acid for the purpose of increasing the polypeptide solubility following expression in JL eoli. or other recombinant host ceils, In some embodiments., the polypeptides comprise another addition, substitution, or deletion thai modulates affinity for the associated ϋgaπd, bindmg proteins, and/or receptor, modulates (including bid not limited to. increases or decreases) receptor dimerizauon, stabilizes receptor dtmers, modulates circulating half-life, modulates release or bioavailability, facilitates, purification, or improves or alters a particular route of admitiisSration. Similarly, the non-natural amino acid polypeptide optionally comprise chemical or enzyme cleavage sequences, protease cleavage sequences, reactive groups, aotihooV binding. domains (including but not limited to, FLAG or poly-His) or other affinity based sequences (including bid not limited to, FLAG. poϊy-Hts, GST. etc.) or linked molecules (including but not limited to, biotm) that improve desedioTs (including but not limited to, GFP}: purification, transport through tissues or cei! membranes, prodrug release or activation, size reduction, or other traits of the polypeptide. JF. Growth .Hormone Supergene Family m Exemplar [00229} The methods, compositions, strategies and techniques described herein arc not limited to a particular type, class or family of polypeptides or proteins. Indeed, virtually any polypeptides is optionally designed or modified to include at least one "modified or unmodified" non-natural amino acids described herein. By way of example only, the polypeptide is hom*ologous to a therapeutic protein selected from the group consisting of: atpha-1 antitrypsin, angiostatm, aπtihemotytic factor, antibody, antibody fragment, a po lipoprotein, apoprotein, atrial natriuretic factor, atrial natriuretic polypeptide, atrial peptide, C-X-C ehemokine, T39765, NAP-2, ENA-78, gro-a, gro-b, gro-cf [P-IO, GCP-2. NΛF-4, SDF-I , PT- 4. MiG, calcitonin, c-kit iigand, cytokine, CC chetnokine, monocyte chemoattractast protein- 1, monocyte chemoatlxactatit protem- 2, monocyte cheraoattractant protεtn-3, monocyte intlaiinnatorj' protein- 1 alpha, monocyte inflammatory proiein-i beta. RANTKS, 1309, R83915, R91733, HCC! , 158847, D31065, T64262, CD40, CD40 iigaitd, c-kii Iigand, collagen, colony stimulating factor CCSF), complement factor 5a, complement inhibitor, complement receptor 1, cytokine, epithelial neutrophil activating peptidc-78, MlP-16, MCP-I, epidermal growth factor (EGF), epithelial neutrophil activating peptide, erythropoietin (EPOK exfoliating toxin, Factot IX, Factor VII, Factor VlIl, Factor X, fibroblast growth factor (FGF), fibrinogen, ftbtonectin, four-helical bundle protein, G- CSF, glp-1, GM-CSF, glococerebrosidase, gonadotropin, growth factor, growth factor icceptor, gtf, hedgehog protein, hemoglobin, bepatocyte growth factor iliGF), hiitκlm, human growth hormone (hGH), human serum albumin, ICAM-I, ICAM-I receptor. LFA- I , LFA-I receptor, insulin, insnϊm-lilse growth, factor (IGF), IGF-I, lGF-5'1, interferon (IfN)1 ΪFN-aipha, tFN-beia, !FN-ganwia, i«terleukm ( LLK IL-L lL-2, IL-3, IL-4, 1L-5, ΪL-6, i.L-7, ΪL-8, H-9, 5L-10, IL-1 1, IL-12, keratinocyte growth factor (KGF), laciofeiTtsi, leukemia inhibitory factor, lucifccasie, neυrhiriπ, neutrophil inhibitory factot" (NIF), oncostatin M, osteogenic protein, oncogene product, paraαtomπ, parathyroid hormone, PD-ECSF, PDGF, peptide hormone, pkiotropέn, protein A, protein G, plh, pyrogt'nic exotoxin A, pyrogen ic exotoxin β, pyrogenic exotoxin C, pyy. relaxin, renin, SCF. small biosymhetic protein, soluble complement receptor L soluble Ϊ-CAM 1 , soluble interleukrn receptot. soluble TNF receptor, somatomedin, somatostatin, somatotropin, streptokinase, superaπttgens, staphylococcal enterotoxin, SEA, SEB, SUCl . SiiC2, SEC3, SED, SEE, sierosd hormone receptot, superoxide distnuuse, toxic ihock syndrome toxin. thymosin alpha 1, tissue plasminogen activator, rumor growth factor (TGF), tumor necrosis, factor, tumor necrosis factor alpha, tumor necrosis factor beta, tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNFR), VLA-4 proϊein. VCAM-I protein, vascular endothelial growth factor f VEGFj, urokinase, nios., ras, raf, met, p53, Jai, fcs, tnyc, jiiii, myb. rel, estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor, tesloaterone receptor, a1do.sierone receptor, LDl.. receptor, and corticoBierone. [OΘ230I Tims, the following description of the growth hormone (GH) supergetie family is provided for illustrative purposes, and by way of example only, and not as a limit on the scope of the methods, compositions, strategies and techniques described herein Further, .reference to GH polypeptides in this application is intended to use the generic term as an example of any member of the GH supergene family. Thus, ilie modifications and 5 chemistries described herein with reference to GK polypeptides or protem are equally applied to any member of the GH supergene family, including those specifically listed herein.

{002311 The following proteins include those encoded by genes of She growth hormone (GM) supervene family (Bazan, F., immunology Today I S : 350-354 (3990}; Bazan. }. ¥. Science 257: 410-41 1 (!992J1 MoIt, K, R. and Campbell, ϊ. D.. Current Opinion in Structural Biology 5: 3 54- 123 ( 3995); Sslvenooiπert, O. aad IhIe. J.

10 N., Signalling by She Hematopoietic Cytokine Receptors ( 1996)): growth hormone, prolactin, placental lactogen, erythropoietin (EPO). thrombopoietin (TPO), interlαtkiπ-2 (1L.-2), ΪL-3, IL-4, IL-S1 il-6, ΪL-7, IL-9, IL- 10, LL- 1 1, iϊ.,-12 (p35 subamt), IL-13. IL-15, oncostatit) M, ciliary neurotrophic factor, leukemia inhibitory factor, alpha interferon, beta interferon, epsilon interferon, gamma interferon, omega interferon, tan interferon, granuiαcyte-co*kmy stimulating factor (G-CSF), granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF),

I S macrophage colony stimulating factor (M-CSP) and cardiotrophm-3 (CF-I ) ("the GH supergene family"). It is anticipated that additional members of this gene family will be identified in the future through getie cloning and sequencing. Members of the GH sαpergene family have similar secondary and tertiary structures, despite the fact that they generally have limited amino acid or DNA sequence identity. The shared structural features, allow new members of the gene family to be readily identified and the non-natural amines acid methods and 0 compositions described herein similarly applied.

[00232| Structures of a number of cytokines, including G-CSF (Zink ei al.( FEBS Lett. 314:435 ( 1992); Zink et a!.. Biochemistry 33:8453 ( 1994); Mill et at Pioc. Nad. Λcad. Sci.USΛ 90:5167 ( 1993)}, GM-CSP (Diecϊerichs, K,, et al. Science 154: 1779- 1782 ( 1990; Walter et a)-, J. MoJ, Biol, 224 :1075- 1085 ( ! 992)), 11,-2 (Ba-zan, 1. F, and McKay, D. B., Science 257; 410-4 S 3 ( 1992); IL-4 (Redfieϊd et al., Biochemistry 30; 1 1029- 5 1 1035 ( 1991): Powers ei al., Science 256: 1673-1677 (1992)}, and IL-5 (Milbum et a!.. Nature 363. 172- 176 ( 5993.)) have been determined by X-ray diffraction and NMS studies and show striking conservation wtili the GH struchu'e, despite a lack of significant primary sequence hom*ology, IFN is considered to be a member of this family based upon mode ting and other studies (Lee et al, I, Interferon Cytokine Res. 15:341 (1995 ); Murgoio ei al., Proteins 17:62 ( 1993); Radhakrishnan ei al.. Structure 4:1453 ( 1996); Klaus et a!., J. MoI Biol. 0 274:661 ( 199?)). A large number of additional cytokines and growth factors including ciliary neurotrophic factor (CMTF). leukemia inhibitory factor ( LlF), ihrornbopoietiii (" 1IPO), oneostatin M, macrophage colony stimulating factor (M-CSF), 1L-3. ΪI.-6. ΪL-7. IL-9, ΪL-12, IL-13, ϊl- 15, and gratnnoc.yte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF), as well as the IFN's such as alpha, beta, omega, tau, epsilon, and gamma interferon belong to this family (reviewed in Molt and Campbell, Current Opinion in Structural Biology 5: 1 34421 ( 1995), 5 Silvennomexi and IhIe { 39%) Signalling by the Hematopoietic Cytokine Receptors). All of she above cytokines and growth faciors are now considered to comprise one large gene fatntly.

[00233! fø addition to sharing similar secondary and tertiary structures, members of ihis family share the property that fhey must oligomerize ceiϊ surface receptots to activate iπixϋcelkdat iignaϊπϊg pathways. Some GH family members, including but πoi limited to; OH aiκϊ EPO, bind a single type of receptor and cause it to form 0 hom*odimers. Othet family members, including but not liπύied κι, I I..-2, HA. and IL -6, bind more than one type of receptor and cause the receptors to form heterøiimeτx or higher order aggregates (Davis et a!,, ( ! 99}} Science 260; 1805-1 808: Paonessa et at., 1995) KMBO .1 14: !942495 J ; Moti and Campbell, Current Opinion in Structural Biology 5: I l 4- 121 ( i9!>5)}. Mutagenesis studies .have shown that, like OH, these other cytokines and growth factors contain multiple receptor binding sites, typically two, and bind their cognate receptors sequentially ( Molt and Campbell, Current Opinion in Structural Biology 5: 1 14-121 ( 1995); Matthews et al., ( 1996) Proc. Naii. Acad. Sd. I=SA 93: 9471 -9476), Like QH, the primary receptor binding sites for these oilier family members occur primarily in the four alpha helices and the A-B loop. The specific ammo acids in the helical bundles, that participate in receptor binding differ amongst the family members. Most of the cell surface receptors that interact with members of the GH supergene family are structurally related and comprise a second large multi-gene family. See. e.g. U.S. Patent No. 6,608, 1 S3, which is herein incorporated by reference for the desriptton of the GH supergene family. jθ§234[ A general conclusion reached from mutational studies of various members of the GR supergme family is thai the loops, joining the alpha helices generally tend Io not be involved in receptor binding, in particular the short B-C loop appears to be non-essenvtal for receptor binding in most, if not all, family members. For this reason, the B-C loop is opiionaUy substituted with non-natural amino acids as described herein in members of the GH supergene family. The A-B loop, the C-D loop (and D-E loop of interferon/ ΪL-10- like members of the GH superiamily) are optionally substituted with a πon-rjafural amino acid. Ammo acids proximal to helix A and distal to the Una! helix also tend not to be involved in receptor binding and are also sites for ittfτcxϊucing non-natural amino acids, in some embodiments, a non-natural amino acid JS substituted at any position within a loop structure including but not limited to the first 1. 2, 3, 4. 5, 6, 7, or more amino acids of the Λ-B, B-C, C-D or O-E loop. Ia some embodiments, a non-natural amino acid is substituted within the last 1, 2. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or more amino acids of the A-B, B-C. C-D ot D-E loop.

{00235] Certain members of the GH family, including but not limned to, EPO. IL-2. IL-3, Ll -4, IL -6, IFN. GM-CSF, ITO, IL- 10, IL-! 2 p3S, IL- Ki, 11,-35 and beta interferon contain N~bnked and/or O-lrnked sugars. The glycosylation sites in the proteins occur aϊroøju exclusively in the loop regions and not in the alpha helical bundles. Because the loop regions generally are not involved in. receptor binding and because they are sites for she eovaient attachment of sugar groups, they are useful sites for introducing non-natural amino acid substitutions into the proteins. Amino acids that comprise ihe N- and O-Hnked glycosylation sites m the proteins are optional sties for non-natural amino acid substitutions because these amino acids are surface-exposed. Therefore, the natural protein can tolerate bulky sugar groups attached to the proteins at these sites and the glycosylation sstes send to be located away from the receptor binding sites.

[00236S Additional members of the GH gene family are likely to be discovered in the future. New members of the GH sυpergene family are identified, for example, through computer-aided secondary and tertiary structiue analyses of the predicted protein sequences, and by selection techniques designed to identify molecules tliai bind to a particular target. Members of the GH supergene family typically possess four or five amphipathic helices joined by tjon-helical amino acids (the loop regions). The proteins may contain a hydrophobic signal sequence at Jlieir NMermmus to promote secretion from the cell. Such later discovered members of the GH supergene family also are included within the methods and compositions described herein. ϊ '. N(nι~ttatneal Amino Acids

[00237] The non-rurtural ammo acids u&ed in ilie methods and compositions described heiein have at least one of the following four properties: ( O at least one functional group on the sMechain of the non-natural amino acid has at least one characteristics and/or activity and/or reactivity orthogonal to the chemical reactivity of the 5 20 common, genetically-encoded amino acids ( i.e., alanine, arginine, asparagine, as.ρartk acid, cysteine, giυtamiπe, glutamic acid, glycine, histidine. lsoleucitre. leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, proline, serine, threonine, tryptophan, tyrosine, and valine S, oi a! least orthogonal to the chemical reactivity of the naturally occurring amino acids present in the polypeptide that includes the non-natural amino acid; {2} the introduced non-natural amino acids are substantially chemically inert toward the 20 common, genetically-

I O encoded amino acids.; (3) the son-natural amino acid are stably incorporated into a polypeptide, with the stability commensurate with the naturally-occurring amino acids or under typical physiological conditions, and such stable incorporation optionally occurs via an in viva system; and (4) the non-natural amino acid includes a functional group thai is transformed into an qumoxaSine or phenazme group by reacting with a reagent, under conditions that do not destroy the biological properties of she polypeptide that includes the non-natural amino i 5 acid (unless of course such a destruction of biological properties is the purpose of the modtftcatioit'transforraation), or where the transformation optionally occurs under aqueous conditions at a pH. between about 2 and about 10; including a ρ.H behveerj about 3 and about 8: a pH between about 4 and about 10; a pH between about 4 and about 8; and a pH between about 4.5 and about 7.5; a pli betwen about 4 and about 7; a pH between about 3 and about 4; a pH between about 7 and about 8; a ρ.H between about 4 and about 0 6; a pH of about 4; and a pH of about 6, Illustrative., non-limiting examples of amino acids that satisfy these Sour properties for non-natural amino acids that are used with the compositions, and methods described herein are presented in FIG. 12. Any number of non-natural amino acids are optionally introdueecϊ into the polypeptide. In certain embodiments, the non-natural amino acids include protected or masked quuioxalmes or plieπazines, or protected or masked groups that are transformed, into a

or phenazme group after deprυteetion of the 5 protected group or unmasking of the masked group. In other embodimnets, the non-natural amino acids include protected or masked 1,2-dic.arbonyl groups, which are transformed into 1 ,2-dicsαbonyl groups after deprmeαion of the protected group or unmasking of the masked group and thereby are available to react with 1 ,2- aryldiamϊnes to form quinosaline or pbeπaziπe groups. In other embodtraπets, the non-natuial amino acids include protected or masked 1 ,2-arykiiamme groups, which are transformed into a 1,2-arykiiaraine group after 0 deprotection oϊ the protected group or unmasking of the marked group and thereby are available to ieact with 1 ,2-diearbonyis to form qαinoxalime or phenazine groups

[00238] Mon-πatural amino acids that are optionally used in the methods and compositions described herein include, bus are not limited to, amino acids comprising a photoactivatabic cross -linker, spifl-isbeled amino acids, fluorescent amino acids, metal binding amino acids, metal-containing amino acids, radioactive5 amino acida, amino acid;- with noveϊ functional groups, amino acids that covaleutiy or noncovalcntiy interact with other molecules., photocaged ati&'or photoisomerizable amino acids, amino acids, comprising biotin or a biofin analogue, glycosylated amino acids such as a sugar substituted serine, cither carbohydrate modified amino acids, kcto-containiag amino acids, aldehyde-containing amino acids, amino acids comprising polyethylene glycol or other polyethers. heavy atom substituted amino acids, chemically cleavable and/or photocleavsble0 amino acids, amino acids with an elongated aide chains as compared to natural amino acids, including but not limited to, polyethers or long chain hydrocarbons, inchtdmg but not limited to, greater than 5 or greater than ItJ carbons, carbon- hoked sugar-containing amino acids, redox-αctivε amino acids, amino thiøarid containing amino acids, and amino acids comprising one or more toκic moiety.

[00239) in some embodiments, non-natural amino acids comprise a saccharide moiety. Examples of such amino acids, include Λ'-^cεfyl-L-giucosaminyl-L-sefme. A-accEyi-L-gaiactosamiπyi-I-senne, Λ'-acefyi-L- givtcosaτnJayl-L-threoiιrae. Λ'-acefyl-L-giucosaminyl-L-asparagme and O-matsnosaπunyl-L-seriin.*. Examples of such amino acids also include examples where the naturally- occurring N- or O- linkage between the amino acid and the saccharide is replaced by a covalen! linkage not commonly found in nature - including but not limited to, an alkcnc. an osime, a toioether, an amide and the like. Examples of such amino acids also include saccharides that arc- not commonly found in natural ly-αccurrnig proteins such as 2-deoxy-gtucose, 2- deoxygalaetose and Hie like. f 00240] The chemical moieties incorporated into polypeptides via incorporation of non-natural ammo acids into such polypeptides offer a variety of advantages and manipulations of polypeptides. For example, the unique- reactivities of 1,2-dicarbonyl and 1 ,2-aryldiartii»e ftinerioiial groups, allows selective modification of proteins both in vivo and in virro. Sn certain embodiments, a heavy atom non-natural amino acid, for example, is useful for phasing x-ray siruciure data. The bite-specific introduction of heavy atoms using non-natural amino acids provides selectivity and flexibility hi choosing positions tor heavy atoms. Phoioreactive non-natural ammo acids (including but not limited to. amino acids with bengophetjone and arylazkles t including but not limited lo, pbenylaxide side chains), for example, allow for efficient in vivo and in phcnocrossHnking of polx-pcplides. Examples of photorcacttve non-naiural amino acids include, fact are not limited to.

and p- bcnzoyi-phcnylaianint* 1 be ptiϊypeptiiie with the photoieactive non-natiifa! amino acids is then optionally! at wtU by excstation of the phøioreaciive group-providing temporai control. In a non-hmUing eκamρ}e, ilie methyl group of a non-nauiral amino is substituted with an isotopicaHy labeled, including but not limited to, with a methyl group, as a probe of

"kκ;ύ structure and dynamics, inc hiding but nof htπited to, with the use of nuclear magnetic resonance and vibrational spectroscopy.

A, .L2-Biearfwttyt, Protected l,2~Dh'tιrbønyl, Masked 1,2-Dtcarboityl and 1,2-Eticarbanyl Like


|ϋ0241 | Amino acids with 1,2-dicarbotiyl functional groups react with i .2-aryidiamities. to form or phenazities, which are optionallv further linked to other molecules. Non- natural amino acκis> contaJRtug a 1 ,2-diearbo«yi functional groups allow for reaction with a variety of 1,2-aryldiatninεs groups to form conjugates (including but not limited tυ. with PEG or other waicr soluble polymers), via quinoxahπe or phcrtaziπe linkages. i,2-dicarbonyi functional groups, include 3 ,2-dtcarbooyl like groups, (which are structurally similar to 1,2-dicarKmyl «τoups and will react with i ,2-atykhanιraes in a similar fashion to 1 ,2-dicarbonyi groups), masked 1 ,2-dicarbonyl groups (winch is optionally readily converted into 1,2-dicarbony! groups), or protected 1,2-dicarbonyi groups (which have reactivity similar to a 1,2-dicarbυnyl groups upon deproteetionl. Such amsno acids include amino acids having the structure of formula ( I ):


A is optional _md when present is lower alkylene, substituted lower alkyiene, lower cycloalkylene, substituted lower cycloalkylene, lower aϊkenylene, substituted lower alkenyϊerte, alkynyJeπe, Sower hewroalkylene, siibsttmied heteroalkylene, lower heterocycloalkylcne, substituted lower heterocydoaikyleπe, arylene,

5 substituted arylene, heteroaiylenc. substituted heteroaxylene. alkaryiene, substituted

araikykne, or substituted araϊJkylεaε;

B is optional, and. when present is a linker selected from the group consisting of lower alkylene, substituted lower alkylεne, iowεr alkenyler.e, substituted lower alkenytene, lower heteroalkylene, substituted lower heteroalkyiene. -O-(alkytene or substituted alkylene)-, -S-(alkylene or substituted aik.ylene)-, -C(O)R"-, - I O S(O)k(aikyleae or substituted alkylene}-, where Ic is 1. 2, or 3. -C(O)-(alkyIene or substituted alkylene}-,

-CYS>-(alkyleπe or substituted alkyleueV, -XtT-falkyiene or substituted alkylene}-,

or substituted alkylene)*, -CSN( R")-( alkyletie or substituted alkylene)-, atid -N(R")C;O-(alkylene or substituted alkylene)-, where each K

" is independently H. alkyl. or substituted aikyi:

J is

, , or , where X is CJK NR" O or S and n is O,

15 ϊ. 2 or 3; R" is independently H, alky], or substituted alkyl;

R is H, alky!, substituted alkyl, cycloaJkyi, substituted cycloalkyi, alfcetsy!, substituted alkenyt, alkynyl, substituted alkynvl, hctcroaikyl, substituted heteroalkyl, heterocycloalkyi, substituted heterocy, aivl, substituted aiyϊ, heteroaryS, sυbstimied heteroaryϊ, alk&ryl, substituted alkaryl, aralkyl or subslilxited aralkyϊ:cloalkyl; 0 Rj is H. an amino protecting group* re»m, at least one ammo acid, or at least one nucleotide; Rj is OH, an ester protecting group, resin, at least one amino acid, or at least one nucleotide; each of R"1 and R* is independently H, haiogen, lower alkyl, or substituted lower alkyl, or R"' and R4 taken together or two R?' groups taken together optionally form a cycloalkyi or a heterocycloalkyi; or the --A-B-j-R groups together form a bicycljc or tricyclic cycioaikyl or betetocycloalky! comprising a 1,2- 5 diearborryf group, a protected 1 ,2-dicarbonyl group, or a masked 1,2-chcarbortyl gtoup; or the -J-R groups together form a monocyclic, or bieyclie cycloalkyi or heterocycioalkyl cort)prisitϊg a 1,2- dicarbonyl group, a protected 1 ,2-dicarbonyl group or a masked 1 ,2-dtcarhonyl group. ϊt should be noted thai 1 is optionally attached to B ami R at any position, As a non-limiting example, where 1 is a cyciohexa-3,3 -diene- l,2-dione derivative, B and J axe optionaϊly positioned 3,4-, 3,5-. 3,6- or 4,5- around the 0 ring, as iflutrated beiow:

It should also be liirtlier noted that in certain embodiments, the ting is optionally substituted. Such non-natural amino acids are optionally in the form of a sail, or incorporated into a non-naturaS amino acid polypeptide, polymer, polysaccharide, or a polynucleotide and optionally post ϊiatisSaπonaOy modified. [00242] In certain embodiments, compounds of Formula (I) are stable in aqueous solution for at least 1 month, under mildly acidic conditions . in certain embodiments, compounds of Formula (!) are stable fctr at least 2 weeks under mildly acidic conditions. In certain embodiments, compound of Formula (I) aτe stable for at least 5 days under mildly acidic conditions. In certain embodiments, sue Ii acidic conditions are pϋ between about 2 and about 10: including a pii between about 3 and about S; a pH between about 4 and about H): a p.H between about 4 and about 8; and a pϊf between about 4.5 and about 7.5; a pH berwen about 4 and about 7; a pH between about 3 and about 4; a pH between about 7 and about 8: a pH between about 4 and about 6; a pM of about 4; and a pH oi'abour 6. jflO243| Sn certain embodiments of compounds of formula ( ! ), B is optional, and when present is a tinker selected from the group consisting of a bond, lower aikylene, substituted tower alkylene, lower alkeπyleπe, substituted lower alkenylene, lower heteroalkyieπe, substituted lower heieroslkyiene, -O-, -S- or -K(R")-, -O- (aikyleπe or substituted aikylene}-. -S-faikylene. or substituted aikylene}-, -C(O)R"-, -S(O)j,(aikyk-ne or substituted aikylene)-, where k is 1 , 2, or 3. -C(Oj-C aikylene or substituted aikyleae}-, -C(S)-(aikyiene or substituted aikylene)-. -NR"-(alkylene or substituted aikylene)-, -CON(R")-(alkyleπe or substituted aikylene)-, -OSN{R")-{alkylene or substituted aikylene}-, and -N\R")CO-(a1 kylene or substituted aikylene}-, where each R" is independently H1 aUkyl, or substituted alky I; In certain embodiments of compounds of Formula (1), R is CY<( alky! or cycloalkyl. In certain embodiments of compounds of Formula (!) R is -CHj, -CH(CH;()>, or cyclopropyi. In certain embodiments of compounds of Formula (I), Ii! is H. teri-butyloxycarbonyl (Boc), 9- Fluorenyimethoxycarbonyi (Finoc). N-acetyi. teiTaOtioroacetyl (TFA), or hciizyioxycarboisyl (Cbz). In certain embodiments of compounds of Formula (I)^ R' is a resin, amino acid, polypeptide, or polynucleotide. In certain embodiments of compounds of Formula ({), R"1 is OH, O-methyU O-ethyL or O-,'-butyl. In certain embodiments of compounds of Formula (I), RΛ is a resin, amino acid, polypeptide, or polynucleotide, Jn certairj embodiments of compounds of Formula (I), R" is a polynucleotide, in certain embodiments of compounds of Formula (I), R" is ribonucleic acid (RNA). Jn certain embodiments of compounds of Formula (I). R* is tRN/V. in certain embodiments of compounds of Formula { {), the tRNA specifically recognizes a selector cod on, in certain embodiments of compounds of Formisla (I) the selector codon is selected from She group consisting of an amber codoπ, ochre codon, opal codon, a unique codon, a rare codon, an unnatural codon, a five-base codon, and a four-base codon. Iu certain embodimen of compounds of Formula (S ). Hf' is a suppressor IRNfA.

[00244| in certain embodiments of compounds of Formula (I)1 — A-B is selected ftorn the group consisting of:

(t) A ύ> substituted lower aikylene. C^-arylene, substituted aryϊene, heteroarylene, substifutεd heteroaryiene. alfcaryieπe, substituted alkarylenε, aralkylene, or substituted aralkyleue;

B is optional, and whet) present is a Sinker selected from the group consisting of a bond, lower atkyiene, substituted lower aikylene. lower alkenylene, substituted Sower aikenylene, lower hderoalkylene, substituted lower hetefoϋlkyiene, -O-, -S- or -N(R")-. -0-ιalkyfene or substituted aikylene}-, -S-{ aikylene or substituted aikylene)-, -C(O)R"-, -S(O')s.:(alky3ene or substituted aikylene}-, where k is I , 2, or 3, -C(Q)-

(alkylene or substituted aikylene}-, -C(S) -(aikylene or substituted aikylene)-, -NR"~(aikykϊκ; or substituted alkyieneV, -CON(R")-(a!kyleαe or substituted aikylene)-, -CSN(R")-(alkylene or substituted aikylene}-, and -N(R")CO-(alky!ene or substituted alkylene)-, where each R" is independently H, alky], or substituted alkyf; tji) A is optional, and when present is substituted lower alkyiene, C>ary[ene, substituted aryleαe, heleroaryieπe. substituted heteroaiylεne, alfcarylene, substituted alkaiylene. aralkylene, or substituted, aralkylerie;

B i.s optional, and when present is a iwtkεr selected from the group consisting of a bond, lower alkyieπe, lower alkylene, lower aUcenylene, suterifuied lower alkenylene, lower heteioalkyietie. substituted lower hεteraalkyleπe, -Q-, -S- or -N(R")-. -O(aikylεne or substituted alkylene}-, -S~(alkylene or substituted alkylene)-, -C(O)R"-, -S(O}k(slfcylcne or substituted alkykne}-, where k is, L 2. or 3, -G(O.)- (alkylene ot substituted alkylene)-, -C(S)-(aIkylene or substituted alkyiene)-, -N R "-{alkylene or substituted alkylene)-, -CONWj-f alkylene or substituted alkylene)-, -CSN(R")-{ alkylene or substituted alkylene}-. and -N{R")CO-(alkylene or subsiinued alkylene}-. where each R" is independently H. alky!, or substituted alkyi: (lii) A is lower alkylene;

B is optional, and when present is a {inker selected from the group consisting of a bond, lower alkylene. substituted lower alkyiene, lower alkcnylene, iϋbsπutled lower aϊkeiiylene, lower heieroalkyϊene, subsliruied lower heteroaϊkylene. -O-, -S- or -N(R")-, -O~(aJkylene or substituted alkyiene)-, -S-(alkylene or subslivuied alkylene)-, -C(O)R''-, -SfO^f alkylene or substituted alkylene)-, where k is 1 , 2, or 3, -C(O)- (alkylene or s.obsi tiϋied aϊkylene}-, -QSHaϊkylene or substituted alkylene)-. -N R"-(alky]εt)e or substituted alkyiene)", -C'ON(R")-(alkyletie oτ iubstmtted alkylene)-. -CSN{R"}~(alkylene or substituted alkylene)-, and -N^R'^CO-talkykne or substituted alkylene)-, where each R" is mdependeniiy H, alky], or substϊaαed alky!; and

(iv) A is phenylene;

B is optiortaϊ. and when present is a linker selected from the group consisting of a bond, lower alkyleoe, substituted lower alkylene, lowcτ alkenyϊeue. substituted lower alkeπyleτic, lower heteroalkylene, substituted lower heieroalkykne, -O- , -S- or -N(R")-, -O-(alkylene ox subsitniicd alkyleoe)-, -S-(;ilkylene or substituted alkyiene)-, -QO)R"-, -S(O)^a Ik ylene ot substituted aikylenc)-, where k is 1. 2. or 3, -C(O)-

(atkyleue gr substituted alkylene)-, -C(S)~( alkyteue or substtfttted aikylenε)-, -NK ''-(alkyiene or substituted alkylene)-. -CON(R'")-(alkylene or sisbsEitused alkylene)-, -CSN(R" )-( alkylene or substituted aikylene}-, aod -N{R")CO-{alky!ene or ssibstiftited alkylene)-, where each R" is independently H, alky I, or substituted atkyi; |0824S| In addiϋon. Hie following ammo acids having the structure of Formula (ϊl) are included;

where in:

A is optional, and when present is lower alkyiene, substituted lower atkyienε, lower cycioaikylcnε, substituted lower cycloalkylfTje, lower alkenylene, substituted Sower aikenylene, alkynylcne. lower Ueteroalkylette, subsfthtied heteroaikyiεne, ϊυwer heterocyeksalkyk-ne. sabsiimied Jower hetetocycloalkyleπe, aiyϊcne. substituted Lirylene, hetεroarylene, substituted heferoarylene. alkarylene, subsEitiited alkarylene, aralkyiene. or substituted aralkyiene; B is optional and when present is a linker selected from the group consisting of lower alkyleae. substituted lower aikykne, lower alkenyicτiε, substituted lower alkenyiene. Sower heteroaikyϊeiie, substituted lower heteroalkylene, -0-{alkyfe:ιe or substituted alkyiene}-, -S-(aikylene or substituted alkylεae}-, -C(O)W; - S(O)j(aikylene or substituted aikylene}-. where k is L 2, or 3, -C\O)<alkylene or substituted alkylene)-, -C(S)-{alkyletιe or substituted alkyiene}-, -MC-falkyleπe or substituted alkyiene}-. -CQrv(R">(aikyietie or substituted alkyiene}-.. -CSN(R'!)-(a[kyieπe or substituted alkytene)-, and -N(R")CO-(alkyJene or substituted aϊkylene)-, where each R" is independently H, alky!, or substituted alkyl;

R is H, alkyh substituted alfcyl. cycioalkyl, substituted cycioaikyϊ, alkenyl, substituted alkenyi, atkynyl, substituted aSkynyl heieroaikyl, substituted heteroalkyi, heierocyeloalfcyl, substituted heterocycfoalkyl, aryl, substituted aryl, heteroaryl, substituted heieroaryl, alkaryl, substituted alkatyi, aralkyl nr substituted araikyi;

R1 is H, an amino protecting group, resin, at least one amino acid, or at least one nucleotide; and R- is OH, an ester protecting group, τesin. at least one amino acid, or at {east one nucleotide. Such non-natural amino acids are optionally m the form of a salt:, or incorpoiated into a non-natural amino acid polypeptide, polymer, polysaccharide, or a polynucleotide and optionally post translationaHy modified. |00246j in addition, the following amino acids having the structure of Formula (111) are included:


B is optional, and when present is a linker selected from the group consisting of a bond, lowet alkylene, substituted Sower aikyierte, lower alkenyiene, substituted lower aikenyk-ne, lower iieteroalkylene, substituted lower heteroalkylene, -CK -S- or -N(R")-, -Q~{alkyleue or substituted aikyieneV, -S-faikylenε or substituted alkyiene)-, -C(O)R"-. -Sf O )k( alkyiene or substituted alkyiene)-, where k is K 2, or 3, -C(OH alkyiene <»' substituted alkyiene}-, -C(S)-(alkytene or substituted aikytεne.K ~NR"-(aikylene or substituted alkylcnc)-, -CCVN(R"}-{alkylen<; or substituted alkylene)-, -CSNt'R")-(a!lcy!etie or substituted alkyiene)-. and -N(K ")CO- (alkylene or substituted alkyiene)-, where each R" is independently H, alkyl, ot substituted alkyl; R" is independently 1-i, alkyl, or substituted alkyϊ:

R is H, alkyl, substituted aikyl, cyclosikyJ, s.ssbst(tut:ed cycioalkyl, alkenyl,

alkenyi, alkynyi, substituted aikyαyl, heteroalkyi, substituted heteroaikyl, heterocycioalkyl, substituted heierocycloaϊkyl, aryl, substituted aryl. heteroaryl, substituted heteroaryl, alkaryl, substituted alkaryl, axalkyl or substituted aralkyl:

Rj is H, an amino protecting group, resin, at least one amino acid, or &i least one nucleotide; R3 is OH, an ester protecting group, resin, as least one amino acid, or at least one nucleotide; and each R,, is independently selected from the group consisting of H, halogen, alkyl, substituted alkyl, CN, NOj, - N(R'),, -C<O)R\ -CfO)N(R ')ι, -OR\ and -S(O >kR \ where k is 1 , 2 or 3 and each R' is independently H, alkyl, or substituted aikyl.

Sue!) non-natural ammo acids are optionally i» the form of a sail, or incorporated into a non-natural amino acid polypeptide, polymer, polysaccharide, or a polynucleotide and optionally post translationally modified. [002471 In addition, the following acids are included:

wherein such compounds are optionally amino protected and carboscyi protected, or a salt thereof. Such r.on- tiaairal amino acids arc optionally in the form of a sal;, or incorporated into 3 noii-εi&iurai antiπo acid polypepiMc, polymer, polysaccharide, or a polynucleotide and optionally post tiarislalionalϊy modi.fied. jOft24SJ In addition, the following aπrioo acids having the stiucture of Pormuia ( SV) are inciudtxl; wherein:

B is optional and when present is a linker selected from the group consisting of a bond, lower aikylene, substituted !o*er alkylene, lower aikenyϊeαe, substituted lowet alketjvlene. lower heteroalkylene, substituted Sower heteroalkylene, -O-, -S- or -N(R")-, -O-(atkyJene or substituted alkyk-ne)-, -S--(alkyiene or substituted alfcykneh -C(O)R"-, -S(O}k{alkyteπe or substituted alkyk-ne}-, whete k is 1 , 2, or 3. -C(O}-{alkyleπe or substituted aikylene}-. -C(SH aikylene or substituted aikylene)-. -NR"-{alkylene or substituted aikylene}-,

-CON{ R")-(;slky!eoe or substituted aikylene ,κ -CSNΪ R'Η'aSkylene or substituted alkyiene)-: and -N(R"}CO- (aikylene or substituted aikylene}-, where each R" is independently H, alkyl, or substituted aikyl: R is H. alkyl, substifiited alkyl, cycioalkyl, substituted cycioaifcyi, alkeπy!, substifufed alkeityi, alkynyϊ, substituted aJkytryl, heteroalkyl, substituted heteroaikyl, heterocycloalkyi, substituted heterocycJoalkyi, aryϊ, substituted atyi, heieroaryl, substituted heteroaryl. alkaryi, sobstituled alfcaryi, araiky? or substituted araikyl,

R> is, H, an amino protecting group, resin, at least one amines acid, or at least one nucleotide; R2 is, OH, as) es!cr projecting group, resin, at ieasi one amino acid, or at least one nucleotide: each R3 is independently selected from the group consisting of H, halogen, alky's, substituted aikyi, -N(R' b, - C(O)R ", -C(O)N(R*);, -OR\ and -S{O}tR\ where k is 1, 2 or 3 and each IV is independent!)' H, alky], or substituted alfcyi; and n is O to 8,

Such non-natuiai amino acκ3s are optionally in the form of a salt, or incorporated into a non-naτural amino acid polypeptide, polymer, polysaccharide, or a polynucleotide and optionally post tra us i at i anally modified,

100249) In addition, the following amino acids are inchsded:

wherein such compounds arc optionally amino protected and carbosyS protected, or a sail theteof. Such non- natural amino acids, arc optionally in ihe form of a salt, or incorporated: into a τion-nalυπϊl amino acid polypeptide, polymer, polysaccharide, or a polynucleotide and optionally post transiationajfy modified. 5 i00250j The 1 ,2-dicarbcmyl functionality is reacted selectively with a t ,2-aryldiaruine coataimng reagent under mild conditions in aqαeoita solution to form a corresφoπding quttioxaline or phenazine linkage that is stable tinder physiological conditions. Moreover, the unique reactivity of -he dicatbotryl gtoup allows for selective modification in the presence of the other amino acid side chains. Sec, e.g.. Cornish, V W., et a! , J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1 18:8150-8151 ( 1996); Geoghegan, K. F. & Stroh, J. G.. Bioconjug. Chem. 3: 138- 146 < 1992);0 Mahal, I... K . eϊ a!.. Science 276: ! 125-J l 28 ( 19«)7). fθβ25i f The synthesis of p-acetyW÷/-)-phenyiakniiϊe and m-aeeiyl-(÷7-,)-pb.enylalamae is described m Zhang, Z., et al.. Biochemistry 42: 6735-6746 (2003 ), incorporated by teferen.ce for the synthetic methods therein. Other carbonyϊ- or dicarbojtiyl-containiiig amino acids are similarly prepared, as desired. Further, non- limit ing exemplary syntheses of non-natural amino acids that are included herein are presented in Ksampks. I and 16. if. 1,2-AryIdiumine, Protected 1,2-Aryldiβmine and Masked 1 ,2-Aryldiamine Groups jSK!252j Nan- natural amino acids containing a ! ,2-aryldiamine group allow for reaction with a variety of 1.2-di.carbonyl or ϊ ,2-dicaτboayl equivaJent groups to form conjugates (including but not limited io, with PEG or other water soluble polymers), via quinoxahne or phenazine linkages- Thus, in certain embodiments described herein are aon-narural amino acids with skiechains comprising a 1 ,2-aryklsarrane group, a 1.2- aryldtamixie Hka gswsp (which is structurally similar to a 1 ,2-aryldiaraisκ- group and will react with 1,2- dicarbonyls in a similar fashion, to 1 ,2-arykπamuκ; groups}, a masked 1 ,2-aryldtamine group ( which is optionally readily converted into a J ,2-aryJdianτinc group), or a protected LZ-atyldiamme group (which has reactivity similar to a 1,2-aryldiaroiπe group upon deprotectiort). Such amino acids include amino acids having: the structure of Formula (V): wherein:

A 35. optional, and when present is lower alkykne, substituted lower alkyiene, lower cycloaikyk-iie, substituted

Sower eycloalkylene, IOWCT aikenylene, .substituted lowςr alkenybne, alkyriylene, lower- heteroaϊkyleiie. substituted heteroalkyleoe, ϊower heterocycloaϊkylenc, substituted lower .hettTocydøalkylene, aryletie, substituted arylene, beteroarvieoe, substituted hqteroarylene. alkaryienc, substituted alkarylene, ara!kyleτ!e, or substiruted aralkyletie;

B is optional and when present is a linker selected front the group consisting of lower alkylene, substituted lower aϊkylene, ϊower aϊJkenyletie, substimfed lower alkenylenε, lower heteroaikyk-πe. substituted lower heteroalkylene, -CM alkylene or substituted alkylene)-, -S-(alkylene or substituted alkylene)-, -C(O)R"-, -

S(O)j.(alkylene or substituted alkylene)-, where k is 1. 2, or 3, -C(O)-^aSk ylene or substituted alkyietie)-. -C(S)-(alkylene or .siibsπaπed alkySene)-, -NR"-(alky1e»e or substituted alkylene)-, -CCXN(R "V(alkyleπ.e or substituted alkylene)-, -CSNfR")-( alkylene or substituted alkylene)-, and -N(R")CO-(alkykne or substituted alkylene)-, where each R" is. independently H, alkyi, oτ substituted alkyl;

R is, H, alkyl. subsiϋul-cd alkyl, cycloalkyϊ, substituted cycloalkyJ, aϊkenyl, iubstihited alkenyl, alkynyi, substituted alkynyi. heteroalkyl. substituted heteioalkyl, heterocycioalkyJ, substituted heierocycloalkyl, aryl, substituted aryl, heteroaryl. substituted heteroaryl, alkaryS, substituted alkaiyl, aralkyl or substituted aralkyh

Ri is H, an amino protecting group, resin, at least one amino acid, or al least one nucleotide: R; is OH, an ester protecting group, resin, at least one ammo acid, or at least one nucleotide; each of R5 attd R* is independently H. halogen- lower alky), or substituted lower alky], or R" and R'1 taken together or two R" groups taken together optionally form a cydoalkyl or a lieterocycioalkyl; or the -A-B-J-R groups together form a bicycUc or tricyclic cydoalkyl, heterocydoalkyl, aryl, or heteroaryl group comprising a 1,2-aryldiamme group, a protected 1,2-aj-ykUamine group or a masked 1 ,2-arykliαmine group; or the -J-R groups together form a monocyclic o:c bicyclic cydoalkyl, hetørocydoaikyl aryϊ, or lideroaryl group comprising a 1,2-arykhamme group, a ptoteeted i,2-aryldmrmne gtoup or a masked l,2-ary!diamine group, it should be noted feat .! is attached to B and R at any position. As a non-limiting example, where 3 is a 1.2- diarainophenyϊ derivative, B and J is positioned. 3.4-, 3.5-, 3.6- or 4,5- around the ring, as islu*trated below;

Ii should also be further noted i:hat the ring is optionally substituted. Such rran-πatiiral amino acids arc optionally in the foπn of a salt, or incorporated irsto a non-tjatural amino acid polypeptide, polymer, polysaccharide, or a polynucleotide and optionally post translations J Iy modified. 100253] In addition, the following amino acids having the structure of Formula (Vl) are included :


B is optional, and when present is a linker selected from the group consisting of lower alkyleπe, substituted lower alkyle tie. lower alkenylene. substituted lower alkenylene, sower heteroalkylene, substituted lower heteroaikylene, aryk-ne. substiiuied arylene, hctetoarylene, substituted heteroarylene, -O-(aIkyleπe or subsiituied aϊkyleoej-, -S-(alky!cnc or substituted ylkylene}-, -C(O)R"-, -S(O)^- where fc is 1, 2, or 3, - S(O)k(alkykne or substituted aikyieneK -C(O)-, -NS(O)3-. -OS(O)2-, -QO}-(alkyleiκ: or substituted alkyleπe)-. -G S)-, -C(S}-(alkylenc or substituted alkyleae}-. -NR"-(alkyIene or substituted alkyleue)-, -C(O)Ki R'K -CON(R'}-{alkyiene or substituted alkyleiie)-. -CSN(R')-, -CSN(R<)-(alkyietie or iabaώuϊcd alkyiene}-. -^N-O-(alkyiene or substituted alkyiene). -N(R')CO-('alkyleiie or stibstikiied alkyleπe.!-,

-N(RlC(O)O-, -S(O)J-N(R5K -C{R')-N-, -C(Rl-N-N(Rl^ -C(Rl2-N-N-, and -C(RlrN(Rl-N(ϊr)-uand each R' is independently M. aikyl, or substituted aikyl;

R( JS J-I, an amino protecting group, resin, at least one amino acid, or at least one nucleotide: R; is OH. an ester protecting group, resin, at least one amnio acid, or at least one nucleotide: and each R, is independently selected from the group consisting oi'li, halogen, alkyl. substituted aikyl CK NCK - N(R I2, -C(O)R \ -C(O)N(R '),, -OR \ and -S{O)fcR\ where k is 1 , 2 or 3 and each R ' is independently H, aikyl, or substituted alkyl. 1002541 hi addition, the following amino acids having the structure of Formula ( VJI) are included:


A is optional, and when present is lower alkyien.e, substituted lower aikyiene, lower cydoaikyiene, substituted lower eycloaJkyiene, lower alkenylene, substituted lower alkenylene, aikynylene, lower hete-roalkyleπe. substituted lieteroalkylene, lower heferocycloalkylene, substituted lower heterocydoaikylene. aryletie, substituted aryϊene, heierøaiyiene. substiiuied heteroaryieπe, alkarylene, substituted alkaryiene, aralkyiene, or substituted araikylene;

B h optional, and when present Ls. a linker selected from the group consisting of lower alkylene, substituted lower alkylene, lower aikeπylene, substituted lower alkenyleπe, lower hettroalkyleπe, substituted lower heteroalkyiene. -O-falkylene oi substituted aikyiene)-, -8-(alkyk;ne or substituted alkylene)-, -C(O)R"-. - S(O)k(alky{ene or substituted aikyiene)-, where k is 1, 2. or 3, -C(O)-(alkylerιe or substituied alkytenej-. -C(S)-I aikyiene or substituted aikyiene}-. -NR"-(aikyleiie or substituted aikyiene)-, -CON(K"Ηaiky]eπe or sub.siin.Ued aikyiene)-, -CSN( R")-(aIkyiene or substituted alkykine)-, and -N{R")CO-(aϊkylene or subsiiiuϊed aikyiene}-, where each R" is independently H, alky I, or substituted alky!;

Rr is H, an amino pταlecting group, resin, a! least one amino acid, or at least one nucleotide; R> is OH, an ester protecting group, resin, st least one amino acid, or at least one nucleotide; each of R" and Rς is independently H, halogen, lower alkyl, of substituted lower aikyl, or K'* and R taken together or two JiS groups taken together optionally form a cyeløalkyl or a lieterocydoaikyl; and each R., is independently selected from the group consisting of H, halogen, alkyl, substituted alkyl, CN, NO.-., - 1S'(R")2, -C(O)R ', -C(O}N(R\)..r, -OR\ and -S(OkR', where k is I, 2 or 3 ami each R' is independently H, alkyl, or substituted alkyl.

Such tion-namraj amino acids are optionally in the form of a salt, or incorporated into a non-natural ammo acid polypeptide, poiym-x, polysaccharide, or a polynucleotide and optionally post translstionally modified. fβ(1255J In addition, the following amino aαds having the structure of Formula (VIIJ) are included:

CVIII) wherein:

B is optional, and when present is a hnJker selected from the group consisting of lower aikyiene, substituted lower alkylt- ne, lower alkenylene, substituted lower alkenylene, lower heleroaϊkylene, substituted lower hcieroaikylcne, - arykne, substituted aryleoe. heteroarylene, substituted heteroarylene, -O- , -N(R')-, -S-,

-O-(aikyicf)e or substituted aikyiene}-, -S~(alkyiene or substituted aikyiene)-, -S(OX- where k is 1. 2. or 3, - C(O)R"-, -S(O)k( aikyiene or substituted alkylene)-, -O O)-, -NS(O)2-, -OSf O)r, -C(O) -(aikyiene or substituted aikyiene)-, -C(S)-, -C<S}-( aikyiene or substituted alkyletie)-, -NR'-Calkylene or siibs.tsn.tied alkyleoe}-, -C(O)N(R')", -CON<R>(alkyle«e or substituted alkylene.K -CSNC R')-, -CSN(R yCaϊkykπe or iubsiihited aϊkyiene)-, -NYR'KO-falkyiene or substituted alkyfcne)-, -N(RlC(O)O-, ~S{O)kN(R')-, - C(Rl-Nk -C(Rl-N-N(R1)-, -C(RIJ-N-N-, and -C(RIrN(Rl-Nt R>; -S(O}kN(R!K -Q R' J-N-, - C(R1-N-N(R>, -C(R1Jj-N-N-. and ~C(R'}rN(R:)-N(ΪC >- JV is independently H, a!kyl, or substituted alkyi;

Rs is H, an ammo protecting group, resin, at leas.t one amino acid, or at least one nucleotide; Rj is OH. an ester protecting group, resiii, at least one amino acid, or at least one nucleotide; and each R3 is independently selected from the group consisting of H. halogen, alky!, substituted alkyl, CN, N1O?., - N(R1J2, -C(OiR1. -C(O)N(RIj, -OR', and -S(O)kR\ where k is ϊ, 2 or 3 and each R1 is independently H, alkyl, or substituted alkyi.

Such iti>t)-πa£ural amino acids are optionally in the form of a salt, ov incorporated into a non-natural ammo acid polypeptide, polymer, polysaccharide, or a polynucleotide and optionally post tratuslattooaliy modified. I00256J *n addition, the following amino acids are included:

wheseiα such compounds are optkuiaϊϊy amino proiecred and carboxy! protected, or a salt thereof. Such noπ- narural amino acids are optionally in the form of a salt, or incorporated into a non-natural amino acid polypeptide, polymer, polysaccharide, or a polynucleotide and optionally post transiationaiiy modified. [ΘU257J 5» addition, ihe following amino acids having the structure of Formula (IX) are included: wherein:

B is optional, and when present is a Unker selected from the gtoup consis ing of lower alkylene, substituted lower alkjr'lene, lower alketiyiene, substituted lower alketjyJcne. lower hcteioallcykne, substiiined lower heteroalkylene, - arylene, substituted arylenc, hetcroatyletic. subsuaiEed hcteroarylene, -0-, -N(R')-, -S-, -O-(a!kylene at subsdiuted alkylene}-. -S-(alkyIεne or substituted aikylεnε}-. -C(O)R"-, -S(0)r where k is 1, 2, or 3, -S(O)k(alky!ene or substituted alkyiene)-, -CfOj-, -NS{O)r, -0S(0)r, -C(O)-I alkylerse or stibslituicd alkylenej-, -CCS}-, -C{S)-(alkylene or substituted alkyJene)-, -NRΗ'aikyteπe or substituted aikykπe)-. -C(O.jN(R')-, -CQN(R ')-(alky!eτte or siibstituted alkylene)-, -CSN(R')-, -CSN'(R>(aikylene or substituted alkykne)-, -NCR'K.O^αϊkylene or substituted alkylene)-. -N( R^)C(OtO-, -S(O)^N(R ')-, - C{R\)-N-. -C(R-J-N-N(Rl-, -C(R")2-N-N-, and -C(R1J2-N(R1J-N( R')-: -S{O>kN<R>, -C(IC)-N-. - C(R1J-N-N(R")-, -CfRVN-N-, and -C(SZ)J-N(IC)-N( K')-; and each R- is independently H. alkyl, or substituted alkyl,

Rj is Ii, an amino protecting group, resin, at ieast one amino ackl, or at leasi one nucleotide; Rj is OH, an ester protecting group, ream, at ieast oae amino acid, or at least one nucleotide; each Rj is independently selected from the group consisting of H, halogen, alkyl, substituted aikyi. -N(K ')> - C(O)R', -C(O)N(R ');■ -OR", and -SfO)1R', where k is 1. 2 or 3 and each R" is independently H. alkyi, or substituted alky!; and n is 0 to S-

Such non-natural amino acids are optionally in the form of a salt, or incorporated into a oon-oaairal amino acid polypeptide, polymer, polysaccharide, or a polynucleotide and optionally post iianslationally modified.

£00258] In addition, the following amino acids are included;

wherein such coτnpotmdsi are optionally amino protected and carboxyl protected, or a salt thereof. Such non-natural amino acids are optionally in tbe form of a salt, or incorporated into a non-natural amino acid polypeptide, polymer, polysaccharide, or a polynucleotide and optionally post translationaϊJy mods fied. {00259| In addition, the following amino acids having the structure of Formula (X) are included; wherein:

Rj is H, an amino protecting group, resin, at least otse amino acid, or st least one nucleotide; R2 is OH, an ester protecting group, resin, at least one amino acid, or at least one nucleotide; and each R8 is independently selected f'tom the group consisting of H, halogen, alkyi, subits'mted alfcyl CN, NO2, - N(R').-, -C(O)R', -C(O)K(R'),, -OR', and -S{O)kR\ where k is 1 , 2 or 3 and each R1 is independently H, alkyi, or substituted aikyi.

Such non-natural ammo acids are optionally in ihe form of a salt, or incorporated into a πon-iiaiural amino acid polypeptide, polymer, polysaccharide, or a polynucleotide and optionally post transiationaiiy modified.

C. Quinoxαlitte and Phenazine Groups

[00260} Non-natural amino acids containing a quinoxaiirte or plienazine group are produced by reaction of either & non-natural amino acid containing a 1,2-arylcnafnine with a reagent containing a J,2-diearhoπyl, or a tion-naturai ammo acid containing a 1,2-dicarbonyl with a reagent containing a L2-atykbareiirϊe The reagents are optionally further Kinked fo molecules selected from the group consisting of a label; a dye; a polymer; a waier-solϋbϊe polymer; a derivative of polyethylene glycol; a photocross linker; a cytotoxic compound; a. drug; an affinity label; a photoaffinirv label; a reactive compound; a resin; a second protein or polypeptide or polypeptide analog; an antibody or antibody {ragmen! ; a metal chelator; a cefaclor; a fatty acid: a carbohydrate: a polynucleotide: a DNA; a RNA: an antisense polviuieleolide; a saccharide, a water-soluble detidrinier, a cyelodextrin, a hiomateτiai; a nanopartiele; a spin label; a fluorophore, a metal-contammg moiely; a radioactive moiety; a novel functional group; a group that covakntly or πoncovaleπily interacts with other molecules.; a photocaged moiety; a phottnsomerizabfo moiety, biotiii; a bsotin analogue; a moiety incorpotatiag a heavy atom; a chemically cleavable group; a photocleavable group; an elongated side chain; a earbon-J inked sugar; a redox- active agent; an amino thioacid; a toxic moiety; an isotopically labeled moiety; a biophysical probe; a phosphorescent group; a chetrntiiinineseenl group; at) electron dense group; a magnetic group; an iπteteaiaving group; a ehrorøophore: an energy transfer agent: a biologically active agent; a detectable label; and any combination thereof. ϊn some embodiments, the non-natural amino acid is incorporated into a polypeptide, whereupon reaction with the appropriate reagent a conjugate is formed between the polypeptide and molecule of interest, via a quisiozaiine or pSienazine linkage, (00261 f Such amino acids include amino acids having the {.tmcture of formula (Xi):


A is optional, and when preseυt is a bond, lower alkylene, substituted lower alkylene, lower cycioalkykπc. substituted lower cycϊoalkylene, lower alkenyiene, substituted Sower alkenylene, alkynylene, lower Iieteroalkylene, substituted heteroalkylene, lower heterocycioaikylene, substituted lower lieterocycioalkylene. arylene. substituted arylene, heteroarylene. substituted heteroarylene, alkarylene, substituted alkarylene. aralkylene, or substituted aralkylene;

B is optional, and when present is a linker linked at one end to either a phenazhie containing moiety or a quinoxalme containing moiety, the Sinker selected from the group consisting of a bond, lower alkylene, substituted lower alkylene, lower aikeπyieπe, substituted lower aikenyiene, lower heteroalkyϊene, substituted lower beteroalkylene, -O-. -S- or -N(R")-, -O-(alky3ene or substituted alkylene}-. -S-(a!ky!ene or substituted aUcyleneK -C(O)R"-, -S(O)-J alkylene or substituted alkylene)-, where k is I. 2. or 3. -C(O)- (alkyleiie or substihited alkylene)-, -C(S)-(aϊkykne or substituted alkylene)-. -NR"-{atkyIene or substituted alkyieiiL-y, 'CON(R")-(alkyϊetrc or substituted alkylene)-, -CSN(R")»(alkγ!eiκ- or substituted alkyle»e>, and -NfR"}CO~(alkyleoe or substituted alkyleiieV, where each R" is independently ii, alkyl, or substituted alky!;

R is H, alkyl, substituted alkyi, cycioalkyl. or subslimied cycloalkyϊ:

R; is H, as) amino protecting group, resin, at leasi one amino acid, or at one nucleotide; R: is OH, an ester protecting group, resin, at least one amino acid, or at least one nucleotide: each of R'1 and R4 is independently H, halogen, lower alkyt or substituted lower aiky!, or R' and It" oi two R J groups optionally foτm a cycloalkyl or a heterocycloaikyl ; each R-; is independently H . alkyl, sυbstiruied alkyl, aikenyl. substituted aikenyl, alkynyl. substituted aikytryi. 5 aikoxy, substituted alkαsy, alkyialkoxy, substituted alkylalkoxy. polyalkylene oxide, substituted poiyalfcylene oxide, aryt. substituted aryi, hcteioaryJ, substituted heleraaryl, aikaryl, substintled a ikaryl, aralkyl, substituted aialkyl, -{alkylene or substituted alkylene VON(R1I2, C N, NO;, -{alkylene or subsUftited aikyicnc)'C(O)SR", -{alkylene or substituted alkyiene)-S-S-t'aryl or substituted aryl ). -C(O)R", -C{O):R", or -C(O)N(R"):;, -wherein each R" is independently hydrogen, aJkyl, substituted atkyl, alkenyl, substituted

! (5 alkenyl, aikoxy, substituted aikoxy, aryl, substituted aryl, heteroaryl, aikaryl. substituted alkaryl, aralkyl, substituted aralkyl, L-Y, or when more that) one R" group is preseτii, tw o R" optionally form a heterocycloalkyl; when mote than one R; group is presetil, twtJ R^ optionally forπi a hetcrocycloaikyl or an aromatic heterocycloalkyl;

1 5 Y Ji selected from she group consisting of a label, a dye. a polymer, a wateτ-sαhible polymer, a derivat ive* of polyethylene glycol, a photocrossluiker, a cytotoxic compound, a drug, ais affinity label, a pliotoaiϊϊnity label, a reactive compound, a resin, a second protein or polypeptide or polypeptide analog, an antibody or antibody fragment, a rneϊal chelator, a cofactor, a fatty acid, a carbohydrate, a polynucleotide, a mtcϊeic acid, an oligonucleotides, an antiserum oligonucleotides, a saccharide, a water-soluble desidtimer, a 0 eyciodextrin, a bioraaterial, a nanoparticte, a spin label, a tluorophore, a meiaJ-containing moiety, a rachoacβve moiety, a novel functional group, a group ihat covaleiitly or noneovaleotly interacts, with other molecules, a phutoeaged motet}', a pliotoisomerizable moiety, biotsn, a biotirt analogue, a moieiy incorporating a heavy atom, a chemically cJeavable group, a photoclcavable gταtip, an elϋ[ig£itcd side chain, a carbon-linked sugar, a redox-active agent, an amino thioacid. a uisic tπosety. an isotopically labeled 5 motety, a biophysical probe, a phosphorescent group, a chenή luminescent group, an election den^e group, a magnetic group, an intercalating group, a chromophobe, an energy transfer agent, a biologically active agent, a detectable label, a drug delivery agent, an electron transfer agent, a hormone, a steroid, an twvine, a vitamin., a nutrient, a dietary supplement, an immunoglobulin, a cytokine, an interleukin, an interferon, a nuclease, insulin, a tumor suppressor, a blood protein, a hormone or hormone analog, a vaccine, an antigen, 0 a blood coagulation factor, a growth factor, a πbozytne and any combination of the above;

L is optional, and when present is a linker selected from the group consisting of alkylene, substituted alkylene, aiJkenylene, substituted alkenylene, -O-, -O-(alkylene or substituted alkylene)-, -S-, -S-(alkylene or s,ubattτutι-d alkylene)-, -S(O)x-, -S{θK*aJkyleτκ or substituted alkylene)-, -C(O)-, -C(O)-(a!kylcnc or substituted alkyϊene)-, -C(SV, -C(S)-(a!kylenε or substituted alkylene)-. -N( R')-, -NR'-(aikyiene or 5 substitiiied alkylene)-, -C(O)N(R")-, -CO N(R>( alkylene or stibsUmied alkylene)-, -CSN(R")-, -CSNf R'V

{ alkylene or substituted alkylene)-. -NfR ')CO-f alkylene or substήisled alkylene)-, -N(R-)C(O)O-, -falkytene or substituted alkyIene)-O-NK~R'-. -(alkylene or snbMituted

or substituted alkylene}-, -{alkylene or substituted aikylene)-S(OVt alkylene or mhsύ luted aikylene)-S-, -{alkylene or Mibstitmed alkylene)-i5-S-, -St O)

kN( R\κ -N{R'1QO)K( R/)-. -N(R")C{S)N{ R')-, -N{R')S(O)^N( R

'}-. -N(R

1VN-. -C(R' XN-, -QR >N-N(R>, -C(R')-N-N-, -C(R


rN-N-. atκl -C(RIrN(R


1)-, vvhete k is 1 , 2 oi 3 and each R' is independently H, alky], or substituted aikyl; or the -A-B- J-R. gτoups together form a bicyclic or tricyclic cycioalkyl or heterocyckmlkyl comprising at least one quraoxahπe or phenaziπe group; or the «J -R groups together form a monocyclic or bicyclic cycioalkyl or lieteroeyeioalkyl comprising at least one quinoxaiine or phenazine group.

[00262 j In one embodiment, Y is selected from a waier-soiυble polymer; a polyalkyiene oxide: a polyethylene glycol; a derivative of polyethylene glycol; a phoioerossHnkeτ: at least one amino acid; at least one sugar group; at least one nucleotide; at bast ot)e nucleoside; a ligand; hiotin; a biotin analogue; a detectable, label; and any combination thereof.

{00263 j hi one aspect are compounds having the structures 1-6:


A is optional, and when present is a bond, lower aJkylene, substituted lower alkylene, lower cycloalkyienc, substituted Sower cycloaikyieπe, tower aikεnySene. substituted lower alkenylene. atkynylene, lower heTeroaik.ykne, itsbatiuifed bt-ietoalkylene, lower heterocycloalkyteπe, substituted lowei heterαeyeloalkylene, arylcfie, substituted arylene, heteroarytene, substituted heteroarylene, alkarylene. sυbstihited alkarylene, aralkylene, or substituted aralkylεije;

B is optional and when present is a {inker linked at one end to either a phenazine containing moieiy or a qυinosahne containing moiety, die linker selected from the group consisting of a bond, lower alkyleue. subsfifiiled. lower alkylene, lower aikenylene, subsUtiifed lower afkenylene. lower heteroaikylene, substituted Jower heteroaikylene, -O-, -S- or -"N(R")-, -O-(alkyleiie or substituted alkykne}-, -S-(a!kyierte or substituted alkylene)-, "S{O}kfalkyletie or substituted aJkyleitej-, vvhere k is 1, 2. or 3. -C(O}-(a!kyieπe or substifured alkylene)-, -C{S}-(alkyleπe or substituted a!kyIeneK: -NR"-(aikylene or substituted alkylene)-, -CON{R.'Η'alkyiene or substituted alkylene)-. ~CSNr(R'>(alkyJene or substituted alkylene)-, and

-N(R"')CO-(alky)ene or substituted alkylene)-. where each R" is independently H, alkyi. or substituted atkyl;

X is ■• C(RsXRs)-, -NRs-. -O- or -S-;

n is 0, ! , 2, 3 or 4: m is 0. J , 2, 3 or 4; provided that in H- n is 1 , 2, 3 or 4;

RJ is H, an amino protecting group, resin, at least one amino acid, or at least one nucleotide; R; is OM, an e*te* protecting group, resin, at least one amino acid, or at bast one nucleotide; each Of R3 and R4 is independently H, halogen, lower aikyt. or substituted lower aikyl; or R3 and R4 «r two Rj groups optionally form a cycJoalkyl or a heterocycloalkyl; each R^ is independently H. aikyl, substituted aikyl. alkenyJ, subsiitujed alkeπyl, alkyny.l, substituted alkynyϊ, alkoxy, substituted alkoxy,, substituted aikylalkoxy, polyalkylene oxide, substituted polyalkyJene oxide, aryl, substituted aryi, heteroaryl. substituted heteroaryl, alfcatyl, substituted alkaryi, aralkyl, substituted aralkyi, -{aikyleae or substituted. alkylene )-0N(RH,);>, -(alkyleiie or substituted alkyleπe.)- C(O)SR'y(alkylene or substituted alkylene)-S-S-(aryl or subsumed aryi), -C(OjR", -C(O)OR",

or two Rj groups taken together optionally form a cycloalkyl. substituted eycSoalkyl, heieroeyeϊoalkyl, substituted helerocycloaikyl, aryl, substituted aryl, heteroaryl or substituted heteroaryl; each R" is independently .H, a protecting group, alkyi, substituted aikyl, alkertyl, substituted alkenyl alkoxy. substituted alkoxy. aryl. substituted aryl. heteroaryl, substituted heteiαaryi, alkaryi, substituted alkaryi, aralkyl, substituted aralkyl, or when more than one R." group is present, two R" optionally form a heterocycloalkyi or heteroaryl;

Z is selected from the group consisting of a label, a dye, a polymer, a water-soluble polymer, a derivative of polyethylene glycol, a photocrossliaker, a cytotoxic compound, a drug, an affinity label, a photoaiϊmity label, a reactive compound, a resin, a second protein or polypeptide or polypeptide analog, an antibody or antibody fragment, a metal chelator, a cefaclor, a fatty acid, a carbohydrate, a polynucleotide, a nucleic acid, an oligonucleotides, ats antiseuse oligonucleotides, a saccharide, a water-soluble dendritner, a, a biomaterial, a iianoparticle, a spin label, a fiuorophore, a metal-containing moiety, a radioactive moiety, a novel functional group, a gtoup that covaiently or none ovale ntly interacts with other molecules, a photocaged moiety, a photoisomerizabk moiety, biotin, a biotm analogue, a moiety incorporating a heavy atom, a chemicaily cleavable group, a photoeleavable group, an elongated side chain, a carbon-lmked sugar, a redox-active agent, an amino thioacid, a toxic moiety, an isotopically labeled moiety, a biophysical probe, a phosphorescent group, a chemi luminescent group, an electron dense group, a magnetic group, an intercalating group, a chromophore, an energy transfer agent, a biologically active agent, a detectable label, a drug delivery agent, an electron transfer agent, a ϊtomione, a steroid, an enzyme, a vitamin, _t nutrient, a dietary supplement, an immunoglobulin, a cytokine, an interleukiπ, an interferon, a nuclease, insulin, a tørnor suppressor, a blood protein, a hormone or hormone analog, a vaccine, an antigen. a blood coagulation factor, a growth Factor, a πbozyme and any combination of the above; L is optional, and when present is a botκi, aikyiene, substituted alkylεnε, cycJoalkylεnε, substituted cycioaϊkyiene, alkenylene, substituted alkeπyieπe, alkynylεnε, substiruted alkytiylεne, hetetoalkylene, substiiυied heieraaikylene, heterocycloalkylene, substituted hcterocycloalkylene, aiyletie. substituted aryteπe, hetcroaryletie. substituted heleroarylerte, alkatylene, substituted alkarylene. araikylerie, sabstituted aralkylene, -O-, -O-falkyiene or substituted alkyleiie)-, -S(O)11-, -S{O);,{aikylene or substituted aϊkyiene}-. - C(O)-, 'C:(O)»(,alkyi«ne or substituted aikylene)-, -C(O)O-, -C(O)O-CaI kylene or substituted alkylene)-, - OC(O)-, -OC(O)-(aϊkyleτie or subsutmted alkylene J-, -C(Sl-, -C(S)-(alkylene or substituted aikylene}-, - N(R')-. -NR'-(alkyleπe or substituted alkyieπe)-,. -C(O)NCR')-. -COiCR'Halicylene or substituted alkylene)-, -CSN(R1)-, -CSN(R'Halky!ene oi subsiituied alJkylene)-, -N(R1JCO^ -N(R1JCO- {alkylene or subsfituled alkyieπeK -N(R')CS~, -N(R')CS~ (aikyk-s)e or substituted alkylene)-, -N(R')C{0)0-. OC(O)N(R1)-, -

S( OAN( RO-, -N(R1JS(O^-, -N(R-)C(O)N(R1)-. -NC R^S(OXN(ITK -C(R1J-N'-, -N-QR')-, -N-N-, -C(JTpN-

NfR1)-, -C(R1JrN-N-, or -C(R^-N(R1) -N(R')-; where k is 0, 1 or 2 and each R' is independently H, alky!, or substituted a ϊk.y ! ; or the -A-B-phenazjftc or quinoxaline containing moiety groups together form a substituted or uBsubsπtuted, bfCyclic or tricyclic, cycϊoaikyl, heteroeyelαaikyl, aryl or hetetoaryl, comprising at least one qumυxaUπe or phδTiazine group: or the -B-pheiϊaztae or qimioxahnt containing moiety groups together form a substituted or unsubstiruiεd , monocyclic or hicydic, cycloalkyϊ, hefcrocycioaϊkyl, aryi or heterøarvi, comprising at least one quinoxaliπe

OT phenazine group; or a pharmaceutically acceptable sail, active metabolite, prodrug, solvate., polymorph, tauiomer, or eπantiomer thereof.

|60264 J in one embodiment, Z is selected from a water-solυble polymer; a polyaikylene oxide: a polyethylene glycol; a derivative of polyethylene glycol; a photocrosslinkeπ at least one amino acid; at least one sugar group; a! least one nucleotide; at teas! one nucleoside; a Ugand; bio tin; a biotiπ analogue; a detectable label; and. any coitibmation thereof. [00265J In further embodiments are compounds having the structures 7-12:

wherein each R

t! is independently selected from the group consisting of H, halogen, aikyt substituted alkyl, N(R

'),, -CtO)N(IT);, -OR\ and -S(Oj

tI-r. where k is 1. 2, or 3 and R' is H, alkyl, or substituted alkyl. [flO266f In other embodiments are compounds corresponding to Formula (Xj-A):

|Q02$7j In another embodiment are compounds corresponding to Formula (Xl-B): wherein each R

3 is H. halogen, a;kyl substituted aikyl aryl. substituted aryi. -OR', -SR'.. -N(R.');. -C(O)R

' or - QO)OR'; R is H, alkyl, substituted alkyl, cycloaikyl, substituted eycloalkyi, heterocycJoaiky

). hetetocydoaikyl aryl, snbKiiruied aiyl. hcicroaryl or substituted heteroaryl; B is -CH:-, -N(R')-, -O- or -S-; R

1 is H. alkyl or subsntnted alkyl; and 11 is O. i , 2, 3. 4. 5 or 6, jύβ2(>8) In a further embodiment are compounds corresponding to Formula (XI-C):

wherein B is -0-, -S- or -N(R')-. and R.' JS H, aikyl, or substituted alkyl. J00269] In yef another embodiment are cotrφomids corresponding EO FortnuJa (Xi-D): wherein R

1, is. πidepeiuiently sclccicd frαrπ the group consisting of H, halogen, aikyl, substituted alky!, ~\

!iR 'ϊ

:i, CtOjN(R

');- -OR\ and -S(O)

kR\ where k is 1 , 2, or 3 and R

1 is H. aikyl, or substituted alkyl. f002?0| In another embodiment are compounds, corresponding to Formula (XI-E).

[00271 i Non-limiting examples of such amino acids include amino acids, having the following structures- Such non-natuial amitio acsds are optiotmUy in the form of a salt, or incorporated into a non-natoral amino acsd polypeptide, polymer, polysaccharide, <>τ a polynucleotide and optionally post sraπskuiotially modified. JX Cellular uptake of nβn-natttral amino acids

100272 i Non-namraϊ aniino acid uptake by a eukaryotic cell is one* issue that is typically considered when desigtήng and selecting non-natural yrasno acids, including but not limited to, for incorporation into a protein. For example, the high charge density of α -amino acids suggests shat these compounds are unlikely Kt be cell permeabk. Natural amino acids are taken up into the eukaryotic cell via a collection of protein-based transport systems. A rapid screen is done which assesses which non-natural amino acids, if any, are taken up by cells (example 16 herein illustrates a non-iirniting examples of a test which is optionally done on non-natural amino acids). See, e.g., the toxicity assays in, e.g., the tJ.S, Patent Publication No, 2004/ 198637 entitled "Prenein Arrays j" which is herein incorporated by reference in its entirety, and Lin, D.R. & Schuitz. P. G. ( 1999)

Progress toward the evolution of an organism with an expanded genetic code. PNAS United States 96:4780- 4785. Although uptake is easily a-nalyzed with various assays, an alternative to designing non-natural amino acids that are amenable Jo ceiiuhnr uptake pathways is to piovide bjosynthetic pathways io create amino acids; in vivo. |00273| Typically, Ih ε non-natural amino acid produced via cellular upiaJke as described herein is produced in a concentration sufficient for efficient proϊein biosynthesis, including but not limited to, a natural cellular amoum, bui .not to such a degree as to affect the concentration of the other amnio acids or exhaus! cellular resources. Typical concentrations produced in this manner are about 10 roM to about 0,05 roM. E. Biosynthesis øf Non-Natural Amino Acids (00274] Many biosynihetie pathways already exist in ceih for the production of amino acids and other compounds*. While a hsosynthcfic method for a particular non-natural amino acid may not exist in nature, including but not limited to, in a cell, the methods and compositions described herein provide such methods. For example, biosyαrhettc pathways for non-natural amino acids are optionally generated in host cells by adding new enzymes or by modifying existing host cell pathways. Additional new enzymes include naturally occurring enzymes or artificially evolved For example, the biosynthesis of /t-ammophenylalauine (as presented

7] in an example in WO 2OO2/08S923 emitted "Fti vivo incorporation of unnatural amino acids") relies on the addition of a combination of known enzymes from other organisms. The genes fot these enzymes can be introduced into a eukaryotic cell by transforming the cell with a plasmid comprising the genes. The genes, when expressed in the ceil, provide an enzymatic pathway to synthesize the desired compound. Examples of the types of enzymes that are optionally added are provided herein. Additional enzymes sequences are found, for example, in Genbank. Artificially evolved enzymes can be added itrto a cell in the same manner. In this manner, the cellular machinery and resources of a cell ate manipulated to produce non-naturai amino acids.. (002751 A variety of methods are available for producing novel enzymes for use in biosyntheKc pathways or for evolution of existing pathways. For example, recursive recombination, including bus not limited to, as developed by Maxygeπ, Inc. (available on the work! wide web at}, can be used to develop παvϊi enzymes and pathways. See. e.g., Stεmmer ( J 994), Rapid evolution of a protein in vitro by DNA shuffling, Nature...370H)-389-391 ; anci, Stemmcr. ( ! 994). DNA shuffling by random Jragmemanon and reassembly: In vitro recombination for mokcnlar evolution, Proc. Natl. Acad. Set. USA.. 91 : 10747- 10751. Similarly DesignPath™, developed by Oenencor (available on the world wide web at geneocor.coni) is optionally used for metabolic pathway engineering, including but not limited to, to engineer a pathway io create a non-natural anmio acid m a cell. This technology reconstructs existing pathways in host organisms using a combination, of new genes, including but not limited to those identified through functional genomics, molecular evolution and design. Di versa Corporation (available on the world wide web at ako provides, technology for rapidly screening libraries of genes and gene pathways, including but .not limited to, to create new pathways for biosynthetically producing πoiwia rural amino acids.

(0U276J Typically, the non-oarural amnio acid produced with an engineered biosynthelie pathway as described herein is produced in a concentration sufficient" for efficient piotein biosynllie&is, including but not limited to, a natura! cellular amount, bπi not to such a degree as to affect the concentration of the other amino acids or exhaust cellular resources. Typical concentrations produced in vivo in this manner are about 10 rnM to about 0,05 mM. Once a cell v> transformed with a. plasmid cotnprising the genes used to produce enzymes desired for a specific pathway and a rton-narural amino acid is; generated, in vivo selections are optionally used to further optimize the production of tlie non-riaturai amino acid for both ribosomai protein synthesis, and cell growth.

F. Additional Synthetic Methodology fθO27?l The non-natura! amino acids described herein are optionally synthesized using documented methodologies described, by using the techniques described herein, or by a combination thereof. As an aid* the following tabic provides various starting ekctrophiles and ntteieophiles which, when combined, create s desired funcUonai group. The information provided is meant to be illustrative and not limiting to the synthetic techniques described herein. a

|80278| in general, carbon electrophiles are susceptible to attack by complementary nuckophiies, including carbon tmcleoptυles, wherein an attacking iiucleophile brings an electron pair to the carbon electrophile in order to form a. new bond between the nucleophJle and the carbon eiecirophiie [002791 Non-liniitiαg examples of carbon rmeleophiles but are nol limited to alkyl, alkenyl, aryi and alkyπyt Grignard, organoltthium, organozinc} alkyl-, alkesyi , ary!- and alkyπyi-iin reagents (OTgaαoitannanes). alkyl-, alkenyl-, aryl- and alkynyl-horane reagents {organαboranes and orgaiioboronates); these carbon nuckophi les have the advantage of being kinetically stable in water or polar organic solvents. Other Hoii- limiting examples, of carbon mickopϊules include phosphorus ylids, ettol and enolate reagents; these carbon nuckophiles have the advantage of being relatively easy to generate from precursors. Catbon nucfeophiles, when used in conjunction with carbon deetrophiles, engender new carbon-carbon bonds between the carboα nueleophile and carbon electrøphiie. f 002801 Non-limiting examples of non-carbon πudeophiles suitable for coupling to carbon eleetrophiles include but are net: limited to primary and secondary amines, thiols, thiolates, and thioethers, alcohols, alkoxides, axides, semicarbazides, and the [ike. These non-carbon πucieeφhiles, when used in conjunction with carbon eJecftophiles, typically generate heteroatom linkages (C-X-C), wherein X is a hetereoatom, including, but not ϋnitk'd to, oxygen, sulfur, or .nitrogen.

VL Polypeptides with Nύn-nβtural Amino Acids [002811 For convenience, the form, properties and other characteristics, of the compounds described in this section have been described generically and/or with specific examples However, the form, properties and oilier characteristics described in this section should not be limited to just the generic descriptions or specific example provided in lliis section, but rather the form, properties and other charade risπcs described m this section apply equally well to all compounds that fall within the scope of Formulas J-XI and XXX1II-XXXVΪ1 and compounds 1 -6, including any sub- formulas or specific compounds that fall within the scope of Formulas I- X.I and XXXJJl- XXXVIi and compounds 1-6 that aie described in the specification, claims and figures herein.

J00282I The compositions and methods described "herein provide for she incorporation of ai least one nors- natural amino acid into a polypeptide. The non-natural amino acid is present at any location, on the polypeptide, including any terminal position or any internal position of the polypeptide. The non-natural amino acid does not destroy the activity and/or the ternary structure of the polypeptide relative to the hom*ologous; tmtuialϊy- occurring amino acid polypeptide, unless such destruction of the aciivity and/or tertiary structure was otse of the purposes of incorporating the non-namral amino acid info the polypeptide. Furrfier, the incorporation of the non- natural amino acid into the polypeptide optionally modi ties io some extent the activity (e.g., manipulating the therapeutic effectiveness of the polypeptide, improving the safety profile of the polypeptide, adjusting the pharmaco*kinetics, pharmacologies and/or pharmacodynamics of the polypeptide (.e.g.. increasing water solubility, bioavailability, increasing serum half-life, increasing therapeutic half-life, modulating iranmtKigenicity, modulating biological activity, or extending {he circulation time), providing additional functionality to the polypeptide, incorporating a tag, label or detectable signal mto the polypeptide, easing the isolation properties of the polypeptide, and any combination of the aforementioned modifications) and/or tertiary structure of the polypeptide relative to the hom*ologous naturally-oecumng amino acid polypeptide without fully causing destruction of the activity and/or tertiary structure. Such modifications of the activity and/or tertiary structure are often one of the goals of effecting such incorporations, although the incorporation of the πon-namral amino acid into the polypeptide optionally has httie effect on the activity and/or ternary structure of the polypeptide relative to the hom*ologous naturally-occurring amino acid polypeptide. Correspondingly, non-natural ammo acid polypeptides, compositions cotnprώng non-natural amino acid polypeptides, methods for making such polypeptides and polypeptide compositions, methods for purifying, isolating, and characterizing such polypeptides and polypeptide compositions, and methods for using such polypeptides and polypeptide compositions are considered within the scope of the present disclosure. Further, the non-natuial amino acid polypeptides, described herein are optionally ligatεd to another polypeptide (including, by way of example, a noπ-oatucaJ amino acid polypeptide or a naturally-occurring amnio acid polypeptide), (00283] T he nαn-natuial amino acid polypeptides described herein are optionally produced hiosynlheticaHy or nαn-biosyntheiically. By biosynthelic&Hy is meatrt any method utilizing a translation system (cellular or »oπ- eeKulax), including use of at least one of the following component: a polynucleotide, a codon. a tKNA, and a ribosotne. By non-biosyπthetically is meant any method not utilizing a translation system: tin's apptoach is S further divided into methods utilizing solid state peptide synthetic methods, solid phase peptide synthetic methods, methods that utilize at least one enzyme, and methods that do not utilize at ieast one enzyme: u\ addition any of this sub-divisions may overlap and many methods optionally utilize a combination of these subdivisions.. §09284] The methods, compositions, strategies and techniques described herein are not limited Kt a i 0 particular type, class or family of polypeptides or proteins. Indeed, the scope of the compositions described herein allows virtually any polypeptide to include at ieast one non-natural amino acids described herein. By way of example only, the polypeptide is hom*ologous to a therapeutic protein selected from the group consisting of: alpha- ! antitrypsin, angiostatin. aottliemolytic factor, antibody, apolipoproteiti, apαptotein, atrial natriuretic factor, atrial natriuretic polypeptide, atrial peptide, C-X-C chemokine, 139765, NAP-2, ENA-7S. gro-a, gra-b.

1 5 gro-c. ΪP-J O, GCP-2, NAP-4, SDF-I, PF4, MIG5 calcitonin, c-kit hgatid, cytokine, OC chemokine, monocyte chemoattractani protein-1, monocyte cherooattractant prateiπ-2, monocyte che moattractant protein-3, monocyte inflammatory protein- ! alpha, monocyte inflammatory piαieiπ-i beta. RANTES, 1309, R83915, R9I 733, HCC L T58847, 1)31065, T64262, CD40, CD40 hgand, c-kit ligand, collagen, colony stimulating factor (CSF), complement factor 5a. complement inhibitor, complement receptor 1, cytokine, epithelial neutrophil activating 0 peptide-78, MΪP-16, MCP-!, epidermal growth factor (EGF), epithelial neutrophil activating peptide, erythropoietin (EPO), exfoliating toxin, Factor IX, Factor VII, Factor VUl, Factor X, fibroblast growth factor (FC)F), fibrinogen, fϊbroticctin. four-Jiciical bundle piotetn. G-CSF, glp- L GM-CSF, gltieocerebrosidase, gonadotropin, growth factor, growth factor receptor, grf. hedgehog protein, hemoglobin, hepatocyte growth factor (hGF), hirudin, human growth hormone (hGH), human semm albtimin, ICAM-L ICΛM-1 receptor, LFA- 5 L LFA-I receptor, insulin, insuhn-like growth factor (IGF), IGF-L IGF-U, interferon (IFN), IFN-alpha, IFN- beta, JFN-gamma, mterieuktn (IL), IL-I, IL-2, 1L-3, IL-4, ΪL-5, IL-6, IL-?, 1L-8, IL-9. IL-IO, ΪL-l l , IL-12, kerattnoeyte growth factor (K.GF), lactoferriti, leukemia inhibitory factor, iucifeτase, πeurturin, neutrophil inhibitory factor (NIF), oneosUaϊin M. osteogenic protein, oncogene product, paiacitonin, parathyroid horrnonc, PD-ECSF, PDGF, peptide hormone, pϊcioiropin, protein A, pioicin G. pth. pyrogenic exotoxin A. pyxogenic 0 exotoxin B, pyrogenic exotoxin C, pyy, rdaxin, renin, SCF, .smidl biosynthetic protein, soluble complement receptor I, soluble I-CAM 1 , soiubk- iϊiierleukin receptor, soluble TNF receptor, somatomedin, somatostatin, somatotropin, streptokinase, superantigens, staphylococcal enterotox in. SEA. SEB1 SK-.C1 , SEC 2, ShCi, SED, SEE, steroid hormone receptor, superoxide dismutase, toxic shock syndrome toxin, thymosin alpha ! , tissue plasminogen activator, tumor growtli factor (TGF), tumor necrosis factor, tumor necrosis factor alpha, tumor 5 necrosis factor beta, tumor necrosis factor teceptor (TNFR). VLA-4 protein, VCAM-I protein, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGE), urokinase, trios, ras. raf, me!:. pS3, tat, fos, myc, jun. royb. rel, estrogen receptor, progestercme receptor, te-stosteτone receptor, aldosterone receptor, LDL receptor, and corticosteroid, in a related or further embodiment, the iioπ-nattiral amino acid polypeptide is optionally hom*ologous to any polypeptide member of rhe growth hormone supergene family. |0ϋ2Sδj The non-natural amino acid polypeptides arc optionally further modified as described elsewhere m this disclosure, or the non-naiural amino acid polypeptide are optionally used without further modification, lαcorpαration of a non-natural amino acid into a polypeptide is done for a variety of purposes, including but not limited to, tailoring changes in protein structure and/or function, changing size, acidity, nucleophilieity, hydrogen bonding, hydrophobic ity, accessibility of protease target sites, targe l ing to a moiety (including but not lirmied 10, for a polypeptide array), etc. Polypeptides that include a non-riaiuraJ amino acid can have enhanced or even entirely new catalytic or biophysical properties. By way of example only, the following properties can be modified by inclusion of a non-natnral amino acid into a polypeptide- toxicity, biodistribution, structural properties, spectroscopic properties, chemical and-'or photochemical properties, catalytic ability, half-life (including but not limited to, serum half-life), ability to react with other molecules, including but not limited to, covaientiy or noneovalently, and the like. Compositions with polypeptides that include ai least one non-natural ammo acid are useful for, including but not [united, to, novel therapeutics, diagnostics, catalytic enzymes., industrial enzymes, binding proteins {including but not limited to, antibodies), and research including, but not limited to, the study of protein structure and function, 5Ve, e.g.. Dougherty, (2000) Ifonaturai Amino Acids as Probvs of Protein Sinu.-ture and Fum-non^ Current Opinion in Chemical Biology, 4:645-652.

|00286[ Further, the sidechain of the non-natural amino acid components) of a polypeptide provides a wide range of additional functionality to the polypeptide; by way of example only, and not as a limitation, the sidechain of the non-natural amino acid portion of a polypeptide optionally include any of the following: a label; a dye; a polymer; a water-soluble polymer; a derivative oi polyethylene glycol; a pliotocrosslmker; a cytotoxic compound; a drug; an affinity label; a photoaffsnity label; a reactive compound; a resin; a second protein or polypeptide or polypeptide analog; an antibody or antibody fragment; a metal chelator; a coCacior; a fatty acid; a carbohydrate: a polynucleotide; a DNA; a RNA; an antisetase polynucleotide; a saccharide, a water-soluble dendπmer, a cyclodextriπ, a bϊomaicrial; a nanoparticle; a spin label; a fkiorophore, a metal-consaining nioietv; a radioactive moiety; a novel functional group; a group that covaientiy or noncovalently interacts with oilier molecules; a phofocaged moiety; an actinic radiation excitable moiety; a litand; a photoisoπierizabie moiety: biolin; a bsottπ analogue; a moiety incorporating a heavy atom; a chemically cleavabϊe group; a pbo-oeteavaHe group; an elongated side chain; a carbon-linked 1SUg(Jr; a rei-ox-aetive agent; an amino thioacid; a toxic moiety: an iiotopicaliy labeled moiety; a biophysical probe; a phosphorescent group; a cherralυminescent group; an electron dense group; a magnetic group; an intercalating group; a chromophore; an energy transfer agent: a biologically active agent; a detectable label; a small molecule; art inhibitory ribonucleic acid, a radionυcleofide; u neutron-capture agent: a derivative of biorirt; quantum doj(s); a nanotranstnitter; a radiotransmitter; an abzyme, an activated complex activator, a virus, an adjuvant, an aglycan, at) alleigan. an angiostaiin, an anjihoπnone, an antioxidant, an aptamer, a guide RNA, a saponin, a shuttle vector, a macromoiecule, a mimotope, a receptor, a reverse niicelfe, and any combination thereof. [00287} in one aspect, a composition includes, at least one polypeptide with ai least one, including but not limited to, at iea&t two, at least three, at least four, at least five, ai least six, at least s.cvcn, ai least eigtif. at least tnoe. or af least ten or more nmvaamral amino acids. Such rton-rtaturai amino acids are optionally the same or different, in addition, there is optionally 1 , 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 1 1 , 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 1«, 19, 20, or more different sites in the polypeptide -which comprise 1 , 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. 7, H, 9, 10, I i , 1 2, 13, 14, L\ !«, 17, 18, 19, 20, or more different, or the same, non-natural amino acids, hi another aspect, a composition includes a polypeptide with ai least one, but fewer than ail, of a particular amino acid present in the polypeptide is substituted wish a Tion-rtaturaϊ ammo acκi(s). For a given polypeptide with more than one. non-narural amino acid, she non-natural amino acids are identical or different {such as. by way of example oniy, the polypeptide can include two or more different types of non-natural amino acids or cats include two of the same non-natural amino acid). For a given polypeptide with more than two non-natural amino acids, the non-namral amino acids are the same, different or a combination of a multiple number of non -natural amino acids of the same kind with at teas.! one different rton- nutural amino acid.

{00288] Although embodiments of the non-natural amino acid polypeptides, described herein are optionally chemically synthesized via solid phase peptide synthesis methods, (such as, by way of example only, on a solid resin), by solution phase peptide synthesis methods, urid/or without the aid of enzymes, other embodiments of the non-namral amino acid polypeptides described herein allow synthesis via a cell membrane, cellular exfraei, or lysate system or via an in vivo system, such as, by way of example only, using the cellular machinery of a pxokaryotic or eukaryotie cell, hi further or additional embodiments, one of the key features, of the non-natural amino acid polypeptides described herein is that they are synthesized utilizing ribo somes, ϊ« farther or additional embodiments of the non-natural amino acid polypeptides described herein, are, the non-natural amino acid polypeptides are synthesized by a combination of the methods including, but not limited to. a combination of solid resins, without iiie atά of eoxymes, via the aid of τihosomes, aad/or via an in vivo system. [00289] Synthesis of rum-natural amino acid polypeptides via ribosomes and/or an in viva system .has distinct advantages and characteristic from a non-natural amino acid polypeptide synthesized on a solid resin, or without the aid of enzymes. These advantages or characteristics include different impuriiv profiles; a system utilizing ribosomes and/or an hi vivo system will have impurities stemming from the biological system utilized, including host ceil proteins, membrane portions, and lipids, whereas the impurity profile from a system utilizing a solid resin and-'or without the aid of enzymes, often includes organic solvents, protecting groups, resin maienah. coupling reagents and other chemicals used in the synthetic procedures, in addition, the isotoptc pattern of the non-natural amino acid polypeptide synthesized via the use of ribosomes and/or an m vivo system mirrors the isotopic pattern of the feedstock utilized for the cells; on the other hand, the isotopic pattern of ihe n osi-πatural amino acid polypeptide synthesized on a solid resin and/or without the aid of enzymes mirrors the isoiopic pattern of the amino acids utilized m the synthesis, further, the non-natural amino acid synthesized via the use of tibosomes and/or an f"« πve system are generally substantially free of the D-isomers of the amino acids aod/or are able to readily mcotporate internal, cysteine ammo acids into the structure of the polypeptide, and/or rareiy internal amino acid deletion polypeptides. On the oiher hand, a rsojvoatural amino acid polypeptide synthesized via a solid resin and/or without the use of enzymes generally has a higher content of D- isomers of the amino acids and/or a lower content of internal cysteine amino acids and/or a higher percentage of internal amino acid deletion polypeptides. Furthermore, one will be able to differentiate a non-natural amino acid polypeptide synthesixed by use of a ribosome and/or an in vivo system from a non-natural amino acid polypeptide synthesized via a solid resits and/or without the use of enzymes.

7? i ll Compositions and Methods Comprising Nucleic AcMs and Oligonucleotides

A. General Recombinant Nucleic AeM Methods For Use Herein fββ29θ| In numerous embodiments of the methods and compositions described herein, nucleic acids encoding a polypeptide of interest (including by way of example a GH polypeptide) are isolated, clotitκ! and 5 oflen altered using recombinant methods. Such embodiments are used, including but not limited 10, for proiein expression or dining the generation of variants, derivatives,, expression cassettes, or oilier sequences derived from a polypeptide, in some embodiments, the sequences encoding the polypeptides are opeiably linked to a heterologous promoter. J00291 J A nucleotide sequence encoding a polypeptide comprising a aon-namral amino acid is

10 synthesized, for example, on the basis of the amino acid sequence of the patent polypeptide, and then changing the nucleoside sequence so as to effect introduction (i.e., incorporation oτ substitution) or removal (i.e., deletion or substitution) of the relevant amino acid residue(s). The nucleotide sequence is optionally conveniently modified by site-directed mutagenesis iti accordance with documented methodologies. Alternatively, the nucleotide sequence is prepared by chemical synthesis, including but not limited to, by using an oligonucleotide

1.5 synthesizer, wherein oligonucleotides are designed based on the amino acid sequence of the desired polypeptide, and preferably selecting those codons that are favored w the host cell is which the recombinant polypeptide will be produced. For example, several small oligonucleotides coding for portions of the de-sued polypeptide are synthesized and assembled by PCR, ligation or ligation chain reaction, Se&, e.g.. Barany, el til., Pmc. Nail. Acad. Sd. 88; 1 SO- 193 ( 1991): VS. 6,521 ,42? which are incorporated by reference herein for 0 disclosure of the aforementioned,

J00292} The non-natural amino acid methods and compositions described herein utilize techniques used m the field of tecombtnant genetics. Basic texts disclosing the genera] methods of use for the non-natural amino acid tneilϊods and compositions described herein include Sambrook el «/.. Molecular Cloning, A laboratory Manual (3rd txl. 2001 }; Kriegier, Gene Transfer and Expression: A Laboratory Manual (199Oj; and Current 5 Protocols in Molecular Biology (Ansubel el at , eels., 1994)).

100293} General texts which describe molecular biological techniques include Berger and KimmeS, Guide to Molecular Cloning Techniques, Methods in Enzymology vokime 152 Academic Press, Inc., San Diego, CA ( Berger}; Sambrøok et al.. Molecular Cloning - A ϊ..aboratoτy Manuaϊ (2nd hά.), Vol. 1 -3, Cold Spring Harbor L.abotatory, Cold Spring Harbor, New York, 1989 ("Sambrook") asκl Current F.tofoco*k in Molecular Biology, 0 F. M. Ausiibel cS al., eds., Cαnent Proiocols: a ioint venture between Greene Publishing Associates, Inc. and John Wiley & Sons, Inc., (supplemented through 1999} C'Ausubel")). These texts describe mutagenesis, the use of vectors, promoters and many other relevant topics related to, including but nor. limited So, the generation of genes or polynucleotides which include selector codons for production of proteins that include rton-namral ammo acids, orthogonal fRN'As, orthogonal synthetases, and pairs thereof, 5 |00294| Various types of mutagenesis are used in the non-natural amino acid methods and compositions described herein for a variety of purposes, including but not limited to, to produce novel synthetases or tRNAs, to mutate tRIsA molecules, to mutate polynucleotides encoding synthetases, libraries of tRNAs, to produce libraries of synthetases, Io produce selector codons, to insert selector codons that encode non-natural amino acids in a protein ot polypeptide of interest. They include but are not limited to site-directed mutagenesis, 0 random point mutagenesis, hom*ologous recombination, D'NA shuffling or other recursive mutagenesis methods.

7& chimeric construction, mutagenesis using uracil containing templates, oligomsdeotide-directed mutagenesis., phosphorothioatc -modified DNA mutagenesis, mutagenesis using gapped duplex DNA or the like, or any combination thereof. Additional suitable methods include point mismatch repair, mutagenesis using rεpair- defjctent host strains, restriction-selection and restriction-purification, deletion mutagenesis, mutagenesis by total gene synthesis, double-strand break repair, and the like. Mutageneses, including but not limited to, involving chimeric constructs, aτe also included in the non-natural amino acid methods and compositions described herein. In one embodiment, mutagenesis is guided by documented information of the naturally occurring molecule or altered or mutated naturally occurring molecule, including but nut limited to, sequence comparisons, physical properties, crystal structure or the like. J0029S) The texts and examples found herein describe these and other relevant procedures. Additional information is found in the following publications and references cited within: Ling et aL, Approaches to DNA mutagenesis: an overview. Anal Biochem. 254(2): 157- 178 (1997); Dale et a!., Oiigotiucleotide-directed random mutagenesis mhig the phosphυroihioate method. Methods MoL Biol. 57: 369-374 ( 1996): Smith, in vitro murasenesis.. Ann. Rev, Genet. 19:423-462(1985); Botstein & Shorile, Strategies and applications of in vitro mutagenesis, Science 22(); 1 193- 1201( 1985); Carter, Site-directed, mutagenesis, JBioehem. J. 237: 1-7 ( 1986); Kunkel, The efficiency of oligonucleotide directed mutagenesis, in Nucleic Acids & Molecular Biology (Eckstein, F. and Lilley, D.M.J, eds.. Springer VerJag, Berlin)) ( 1987); Kunkεi, Rapid and efficient site-specific mutagenesis without phenatyφic selection, Proc. Natl. Acad. Set. USA 82:488-492 { 1985 K Kuiskεl et a!.. Rapid and efficient site-specific mutagenesis without phertotypic selection. Methods in Enzymot. 154, 367-382 ( 1987); Bass t-t a!.. Mutant Trp repressors with new D NA-hιnding, specificities. Science- 242:240-245 ( 1988); Methods in Enzymol. i 00: 468-500 (1983); Methods in Hnzyπiol. 154: 329-350 (19873; Zoiier & Smith, O!igomuϊer,tide- directed mutagenesis using M 13-derιred vectors; an efficient and genera! procedure for the production of point mutations in any DNA fragment. Nucleic Acids. Res. 10:6487-6500 ( 1982); Zoller & Smith, Oligonucleotide- directed mutagenesis of DNA fragments cloned into M 13 vectors. Methods in Enzymol. 100:468-500 ( J 983); Zoller & Smith, Oligottttclcotide-directed mutagenesis, a simple method using two oligonucleotide primers and a single-siranded DNA template. Methods in Enzyrool, 154:329-330 (1987); Taylor et a!.. The use of phasphorothioate-modified DNA in restriction enzyme reactions to prepare nicked DNA, Niici. Acids Res. 13: 8749-8764 ( 1985); Taylor et a!.. The rapid generation of oligonuclt'Otide-direcied mutations at high frequency using phosphorothioah'-modified DNA. Nucl Acids Res. l .V 8765-8785 { 1985}; Nakamaye &. Ecksiein, Inhibition of restriction endonuclease Nd I cleavage by phosphorolhivale groups and its application to ohgoruideotide-directed mutagenesis, Nirci. Acids Res. 14: 9679-9698 ( I9S6); Savers et al.. 5 '-* ' Kxonnci 'eases in phosphorothioate-baxed. ohgoiiucleotide-directet! mutagenesis, Nucl. Acids Res, 16:791 -802 ( 1988); Savers et a!.. Sirand specific cleavage of phoψhoroihioaie-contamutg DNA by reaction with rextrivtiυn cmlonudeases in the presence of eihidium bromide, (1988) Nucl. Acids Res. 16: 803-814: Kramer el al.. The gapped duplex DNA approach to oϊigoimcieoϊide-ώ'rvcted mutation construction. Nucl. Acids. Res. 12: 94-H-94S6 (19S4); Kra.mer & Fritz OUgomwleotide-direcled construction of mutations via gapped duplex DNd, Methods in Enzymoi, 554:350-367 (1987); Kramei et al., improved enzymatic in vitro reactions in the gapped duph-x DNA approach to rdigonucitotide-direeted construction of mutations. Nucl. Acids Res. 16; 7207 (198$); Fritz et a!.. Oligonucleσtide-dtrected construction of mutations - a gapped duplex DA' Λ procedure without enzymatic reactions in vitro. Nυci. Acids Res. 16: 6987-6999 (1988); Kramer et at, Point Mismatch Repair, Cell 38:879- 88? (1984); Carter et a.),, improved oligonucleotide site-directed mutagenesis using Ml 3 vectors, Nucl, Acids Res. 13; 4431 -4443 ( 1985); Carter, Improved oligotfucleotide-directed mutagenesis using M 13 vectors. Methods io Enzymol 154; 382-403 ( 1987); Eghtedarzadeh & Hertikoff, Use of oligonucleotides to generate large deletions, Nuel. Acids Res, S 4; 51 15 (1986), WdIs et a!.. Importance of hydrogen -bond formation in stabilizing the transition state of subtilisin, Phil. Trans.. R. Soc. Land. A 3 17: 415-423 ( 1986); Nambiar er al,, Tntai synthesis and cloning of a gene coding far the ribonucleic S protein. Science 223: 1299- i 30 ! (1984); Sakmar and K-horana, Total synthesis and expression of a gene for the a-siώunit of bovine rod outer segment guanine fiucleotide-bimling protein {transducinj, Nucl. Acids Res. 14: 6361 -63 ?2 ( !98S); Wells et al., Cassette mutagenesis: an efficient method for generation uf multiple mutations at defined sites-. Gene 34.315-323 ( 1985); Gmndstrom et al., OligomichKHide-a'irected mutagenesis by mkroscaie 'shot -gun' gene synthesis, Nuel. Acids Res, 13: 3305-3316 ( 1985); Matxiecki Ohgofutcleotide-direeied double-strand break repair in pfasnnds of Escherichia colt: a method for site-specific mutagenesis, Proe. Nαti. Acad, Sei. USA. 83:7177-7 (8 ! ( 1986); Arnold, i-Yotein engineering for unusual environments. Current Opinion in Biotechnology 4:450-455 ( 1993); Siebcr. et al., 'Nature Biotechnology, ! 9:456-460 (200 IV W. P. C. Stemmer, Nature 370, 389-9! ( S 994); and, I. A. Lomτter, 1, PasJan, Nucleic Acids Res. 23. 3067-8 (1995 >, Additional details on many such methods can be found in Methods in Enzymology Volume 154. which also describes, useful controls, for trouble-shooting problems with various mutagenesis methods.

(002%j The methods and compositions described herein also include use of eukaryoiic host celts, πo«- eukaryotic host cells, and organisms for the in viw incorporation of a non-iiattHai artiino acid via orthogonal tRNA/RS pairs Host ceils are genetically engineered {inctuditjg bu! not limϋed to, trans-foraied, transduced at traπsfected) wiϊii the polynucleotides corresponding to the polypeptides described herein or constructs which include a polynucleotide cotrespondmg to the polypeptides described herein, including but not limited lo, a vector corresponding to the polypeptides described herein, which is optionally, for example, a cloning vector or an expression vector. For example, the coding regions for the orthogonal tRNA, the orthogonal t.RNA synthetase, and rise protein, to be derivatized are ope t ably linked to gene expression control elements that are fuEictsonal in the desired host cell. The vector is optionally, for example, in the form, of a plasπiitl, cosrπid, a phage, a hacterimn. a virus, a naked polynucleotide, or a conjugated polynucleotide. The vectors are introduced into cells and/or microorganisms by standard methods including electropoiation (Fromm et al., P roc. Natl. Acad. Sa. USA 82, 5824 (1985)), infection by viral vectots, high velocity ballistic peneftanon by small particles with the nucleic acid either within the matrix of small beads or particles, or on the surface (Kiein et al. Nature 327, 70-73 ( 1987)), and/or the like.

J00297J The engineered host cells are optionally cultured in conventional nutrient media modified as appropriate for such activities as, for example, screening sreps, activating promoters or selecting transformants. T hese cells are also optionally cultured into transgenic organisms. Other useful references, including but not limited to for cell isolation and culture (e.g.. for subsequent nucleic acid isolation) include Freshney (1994) Culture of Animal Cells, a Manual of Basic Technique, third edition. Wiley- Liss, New York and the references cited therein; Payne et a! ( 1992} Plant Cell and Tissue Culture in Liquid Systems John Wiley & Sons, Inc. .New York, KY: Gamborg and Phillips (eds) ( 1995) Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture; Fundamental Methods Springer Lab Manual, Springer- Ve dag (Berlin Heidelberg New York) and Atlas and Parks (exis) The Handbook of Microbiological Media (1993 } CRC Press, Boca Raton, FS... |00298| Several methods for introducing target nucleic acids into celis are available, any of which JS optionally used in the methods, and compositions described herein. These include, but arc not limited to, tusion of she recipient cells with bacterial protoplasts containing the DNA, eJectroporation. piojectϋe bombardment, and infection with virai vectors {discussed further herein;, etc. Bacterial cells are optionally used to amplify the number of pϊasnnds containing DNA constructs corresponding to the polypeptides described herein. The bacteria are grown to log phase and the plasnύds within the bacteria are isolated by a variety of methods (see. for instance. Sambrook). in addition, a plethora of kits are commercially available lot the purification of plasnnds iron) bacteria, (see, e.g., EasyPrep™, FlexiPrep™, both from Pharmacia Biotech: StraιaCteuotM, from Stratagene; ami QlAprep™ fforn Qiageτi). The isolated and purified piasmids are then furtbet rnaoipiilaicd to produce other ptasruidϊ. used to trans feet cells or incorporated into related vectors to infect organisms. T ypical vectors contain transcription and translation terminators, transcription and translation initiation sequences, and promoters useful fox regulation of the expression of the particular target nucleic acid. The. vectors optionally comprise generic expression cassettes containing at least one independent terminator sequence, sequences permitting replication of the cassette in eukaryotes, or prokaryotes, or both, (including but not limited to. shuttle vectors) and selection markers for both prokaryoϋc and eukaryotic systems. Vectors are suitable for replication and integration in prokaryotes., eukaryotes, or preferably both. See, Gifiam & Smith, Gene 8:81 ( 1979); Roberts, et a!., Nature, 328:731 (1987): Schneider.. E., <Ά ah, Protein Expr. Purif. 6(1): 10-14 ( 199S); Ausubel, Sambrook, Betger (a!) supra). A catalogue of bacteria and bacteriophages useful for cloning is provided, e.g., by the ATCC. e.g.. The ATCC Catalogue of bacteria and bacteriophage (1992) Cinema et al feds) published by the ATCC. Additional basic ptocedures for sequencing, cloning and other aspects of molecular biology arid underlying theoretical considerations are also found in Watson et id. (1992) Recombinant I)NA Second .Edition Scientific American Books, NY. In. addition, essentially any nucleic acid (and virtually any labeled nucleic acid, whether standard ot τion-standard) can be custom or standard ordered from any of a variety of commercial sources, such as the Midland. Certified Reagent Company (Midland, TX The Great American Gene Company (Ramαna, CA available on the World Wide Web at, Expie&s.Gen Inc. (Chicago, I L available on iiie World Web al, Operon Technologies, Inc. t'Aiarneda, CA.) and many others.

JS. Selector Codons

(00299| Selector codons encompassed within the methods and compositions described herein expand the genetic codon framework of protein bios.yiub.etic machinery. For example, a selector codon includes, but is not limited to, a unique three base codon, a nonsense codon. such as a stop eodoii, including but not limited to, an amber codon (UAO), or an opa! codon (UOA), a unnatural codon, a four or more base codon, a rare codon. or She like. There is a wide range in the number of selector codons that can be introduced into a desired gene or polynucleotide, including but noi limited to, one or more, two or more, more than three. 4. 5, 6. 7. S, 9. 10 or more in a single polynucleotide encoding at least a portion of si polypeptide of interest.

(00300! 'tf one embodiment, the methods involve the use of a selector codon thai )s a stop eodoti for the incorporation of one or more non-natural amino acids in vivo. For example, an O-tRKΛ. is produced that recognizes the stop codon, including but not limited to, IJAG, and is amiπoaeyiaied by an O-RS with a desired nors-naiural amino acκl. This OtRNA is not recognized by the naturally occurring host's aminoacyl-tRNΛ synthetases. Sue-directed mutagenesis is optionally used io introduce the stop codon, including but not limited to, UAG. at the sile of ink-rest in a polypeptide o f mtere&t. See. c g , Savers. J R. , et a!. { 19*8 ), 5'.3' Exomich'O'-e in ι>hosρhorothκHJte-bmv(l oUgomiCleoήdv-direchul mutagenesis. Nucleic Acids Res., J 6{? 3;"?01-S02. When the D-RS. CMK-NA aod the nucleic acid that encodes the polypeptide of interest are combined in vivo, the tion- natαral amino acid is incorporated in ws,pons.e Io the UAG codon to give a polypeptide containing the iioπ- natural ammo acid at the specified posiHoα

100301 ] The incorporation of non-natural amino ac ids in vivo is done without significant perturbation of the eukaryrmc host cell. For example, because the suppression efficiency for the UAG codon depends upon the coinpeimou between the O-tRNA, including but not limited to. the amber suppressor tRNΛ, and a enkaryotic release factor (including but tκ>t hrijited to. eRF) ( which binds to a stop codon and initiates, release of the growing peptide from the ribosome), the suppression efficiency is moduiaied by, mcUidi»g but not limited to, increasing ihe expression level of O-iRNA. aod-'or the suppressor IRNA.

100302) Selector codotis also comprise extended codons, including but not limited to. four or more base codoυs, such as, four, five, six or more base codυns. Examples of four base codon* include, but are not limited ki. ACiGA, CtiAG, UAGA, CCCO and the like. Examples of five base codons include, but are not limited to. AGGAC, CCCCU, COOUO. OUAGA, CUACU. UAGGC and the like, A feature of the methods and compositions described herein includes; using extended codons based on frameshift suppression. Four or more base codoiϊs can insert, including but tκ>ϊ limited to. one ot muStipJe non-natural amino acids into the same protein. For example, in the presence of mutated O-iRNAs. including hut not limned to, a special frame shift suppressor illNΛs, with aπϋcodon loops, for example, with at least 8-10 m aaticodon loops, the four or more base codon is, tead as, single ammo acid. Iu other embodiments, the antieodon loops can decode, including but not hnitted to, at least a four-base codon. at least a five -base codon, or at ieast a six-base codon or more. Since theie ait- 256 pos&ible four-base codons, multiple non-navuraJ amino acids caα be encoded in the same cell using a four or more base codon. Sue. Anderson et al, (2002.) Expiating the Limits of Codon and Anticmhm Siza, Chemistry and Biology, 9:237-244; Magltcry> (2001 ) Expanding the Gcrwiic Code: Selection of Efficient Suppressors of Four-bets? Codorts and idenfificatiun of "Shsji'v " Codons with « Library Approach itt Escherichia cσlL J. MoI. Biol. 307: 755-769.

{00303 { For example, four-bast, codons have been used to iiscojporate noπ-natura! amino acids mto proteins asing in vitro biosymhetic methods. See, e.g., Ma et a!., { 1993} Biochenisstry, 32:7939-7945; and Hohsaka er al, (1999) i. Am, Cheni. Soc, 121:34-40, CGGO and AGGU wea- used to simultaneously incorporate 2-naphιhylaiaπine asd an NBD dertvativc of lysine into strepiavidiii in vitro mύi two chenncally acyiated frameshift buppressor tRNΛs. See, e g . Hohsaka et al.. ( J 999) j. Am. CKeπi, Soc. 121 : 12194- 1219?. In an in vivo study, Moore et al. examined the ability of tR.NALeu derivatives, with NCIiA andcυdous to suppress UAON codons ("N cat) foe U. A. U7 or C). and found that the quadruplet IJAGA can be decoded by a tRNALeυ with a UCUA anHcodoτi with an efficiency of 13 to 26% with little decoding in the 0 or -1 frame. Sn?. Moore et a!.. (200Di J. MoL Biol., 298: 195-205. In one emboditnetrt, extended codon;; based on rate codons or nonsense codons ate used in the methods and cornpo&ilioBS described herein, which can reduce raissesise read tin ougli and frameshift suppression at other utnvaitted sites.

S2 [003041 For a given a selector codon also includes one of the natural three base colons, where the endogenous system does not use (or rarely uses) the natural base codon. For example, this includes a system that is lacking a tRNΛ thai recognizes, the natural three base codon, and or a system where the three base codon is a rare cotton.

5 {00305] Selector codons optionally include unnatural base pairs. These unnatural base pairs further expand the existing genetic alphabet. One extra base pair increases the number of triplet eodons from 64 to 125, Properties of third base pairs include stable and selective base pairing, efficient enzymatic incorporation into DNA with high fidelity by a polymerase, and the efficient continued prune?- extension after synthesis of the nascent αtmatural base pair. Descriptions, of unnatural base pairs which can be adapted for methods and

! 0 compositions include, e.g., Hirao, et al., (2002) An unnatural base pair for incorporating amino acid analogues into protein. Nature Biotechnology, 20: 17?- ! 82, and see also. Wu, Y., et. al (20021 J. Am. Chem. Soc. 124: 14626- 14630 Other relevant publications are listed herein.

|0030o{ For in wVo usage, the unnatural nucleoside is membrane permeable atid is phosphoryiated to ibtin the corresponding triphosphate. In addition, the increased genetic information is stable and not destroyed by

] 5 cellular enzymes. Previous efforts by Beimer and others took advantage of hydrogen bonding patterns that are different from those in canonical Watson-Crick pairs, the most noteworthy example of which is the iso-C:iso-ϋ pair. .SVc. e.g.. SwiJzer et al, ( 19S9) L Am. C hem. Soc, 1 1 1 :8322-8322; and PicαriUi et al., (1990) Nature. 343:33-37; Kool. ( 2000) Curt. Opiπ. Chera. Bio! , 4:602-608. These bases in genera) rnispair to some degree wifh natural bases and cannot be enzymatically replicated. Kool and co-workers demonstrated that hydrophobic 0 packing inieraelions between bases can .replace hydrogen bonding to drive the formation of base pair. See, Kool, ( 2000) Cυrr. Opm. Ctiem. Biol,, 4:602-608; and Guckian and Kool, ( 1998) Angew. Cheiπ. Int. Ed. Engl., 36(24); 2825-282$. in an effort to develop an unnatural base pair satisfying all the above lequiremeiits, Schultz. Romesberg and co-workers have systematically synthesized and studied a series of unnatural hydrophobic bases. A PiCS;PΪCS self-pair is found to be more stable than natural base pairs, and can be efficiently

25 iiicotporated into .DNA by Kk'now fragment of Escherichia coii DNA polymerase ! (JCF). See, e.g., McMiπn et al, ( 1999) J. Am. Chern. Soc, i 21:1 1585-U 586; and Ogavva el a!., (2000) i Am. Cheπi. Soc.r 122:3274-3278. A 3NN;3MN self-pair can be synthesized by KF with efficiency and selectivity sufficient for biological function. 6Vf. e.g , Ogawa et al., (2000) J. Am. C'hem. S«c. 122:8803-8804. However, both bases act as a chain terminator for further replication. A rautant I)NA polymerase has been recently evolved ihat can be used to

30 repHcaie the PICS self pair. In addition, a 7AI self pair can be replicated. See. e.g., Tae el al., (2001 ) J. Am, Chem. Soc , 123:7439-7440. A novel metallobase pair, Dtpic:Py, has also been developed, which forms a stable pair upon binding Cu(H). See, Meggers et al.. (20(K)) .1 Am. Chem. Soc, 122: 10714- i 07 i 5. Because extended codons and ramatural codons are intrinsically orthogonal to natural codons, the non- natural amino acid methods described herein take advantage of this property to generate orthogonal tRNAs for them.

35 {00307J A transnational bypassing system is also optionally used to incorporate a non-natural amino acid m h desired polypeptide, in a transϊatioual bypassing system, a large sequence is mcorporaied into a gene but is not translated into ptotein. The sequence contains a structure that serves as a cue to induce the ribosooie to hop over the sequence and resume translation downstream of the insertion. J00308J Irs certain embodiments, the protein or polypeptide of interest (or portion thereof) m the methods and/or compositions described herein is encoded by a nucleic acid. Typically, the nucleic acid comprises at least one selector codoti, at least two selector codons, at least three selector codoris, ar least four selector eodoos, at least five selector codons, at least six selector codons. af least seven selector codons, at leas! eight selector codons, al leas! nine selector codoπs, ten or more selector codoos. f00309j Genes coding for proteins or polypeptides of interest are optionally mutagcnized using documented methods and those described herein under "Mutagenesis and Other Molecular Biology Techniques" to include, for example, one or more selector codons for the incorporation of a non-natural amino acid. For example, a nucleic acid for a protein of interest is mutagenized !o include one or more selector codons. providing for the incorporation of the one oi more non-natural amino acids. The methods and compositions. described herein include any such variant, including but not limited to, mutant versions of any protein, for example, including a! least one non-natural amino acid. Similarly, the methods and compositions described herein include corresponding nucleic acids, i.e., any nucleic acid with, one or more selector codons that encodes or allows for the in vivo incorporation of one or more noπ-iiaiurai amino acid, fθ0310] Nucleic acid molecules encoding a polypeptide of interest, including by way of example only, OH polypeptide are readily mutated to introduce a cysteine at any desired position of the polypeptide. Cysteine is widely used to introduce reactive molecules, water soluble polymers, proteins, or a wide variety of other molecules, onto a proteiti of interest. Methods suitable for the incorporation of cysteine into a desired position of a polypeptide include those described in U .S. Patent No, 6,608,583, which is herein incorporated by reference for the aforementioned disclosure, and other mutagenesis techniques. The use of such cysteine- introducing and utilizing techniques are optionally used is conjunction with the non-natural amino acid introducing and utilizing techniques described herein.

VlIL ΪM vivo generation ø/ polypeptides comprising ttott-ttatnrat amino acids |ΘO3I1| For convenience, the in wo generation of polypeptides comprising non-natural amino acids described in this section have been described generieatiy and/or with specific examples. However, the in vivo generation of polypeptides comprising non-natural amino acids described in this section should not be limited to just the generic descriptions or specific example provided in this section, but rather the in vivo generation of polypeptides, comprising non-natural amino acids described in this, section apply equally well io all compounds thai fall within the scope of Formulas I-Xϊ and XXX.IIΪ-XXXV0 and compounds 1-6, including any sub- formulas or specific compounds that fall within ihε scope of Formulas I-XI and XXXIIΪ-XXXVU and compounds 1 -ft thai are described it) the specification, claims and figures, herein.

(00312[ The polypeptides described herein are optionally generated ui vivo using modified LRNA and tR]NA synthetases to acid to or substitute amino acids that are not encoded in naturally-occurring systems. (01)313 [ Methods for generating tRMAs and tRN A synthetases which use amino acids that are not encoded in naiurally-oceufϊifig systems arc described in, e.g.. U.S. Patent Application Publications 2003/O0S2575 (Serial No. 10/126,927) and 2003.0108885 (Serial No. 10/326,93 1 ) which are incorporated by reference-: herein. These methods involve generating a transϊatkina! machinery that functions independently of the synthetases and ϊRNAs endogenous to the translation system (and are therefore sometimes referred to as "orthogonal"). In one embodiment the translation system a polynucleotide encoding the polypeptide; the polynucleotide can be mRNA that was transcribed from the corresponding DNA, or ihe ITJR.NA optionally arises Jrom an RNA viral vector; further the polynucleotide a selector cocton corresponding 10 the predesigned site of incorporation for the non-natural amino acid. The- translation system further comprises a tRMA for and also when appropriate comprising the tion-natural amino acid, where the tRNA is. specific to/specifically recognizes ihe aforementioned selector codon; in further embodiments, the non-natura! amino acid is aitiinoacylated. The noii-naturaJ amino acids include those having the structure of any one of Formulas i-XΪ and X XXIK-XXXVU and compounds 3-6 described herein. In further or additional embodiments, the iianslation system comprises an atninoacy! synthetase specific for the tRNA, and in oilier or further embodiments, the translation system comprises an orthogonal tRNA and ail orthogonal arniooacyi tRNA synthetase, in further or additional embodiments, the translation system comprises at least one of the following: a pSasmui comprising the aforementioned polynucleotide (such as, by way of example only, in the form of .RNA), genomic DNA comprising the aforementioned polynucleotide (such as, by way of example only, in the foπri of DNA), or genomic DNA into which the aforementioned polynucleotide has been integrated (in further embodiments, thy integ-tatioxi is stable integration). In further or additional embodimems of the translation system, the selector codon is seiecied from the group consisting of an amber codon, ochre codon, opal codon, a unique codon, a rare codon, an unnafural codon, a five-base codon, and a four- base codon, In further or additional embodiments of the translation system, the tRNA is a suppressor tRNA. In further or addiuonal embodiments, the non-natural amino acid polypeptide is synthesized by a ribosome.

{08314 [ TB fhithet or additional embodiments, the translation system comprises an orthogonal tRNA (O - tRNA) and an orthogonal aminoacyϊ tRNA synthetase (O-RS), Typically, the O-RS preferentially aminoacylaies the O-S.RNA with ai least one non-naruraϊ amino acid in the iisiislarion system and the O-tRNA recognizes at least one selector codon that is not recognized by other tRNAs in the system. The translation system thus inserts the non-natural amino acid into a polypeptide produced in the system, in response to an encoded selector codon, thereby "substituting" a noti-nafiiral amino acid into a position in the encoded polypeptide. |093I 5| A wide variety of orthogonal tRNAs and ammoacyl tRNA. synthetases have been de-scribed for insetting particular synthetic amino acids into polypeptides, and are generally suitable fo:t in the methods described herein to produce the non-natural amino acid polypeptides described herein. For example, keto- specific ϋ-tRNA<'ammoacyl-tRNA synthetases are described in Wang, L., et ai, Proc. Natl. Acad Sci. USA I00f l"):5ό"-ό? (2003) and Zhang, Z. et aL, Biachan, 42(22}:o"?35~6746 {2003,}. Exemplary O-RS, or portions thereof", are encoded by polynucleotide sequences and include ammo acid sequences disclosed in U.S. Patent Application Publications 2003/0082575 and 2003/0108885, each incorporated, by reference herein in their entirely. Corresponding O-tRNA molecules for use with the C)-RSs are also described in U.S. Patent Application Publications 2003/0082575 (Serial No. 10/126,92?) a»d 2003/0108885 (Serial No. 10/ 126,931 ) which are incorporated by reference JΠ their entirety herein. In addition, MeW et al. in J. Am, Chem. SOU. 2003; 125:935-939 and Santoro et ai. Nature Biotechnology 2002 Oct; 20: 1044- 5048, which are incorporated by reference in their entirety herein, discuss screening methods and aminoacyi tR.NA synthetase and !.RNA molecules for the incorporation ofp-arninophenyiatanine into polypeptides f00316j Exemplary O-tRNA sequences suitable for use in the methods described herein include, but are not it rented to, mscSeoiicle sequences SEQ ID NOs: 1-3 as disclosed in U.S. Patent Application Publication 2003/0108885 (Serial "No. 10/326,93 i > which is incorporated by reference herein. Other examples of O tRN'A/amtnoacyMRNA synthetase pairs specific to particular non-naiura] amino acids are described m U.S. Patent Application Publication 2OO3/OO8257S (Serial No. ϊ 0/12.6.92? ) which is incorporated by reference in if≤ entirety herein. U-RS arid O-tRNA that incorporate both keto- and azide-comaimng amino acids in S. cerevixiae are described m Cliin, J. W., et ah, Science 301 :964-967 (2QOJ).

J003I 7] U^e of G-tRN/V'atninoacyl-tRNA synthetases involves selection of a specific codon which encodes the πort- natural amino acid. While any codon can be used, it is generally desirable to select a codon that is rarely or never

m the cell in which the O-iRNA/aminoaeyi-tRNA synthetase is expressed By way of example only, exemplary codons include, nonsense codon such as stop codons ( amber, ochre, and opal), four or more base codons and other natural three-base codotxs that are rarely or unused. [003181 Specific selector codoπ(s) can be introduced into appropriate positions in the polynucleotide coding sequence using mutagenesis methods including, but not limited to, site-specific mutagenesis, cassette mutagenesis, restriction selection mutagenesis, etc..

[00319] Methods for generating components of the protein b to synthetic machinery, such as O-RSs, O- tRHAs, and orthogonal O-lRNA/O-RS pairs that can be used to incorporate a non-natural amino acid are described in Wang, L,, et al., Science 292: 498-500 (2001.); CMB, J. W., et a!. , J. Am. Chem. Soc. 124:9026- 9027 (2002); Zhang, Z. et al.. Biochemistry 42: 6735-6746 (2003). Methods and cotnpositions for the m vivo incorporation of noiι--κamral amino acids, are described in U.S. Patent Application Publication 2003 O082575 (Serial No. 10/126,927} which is incorporated by reference in its. entirety herein. Methods for selecting an orthogonal tRNA-tRNΛ synthetase pair for use in vivo translation system of an organism are aiso described in U.S. Patent Application Publications 2003/0082575 (Serial No, 10/126,927) and 2003/0108885 (Serial No, W 120,931) which are incorporated by reference in its enύreiy herein, in addition PCT Publication No. WO 04/035743 entitled "Site Specific Incorporation of Keto Amino Acids into proteins, which is incorporated by reference in its entirety, describes orthogonal RS and tRNA pairs for the incorporation of keto amino acids. PC? Publication No. WO 04/094593 entitled "Expanding the Eukaryotic Genetic Code," which h incorporated by reference herein in its entirety, describes orthogonal RS and tR NA pairs for the incorporation of nori-naturaUy encoded amino acids in eukaryotic host ceils.

[00320] Methods for producing at least one recombinant orthogonal aminoacyl-tRNΛ synthetase (C)-RS) comprise: (a) generating a library of {optionally mutant) RSs derived ftorn at least one aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase (RS) from a first ofganisτn. including but not limited to, a prokaryotic organism, such as, by way of example only, Meihanococcus jantiaxchu. Methanυbacleriwn ihermoautotrόpk iciwu Hahbύcferiwn, Escherichia coli, .4. fttigidm, P. furiβsus, P hoπkoshii, A. permx, T ihermophiϊm, or the tike, or a eukaryotic organism; fb) selecting (and/or screening) the library of RSs (optionally πmiant RSs) for members that aπήnoacylafe an orthogonal JRNA. (O-tRNA) in the presence of a no π-na rural amino acid and a natural ammo acid, thereby providing a pool of active (optionally mutant) RSs; and/or, (c) selecting (optionally through negative selection) the pool for active RSs (including but not limited to. mutant RSs) that preferentially anunoaeylafe the O-tRNA in the absence of the nori-natttral amino acid, thereby providing the at least one recombinant O-RS; wherein the at least one recombinant ORS preferenuaϊfy amtnoacylates the O-tRNA wjth the non-natural aϊiiino acid. J00321 J In one embodiment, the RS is an inactive RS. The inactive RS is optionally generated by mutating an active RS. By way of example only, the inactive RS is generated by mutating at least 3 , at least .2, at least 3, at least 4, at least 5, at least 6, or at least 10 or more amino acids to different amino acids, including but not limited to, alanine. |0β322| Libraries of mutant RSs cart be gcnciaicd using various techniques, including but not limited to rational design based on protein three dimensional RS structure, or mutagenesis of RS nucleotides in a random or rational design technique. By way of example only, the mutant RSs is generated by site-specific mutations, random mutations, diversity generating recombination mutations, chimeric constructs, rational desist! and by other methods described herein. {00323| In one embodiment, selecting (arid/or screening) the library of HSs (optionally mutant RS's) for members that are active, including bui not limited to, those which aminoaeylaie an orthogonal tRNA (OtRNA) in the presence of a non-natural amino acid and a natural amino acid, includes, but is not limited to: introducing a positive selection or screening marker, including but not limited to, an antibiotic resistance gene, or the tike. and the library of (optionally mutant; RS's into a plurality of cells, wherein the positive selection and/or screening marker comprises at ieast one selector codon, including but τioi limited to, an amber codon, oeha; codon, opal codon, a unique codon, a rare codon, an unnatural codon, a five-base codon, and a tour-base eodoo, growing the plurality of cells in the presence of a selection agent; identifying cells that survive (or show a specific response) in the presence of the selection and/or screening agent by suppressing the at least one selector codon in the positive selection or screening marker, thereby providing a subset of positively selected cells that contains the pool of active (optionally mutant) RSs. Optionally, the selection ami/or screening agent concentration can be varied.

|00324{ In one aspect, the positive selection marker is a chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT.) gene and She selector codon is an amber stop codon in the CAT gene. Optionally, the positive selection marker is a β- ϊaetamase gene and. the selector codon is an amber stop codon m the [3-lactamase gene. In another aspect the positive screening marker comprises a fluoresced or luminescent screening marker or an affimϊy based screening marker (including but not limited to, a cell surface marker).

|QΘ325j In one embodiment, negatively selecting or screening the pool for active .RS1S (optionally nuitkfits), including but not limtied to, those which preferentially aiπiπoacyiate the Q-tRNA in the absence of the non-natural amino acid includes, hist is not limited to: introducing a negative selection or screening marker with the pool of active (optionally mutant) RS's from the positive selection or screening into a plurality of cells of a second organism, wherein the negative selection or screening marker comprises at least one selector codon (including but not limited to, an antibiotic resistance gene, including but not limited to, a chloramphenicol acefyhransferase (CAT) gene); and, identifying cells that survive or show a specific screening response m a first medium supplemented with the noτi-natwal amino acid and a screening or selection agent, but fail to survive or to s!κ»w the specific response in a second medium not supplemented with the non-rraturai amino acid and the selection or screening agent, thereby providing surviving ceils or screened cells with the at least one recombinant Q-RS. By way of example only, a CAT identification protocol optionally acts as a positive selection and/or a negative screening iij determination of appropriate Q-RS recombinants. For instance, a pool of clones is optionally replicated on growth plates containing CAT (which comprises at least one selector codon) either with or without one or more non-natural amino acid. Colonies growing exclusively on the plates containing notj-ngtural amino acids are thus regarded as containing recombinant O-RS. In one aspect the concentration αf the selection (and/or screening} agent is varied. In some aspects She first and second organisms are different. Tims, the first and/or second organism optionally comprises: a prokaryote, a etikaryote. a mammal, an Escherichia coh, a fungi, a yeas!; an archaebactetium, a eubacterium, a plant, an insect, a protist. esc. in other embodiments, she screening marker ctmipriάes a fluorescent or luminescent screening masker or an afiϊtπty based screening marker.

|0β326] In another embodiment, screening or selecting (including but not limited to. negatively selecting) ihe pool for active ('optionally mutant) RS's includes, b\ιt is not limited io: isolating the pool of active inutaat RS !s from the positive selection step Cb); introducing a tiegauve selection or screening marker, wherein the negative selection or screening marker comprises at least one selector codon ( including but not limned to, a toxic market gene, including but not limited to, a ribonuclease barnase gene, comprising ai least one sεleclor codon). and !he poo! of active (optionally mutant} RS's into a plurality of cells, of a second organism; and idenfitying cells that survive or show a specific screening response it) a firs.! medium not supplemented with the non-natural amino acid, but fail to survive or show a specific screening response in a second medium supplemented with the non-natural amino actd, thereby providing surviving or seieened cells with the ai least one recombinant Q-RS, wherein the at least one recombinant O- RS is specific for the non-natural amino acid. In one aspect, {lie at least one seleclor codon about two oτ more- selector codons. Such embodiments optionally include wherein the at least one selector codon comprises two or more seleclor codons, and wherein the first trod second organism are different (including but not limned to, each organism is optionally, including but not limired to, a prokaryote, a eukaryote, a mammal, an Escherichia colt, a fungi, a yeast, an archaebacteria, a eubacteria. a plant, an insect, a protist, etc. ). Also, some aspects include wherein the negative selection marker comprises a ribonuclease barnase gene (which comprises ai least one selector codotn. Other aspects include wherein the screening marker optionally compri&es a fluorescent or luminescent screening marker or an affinity based screening: marker. In the embodiments herein, the screenings and/or selections optionally include variation of the screening and/or selection stringency.

Ϊ00327] in another embodiment, the methods for producing at least one recombinant orthogonal ammoaeyl-tRNA synthetase (Q-RS) optionally further comprise- (d) isolating the at least one recombinant O~ RS: (e) generating a second set of O-RS {optionally πftU&ted) derived from the at least one recombinant Q-RS; and, i f} repeating steps (b) and (c) until a mutated O-RS is obtained thai comprises at! ability to preferentially arninoacyiate the OtRNA, Optionally, steps> (d)-('f) are repeated, including bu? not limited to. at least about two times. In one aspect, the second set of mutated O-RS derived from at least one recombinant O-RS are generated by mutagenesis, including but not limited to, random mutagenesis, siie-speciiic mutagenesis, recombination or a combination thereof. |0032S} The stringency of the selection/screening steps., including but not limited to, the positive selection/screening step (h), the negative selection/screening step (c) or both the positive and negative selection/screening sreps (V) and (el, in the above-described methods, optionally includes varying the selection/screening stringency, ϊn another embodiment, ihe positive selection/screening step (b). the negative selection/screening step (c) or both the positive and negative selection/screening steps Cb) and tc) comprise using a reporter, wherein the reporter is detected by fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) oτ wherein the reporter is detected by luminescence. Optionally, the reporter is displayed oτι a cell surface, on a phage display or the Like and selected based upon affinity or catalytic activity involving Uie non-natural amino acid or an analogue. Io one embodiment, tiie mutated synthetase is displayed on a cell surface, on a phage display or the tike.

{00329J Methods for producing a recombinant orthogonal tRNA (O-tRNA) include, but are not limited to; (a) generating a library of mutant iRNAs derived from at least one tRNA, including hut not limited, to, a suppressor tRNA, from a first organism; Cb) selecting (including but not limited to, negatively selecting) or screening the library for (optionally mutant) tRNAs that are asninoacyiated by an areunoacyl-tKNA synthetase (RS) from a second organism in the absence of a RS from the first organism, thereby providing a pool of tRNAs (optionally mutant); and, Cc) selecting or screening the pool of tRNAs (optionally rmrinnt) for members that are amitioacylnted by an introduced orthogonal RS (O-RSj, thereby providing a? least one recombinant O-tRNA; wherein the at least one recombinant O-iRNΛ a selector codort and is not efficiency recognized by ihe RS from the second organism and is preferentially aminoacylated by the O-RS. In some embodiments the at least one tRNA is a suppressor tRNA and/or comprises a unique three codoπ of natural and/or unnatural bases, or is a nonsense codon, a rare cod on, an unnatural codon, u codon comprising at least 4 bases, an amber codon, an ochre codon, or an opal stop codon. In one embodiment, the recombinant O-tRNA possesses as improvement of orthogonality. It will be appreciated thai in some embodiments, O-tRNA is optionally imported inio a first organism from a second otgartism without the need For modification, In various embodiments, the firs! and second organisms are either the same or different and are optionally chosen from, including but not limited io, pro&aryotes (including but not Iimsted to, Methanococcm jannaschii, Meϊhanύhβcierium thormoauiotrophicum. Escherichia coii,

etc.), euKvaryαJes, mammak. fungi, yeasts, archaebactena, eubacteπa, plants, insects, protists, etc. Additionally, the recombinant tRNA is optionally aminoacyiated by a non-namral amino acid, wherein the non-natural ammo acid is biosymhesized m vivo either naturally or through genetic manipulation. The non-natural amino acid is optionally added to a growth medium for as least the first or second organism, wherein the ικm-tiatural acid is capable of achieving appropriate intracellular concentrations, io allow incorporation into the non-natural amino acid polypeptide.

|00330] In one aspect, selecting (including but not ϊhnϊied to, negatively selecting) or screening rise library for (optionally mutant) tRNAs that are aminoacyiated by an aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase (step {!>)} includes; introducing a toxic marker gene, wherein the toxic marker gene comprises at least one of the selector codons (or a gene that leads to the production of a toxic or static agent or a gene essential to the organism wherein such marker gene comprises at least one selector codoa) and the library of (optionally mutant) tRNAs into a plurality of cells from the second organism; and, selecting surviving cells, wherein the surviving ceils contain ihe pool of (optionally mutant) tRNAs comprising at least one orthogonal tRNA or nonfunctional tRNA. For example, surviving cells cars be selected by using a comparison ratio cell density assay. 100331 1 In another aspect, the toxic marker gene optionally includes wo or more selector codons. in another embodiment of the methods described herein, the toxic marker gene is a ribonuclease bamase gene. where the ribonuclease baraase gene comprises, at least one amber codoπ. Optionally, tSie ribonuclease barπase gene can include two or more amber codons. [80332"! in one embodiment, selecting or screening the pool of (optionally mutant) tRNAs for members that are aminoacyiated by ait introduced orthogonal RS (O-RS) include: introducing a positive selection or screening marker gene, wherein the positive marker gene comprises a drug resistance gene (including but not limited to, β-ϊaciamase gene, comprising at least one of the selector codoπs, sαeh as at least one amber stop eodon) or a gene essential to the organism, or a gene that leads to detoxification of a toxic agent, along with the O-RS, and the pool of (optionally imilanO tRNAs into a plurality of cells from the second organism; and. identifying surviving ot screened cells grown HI the presence of a selection or screening agent, including but not limited to, an antibiotic, thereby providing a pool of cells possessing the at least one recombinant tRN A, where the at least one recombinant iRNA is aminoacylated by the O-RS and inserts an amino acid into a translation product encoded by the positive marker gεrtt\ in response Jo the at least one selector cαdons. In another embodiment, the concentration of the selection and/or screening agent is varied.

|00333] Methods for generating specific CMRNA.'O-RS pairs are provided. Methods include, but are not limited to: < a) generating a library of mutant tRNAs derived from at least one tRN A from a first organism: (b) negatively selecting or screening ihc library for (optionally mutant") tRNAs that are amixioacylaied by an aminoacyi-tRNA synthetase ( RS) from a second organism in the absence of a RS from the first organism, rhereby providing a pool of (optionally mutant) tRNAs; (c) selecting or screening the pool of (optionally mutant) tRNAs for members that are arπinoacylated by an introduced orthogonal RS (O-RS), thereby providing at least one recombinant OtRNA. The at least one recombinant OtRNA recognizes a selector codon and is not efficiently recognized by the RS from the second organism and is preferentially amiπoaeykied fay the CKRS. The method also includes (d) generating a Hbtary of (optionally mutant) RSs derived from a! least one aminoacyi-tRNA synthetase ( RS) from a third organism; (e) selecting or screening lite library of mutant RS's for members that preferentially aminoacylate the at least oue recombinant O-tRNA in the presence of a. non- natural amino acid and a natural amino acid, thereby providing a pool of active (optionally mutant) RSs; and, ( O negatively selecting or screening the pool for active (optionally mutant) RSs that preferentially aminoacylate the at least one recombinant O-tRNA in the absence of the non-natural amino acid, thereby providing the at ieast one specific G-fRNA/G-RS pair, wherein the at least one specific Q-rRNA/O-RS pair comprises at least one recombinant O-RS ill at is specific for the non-natural amino acid and the a! least one recombinant O-tRNA, Specific 0-tRNA/O-RS pairs produced by the methods described herein are included within the scope and methods described herein. For example, the specific O-tRNA-'O-RS pair can include, including but not limited to, a muTRNATyr-HiutTyrRS pair, such as a mutRNATyr-SS12TyrRS pair, a mutRNALeu-inutLeuRS pair, a mutRNAThr-rrmlTlirRS pair, a rmrtR.NAGJu-mutGluRS pair, or the like. Additionally, such methods mclude wherein the first and third organism are the same (including but not limited to, Merhanococcm μimiaxchiϊ). j(M)S34i Methods for selecting at! orthogonal [RNA-I RNA synthetase pair for use in an in vivo translation system of a second organism axe also included in the methods described herein, ϊ he methods include, but arc not limited to: introducing a market gene, a tRNA and ati aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase (RS) isolated or derived from a first organism into a .first set of cells from the second organism; introducing the marker gene and the iRNA røfo a duplicate cell set from a second organism; and, selecting for surviving cells in the first sei ihat fail to survive in the duplicate cell set or screening for cells showing a specific screening response that fail to give such response in the duplicate cell set, wherein the firs I set and the duplicate cell set are grown in the presence of a selection or screening agent, wherein the surviving or screened cells comprise the orthogonal tRNΛ-tRNA synthetase pair for use in the sπ the in vivo translation system of the second organism, ϊπ one embodiment, comparing aod selecting or screening includes an Ϊ« VIVO complementation assay. The concentration of the selection or screening agent is optionally varied.

[0033S] The organisms described herein comprise a variety of organism and a variety of combinations. In one embodiment, the organisms are optionally a prokaryotic organism, including but not limited to,

Methatwcoccm- iamuischiL Medmnobacierium thermoaurairophicum, Hahbacterium, Escherichia coif, A.

IuIgIdM, P. furiaiux. P. horikmhii, A. pernLx. T. therntβphilus, or the. like. Alternatively, the organisms are a eukaiyotic organism, including bat not Siniiied to, plants (including but not limited to, complex plants such as inonocots, or (Jicots), algae, protists* fungi (including but not limited to. yeast, etc), animals (including but not Unified So, mammals, insects, arthropods, etc.), or the like.

A. Expression in Nøn-Eiikaryotes and Eukatyotes

[00336| The teehmqxses disclosed in ibis section are applied to the expression in non-eυkaryotes and cukaryotes of the non-narural amino acid polypeptides described .herein.

(00337 i To obtain nigh level expression of a cloned polynucleotide, one typically subclones polynucleotides encoding a desnecJ polypeptide into an expression vector mat contains a strong promoter to direct transcription, a ftaosedpuorv'transtatiαn terminator, aod if for a nucleic acid encoding a protein, a πbosome binding site for translational initiation. Suitable bacteria! promoters are described, e.g.. in Sambrook e :>fl a!, and Ausnbel et a!. (003381 Bacterial expression systems for expressing polypeptides are available in, including but not limited to. £. coli. Baάlfus sp.f Pseuthmonas fluoresces, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Pxeuiioiwmax piiikia, and Salmonella (Palva ei aL, Gene 22:229-235 ( 1983); Mosbach et aL Nature 302:543-545 (I9S3). Kits for such expression systems are eotnmerciaJly available, ϋukaryotic expression systems for mammalian cells, yeast, and insect ceils are commercially available. In cases where orthogonal tRNAs and ammoacyl tK NΛ synthetases (described elsewhere herein) are used to express the polypeptides, host cells for expression are selected based on their ability to use the orthogonal components. Exemplary host cells include Gram-positive bacteria (including but Hot limited to S. brevis or S. subtilis* or Strepiomyatsi and Gram-negative bacteria (£. coli or Pseudom/was fluoresces. Pseudomonos aeruginosa, Pseudomonas putida}, as well as yeast and other eukaryoUc cells. Cells comprising 0-tRNA/O-RS pairs are optionally used as described herein, [00339} A eukaryoiic host cell or non-eokaryotic host cell as described herein provides the ability to synthesize polypeptides which comprise non-natural amino acids in large useful φiaiiiivies in one aspect, the composition optionally includes, but is not limited to, a! least about 10 micrograms, at least about 5(1 micrograms, at least aboαf 75 micrograms, at least about 100 micrograms, at feast about 200 micrograms, at k-ast about 250 micrograms, at least about 500 micrograms, at k-ast about 1 miHigram, at least about 10 milligrams, a! least about 100 milligrams, at least about one grant, or more of the polypeptide that comprises a non-tiaturai arrnno actd, or an amount that can be achieved with in vhv polypeptide production methods {details on recombinant protein production and purification are provided herein), In another aspect, the* polypeptide is optionally present isi the composition at a concentration of, including but not limited to, at leasl abouj 10 micrograms of polypeptide per ϋter, at least about 50 micrograms of polypeptide per liter, at least about 75 micrograms of polypeptide per lifer, ai least about 100 micrograms of polypeptide per liter, at least about 200 micrograms of polypeptide per liter, at least about 250 micrograms of polypeptide per liter, at least about 500 micrograms of polypeptide per liter, at least about 1 milligram of polypeptide per liter, or ai least about SO milligrams of polypeptide per liter or more, iri, including but not limited so, a cell lysate, a buffer, a pharmaceutical buffet, or other liquid suspension (including but not limited to, in a volume of anywhere from about 1 ni to about 100 L). The production of large quantities (including but not limited to, greater thai that obtained with other methods, including bui not limited to, in vitro translation) of a protein in a eukaryotic cell including at leas? one non-natural ammo acid is a feature of the methods, techniques and compositions described herean.

[00340] A eukaryoik host ceil or non-eukaryotic host cell as described herein provides she ability to biosynthesis proteins that comprise non-natural amino acids in large useful quantities. For example, polypeptides comprising a non-natural ammo acid can be produced at a concentration of, including but not limited to, at least about 10 μg/liter, at least about 50 μg/liter, at least about 75 μg/Kter, at least about 100 μg/liter, at least about 200 μg/hter, at least about 250 μg/bter, or at least about 50ϋ ug/liter, at least about I mg/Htet, at least about 2mg/ltter, at least about 3 ing/iiter, at least about 4 rπg/iirer, at least about 5 mg.'liter, at least about 6 mg/liier. at least about 7 nrtg/litet, at least about S mg/iiter, at least about 9 rng/liter, at least about 10 rrsg/lik% as least about 20, about 30, about 40, about 50, about 60, about 70, about 80, about 90, about 100, about 200, abouf 300. about 400. about 500, about.600. about 700, about SOO, about 900 mg/Jiter, about 1 g/iiter, about 5 g'liter. about 10 g/ liter or more of polypeptide in a cell extract, cell lysatc, culture medium, a buffer, and/or the like.

1. Expression Systems. Culture, and Isolation [003411 The techniques disclosed in this section are applied to lite expression systems, culture and isolation of the non-narural amino acid polypeptides described herein. Non-natural amino acid polypeptides are optionally expressed ia any number of suitable expression systems including, but not limited to, yeast, insect ceils, mammalian cells, and bacteria. A description of exemplary expression systems is provided herein. Y.east |(IO342{ As used herein, the Semi "yeast" includes any of the various yeasts capable of expressing α gene encoding she non -natural amino acid polypeptide. Such yeasts include, but are not limited to, ascosporogc-tious yeasts (Eiuhinyceiales), basuliosporogemnis yeasts and yeasts belonging to the Fangi imperfeesϊ (βlastomycetes) group. TIv ascosporogetious yeasts are divided into two families, Spβrmophthoraceac and SacchstmmyciJiacvae, The latter is comprised of four subfamilies. Schfcosaccharomyco*kfaue (e.g., genus Scfii-zosaechanyinyce.iX Nadsonkthfeae, Lipomycoideae and Saecharomycoiάeae (e.g., genera Pichia, Kinyreromyces and Savcharomyces). The basicϋαsporogenctus yeasis include the genera Leucosporidium, Rhodo.ψorittium, Sporidiobσlux, Fihbmkhum, and Filohasidk'Ha. Yeasts belonging io the Fsmgi Imperfect! iBiastomyceies) group are divided mtα two families, Sporabolomyceiaceae (e.g.. genera Sporohoknnyces and Bullera) and Cryptococcaceae (e.g., genus Candida), 5§O343i in certain embodiments, the species within the genera Pichia, Khiyveromyces, Sacchtmwiyces, Sc'hizosaccfuiromyce.-*, .Hansenuϊa. ToruhpxLt. and Candida, including, bui not limited to, P. pasforis, P. guύlfrimonύd, S vtrrevmav. S. carhbergemis, S. diastatuus, S. liouglasii, S. khiyveri, S, norbensis, S. ύvifbrmis, K, lactix, K. fragilis, C. ai'biLam, C. malioxa, and H. polymorphs are used in the methods, techniques and compositions described herein. f 003441 Jn selecting yeas{ hosts for expression, suitable hosts include, bui are not hmited to, those shown to have, by way of example, good secretion capacity, low proteolytic activity, and overall robustness, Yeasi are generally available from a variety of sources including, but not limited to, the Yeast Genetic Stock Center, Department of Biophysics and Medical Physics, University of California (Berkeley, CA), and the Aπietican Type Culture Collection ("ATCC") (Manassas, VA).

[00345! The term "yeast host" or "yeast host cell" includes yeasi that can be: or has been, used as a recipient for recombinant vectors or other transfer ONA. The term includes she progeny of the original yeast host cell that has received the recombinant vectors, or other transfer DNA. The progeny of a single parental ceil ib not necessarily be completely identical in morphology or in genomic or total DNA complement iυ She original parent, due to accidental or deliberate mutation. Progeny of the parental cell thai are sufficiently similar to the parent to be characterized by the relevant property, such as the presence* of a nucleotide sequence encoding a non-natural amino acid polypeptide, arc included in the progeny intended by this definition, J00346| Expression and transformation vectors., including estrachromosomal replicotis or integrating vectors, have been developed for iiansformarioπ info many yeast hosts. For example, expression vectors have been developed for S. cerevisiae (Sikorski ei aL Gf^EϊϊCS ( !9«S) 1 12: 19; I to et al, I. BΛCϊiVRlQi.. (1983) 153:163; ϊlhinc-n et al, PROC. NATL. AfAD. SCf. USA (1978) 75: 1929); C. albicans (Kutt» et al . MOl.. CkU.. BfOl.. ( 1986) f>; 142); C. maltosa fKunze et al,, J. BΛMC MiCROBiOl. (19HS) 25: 141); //. pofymoψha (Gleesoti et al., .1, G KN, MK'KOBSOL. (1986) 132:3459; Roggenkamp et aL MOL. Gf.N. GE NTX ( 1986) 202:302); K, fmgϋis (Das et aL, L BACTΈRΪOU (1984) 158:1 165); ΛΛ. Uicris (De Louvencoυrt et al., L BΛCΠ-RIOI,. ( S 983) 154:737; Van den Berg et aL BIOTECHNOLOGY (3990) S; 135); P. guiikrimmuUi (Kunze et aL, J, BASIC MΪOROBΓOU (1985) 25:141); P. pmtoris (U.S. Patent Nos. 5,324,639; 4,929,555, and 4,837, 148; Cregg et aL, MOt. Cεtx, BIOL. ( 1985) 5:3376); Schimsaccharomyces pombe (Beach and Nurse. NATURE ( 5980 300:706); and K Upolytica (Davsdαw et aL CURK. GP.MFΪ. ( 1985) 10:380 (1985); GaiUaidin ei aL, CURS. Gt\.NEr, ( !985) 10:49); A. nidulans (Ballance et aL, BΪOCREM. BlOfHYS, SM. COMMUN. (1983) 1 ϊ 2:284-89; Tilbwrn ef aL, GftNi- (19S?>) 2(r.205-221 ; and Yc! ton et a!., PROC. NΛTL. ACAD. SCI. USA (19S4) 83 : 1470-74); A. mger (Kdly and Hytjes.. ϊ:MBO I ( 1985) 4:475-479); T. reexia (EP 0 244 234); and filamentous fimgi such as, e.g.. Neurospora. Pvtiiciϊliittn, Tohψocladium (WO 9 ! /00357), each herein incorporated by reference for tire afoτefnenfion description. [00347] Coiittol sequence s> for yeasi vectors include, but are not limited to, promoter regions from genes such a& alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) (EF 0 284 044); enotase; ghtco*kinase: glucose-ό-phosphate iiomerase; gtycerakkhyde-3-pbosρbate-dehydrogenase (GAP or OAPD! !); hexokina^e; phosphotructokinase; 3- phosphi>glycerate muiase; and pyruvate kinase (PyK) (EP 0 329 203). The yeast PMOS gene, encoding acid phosphatase, also provides nsefui proowrter sequences (Miyanohara et al., PROC. NATL, ACΛD. SΓJ. USA ( 1983) 80: 1). Other suitable proπioler sequences for use with yeast hosts include the promoters tor 3-phosphoglyceraie kinase (Hitzeinan et aL, J. BiO,',.. Ci U-M. (19S0) 255(4): 1207342080); and other glycolytic enzymes, such as pyruvate decarboxylase, triosephosphate isomerase, and phosphoghicose isoraerase (Holland et al., BRX^n-.MϊSTRY (1978) 17(23}:4900-4907; Hess et aL. J. ADV. ENZ-YMi- RiH1. ( 1969) 7: 149- 167). Inducible yeast promoters having (he additional advantage of transcription controlled by growth conditions mciude the promoter regions for alcohol dehydrogenase 2; isoeytochrome C; acid phosphatase; metallothioneiπ; giyceraldebyde-?- phosphate dehydrogenase: degπtdative erizyxnes associated with nitrogen metabolism: and enzymes responsible for maϊtose and galactose utilization. Suitable vectors and promoter? for u&e in yeast expression are further described in KP 0073 657.

|00348! Yeast enhancers are optionally used with yeast promoters. In addition, synthetic promoters also function as, yeast promoters. By way of example, the upstream activating sequences (UAS) of a yeas J' promoter are joined wish the transcription activation region of another yeast promoter, creating a synthetic hybrid promoter. Examples of such hybrid promoters include the ADH regulatory sequence linked to the UAP transcription activation region. Sea U.S. Patent Nos. 4,880,734 and 4,876.197, winch are herein incorporated by reference for the aformentioned disclosure. Other examples of hybrid promoters include promoters that consist of the regulatory sequences of the ADH2. OA1..4, CtALiO. or PHO5 genes, combined with the transcriptional activation region of a glycolytic enzyme gene such as GAP or PyK. See EP 0 164 556. .Furthermore, a yeasi promoter includes naturally occurring pronto ters of non-yeast origin that have the ability to hind yeast ItNA polymerase and initiate transcription.

1003491 Oilier control elements that optionally comprises part of the yeas.* expression vectors include terminators, for example, from GAPDH oτ the enolase genes (Holland et a]., i. BsOi.. CHCM. ( 1981) 256: 1385). lit addition, ihe origin of replication from the 2μ plas-πtid origin is suitable for yeast. A suitable selection gene for use in yeast is the trpl gene present in ilie yeasi plasmid. See Tschαnψer et al., Gi-Nf.- {1980} K); 157; Kingsman et al., Gf-NE (1979) 7; 141 . The trpi gene provides a selection marker for a mutant strain of yeast lacking the ability to grow in tryptophan. Similarly, Leu2 -deficient yeast strains (ATCC 20,622 or 3S.626} arc complemented by known plasmids bearing the Leu2 gene. |003Sβf Methods of introducing exogenous DNA mto yeast hosts include, but are not limited lo, cither the transformation of spheropiaats or of intact yeast host cells treated with alkali cations. By way of example, transformation of yeas! can be carried our according Io the method described ra Hsiao et al., PKOC. NΛTI.. ACΛD. SC!. VTSA ( 1979) 76:3829 and Van So!i:ogen et al, J. BAC T. ( 1977) 130:946. However, other methods for introducing DNA into cells such as by nuclear injection, electroporation, or protoplast fusion are also used, tor example as described generally in SΛMBROOK Ff Λt,,t MOΪ.BΪUI.AR CJ. DNtNC,-. A LAB. MANIML (2001 ), Veast host cells ate fϊieti optionally cultured. f003SJ.j Other methods for expressing heterologous proteins. i:i yeas! host cells are described in U.S. Patent Publication Ko. 20020055169, U.S. Patens Nos,. 6.363 ,969: 6,312,923; 6, 183,985: 6.083,723; 6,017.731 ; 5.674,706; 5,629,203; 5,602.034; and 5,089,398; U.S. Reexamiiied Paient Nos. RB37,343 and S£35,749; PCT Published Patent Applications WO 99/07862; WO 98/37208; and WO 98/26ΘSO; Euiαpeart Patent Applications EP 0 946 736: EP 0 732 403; EP 0 480 480: WO 90/50277; EP 0 460 075 ; EP 0 340 986: EP 0 329 203; EP 0 324 274; and EP 0 164 556. See also Oellissen et al., AN fOMtF VAN LtEUWiYN1BOKK ( 1992) 62(l-2}:79--9i; Romanes et a!.. Yl-AST ( 1992) 8(6}:423-4S8; Goeddel, MCfHODS JN ENZYMOi-OGY (1990) 185:3-7, each incorporated by reference herein for the methodologies disclosed, [00352) The yeast host strains are optionally grown m fermeπtors during the amplification stage ussng standard feed batch fermentation methods. The fermentation methods are optionally adapted to account for differences in a particular yeast host's carbon utilization pathway or mode of expression control. By way of example only, fermeπiation of a Saccharotnyces yeasi hosα require a single glucose feed, complex nitrogen source (e.g., casein hydro Iy sates), and multiple vitamin supplementation, whereas, the methylotrophic yeasi P. pnstorix require glycerol, methanol, ami trace mitierβl feeds, bus only simple ammonium {'nitrogen) salts for optimal growth and expression. See, e.g., U.S. Patent No. 5,324,639; Elliott et al, J. PROΪ RN CHHM. ( 1990) 9:9S ; and Ficschko ct aL BiOTECH. BlOBNG. ( ϊ 987) 29; 1 3 ! 3, each incorporated by reference herein, j 00353] Such fermentation methods, however, have certain common features independent of {he yeast host strain employed. By way of example, a growth limiting nutrient, typically carbon, is optionally added to the feimentor during the amplification phase to allow maximal growth, ϊn addition, fermentation methods, generally employ a fermentation rnediatn designed to contain adequate amounts of carbon, nitrogen, basal sahs, phosphorus, and other minor nutrients, (vitamins, trace minerals and salts, etc.). Examples of fermentation media suitable foτ use with Pichia are described in U.S. Patent Nos. 5,324,639 and 5,23 U 7$, each incorporated by reference herein for that disclosure. Baculoyims-lnfe.cted.inscct..CgIls

|003S4] The term "insect host" or "insect host cell" refers to an insect that can bc\ or has been, u^ed as. a recipient for recombinant vectors or other transfer DNA. The term includes vlre progeny of the original insect host cell that has. been transacted. The progeny of a single parental cell is not necessarily be completely identical in morphology or in genomic or total DNiA complement to the original parent, due io accidental or deliberate mutation. Progeny of the parental eel! that are sufficiently similar to the parent to be characterized by the relevant property, such as the presence of a nucleotide sequence encoding a non-natural amino acid polypeptide, are included in the progeny intended by this definition.

100355) Several commercially available insect species are selected for suitable insect cells for expression of a polypeptide including, but not limned to, Λedes aegypii, Bombyx moti, Dwsophiia

Spodoptera fmgiperda, and TήchapJusϊa >iL ϊn selecting insect hosts for expression, suitable hosts include, but are not limited to. those- shown to have, inter aha, good secretion capacity, low proteolytic activity, and overall robustness, insect are generally available from a variety of sources including, but not limited to, ihe ϊnsect Geneiic Stock Center, Department of Biophysics, and Medical Physics. University of California f Berkeley. CA); and the American Type Culture Collection CATCC") (Maiiassas, VA), f803Sόj Generally, the components of a baeulovims-tnfected insect expression system include a transfer vector, usually a bacterial plasrnid., which contains both a fragment of the baculo virus genome, and a convenient restriction site for insertion of the heterologous gene to be expressed; a wild type bacuiovirus with a sequence hom*ologous tα the bacιsloviτus-s.pecific fragment m the transfer vector (this allows lor the hom*ologous recombination of the heterologous gene in to the haeuϊovims genome}; and appropriate insect host cells and growth media. The materials, methods and techniques used in constructing vectors, transecting cells, picking, growing cells in culture, and the like are described herein or in documented methodologies, f 00357J After inseπrag the heterologous gene into the transfer vector, the vector and the wild type viral genome are transfected into an insect host cell where the vector and viral genome recorabiae. The packaged recombinant virus is expressed and recombinant plaques are identified and purified. Materials and methods, fot baeufo virus/insect ceil expression systems axe commercially available in kit form from, for example, Invhiogen Corp. (Carlsbad, CA). Illustrative techniques; arc described in SUMϊvti-KS AND SvH fH, TF.


[003581 T^e production of various heterologous proteins using bacu]ovims''insect" cell expression systems is described in she following references and such techniques can be adapted, to produce the non-natural ammo acid polypeptides described herein. See, e.g., U.S. Patent Nos. 6.368,825; 6342,216: 6,338,846; 6,261 ,805; 6,245,528, 6,225,060; 6, 183,987; 6, 168,932; 6,326,944; 6,096:3ϋ4; 0,053.433; 5,965.393; 5,939,2SS; 5,891 ,676; 5,871 ,986; 5,861,279; 5,858,368; 5,843,733; 5,762,939; 5,753,220; 5,605.827; 5,583,023: 5,571 ,709; 5,516,657; 5,290,686; WO02.Q6305: WOOJ /90390; WOOi/27301 ; WO01/05956; WOOO/55345; WOOO/20032 WCW/5 I 72 U WO99M5130; WO99/3I257; WO99/105I5; WO99/()9193; WO97/26332; WO%/29400; WO96/25496; WO96/06161 ; WO95/20672; WOθ3/03 f 73; WO92/I 6619; WO92/0362S; WO92/0ΪS01 ; WO90/H428; WO90/1 D078; WO90- 02566; WO90/02186; WO90/CH 556; WO89/01038; WO89/03037; WQ8S/07G82.. each incorporated by reference herein. fβO3591 Vectors that are useful in baculovmts/jnseet cell expression systems include, but are πoi limited to, inaecE expression and Transfer vectors derived From the baeulovmis Auiβgraphacalifornica nuclear polyhedrosis viras (AcNPV). which is a helper-independent, viral expression vector. Vjia! expression vectors derived from axis, system usually use the strong viral polyhedrin gene promoter to drive expression of heterologous genes. See generally. Reilly KT ΛL., BACUI.OV38US EXPSt.SSfON VKΠΌRS: A LABORATORY MΛ.N!.;A.L { 1992J. [00360] Prior to inserting the foreign gene into the bacuJoviras genome, the above -described components, comprising a promoter, leader (if desired), coding sequence of interest, and transcription termination sequence, are typically assembled into an intermediate transplacental constrøct (.transfer vector). Intermediate transptacement constructs are often maintained in a repiicon, such as an extra chromosomal element (e.g.. piasmids) capable of stable maintenance in a host, such, as bacteria. The replieon wiil have a replication system, thus allowing it to be maintained in a suitable host for cloning and amplification. More specifically, the plasmid optionally contains the poiyheϋrm poSyadenylation signal (Miller et a L, ANN. REV. MICROBIOL. (19SS) 42: 177) and a prokaryotic ampiciliin-resistance {amp} geue and origin of replication for selection and propagation in E. coii.

J0Θ361 J One transfet vector for imrodiiciag foreign genes into AcNPV is pΛe373. Many other vectors have also been designed including, for example, pVT.985. which alters the poiyhedrπi start codon from ATG to ATI, and which introduces a BaroHI cloning site 32 base pans downstream from the ATT. See Luckow and Summers, VIROLOGY 170:35-39 ( 1989), Other commercially available vectors include, for example, PB hse.Bac4.5/VS-His; pBlueBacHis2; pMelBac; p8iueBac4.5 (Invitrogen Coip., Carlsbad, CA). {00362] After inserrton of the hetexoiogoits gens, the transfer vector and wild iype haculoviral genome are co-ttansfected into a.o insect cell host. Illustrative methods for introducing heterologous DNA into the desired site in the baculovinis virus described in. SUMMERS AND SMITH, TEXAS AGRjrui.τuf<Λt. EXP&KtMENT STAT ION Bsjf..t.f.:T:N No. 1555 (I98?j; Snath ef ai., MOL. CHLL. B)Oi.. ( 1983) 3 2156; Luckow and Surruners, V men OGY (19S9) 170:31-39. By way of example, the insertion is into a gene such as the polyhedrin gene, by hom*ologous double crossover tecombiiiauoTi; insertion is also into a restriction enzyme site engineered into the desired bacαlovirus gene. Sec Miller et al., BtOPSSAVS (1989) 4:91. |00363] Transfection is accomplished, for example, by decϋOporaiioo usitjg methods described in TROTTL-K AND WOOD.. 39 METHODS IN MOLECULAR BJOLOGY (1995); Mann mό King. J, GEN. VIROL. ( 1989) 70:3501. Alternatively, liposomes are optionally used to transient the insect cells with the recombinant expression vector and She bacukivinis. See, e.g., Liebman et al, BKΠΈCHNJQUBS (1999) 26( i >:36; Graves el a!.. BIOCHEMISTRY (199S) 37:6050; Nomura et al., J. BiOT.. Cl-n-.M. (1998) 273(22): ! 3570; Schmidt et al., PRUTCIN ExPRl'SSEON AND PURIF ICAT ION (199S) 12:323; Siffert et al.t NA THRU GfcNC.TiCS ( 1998) 18:45: TfLKfNS ivr Af... CLlL BJOLOGV: A LABORATORY HΛNDBOOK 145054 ( 1998); Cai er ai.. PROTEIN IiXl1RESSfON AND PURIFICATION ( 1997) 10:263; Dolphin et al., NΛTUfiδ GfcNFf'fCS (1997) 17:49 ! ; Kost ei a!,, GENE ( i <)97.} 190: 139; Jakobssoti et al., J, 8!OL, OtEM. ( 1996) 27 1 :22203; Rowles et ai,. J. BiOi.. CHEM. ( i996.( 2? } ( 37):22376; Reversey et al, J. BiOL. CHHM . { 1996) 27 ! (39V.2360?- ! 0; Stanley et at., J. BiO! .. CHEM. (1995 ) 270:4121 ; Sisk ei al., J. ViROi.., ( 1994) 68i,2):766; and Peng en al.. B?OTKCHNΪQUES (1993) 14.2:274. Commercially available liposomes include, for example. Ceilfeciin^ and Lrpofectin^ (Invitrogen, Corp., Carlsbad, (VA). In addition, calcium phosphate transfection is optionally used. See TR(.rrrbK AND WOOD, 39 MF f Rf)DS ΓN MoLbCt 'iAK BiOL-OGY ( 1995); Kites, NAR (1990? 3 Bt l 9):5667; arκl Maun and King, J. GfN. VfROi . ( 1989) 70:3501.

{OΘ364| Bacutovirus expression vectors usually cotitaui a bacαϊovirus promoter. A bacuiovirus promoter is any DNA sequence capable of binding a bacuiovirus RNA polymerase and initiating the downstream (V) transcription of a coding sequence (e.g., structural gene) into mRNA, A promoter will have a transcription initiation iegion which is usually placed proxinjai to the 5' end of the coding sequence. This transcription initiation region typically includes an RNA polymerase binding sue and a transcription initiation site. A bacuiovirus promoter optionally has a second domain called an enhancer, which* if present, is usually distal to the structural gene. Moreover, expression is optionally regulated oτ constitutive.

[Oil 365] Structural genes, abundantly transcribed ai late limes in the infection cycle, provide particularly useful promoter sequences. Examples include sequences derived from the gene encoding the viral polyhedron protein {FnϊfcSKN V:Ϊ AL,. The Regulanon of Baeuhvints Gene Expression in THE MOLECULAR BtOI.OGY Ot" B.vcut.ovJtuiSi-s ( 1986): EV 0 327 839 and 0 155 476) and the gene encoding the p!0 protein (Vl ak et al,. J. GiVN. VlROL. ( [9SB) 69:765.

[00366] The newly formed baculovims expression vector is, packaged iπio an infectious recombinant bacuiovirus and subsequently grown plaques are purified, for example, by techniques such as those described i.n Miller ei al., BiOKSSAVS ( ! 989) 4;9l; SUMMERS AND SMITH, TEXAS AORIC(Ji .'CURAi. EXPF.RIMKNT SlATK)N

LiUl.LE'J JN "NO, 1555 ( 1987).

[00367] Recombinant bacuiovirus expression vectors have been developed for infection into several insect cells. For example, recombinant bacuio viruses have been developed for, inter alia., Aea'ex aegypti (ATCC No. CCL-125), Boinbyx moti (ATCC No CRL-8910), Dmsophila mekmogasier (KKX, No, 1963 ). Spodppient fmgψerda. and Trichoplusiβ nl. See WCi 89/046,699; Wright, NATURE (1986} 321:7 IS; Carbonell et ai., J.

VsROf... (19S5) 56: 153; Smiύi et ai., MOL. CtLL. BfOL. ( 1983) 3:2156, See generally, Fraser et al, /.V Vn ItO

Ci-U,. DiW. Ii to J. , ( 1989) 25;225. More specifically, the ceil hnes used for bacuiovirus expression vector systems inckidc, but are not limited to, Srø {Spodoptera frugiperda) (ATfJC No. CR1.- 171 1 ). S121 (Spodopέeru fwgiperdu) {Invitrogen Corp., Cat. No. 1 1497-013 (Carlsbad, CAjJ, Tπ-368 {Trichopukia ni), and IIsgh-Hve™ B'π-l-N-5Bl-4 (Trichopuhia m\ |{J036&| Cells and culture media arc commercially available for both direct and fusion expression of heterologous polypeptides in a baculovints/c-Npressiort,


|003G9j A wide variety of vectors are available foi use in bacterial ho&ts. The vectors arc optionally a single copy, or low or high multicopy vectors. Vectors serve for cloning and/or expression. The vectors normally involve markets allowing for selection, which markers optionally provide for cytotoxic agersi resistance, prototrophy or immunity. Frequently, a plurality of markers are present, which provide for different characteristics. 50037Oj A bacterial, promoter is any DNA sequence capable of binding bacterial RNA polymerase and initiating the downstream (3") transcription of a coding sequence (e.g. structural gene) into rtiRNA. A promoter will have a transcription initiation region which is usually placed proximal to the 5* end of the coding sequence. This transcription initiation region typically includes an RKA polymerase binding site and a transcription initiation sue, A bacterial promoter optionally has a second domain called an operator, that optionally overlaps an adjacent RRΛ polymerase binding site at which RNA synthesis begins. The operator permits negative regulated (inducible) transcription, as a gene repressor protein may bind the operator and thereby inhibit iianscription of a specific Constitutive expression may occur in the absence of negative regulatory elements, such as the operator. In addition, positive regulation may foe achieved fay a gene activator protein binding sequence, which,, if present is usually proximal (S'i to the RNA polymerase binding sequence. An example of a gene activator protein is the cataboiite activator protein (CAP), which helps initiate transcription of the lac operon in Escherichia coll < £. coli) [Raibaud e! a!.. ANt-HJ. .Ri-V. GKN P. T. ( 19M) 18: 173]. Regulated expression may therefore be either positive or πegatsve. thereby either enhancing oi reducing transcription, [ΘΘ37S J Sequences encoding metabolic pathway enzymes provide particularly useful promoter sequences. Examples include promoter sequences derived from sugar metabolizing enzymes, such as galactose, lactose ( lac) [Chang et a!.. NATURE ( J977) 198: ϊ()56], and maltose. Additional examples include promoter sequences derived fiorai biosyπthetic enzymes such as tryptophan (ttp) fGoeddel et al,, Nl1C. ACiDS RCS. (J 980) 8:4057; Yclverton ei al ., N L1CL. AcfDS Ri-S, (1981 ) 9:73 1 ; U.S. Pat. No. 4,73^92! ; IFNPwb, Nos. 036 776 and 12Ϊ 775), each is herein incotporated by reference for this purpose. The 3-gaiaetosidase (Wa) promoter system [Weissmaπn ( 1981 ) "The cloning of interferon and other mistakes." in Interferon 3 (Ed. L Gresser}], bacteriophage lambda PL JShtroaiake et al. NATfJRF (19Sl) 292: 128] and T5 [U.S. Pat. No. 4,689,406], promoter systems also provide n&eiϊύ promoter sequences. Certain methods encompassed herein utilize strong promoters, such as the T7 promoter to induce polypeptide production at high levels. Examples of such vectors include, but are not limited to, the pET29 series from Novagen. and ilie pPOP vectors described in WO99/05297, which is herein incorporated by reference for this purpose. Such expression systems produce high levels of polypeptide in the host without compromising host ceii viability or growth parameters. [00372] IR addition, &yiilhettc promoters, which do not occur in nature als.o function as bacterial promoters. For example, transcription activation sequences of one bacterial os bacteriophage promoter JS joined wish the operon sequences of another bacterial or bacteriophage promoter, creating a synthetic hybrid promoter [U.S. Pat. No, 4.551 ,433]. For example, the tee promoter is a hybrid trp-lac promoter comprised of both ttp promoter and lac operon sequences that is regulated by the iac repressor [Amann et al, Ol-.NE ( 1983) 25.167; de Boer et al., P KOC. NA Π.. ACAD. SCf ( !9S3) SO-23 ], Ftinlternjore, a bacterial promoter also includes Tiatuiaily occurring promoters of non-bacteria! origin that have the ability to bind bacterial RNA polymerase and initiate1 transcription, A naturally occurring promoter of non-bacterial origin is also optionally coupled with a compatible RNA polymerase to produce high levels of expression of some genes in prokaryotes. The bacteriophase T7 RNA polymerase/promoter system is an example of such a coupled promoter system [Studier et a! , J. MOJ... BfOL. (1986) 189: 1 13; Tabor et a?,: Prcc Natl. Acad. Sci. (1985) 82: 1074]. In addition, a hybrid promoter is comprised of a bacteriophage promoter and an E. coli operator region (ΪFNPυb. "No. 267 851 '). [00373] Tn addition to a functioning promoter sequence, an efficient ribosome binding site is also useful tot the expression of foreign genes in prokaryotes. in E. colt, the ribosome binding site is called the Shine-Dalgarao (SD) sequence and includes an initiation eodon (ATG) and a sequence }-9 nucleotides in lesigth located 3-11 nucleotides upstream of the initiation eodon [Shine et al., NΛTUEA-. ( 1975) 254:34]. The SD sequence is thought to promote binding of mRNA to she ribosorae by the pairing of bases between the SD sequence and the 3' and of E cob ! 6S fRNA [Sieitz et ai. "Generic signals and nucleotide sequences in messenger RNA", In Biological Regulation and Development; Gene Expression (Ed. R. F. Goldbemer, 1979)]. To express eukaryotic genes and prokarycrtic genes with weak ribosome-bindiiig site [Sambrook et al. "Expression of cloned genes in Escherichia eoJi", Molecular Clomng: A Laboratory Manual 1989].

{00374] The term "bacterial host" or "bacteria! host cell" refers to a bacterial that can be, or has been, used as a recipient for recombinant vectors or other transfer UNA. The ierm includes the progeny of She original bacterial host cell that has been tensiected. The progeny of a single parental cell is not necessarily be completely identical m morphology or in genomic or total DNA complement to the original parent, due to accidental or deliberate mutation. Progeny of the parental cell that are sufficiently similar to the parent to be characterized by the relevant property, such as. the presence of a nucleotide sequence encoding a desired polypeptide, are included in the progeny intended by this, definition. f 00375] .In selecting bacterial hosts for expression of a desired polypeptide, suitable hosts include, but are no! limited to, those shown to have at least one of the following characteristics, and preferably at least two of the following characteristics, inter a!ias good inclusion body formation capacity, low proteolytic activity, good secretion capacity, good soluble protein production capability, and overall robustness. Bacterial hosts are generally available from a variety of sources including, but not limited to. the Bacterial Genetic Stock Center, Department of Biophysics and Medical Physics. University of California (Berkeley, CA): and the American Type Culture Collection ("ATCC") (Maπassas, VA), Indusmal'pharmaceutica! fermentation generally use bacterial derived from K strains (e.g. W311Oj or from bacteria derived from B strains (e.g. BL21). These stems are particularly useful becaiise their growth parameters are robust. In addition, these strains are non-pathogenic, which is commercially important for safety and etivntojitneπial reasons. IH one embodiment of the methods described and encompassed herein, the E. coli host includes, but is not limited to. strains of B 1..21 , I)H 1OB, or derivatives theieof. Ni another embodiment of the methods described and encompassed herein, the £. cod host is a protease minus ssraixi including, but not limited to, OMP- and LON-. In another embodiment, the bacterial host is a species of Pseudύmcmas, such a P. fluorescing, P. aeruginosa, and P. puhdu. Λn example of a Pseiuhfftt'iuis expression strain is P, ftuoresvms biovar I, strain MBlO i (Dow Chemical). ]0β3?6f Once a recombinant host cell strain has been established U-e... the expression construct has. been initαduced into the host cell and host cells wiih the proper expression construct are isolated), the recombinant host cell strain is cultured under conditions appropriate for production of polypeptides). The method of culture of the recombinant host ceil sixain will be dependent on the nature of the expression construct utilized and the identity oi" the host ceii. Recombinant host cells are optionally cultured in liquid medium coϊiJamiτig asstmilatable sources of carbon, nitrogen, and inorganic salts and, optionally, containing vitamins, amino acids, growth factors, and other proteinaeeous. culture supplements ilia! have been documented. Liquid media for culture of host cells optionally contains antibiotics or anπ-fungals to pie vent the growth of undesirable microorganisms and/or compounds including., but not limited to, antibiotics to select for host cells containing the expression vector.

|00377| Recombinant host cells are optionally cultured in batch or continuous formats, with either cell hatvestiπg (in the case where the desired polypeptide accumulates intracdkilariy) or harvesting of culture supernatant in either batch or continuous formats, Io cettaiπ embodiments, production in prokaryotic host cells, uses batch culture and cell harvest. f 003781 in one embodiment, the nυiϊ-natural amino acid polypeptides described herein are purified alter expression in recombinant systems. The polypeptides are optional]}1 purified iiom host cells or culture meditmi by 3 variety of methods. Many polypeptides produced in bacterial host ceils are poorly soluble or insoluble (in the forπi of inclusion bodies). In one embodiment, amino acid substiiutioos are readily made in the polypeptides that are selected for i he propose αf increasing the sotubiliry of the recombinant Iy produced polypeptide utilizing the methods disclosed hetetn. in the case of insoluble polypeptides, the polypeptides are optionally collected from host cell Iy sates by cenrrifugattoo or filtering and optionally further followed by bomogemzation of the ceils In the case of poorly soluble polypeptides, compounds including, but not limned to, polyethylene imiπe (PEi) are added to induce the precipitation of partially soluble polypeptides. The precipitated polypeptides are then convenient!)' collected by eentπ tugation or filtering. Recombinant host cells are optionally disrupted or hom*ogenized to release the inclusion bodies from within the cells using a variety of methods, including, but not limited to. enzymatic cell disruption, sonication, doiince hom*ogemzation, or high pressure release disruption. In one embodiment of the methods described and encompassed herein, the high pressure release technique is used to disrupt the E coit hosi ceils Jo release the inclusion bodies of the polypeptides. IE has; been found ώiat yields of insoluble polypeptides in the form of inclusion bodies are increased by uiilizing only one passage of the if. coh host cells through the hom*ogenizer. When handling inclusion bodies of polypeptides, it is. advantageous to minimize the honiogenization Time on repetitions, in order to maximize the yield of inclusion, bodies, without loss doe fo factors such as solubilization, mechanical shearing or proteolysis.

[00379 j insoluble or precipitated polypeptides ate then optionally soiubilized using any of a number of suitable solubilization agents,. By way of example, the polypeptides are xolubilized with urea or gυaπidine hydrochlof ide. The volume of the sohihifeed polypeptides should be minimized so that large batches; are produced using conveniently manageable batch sizes. This factor is significant in a large-scale commercial setting where the recombinant host are gtυwn in batches thai are thousands of liters in volume, in addition, when manafacruririg polypeptides in a large- scale commercial setting, in particular for human pharmaceutical uses, the avoidance of harsh chemicals that can damage the machinery and container, or the polypeptide product ifseif, should be avoided, if possible, it has been shown in the methods described and encompassed herein that the milder denaturing agen) urea can be used to sohώilize the polypeptide inclusion, bodies in place of the harsher denaturing agent guarύdme hydrochloride. TTte use of urea significantly reduces the risk of damage to stainless steel equipment utilized in the manufacturing and purification process of a polypeptide while efficiently sohibilixmg the polypeptide inclusion bodies.

5 (Θ038D! In the case of soluble polypeptides, the peptides, are secreted into the periplastic space or into ihe culture medium. Li addition, soluble peptides are secreted into the cytoplasm of the host cells. The soluble peptide are optionally concentrated prior to performing purification steps. Standard techniques, including bui not limited to those described herein, are used to concentrate soluble peptide from, by way of example, cell lysates or culture medium. In addition, standard techniques, including but nαi limited to those described herein, i O are used to disrupt host cells and release soluble peptide from the cytoplasm or peripiasmic- space of the hosr cells.

[00381 | When the polypeptide is produced as a fusion protein, the fusion sequence is preferably removed. Removal of a fusion sequence is optionally accomplished by methods including, but not limited so, enzymatic or chemical cleavage, wherein enzymatic cleavage is preferred. Enzymatic removal of fusion sequences ta

15 accomplished using documented methods, and the choice of enzyme for removal of the fusion sequence will be determined by the identity of the fusion, and the reaction conditions will be specified by she choice of enzyme. Chemical cleavage is optionally accomplished usioji teagents, including but not limited to. cyanogen bromide. TEV protease, arid other reagents. The cleaved polypeptide is optionally purified from the cleaved fusion sequence. Such methods are determined by ihe identity and properties of the fusion sequence and the 0 polypeptide. Methods for purification include, bui are not limited to, size-exclusion chromatography, hydrophobic interaction chromatography, ion-exchange chromatography or dialysis or any combination thereof. [003821 The polypeptide is also optionally purified io remove DNA ftoiu the protein solution. .DNA is removed, fot example, by any suitable method, including, but not limited to, precipitation or ion exchange chromatography. In one embodiment, DNA is removed by precipitation with a nucleic acid precipitating agent, 5 such as, but not limited to, protamine sulfate. The polypeptide is optionall separated from the; precipitated DNA using methods including, but not limited to, eentrifugatioo »>r filtration. Removal of host nucleic acid molecules is an important factor in a selling where the polypeptide is to be used to treat humans and the methods described herein reduce host cell DNA to pharmaceutical Iy acceptable levels. f 00383] Methods for small -scale or large-scale fermentation are optionally used in ptok-in expression, 0 including but not ltmueci to, ferniemors, shake flasks, iluidized bed htoreaαors, hollow fiber bioreactors, roller bottle cuϊruie systems, and Svrirred tank bioreaeJor systems. Each of these methods are performed in a batch, fed- batch, or continuous mode process.

[00384J Human forms of the non-natural amino acid polypeptides described herein are optionally recovered using methods, including, for example, culture medium or cell tysate can be eenrrifuged or filleted to 5 remove cellular debris. The supernatant is optionally concentrated or diluted so a desired vαhirne or diafiltered into a suitable buffer to condition the preparation for furiher purification, further purification of the non-ϊtatural annno acid polypeptides described herein include, bur are not limited io, separating deamidαfed and clipped forms of a polypeptide variant from the corresponding insaei form. [0tS38Sj Any of the following exemplary procedures ate optionally employed for purification of a non- nattrml amino acid polypeptide described herein: affinity chromatography; anion- or cation-exchange chromatography (using, including but not limited to. .DEAH SEPHAROSE): chromatography on silica; reverse phase HPL(V; gel filtration (using, including but not limited to. SEPHADKX G-75): hydrophobic interaction chromatography; sάze-exclusion chromatography, mcial-chelate chromatography; iilmifiltiatiαn/diafϊitratϊot!; ethanol precipitation; ammonium sulfate precipitation: chromato focusing; displacement chromatography; eiectrophoreiic procedures (including but not limited to preparative isoelectric focusing), differentia! solubility {including but not limited to ammonium sulfate precipitation), SDS-PAGE, extraction, or any combination thereof. {00386) Polypeptides encompassed within the methods and compositions described herein, including buf not limited to. polypeptides comprising non-natural amino acids, antibodies to polypeptides comprising non- naturaJ amino acids., binding partners for polypeptides comprising non-naturai amino acids, are optionally purified, either partially or substantially, to hornogetieity. Accordingly, polypeptides described herein are optionally recovered and purified by any of a number of methods, including bus not limited to, ammonium sulfate or ethanol precipitation, acid or base extraction, column chromatography, affinity coltmm chromatography, anion or cation exchange chromatography, pbospbocellolose chromatography, hydrophobic irite taction chromatography, hydioxylaparttc chromatography, lectin chromatography, gel electrophoresis and any combination thereof. Protein refolding steps are optionally used, as desired, in making correctly folded mature proteins, High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), affinity chromatography or other suitable methods are optionally employed in final purification steps where high purity is desitcd. ϊrt one embodiment. antibodies made against non-natural amino acids (or polypeptides comprising non-natural acids) are used as purification reagents, including but not limited to, tot affinity-based puriftcatiot) of polypeptides comprising one or more ncm-rtatural amino acid(s). Once purified, partially or to hom*ogeneity, as. desired, the polypeptides are optionally used for a wide variety of utilities, including but not limited to, as assay components, therapeutics, prophylaxis, diagnostics, research reagents, and/or as immuiiogeas for antibody production.

{0O3S7J In addition !t> other references noted herein, a variety of purification/protein folding methods used in the methods described, herein, include but are not limited to, those set forth sn R, Scopes,

Springer-VerSag, N, Y. ( 1982); Deutscher. Methods in . Enzymeiogy VoL 182....Guide Ptotein Purification, Academic Press, Inc. N. Y. ( 1990); Sandana ( 1997) Academic Press, Lie; Boliag et al. (1996) Pro|gin

Mlthods, 2nd Edirion Wiley-Liss, NY; Walker (1996) Tj)c


., Fi;otoMs..lia\ldbook I-Jumana Press, NJ, Harris and Aiigal { 1990} I P.u.tificat)on Applications' A Practical Approach IRL Press at Oxford, Oxford, England; Harris and Aiigai Protein Purification Methods: A Practical Approach ΪRΪ. Press at Oxford, Oxford, England; Scopes (199?) Proteirt Pαtifieaiion: Principles and Practice 3rd Edition Springer Verlag. NY; Janson atid Ry den ( 199S) Protein Purification: Principles, High Resolution Methods aiid Wiley- VCH, NY; and Walker ( 1998) Protein Protocols on CD-ROM Humana Press, NJ; and the references cited therein. f00388j One advantage of producing polypeptides comprising at least one non-natural ammo acid in a eukaryotic host cell or non-eukaryotic host ceil is that typically the polypeptides wilϊ be folded in their native conformations. However, in certain embodiments of the meihods and cαmposmons described herein, after synthesis, expfession and/or purification, the polypeptides possess a confortϊiatiotJ <biTeτet)t from the desired conformations of the relevant polypeptides. In one aspect of the methods and compositions described lie rein, the expressed protein is optionally denatured and then retiaturcd. This optional deπaturation and renaruratiøn is accomplished utilizing methods, mcluding bus not limited to, by adding a ehaperoniti to llie polypeptide of interest, and by the polypeptides in a chao tropic agent including, but not limited to, gmmidme HCl, 5 and utilizing protein disulfide liornerase.

[00389J Sxt addition, the expressed polypeptides are optionally denatured and reduced and then the polypeptides is allowed to re-fold into the preferred conformation. By way of example, such re-folding is optionally accomplished with the addition of guanidine, urea, DTT. DTE, and/or a ehapcronin to a translation product of interest. Methods of reducing, denaturing and reπaturing proteins used in the methods described

I O herein are described in the references above, and in Oebinsfci, et al. (1993) J, Biol. Chem., 268; 14065- 14070; Kreitman and Pastan ( 1993) Bκ)corij.yg,.Ciietrj.,4: 583 -585; and Buciiner, et al., (1992) Anal. Biochem., 205. 263-270), By way of example only, Debinski, et al.. describe the denaUiration and reduction of inclusion body proteins in guaπidiπe-DTE, The proteins are optionally refolded it! a redox buffer containing, including but not limited io, oxidized glutathione and L-arginitie. in certain embodiments, refolding reagents are flowed or

15 otherwise moved into contact with the one or more polypeptide or othet expiession product, or in other embodiments, one or more polypeptide or other expression product are flowed or otherwise moved into contact with the refolding reagents. f 003901 Io the case of prokaryotic production of a non-tiatura? amino acid polypeptide, the polypeptide thus produced may be misfolded and thus lacks or has reduced biological activity. The btoactivity of the protein

20 js optionally restored by "refolding". In one embodiment, a mis folded polypeptide is refolded by solutnhzmg (where the polypeptide is also insoluble), unfolding and reducing the polypeptide chain using, by way of example, one or more chaotrcpie agents (including , but not limited to, urea and'or guanidine) and a reducing agent capable of reducing disulfide bonds ( including , but not limited to, dithiothreitol. DTT or 2- rnercaptoethanol, 2-MH). At a moderate concentration of chaotrope, an oxidizing agent n then added (including, 5 but not limited to, oxygen, cystine or cystaniine). which allows rhe reformation of disulfide bonds. An unfolded ot raisfαkled polypeptide is optionally refolded us. ing methods, such as those described in U. S- Pa!. Nos,. 4,51 1.502, 4,51 1 ,505, and 4,512,922, each of which is herein incorporated by reference for the refolding methods disclosed. The polypeptide is also optionally coibSded with other proteins; io form heierodiniers or heteromul timers. After refolding or cofoiding, the polypeptide is optionally further pmified. 0 [60391] Purification of non-naturai amino acid polypeptides is optionally accomplished using a variety of techniques, including but not limited those described herein, by way of example hydrophobic interaction chromatography, size exclusion chromatography- ion exchange chromatography, reverse-phase high performance hquid chromatography, affinity chromatography, and the like or any combination thereof. Additional purification optionally includes a step of drying or precipitation of the purified protein. 5 100392} After purification, the non-iiamral amino acid polypeptides are optionally exchanged into different buffers, and/or concentrated by any of a variety of methods, including, bis! not limited to, diaftltration and dialysis, in certain, embodiments, bGlJ that is provided as a single purified protein is optionally subject to aggregation and precipitation. In certain embodiments the purified non-natural amino acic! polypeptides are at least about 90% pure (as measured by reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography, RP -JiPLC, or 0 Kixiύun dodecyl sulfate-poiyacrylamidε gel electrophoresis, SDS-PAGE). In certain other embodiments the purified Bon-υamral amino acid polypeptides re at least about 95% pure, or al least about 98% pure, or at least aboiii 99% or greaSer purity. Regardless of the exact numerical value of the purity of the non-naiural amino acid polypeptides, the non-nakiral amino acid polypeptides is sufficiently pure for use as a pharmaceutical product or ibr further processing, including but not [united to, conjugation with a water soluble polymer such as PEG. 1003931 In certain embodiments the non-natural amino acid polypeptides molecules are used as therapeutic agents in the absence of other active ingredients or proteins (other than excipients, carriers, and stabihzers, serum albumin and the like), and in certain embodiments, the non-natural amino acid polypeptides molecules are complexed with another polypeptide or a polymer.

2- Purification of Non-Natural Amino Acid .Polypeptides, 1003941 ^It\nera|..£yri|kaJion..Methods, The techniques disclosed in this section can be applied to the general purification of the non-natural amino acid polypeptides described herein. jθβ395| Any one of a variety of isolation steps are optionally performed on the cell lysate extract, culture medium, inclusion bodies, peripiasmie space of the host cells, cytoplasm of the host cells, or other material comprising the desired polypeptide or on any polypeptide mixtures resulting from any isolation steps including, bus not limited to, affinity chromatography, ion exchange chromatography, hydrophobic interaction chromatography, gel filtration chromatography, high performance liquid chromatography ("MPLC"), reversed phase -HPLC ("RP-HTLC), expanded bed adsorption, or any combination atsd/or repetition thereof and it? any appropriate order. JO0396] Equipment and other necessary materials used in per forming the techniques described herein are commercial! y available. Pumps, fraction collectors, monitors, recorders, and entire systems are available ftora, lor example. Applied B iosysteαis (Foster City. CAj5 Bio-Rad Laboratories. .Inc. (Hercules, CA), and Amersharø Biosciences, Inc. (Piscataway, NJ). Chromatographic materials including, but nor. limited to, exchange mamx materials, media, and buffers are also available from such companies. f00397j Equilibration, and oilier steps in the column chromatography processes described herein such as washing miά elation, aie optionally mote rapidϊy accomplished using specialized equipment such as Ά pump. Commercially available pumps include, bin are not limited so, HILOAD* Pump P-50, Peristaltic Pump P-I, Pump P-90I, and Pump P-903 (Amershara Biosciences, Piscaiaway, NJ).

[0039B) Examples of fraction collectors include RediFrac Fraction Collector, FiIAC-H)O and FRAC-200 Fraction Collectors, and SUPBRFRAGS1 Fraction Collector (Amershmri Bioseiences, Pjscataway, KJ)- Misers are also available io form pH and linear concentration gradients, Commercially available mixeis include Gradient Mixer GM-I and In-Line Mixers (Amersham Biosciences, Piscataway, NJ).

500399J The chromatographic process is optionally monitored using any commercially available monitor.

Such monitors are optionally used to gather information like IJV, fluorescence, pϊl, and conductivity. Examples of detectors include Monitor UV-I, UVlCORD* S II, Monitor UV-M IL Monitor UV-900, Monitor UPO- 900, Monitor pH/C-900. and Conductivity Monitor ( Amersham Biosciences, Piscataway, NJ). Indeed, entire systems are commercially available including the various AKT AΦ systems from Aroersham Biosciences {Piscataway, NJl. |00400| In one embodiment of the methods and compositions described herein, for example, the polypeptide is reduced and denatured by first denaturing the resuiJatit purified polypeptide in uiea, followed by dilution into TRIS buffer containing a reducing agent (such as DTT) at a suitable pH. In atiother embodiment, the polypeptide is denatured in urea in a concentration range of between about 2 M to about 9 M, followed by dilation in TRlS buffer at a pH in the range of about 5.0 to about SXK The refolding mixture of this embodiment is then optionally incubated, in one embodiment, the refolding mixture is incubated at room temperαrure for four to twenty-four hours. The reduced and denatured polypeptide mixture is the optionally further isolated or purified. (01HOl I As stated herein, the pH of the first polypeptide mixture is optionally adjusted prior to performing any subsequent isolation steps. In addition, the first polypeptide mixture or any subsequent mixture thereof is optionally concentrated Moreover, the eluuon buffer comprising the first polypeptide mixture or any subsequent mixture thereof is optionally exchanged for a buffer suitable for the next isolation step. (00402 { Ion Exchange Chromatography The techniques disclosed in this section can be applied to the ion- chromatography of the non-natural amino acid polypeptides described herein. (004031 In one embodiment, and as art optional, additional step, ion exchange chromatography ύ> performed on the first polypeptide mixture. See generally Ion EXCHANGE Cl-JKϋMATfXiRΛPHy: I1RtNt (PLt-S ΛNO MFΓMODS (Cat. No. 18- 1 1 14-21. Λmersham Brøseiεncεs (Piscataway, NJ)). Commereiaiϊy available ion exchange columns include HITRAP*.

and Hl LOAD* Columns (Amersham Bioscieπccs., Piscataway, NJ). Such columns utilize .strong anion exchangers, such as Q SEPHAROSE* Fast Flow, Q SEPH AROSE* High Performance, and Q SEPHAROSE* XL; strong cation exchangers such as SP SEPIiAROSE*

' High Performance, SP SEPHAROSE

® Fast Flow, and SP SEPHAROSE*

' XL; weak anion exchangers such as DEAE SEPHAROSE

® Fast Flow: and weak cation exchangers such as CM SEPH AROSE

® Fast Flow (Atneraham Biosciences. Piscataway.

"NJ), Anion or cation exchange column chromatography are optionaHy performed on the polypeptide at any stage of the purificauon process to isolate substantially purified polypeptide. The cation exchange chromatography step is performed using any suitable cation exchange matrix. Cation exchange matrices include, bat are not limited to, fibrous, porous, non-porous, mierogranular, beaded, or cross-linked cation exchange matrix materials. Such cation exchange matrix materials include, but arc not limited to, cellulose, agarose, dexrran, polyaeryϊatε, polyvinyl, polystyrene, silica, polyethcr, or composites of any of the foregoing. Following adsorption of the polypeptide to the cation exchanger matrix., ifoe substantially purified polypeptide is optionally eluted by contacting the matrix with a bufiei having a sufficiently high pH or ionic strength to displace, the polypeptide trom ihe matrix. Suitable buffers for use in high pH eiution of substantially punlϊed polypeptide include, but are not limited to, curate, plios÷phate, ftjrmate, acetate, HKPES, and MΕS buffers ranging in concentration from at least about 5 mM ϊo at least about 300 tnM. |00404] Reverse-Piiase Chromatography The tεchtitques disclosed in this section can be applied to the reverse-phase chromatography of the non-natural amino acid polypeptides described herein.

|'0040Sj RP'HPLC is optionally performed to purify proteins following suitable protocols, including those descrined in Pearson et a?.. ANΛL. BKX.ΉI-NS . ( 3982) 124:217-230 ( 1982); Rmer et al, I CHROM. (1983) 268: 1 12-1 19; Kunitani et aj,. J. CHROM. ( 1986) 359:391 -402. RP-HPLC is optionally performed or. the polypeptide to r$o!aie substantially purified polypeptide. Ia this regard, silica derivatrzed restm with aϊky! functionalities with a wide variety of lengths, including, but not limited io, at leaaf about C5 to at least about CVh as least about C3 to at least about C>0, or at leas! about Q to at ϊeast about Ow, resins are used. Alternatively, a polymeric resin is optionally used. For example, TosoHaas Ambeiehromε CG lOOOsd resin is optionally used, which is a styrene pofymei resin, Cyano or polymeric resins with a svide variety of alky] chain lengths are aiso optionally used. Furthermore, the RP-HPLC coiunrn is. optionally washed with a solvent such as ethanoi. A suitable ehuion buffer containing an ion pairing agent and an organic modifier such as methanol, isopfopanoL. tetrahydrafuian, acetonitriie or ethaaoi is optionally used to elute the polypeptide; from the RP-RPLC column. The ion pairing agents used include, but are not limited Jo, acetic acid, formic acid, perchloric acid, phosphoric acid, mfϊuoroacetic acid, heptafluorobutyric acid, triethylaniine, ietraniethylatmπonuirn, tetrabutySaniiiioπtum, triethylammomυm acetate, Eluoon is optionally performed using one or more gradients, or isoeratie conditions, with gradient conditions preferred to reduce the separation time and So decrease peak width. Another method involves the use of two gradients with different solvent concentration ranges. Examples of suitable elusion buffers for use herein include, but are nol limited to, ammonium acetate and acetonitriie solutions. {004861 Hydrophobic interaction Chromatography Purification Techniques The techniques disclosed in this section can be applied to the hydrophobic interaction chromatography purification of the non-Hamrai amino acid polypeptides described herein.

[004Θ7J Hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HIC) is optionally performed to purify the polypeptides described herein. Such techniques are described in HYDSOPHUBK1 INTERACTION CHROMArOOSAt1MY HANDBOOK-. pRfNCiPQVS AND MΠΉΌDS (Cat. No. 184020- SX), Amersham Biosciences {Piscataway, NJ ) which is incorporated by reference herein for the methods disclosed. Suitable .HlC matrices include, but are not limited to, alkyl- or aryi-substituted matrices, such as butyl-, hsxyl-. octyl- or phenyl-substituted matrices including agarose, cross-linked agarose, sepharose, cellulose, silica, dextnm, polystyrene, poiyfmrthacryiate) matrices, atid mixed mode resins, including but not limited to, a poiyethyleneamine resin or a butyl- or phenyl- sυbstituted poiy^roetliαcrylate) matrix. Commercially available sources for hydrophobic interaction column chromatography include, but are not limited fo, .HITRAP*', RIPREP*. and HII.OAfJ* cohmais (Aroetsharn Biosciences, Piscataway, NJ). Briefly, prior to loading, the HlC column is optionally equilibrated using baffers ificluding, but not limited to. an acetic, acid/sodium chloride solution or HEPES containing ammonium sulfate. Ammonium sulfate is optionally used as the buffer for loading the HIC column. After loading the polypeptide, the column is then washed using buffers, to remove unwanted materials but retaining the polypeptide on the HIC column. The polypeptide is eluted with about ? Io about 10 column volumes of buffer., such as a HEPES buffer containing EDTA and lower ammonium sulfate concentration than the equOibiatitig buffer, or an acetic acid/sodium chloride buffer, among others. A decreasing linear salt gradient using, for example, a gradient of potassium phosphate, JS optionally used to elute the polypeptide molecules. The duenϊ is then be concentrated, for example, by .filtration such as dtafiltratioa or ultrafiltration. D ia filtration is utilized to remove the salt used to elute polypeptide. J00408) Other Purification Techniques The techniques disclosed in this section are optionally applied to other purification techniques of the non-natural amino acid polypeptides described herein. [00409] The non-natural amino acid polypeptides described herein are optionally purified using geJ filtration. Such techniques are described in GtL F! !..TRATtON: PRINCIPLES AND METHODS, Cat. No. 18-1022-18, Amersham Biosciences, P is. cutaway, NJ, which is herein incorporated by reference for the methods, disclosed. The non-narural acid polypeptides described herein are optionally purified using hydtoxyapatite chromatography (suitable matrices inciucku bui arc not limited to, HA-Ultrogd, High Resolution (Calbiochcm), ClTf Ceramic Hydroxyapatite ^BioRad). Bio-Gel HTP Hydroxyapatite (BioRad)J. In additoxs, HPLC, expanded bud adsorption, ultrafiltration, diafiitration, lyophihzation, and the like, are optionally performed on the first polypeptide mixture or aτiy subsequent mixture thereof, to remove any excess salts and to replace the buffer with a suitable buffer for the next isolation step or even formulation of the final drug product. The yield of polypeptide, including substantially purified polypeptide, is. optionally monitored at each step described herein using various techniques , including but not limited those described herein. Such techniques are optionally used to assess the yield of substantially purified polypeptide following the lasi isolation step. By way of example, JJhe yield of polypeptide is optionally monitored using any of several reverse phase high pressure liquid chromatography columns, having a variety of alky] chain lengths such as cyaπo RP-HPLC, C<SRP-HPI C; as well as canon exchange HPLC and gel filtration MPLC.

[00410] Purity is determined using techniques, such as SDS-PAGE, or by measuring polypeptide using Western blot, and EIJSA assays. For example, polyclonal antibodies ate optionally generated against proteins isolated from negative control yeast fermentation and then recovered by cation exchange. The antibodies, are optionally used to probe for the presence of contaminating host eel! proteins.

[00411 J Sn certain, embodiments, the yield of polypeptide after each purification step is at least about 30%, at least about J5"-s, at least about 40%, at least about 45%, at least about 50%, at least about 55%, at least about 60?'.., at least about 65%, at least about 70%, at least about 75%, at least about 80%, at least about S5%, at least about %%. at least about 91%, at .least about 92%, at least about 93%, at least about 94%, ai leas,! ahmii 95%, at least about 96%. at feast about 97%, at least about 98%, at least about WC at least about 99.9%, or ai least about 99.99%, of the polypeptide in the starting material tor each purification step.

|(H)412j RP-HPLC material Vydac C4 {Vydac ) consists of silica gel particles, the surfaces of which carry Chalky! chains;. The separation of a non natural ammo acid polypeptide from the proteinaeeous impurities is based on differences in the strength of hydrophobic interactions. Elutiou is performed with an acetonittile gradient in diluted rnffuoroacetic acid. Preparative HPLC is performed using a stamlεss steei column ( filled with 2.8 to 3.2 liter of Vydac C4 silica gel). The Hydroxyapatite UltTOgd eiuate is acidified by adding trifiυrao- aceuc acid and loaded onto the Vydac C4 column. For washing and eiution cm aeetømtπie gradient in diluted ti ifkioroacetic acid is used. Fractions are co flee ted and immediately neutralized with phosphate buffer. The polypeptide fractious which are witfiiti the IPC hnύts are pooled, [ΘD413] DEAE Sepharose (Pharmacia) material consists of diethyhminoethyl (DEAE )-groups which are covaieπtfy bound to the surface of Sepharose beads. The binding of polypeptide to the DEAE groups is mediated by ionic interactions. Acekmitrile and iii fluαroacetic acid pass through the cohtnm without being retained. Λlfer these substances have beeu washed off, trace tmptixsties are removecf by washing the column with acetate buffer at a low pH. Then the column h washed with neutral phosphate buffer and polypeptide is e luted with a buffer with increased ionic strength. The column is packed with DEAE Sephasose tast flow. The column volume is adjusted to assure a polypeptide load in the range of about 3 to about 10 trig polypeplidctnl gel. The column is washed with water and equilibration buffet (sodium/potassium phosphate >, T he pooled fractions of I he MPLC eluate are loaded and the column is washed with equilibration buffer. Then the column is washed with washing buffer (sodium acetate buffer) followed by washing with equilibration bui fer. Subsequently, polypeptide is ciutcd from the column with elusion buffer (sodium chloride, sodium/potassium phosphate) and collected txt a single fraction in accordance with the rnasiei eluiiort profile. The eiaate of ihe DEAE Sephatose column is adjusted to the specified conductivity. The resulting drug substance is steriie filtered into Teflon bottles and stored at -70"C.

{§8414] A wide variety of methods and procedures are optionally used to assess the yield and purity of a polypeptide having one or more non-natural amino acids, including but not limited to, Ihe Bradford assay, SDS- PAGE, silver stained SDS-FACiE, coomassie stained SOS -PAGE, mass spectrometry (including but not limited to, MALDi- TOF) and other methods for characterizing proteins.

(ΘΘ415| Additional methods include, but are not limited to. steps to remove endotoxins. Endotoxins are (LPSs) which are located on the outer membrane of Gram-negative host cells, such as, fur example, Escherichia cυli. Methods, for reducing endotoxin levels include, but are not limited to, purification techniques using silica supports, glass powder or hydrøxyapatiie. re verse -phase, affinity, size-exclusion, aπion- exchange chromatography, hydrophobic: interaction chromaiogtaphy, a combination of these methods, and the like. Modifications or additional methods are optionally required to remove contaminants, such as co-migrating proteins frotn the polypeptide of interest. Methods for measuring endotoxin levels include, hut are not itmited to. Limuius Λmebocyte Lysate (LAL) assays.

{00416| Additional methods and procedures include, but are not limited to. SDS-PAGE coupled with protein staining methods, immunøhfotting, matrix assisted laser desorption-'ionizstion-mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS), liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry,, isoelectric focusing, analytical anion exchange, chromatofoc-ising, and circular diehromπ {00417| ID certain embodiments, amino acids of Formulas i-XΪ and .XXXH i-X"X.X VIl and compounds 1 -6, including any sub-formulas or specific compounds that" fail within the scope of Formulas I-Xi and XXXlII- XXXViI and compounds 1 -6 are incorporated into polypeptides, thereby making non-naUirai amino acid polypeptides. In other embodiments, such amino acids ate incorporated at a specific site within the polypeptide. In other embodiments, such amino acids incorporated into the polypeptide using a translation system. In other embodiments, sucli translation systems comprise: (i) a polynucleotide encoding the polypeptide, -wherein the polynucleotide comprises a selector codon. corresponding io the pre-destgnated xiie of incorporation of the above ammo acids, and (ϊi) a tRNA eonψrising the amino acid, wherein the iRNA is specific Jo the selector codon. in other embodiments of such translation systems, the polynucleotide is rnRN.A produced in the translation system. In other embodiments of such translation systems, the translation system comprises a piasmid or a phage comprising the polynucleotide, In other embodiments of such translation systems, the translation system comprises genomic DNA comprising the polynucleotide. In other embodiments of such translation systems, the polynucleotide is stably integrated into the genomic DNA. In other embodiments of such iianslaϋofi systems, the translation system comprises tRNA specific for a selector codon selected from the group consisting of an amber codon, ocnre codon. opai codon, a unique codon. a rare codon, &n unnatural codon, a iive-base codon, and a four-base codon. In other embodiments of such translation systems, the tRNA is a suppressor tRNA. In other embodiment of such translation systems, the translation system coreφuses a tRNA that is aminoacylated to the amino acids, above. In other embodiments of such translation systems. She translation system comprises an aminoacyl synthetase specific for the tRNA, Tn other embodiments of such translation systems, the translation system comprises an orthogonal tRNA and an orthogonal aminoacyl tRNA synthetase. In other embodiments of such translation systems, the polypeptide as synthesized by a ribosoitic, and in further embodiments ihe ti airslaticm system is an in vivo translation system comprising a ceϊϊ selected from the group consisting of a bacterial cell archeaεbacterial cell, and eukaryotic cell. In other embodiments, the cell is an Escherichia coli eeli, yeast cell, a cell from a species of Pseudomonas, mammaimti celt, plant celt, ot an insect cell, in other embodiments of such translation systems, the translation system is an in vitro translation system comprising ceJluiax extract from a bacterial cell archeaεbacterial ceil, υr enkaryouc cell. In other embodiments, fhe ceHuiar extract is from an Escherichia colt cell, a cell from a species of Pseudomonas, yeast ceil, mammalian cell, plant ceil, υr an insect cell. In other embodiments at least a portion of the polypeptide is synthesized by solid phase ot solution phase peptide synthesis, or a combination thereof, while in other embodiments further comprise iϊgatiπg the polypeptide to another polypeptide. In other embodiments ammo acids of Formulas l-Xl and XKXl Ii-XXXVO and compounds 1 -6, including any sub-formulas or specific compounds that fall within ihc scope of Formulas T-XI and XX. XIH-XXX VH and compounds 1 -6 are be incorporated into polypeptides, wherein the polypeptide is a protera hom*ologous to a therapeutic protein selected from the group consisting of: alpha-1 antitrypsin, angiostatin, ant (hemolytic factor, antibody, apoiϊpoprøiein, apoprotein, atrial natπuretic factor, atrial natriuretic polypeptide, atrial peptide, C-X-C ehemokine. T39765, NAP-2, FNA-7S, gro-a, gro-b, gro-c, IP-IO- GCP-2, NAIM. SDF-L PF-I. MiG, calcitormi. c-kit ligand, cytokine. CC chεmokine, monocyte chcmoattractatit protein- 1 , monocyte chemoattractant prolcin- 2, monocyte chcrooattractaxit proιem-3, monocyte inflammatory protem-1 alpha, monocyte tnflammaϊυry protein- 1 beta, RANTES. 1309, 8.83QlS1 R91733, HCCJ , T5S847, D31065. T64262, CO40. CD40 ligand, c-ki! ligand, collagen, colony stiπiularing factor (CSF). complement factor 5a, complement inhibitor, complement receptor 1 , cytokine, epithelial neutrophil activating ρeρtide-78, MlP- ! 6. MCP- 3 , epidermal growth factor f !":X)F). eptthehal neutrophil activating peptide, erythropoietin (EPO), exfoliating toxin. Factor IX, Factor VII, Facto; VIΪJ, Factor X. fibroblast growth factor (FGF), fibrinogen, fϊbronectϊti, four-helical bundle protein. G- CSF, gϊρ-1. GM-CSf, ghjcocerebrosidase, gonadotropin, growth factor, growth factor receptor, grf. hedgehog protein, hemoglobin, hep&tocyte growth factor th(iF), hirudin, human growth hormone ShGU). human serum albuiiiπi, ICAM-I, JCAM- I receptor. LFA- 3 , LFA- ! receptor, insulin, jnsuiin-iike growth factor (IGF), ΪO!'-Ϊ, IGF-II, intetferon (IFW), IFN-alpha. IFN-befa. rPN-gamma, interieukin (ILX IL-I , 1L-2, 1L-3. 1L-4, IL-5. 1L-6, TL-?, IL-S, IL-9, IL- 10, IL- 1 1 , IL- ! 2, keratinocytc growth facior (KGF), lactoferria. leukemia inhibitory factor, htciferase. neurtunn. neutrophil inhibitory factor (NlF), oncostatin M, osieogemc protem, oncogene product, paracitoain. parathyroid hormone, PD-ECSF, PDGF, peptide hormone, pleiotropm, protest) A, protein G, pih, pyrogenic eKoroxin A, pyrogεnic exotoxin S. pyrogentc exotoxin C, pyy. relaxm, tetiin, SCF. small biosyntlietic protein, soluble complement receptor I, soluble I-CAM 1 , soluble iπterleukin receptor, soluble 'FNF receptor. somatomedin, somatostatin, somatotropin, streptokinase, supetatitigens, staphylneoeca! eixterotυxin. SEA, SBB. SEC ! . S £02, SHC3, SED, SEF", steroid hormone receptor, superoxide disnrasase, toxic shock syndrome toxin, thymosin alpha L tissue plasminogen activator, rumor growth factor (TOF), tumor neeimis factor, tumor necrosis factor alpha, rumor necrosis factor beta, tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNf RX V LA -4 protein. VCAM- I protein, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), urokinase, mos, ras, raf, πiet, p53. tat, fos, oiyc, jun. myb, teϊ, estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor, testosterone receptor, aldosterone receptor, LDL receptor, and coTticesteroTie. β< //j vivo Pa$t~Trβft$lβtwnal Modifications

|ΘO418j By producing polypeptides of interest with at least one non-natural amino acid in eukaryolic cclk. such polypeptides optionally include eukaryotic pos,t-ιraτislatiotiai modifications. In certain embodiments, a protein includes at leas* one non-natural amino acid and at least one posMrartaSaύoπal modification that is made m vivo a eukaryotic ceil, where the post-translational modification is not made by a prokaryouc cell. By way of example, the post-translation modification includes, but is not iπrώed to. acetyiation, aeylation. lipid- modification, palmitoylatson. palniitate addition, phosphorylation^ clycoJtpid-iinkage πioditkation. giycosvlation, and the like. In one aspect, the post-tranUationai modification includes attachment of an oligosaccharide (including but not limited so, (GlcNΛc-Man)j-Man-GlcNAc: --GIcNAc)) Io an aspatagine by a GlcNAc-asparagine linkage. See Table 1 which lists some examples of N-linked oligosacchaiides. of eukaryotic ptoteins (additional residues can also be present, which are not shown). In another aspect, the posi-translationai modification includes attachment of an oligosaccharide (including hut not limited to, GaI-GaINAc. Gal- GIcN1Ac. etc.) io a serine or threonine by a GalNAc-seπne or GalNAc-threonine iinkage, oτ a GlcNAc-seritic or a GkNAc-titreooiise linkage. TABLE S : EXAMPLES QF OUGOSACCHARiPES THROUGH GIcNAe-LINKAGE

[Θ0419J Jn yel another aspect, the post-translation modi tl canon includes proteolytic processing of precursors (including but no* limited to, calcitonin precursor, calcitonin gene-related peptide precursor, preproparathyroid hormone, preprotnsulin, proinsulin, prepro-opionielaπocortin, pro-optomeJanocorftn and !he like), aasenibly into a rtnjJtistibuint protein or macromolccular assembly, translaJioπ to another sue in the cell ( including but not limited to, to organelles, such as die endoplasmic serietdum, She golyi apparatus, She nucleus, lysofcoinei, petoxisomes, niiiochondria. chloroplasts, vacuoles, etc., oτ through the seciciory paihway). hi certain crabodimeiits, She ptoiein cotnpmea a secretion or localization sequence, an epitope tag, a FLAG tag. a polyhistidmc tag, a GST fusion, or (he like. [00420] One advantage of a non-natural amino acid is thai it presents additional chεnucal moieties that can be osccJ to add additional moleαtfes. These modifications can be made in viw in a eukaryαtic or iion-eukarvotic cell, or m vitrei. Thus, in certain embodiments, site post-tronsiatioυal modification is through the non-natural amino acid. Foi example, the post-traaslauonal modification are optionally through a mjcleophiHc-electmphiitc reaction. Most reactions currently used for the selective modification of proteins involve oovaient bond formation between nucleophiϊic and eleetrophilic reaction partners, including but not limited to the reaction of α-haloketαnes with hisJidine or cysteine side chains. Selectivity in these cases is determined by the number and accessibility of the nueleophilic residues in the protein. In polypeptides described herein or produced using the methods, described herein, other mote selective reactions are used, including, but ooi limited to, the reaction of a non-natirrai keto-amino acid with hydrazidcs or aminooxy compounds, in vitro and in vivo. Sec,

Oormsk et al,, ( 1996} AraJIhem

^Soe.., 1 18:8150-8153 ; Mahal, et at (1997) Science, 276; 1 1254 128; Wang, et al, (2001 ) Sdsnce 292:498-500; Chin, et al., (2002) Am. Chen?. Soc. 124:9026-9027; Chin, ei al., (2002) Prac

^NatLAcad, SCK, 99: 1 10204 1024; Wang, et al., (2003) Proc. Natl. Acad- ScL. 100:?6-6i ; Zhang, et al., (2003) Biochemistry, 42:6735-6746; and, Chia, el ai., (2003) Science 300:964-967 This allows the selective labeling of virtually any protein with a host of reagents including fluoropliores, crosslink ing agents, saccharide derivatives and cytotoxic molecules. See also, U.S.Patent Application Serial No. 10/686.944 entitled "Glycoprotein synthesis" filed January 16, 2003, which is incorporated by reference herein for iire a fore mentioned disclosure. PoM-transkrtionat modifications, including but not fa tutted to, through an azido amino acid, can also made through the Staudinger ligation (including bin not limited to, with rriary3.pfaos.phme reagents). See, e.g., Ktiek et al,, (2002) Incorporation of asides into recombinant proteins for chemmahctive modification hy the Smudinger hgtation, PNA-S 99(I): 19-24.

IX, Alternate Systems For Producing Noti-Naiuml Ammo Acid Polypeptides

[00421 S Several strategics have been employed io introduce non-naiural amino acids into proteins in iicm- recorπbinatit host cells, mutagenized host cells, or ia cell-free systems. The alternate systems disclosed iti this section are optionally applied to production of the non-natural amino acid polypeptides described herein. By way of example, dertvatization of amino acids with reactive side-chains such as Lys, €ys and Tyr results in the conversion of lysine to NJ-acεtyl-3ysine. Chemical synthesis also provides a straightforward method to incorporate non-natural amino acids. With the recent development of enzymatic ligation and native chemical ligation of pepiide fragments, it is possible to make larger proteins. See, e.g., P. E. Davvson and S. B. FL fCenϊ,

69:923 (2000). Chemical peptide ligation and native chemical ligation are described i:n U.S. Patent

"No. 6, 184344, U.S. Patent Publication No. 2004/0138412, U.S. Patent Publication No. 2003/0208046, WO 02/098902, and WO 03- 042235, which are herein incorporated by reference for the aforementioned disclosure, A general in vitro biosytrtheiic: method in winch a suppressor tRNA chemically acyiated with the desired non -natural amino acid is added to an in vitro extract capable of supporting protein biosynthesis, has been used to site-specifically incorporate over 100 non-natural amnio acids into a variety of proteins of virtually any size. See. <:- g , V. W. Cornish. D. Mendel and P. G, Schulte, Angew. Chern. Int. Ed. BTigL, 1995, 34:621-633 ( 1995 ); C.I Noreπ, SJ. Anlhony-Cahill MC, Griffith, ¥.G. Scliultz, A genera! method or site-specifiv incorporation of unnatural amino acids into proteins. Science 244 182- 188 (1989); and, J D. BaitL CG. Glabε, TA. D)X, A. R Chamber! in, E.S, Dtala. Biυsyπthvtic site-specific incorporation of a non- natural amino acid mto a polypeptide, J. Am. Chem. Soc. i 1 1 8013-S014 (1989). A broad range of functional groups has been introduced into proteins for studies of protein stability, protein folding, enzyme mechanism, and signal transduction.

|00422] An in vivo method, leaned selective pressure incorporation, was developed to exploit the promiscuity of wild-type synthetases. See, e.g., N . Budisa, C. Minks., S. Alefeidei. W. Wersger, F. M. Dong, L. MoπxSet and R. Huber, FASEB. J. , 13:43-51 ( 1999), An auxotrophic stain, in which the relevant metabolic pathway supplying the cell with a particular natural amino acid is switched off, is grown πi minimal media containing limited concentrations of the natural amino acid, while transcription of she target gene is repressed. At the onset of a stationary growth phase, the natural amino acid is depleted and replaced wish the non-nattiral amino acid analog. Induction of expression of the recombinant protein results in the accumulation of a protein containing the non-natural analog. For example, using this strategy, o, m and p-fluorophenylalanines have been incorporated into proteins, and exhibit two characteristic shoulders in die UV spεctπim which can be easily identified, sue, e.g., C. Minks, R. Huber, L. Moroder and N. Budisa, Anal. Biochem., 284:29-34 (2000); trifluoromt'thiomne has been used to replace methionine in bacteriophage T 4 iyxozyme to study its interaction with chitooiigosaccharide ltgancis by '''F NMR. see, e.g., H Disewel, E. Daub, V. Robinson and J. F. Honek, Bjocheπjisjry. 36:3404-3416 ( 1997); and trifiuoroieucine has been incorporated in place of leucine, resulting in increased f.hetroai and chemical stability of a leucine-zipper protein. See, e,g... Y, Tang, G. Ghirianda. W. A. Petka, T. Nakajtma, W. F. DeGrado and D. Λ. Tirreii, Λrtgew. Chεm,.Im,.Ed,.E,ngj,, 4OfS): 149444% (2OfJl ). Moreover, selenomethionine and feilurotnethiomne are incorporated into various recombinant proteins to facilitate the solution of phases in X-ray crystallography. See, <?,#.. W, Λ. Hendπckson, J. R. Morton and D. M. Lemaster, EMBCLI, 9(5); 16654672 0990); J. O. Boles, K. Lewinski, M. Kunkte, J. IX Odom, B. Duniap, L. l.ebioda and M. Hatada, Nat, Struct ..Biol, 1:283-284 0994); N. Budisa, B. Steipc, P, Demange, C. Eckerskom. L Keilermann and R. Huber, EυLJLJilochejϊL., 230:788-796 (1995); and, N. Budisa, W. Kambrock, S, Sϊetnbaeher, A. Humm, L. Ptade, T. Neuefεiod. L. Motoder and R. Hubet, .?. MoK Biol. 270:616-623 |, ! 997). Methionine analogs with aikene or aikyne fiϋietionaUties tiave also been incorporated et'ficiently, allowing for additional modification of proteins by chemical means. See, e.g., J. C, M. vanHest and D. A. TirrεJi, FK8SJ>tt,, 428:68-70 (199S); J. C. M, van Hest, K. L. Kiick and D. A. Tinreil

122;12S2- i 28S (2000); and, K. L. Kiick and D, A, Tirrell, Tetrahedron, 56:9487-9493 (

.2000); U.S.PatenJ No. 6.586,207; U.S.Palcnt Publication 2002 0042097, which are herein incorporated by refeience for the aforementioned disclosure. |00423] The success of this method depends on the recognition of the non-natural amino acid analogs by smiϊioacyl-tRJsA synthetases, which, in general, require high selectivity to insure the Fidelity of protein translation. One way to expand the scope of this method is to relax the substrate specificity of amino aeyi-t RNA synthetases, winch has been achieved in a limited number of

' cases. By way of example only, replacement of Ala'


*1 by Giy in Escherichia coli phenylalanyl-tRNΛ synthetase CPheRS) increases the size of substrate binding pocket, and results in the aeyϊation of lRNAPhe by p-Cl -phenylalanine (p-CI-Phe). See, M. Ibba, P. Kast arid H. ϊlennecke, B.iod)enii.stry, 33:7107-7112 ( !994). An Escherichia coli strain harboring this mutant PheRS allows the incorporation of p-CKphenyialanine or p-Br-pheoylaJatiine it) place of phenylalanine. See, e g., M. Ibba and H. Hennecke, FEBS Lett., 364:272-275 (1995); and, N Sharrna. R. Furter

: P, Kast and D. A, Tiirelϊ. FEBS i

:SlL, 467:37-40 (2000). Simiiarly, a poitrt mutation Phel 30Scr near the amino acid binding site of Escherichia coli tyrosyϊ-tRNA synthetase was shown to allow azaiyrosine to be incorporated more efficiently than tyrosine. See. I-'. Harnano-Takaku, T. Ivvania, S- Saito-Yano, K, Takakυ, Y. Monden, M. Kitabalake. D. SoO and S. Nishirmira, J. Bkti. Chcm.. 275(5 i);40324-40328 (2(SOO).

1084241 Another strategy to incorporate non-ruitaral ammo acids into proteins in vivo is to modify synthetases that have proofreading mechanisms. These synthetases cannot discriminate and therefore activate 5 amino acids that are structurally siraiiar to the cognate natural amino acids. This error is corrected at a separate site, which deacylates She mischarged amino acid from the tRNA to niaintain the fidelity of protein translation. If the proofreading activity of the synthetase is disabled: structural analogs thai are misactivated may escape the editing function and be incorporated. This approach has. been demonstrated recently wish she vaiyi-tRNA synthetase (VaIRS). See, V, Coring. H . D. Mootz, L. A. Nangle, T. I.. Hendrickson, V. de Crecy-Lagarch P.

S 0 Schirnmel and P. Marlierc, Science, 292:501-504 (2001 ). VaJRS can roisarninoacvlate tRNAVai wiJh Cys, Thr, or amirtobutyraie (Abu); these noncognate amino acids are subsequently hydro iyzed by the editing domain. After random tnuta genesis of the Escherichia colt chromosome, a mutant Escherichia call strain was selected that has a mutation in the editing site of VaIRS. This edit -defective VaiRS incorrectly charges tRNAVai with Cys. Because Abu st erica Hy resembles Cys (-SH group of Cys is replaced with -CH; in Abu), the mutant

15 VaIRS also incorporates Aba into proteins when this mutant Escherichia coli swain is grown in the presence of Abu, Mass speetrometric analysis shows that about 24% of valines ate replaced by Abu at eaeh valine position in the native protein.

]ftO425| Solid-phase synthesis and semisynthetic methods have also allowed for the synthesis of a number of proteins containing novel amino acids. For example, see the following publications and references cited 0 within, which are as follows: Crick, FJ. C, Barrett, L. Bietmεr, S, Watts-Tobis. R. Genera! nature of the genetic code Jar proteins. Najure , 192(4809}: i 227- 1232 ( 1961 ?; Hofmanit, K., Bohii, H. Stuώes on polypeptides. XXXVi The effect of

replacements on the S-μroiein activating potency of an S-pepthϊe fragment, J. Am Ch em . SS(24);59S 4-5919 ( 1966); Kaiser, E.T. Synthetic approaches m biologically active peptides and pro trim including enyzmeb\ Ac


.Cliem Res. 22(2):47-S4 (19S9); Nakatsuka, T.. Sasaki. T.. Kaiser, 5 E.T, Peptide segment coupling catalyzed by the semisynthetic enzyme tfuo.Yitbtilisin, I Asτs Chcm Soc , ! 09, 3SO8-38 H

) ( 1987); Schnolzer, M, Kent, S B H. Constructing proteins by dovetailing unprotected synthetic peptides: backbone-engineered HlV protease, Science, 256, 221-225 0992); Chaiken, IM, Semisynthetic peptides and proteins, CRC Cm Rev Biochem, 255-301 (19Sl ); Offord, R.E. Protein engineering by chemical means* PtOi;ein


;, 1 (3): 35I- 157 (rø? i; and, Jackson, D. Y., Burnier, J., Qaan, C, Stanley, M., Tom. J., 0 W

'eliSj J .A. A Designed Peptide Ligase for Tola! Synthesis of Riσonuckwse A with Unnatural Catalytic Sesidues, Science, 266, 243-247 * 1994). j00426| Chemical modification has been used so introduce a variety oi

' non-natural side chains, including cefaclors, spm labels and oligonucleotides into proteins m vitro. See, e.g., Corey, D. R., Schαte, F.G. Genvmtion of a hybrid sequence-specific single-stranded dvoxyriboπudease. Science., 238, 1401 - 1403 ( 1.987); 5 Kaiser, E.T., Lawrence D, S., Rokita, S.E.

'The chemical modification of enzymatic specificity, Ann. Rev .fiiochern, 54. 565-595 ( S 985); Kaiser, E.T., Lawrence, D.S. Chemical mutation of

'enyzme active sites. Science. 226, 505-51 ] ( 1984); Neet, KiL, Nanci A, Koshknd, D.E. Properties of thiυl-.itώiilisin, J Biol. Chcm, 243(24 j-6392-6401 ( 1968); Polgar, L.B.. M.i, A new emyrne- containing a synthetically formed active site. Thiol -vώtihsin. LΛBL£hSEL§S£, 8Si

' I5}:3153-3154 (1966); and. Pollack. SJ.. Nakayama, G. Schuftz, P.G. Introduction of mtcleophiks ami spectroscopic probes into antibody combining sites, .Science, 1 (242):

[ 038- 1040 U 988}.

|TO427] Alternatively, biosymhetic methods that employ chemically modified aminoacyMRNAi have been used to incorporate several biophysical probes into proteins synthesized it) vitro. See the following publicaiioas and references cited within: Bruπner, J. Mew Photolabeling and crosslinking methods, Atmu_JReχ.Bitκhem, 483-5 ! 4 {1993}: and, Krieg, U. C. Waiter. P., Hohnson. A, E. Pkotocrosslinking of (he signet! sequence of nascent preprolaciits of the $4-kilodatton polypeptide of the signal recognition particle, Ptαc Na.tL_A«!d.^ci, 83. 8604^608 (1986). 100428'! Previously, it has been shown thai non-natural ammo acids can be site-specifically incorporated into proteins in vitro by the addition of chemically aniinoscyiated suppressor lRNAs to protein synthesis reactions programmed with a gene containing a desired amber nonsense mutation. Using these approaches, one can substitute a number of the common twenty amino acids with close structural hom*ologies, e.g., fiuorophetsykiamne for phenylalanine, using strains auxotrophic for a particular amino acid. See, e.g., Korea, C. J., Anthony-Cahiϊt, Griffith, Vl .C Schultz, P.G. A general method jor site-specific incorporation of unnatural amino acids into proteins, Science. 244: 182-IS8 ( 1989); MW. Nowak, et al.. Science 268:439-42 ( 19951; Bam, J.D., Glabe, CG . Dtx. T.Λ., Chambεrlin, A. R., Diala, E. S. Biosynthetic site-specific Incorporation of a non-namml amino acid into a polypeptide, L.&Sl£h§niSΩS.- 1 ! 1 :80 ! 3-S014 (1989); N . Budisa et al ., FASEBJ., 15;43 -55 ( Ϊ999); EHman, J, A., Mendel D., Anthony-CahiH, S., NORTJ, Cj., Schxύπ, P.G. Bioswt/keHc methodor introducing unnatural ammo acids site-ψccifitaHy into

2,02, 301-336 (1992); and, Mendel, D., CoJUJSh, V.W. & Schuitz, P.G. Site-Directed Mutagenesis with an Expanded Genetic Code, Atmu Rev Biophvs. Bio.mot Struct, 24, 435-62 { 1995


[Θ0429] For example, a suppressor tRNA was prepared that recognized the stop cotioii UAG and was themicatly artiinoacylated ftiih a non-namral amino acid. Conventional site-directed mutagenesis was used to introduce the stop codon TAG, at the site of interest in the protein gene. See. e.g.. Savers. .(.R., Schmidt, XV. Eckstein, F. 5', 3' Exoimckase in pho.ψhotvthioate-based βligonucieotide-ώ'recied mutagenesis, Nμcleic.Aeifk Res, t 6(3):79 l -8U2 ( 1988). When the acylated suppressor tRNA and the mutant gene were combined in an hi vitro transcπptioii'translation system, the aon-natura! amino acid was incorporated in response to the VAQ codon which gave a protein containing that amino acid aϊ the specified posϊiion. Experiments using [''H]-Ph? and experiments with o.-hydτoxy acids demonstrated iisat only the desired amino acid is incorporated at the position specified by the OAQ codon and that this amino acid is not incorporated at any other site in the protein. See, e.g., Noren. et al, supra: Kobayashi et a?.. (2003) Nature Structural Biology 10(6):425-432; and, EH roan, J.A., Mendel, D., Schuitz, P.G. Site-specific incorporation of novel backbone structures into proteins. Scjien.ce, 255, 197-200 ( 1992). JΘ0430J Microinjection techniques; have also been used to incorporate non-natural amino acids into proteins. See, e.g., M. W. Nowak, P. C. Kearney. J. R., Sampson, M, E. Saks, C. G. Labarca: S. K, Silverman, W. O, Zhoag, J. Thorson, J. N, Abelson. N. Davidson, P, G. Schujte, D. A. Dougherty and H, A. Lester, Science. 268:439-442 ( 1995); aπcl, D. A. Dougherty, Cun;..Oβffl;..Chejτi,..Bi.o!., 4:645 (2000). A Xenopus oocyte was ccanjeeted wiiJi Swo RNA species made in vitro: m\ reiRNA encoding the target protein with a LiAG stop codon at Site amino acid position of interest and an amber suppressor tRNA aminoacyiated with the desired tϊon- natural amino acid. The rransiational machinery of the oocyte then inserts the non-natural amino acid at the position specified by UAG. This method has allowed in viva struct are -fuoci ton shidiεs of integral membtane proteins, which axe generally not amenable to in vitro expression systems. Examples include, but arc not limited to, the incorporation of a fluorescein amino acid into tachykinin neurokinm-2 receptor to measure distances by fluorescence resonance energy transfer, see, e.g., G. Tmcarti, K. Nemeth, M, D, Edgerton, Ii. Mcseth, F. Taiabot, M Pdtsch. J. Knowles. H. Vogel and A. Choifct, 3. Biol Cheπx. 271 (33): 19991- 19998 (1996); the incorporation of biotinyϊaied amino acids to identify surface-exposed residues in ioo channels, sec. e.g., J. P. Gallivaπ, R. A. Lester and D. A. Dougherty, Chero,.IilQJ... 4{ 10):739-?49 ( 1997); the use of caged tyrosine analogs k» monitor conformational changes m art LOB channel m real tmw, see, e.g., }. C. Miller, S K. Silverman, P. M. England, D. A. Dougherty and H. A, Lester, Neuron, 20:619-624 (1998); and. the use of alpha hydroxy anmw acids to change ion. channel backbones for probing their gating mechaπis-ms. Sea, e.g-, P. M England. Y. Zhang, D. A. Dougherty and H. A. Lester, Cell. 96:89-98 ( 1999); and, T. Lu, A. Y. Ting, I Mainland, L. Y. Jan, P, Cl Schultz and J. Yang, Na.L^eutosci., 4(3): 239-246 (2001 ).

[004311 The ability to incorporate non-natural amino acids directly into proteins in vivo offers the advantages of high yields of mutant proteins, technical ease, the potential to study the mutant proteins in ceils or possibly in living organisms and the use of these mutant proteins in therapeutic treatments. The ability Io include non-natural amino acids with various sizes, acidities, tine .eopliilic i ties, hydrophobic sues., and other properties into proteins can greatly expand our ability to rationally and systematically manipulate the structures of proteins, boili to probe protein function and create new proteins or organisms with novel properties. [00432! ϊn one attempt to sife-specifieaϊiy incorporate para-F-Phe, a yeast amber suppressor tRNΛPheCUΛ /phenylalanyi-lRNA synthetase pair was used in a ρ-F-Phe resistant, Phe auxotrophic Escherichia coli strain. See, e.g... R. Furter, PiOtSiJi SCi13. 7:419-426" ('5998}.

(00433! Expression of a desired polynucleotide is optionally obtained using a cell-free (in-vitro) ttanslatioiiai system. In these systems, which cau include other mRNΛ as a template (in-vitro teaoslatioo) or DNA as a template (combined in-vtlro transcription and translation), the ut vitro synthesis is directed by the ribosomes. Considerable effort has been applied to the development of cell-free pioteiπ expression systems,. See, e.g., Kim, D.-M. and J. R. SwarLz, Biotechnology and Bioengitteering, 74(4) :309-316 (2001 ); Kim, D.-M. and .!.R. Swart?.. Biotechnology Leιter$s 22, 1537- 1542, (2000); Kim, D.-M, and J. R. Swarlz. ϋmrecfmohg}- Progress, 16. 385-390. (200O]; Kim. D.-M., and J.R. Swartz, Biotechnology ami Bioengiπeering, 66(3): ISO- 188, ( 1999); and Patnaik. R. and J.R. S wart z, Bioisckmques 24(5): 862-868, ( [998); U.S. Patent No. 6,337,19 S ; U.S. Patent Publication No. 2002,0081660: WO 00/55353; WO 90/05785, which are herein incorporated by reference for the aforementioned, disclosure. Another approach that is optionally applied to the expression of polypeptides comprising a non-natural amino acid includes, but is not limited to, the nulNA-peptkk fusion feehnique. See. e g,. R. Roberts and J. Szestak, Proc. Natl Acad. Set. (USA) 94 12297- 12302 (1997): A. Fraiikd, (?,' a/ . Chemistry & Biology 10. 1043-1050 (2003). In this approach, an mRNΛ template linked to puromycin is. translateti into peptide on the nfeosome. I f one or more tRNA moiecules has been modified, non-natural amnio acids can be incorporated into the peptide as well After the last niRNA cocton has been read, puromycin captures, the C-terminus of the peptide. If the resulting mRNA-pepξide conjugate is found to have interesting properties in an in vtlio assay, its identity can be easily revealed from the niRNA sequence.

fhϊs way. one lias the option ro screen libraries of polypeptides comprising one or more non-natural amino ackis to identify polypeptides having desired properties,. Metre recently, in vitro ribosome tianslatioKS with purified components

.have been reported thai permit the synthesis of peptides substituted with non-natural amino acrids. See, e.g.. A. Forster et a!., Proc. Nad A cm!. ScL (VSA) S OO(U ): 6353-6357 (2003).

X Pøst- Translafional Modifications ofNtm-Natuml Amino Acid Components of a Polypeptide

|00434 j For convenience, the post-translalional modifications of non-natural amino acid components of a 5 polypeptide described in this section have been described genericaiiy and/or with specific examples. However, the post-iranslational modifications of rxm-naturai amino acid components of a polypeptide described iti this section should noi be limited to just the generic descriptions or specific example provided in this section, but rather the post-transiational modifications of non-natural amnio acid components of a polypeptide described in this section apply equally well to all compounds that fali within lhe scope of Formulas 1-X, XXXIIΪ-XXXV and

1 0 X.XXVII and compounds having the structures 1 -6,, including any sub-formulas or specific compounds that fall within the scope of Formulas ΪOC, XXXIU-XXXV and XXXVH and compounds having the structures 1-6, that are described in the specification, claims and figures herein.

[00435] Methods, compositions, techniques and strategies have been developed to site-spec if icaS Iy incorporate non-natural amino acids during the in vivo tran«kuon of proteins. By incorporating a non-tiahiral

S 5 amino acid wifh a sidechain cheπiisixy that is orthogonal to those of the naiuraiiy-occurring amino acids, this technology makes allows for the site-specific dεrivatizaHoπ of recombinant proteins. As a result, a major advantage of the methods, compositions, techniques and strategies described herein is thai derivatized proteins can now be prepared as defined hom*ogeneous products. However, the methods, compositions, reaction mixtures, techniques and strategies described herein are not limited to non-natural amino acid polypeptides 0 formed by in vivo protein translation techniques, but includes non-natural amino acid polypeptides formed by any technique, including by way of example only expressed protein ligation, cbemica! synthesis, πbøzyrne- based techniques (dee, e.g., section herein entitled "Expression in Alternate Systems").

[00436] The ability to incorporate non-natural amino acids into recombinant proteins broadly expands the chemistries which are implemented for post-translationai derivatizatioti, wherein such derealization occurs 5 either m vtro or in vitro.

(00437J More specifically, polypeptide dεrivatizanon utilizing the reaction of a 1 ,2-diearbooyl and a ! ,2- atyldsamrtie to form a phenaxine or a qυmoxalme linkage on a non-natural artnno acκl portion of a polypeptide offers several advantages. First, the naturally occurring amino acicfc do not (a) contain 5 ,2-dicarbonyi groups thai cati react with 1 ,2-aryldiamine groups to form a phenazirte or a quinoxaline linkage and fb) L2-aryldiaraitie 0 groups that can react with 1,2-dicarbcmyl growpsto foraα a pheπaziπe or s quinoxaline linkages, and thus reagents cJesiencd to form such linkages, wiii react shc-specilϊcally with the non-natural amino acid component of the polypeptide (assuming of course thai the non-natural amino acid and the corresponding reagent have been designed to form such a linkage), thus the ability to site-selectively deπvatize proteins provides a single hom*ogeneous product as opposed to the mixtures of derivatized proteins produced using documented 5 methodologies. Second, such phenazine or a quinoxaline linkages aie stable under biological conditions, •suggesting that proteins derivalized by such pheimziπe or a quinoxalme linkages are valid candidates for therapeutic applications. Third, the stability of the resuming phenazine or a quinoxaϊine linkage can be manipulated based on the identity (i.e., the functional groups and/or structure} of the non-natural amino acid to which the phenazine or a quinoxaline linkage has been formed, in some embodiments, the pheπazine or a 0 quinoxaline linkage to the non-natural amino acid polypeptide has a decomposition half life less than one hour, m other embodiments less ihaτi 3 day, in other embodiments less than 2 day*, in other embodiments less than i week and m other embodiments more than 1 week, to yet other embodiments, the resulting pheaazme or a quinoxafme linkage is stable for at least two weeks under tniϊdly acidic conditions, m oilier embodiments the resulting phenazjne or a o,mnoxaline linkage; is stable for at least 5 days under mildly acidic condition:;, hi other embodiments, ϊlie non-namra! amino acid polypeptide is siabte for at least I day in a pH between about 2 and about 8; in other embodiments, from n pH of about 2 to about 6; in oilier embodiment, in a pH of about 2 to about 4, In other embodiments, using the strategies, methods, compositions, ami techniques described herein, an phenazine or a qumoxaline linkage to a non-natural amino acid polypeptide is synthesized with a decomposition half-life tuned to ihe situation at hand (e.g., for a therapeutic use such as sustained release, or a diagnostic use, or an industrial use or -a military use).

|00438f ''"he non- natural amino acid polypeptides described above are useful tot, including bin not limited Eo, novel therapeutics, diagnostics, catalytic enzymes, industrial enzymes, binding proteins (including bat not bmiicd to, antibodies and antibody fragments), and including but not limited to, the &mdy of piotdn structure and function. Set; e.g., Dougherty, ( 2000) Vmuituml Amino Acids en Probes βfP/vtem Struciwv and Function, Current Opinion m Chemical Biology, 4:645-652. Other uses for the nos-natural amino acid polypeptides described abuve include, by way of example only, assay-based, cosmetic, plant biology, environmental, enεijzy- pmduction. and 'or military uses. However, lite non-narural amino acid polypeptides described above can undergo further modifications so as fo incorporate new or modified functionalities, including manipulating the therapeutic effectiveness of the polypeptide, improving the safety profile of the polypeptide, adjusting the pharmaco*kinetics, pharmacologics and/ot pharmacodynamics of the polypeptide (e.g., increasing water solubility, bioavailability, increasing serum half-life, increasing therapeutic half-life, modulating immunogenic if y, modulating biological activity, or extending the circulation time), providing additional functionality to the polypeptide, incorporating a tag, label or detectable signal into the polypeptide, easing the isolation properties of the polypeptide, and any combination of the afotetnentioned nioditlcations. 100439] In certain embodiments, are meihods for easing the isolation ptopeπies of S3 polypeptide comprising utilising a hom*oioaous hiosytitheuc non-aatυrai ammo acid polypeptide comprising at least one non-nalural amino acid selected from the group consisting of a phenazme-contaimng non-natural amino acid, a quino^alme-coruaining non-natural amnio acid, a dicarbonyl-containmg noivnatura} amnio acid atid an aryl diamiiie-contαining non-natural amino acid. In other cmbodiinents, such non-naiural ammo acids have been biosynthetically incoipoiaied into the polypeptide as described herein. In further or alternative embodiments such non-natural amino acid polypeptides comprise at least one non-natural amino acid selected from amino acids of Formulas 1-Xl and XXXIiI-XXXVH and compounds 1-6.

{004401 The methods, compositions, strategies and techniques described herein are ttot limited to a particular type, class or family of polypeptides. Indeed, the methods described herein allow virtually any polypeptide to include ai least one non-natural amino acids described herein. By way υf example only, the polypeptide can be hom*ologous to a therapeutic protein selected from the group consisting of: alpha- ! antitrypsin, arigtoiUrtiϊi, annhemolytic factor, antibody, apolipoprυtein, apoprotein, atrial nan iuretic factor, atrial natriuretic polypeptide, atrial peptide, C-X-C cheniokiae. T39765, NAP-2. ENA-78, gro-a, gro-b. gro-t\ IP-S O, GCP- 2. NAP-4. SDF- K PF4, MIG, calcitonin, c-kit ligand. cytokine, CC chemokine. monocyte chemoattractaru protein- 1 , monocyte ehemoattraciant protein-2. monocyte ehenioattractant protcin-3, monocyte inflammatory protests 1 alpha, monocyte inflammatory protein-i beta, RANTES, 1309. RS3915, R9H33, HCC t , T5SS47, D31O65, T6-O62. CD40, CD40 ligand, c-kit ligand, collagen, colony stimulating factor tCSF}. complement factor Sa5 complement inhibitor, complement receptor S, cytokine*, epithelial neutrophil activating peptide-? 8, MΪP- 16. MCP-L epidermal growth factor (EGF), epithelial neutrophil activating peptide, erythropoietin (JiPO), exfoliating toxin, factor IX. Factor VII. Facior VlIT, Factor X. fibroblast growth factor (FGP s, fibrinogen, ilbronedin, ibur-helieal bundle protein. G-CSf. elp-1, GM-CSF, glucoeercbrosidase. gonadotropin, growth factor, growth factor receptor, grt, hedgehog protein, hemoglobin, liepauicyte growth factor f hGF), hirudin, human grow E]) hormone (liGH). human serum albumin. ICAM- 1 , ICAM- I receptor, LFA- 1. LFA- 1 receptor, insulin, insulin-like growth factor (KiF), IGF-I, ΪGF-II. interferon (iFN), H-N-alpha, IFN-beta. TFN-garnma, mterleukJTj (IL), IL-I, 1L-2, IL-3, IL-4, JL -5, IL-ό, IL-7, IL-8, ! L-9, IL-IO, SL- S I, 1L- J 2, keratinocyte growth factor (KGf), lactoierrin, leukemia inhibitory factor, hiciferase, tjciirturin. neutrophil inhibitory factor ( NiF), oneosratiπ M. osteogenic protein, oncogene product, paracitomn, parathyroid hormone, PD-ECSF, POGF, peptide hormone, pleiotropin, protein A, protein G, pth, pyrogeαic exotoxin A. pyrogenic exotoxin B. pyrogenie exotoxin C, pyy, relaxin, renin, SCf, small biosyrttheti'c protein, soluble complement receptor i, soluble I -CA M 1 , soluble mterlcukin receptor, soluble TNT receptor, somatomedin, somatostatin, somatotropin, streptokinase, superanrigεos, staphylococcal enterotoxjn, SEA. SCB, SECl, S&C2, SEC3, SED. SEE. iterok! hormone receptor, superoxide dismutase, toxic shock syndrome toxin, thymosin alpha 1. tissue plasminogen activator, tumor grmvth factor (TGFI, tumor necrosis factor, tumor necroses, factor alpha, tumor necrosis factor bela. tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNTR), VLA-4 protein. VCΛM- Ϊ protein, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), urokinase, roori, ras, raf, met, p53. iai, fos. myc. jun. xnyb, re), estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor, testosterone ieccpior, aldosterone receptor, LDL receptor, and cottieosterone. The non-uaniral amino acid polypeptide is optionally hom*ologous to any polypeptide member of the growth hormone supergene fanuly. [004411 Such modifications include the incorporation of further runctionabty onto the non-natural amino acid component of the polypeptide, including but not limited to. a label; a dye; a polymer; a water-soluble polymer; a derivative of polyethylene glycol; a photocrassliitker; a cyiofoxic compound; a drug; an affinity label, a pboϊoafTraity label; a teactivc compound; a resin; a second protein or polypeptide or polypeptide analog; an antibody or antibody fragment; a metal chelator; a cofactor; a fatty acid; a carbohydrate; a polynucleotide; a DNA; a RNA; an antjsense polynucleotide; a saccharide, a waier-soluble dersdrirner, a cyelodextrin. a biorøatenal; a nαnoparticie; a spin label; a fluorophore. a meiai-contamπig moiety; 3 radioacth'c moiety; a novel ftmctKinai group; a group that covaientiy or rsoncovalentiy interacts with other molecules; a photocaeed moiety; an actinic radiation excitable τnoicty: a liyand; a photoisomerizable moiety; biotin; a biotin analogue: a oioiciy incorporating a heavy akra; a chemically cleavable group: a photociJeavable croup: an elongated side chain; a carbon-linked sugar; a redox-active agent; an amino ihioacid; a toxic nrøieiy; an isotopicaJly labeled moiety; a biophysical probe; a phosphocesceπ! group; a chεrailuminescεnt group: an electron dense group; a magnetic gtoLtp. ati imeicalating group; a chroroophore; an energy transfer agent; a biologically aehve agent; a detectable label; a small molecule; an inhibitory ribonucleic acid, a radionucleotidε; a neutron-capture agent; a derivative of biotin; quantum dott>}; a nanotransmitter; a tadu>trans.mittet; an abzyrne, an activated eompiex activator, a virus, an adjuvant, aτi aglycan, an ailergan, an atigiosiasiti, an ani\horm:>tie, an atiJioxidatit, an aptaπier, a gtiide RNA, a saponin, a shuttle vector, a trtacromolecule, a niirnotope, a receptor, a reverse tnteellε, attd any combination thereof. (00442 i ItJ addition, not)- natural amino acid polypeptides optionally contain moieties which are converted into other functional groups, such as, by way of example only, cεatorryls, dicarhonyls, hydroxylamines or aryldiarmnes. PϊG. 19 illustrates the chemical conversion of non-natural ammo acid polypeptides into dicarbonyl-containing tκnvnatutal amino acid polypeptides and aryl diamine containing πon-natwal amino acid polypeptides. The resulting dkarbonyl -containing non-natural amino acid polypeptides, and aryl diamine containing non-natural amino acid polypeptides, are used in oτ incoφorated into any of ihε methods, compositions, techniques and strategies for making, purifying, characterizing, and using Hoti-natural amino acids, non-nafural amino acid polypeptides and modified non-natural amino acid polypeptides described herein. The chemical conversion of chemical moieties into other functional groups, such as, by way of example only, dicarfootiyls or aryl diamines can be achieved using documented methodologies, such as described, for example, in March, ADYΛNCS-π ORGANIC CHEMiSTRY 5th Ed.. (Wiley 2001 ); and Carey and Sundberg, ADVANCED ORGANS Ci Si-MiSTRV 4th Ed.. Vols. A and B (Plenum 2000, 2000.

{00443] Furthermore, the chemical modification of dicarbonyl-containing non-natural amino acid polypeptides with aryl diamine cotitammg reagents are optionally used to generate highly fluorescent phenazine and quinoxalinε containing non-natural amino acid polypeptides under the appropriate excitation, ϊn addition, aryldiamine containing non-natural amino acid polypeptides upon reaction with dicaiboiiyl containing reagents are optionally used to generate highly fluorescent phenazine and qumoxaline containing non-natural amino acid polypeptides under the appropriate excitation. |00444] In one aspect of the methods; and compositions, described herein are compositions that include at least one polypeptide with at least about one, including but not limited to, at least about two, at least about three, at feast about four, at least about Rve, at least about six, at least about seven, at least about eight, at least about nine, or at least about ten or more non-natural amino acids thai have been post-translatioπally modified. The pαsl-ttanslatioiially-modiijed non-natural amino acids are optionally the same or different, including but not limited lo, there can be 1 , 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 1 3 , 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, IS, 19. 20. or more different sites tπ the polypeptide that comprise about 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, S, 9, 10, 1 1, 12. 11 14, 15, 16, 17, Ϊ S, 19. 20, or more different pϋst-transiatioπally-modi iϊed non-aaiuraϊ amino acids, In anothet aspect, a composition includes a polypeptide with at least one, but fewer than all, of a particular amino acid present in the polypeptide is substituted with the post-translationstly-modifted non-natural amino acid. For a given polypeptide with more than one post-translationaliy-modiiϊed non-naturai ammo acids, the post-translationally-tnodtfied non-natural acids are optionally identical or different (including but not limited to, the polypeptide can include two or more different types of post-lianslaiionally-modified non-ri3tural amino acids, ot can include two of the same post-franslationally-modified non-natural amino acid). For a given polypeptide with more than two post- transiationally-mϋdifled non-natural amino acids, the post-transiationally-modified non-natural amino acids are optionally She same, different or a combination of a multiple podi-transiationally-modifted non-natural amino acid of the same kind with at least one different post-translaiionaOy-txiodifted noti-namral amino acid.

A, Methods for Pøst-Tmnslβtionatty Modifying Non-Natural Amino Add Polypeptides; Synthesis øf Phenelzine and Quinoxβlinc-Conttύning Non-Natural Amino Acid Polypeptides

{00445| Non-natural amino acids containing a qiunoxaline or phenazme group are produced by reaction of either a non-naturai amino acid containing a 1,2-aryldi amine with a reagent containing a 1 ,2-dicarbonyl, or a non-natural amino acid containing a 1,2-dicarbonyl wjth a reagent containing a l,2~arykliamine. The reagents s are optionally further linked TO molecules selected from the group eoosisrbg of a label; a dye; a polymer, a water-soluble polymer; a derivative of polyethylene glycol; a photo cross! inker; a cytotoxic compound; a drug; an affinity label; a photoaffmiϊy label; a reactive compound; a κ"siπ; a second protein or polypeptide or polypeptide analog; an anftbody or anribody fragment: a metal chelator; a cefaclor: a fatly acid; a carbohydrate; a polynucleotide; a DNA: a RNA; an aπtiseπse polynucleotide, a saccharide, a water-soluble dendπmer. a cyeiodextrin, a biomateπal; a rtfirtoparticlei a spin label; a fluoropliore, a metal-containing moiety: a radioactive moiety; a novel functional group; a group that covalently or noncovalεntly interacts with other molecules; a photocaged moiety: a phoioiioinerizabie moiety, biotin; a biotin analogue; a moieϊy incorporating a heavy atom; a chemically cleavabic group; a photocϊeavable group; an elongated side chain; a carbon-linked sugar; a iredox- active agent; an amino thioactd; a toxic moiety; an isotopically labeled moiety; a biophysical probe; a phosphorescent group; a chemiiumtnεscem group; an electron dense group; a magnetic group; an intercalating group; a chromcφhore: an energy transfer agent; a biologically active agent; a detectable label; and any combination thereof. In some embodiments, the non-natural amino acid is incorporated into a polypeptide, whereupon reaction with the appropriate reagent a conjugate is formed between the polypeptide and molecule of interest via a qumozalhse or phenaziae linkage.

|00446f In one aspect is a method of producing a polypeptide comprising at least one amino acid havi structures 1-6;

the method comprising incotporattng the at least one amino acid having the st me lures 1 -6 into a ϊetminai or internal position within the polypeptide, whetein:

A is optional, and when present is a bond, lower alkyleiie. substituted lower alkylene, lower cycloalkyiene, substituted lower cycloalkylene, lower aikenylene, substituted lower alkenylene, alkynylene. lower hetero3lk)4ene, substituted heieroalkyiene, lower heterocycioaSkylene, substituted lower lieierocyeioalkylene, arylene, substituted aryieπe, heteroarylene, substituted heteroarylene, alkarylene, substituted aikaryieπe, araϊkyϊεae, or substituted araJkylene;

B is optional, and when present is a linker linked at one end to either a phenazine containing moiety or a quinoxai inz coniainmg moiety, the linker selected from the group consisting oi'a bond, lower aϊkyletie. .substituted lower alkylenε, lower alketiyleπe, substituted lower alkenylene, lower hetεroalkylene, substituted lower hsteroalkylene, -O-. -S- or -N(R")-, -O-{alkylene or substituted alkyiene)-, -S-(aiky!ene or substituted alky lent-)-, -S(O)t(alkylene or substituted, alkvktie}-, where k h i . 2, or 3, -QO)-f alkylene or substituted aikyiene)-, -C(S)-(a3kyietse or substituted alkylene)-, -MR"'-(alkylene or substituted alkylate)-, ~CON"< R"Malkylenc or substituted aikyiene}-, -CSN(R"Maikylerie or substituted alkyleae}-. and -N(R'')CO-(alky]ene or substituted alkyiene)-, where each R" is independently H, alkyl, or substituted alkyl:

X is -CXR5)(RO-, -NRr, -O- or -S-; Y is. ~CRr or -Ns n is O, S1 2. 3 oi- 4; in is 0.. 1, 2, 3 or 4; provided that m > is is 1, 2. 3 or 4;

Rs is H, an amino protecting group, resin, at least one amino acid, or a! least one nucleotide; R; is OFL an ester protecting group, resin, at least one amino acid, or at least otie nucleotide; each of R* and R4 is independently H, halogen, lower alky!, or substituted lower alky); or R3 and R4 or two R, groups optionally form a cycloa Iky 1 or a lieterocycloalkyl; each R5 is independently H, alkyl, substituted alkyl alkenyi, substituted aSkenyl, aikynyl, substituted alfcynyi, alkoxy, substituted alkoxy, alkylaJkoxy, substituted alkylalkoxy, polyalkylene oxide, substituted polyalkykne oxide, aryi, substituted aryl, heteroaryl, substituted heteroaryS. aikaryl. substituted alkaryl, aralkyl, substituted araikyl, -{alkyleπe or substituted alkyiene J-ON(R");, -{alkylene or substituted alkyiene)-

C{O)SR",-{alky!ene or subitimted a]ky]ene)--S-S-(aryl or substituted aryl), -CCO)R", -C(O)OR". -C(O)NCIT)2, ot -L-Z; or two Rj gxotλps takes together optionally form a cycloalkyl, substituted cyeloalkyL, heterocycioalky}, substituted heterocyeloalkyl, aryl, substituted aryl heteroaryl or substituted heteroaryk each R" is independently H, a protecting group, alkyl substituted alkyl alkenyi, substituted alkenyi alkoxy, substituted alkoxy, aryl., substituted aryl, heteroaryl, substituted heteroaryl, alkaryl, substituted alkary], araikyl, substituted araikyl, ox when more than one R" group is present, two R'r optionally fotxa a heterocyeloalkyl or heteroaryl;

Z is selected from the group consisting of a label, a dye, a polymer, a water-soluble polymer, a derivative of polyethylene glycol, a photocrossh'nker, a cytotoxic compound, a drug, an affinity label, a pbotoaffiuity label, a reactive compound, a resin, a second protein or polypeptide or polypeptide analog, aii anlibody or antibody fragment, a metal chelator, a cefaclor, a fatty acid, & carbohydrate, a polynucleotide, a nucleic: acid, an oligonucleotides, an antisense oligonucleotides, a saccharide, 3 water-soluble detidrimer, a cycksdexiriii, a bioπiaterial, a nanoparricle, a spin label, a rluorophore, a metal-coπtatππig moiety, a radioactive moiety, a novel functional group, a group thai covalently or noncovakntly interacts with other molecules, a photocaged moiety, a photoisome sizable moiety, biotin, a biotsn analogue, a rnoiety tnciϊtporamig a heavy atom, a chemically crleavable group, a photocleavable group, an elongated side chain, a carbon-linked sugar, a redox-active ageat, an amino tbJoacid, a toxic moiety, an isotopically labeled moiety, a biophysical probe, a phosphorescent group, a c hem ilu mines cent group, an electron dense group, a magnetic group, an intercalating group, a chromophore, an energy transfer agent., a biologically active agent, a detectable label, a drug delivery agent, an electron transfer agent, a hormone, a Merokl, an enzyme, a vitamin, a nutrient, a dietary supplement, an immunoglobulin;, s cytokine, an interleukin, -&n interferon, n nuclease, insulin, a tumor suppressor, a blood protein, a hormone or hormone analog, a vaccine, an antigen, a blood coagulation factor, a growth factor, a ribosiyme and any combination of the above; L is; optional, and when present is a bond, aikyk-ae. substituted aikykne, cycloalk.ylεne, substituted cycSoalkylene, alkenyletie, substituted alkenylene, alkynylene, substituted alkynyϊene, heteroaikyiene, substituted heteroaikyiene, heieroeydoalkyletre, substituted heterocydoalkyieite, arylene. substituted arylcne, heteioaiyJetie, substituted hεieroaryleoe. alkarylene, substituted alkarylene, aralkylene, substituted 5 araikykπe, -O- , -O-falkytene or substituted alkyietie)-, -SfO )k-, -S{OK(alkylene or substituted alkyiene)-. -

C(OV, -C(O)-(alkylene or substituted aikylene)-, -Ci(O)O-, -C(O)O-falky!ene or substituted βlkylene}-, - OC(O)-, -OCrøHalkyleαe or substituted aSkyleπe}-. -C(S)-, -C(S)-(alky]eαe or substituted alkylerie}-, - N(R')-, -NRMalkyiene or substituted alkyiene K -C(O)NCR1V, -CON(R'Ka]kyle«e or substituted alkykne)-, -CSNSR')-. -CSN{R'Hatk-ylεnε or substituted alkyienej-, -N(R')CO-. -N"(R')CO- (alkyk-rw or substituted Q aikykne)-. -N( RZ)CS-, -N(R')CS- (alkyiene or substituted alkylene)-, -Nt R')C(O)O-, OC(O)N(R')-, -

SfOhN(RO-, -N(R')S<O}r, -N{R')C(O)N(R'K -N(R^)S(O)11N(R1)-, -C(R1J-N-, -N-C(R1)-. -N:::N-. -C(Ir)-N- N(R')-, -C(R1J2-N-N-, or -C(R:.)rN(R') -N(R1V; where k is CX 1 or 2 and each R' is independently H, alkyϊ, or substituted alky!; or the -A-B-phenazine or quinoxaline coiitainmg moiety groups together form a substituted or unsubstjtuted, 5 bicyeSic or iπcycJic, cycloaikyl. heterocydoalkyi. aryi v>ι heteτoaryi, comprising at least one quinoxaiine or phetiazine gtoup; or the -B-plienazitie oi quiπoxaϋse containing raoiεty groups together form a substituted or υnsubsiitiited , monocyclic or bicyclic, cycloalky], heiesOcycioallcyS, aryi or hεteroaryJ. comprising at least one quinoxahne or phcnuzine group. 0 J00447) In one embodiiiieni, Z is selected from a water-soluble polymer; a poiyaikyiene oxide; a polyethylene glycol; a derivative of polyethylene glycol; a photocrosslinker; al leasi one amino acid; at least one sugar group; at least one nucleotide; at least one nucleoside; a Isgand; biouo; a biotin analogue; a detectable label; and. any combination thereof,

JQ0448! In one embodiment is a method of producing a pofypeptide comprising at ϊeass one amino acid5 wherein ilic strocture.s 1-6 correspond kt structures 7-12,

the method comprising incoφoraπng the at least one amino acid having the structures 1 -6 into a terminal ot internal posiiioti within she polypepiide wherein each R., is independently selected from the group consisting of H, halogen, alky!, substituted atkyl, -N(R


:. -C(O)N(R'),, -OR\ and -S(Oj

1R', where k is I, 2. or 3 and R' is H,0 alkyl or substituted alkyl. JO0449] in one embodiment is a method of producing a polypeptide comprising at least one amino aαd having the srracfurcs 7, the method comprising incorporating ihe at least one amino acid having the structure 7 into a terrainal oτ ink-mal position within ihe polypeptide vvhetein the structure 7 corresponds to the itmerures having the Formulas ( XI-A i or (XI-C):

|00450| In one embodiment is a method of producing a polypeptide comprising at least ana amino acid having the structure 1 , the method comprising incorporating the ai least one ammo acid w herein the structure 1 corresponds to the structure having ihe Formula (XI-B);

fθϋ45ϊj In one erobodunem is a method of producing a polypeptide comptiMng at least one amino acid having the structure 6, the method comprising incorporating the as leaai one amino acid wherein lite structure 6 corresponds, to the structure having the Formula ( XI-D): wherein each R

1 is H, halogen, alkyl substituted aikyl. ary}, substituted aryl, -OR\ -SR', -N(R' b, - C(O)R' or -C(O)OR': B is -CIl

2-, -N(R')-, -O- or -S-; R' is IL alkyK or subsiituied alkyl; and n is O. i , 2, ?-, 4, 5 or 6. [004521 In one embodiment is a method of producing a polypeptide contpmiπg ai least one amino acid having the straciiires of Formulas (XI-A-D), the method comprising incorporating the at least one amino acid having the strøcfures of the Formulas (XI-A-D):

[00453S In one embodiment is a method of producing a polypeptide comprising

" ai leas.t one aimno acid liavitig i'fje strucutres 1 or A, the melJiod comprising iiicoφoraiiβg the at kaκi one amino acid, wherein the amino acid js iiteoφorated at a specific site into the polypeptide using a translation system comprising: (i) a polynucleotide encoding the polypeptide, whεrem the polynucleotide comprises a selector codon corresponding to the pre-designated site of incorporation, of the amino acid having structures !-<>. and { n) a tF4!NA comprising the amino acid, wherem the tRNA is specific to the selector codon.

[00454} in one embodiment is a tϊϊethod of producing a polypeptide comprising at least one amino acid having the structures 1 or 6, the method comprising incorporating the at least one amino acid, wherein the translation system comprises a fϊtNA that is a mi nose yl a ted to the ammo acid having structures 1-6. f004S5J In one embodiment is a method of producing a polypeptide comprising at least one amino acid having the structures ϊ or 6. the method comprising incorporating the at Jeast om amino acid, wherein the iraπslaiioti system is an in vivo translation system comprising a cell selected from the group consisting of a bacterial cell, archeaebacterial cell, and eufcaryotic cell.

SO0456] In one aspect is a method of producing a compound having structures 3 or 6, the method comprising reacting a non-πaturai ami no acid having the structure of Formula (VII):

Rii (VO) W)Eh a t ,2-diearbonyϊ containing compound: wherein

A is optional, and when present ss a bond, lower alkylene, substituted lower alkyletie. lower cydoaikyϊene, substituted lower eydoaϊkyiene, lower alkenyieπe, substituted lower alkerrylene, alkyπyle»e. lower heieroalkylertε, substituted heteroalkylene, lower heterocydoalkylene, substituted lower heierocycloaikylene, arylene, substituted aryleoe, heteroarylεne, substituted heteroarylene, alkarylene, substituted alkaryleπe, aralkylene, or substituted aralkylene;

B is optional, and when present is a linker linked at one end to either a pheiiazine containing moiety or a quinoxaShie containing moiety, she linker selected from the group consisting of a bond, lower alkylene, substituted lower aikylene, lower aikenylene, substituted lower alkeπyiene, lower lieteroalkylene, substituted lower heteroalkykne, -O-, -S- or -N(R" }-. -O-falkvIene or substituted alkyJetie}-, -S-(alkyϊeoe or substituted alkyϊeπe}-. -S(.O}t(.aikyicne or substituted alkyiene}-, where k is 1, 2. or 3. -C(O)-(alkylεπe or substituted alkyteπej-. -CfS)-(alkylenε or substituted alkyleneV. -NR% "-(alkylene or substituted aikylene)-, ■■CON( Rπ')-(alkyiciic or substituted aikylene}-, -CSN(R")-(alkylene or siibsutiued aikylene)-, and -N(R"}CO-lalkyk'iie or substituted aikylene)-, where each R" is independently H, alkyl or


Ri is H, an amino protecting group, resin, at least one amino acid, or at least one nucleotide: Rv is, OH, a.β ester protecting group, resin, at least one amino acκ1, or at least one -nucleotide; each of It} and R< is independently H, halogen, lower aikyl. or substituted lowei aikyl; or R 5 and R, or two R3 groups optionally form a cyεϊoaϊkyi or a heterocycioalkyl; each R" is independently FT. a protecting gioup, alky!, substituted alkyl, alkenyl, stibsdhϋed alketiyl, alkoxy, substituted alkoxy. aryϊ, subititαted aryl, heteroaryl, sιtbs.tituied heSeroaryl, alkaryl, substituted alkaryl ϊjxalkyl. substituied aralky!, ot wheτi more than one R" group is present, two R" optionally form a heterocycloalky! or heteroaryl; and each Rs is H, halogen, aikyl, substituted aikyl. aryl, substituted aryl, -OR', -SR \ -K(,R'}>, -C(O)R' or -C(O)OR' and R* is H, alkyi, or substituted alkyl.

|00457| ΪEI one embαditnent is a method of producing a compound having structures 3 or 6, the method comprising reacting a non-natural amino acid having the structure of Formula (VIl) with a 1,2 dicarbooyl containing compound, wherein the structure of Formula (VlI) corresponds to Formula (VI):

|00458) In one embodiment is a method of producing a compound havjxig structures 3 or 6, the method comprising reacting a tiotnnatural amnio acid having the structure of Formula (VIi ) wiih a 1.2 dicarbonyl coπtainina compound, wherein the structure of Formula (VII) corresponds to Formula fVϊϊl y fθO459] in one embodiment is a method of producing a compound having structures 3 or 6, the method comprising reading a non-natural amino acid Slaving the stmαure of Formula (VII) with a i ,2 chcarbonyi containing compound, wherein the structure of Formula ( VI i) is selected from the group consisting of:

[00460} In one embodiment is a method of producing a compound having structures 3 or 6, the method comprising reading a non-nahiral amino acid having the structure of Formula (VIl ) with a 1,2 dicaibonyl containing compound, wherein £he structure ofFormEiia (VD ) conc&pands to Formula (IX;-

{00461 } In one embodiment is a method of producing a compound having structures 3 or 6, the method comprising reacting a. non-natural amino acid having the structure of Formula ( IX) with a i .2 diearbonyl containing compound, wherein the structure of Formala ( LX) is selected from the group consisting of:

{00462| In one aspect is a method of producing a compound having structures 1-6. the method comprising reacting a non-natural amino acid having the structure of Forru-da (I j with a 1,2 diarylamine containing compound, wherein: A is. optional, and when presenr is lower aikylene, sufestmried lower alkyiene, lower cycloalkyk-ue. substituted lower cycloalkyleue. lower alkenyte-ne. substituted lower alkenylene, alkynylene. lower hderoaikylene, substituted heteroaikyletie, lower heterocycloalkylene, substituted lower heterocyeloafkyleπe, aryleπe, substituted atylene, lieteroaryleτie, substituted heteroαrylenc. alkarytene, substituted, alkarytene, aralkylene, or substituted aralkyleπe: B is optional and when preseni is a linker selected from the group consisting αf lower alkyierte, substituted lower alkyleτie, lower alkeπylene, substituted lower alkenyiene. Sower heteroaikykne, substituted lower heleroalkyiene, -U-(.alkylene or substituted aikylene)-, -S-falkylene or subsfiruted alkyienc)- -C(OiR"-,, - S(OhJ aikylene or substituted aikylene)-. where k is i . 2, or 3, -C(OV(aikyie»c or substituted alkylesieK -C(S}-(3ikyiene υr substituted slkyiene)-, -MR"-( alky!eπe or subsύmicd alkyletie )-, -CONϊ R"}--(aiky!eoe ot substituted alkyiene)-. -CSN(R")-{ alkyicuc or subMitiued alkyicite)-, and -N(R")CO-(alkylcne or substituted aikylene}-, where each W is independently H, alkyh or substituted alkyl: where X is, -CH

2-, -NH-, -O- or -Ss

rm O, I , 2, 3 or 4; m is 0, 1, 2. 3 or 4; provided in plus n is I. 2, 3 or 4;

R is H, alkyl. sub&tituied alkyK cvdoalkyi, substiufted cyckialbyj, alkenyl, substiuU^d alkeπyl, alkyny], iubsitrulcd alkynyl, heieroalkyl, subsilJuied heteroaikyl. heterocycloalkyl. substituted hetεrocycloaikyl. aryl. substituted aryl, heteroaryl. substituted heteroaryl, alkaryl, substituted alkaryi, aralkyi or substituted aialkyh

Rj is H, an amino proteotirig group, ΓCSUL at least one amino acid, or at lcasl one nucleotide; Rj is OH, an ester protecting group, resin, at leas! (me amino acid, or at least one nucleotide: each of R"' and R* is independently H, halogen, lower aikyl, or substituted tower alkyl, or R ' and R4 taken together or two R" groups taken together optionally t'otm a eydoaikyl or a hek-ixscycloallcyl; or the -A-B-J-R groups together form a substituted or uiisubstiluted, hicydic or tricyclic eydoaikyi. heterocycloalkyl. aryl or heteroaryl comprising a 1,2-dicarhonyi gioup, a protected 5 ,2-(itcatbotiyl group, a ma&kcd 1 ,2-dicarbonyl group; or the -,f-R groups together form a substituted or uttsuhstitoted . monocyclic or bscyehe cycloalkyi, heterocydoaSkyl, atyi or heteroaryl comprising a J ,2-dicεubonyl group, a protected 1 ,2-dkarbonyl group, a masked 1 ,2-dicarlxmyl gκrap 100463) In one embodiment is a method of ptoducing a compound having strucatres 1 or <k the method comprising reaciing a non-natural amino acκl having the structure of" Formula ill} with a 1,2 diarylamitie eontaim n g compound :

J00464J in one embodiment is a method of producing a compound having structures. 1 or 6. the method conψming reacting a non-natural ammo acκl having the structure of Formula (!!!) with a 3 ,2 diarylaraine containing compound,-

wherein each R

1 Ls H, halogen, alkyi, substituted alkyi, aryl substituted aryl, -OR

". -SR

', -


').-;. -C(O)R

' or - QO)OR

", where JV is H. alkyi, or substituted alkyi.

[004<>5J In one embodiment is a method of producing a compound having structures ϊ or ft, the method comprising reacting a non-natural amino acid having the structure of FonnuJa (111) with a 1,2 diaryϊainine containing compound, wherein the structure of Formula (Ul) JS selected from the group consisting of:

where X is -CHj -, -NH-, -O- or -S-.

{004661 hi one embodiment is a method of producing a compound havmg structures 3 or 6. the method comprising reacting a non-nalural amino acid having the structure ot" Fonmiia (I) with a 5 ,2 dsarylanitne containing conspouncJ,, wherein the structure of Formiila (? i is sekcled from the group eonsiiling of;

wherein each R

a is independently M, halogen, aikyl, substituted aikyl aryl, substituted aryl, -OR'. -SR', -NiR'):. -C(O)R' or -C(O)OR'. where R' is H, alky!, or substituted aikyl.

JG0467J ϊn one embodiment i.% a method of producing a compound having structures 1, 3, or 6, the method comprising reacting a non-natitral amino acid having the structure of Formula (5) with a 1,2 diaiylamine containing compound,, wherein the structure of Formula I is:

wherein, each R

9 is M. halogen, alky], substituted alky!, aryi, substituted aryi -OR'. -SR

', -N(R'}

:, -C(O)R'

1 or - CCO)OR ': B is -CH

r, -N( R

1 K -O- or -S-;

R' is H, alky I. or substituted alkyi; and rus. 0. 1 , 2, 3. 4, S or 6.

[00468! In addition, the incorporation of substituted 1 ,2-carbonyl and substituted ! ,2-aryldiatnine- containing non -natural amino acids to polypeptides, provides site- spec ilk dertvatization via the formation of phenazine or quuioxaiine linkages. The methods for derivauzing and/or further modifying are optionally conducted with a polypeptide that has been purified prior to the derivatizauon step or after the derivatizatiou step. Li addition, the methods for dεrivatizing and/or further modifying are optionaiiy conducted with synthetic polymers, polysaccharides, or polynucleotides which have been purified before or after such modifications. Further, in addition, the derivattzatton step are efficiently conducted under ma idly acidic to sl ightly basic conditions, including by way of example, between a pM between abtnit 2 and about 10; including y pH between about 3 and about S; a ρϊ-1 between about 4 and about 10; a pH between about 4 ami about 8; and a pH between about 4.5 and about 7,5; a pH betwen about 4 and about ?; a pH between about 3 and about 4; a pH between about 7 and about S; a pH between about -1 and about 6; a pH of about 4; and a pH of about 6. [Θ0469J Furthermore, certain phenazine or quinoxaiine linkages are formed allowing the formation of fluorescent non-natural amino acid polypeptides thai can be used in a variety of detection methods. Figure 2 to 1 1 allows several non limiting examples; of the reaction between 1 ,2-dicarboπyi reagenis and 1,2 -aryi diamine regents to generate phenazine and quinoxaline derivatives. Either of i.he 1 ,2-dicarbotiyi reagems oi 1 ,2 -aryi diamine reagents, represeπ! the side chain of a non-tiarural amino acid (including a noπ-oatitral amino acid polypeptide). By way of example Ot)Iy, the following non-natural amino acids are the type of dicarbonyl- and aryldiamme-containing amino acids that are used to generate phenazioe atid quinoxaline containing non-natural polypeptides.. Such reactions to farm pheπaziπe and quinoxaSine coniaining noti-naiiiraJ polypeptides occut in a broad pH range and are extremely fast and efficient. In addition, the formation υf such phenazine and qmnoxaline is used for ligarion/conjugation to the phetiaxine and quinoxaline containing non-natural polypeptides, or for defection of the pbenazme and qtsinoxa line containing non-natural polypeptides. (00470| Amino acids, with 1.2-dicarboπyl functional groups react with i j-aryldiamines so form quinoxaline or phenaziaes, which me optionally further Jinked to other molecules.. L2-Dicaτbonyl functional groups include 1,2-dicarbonyl like groups (which arc* structurally similar to 1,2-diearbonyl groups and will react with 1 ,2-aryldiamines m a similar fashion to 1,2-dicarbcmyl groups'), masked 1,2-dιearbonyl groups (which can be readily converted into 1,2-dicarbcmyl groups), or protected 1,2-dicarbonyl groups (which have reactivity similar io a 1,2-dicarbonyl groups upon deproϊedion). Such amnio acids include amino acids having the structure of Formulas (I), (H), (HI ), or (IV), as described above.

100471 } Non-natural ammo acids containing a i ,2-aryldiamin« group react with a variety of 1,2-dicarbonyl or 1 ,2-dicarbonyl equivalent groups to form conjugates (including but not limited to. with PKG or other water soluble polymers}, via quinoxaiinc or phenazine linkages. Thus, m certain embodiments described herein are non-natural amino acids with sidechaϊns. comprising a 1 ,2-arykiiamine group, a 1 ,2-arykliaruioe like group { which is structurally similar Jo a ! ,2-aryldiamine group and will react with 1 ,2-dicarbonyls in a similar fashion to l .'2-aryldjamine groups), a masked 1 ,2-aryldiamitx' group (which can be readily converted into a 1,2- aryldiamine group}, or a protected 1 ,2-aryldiaπiitie group (which has reactivity similar to a 1,2-arykriamine group upon deprolection.i. Such amino acids include amino acids having the structure of Formula (V), (V) ), ( VH), CVIII), ( I X), and C X), as described above.

[00472] ϊn one embodiments, the resulting di'carbonyl- or aryldramnie-contaming polypeptides can be further modified to form phenaziue- or quinoxaline-contaimng polypeptides using, by a way of example only, the reageiii of Formula WVII)


wherein: each X is independently M, alkyi, substituted aikyl, alkeπyϊ, substituted alkeayl, alkyπyl, substituted alkynyl, aϊJkosy, &ubsttiiJted alkoxy, alkylalkosy, substituted aikylaikoxy, polyalkyleiie oxide, substituted polyalkyleiie oxide, aryϊ, substituted aryi, heferoaryi, substituted heteroaryl, alkaryl, sub*itit\ιted alkary], aralkyl, substituted aralkyl -{aikyiene or substituted alkylene)-ON(R")?., -falkylene or substituted alkyleae}- C(O)SR", -(alkytene or substituted alkylene)-S-S-{3ryl or suhsiituied aryl). -C(O)R". -C(O)2R", or -CiO)N( R")., whetein each R" is independentiy hydrogeu, alky!, substituted alkyi, alkenyl, substituted atkenyl, alkoxy, substituted aikoxy. aryl, substituted aryl, heleroaryl. alkaryl, sisbstituied alkaryL aratkyl, or substituted aralkyl; or each X is independently selected from fhe group consisting of a label; a dye; a polymer; a water-soiubϊe polymer; a derivative of polyethylene glycol; a photocrossiinker; a cytotoxic compound; a drug; an affinity label; a photoaHiiπty label: a reactive compound; a resin; a second protein or polypeptide or polypeptide analog: an antibody or antibody fragment; a metal chelator; a cofaetor; a fatty acid; a carbohydrate; a polynucleotide; a DNA; a RNA; an antisense polynucleotide; a saccharide, a water-soluble dendrimer, a cyclodextriπ. a biomateria!; a naπoparticle; Ά spin label; a fluorophore, a metal -containing moiety; a radioactive moiety; a novel functional group: a group that covalentty ot noncovalently interacts with other nioiecuies; a photocaged rooiety; an actmic radiation excitable moiety: a hgatid; a photo tsomerizabte mcύety; biotio; a biotin analogue: a moiety incorporating a heavy atom; a chemically deavable. group; a photocleavable group; an elongated ssde chain; a carboivhaked sugar; a redox-active agent; an amino thioacid; a toxic moiety; an iiotopicaDy labeled moiety; a biophysical probe; a phosphorescent group; a cherruluπυnεsceni group; an electron dense group; a magnetic group; an intercalating group; a chromophore; an energy transfer agent; 3 biologically active agent; a detectable label: a small molecule: an inhibitory ribonucleic acid, a radtonucleotide: a neutron-capture agent; a derivative of biotin; quantum 5 ϋor(s); a nanotrartsrmtier; a radiotransmitter: an abzyme, an activated complex activator, a vims, an adjuvant, an agrycaπ, art allergaru an angiostatin, an antihormone. an antioxidant, an. aptatner. a guide RNA, a saponin, a shuttle vector, a tnacrornolecule, a mimotepe, a receptor, a reverse micelle, and any combinaJ ton thereof; each L is independently selected from the group consisting of aikyleπe, substituted alkylene, aikenylene,

I O substituted aikenylene, -O-, -O-falkylαie or substituted alkylene)-. -S-, -S-taikytene or substituted alkyierieK -S(O}k- whete fc is 1. 2, or 3, -S(O\(atkyiene or substituted alkylenc)-, -C(O)-, -C(O)-(alkylene or subs! tinned alkyfene)-. -C(S)-, -C(Sj-(a]kyleπc or substituted alkylene)-, -NOW.. -NR'-{a!kylene or substituted ulkylene)-, -C(O)N(R')-, -OG>HR'MalkylsMie or substituted aJkvleoeV, -(alkyleue or substituted alkyl<:ne)NR'C(O)O-{alkylerte or substituted alkylene)-, -O-CON(R ")-(alkylerie 01- substituitd alkylene}-, -

15 CSN(IT)-, -CSNiR'Maikyk-ne or substituted alkyieπe)-, -NfR")CO-<aJkyletie ot iobsiimted alkyk'su')-,

-N(R1KV(O)O-, -N(R' tC(O)O-{alkylene or substituted alkylene)-, -S{O}kN(R >, -N(R -)C(O)N(R1)-, -N(R\!θ O)N( R!)-(a!kyleπe or subsύtuied alkyletie)-, -X(R 1JC(S)NfRI-, -N(R'}S(0)kN(R->- -N(R >N:---. ■■ C(R- pN-, -O ir ) ■■ N-N{ R '}-- -C{ IV KN-NH -Ci R' S2-N-N-, and -C(R " )2-K{U: )-N( R1V; I. i is optioϊiai, and when present, is ■C(R/),,-NR'-C(O)O--(a!kyleτie or substituted alkylene}- where p i% O. ϊ , or 0 2; each R' is. independently H, aϊJkyl, ot substituted alkyl;

W is

R is H, alkyl, ot substituted alkyl; and n is S to 3; provided that L -L

rW together provide at least one dicarbony! or aiyldiaminc group capable of reacting with a an aryl diamine or a earbonyl ( inchsding a diearboπyi) group, respectively, on a non-natural amino acid or a 5 "modified or utmiodifted

1" noπ-natαral amino aci<! polypeptide fflO473) In one embodiment, X is selected from a water-soluble polymer; a polyalkyleπe oxide; a polyethylene glycol; a derivaltve of polyethylene glycol; a photocrossliiiker; a! least one aimiici acid; at least one sugar group; at least one nucleotide, ni least one nucleoside; a Hgatid; biotin; a biotin analogue; a detectable label; and any combination thereof. 0 |00474] Jn certain embodiments of compounds of Formula (XVlO, X is a polymei comprising alkyl, substituted atkyi, alkcnyl, substituted alkenyl, aLkynyl, subsiimted aϊkynyl, alkoxy, subsύiuted alkoxy. alkylalkoxy, substituted aϊkyiaJkoxy. polyalkylene oxide, substituted polyaHtylene oxide, aryl, substiiutetϊ aryl. beteroaryl, substituted heteroaryl. alkaryi, substituted alkaryl. araikyl, or substituted sralkyl. In certain enibodxments of compounds of Formula (XVIh, X is a polymer comprising polyalkylene oxide or substituted 5 polyalkylene oxide. In certain embodiment's of compounds of Formula (XVlI), X is a polymer comprising - 1

"( alkylene or substituted alky!ene)-O-( hydrogen, alky], or substituted alkyl ) J

x. wherein >; is from about 20 to about iO.OUO. In certain embodiments of compounds of Formula f XYIΪ), X is m-PEG having a molecular weight ranging from aboxil 2 Jo about 40 KDa In certain embodiments of compounds of Formula (XVII

s), X is a biologicall

y active agent selected from the group consisting of a peptide, protein, enzyme, antibody, drug, dye, lipid, nucleoside, oligonucleotide, ceil, virus, liposome, micraparticle, and rrυcdle. in certain embodiments of compounds of

" Formula (XVII), X is a drug selected from the group consisting of an antibiotic, fungicide, antiviral agent, ami-inilamraaEory agent, anti-tumor agent, cardiovascular agent, anti-anxiety agent, hormone. growth factor, and steroidal agent, In certain emboiUmems of compounds of Formula (X VIB, X is an enzyme selected from the group consisting of horseradish peroxidase, alkaline phosphatase, /3-galaeioskiase, and glucose oxidase. In certain embodiments of compounds of Formula ( XVD).. X Ls a delectable label selected from the group consisting of a fluorescent, phosphorescent, eheTnilurni.nes.cent, chelating, electron dense, magnetic, intercalating, radioactive, chromophobe, and energy transfer moiety, Tti certain embodiments

, of compounds of Formula (XVlI), X is a reactive group consisting of dicarbonyl containing moiety and aryl diamine containing moiety. In certain embodiments of compounds of Formula (XVU), X is a group phenaziπe or quiiiaxolioe derivatives, In certain embodiments of compounds of Formula (XVU), L is selected from the group consisting of -Nj or substituted alkyiette)-, -CON(R' Kalkylene or substituted alkylene)-, ^{K 'jCf O)N( R

()-(alky!ene or substituted alkyiαie)-, -G-CON(R

* HalkyJene or substituted alkyleneK -0- (aikylene or s-ubsiii-uted alkyicne)-. -C(O)N( R


aild -N(RlC(O)O-falkyleπe or substituted aikyiene}-. {Q0475] hi certain embodiments Df compounds of Formula (XV]I), are compounds having the structure of Formula (XVIiI):

X L W (XVIU) wherein:

W is


1 alkyl or •substiasted alkyl 100476] in certain embodiments of compounds of Formula (XVΪIΪ). are cornpoarids having ihe structure of Formula (XIX);

; where in other embodiments such m-PEG or PEG groups have a motecuJar weight ranging from about 5 to about 30 kDa, f00477j in certain embodiπients of compounds of Fornaila (XVIII). are compounds having the structure of Fo(n.uia (XX): (XX). wiiercin.

W Ls

, and R

)S H, alkjl or substituted alky].

Y when present is alky], or substituted alfcyl

L is -( alkylene or siifosiimied alkyl<Εie}-N(RlC(O)O-{a{k_vkne or substituted aikyletie)-. In ceruin embodireents of compounds of Formula (XVIIl), arc compounds having the structure of Formula (XXl )'

(xxn. wherein other etnbodi^ietif^ of compounds of Formula (XXJ) Mich m-PEG groups have a molecular weight ranging from about 5 to about 30 ki)a.

108478} In certain embodiments of compounds of Formula (XVIIl), are compounds having the structure of Formula (XXIi);

(XXΪlL wherein:

W js


"'" 'NH2; R is H, alfcyl, or subsisted aiky!.

S" when preseai is alky!, or subslikaed alkyl.

L is -{aikylene or substituted aikylcneVNiR")C{O}O-(aikylene or substituted alkylene)-. 5π certain enibCKliiπcms of compounds of Formula (XXI). are compounds having the structure of Fυrmtiia (XXIl!):

(XXΪIΪ). wherein other embodiments of compounds of Formula (XXOI) such m-PEG groups have a molecukr weight ranging from about 5 to about 30 kDa.

(00479) In certain embodiments, linkers of Formula (XVIH ) are reactive with dicarbonyl- or aryl diamine - coxitaining polypeptide in aqueous soiution under mildly acidic conditions, In certain embodiments, such acidic conditions are pH between about 2 and about U); including a pM between about 3 and about 8: a pH between about 4 and about 10; a pH between about 4 and about S; and a pH between about 4,5 and about 7.5; a pH betwen aboui 4 and about 7; a pH between about 3 and about 4; a pM between about 7 and about 8; a pH between about 4 and about 6; a pH of about 4; and a pH of about 6.

(004801 In certain embodiments of compounds of Formula CXViH), arc compounds having ihe structure of Formula (XXIV)-.

(XXlV) wherein;

Z is O or NH and n is L 2. J and 4

W is


R is H< ιύky] ; or substituted aikyl.

(004811 In certain embodiments of compounds of Formula (XXIV), are compounds having the structure of

Formula (XXV):


(00482J In other embodiments of compounds of Formula (XXIV), ate compounds having the structure of Formula (XXVl)


(00483| In certain embodiments are methods, for derivatiztng a polypeptide comprising amino acids of Formulas l-X, XXXΪO-XXX'V, and XX.XVi'1, including any sub- formulas or specific compounds that fall wiihin the scope of Formulas Ϊ-X, XXXUI-XXXV, and XXXVIi, wherein the method comprises contacting the polypeptide comprising as least one amino acid of Formulas J-X, XXXJ.U- XXXV, and XXXVII wnh a reagent of Formula (XVIl) In certain embodiments J he polypeptide is purified prior to or after contact with the reagent of Formula (XVIl). In other embodiments are resulting polypeptide comprises at least one dicαrbouy!- or one aryl diaτiiine-coritainiiig amino acid of formulas I-X. XXXHl-XXXV, and XXXVIL trt other embodiments are resulting polypeptide comprises at least one pbenazine or one quinoxaliπe-cαnjaining polypeptide generated from the couphng of compounds, αf Formulas I-X, XXXITl-XXX V, and X.X.XVil with the reagent of Formula (XVH). [004Mi Fig 18 provides a schematic representation of post-tran&Iational modification of polypeptide containing dicarbonyi- or a∑ykb'amiπe non-natural amino acid with reagent of Formula (XlX) to form pherazine or quinoxaiiπe containing polypeptide attched to PEG group. Figure 24 provides an iihistraiive example of the synthesis of btfimctionaϊ iinkei of Foπmsk (XXV). Ai such, the methods described herein comprises coupling S spacer reagent containing oo both ends an amine or hydroxy I group to acid containing Boc-prosecK-d arykhamine. Hie cleavage of Boc group leads to linkers of Formula (XXV).

[0O485J ϊn certain embodiments ate methods for producing a polypeptide dirtier via pheiw.ine or quinoxahne linkages, wherein the method consists of the reaction of a linker of Formula (XXIV) with dieatbony!- or aryl diamine-contaming non-natural amino acid polypeptide. Fig. 23 provides a representative example of the formation of such dimcr using condensation of linker of Formula (XXV) with dicarbonyl- containing non-uatuiaϊ amino acid polypeptide. In one embodiment, die linker of Formula (XXV) contains a dicarbonyi or aiyϊdiamine moieties as and end group, and a functional group thai can be further modified to introduce different molecules on the other end.

[0048ήj In certain embodiments are methods for preparing a polypeptides containing phetiasune and quiaoxaline via tlie use of bifutictional linkers, wherein the method comprises- (i) derivatizirjg a first polypeptide comprising an aππno acid of Formula (I) with a hi functional linker, and (it) contacting the resuHϊng derivatized protein of step (i) with a second reagent such as a derivatized FHG. In certain erobodimeitts the polypq>tides are purified prior to or aftei contact with the birunctiαnal linker. [004S7J Fig. 23 shows an illustrative example of such bifuncttonal linker and its use to produce phenazine or Ljuiiioxaϋne containing polypeptides; attached to PEO gtoup. (fiO4&8i By way of example only, the following are representative examples of bifuncfiøo&ϊ tinkers of

Formula (XXVl I).

(XXVtI) wherein.

|004K9j ϊo one embodiment, multiple linker, chemistries react site-speciJkaliy with a dicarbonyi- substituted or an aryldiaraine non-natural amino acid polypeptide. In one embodiment, the linker methods described herein utilize linkers containing the aryldiarome functionality on at least one linker termini ( mono, tsi- or rauhi-funelional). The conde sation of an aryldismine-dcrivartzed Sinker with a

protein generates a phenaaiπe or quitioxaline substituted non-natural protein. Sn other etnbodirneiUs. the Haker methods described tietein utilize linkers containing the dicarbonyi functionality on at Jeast one linker iermini (mono, bi- or rnuhi-fαoctionai}. The condensation of dicarboayl-denvauzed linker with an arylcharmne- substituted protein generates a pfaenazine or quinoxaline substituted non-namral polypeptide. J00490I An illustrative embϋdirnetrt of methods fot coupling a hydroxylamrne-containing phctwine or quinoxahne substituted non-natural protein is presented in FIG. 20. In this illustrative embodiment, a csrbonyl- derivarixed reagent is added to a buffered solution t'pM of about 4 to about 7) of a hydroxyiarmne -containing plieiia^ine ot quinoxaline substituted non-natural protein. The reaction proceeds at the ambient temperature for hours to days. f 00491 j In certain embodiments are methods for derivatiaitsg a chemically synthesized polypeptide comprising cJkabonyi- or ary {diamine -containing non-natural polypeptide with diearbony! or aryldiainirtε containing reagents to form pheπazme or qutnoxaϊine derivatives.

J00492J Figure 16 provides illustrative examples of the derivatization of arylchamme-confaining non- natura) amino acid polypeptide i Urotensisn J with dicarbonyi containing reagents. Figure 1? provides illustrative examples of the deπvattzauon of dicarbonyl-coπtaiπiπg nun-natural amino acid polypeptide CXT-S) with aryldiatnine containing reagents. |00493l ^ other embodiments such deπvatized polypeptides are stable in aqueous solution for at least about ϊ month under miklly acidic conditions. ϊ:n other embodiments such derivatøed polypeptides are stable for at least about 2 weeks under mildly acidic conditions. 1» other embodiments such deπvatjzed polypeptides are stable for at least about 5 days under miklly acidic conditions. In other embodiments such conditions are pH about 2 to about 8. In certain embodiments the tertiary structure of the derivafeed. polypeptide is preserved. In other embodiments such deπvattzatϊoit of polypeptides further comprises lighting the derivatizεd polypeptide to another polypeptide, in other embodiments such polypeptides being derivatwed are hom*oiogoiK Io a therapeutic protein selected from the group consisting of: alpha- ! antitrypsin, angiostatin, antihemolytic factor, antibody, apolipoprofein, apoprotein, atrial natriurelic factor, atrial natriuretic polypeptide, atria! peptide, C-X-C cheinokme, '139765, NAP^2, ENA-7S, gro-a; gro-b, gro-c. JP-10, GCP-2. NAP-4, SDF- S , PF4, MIG, calcitonin, e-kit ligand. cytokine, CC chemokme, monocyte chernoattractant protein- ! , monocyte che.tnoattractaFit protetn- 2, monocyte cherøoattrac.tatrt protein-3, monocyte inflammatory protein- 1 alpha, monocyte inflammatory prøtein-i beta. RANTES, J 309. RS391 S, R9J 733, HCCI, T5S847, D31065, T64262. CD40, CD40 ligarwt c-kii Hgaad, collagen, colony simulating factor (CSF). complement factor 5a. complement inhibitor, complement receptor 1, cytokine, epithelial neutrophil activating peptide-78, MΪP-l δ, MCP-K epidermal growth {'actor (EGF), epithelial neutrophil activating peptide, erythropoietin (EPO), exfoliating toxin. Factor Ϊ.X, Factor VU, Factor VIH. Factor X, fibroblast growth factor (FGF), fibrinogen, fϊbranectiti, four-helical bundle protein, G-- CSF, glp-1. OM-CSf, glucocerebrosidase, gonadotropin, growth factor, growth factor receptor, grf. hedgehog protein, hemoglobin, hepatocyte growth factor (hGF), hirudin, human growth hormone (HGH). human serum aibumm, ICAM-L iCAM- 1 receptor, LFA-I, LFA-I receptor, insulin, insulin-like growth factor ( IGF), IGF-I, IGέMI. interferon (WN), IFN-alpha, ΪFN-beta, IFN-gaitima: interleukin (ΪL): JL-I, IL-2. 1I.-3, 1L-4, IL-S. JL-6, IL-7, IL-S. 11..-9, H..-10, !L- I I . IL- ! 2, fceramiocyte crowtli factor (KGF), lactoferritϊ, leukemia inhibitory factor, iuctfcrase, neurturiii, neutrophil inhibitory factor (KIF), oncostatiπ M, Oaleogettjc ptotein, oncogene product, paraeikmki. parathyroid hoπnonε, FI)-ECSF, PDGF, peptide hormone, pieio tropin, protein A, protein G, pth, pyrogenic exotoxin A, pyrogcnic exotoxin B, pyrogεnic exotoxin C, pyy, reiaxm, renin. SCF. small biosynthctic protein, soluble complement receptor 1, solubie 1-CΛM ! . soluble mterietikin receptor, soluble TNF receptor, somatomedin, somatostatin, somatotropin. streptokinase, superaniigens. staphylocαccai enterotoxtii, SEA, ShB, SECL SEC2, SEC3, SED, SEE, steroid hormone receptor, superoxide dnmutase, toxic shock syndrome toxin, thymosin alpha 1, tissue plasminogen actjvatot, tumor growth factor (TGF), tumor necrosis factor, tumor necrosis factor alpha, mmot necrosis factor beta, rumor necrosis factor receptor (TNFR), VLA-4 protein, VCAM-I protean, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), urokinase, mos, ras. raf. met, p53, tat, fos, rove, luxu myb, rel, estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor, testosterone receptor, aldosterone receptor, LDL receptor, and cortieosSerone. β. Methods far Pmi-Transtotianalty Modifying Non-Natural Amino Acid Polypeptides: Reactions of Carbonyl'Contaimag Non-NatUftU Amino Acids with Ifydrβxykimirte-Contøhiwg Reagents f 00494 j 'Hie sidechaiπs of the naturally occuiring amino acids lack highly eleetrophiiic sites. Therefore, rhe incorporation of _t non-natural amino acid with an etectrophile-containing sidechain, including, by way of example only, an amino acid containing a carbonyl or dicarbonyl group such as ketones or aldehydes, makes allows for the site-specific derealization of this sidechain via πucleophilie attack of the carbonyl or chcarbonyl group, in the instance where the attacking nucleopiiile is a hydroxylamine, an oxsrne-derivatized protein will be generated. The methods for derivatizrπg and/or further modifying are optionally conducted with a polypeptide that has been purified prior to the derealization step or afler She derealization step. In addition, the methods for deπvϋtizing and/or further modifying are optionally conducted with synthetic polymers, polysaccharides;, or polynucleotides which have been purified before or afreτ such modifications. Further, the derivattzaiion step occurs under mildly acidic to slightly basic conditions, including by way of example, between a pH between about 2 and about 10; including a ρ.H between about 3 and about 8; a pH between about 4 and about 10; a pH between about 4 and about 8; and a pH between about 4,5 and about 7.5; a pH betwen about 4 and about 7; a pH between about 3 and about 4; a pH between about 7 and about 8; a pH between about 4 and about 6; a pH of about 4; and a pϊi of about 6. [00495! A polypeptide-deπvatiziag method based upon the reaction of carbo-πyl- or diearbonyi-containing polypeptides with a hydroxylamine-substittited molecule has distinct advantages, Frrst, hydros yiamiries undergo condensation wjih carbonyl- or dtcarbonyl-conlaining compounds in a pH range of about 2 to about 8 {and m rurther embodiments in a pH range of about 4 to about S; a pH range of about 4 to about 7; a pH range of about 7 to about 8 ) to generate oxime adducts. Under these conditions, the ssdechains of the nattiraily occurrins amino acids are unreactive. Second, such selective chemisiiy makes allows for the si Ee -specific derealization of recoπibiiianl proteins: de.rivalized proteins can now be prepared as defined hom*ogeneous, products. Third, the mild conditions needed to effect the reaction of the hydroxy Ia mines described herein with the carbonyl- or dicarbonyl-contatijmg polypeptides described herein generally do not irreversibly destroy the tertiary structure of the polypeptide (excepting., of course, where the purpose of the reaction is to destroy such tertiary structure). Finally, although die hydroxylaτiime group amino appears to be metabolized by E. cob. the condensation of hydroxy lamujcs. with carbonyi- or dicarbonyi-cotrtajtiitjg molecules generates oxime adducts which are stable under biological conditions.

13S fO04%| In certain embodiments, hydroxy] amine reagents used in such derivatization contain on its side chain a protected dicarbonyϊ group or aryldiamme group. The resulting product of such dcrivatization can be used as precursor to prepare pbetiazine or quaiaxoline containing non-naturai arrtnino acid polypeptides, fig. 21 illustrates a non limiting example of the synthesis of quinoxaline conJaining non-natural amino acid polypeptides using aryldiaraiiie containing hydroxylamine reagent.

[0049?! By way of example only, the following hydroxylarnine-cotitamiπg reagents are the type of hydroxylaraiπe-contamhig reagents that are reactive with the caτbonyl- or dicarbαnyl-containing non-narural amino acids described herein and are used to further modify carbonyl- or dicarboπyl-cootaining non-natural amino acid polypeptides;

! χ L I L1 W l Jn (XXXI)

wherein. each X is independently a diearbonyi-containing group; an aryl diamine -containing group; a pheiwine- coutainmg group; or a quinoxaline-c.ontaining group; each L is independently selected from the group consisting of alkykπe, substituted alkyiene, aikcnylenc, subsucuted aJkenyleπe, -O-, --O-(a!kyieπe or subsiitiued alkyiene)-, -S-, -S~{aikylene or substituted atkyϊene}-, -S(O}k- where k is I 1 2, or 3, -S(Oχ(alkyiene or substituted alkyletse)-, -C(OJ-, -C(O) -{alkyiene or substituted alkyiene)-. -CfS)-, -C(S>-(alkylene or substituted slkylene)-. -N(R')-. -NR'-i'a&yiene or siibsutαted aikyleπe)-, -QO)N(R ")-, -CON(RZH alkylene or substituted aJkylene}-, -('alkyiene oi substifuted alkyiene)KR'C(O)O-(alkyiene or snbstiaued alkylciie)-, -G-CON(R !)-(alkyleπe or substituted alkyiene)-, - CSN(R>, -CSN(Rx)-(aiky!ene or substituted alky iene)-. -N(R ')CO-{ai:ky!ene or subsiihJied alkyk-neV,

-N(R1JC(O)G-, -N(R')C< O)O-ialkytene or stibsήmted alkyletie)-, -S(OkN(R5J-. -N(R -)C(O)N(RM-, -N(R'JC(O)»(R!Halkyieoe or substituted alkyiene)-, -N(R^)QS)N(Ry, -N(R')S(O)kN(R'}", -N(R')-N^ - C(R')- N-, -C(R y-N-N(R')-, -C(R^-N-N-, -QR!);-N=N-. and -C(R')rN(R')-N{R')-;

L1 SS optional, and when present, Ls - C(R^p-NR *-C(O)O-(aikyle!K" or substituted alkyiene)- where p is O, K or 2; each R' is independently H, alky!, or substituted atkyJ;

W is -N(Rg)1, where each Rκ is independently H or an amino protecting group; and n is t la 3; provided that L-Ls-W together provide at least one liydroxyiamiiie group capable of reacting with a carbonyl

(including a dicatbonyl) group on a non-natural amino acid or a "modified or unmodified" non-natural amino acid polypeptide.

{ 00498 j in certain embodiments of compounds of Formula (XXXl), are compounds having the structure of

Formula fXXXIΪ):

(XXXH). [00499] fa certain embodiments of compounds of Formula ( XXXiϊ), are compounds selected from the group consisting of-

100500) In other embodimeras bi- and/or multi-functional linkers (e.g.. hydroxy ϊaroioe wish or.te, or more. other linking chemistries) allow the site-specific conπecrion of different moiecdes containing dicarboπyl or aryl diamine moieties. By combining this linker strategy with the m vivo translation technology described herein, different derivatives of phenazine or quinosaline linked non-natural amino acid polypeptides are formed, thereby generating highly fluorescent polypeptides. [005Oi J Ati illustrative embodiment of a method for site specific coupling of hydroxylaimne to a caτbonyl- coπtaiπiπg nαn-πaturai amino acid hGH is presented in FlG. 21. in this illustrative embodiment, a arykliamme- coHtarmng hydmxylamtne reagent is added to a buffered solution (pH of about 3 to about 4} of a earbonyl- contasfiing non-uutαrai aniinό acid ϊiGH. The reaction proceeds at the ambient temperature for about hours Io aboui days.. The resulting product is reacted with dicarbonyl derivative in buffered solution to give hGH containing pheiiazmc derivative with strong fluorescence.

[00502 j By way of eκamρle only, the following non-natural amino acids are the type of dtcarbonyl- and aty! djajiiine-containing amino aetds resulting from the reaction of carbonyl-contaiuing amino acid and hydroxylaotsne reagents.


A is optional, and when present is lower alkylene, substituted lower aikytene. Sower cycloalkyleiie, sυbitimted lower cycloalkyiene, lower alkenyiene, substituted lower alkenylene, alkynylene, lower heteroaikylene. substituted heteroaikylene, lower betcrocycioalkylene, substituted lower heterocycloaikytene, arylene, stibsiituted arylene, heieroarylene, subsπuaeϋ heteroaryiene, alksrylene, substituted aikarylene, atalkyiene, or sxibsiitωed aralkyleiie;

B Ϊ!> optional, and when present js a linker selected from the group consisting of lower aikylerø, substituted lower alkyicnc, lower alkeoylene. substituted Sower alkenylene, lower heteroaikylene, substituted lower heteroaikylene, -O-falkylene or substituted alkyfene)-, -S-falkylene or s«bs.tituted alkyletie)--, -C( O)R"-, - SfO)i,(a!ky!e«e or substituted alkylene)-, where k is 1 , 2, or 3, -C(O}~{alky]ene or substituted alkyϊene)-. -C(S)-(aikylene or substituted alkylene)-, -NR"-(alkyIene or substituted alkylene}-, -CON( R"}-falkylene or subsumed alkylene)-, -CSN(R "Ha lkylene or substituted alϊcyϊene)-, and -N(IT)CCMa] kyfcne or substituted alkylene)-, where each R" is independently H. alkyi, or substituted alky]; R is H, alkyi, substituted alkyi cycloalkyϊ, or substituted cycloalkyl; R, is, H, an amino protecting group, resin; and R; is OH. an ester protecting group, resin; each of R s and R., is independent Iy H, halogen, lower alkyi, or substituted lower alkyi, or R; and R4 or two R3 groups optionally form a eydoalkyj or a heteroeycloaikyϊ;

L is independently selected from the group consisting of alkylenc, substituted alkyiene. alkeπylene, subsftiufed alkenyleiK. -O-. -O-faϊkyiene or substituted aikylene)-. -S-. -S-t'alkyJene oτ substituted alkylene)-, -S(O)51- where k is \, 2, or 3, -S(O)i((atkyleiie or substituted aJkyieneh. -C-(Ot-, -C(O)-(a!kyleBc or substituted alkylene)-, -C(S)-, -C(S)-(alky!eπe or substituted alkyletie}-, -N(RN)-, -NR"-(aikylene or substituted alkylene)-, -C(O)N(R')-, -CON{Rl-(alfcy3eue or substituted alkyieπe)-, -(alkylene or substituted alkylene yNR"C(O}0"talkyfene or substimted alkyiene)-, -O-CON(R')-(alkylerte or substituted alkylene)-, - CSN(R ')-. -CSN(R>(aikyϊene or substituted alkylene)-. -N(R")CO-(alkylene or sobstiruted alkyitne)-, -N(R')QO)O-. -N(R%)C(0)O-(aikylene or substituted alkylene)-, -S(O)11]N(R ')-. -N(R ^)C(O)N(R1)-,

-N(R')C(O)N(R')-Calkyleπe or substituted aikylene}-, -N(R')C<S)N(R')-. -N(R ^)SiO)1N(R-V, -N(R-J-N-. - C(R>N-, -CfRO-N-N(R')-, -C(RO -N-N=. -C(Rl3-N-N-, mi -C(ROJ-N(RO-N(R ')-. and each X is independently a dicarbcmyt-containing group: an ary! dianime-containing group; a μfaeπaziπe- containing group; or a qiπnαxaline -containing group. (0OS03J By way of further example only, for the aforementioned purposes, compounds of Formula (XXX Hi) iTichide compounds having the structure;

(XXXIV) wherein: iubslitωed alkyi;

R1 is H, an amino projecting group, resin; and

R; is Oil, an ester protecting group, resin; each R4 is independently selected from the group consisting of H, halogen, alky), substituted alkyi, CN, NO3, - N(RO,;, -C(O)R'. -C(O)N( RO;. -OR', and -S(O)kR\ where k is L 2 or 3 and each IT is incIepetidenUy H. alky!, or substituted a iky S, and

L is independently selected from the group consisting of alkylene. substituted alkyiene, alkenylene, subsiϊruied alkenyiene. -O-. -O-( alkylene or sitbstiiuted alkylene)-, -S-, -S-(alkylene or substituted alkylenc)-. -Sf, O)],- where k is 1, 2. or 3. -S(O)t( alkylene or substituted alkytene)-, -C(O)-, -C{O)-(aϊkylenε or substituted alkyϊene)-, -C(S)-, -OSHalkylene or substituted alkyieiie)-, -N(R')-, -NR '-iaSkySene or substituted alkylene)-, -C(O)N(R')-, -CON(R ")-( alky ϊεne or substituted alfcylene)-, -{alkylerte or substituted a]kylcoe)NR'C(O)O-(aikykiie or substituted alkyieπe)-. -0-CON(R' )-(aϊky!ene or substituted alkyieneH - CSN( R')-. -CSN(RX aikylene or substituted alkylene)-. -N(TOCO-C alkylene or substituted alkylate)-, -'N(FDCfO)O-, -N(R')C(O)O-(aIkyIene or substituted alkyiene)-, -S(OXN(R')-, -N(IDC(O)N( R')-, -N(R')CTO)N(R>(a]kylene or substituted alfcylciie)-, -NOT)C(S)N(R' K -N(IDS(O)S1NiR1)-, -N{R')->K - C(R>N-, -Q R!);;;N-"N(R")-, -C(RO=N-N-, -C(R OrN-N-. and -C(RO-N(RO-N(ID-.

|00504j By way of further example only, for the afαremertuotied purposes, compounds of Formula

(XXXUi) include compounds having the structure:


Rs ....0,..-J


O (XXXV) wherein:

J is

, , and phenazine moiety, or a quinoxaline moiety; R is H, alky I, or substituted alky 5;

Rs is H, an amino protecting group, resin; R > is OB , an ester protecting group, resin; each of Rj is independently H, halogen, lower alkyl, or substituted lower alkyl. or R-, and l-U ot two R 5 groups optionally form a cycloalkyl or a heterocycloalkyl, and

!'., is mdependentjy selected from the group consisting of atkyiene, substituted aikylene, alkenylene, sitbstitαted alk'cπyk'iK', -0-. -0-{a1ky!ene ot substituted alkyϊeneV, -S-, -S-falkylerte or substituted alkyiene)-, -S(O)fc- wbere k is 1. 2, or 3, - S(O)1Za lkylene or substituted aikylene)-, -C(Oj-, -C(O>(alkytene or iiubsuiitted alkyk-ne)-, -C(S)-, -CXSj-falkylene or substituted aϊkykne)-, -TvI(R')-, -NS.'-(aϊkylene ot substituted aikylene)-, -C(O)NfR')-. -CONfR')-(aIkyJene or substituted aikylene)-, -{alkyiene or substituted alky5ene)NR1C(Q)O-(alkylene or substituted aifcylene)-, -O-CON(R*)-(alkyleπe or substituted alkyleiie)-, - CSN(K ')-. -CSNfR'HalkyletK- or substituted alkyJene)-, -■N(R' »CO-(a!kylene or substituted aikylene}--. -N(R'jCϊO)O-. -N(R')C(O)O-(aikylcnc or substituted aikylene)-, -S(OKN(R1)-, -N(R\C<0)N(R>. -N(R')θ;θ.)N( R")-{alkyiene or substituted aikylene)-, -N(R-)C(S)N(R')-, -N(R')S(O),,N(R')-. -N(R')-N-, - C(R ')-N-: -C(R' J-K-Ni R')-, -C(R1 KN-N-, -C(RVN-N-, and -C{R')rK{R')-N(R'K.

(005051 it) certain embodiments are method's for derivatizing s polypeptide comprising amino acids of Formulas I-X, XXXIIT-XXXV, and XXXVH, including any sub-formulas or specs fie compounds that fall within the scope of formulas Ϊ-X. XXX1I1-XXXV, and XXXVO, wherein the method comprises contacting fiie polypeptide comprising at least one amino acid of Formulas I-X. XXXOl-XXXV, and XXXVIl with a reagent of Formula (XXXJ J, In ceπain embodiments the polypeptide is purified prior to oτ after contact with the reageni of Fornrαla (XXXl), In other embodiments axe resulting derivatized polypeptide comprises at least one oxime containing amino acid corresponding to Foirnisϊa (XXXΪΪ1 ). In oilier embodiments are resulting polypeptide comprises as least one dicarhonyl- or aryl diaraine-contaming amino acid generated ftoro J he derealization of amino acid? of Formulas !-X, XXXIH-XXXV. and XXXVIJ with the reagent of formula {XXXI}. In other embodiments, such derivadzed polypeptides are stable in aqueous solution for at least about 1 snøoth under mildly acidic conditions. In other embodiments such Oerivalized polypeptides are stable for at least about 2 weeks under mildly acidic additions. In other embodiments such derivatized polypeptides are stable for aϊ kasf aboat 5 days under mildly acidic conditions. In other embodiments such condiiions are pH of about 2 Io about 8. in certain embodiments the tertiary structure of the derivatized polypeptide is preserved. In other embodiment sxich derivaiixauoii of polypeptides farther comprises iigatiπg the detivarized polypeptide to another polypeptide. In other embodiments such polypeptides being derivaiized are hom*ologous to a therapeutic protein selected from the group consisting of: alpha- 1 antitrypsin, angiostatin, antihemotytic tatior, antibody, apohpoproteiπ, apoprotein, atrial natriuretic factor, atrial natriuretic polypeptide, atrial peptide. C-X-C chemokirw, Ϊ39765, NAP-2, ENA-78. grø-a, gro-b; gro-c. IP-IO, OCP-2. NAIM, SDF- J , PF4, MIG, calcitonin, c-kiϊ ligand, cytokine. CC chemokine, monocyte ehemoattracsatit protest!- i , monocyte ehemoattiactant protein- 2, monocyte chemoattractani ρrotein-3, monocyte inflammatory proteni- ! alpha, monocyte inflammatory protein-i beta. RANTl-S5 J 309, R8?9I5, R91733, MCCl , T58847. D31065, T M2o2, CD40. CD40 tigaπd, e-kit iigajtid, collagen, colony stimulating factor (CSF). complement factor 5a, complement inhibitor, complement receptor 3 , cytokine, epithelial neutrophil activating pepitde-"8, MIP- 16, MCP- S 1 epidermal growth factor (EOF}, epithelial neutrophil activating peptide, erythropoietin (EPO), exibharing toxin. Factor I X, Pacior VlI, Factor VIlI, Factor X, fibroblast growth factor (FGF), fibrinogen, fibronectia, ibur-hdkal bundle protein, G- CSF. giρ- 1 , GM-CSF, glucocerebrosidase, goπadorropiti, growth factor, growth factor receptor, grf. hedgehog protein, hemoglobin, hepatocyte growth factor (hGF), hirudin, human growth hormone (hGM). Innisan senini albumin. ICANf- I , ICAM-I receptor. LFA- I . LFA4 receptor, insuϊm, insulin-like growth factor (ΪGF). IGF-L IGF-Il, interferon (IFN), IFN-alpha, 5FN-beta; IFN-gamma, interleukin i ϊL), IL- L I L-2, IL-3, IL-4, IL-S, IL-6. 11,-7. IL -S, II. -9, IL-H), IL- I l , I1.-12, keratinoeyte growth factor (KGFj, lactoferrin, leukemia inhibitory factor. luciferase, neι»τurtn, neutrophil inhibitory factor fNIK), oncostatiii M, osteogenic protein, oncogene product. paracitoinn, parathyroid hormone, PD-£CSF, PDGF, peptide hormone, pleioiropin, protein A. protein G, pth, pyrogenic exotoxin A, pyiogenic exoto-<U) B, pyrogetuc exotoxin C. pyy, reiaxin, renin, SCF, small btosynshetie protein, soluble compleraeot receptor ϊ, soluble I -CAM 1 , soluble interleukin receptor, soluble 'FNF receptor, somatomedin, somatostatin, somatotropin, streptokinase, Ktiperaritigerts, staphylococcal enteroioxin. StA. StB, SEC i, SEC2, SEC3, SED, SEE, sicroid hormone receptor, superoxide di&mutase. toxic shock {.yiidroπic Eoxm, thymosin alpha 1, tissue plasminogen activator, aimoi growth facsor (TGrF). tumor necrosis factor, tumor necrosis factor alpha, tumor necrosis factor beta, tumor necrosis factor receptor (1"NFR), VLA-4 protein, VCAM-! protesπ, vascular endothelial growth factor (VKGF), urokinase, mos, ras, raf, met. ρ53, tat, lbs, mye, juπ, rnyh, re), estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor, testosterone receptor, aldosterone receptor, LDl. receptor, and corricosferone.

C. Sequential Conjugation for Prmein Labeling

[00506 \ Also described herein are methods, and compositions including τsoo-narurat amino acids with aryldiamine- or dicarbouyl-cootaioing Side chain vthereiu foitnaiion of such a side chain moiety occnfs post- rranslalionally, for, example, as shown in Figure 22 a polypeptide, e.g.. a protein or antibody {contamirn: all- nafiiral amino acids or at ieast one non-natural amino acid) can react with a seagent coiitamiiig either an aryldiaroiire or a dicatbotryi group io forra a polypeptide with at least one side chain containing an uτykliaminε or dicarboπyl group, respectively. Subsequently, the aryldiamiπe moiety on the polypeptide is reacted wit!; another reagent containing a dicarbonyϊ rooieiy to form Ά polypeptide containing either a amino aekt stdechain with a phermπc or quitiυxaHne group, Alternatively, the dicarbonyj moiety on she polypeptide reacts with another reagent containing an aryldiamine moiety io form a polypeptide contammg either an amino acuϊ sidecham w ith a phenzine υr quinoxaiinc group.

D. Example of Adding Funetionutity; Mavr» molecular Polymers Coupled to


Acid Polypeptides

|ϋfl507j Various modifications to the non-natural amino acid polypeptides described herein cat! be effected using the compositions, methods, techniques and strategies described herein. These modifications include the incorporation of fmfher functionality onto the non-natwal amino acid component of the polypeptide, including but noτ ignited to, a label; a dye; a poϊyroer; a water-soluble puϊymet, a derivative of polyethylene glycol; a pholocrosslinker: a cytotoxic compound; a drug; an affinity label; a photoaffmity label: a readive compound; a ivsirr. a second protein or polypeptide or polypeptide analog; an antibody or antibody fragment; a metal chelator: a cofaetor; a Fatty acid; a carbohydrate; a polynucleotide; a DNA; a RNA; an antisense polynucleotide; a saccharide, a water-soluble dendriracr, a cyciodextrin. a biotnaterial: a nanoparficle; a spin label; a fiuoiophofc, a trtetal-coniainirtg moiety; a radioactive moiety; a novel functional group; a group that covaletvfiy oτ ncmcovaletitϊy interacts, with other molecules; a photocaged moiety; an actinic radiation excitable inoiciy; a ligatKl: a pboioisomerizable moiety; biotin; a biotin analogue; a ntoiety incorporating a heavy atom; a chemically cleavable group; a photocJeavable group; an elongated side chain; a carhoti-hnked ssigat; a retiox- active agent; an amino thioacid; a toxic moiety; an isotopicaily labeled moieiy; a biophysical ptobe; a. phosphorescent group; a chemiiυminescent group; an electron dense group; a magnetic group; an intercalating group-, a chtoroophore; an energy transfer agent; a bioiogicslly active agent; a detectable label; a .small molecule, an inhibitory ribonucleic acid, a radionucleotide; a tieutroii-capliire agent; a derivative of biotin; quantum dot(s); a nanorraxismirter; a radiotransmitter; an abzyme, an activated complex activator, a virus, an adjuvant, ;»s agϊycan, an alk-rgati, at) angiosiatiri, an as it ihorraone, an antioxidant, an aptamer, a guide RNA, a saponin, a shuttle veetor, 3 macromolecule, a niiiiniiopε, a receptor, a reverse micelle, and any combination (hereof. As an illustrative, ntm-limiting example of llie coroposittons, methods, techniques and strategies described herein, the following description will focus on adding macro mo Secular polymers to the non-tiatura! amino acid polypeptide; however, the coiπpoMltons, meihods. tecl*tiiqites atκl strategies described fheteto are also applicable to adding other ftmetionaliiies, including hut not limited to those listed above. jOOSOSj A wκle variety of ruacrornoiecular polymers and other molecules are optionally coupled to the nort-υatutat amnio acκl polypeptides <lescribed herein to modulate biological properties of the nαn-τiatural amino acid polypeptide (or the corresponding natural amino acid polypeptide), and' or provide new biological properties, to the non-natural amino acid polypeptide (or the corresponding natural amino acid poiypepuiie). These macrorπoieeiilar polymers aie coupled to the non-natural ammo acid polypeptide via the non-natural amino acid, or any functional substittient of the non-natural amino acid, or any substituent or functional group added to the non-natural ammo acid. f0050*>| Water soluble polymers are coupled to the non-natural amino acids incorporated into polypeptides (natural or synthetic}, polynucleotides, poly saccharides or synthetic polymers described herein. The water soluble polymers are coupled via a non-natural acid incorporated in the polypeptide or any functional gioup or subαύuent of a non-naturai amino acid, oi any iiiticticmal group or substimeiu added to a non-natural 5 ammo acid. In some cases, the non-πatmai amino acid polypeptides described herein comprise one or more non- natural amino acid(s) coupled kt water soluble polymers and one or more πaturslly-oecurrώg amino acids linked to water soluble polymers.. Covalent attachment of hydropbilsc polymers to a biologically active molecule represents one approach to increasing water solubility (such as in a physiological environment), bioavailability, increasing serum half-life, increasing therapeutic half-life, modulating immutiogenicity, modulating biological

I O activity, or extending the circulation time of the biologically active molecule, including proSeins, peptides, and particularly hydrophobic molecules. Additional important features of such liydrophiJic polymers include biocompatibitity. lack of toxicity, and lack of imraunogeπieity. Preferably, for therapeutic use of rise end- product preparation, the polymer will be pharmaceutically acceptable, j0051θ| Examples of such hydrophilie polymers include, but are not limited to: polyalkyJ ethers and

1 5 alkoxy-capped analogs thereof (e.g., polyoxyethyterie glyeoL pαJyoxyetl)yJene<''propyieτie glycol, and mrfhoxy or ethoxy-capped analogs; thereof, especially polyoxyethyleπe glycol, the latter is also known as, pofyethyicne glycol or PKG), polyvinylpyrrolidones; polyvJoyJalkyS ethers; poIyøxazøHnes, polyalkyl oxazolmes and poϊyhydroxyalkyl βxazoϊines; polyacrylarrades, poSyalkyS acrylamides, and poiyhydroxyalkyl acrylamides (e.g., polyhydroxypropylmethacrylaniide and derivatives thereof); poiyhydroxyalkyl acryiates; polysiatic acids and 0 analogs thereof; fiydropϊnlic peptide sequences; polysaccharides, and their derivatives, including dextran and dextran derivatives, e g,, car'bosyniethykjextran, dextran sulfates. aτninc»deχtian; cellviksse and its derivatives, e.g., carboxymethyi cellulose, hydroxyalkyl celluloses; chhm and its derivatives, e.g.. chitosan, succiayl chitosan, carboxymethyfcl*tttn, caτboxymethyichikisait; hyaluronic acid ami its derivatives; siaiches; alginates; chondroitin sulfate; aϊbumin; puilulan and carboxycnetlryi pulϊulan; polyamiooacids and derivatives thereof, e.g., 5 polygiutamic aetds, polylysines, polyas.partic acids., polya&partaniides; tnaleie anhydride copolymers such as: styrene maletc anhydride copolymer, diviiiylethyJ c-(ber roaieic anhydride copolymer; polyvinyl alcohols; copolymers thereof; terpolymers thereof: mixtures thereof; and derivatives of She foiegoirtg. The waieτ soluble polymer have any structural form including, but not limited to, linear, forked or branched, in some embodiments, polymer backbones that are water-soluble, with from about 2 to about 300 termini, are 0 particularly useful. Multifunctional polymer derivatives include, bui aic not limited Eo, linear polymers haviog fwo terπiini, each teσniiitis beitig bonded to :s functional group which are optionally the same or different, in some embodiments, the water polymer comprises a poly(ethylene glycol) moiety. The molecular weight of the polymer n of a wide range, including but not limited to, between about 100 Da and about 100,000 Da or more. The molecular weight of the polymer is between about 100 Da and about 100.000 Da, including but not limited 5 to, about 100,000 Da, about 95,000 Da, about 90,000 Da, about 85,000 Da, about SO1O(K) Da, about 75.000 Da, about 70.000 Da, about 65,000 Da, about 60,000 Da, about 55,000 Da, about 50,000 Da, about 45,000 Da, about 40,000 Da, about 35,000 Da, about 30,000 Da, about 25,000 Da: about 20,000 Da, about 15,000 Da, about 10,000 Da, about 9,000 Da, about 8.000 Da. about 7,000 Da, about 6,000 Da, about 5,000 Da, about 4,000 Da, about 3,0(X) Da, about 2,000 Da. about 1 ,000 Da, about 900 Da, about SOO Da, about 700 Da, about 600 Da, 0 about 500 Da, about 400 Da, about 300 Da, about 200 Da, and about 100 Da. Iu some embodiments, the molecular weight of the polymer is betweerj about 100 Da and about 50,000 Da. Ia some embodiment, the molecular weighs of the polymer is between about 100 Da and about 40.000 Da. In other embodiments, the molecular weight of the polymer is between about 5, 0000 Da and about 30,000 Da. Io other embodiments, the molecular weight of the polymer is about 30.000. In some embodiments, the molecular weight of the polymer is between about 1.000 DEI and about 40,(K)O Da. In some embodiments, the molecular weight of me polymer is between about 5.000 Da and about 4O1(K)O Da. In some embodiments, the molecular weight of me polymer is between about 10,000 Da and about 40,000 Da. in some embodiments, the polyethylene glycol molecule is a branched polymer. The molecular weight of the branched chain PEG is between about LOOO Da and about 100.000 Da, including but not limited to, about 300,0(K) Da1 about 95Λ)ϋ() .Da1 about 90,OGC! Da, about 85.000 Da, about 80,000 Da, about 75,000 Da, about 70,000 Da, about 65,000 Da, about 60,000 Da, about 55.000 Ds. about 50,000 Da, about 45.0(K) Da, about 40,000 Da, about 35,000 Da, about 30,000 Da, about 25,000 Da. about 20,000 Da. about 15,000 Da, about 10,000 Da, about 9,000 Da, about 8,000 Da, about 7,000 Da, about 6,000 Da, about 5,000 Da, about 4,000 Da, about 3,000 Da, about 2,000 Da, and about 1,000 Da, In some embodiments, the molecular weight of the branched chain PEG is between about 1,000 Da and about 50,000 Da. In other embodiments, the molecular weight of the polymer is between about 5, 0000 Da and about 30.000 Da, Tn oilier embodiments, the molecular weight of the polymer is about 30,000. Tn some embodiments, the molecular weight of the branched chain PEG is between about 1,000 Da and about 40.000 Da. In some embodiments, the molecular weight of the branched chain PECi is between about 5,(K)O Da and about 4(3.0(K) Da, In some embodiments, the molecular weight of the branched chain PEG is between abont 5.000 Da and about 20.000 Da. The foregoing list for substantially water soluble backbones, is by no means, exhaustive and is merely illustrative, and that all polymeric materials having the qualities described above aie contemplated as being suitable for use in methods and compositions described herein.

[Θ051.1 J As described above, one example of a hydrophϋic polymer is poly( ethylene glycol), abbreviated PEG, which has been used extensively in pharmaceuticals, on artificial implants, and HI other applications vviteτe hiocompaubihty, lack of toxicity, and lack of imnmnogeineity are of importance, The polymer pαlyeptide embodiments described herein use PEG as an example hydrophiiic polymer with the understanding thai other hydrophilic polymers; are similarly utilized in such embodiments,

1005121 PEG is a water soluble polymer that is commercially available or can be prepared by ring-opening polymerization of ethylene glycol according to documented methodologies (Sandler and Karo, Polymer Synthesis, Academic Press, New York, Vol. 3, pages 138-161). PEG is Typically clear, colorless, odorless, soluble in water, stable to heat, inert to many chemical agents, does not hydrolyze or deteriorate, and is generally non-toxic, Polyethylene glycol) is considered to be biocompatible, which is to say that PEG is capable of coexistence with Jiving tissues or organisms without causing harm. More specifically, PEG is substantially non-immunogenic, which is to say that PBG does not tend to produce an immune response in the body. When attached, to a molecule, having some desirable function it) the body, such as a biologically active agent. Hie PEG tends to mask the agent and can reduce or eiirninate any immune; response so that an organism can lυk'rale the presence of the agent. PHG conjugates ietsd not to produce B substantia! immune response or cause clotting or other undesirable effects. fββSOi The term "PEG" is used broadly to encompass any polyethylene glycol molecule, without regard to size or to modification at an end of the PEG, and can bε represented as baked to a non-natural amino acid polypeptide by the formula:

XO-(C H ,CH jOVCH JCBJ- Y where n is about 2 to about 10,000 and X is H or a terminal roαdificaiion, including but not limited to, a C1-4 alkvl, a protecting group, or a terminal functional group. The term PEG includes, but is not limited to, polyethylene glycol) in ;my of its forms, including bi functional PEG, multiartned PEG, derivatized PEG, forked PKG. branched PEG (with each chain having a molecular weight of from about 1 k.Ds to about 100 kDa, from about 1 kl)a Ks about SO k0a, or from about 1 kDa to about 20 kDa), pendent PEG (i.e. PECi or related polymers having one or mote functional groups pendent to the polymer backbone), or PECi with degradabie linkages therein. In one embodiment, PEG in which Ti is from aboui 20 to about 2000 is suitable for use in the methods and compositions described herein, in some embodiments, ihe water polymer comprises a poly{eLhylene glycol) moiety. The molecular weight of She PEG polymer is of a wide range, including but not lmiiied to. between about 100 Da and about 100,000 Da or more. The molecular weight of tire polymer is between aboui 100 Du and about 100,000 Da, including but not limited to, about 100.000 Da. about 95,000 Ua, about 90,000 Da, about 85,000 Da, about 80,000 Da, about 75,000 Da, about 70,000 Da, about 65,000 Da, about 60,000 Da, aboil): 55,0OO Da, about 50,000 Da, about 45,000 Da, about 4O1OOO Da, about 35,000 Da5 about 30,000 Da. about 25,CiOO Da5 about 20,000 Da, about 15.000 Da, about 10,000 Da, about 9,000 Da. about S5OOO Da. about 7,000 Da, about 6,000 Da, about 5.000 .Da1 about 4.000 FJa. about 3,000 Da5 about 2,000 Da. about ϊ ,000 Da, aboui 900 Da. about 800 Da, about 700 Da, about 600 Da, about SOO Da, about 400 Da, about 300 Da. about, 200 Da, and about 100 Da, JEn some embodiments, the molecular weight of the polymer is between about JOO Da and about 50,000 Da. Io some embodiments, the molecular weight of the polymer is between about JOO Da and about 40,000 Da. In other embodiments., the molecular weight of the polymer is between about 5. 0000 Da and about 30.000 Da. In other embodiments., the molecular weight of the polymer is about 30,000. in some embodiments, the molecular weight of the polymer is between about 1 ,000 Da and about 40,000 Da. ID some embodiments, the molecular weight of ihe polymer is between about 5,000 Da and about 40,000 Da. in some embodiments, the molecular weight of the polymer is between about 10,000 Da and about 40,000 Da. Fti some embodiments, ihe polyethylene glycol molecule is a branched polymer. The mole -nil ar weight of the branched chain PEO is between aboui 1 ,000 Da and about 100,000 Da, including but not limited to. about 100,000 Ds, about 95,000 Da, about 9O1O(K) Da, about 85,000 Da, about 8O5OOO Da, about 75,000 Da, about 70,000 Da, about 65,000 Da, about 60,000 Da, about 55,000 Da, about 50,000 Da. about 45,000 Da, about 40.000 Da, about 35,000 Da, about 3O1(M)O Da. about 25,000 Da, about 2(S5OOO Da, about 15,000 Da, about 10.000 Da. about 0,000 Da, about 8,000 Da, about 7,000 Da, about 5,000 Da, about 5.000 Da, about 4,000 Da. about 3,000 Da, about 2.000 Da, and about ! ,000 Da. In some embodiments, the molecular weight of the branched chain PEG is between about 1.000 Da and aboui 50,000 Da. in other embodiments, the molecular weight of ihe polymer is between about 5, 0000 Da and about 30,000 Da. In other embodiments, the molecular weight of the polymer is about 30.000. In some embodiments, the molecular weight of the branched chain PEG is between about 1 ,000 Da and about 40.000 Da. In some embodiments, the molecular weighs of the branched chain PEG is between about 5,000 Da and about 40,000 Da. In some embodiments, ihe molecular weight of the branched chain PEG is between about 5,000 Da and about 20,000 Oa. A wide range of PEG molecules are

14? described m, including but not limited to. the Shearwater Polymers, Inc. catalog, Nekiar Therapeutics catalog, incorporated herein by reference.

{00514| Specific examples of terminal functional groups in the literature include, but are not limited to, N- smccinimidyl carbonate (see e.g., U.S. FaL Nos, 5,281,698, 5,468,478), amine (see, e.g., Bucknsaτm et al. 5 Makromol. Chera. 182: 1.379 09S S ), Zahpsky et al. Eur. Polym. I 19:1 177 (1985)1 hydrazine (See, e.g., Andresz et al. Makronκιl. Chetii. 179:301 ( 1978)), suceiiπmidyl propionate and suceinimidyl butanoate (see, e.g., Olson et al. in Poiy(ethy!ene glycol) Chemistry & Biological Applications, pp i 70-18 ! , Harris & Zahpsky Eds., AC'S, Washington, D.C.. 1997; see also U.S. Pat. No. 5,672,662), succinimidyi succinate (See, e.g., Ahuchowskt et aϊ. Cancer Biochem, Biopbys. 7: 175 ( 1984) and joppich et al. Makrotnoi. Chera. 180: 1381

I O ( J 979), sucrinsmidyi ester (see, e.g.. U.S. Pat. "No. 4,670,417), benzotriazole carbonate (sec, e.g., U.S Pat. No. 5.650,234), glyeidyl ether (see, e.g., P H ha ct al. Em. J Biochem. 94: I t 0979}, tiling et al.. Biotech. Appi. Biochem. 53 :354 ( 1991 ), oxycarbonylimidazole (see, e.g., Beauchamp, εr al., Anai. Biochem. 131 :25 ( 1983), Tondelli eτ al. J. Controlled Release 1 :251 ( 198S)), p-nittophenyl carbonate (see, e.g., Veronese, et at,, Appl. Biochem. Biotech., 1 1 : ! 4 J ( 1985;: and Sarϊore et al., A]SpL Biochem. Biotech., 27:45 ( 1991}), aldehyde (see.

15 e.g., Maτm et al. J. Polym, Sci Chera. Ed. 22:341 s.1984). U.S. Pat. No. 5,824,7*4, U.S. Pat. No. 5,252,714), maleiraide (see, e.g., Goodioπ ef at. Bio/Tecliπology 8:343 ( 1990), Roman! et al. in Chemistry of Peptides and Prυtesns 2:29 (1984)), and Koaan. Synthetic Comm. 22:2417 (1992)), orthopyridyl-disuUide (see, e.g., Woghiren, et at. Biocoiy. Chem. 4:? 14( 599?)), aerylol (see. e.g., Sawhney et al,, Macrømolecuies, 26:581 ( Ϊ993)), vhiylsulfoπe (see, e.g.., U.S. PaL No. 5,900,461 ). All of the above references and patents are 0 incorporated herein by reference for this disclosure,

{00515) In some cases, a PECs terminates on one end with hydroxy or methoxy, i.e., X is H or CH3 ( "meihoxy PEG"). Alternatively, the PEG optionally terminates with a reactive group, thereby forming a biftmcttonal potymer. Typical reactive groups include those reactive groups that are commonly used to react with the Junctional groups found in the 20 common ammo acids (including but nol limited to, nωfeimide 5 groups, activated carbonates (including but not lsmited to, p-nifirophenyl ester), activated esters ( including but not limited lo, N-hydroxysuccminnde. ρ-nitrophenyl ester) and aldehydes) as well as functional groups thai are inert \u the 20 common amino acids bat that react specifically with corapiemerifrary functional group;; present in non-naturai amino acids (including but not limited to, oxime, carbonyi or diearbotiyl and hydroxy {amine groups). 0 (005 J 6] it ts noted that the other end of the PEG, which is shown in the above formula by Y, attaches either directly or indirectly to a polypeptide (synthetic or natural), polynucleotide, polysaccharide or synthetic polymer via a not- natural amino acid. When Y is a dicarbony! group, then the dtcarbonyS-cotrtαmiπg PEG reagent can τeact with an aryidiamine-cotitaming non- natural amine* acid in a polypeptide (o form a PEG group linked to the polypeptide via a phenaxinc or qninoxaJtn linkage. When Y is an aryidiaraine group, then the dicarbonyl- 5 containing PKG teagent can read with the aryϊdiatnine-containiβg rxrn- natural amino acid in a polypeplide to form a PEG group linked to the polypeptide via a phεnazine or qtitnoxaHn linkage. Examples of appropriaie reaction conditions, purification methods and reagents are described throughout this, specification and the accompanying Figures, For example, FIG. 29 provides illustrative examples of various PEG derivatives, containing ch-carbonyϊ or aryl diamines groups. (005171 Heterobifururtionai derivatives are also particularly useful when it is. desired to attach different molecules to e-ach terminus of the polymer. For example, the omcga-N-amino-N-azido PEG allow she attachment of a molecule having aτi activated electrophiljc group, such as an aldehyde, ketone, activated ester, activated carbonate and so forth, to one terminus of the PEG and a molecule having an acetylene group to the other teiniinus of the PEG.

{0ΘS18| Thus., in some embodiments, the polypeptide comprising the non-natural amino acid is imked κ> a water soluble polymer, such as polyethylene glycol (PEG), via the wide chain of the non-natural amino acid, 'flic non-natural amino acid methods and compositions described herein provide a highly efficient method for the selective modification of proteins, with PEG derivatives, which involves the selective incorporation of aon- natural amino act Js. including but not limiicd to, those amino acids containing functional groups or substituents not found in the 20 naturally incorporated amino acids, into proteins in response to a selector codoπ and the subsequent modification of those amino acids, with a suitably reactive PEG derivative. A wide variety of chemistry methodologies described, herein are suitable for use with the non-natural amino acid methods and compositions described heron to incorporate a water soluble polymer ink) the protein. |005!9] The polymer backbone is optionally linear or branched. Branched polymer backbones have been generally documented. Typically, a branched polymer lias a central branch core moiety and a plurality of linear polymer chains linked to the central branch core. PFiG is used in branched forms that can be prepared by addition of ethylene oxide to various polyois, such as glycerol, glycerol oligomers, pentaerythritoi and sorbitol. The central branch moiety can also be derived from several amino acids, such as lysine. The branched ρoly{ethylenε glycol) can be represented in general form as Ri-PEG-OH)!ζI in which R is derived from a core moiety, such as glycerol, glycerol oligomers, or pentaerythritol, and m represents ihe nuinbei of arms. Multi- armed PEG molecules, such as those described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,932,462 5,643,575; 5,229,490; 4.289,872; U.S. Pat. App!. 2003/0143596; WO 96/21469; and WO 93/21259, each of which is incorporated by reference herein for the afbremenuoneci disclosure, can also be used as. the polymer backbone. {00520] Branched PFG ate optionally in the form of a forked PEG represented by PEGC-YCHZ-},,, where Y is ϊt iitikmg group and Z is an activated terminal group linked to CH by a chain of atoms of defined length. Yet another branched form, the pendant PEG, has reactive group's, such as earhoxyl. along the PEG backbone rather than at the end of PBG chains. [00521] In addition to these forms of PEG. the polymer is optionally prepared with weak or degradable linkages in the backbone. For example, PEG is prepared with ester linkages in the polymer backbone thai are subject to hydrolysis. As shown herein, this hydrolysis results in cleavage of the polymer into fragments of lower molecular weight:

-PEG-C(VPEG- vH;O -» PEG-CO2H÷HO-PEG- The Jerm polyethylene' glycol or PEG repie&enis or includes all the forms including but not limited Jo those disclosed herein. The molecular weight of the polymer is of a wide range, including but not limited to, between aboui !0() Da and about 100.000 Da or more. The molecular weight of the polymer is between about 100 Da and about 100,000 Da, including but not limited to, about 100,000 Da, about 95,000 Da, about 90XX)O Da, about 85,000 Da5 aboui SO1OOO Da, about 7S,000 Da, about 70,000 Da, about 65,000 Da, about 60,000 Da, about 55,000 Da, about 50,000 Da, about 45.000 Da, about 40,(500 Da, about 35,000 Da, about 30,000 Da, about 25,000 Da, about 20,000 Da, about ! 5,000 Da, about 10,000 Da, about 9,000 Da, aboui 8,000 Da, about 7,000 Da, about 6,000 Da, about 5,000 Da. aboul 4,000 Da, about 3,000 Da. about 2,000 Oa, about 1 ,000 Da, about 900 Da, aboui 800 Da. about 700 Da. about 600 Da. about 300 Da, about 400 Da, about 300 Da, about 200 Da, and about 100 Da. In some embodiments, the molecular weight of the polymer JS between about 100 Da and about 50,000 Da. In some embodiments, the molecular weighs αf the polymer JS between about 100 Da and about 40,000 Da. In other embodiments, the molecular weight of the polymer is between about 5. 0000 Da and about 30,000 Da. in oiJier embodiments, the molecular weight of the polymer is about 30.000. it) some embodiment1;, the molecular weight of the polymer is between aboui i ,000 Da and about 40,000 Da. hi some embodiments, ibe molecular sveight of the polymer is between aboui 5,000 Da and about 40,000 Oa. Sn some embodiments, the molecular weight of the polymer ts between about 10,000 Da and about 40,000 Da. jOO522| in order to maximize me desired properties of PECt, the total molecular weight and hydration state of the PEG polymer or polymers attached to she biologically active molecule must be sufficiently high to impart the advantageous characteristics typically associated with PEG polymer attachment, such as increased water solubility and circulating half life, while not adversely impacting the htoaciivity of the parent molecule. [00523J The methods and compositions described herein are used to pioduce. substantially hom*ogenous prepatatioπs of polymerptotein conjugates. ''Substantially hom*ogenous" a» used herein means that polymeπproteut conjugate molecules ate observed to be greater than half of the total profeki. The poiymeπprotem conjugate lias, biological activity and Hie present "substantia Hy hom*ogenous" PiϊGyiated polypeptide preparations provided herein are those which are hom*ogenous enough to display the advantages of a hom*ogenous ptepararion, e.g.. ease in chmeal application in predictability of ioi to lot pharmaco*kinetics, 500524] A mixture of polymeπprøtein conjugate molecules is optionally prepared, aad the advantage provided herein is that the proportion of mono-polymer:protein conjugate Io include in the mixture ES selectable. Thus, if desited, one prepares a mixture of various proteins with various numbers of polymer moieties attached (i.e., di", rπ-, terra-, etc.) and combine said conjugates with lhe πiot!θ-ρoiymer:protdn conjugate prepared using the methods described herein, and have a mixture with a predetermined proportion of rnono-polynier:proteui conjugates.

[00525] The proportion of polyethylene glycol molecules to protein molecules will vary, as will their concentrations in the reaction mixture. In general, the optimum ratio (in terras of efficiency of reaction m that there is minimal excess unreaeted protein or potyxnen is determined by the molecular weight of the polyeihyiene glycol selected and on ihe number of available reactive groups available. Λs relates to molecular weight, typically the higher the molecular weight of the polymer, the fewer number of polymer molecules which are attached to the protein. Similarly, branching of the polymer should be taken into account when optimistic these parameters. Generally, the higher the molecular weight (or the more branches) the ϊngher the polymer: jjrotein ratio. }0952<>] As used herein, and when contemplating hydrophilic polymerpolypeptide-'ptoidn conjugates, the term "tlterapeuttcally effective amount" further refers to an anio&mi wSrich gives an increase in desired benefit to a paiieni. The amount will vary from one individual to another and will depend upon a number of factors, including the overall physical condition of the patient and ihe underlying cause of ihe disease, disorder or eαruhtioii to be fte-aied.. [005271 The number of waier soluble polymers, linked to a "modified or unmodified" nαn-natuial amino acid polypeptide (U*., ihe extent of PBGylation or glycusyJatioπ) described herein is optionally adjusted to provide an altered uncludiag but not limited to, increased or decreased) pharmacologic, pharmaco*kinetic or pharmacodynamic characteristic such as />? vivo half-Jile, In some ernbodimerus, the- half-life of the polypeptide is increased at least about 10, about 20. about 30, about 40, about 50, about 60, about 70, about 80, about 90 percent, about two fold, about five-fold, about 10- fold, about 50-foid, or at ieasf about 100-fold over an unmodified polypeptide.

|{J0S28j In oϊie embodiment, a polypeptide comprising a carboπyl- or dicarbonyi-comaining non-natural ammo acid is modified with a PEG derivative that contains a terminal hydroxy laπiine moiety that is linked directly to the PEG backbone. idθ529j ϊn some embodiments, site hydroxyiaroine-terrninal PEG derivative will have the structure:

RO.(CH,CHjOj,;-O-(CH;,)!trO-Nrl-l > where R is a simple alkyi (methyl, ethyi, propyl, etc.), m is about 2 to about H) and n is. about 100 to about LOOO (i.e., average molecular weight is between about 5 to about 40 kDa}. The moiecular weight of the polymer is between about KK) Da and about 300,000 Da, including but not limited io, about 100,000 Oa, about 95,000 Da, about 90,900 Da, about 85,000 Da, about 80,000 Da, about 75,000 Da, about 70,000 Da, about 65,000 Da, about 60,000 Da, about 55,000 Da, about 50,(K)O Da, about 45.000 Da, about 40,000 Da, about 35,000 Da, about 30.000 Da, about 25,000 Da, about 20,000 Da, about 15,000 Da, about 10,000 Da, about 9,000 Da. about S1OOO Da, about 7,000 Da, about 6.000 Da. about 5,000 Da, about 4,000 Da, about 3..000 Da, about 2,000 Da, about UOOO Wa, about 900 Da, about 800 Dar about 700 Da. about 600 Da, about 500 Da, about 400 Da. about 300

Oa, about 200 Da. and about 100 Da. hi some embodiments, the molecular weight of the polymer is between about 100 Da and about 50.000 Da. In some embodiments, the molecular weigh! of the polymer is between about 100 Da and about 40,000 Da, In other embodiments, the molecular weigh! of the polymer is. between about 5, 0000 Da and about 30,000 Da. hi other embodiments, the molecular weight of the polymer is about 30J)OO. In some embodiments, the molecular weight of the polymer is between about 1,000 Da and about 40.000 Da. in some embodiments, the molecular weight of the polymer is between about 5,000 Da and about 40.000 Da. In some embodiments, the molecular weight of the polymer is between about 10,000 Da and about 40.000 Da. 560530! Jn another embodiment, a polypeptide comprising a carbonyl- or dicarbonyl-comaining ammo acκl is modified with a PEG derivative that contains a terminal hydroxylamine moiety that is linked to the PEG backbone by means of an amide linkage. {00531 j In Stoine embodiments, the hydroxvlamine-terminal PEG derivatives have the structure:

RO-t'CH,CH2O)a-O-(CH:}rNIi-C(O)(CH;)ffl-O-NHj where R is a simple alky I f methyl, ethyl, propyl, etc.), m is about 2 to about 10 and n is. about S OO to about 1..000 (i.e., average molecular weight is between about S to about 40 kDa), The molecular weight of the polymer is between about 100 Da and about 100,000 Da, including but not limited to, about KsO1OOO Da, about 95,000 Da, about 90,000 Da, about 85,000 Da, about 80,(.K)O Da, about 75,000 Da, about 70,000 Da. about 65,000 Da, about 60,000 Da, about 55,000 Da, about 50,000 Da, about 45,000 Da. about 40,000 Da, about 35,000 Da, about 30,000 Da, about 25,000 Da, about 20,000 Da, about 15,000 Da, about 10,000 Da, about 9,000 Da, about 8,000 Da, about 7,000 Da, about 6,000 Da, about 5.000 Da, about 4,000 Da, about 3,000 Da. about 2,000 Da, about 5.,DOO Da, about 900 Da, about 800 .Da., about 700 Da, about 600 Da. about. 500 Da, about 400 Da, about MX) Da. about 200 Da, and about 100 Da. It) some embodiments, the molecular weight of the polymer is between aboui J OO Da and about 50,000 Da. In some embodiments, the moieeular vveighf of the polymer is between about ! 00 Da and about 40,000 Da, in other embodiments, the molecular weigh! of the polymer is between 5 about 5, 0000 Da and about 30,000 13a. In other embodiments, the molecular weight of the polymer is about 30,000. Jn some embodiments, the molecular weight of the polymer is between about 1,000 Oa and about 40,000 Da. in some embodiments, the; molecular weight of the polymer is between about 5.000 Da and abouf 40,000 Da. In some embodiments,, the molecular weight of the polymer is between about 10,000 Da and abouf 40,000 Da.

10 [00532] in another embodiment, a polypeptide comprising a carbotryϊ- or dicarbonyl-eois tain ing ammo acid is modified with a branched PEG derivative that contains a terroirøϊ hydroxy Ia mine moiety, with each chain of the branched PEG having a MW ranging from aboui 10 to about 40 ki>a and. in other embodiments,, from about 5 to about 20 kDa. TIw molecular weight of the branched polymer is of a wide range, including bui not Ii mired to, between about 100 Da and about 100,000 Da or more. The molecular weight of the- branched chain PEG is

I S between about 1 ,000 Da and abour 100,000 Da, including but noi limited to, about 100.000 Da, about 95,000 Da, about 90,000 Da, about 85,000 Da, about 80,000 Da, about 75,000 Da, about 70,000 Da, about 65,000 Da. about 60,000 Da, about 55.000 Da, about 50.,0OO Da, abour 45,000 Da, abouf 40,000 Da, about 35,000 Da, about 30,000 Da, about 25,000 Da1 about 20,000 Da, aboui 15,000 Da, about i 0,000 Da, about 9,000 Da, about 8,000 Da, about 7,000 Da, about (>,000 Da, about 5,000 Da, about 4.000 Da, about 3,000 Da, about 2,000 Da, and 0 about 1 ,000 Da. hi some embodiments, the molecular weight of the branched chain PEG is between about 1,000 Da and about 50,000 Da. hi other embodiments, the molecular weight of the polymer is between aboui 5. 0000 Da and about 30,000 Da. Io other embodiments, the molecular weight of the polymer is about 30.000. It! some embodiments, the molecular weight af branched chain PEG is between about 1 ,000 Da and about 40,000 Da. In some embodiments, the molecular weight of the- branched chain PEG is between aboui 5.000 Da and about 5 40.000 Da, ϊn some embodiments, the molecular weight of the branched chain PEG is between about 5.000 Da and about 20,000 Da.

[00533] In another embodiment, a polypeptide comprising a non-natural amino acid is modified with at least one PEG derivative having a branched structure, in some embodiments, the PEG derivatives containing a hydroxylamine group will have the structure: 0 {RO-(CHϊCHjO)-αcCHϊ}rC(0)-NH-CH2-CHϊ]jCH-X-(αiit)nrO-NΗϊ where R is a simple alky! (methyl, ethyl, propyl, etc.), X is OPtJOJIaIIy K1H, O. S. C(O) or not present, m is about 2 to about i0 and n is about 100 to about 1 ,000, The molecular weight of the polymer is between about 100 Da and about 100,000 Da, including bur not limited to, about 100,000 Da. about 95,000 Da, about 90.000 Oa. about 85.000 .Da, about 80,000 Da, about 75,000 Da. about 70,000 13a, about 65,000 Da, about 60,000 Da. about 5 55,000 Da, about 50,000 Da, about 45,000 Da, about 40,000 Da, about 35,000 Da, about 30,000 Da, about 25,0(M) Da, about 20,000 Da, about 15,000 Da, about 10.000 Da, about 9,000 Da, about 8.000 Da, aboui 7.000 Da. about 6,000 Da, aboui 5.000 Da, about 4,000 i:)a, about 3,(!00 Da, about 2,000 Da. about 1,000 Da, about 900 Da, about 800 Da3 about 700 Da, about: 600 Da. about 500 Da, about 400 Oa, about 300 Da, about 200 Da, and about !00 Da. in -some embodiments, the molecular weight of the polymer is between about 100 Da and 0 about 50,000 Da. It) some embodiments, the molecular weight of the polymer is, between about 100 Da and

132 about 40.000 Da. Fn other embodiments, the molecular weight of the polymer is between about 5, OOOO Ba and about 30,000 Da. Io other embodiments, the molecular weight of the poJyrnei is about 30,000, In some embodiments, the molecular weight of the polymer is between about 1 ,000 Da and about 40J)OO Da. in some embodiments, the molecular weight of the polymer is between about 5,(K)O Da and about 40,000 Da. In some embodiments, the molecular weight of the polymer is berween about !0,000 Da and about 40,000 Da.

{00534] Several reviews and monographs on the fsmctionalizalion and conjugation of PEG are available. See, for example, Harris, Macromol. ("hem. Phvs. C25: 325-373 ( 1985); Seamen. Methods in Enzymiology 135: 30-65 { I 9S7J; Wong et at., Enzyme Microh. Technol 14: 866-874 ( 1992); Delgado et al .. Critical Reviews m Therapeutic Drug Carrier Systems 9: 249-304 (1992); Zalipsk.y, βiocoφgaw Chem. 6; ! 50465 ( 1995), {005351 Methods for activation of polymers can also be found iτi WO 94/17039, U.S. Fat No, 5,324,844, WO 94/18247, WO 94/04193. U.S. Pat. No. 5,219,564, U.S. Pat. No. 5, 122,614, WO 90/13540, U.S. Pat. No. 5,281.698, and more WO 03/15189, and For conjugation between activated polymers, and enzymes me luding but not limited to Coagulation Factor VlII (WO 94/] 5625), haemoglobin (WO 94/09027), oxygen carrying molecule ( LLS. Pat. No. 4,412,989), ribonuclease and superoxide dismutase (Veronese at al., Λpp. Biochem. Biotech. Vl: 141-152 (1985)). all of which axe herein incorporated by reference for the aforementioned disclosure,

(00536J If necessary, the PEGyiated non-natural amino acid polypeptides described herein obtained from the hydrophobic chromatography are purified further by one or more procedures jnckκ!ing, but arc not limited to, affinity chromatography: anion- or cation-exchange chromatography (using, including bul not limited to. DEAE SEPHAROSE): chromatography on sihca: reverse phase HPLC; gel fsittasion (using, including but not limited to, SEPHADEX 0-75): hydrophobic interaction chromatography; Mze-excJusiort chromatography, rnetal-chelate chromatography; uStraftltratioR/'diafUtration; ethanoi precipitation; ammonium sulfate precipitation; chromatofocusmg; displacement chromatography; electrophoreac procedures (including but not limited to preparative isoelectric focusing), differential solubility (including but not limited to ammonium sulfate precipitation), or extraction. Apparent molecular weight are optionally estimated by GPC by comparison to globular protein standards (Pteneta AZ, PirøTf?tN R!KtFK'."ΛTON METHODS, Λ PRAC TICAL ΛFi'ROACH (Harris & Angal, Eds.) IRl, Press. 1989, 293-306), The putity of the non-narural amino acid polypeptide: PEG conjugate is optionally assessed by proteolytic degradation (including but not limited to, trypsin cleavage) followed by mass spectrometry analysis. Pepinsky RB., etaL, J Pharmacol, & Exp. 1'her. 297(3): 1059-66 (2001 ). |flO537| A water soluble polymer linked to a non-natural ammo acid of a polypeptide described herein is optionally further clerivalized or substituted without limitation.

E, Enhancing affinity for serum albumin

[905381 Various molecules are optionally fused to the non-narural amine acid polypeptides described herein to modulate the lialf-ltfe in serum. In some embodiments, molecules are linked or fused to the '"modified or unmodified" ncm-natur&i amino acid polypeptides described herein to enhance affinity for endogenous serum a'lbtttnm in an animal. i 00539) For example, JO some cases, a recombinant fusion, of a polypeptide and an albumin binding sequence is made. Exemplary ulbumm binding sequences include, but are not limited to, the albumin binding domain from streptococcal protein G isee. e.g., Makrides et al., J. Pharmacol Exp. Ther. 2?7{ J );534-542 ( {996} and Sjoiaπder et a!., J. Immunol. Methods 201: 1 15-123 U 997)). or albumin-binding peptides such as those described in, e.g., Dennis. ei al.. J, Biol. Chem. 277(38 ) 35035-35043 (2002). f(M)540| In other embodiments, the "modified or unmodified" non-natural amino acid polypeptides described herein are acylated with fatty acids. In some cases, the fatty acids, promote binding to serum albumin. See, e.g., Kurtehah, ei at . Siocfiem. J. 312:725-731 { 1995 ).

|005411 IR other embodiments, the "modified or unmod) fiεd" non-natural amino acid polypeptides described herein are fused directly with serum albumin (including but not limited to, human serum albumin}. A wide variety of other molecules arc also optionally linked to non-natural amino acid polypeptides, modified or unmodified, as described herein, to modulate binding to serum albumin or other serum components. F, GtycosyiatioH of non-natural amino acid polypeptides described herein

|00542| The methods and compositions described herein include polypeptides incorpotatitig one or more non-natural amino acids bearing saccharide residues. The saccharide residues, are either natural (including bυi no! limited to, N-acetylglucosaniine) or non-natural (including but not limited to, 3-fiuorogalaci:ose). The saccharides are optionally hoked to the non-natural amino acids either by an N- or CMmked giyeosidic linkage (including but not limited So, N-acetylgalactos.e-L.-s.erine) or a non-natitrai linkage (including but not limited fo, an oxime or the corresponding C- or S-Utiked glycoside).

{00543! T"he saccharide (including but not limited ιo, glycosyl) moieties are optionally added to the aon- oatnral amino acid polypeptides either in viva or in vitro, lit some embodiments, a polypeptide comprising a dicatbotryl-cαniaining non-natural amino acid is modified with a saccharide derivatized with an aryidiatnine group to generate the corresponding glycosylated polypeptide linked via a phertazine or qviinoxahoe linkage. Once attached to the non-«atutal amino acid, the saceharide is- optionally further modified by treatment with glycosyltransferases and other enzymes to generate at) oligosaccharide bound to the non-naritraJ amino acid polypeptide. Sec. e g , H. Liu, et ai. J. Am Chem, Soc 125: 1702- 1703 (2003).

G. Use of Linking Groups and Applications, Including Polypeptide Dimers and Multimers [M544| hi addition to adding functionality directly to the non-natural amino acid polypeptide, the non- natural amino acid portion of the polypeptide are optionally first modified with a multifunctional (Cg-, bi-t tri, tetea-} linker molecule that is then subsequently further modified. That is, at least one end of the multifunctional linker molecule reacts with at least one non-natural amino acid in a polypeptide and at least one other end of the multifunctional linker is available for further functionalizaiion. If all ends of the multifunctional linker are identical, then (depending upon the stoichiometric conditions) hom*omultimers of the iion-tiatinal amino acid polypeptide are formed. If the ends of the multifunctional linker have distinct chemical reactivities, then at least one end of the multifunctional linker group will be bound to the non-natural amino acid polypeptide and die other cod subsequently reacts with a different functionality, including by way of" example only: a label; a dye; a polymer; a walcr-soluble polymer; a derivative of polyethylene glycol; a photocTossl inker; a cytotoxic compound; a drug; ati affinity label; a photoaiϊϊnity label; a reactive compound; a resirr. a second prolcin or polypeptide or polypeptide analog; at) antibody or antibody fragment; a metal chelator; a cefaclor: a iatty acid; a carbohydrate; a polynucleotide; a DNA; a RNA: an anti&ense polynucleotide: a saccharide, a water-soluble dendrimcr, a cyclodextrin* a biornateπal; a nanoparticle: a spin label; a fluorophore, a metal-containing moiety; a radioactive, moiety; a novel functional group: a group that covaϊenily or noncovalently interacts with other molecules; a pbotocaged moiety; an actinic radiation exαtahle moiety: a ligand; a phosoisomerizable moiety; biotin; a biotin analogue; a moiety incorporating a heavy atom; a chemically eieavahle group; a photocleavable group; an elongated side chain; s carbon-Jinked sugar; a rtxiox-aetive agent; act amino thioacid; a toxic moiety; an tsoiopicaily labeled moiety; a biophysical piobε; a phosphorescent group; a chemiluminescem group; so electron dense group; a magnetic group; an intercalating group; a chromophobe; an energy transfer agent; a biologically active agent; a delectable labeJ: a small molecule; an inhibitory ribonucleic acid, a radiormdeoiϊde; a neutron-capture agent; a derivative of biotin; quantum dof(s); a nanotπmsrmtier; a radiotramniitter, an abzyme, an activated complex activator, a virus, an adjuvant, an an aiSergasi, an angiospasm, an anti hormone, an antioxidant, an aptanier, a guide RNA, a saponin, a shuttle vector, a macromoiecule, a mirnoktpe, a receptor, a reverse micelle, and nay combination (.hereof. jββ545) FIG. 23 presents a schematic illustrative, noo-iimήiπg example of the

of a bifuπciional linker to attach one or more PEG groups to a noτs-narurai amines acid polypeptide in a rrmiti-step synthesis. In the fust step, an arykhatϊBne-eoniainuig non-natural amino acid polypeptide reacts with a ciicarbonyl-corrtainiog bifatietiαπal linker to form a modified phenaziae- or quinoxaiinε-contairang non-natural amino acid polypeptide. However, the bifuπetionai linker still retains a functional group that is capable of reacting: with a reagent with appropriate reactivity to form a modified pheuazioe- or qυinosaline-containijtig iuncnonaiized non- natural amino acid polypeptide, Ia one example, ihe functional ϊzatkm is a PEG group, but optionally includes any of ihe aforementioned functional sites, or in this case of a tri- or tetra- functional linker, tisore than one type of flmctionality or multiple types of the same functionality. Thus, the Sinker groups described herein ptαvide an. additional means to further modify a non~«at«ral amino acid polypeptide in a site -selective fashion. [00S46i The methods and compositions described herein also provide for polypeptide combinations, such as honiodimers, heterαdirners, horaornultiπiers, or heteronittUimers (i.e., trimers, tetrarne:ts, etc.). By way of example only, ώe following description focuses on the QH supergene faraily members, however, the methods, techniques and compositions described in this section are applied to virtually any other polypeptide which can provide benefti it) the form of dimers and rnultimers, including by way of example only; alpha- 1 antitrypsin. angiostatin, aiiiiheraotytk factor, antibody, apoϊipoprotein, apoprotein, atrial natriuretic factor, atrial natriuretic polypeptide, atrial peptide, C-X-C chemokine, T39765. NAP -2, ENA-78, gio-a. gro-b, gro-c, fP- 10, GCF-2, NAP-4, SDF-I. PF4, MiG, calcitonin, c-kit ligand, cytokine, CC chemokine, monocyte chemoattraetant protein- 1, monocyte cherøoatttaciant ρrotein-2, monocyte chemoartraetam ρrotein-3, monocyte inflammatory protein- 1 alpha, monocyte inilarnmator>' protein-i beta, RANTES, 1309, RS3915, R91733, HCCI , T58S47, D31065, T64262, CD40, CD

1IO ligand, c-kit iigaiid. collagen, colony stimulating factor f

'CSf). complement factor 5a. complement inhibitor., complement receptor ! , cytokine, epithelial neutrophil activating peptκie-78, MiP- 16, MCP- S , epidermal growth factor (EGFi, epithelial neutrophil activating peptide, erythropoietin (EPO). exfoliating toxin. Factor IX, Factor VII, factor VIlI

1 Factor X, fibroblast growth factor (FGF), fibrinogen, fibronectiπ, four-helical bxmdie protein. G-CSF, glp-I, GM-CSF. glucocerebrosidase, gonadotropin, growth factor, growth factor receptor, grf. hedgehog protein, hemoglobin, licpaiocyie growih factor ihG'F), hirudin, human growth hormone (hGH), human serum aibαmin, ICAM- I , JCAM-I receptor, LFA-I, LFA- I receptor. insulin, msuhn-like growth factor HGF), IGF-L IGF-IL interferon (SFN), IJFN-alpha, !FN -beta, IFN-gamnia,

jnterleυkin (ILl, IL-L IL-2, IL-3, ΪL-4, ΪL-5, Ϊ1.-6, iL-7, Ϊ1..-8, IL-9, IL-IO, IL-I l

1 IL-12, keratmocyte growth factor (K.GF), lactofeπin, leukemia inhibitory factor, lucifcrase, neurhtrin, neutrophil inhibitory factor (NfF), oncostaiin M, osteogenic protein, oncogene product, paracitonin, ρarath>toid hormone. PD-ECSF, PDGF, peptide hormone, pleiotropm, protein A, protern G, psh, pyrogenie exotoxin A, pyrogen] c exotoxin B, pyroyeπie exotoxin C, pyy. ietexm, renin, SCF, small biosyothenc protein, soluble complement receptor 1, soluble

{-CAM 1, soluble mterieukm receptor, soluble TNF receptor, somatomedin, somatostatin, somatotropin, streptokinase

, superansigens, staphylococcal enterotoxin, SEA, SEB, SECl. SEC2, SBC3, SED, SHE, steroid hormone receptor, superoxide di&mutase, kixic shock syndrome toxin, thymosin alpha 1 , tissue plasminogen activator, tumor growth factor (TGF), tumor necrosis factor, tumor necrosis factor alpha, rumor necrosis factor beta, tumor necrosis factor receptor ffNFR), Yl.A-4 prorem, VCAM- i protein, vascular endothelial growth factor (Vf-GF), urokinase, root;, ras, rat

', met, p53, tat, fos, myc, μin, myb, ret estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor, testosterone receptor, aldosterone receptor. LDi receptor, and cotUcostεrone, J00547J T hus., encompassed wrthirt the methods, techniques and compositions described herein are a GH supergene family member polypeptide containing one or more non-tiatura! amino acids bound to atiothεr GH supergene family nietnber ot variant thereof or any other polypeptide thai h a non-Gil supergene family member or variant thereof, either directly to the polypeptide backbone or via a linker. Due io its increased molecular weight compared to monomers, the GH iupergene family member dimer or multirnet conjugates exhibit new or desirable properties, including but iioi limited, to different pharmacological, pharmaco*kinetic, pharmacodynamic, modulated thetapeutic half-life, or modulated plasma half-life relative to the monomelic GH supergene family member, in some embodiments, the GH supergeoe family member d inters described herein will modulate the dimerization of the GH supergene family member receptor, in other embodiments, the GH supergene family member dimers or muJumers described herein will act as a GH supergene family member teceptor antagonist, agonist, or modulator,

{00548| In some embodiments, the GH supergene family member polypeptides are linked directly, including btii not limited to, via an Asn-Lys amide linkage ot Cys-Cys disulfide linkage, lit some embodiments. the linked GH supetgene family member polypeptides, and/or the linked non-GH supecgeiie family member, will comprise different noπ-oamrai amino acids to facilitate ditπerizaϊion, including but not limited to. a first GlI supergene family member, and 'or the linked non-GH supergene family membei, polypeptide eαnsptismg a dicarbtmyi-cootaioing non-natorai amino acid conjugated to a second GH supergene family member polypeptide comprising a aryϊ dϊamine-confaiπing non-natural amino acid and ϊhe polypeptides are reacted via formation of the corresponding phenazine or qninoxaSine. |00S49| Alternatively, the two GH supergene family member polypeptides, and/or the linked παn-GH supergene family member, are lmked via a linker. Any hetero- ot hom*o-bifunctional hnker is opuonaiϊy used to link ihe ι%vo GIi supergene family member, and -Or the linked non-GH supergene family member, polypeptides, which has the same or different primary sequence. In some ca>es, the linker used to tether the Gi ϊ supergene family member, and'or the linked noπ-GΪΪ supeigene family member, polypeptides together is 3 hifumtional PEG reagesrt. 100550 J hi some embodiments, the methods and compositions described herein provide for water-soluble bi functional linkers that have a dumbbell structure that includes: a) an a/ide, an alkyne, a hydrazidε, a hydiOxylatrtixte, or a catbonyl- or dicarbonyl-containjng moiety on at least a first end of a polymer backbone; and b) at least a second functional group on a second end of the polymer backbone. The second functional group is the same or differeni as the first functional group. The second functional group, m some embodiments, is noi reacih e with (he Jϊrsf functional group. The methods and composition* described herein provide, it) some embodiments, water-soluble compounds that comprise at least one arm of a branched molecular structure. For example, the branched molecular structure can be dendritic.

{00553] in some embodiments, the methods and compositions described herein provide multimers comprising one or more GH supergene family member formed by reactions with water soluble activated polymers that have the structure:

R-(Cl-I jOTjp),,-0-iCH2}m-X whetcin rt is from about 5 to about 3,000, m is about 2 to about 10, X can be an azide, an alkyne. a hydsazide, an aminooxy group, a hydtoxylamisic. a acetyl, or carbonyl- or dicarbonyl-contaiπing moiety, and R is a capping group, a functional gtoup, or a leaving group that eatϊ be she same or different as X, R can be. for example, a functional group selected from the group consisting of "hydroxy!, protected hydroxy!, alkoxyJ. N- hydroxysncxintmidyl ester, ϊ-berizotriazolyl ester, N-hydroxysucciihmidyl carbonate, I-benzoiπazoly! carbonate, aceial, aldehyde, aldehyde hydrates, ailcenyl aery late, rnethacrylate. acrylamide, active suSfoπe, amine, arntnooxy, protected amine, hydcazide. protected hydrazide, protected thiol, carboxylic acid, protected carboxyltc acid, isocyanate, isotlnocyanate, msieimide, vinylsuKbne, diihiopyrsdine. vHjylpyτidine, iodoacelamide, epoxide, gjyuxals, dioπcs, mesylates, iosylates: and tresylate, alketie. and ketone.

M. Example of Adding Functionality: Easing the Isolation Properties of a Polypeptide

}00552[ A iiaiurally-occurrmg or υon-natural amino acid polypeptide may be difficult to isolate from a sample for a number of reasons, including but not limited to the solubility or binding characteristics of the polypeptide. For example, in the preparation of a polypeptide for therapeutic use, such a polypeptide is options Hy isolated from a recombinant sysietri that has been engineered to overproduce the polypeptide. However, because of She solubility or binding characteristics of the polypeptide, achieving a desired level of purity often proves difficult. The methods, compositions, techniques and strategies described herein provide a solution to this situation.

[005531 Using the methods, compositions, techniques smd strategies described herein, a phenaziπe- or qiϊinoκaUπe-conτainiπg non-natural amino acid polypeptide thai is hom*ologous io ilie desired polypeptide are- produced, wherein the pheπazine- or quinoxaltne-cotrtajmBg ixm-πatarai amino acid polypeptide has improved isolation characteristics, In one embodiment, a hom*ologous non-natural amino a.cid polypeptide is produced biosynthetically, In a further or additional embodiment, the non-natural amino acid has incorporated into its structure one of lite non-natural amino acids described herein, ϊn a further or additional embodiment, the non- natural araino acid is incorporated at a terminal or internal position and is further incorporated site specifically. [00554} In one embodiment, the resulting non-natural amino acid, as. produced biosynthefieaily, already has the desired improved isolation characteristics. Ia furiher or additional embodiments, ϊfre non-natural amino acid comprises, a phenazine- or quiπoxaiine linkage to a group that provides the improved isolation characteristics, In further or additional embodiments, the non-natural amino acid is further modified to form a modified phenazme- or quiπoxaline-contaiπing non-natural amino acid polypeptide, wherein the modification provides a phenaziae- or quiπoxaline linkage to a group that provides the improved isolation characteristics. Iv. some embodiments, such a group is directly linked to the non-natural amino acid, and in other embodiments. such a group is linked via a linker group to the non-natural amino acid. In certain embodiments, such a group is connected to the non-natural ammo acid by a single chemical reaction, in oilier embodiments a series of chemical reaciions is required to connect such a group to the non-naturai amino acid. Tn one embodiment, the group imparting improved isolation characteristics is linked site specifically to the non-natural amino acid in the non-natural amino acid polypeptide and is not linked to a naturally occurring amino acid under the reaction conditions utilized.

|00555| in further or additional embodiments the resulting non-natural amino acid polypeptide is hom*ologous to the GH supergerie faintly members, however, the methods, techniques and compositions described in this section are applied to virtually any other polypeptide which can benefit from improved isolation characteristics, including by way of example only: alpha- 1 antitrypsin, angio&tatin, arrtihemolytic factor, antibody, apolipoprotein, apoprotein, atrial natriuretic factor, atria J natriuretic polypeptide, atria! peptide, C-X-C chemokine, T39765, NAP-2, ENA-78, gio-a, gro-b, gro-c. IP- 10. GCP-2, NAP-4, SDF-I, PF4, MlG, calcitonin, c-kit ligand, cytokine, CC chemokine, monocyte chemoatmictaxij protein- !, monocyte chemoattractarrt protem-2, monocyte chemoattraetanf ρroiεin-3, monocyte inflammatory protein- 5 alpha. monocyte inflammatory pioicin-i beta, RANTES. 1309, R83915, R91733, ϊiCCl , T58847, D35O6S, T64262, O.D40, f .'1)40 ligand, c-kit hgatid, collagen, colony stimulating factor (CSF), complement faαor 5a, complement inhibitor, complement receptor 1, cytokine, epiihelial neutrophil activating peptitfc-78, MIP- J 6, MCP- I , epidermal growth factor (EGF), epithelial neutrophil activating peptide, erythropoietin (EPO), exfoliating iαxin. Factor IX. Factor VH, factor VlII, Factor X, fibroblast growth factor (FOF), fibrinogen, (ϊbrosiecrm. foitr-helicai bundle protein, G-CSF, glp- l . GM-CSF, glwcocerebrosidase. gonadotropin, growth factor, growth factor receptor, grf. hedgehog piαieiπ, hemoglobin, hepatocyte growth factor (hGI\), hirudin, human growth hormone (b(jH), tntnjan serum aϊbtπnin, ICAM-I , ICAM-I receptor, LFA-I, LFA-I receptor, insulin, insulin-hke growth factor (IGF), IGF-I, IGF-II, interferon (IFN). IFN-alpha, ΪFN-bcta, iFN-gamnm, jnterleukin (IL), IL-L IL-2. IL- 3, ΪIA IL-5, 1L-6, ΪL-7, IL-S, IL-*Λ IL-IO. IL-I L IL- 12, keratinocyie growth factor (KGF), lactoferrin, leukemia inhibitory factor, iuciferase, neurtiirin, neutrophil inhibitory factor (NIF). oncostatin M, ositeosεnic ptotciπ, oncogene product, paracϊtoma, parathyroid hormone, PD-ECSF, PDGF, peptide hormone, pleiotropm, protein A, proieiu G, pth, pyrogen ic exotoxin A. pyrogenic exotoxin B, pyrogeπic exoϊoxitJ C. pyy, relaxin, raπm, SCF, small biosynώetic piαLeiπ, soluble complement receptor I, soluble f-CAM ! , soluble interieukin receptor, soluble 1'NF" receptor, somatomedin, somatostatin, somatotropin, streptokinase, superantigens, staphylococcal ejoterotoxin, SEA, SEB, StCl1 SEC2, SEC3. SED, SEE, steroid hormone receptor, superoxide dismutase, toxic shock syndrome toxm, thymosin alpha I , tissue plasminogen activator, motor growth factor ( TGF)1 tumor necrosis factor, tumor necrosis factor alpha, tumor necrosis factor beta, rumor necrosis factor receptor (TOFRl VLA-4 protein, VCAM- i protein, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), urokinase, mos. ras, xaf, met, p53. tat, (on, myc. jun, myb, rel, estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor, tcstυslerone receptoi, aidosϊcroπe receptor, LDL receptor, and corticosterone.

|00S56j ϊn forther or additional embodiments, the group imparting improved isolation characteristics improves the water solubility of the polypeptide; in other embodiments, the group improves the binding properties of the polypeptide; in other embodiments, the group provides new binding properties to the polypeptide (including, by way of example only, a bio tin group or a biotin-binding group). In embodiments whereni the group improves, the water solubility of the polypeptide, the group is selected from the water soluble polymers described .herein, including by way of example only, any of the PEG polymer groups described herein.

15S J. Example of Adding Futtetiβitatity; Detecting the Presence of a Paiyφeptide

|00557f A naturally-occurring or non-natural amino acid polypeptide may be difficult to detect in a sample (including an in vivo sample and an in vitro sample) for a number of reasons, including but not limited to the lack of a reagent or label that can readily bind to the polypeptide. The methods,, compositions, techniques and strategies described herein provide a solution to this, situation.

[005585 Using the methods, compositions, techniques and strategies described herein, a phenaztne- or qumoxaiine-cojitaining non-natural arruπo acid polypeptide that is hom*ologous to the desired polypeptide is produced, wherein the phenazixie- or quioxaiine-containing non-natural amino acid polypeptide allows the detection of the polypeptide in an in vivo sample and an in vitro sample, In one embodiment, a hom*ologous, non- natural amino acid polypeptide is produced biosynshetieally. In a further or additional embodiment, the non- natural amino acid has incorporated into its structure one of the ne>π-narurai amino acids described herein, Io a further or additional embodiment, the non-natural ammo acid is. incorporated at a terminal or internal position and is further incorporated site specifically. |00559| In one embodiment, the resulting non-natural amino acid polypeptide, as produced. biosyniheticaily, already has the desired detection characteristics. In further or additional embodiments, the non- naturai amino acid polypeptide comprises at least one non-αaturai amino acid selected front the group consisting of a dicarbonyi-contamiog non-naturai amino acid, an aryl diamine-coiitainiitg non-naturai amino acid, and a phenazine- or quinoxaime-eoriiainiπg non-naturai amino acid. In other embodiments such non-natural amino acids have been biαsyntheiically incorporated into the polypeptide as described heteiπ. In furiher or alternative embodiments the tion-natucal amino acid polypeptide comprises at least one nan -natural amino acid selected from ammo acids of Formula I- Xi and XXXIIΪ-XXXVII, Io further or additional embodiments, the non-natural ammo acid comprises ati osime linkage to a dicarbonyl or aiyldiamiπe group. Its further or. additional embodiments, the non-natural amino acid is further modified to form a modified oxime-containing non-natural amino acid polypeptide, wherein the modification provides an oxime linkage to a phenazine or quinoxaline group that provides the improved detection characteristics. In some embodiments, such a group is directly linked to the non-natural amino acid, and in other embodiments, such a group is linked via a linker group to the non-natural ammo acid. In certain embodiments, such a group is connected to the non-natural amino aeid by a single chemical reaction, in other embodiments a series oϊ chemical reactions is required to connect such a group to the non-natural ammo acid. Preferably, the group imparting improved detection characteristics is linked site specifically to the non-natura] amino acid in the non-natural amino acid polypeptide and is not bnked to a naturally occurring amino acid, under the reaction conditions utilized.

[0056Oj In certain embodiments, by a way of example only, the above described polypeptide contains at least one quinoxaline derivative having the following formula:

(XXXVi). fOOSfiJ j In some embodiments, the polypeptide containing at ieas,t one compound of Formula (XXXVI) specifically binds to a biornarkei of a particular disease. This polypeptide, in some embodiments, is optional!)' u&ed to detect ϊhe presence of the biomarker in different biological mediums. By a way of example only, the polypeptide containing at least one compound of Formula (XXXVl) specifically binds to a biomarker foi cancer. The cancer can be detected from a blood sample by capturing the biomarker with an appropriate capture matrix and adding the polypeptide containing compound of Formula (XXXVI) in an appropriate buffer. After washing, the resulting complex is analyzed using a fluorescence method. Positive resuh indicates the presence of the biomarker. As another example, the cancer is detected from a urine sample,

(OΘ562| In another embodiment, the polypeptide containing at leas!: one compound of Formula (XXXVS) is used so analyze analyses in vivo. By a way of example only, the polypeptide containing at least one compound of Formula (XXXVI) is administered to an animal and an imaging method used to detect the presence, absence or location of the polypeptide containing at Sεast one compound of Formula (X.XXYΪ).

[ΘΘ563| In certain embodiments, by way of example only, the above described polypeptide contains ai least one atykϋarnine derivative having the following Formula (XXXVlI);

(XXXVTl) f()0564j hi some embodiments, the polypeptide containing at least one compound of Formula (XXXVII) specifically binds to a biomarker of a particular disease. This polypeptide, in some embodiments, is optionally used !o detect the presence of the biomarker in different biological mediums aftet addition of the following dicarbonyl reagent of Formula. (X.X.X VIlJ),


By a way of example only, the polypeptide containing at least one compound of Formula (XXXVIl) specifically binds so a biomarker for cancer. The cancer is detected from a blood sample by capturmg the biomarker with an appropriate capture matrix and adding the polypeptide containing compound of Formula (XXX Vϊϊ) in an appropriate buffer. After washing, the resulting the reagent of Formula (XXXVΪU) is added and the complex formed is analyzed using a fluorescence method. Positive result indicates the presence of the biomarker. As another example, the cancer is detected from a uπne sample. {00565] in further or additional embodiments the resulting non-natural amino acid polypeptide is hom*ologous to the GH supergeiie family members., however, the methods, techniques and compositions described in this section are applied to virtually any other polypeptide which needs to be detected HI an in vivo sanψϊe and an in vitro sample, including by way of example only; alpha- 1 antitrypsin, angjostatin, sniihemolyiic factor, antibody, apobpoptoieiπ, apoprotein, atrial natriuretic factor, atrial natriuretic polypeptide, atria! peptide, C-X-C: chemokme, "139765, NAP-2, ENA-78, gro-a. gro-b, gro-c, IP-H), GCP-2, NAF-4, SDF-I. PF4, MIG, calcitonin, e-kit hgatid, cytokine. CCJ diemokine. monocyte chemoaftractant protein-I , monocyte cheraoattractant ρroteiπ-2, monocyte chemoattraαant ptoteiπ-3, monocyte inflammatory protein- 1 alpha, monocyte inflammatory proiein-i beta. RANTES, 1309, S.83915, R9I 733, HCCK T58847, D31O65, T64262, CD40, CD40 iϊgand, c-kκ iigand. collagen, colony stiimtiatmg factor (CSP), complement factor 5a, cornpletnenl inhibitor, complement receptor 1 , cytokine, epithelial neutrophil acuvatitjg peptsde-78, MIP- 16, MCP- L epidermal growth factor (KGiO, epithelial neutrophil activating peptide, erythropoietin (EPO), exfoliating toxin. Factor ΪX. Factor VK, Factor VTU, Factor X, fibroblast growth factor (KOF1), fibrinogen, iibronectin, four-helical handle protein, G-CSF, gip- l, GM-CSF, glucoeerebrosiclase, gonadotropin, growth factor, growth factor receptor, grf, hedgehog protein, hemoglobin, hepatocyte growth factor (hGF), hirudin, human growth hormone (hGH), human serum albumin, ICAM-I , iCAM-1 receptor, LfA-L Li1A- S receptor, insulin, insulin-like growth factor ( IGF), IGF-L IGF- ϊ ϊ, interferon (IFN), IFN-aipha, TFN-bela, IFN-aεmima, ititerieukio ( ϊ L), JL-I , IL-2, IL- 3, IL-4, iL-5. H..-6, IL-7, ΪL.-K, ΪL-9, TL- 10, TL- I I , TL-! 2, keratinαcyte growth factor I KGF), Sseioferπri. leukemia inhibitory factor, hieiferase. neurtuπn. neutrophil inhibitory factor (NfF), oiicosiatiii M, osteogenic protein, oncogene product, paracitonin. parathyroid hormone. PU)-ECSF, PDGF, peptide hormone, pleiotropm, protein A, protein G, pth, pyrogenic exotoxin A, pyrogenie exotoxin B, pyrogeiric exotoxin C. pyy, relaxin, renai, SCF, small btosyntheric protein, soluble complement receptor 1, soluble I-CAM 1, soluble interleukin receptor, soluble TNF receptor, somatomedin, somatostatin, somatotropin, streptokinase, superantigens, staphylococcal c-nterotoxin, SEA, SEB1 SECl . SEC2, SEC3, SED, SEE, steroid hormone receptor, superoxide iosic shock syndrome toxin, thymosin alpha I, tissue plasminogen activator, titraor growth factor (TGF). tumor necrosis factor, tumor necrosis factor alpha, tumor necrosis factor he-ta, tαmor necrosis factor receptor (TNFR), VLA-4 protein, VCAM-I protein, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), urokinase, mos, ras, raf, met, p53, tat fos, myc, j»n, myb, rel, estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor, testosterone receptor, aldosterone receptor, LDL receptor, and corticosteroid.

[ 00566 j Fn further or additional embodiments, the gioup imparting improved detection, characteristics is selected from ihc group consisting of a label: a dye: an affinity label; a photoaftlnity label; a spin label; a fhiorophore; a radioactive moiety; a moiety incorporating a heavy atom; at) isotopically labeled moiety, a biophysical probe; a phosphorescent group; a cliemtJuminescetit group; an electron dense group; a magnetic group; a chromophobe; an energy transfer agent; a detectable label, and any combination thereof.

J. Example of Adding Functionality: Improving the Therapeutic Properties of a Polypeptide

[00567 j A narurally-occurring or non-natural amino acid polypeptide will be able to provide a certain therapeutic benefit to a patient with a pariiculai disorder, <fec:axe or condition. Such a therapeutic benefit wiϊi depend upon a number of factors, including by way of example only; the safety profile of the polypeptide, and the pharmaco*kinetics, pharmacologies and/or pharmacodynamics of the polypeptide (e.g., water solubility, bioavailability, serum half-lite, therapeutic half-life, immunogenic ity, biological activity, or circulation time). !n addffioxf, it is advantageous, for example, to provide additional fimcrioπaiity Io the polypeptide, such as. an attached cytotoxic compound or drug, or it is desirabϊe, for example, to attach additional polypeptides to form the hom*o- and heterorrmϊtimers described herein. Such modifications preferably do tioi destroy she activity and/or ternary structure of the original polypeptide. Ttse methods, compositions, teelmiques and strategics described herein provide solutions to these issues. (Q0S68S The methods, compositions, techniques, and strategies described herein allow production of a chcarbonyl-contaimng πoti-uaturai amnio acid polypeptide, aryldiamme-coataiπing non-natural amino aαt) polypeptide, phenazine-contammg non-natuta! amino acid polypeptide, quinoxaiine-coniaining non-natural amino acid polypeptide aod L=t ctxime-containiπg non -natural amino acid polypeptide that are hom*ologous to the desired polypeptide, wherein such non-natural amino acid polypeptide have improved therapeutic characteristics, in one embodiment, a hom*ologous non-natural amino acid polypeptide is produced biosynthetically. In a further or additional embodiment, the uαn-nattirai amino acid has incorporated into its structure one of the non-natural amino acids described herein. In a further or additional embodiment, the non- natural amino acid is incorporated at a terminal or internal position and is further incorporated site specifically. |ftO569] In one embodiment, the resulting non-natural amino acid, as produced, already Im the desired improved therapeutic characteristics. In further or additional embodiments, the tioa-naturul amino acid comprises an oxime, phenazine or quinoxaline linkage to a group that provides she improved therapeutic characteristics. In further or additional embodiments, ihe non-natural amino acid is further modified tυ form modified dicarbonyl-contaimng non-natural amino acid polypeptide, modified aryldjamme-contamitig non-natural ammo acid polypeptide, modified phenazine-containing non-naturat amino acid polypeptide, modified quinoxaϊine-contaimiig non-natmai amino acid polypeptide or modified oxime-contaioing non-natural amino acid polypeptide, wherein the modification provides an oxime pheπazine or quinoxaline linkage to a group that provides the improved therapeutic characteristics. In some embodiments, such a group is directly linked to the non-natural amino acid, and in other embodiments, such a gioup is linked via a linker group to the non-πatuπtl amino acid. In certain embodiments, such a group is connected to lϊie non-natural amino acid by a single chemical reaction, in other embodiments a series of chemical reactions is. required to connect such a group to the πoR-natural amino acid. Preferably, the group imparting improved therapeutic characteristics is linked site specifically to the non-natural amino acid in the non-natural amino acid polypeptide and is not linked to a naturally occurring amino acid under the reaction conditions utilized, f0C*570] In further or additional embodiments the resulting eon-natural ammo acid polypeptide is hom*ologous so ilie GH supεrgenε family members, however, the methods, techniques and compositions described in this section ate applied to virtually any other polypeptide which can benefit from improved therapeutic characteristics, including by way of example only: alρha-1 antitrypsin, angiostatin, autiheroolytic factor, antibody, apoitpoprotein, apoprotein, atrial natriuretic factor, atrial natriuretic polypeptide. amaS peptide, C-X-C chemokine, T39765, NAP-2, ENA-78, gro-a, grø-b, gro-c, IP- 10, GCF-2, NAP-4, SDF-I. PF4, MiG. calcitonin, c-kit ligaod, cytokine, CC cherπokiπe. monocyte* chemαattractaπt protein- 1 , monocyte chemoattractant protein -2, monocyte chemoattractant ρroteiii-3. monocyte inflammatory protein- 1 alpha, monocyte inflammatory protein-i beta, RANlTS, 1309, R8391S, R91733, HCCl , I SS847, D3106S, T64262. CD40. CD40 ligand, c-kit ϊigand, collagen, colony stimulating factor (CSF), complement factor 5a, complement inhibitor, complement receptor ! , cytokine, epithelial neutrophil activating peptide- 78, MΪP- 16, MCP- i . epidermal growth factor (EGF), epithelial neutrophil activating peptide, erythropoietin (EFO), exfoliating toxin. Factor IX. factor YIl, Factor VlU, Factor X, fibroblast growth factor (FGF), fibrinogen, iibroin-ctin, four-heϊicai handle protein, G-CSF, glp-1. GM-CSF, glueocerebrosidase, gonadotropin, growth factor, growth factor receptor, grf, hedgehog protein, .hemoglobin, hepatocyte growth factor (iiGF), hirudin, human growth hormone (fa*gH), human serum albumin, ICAM- i , ICAM- ! receptor. LFA- i , !.,FA- I receptor, insulin, insulin-hke growth factor (IGH IGF-I, 1GF-.II, interferon (IFN >, IFN-alpha, I FN -beta, IFSi-ganum. interleukin (IL). IL- I 1 H. -2« I L - 3, TI.-4, JL-?, 11,-6, I!..-?, IL-S, 11-9, ft- H), TL- I t , I L- 12. kerafinocyte growth factor (KGF), laetofemn, leukemia inhibitoty factor, luciferase, πeuπuriπ. neutrophil inhibitory facior ("N[F), oncoslatm M, osteogenic protein, oncogene product, paracitonin, parathyroid hormone, PD-HCSf-. PDGf, peptide hormone, pleiotropin, 5 protein A, protein G, pth, pyrogemc exoiαxin A, pyxogenic exotoxin B. pyrogetuc exotoxin C, pyy, relaxm, renin, SCF, small biosyπihetic protein, soluble complement receptor I, soluble I-CAM L soluble interleukio receptor, soluble TNF receptor, somatomedin, somatostatin, somatotropin. streptokinase, supcrantigens, staphylococcal errterotoxin. SEA, SEB, SbC l , SEC2, SEO, SF-I), SHE. sseroid hormone receptor, superoxide dismnta&c:, toxic shock syndrome toxin, thymosin alpha 1 , tissue plasminogen activator, tumor growth factor i O ( TGFj, tumor necrosis factor, tumor necrosis factor alpha, tumor necrosis factor beta, tumor neerasii factor receptor (TKFR), VLA-4 protein, VCAM-I protein, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), urokinase, mos, ras, raf, met, ρ53, Sat, fos, πiyc, jun, myb, rel, estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor, testosterone receptor, aldosterone receptor, LDL receptor, and cor iicosternnc. |0057j | In further or additional embodiments,, the group imparting improved therapeutic characterisiics

15 improves the water solubility of the polypeptide; in other embodiments, the group improves the binding properties of the polypeptide; in other embodiments, the group provides new binding properties to the polypeptide (including, by way of example only, a bioiin group oi a btotin-biruling group), ϊn embodiments wherein the group improves the water solubility of the polypeptide. She group is selected from the water soluble polymers described herein, including by way of example only the PEG polymer groups. In further or additional 0 embodiments the group is a cytotoxic compound, whereas in other embodiments the group is, a drug, in further embodiments the linked drug or cytotoxic compound can be cleaved from She non-nalurai amino acid polypeptide so as to deliver the drug or cytotoxic compound to a desired therapeutic location. In other embodiments, fhe group is a second polypeptide, including by way of example., an oxime-conuuπmg non-natural amino acid polypeptide, further including by way of example, a polypeptide that has. the same amino acid 5 structure as the first non- natural amino acid polypeptide.

|0OS72] In rurthet or additional embodiments, the dicarbonyi-contaiomg non-naiυrai ammo acid polypeptide, arykiώnπtie-coΩtammg non-natuial amino acid polypepude. pheπaziπe-contaiaing non-natural amino acici polypeptide, qumoxa!ine--eontaming noti-rmturaJ amino acid polypeptide* or oxime-eontaining non- natural amino acid polypeptide axe a modified dieaxbcmyl-contauiing non -natural amino acid polypeptide, a 0 modified aryidiamioe-contatning non-natural amino acid polypeptide, a modified phetiazine -contain ing non- natuπd ammo acid polypeptide, <t modified quinoxaline-coiitainiπg tioπ-ttatωal ansitso acid polypeptide or a modiik'd oxtmc-containing non-natural amino acid polypeptide, respectively. In further or additional embodiments, such non-natural amino acid polypeptide increases the bioavailability of the polypeptide relative to the hom*ologous tiatυraHy-occurrmg amino acid polypeptide. In furiher or additional enibodimenis, such non- 5 narural smino acid polypeptide increases the safety profile of the polypeptide relative to the hom*ologous naturally-occurring amino acid polypeptide, ϊn further or additional embodiments, such non-natural amino acid polypeptide increases the water solubility of the polypeptide relative to the hom*ologous naturally-occurring amino acid polypeptide. In further or additional embodiments, such non-natural amino add polypeptide increases the therapeutic haϊf-Hfe of the polypeptide relative Eo the hom*ologous naiuraHy-occurrrag amino acid 0 polypeptide. In further or additional embodiments, such non-natural amino acid polypeptide increases the serum haif-Jife of ilie polypeptide relative to the hom*ologous uaturaily-occurπug amino acid polypeptide. In further or additional embodiments, such fion -natural ammo acκl polypeptide extends the circulation time of the polypeptide relative to the hom*ologous naturally-occurring amino acid polypeptide, in further or additional embodiments, such nott-namral amino add polypeptide modulates, the activ ity of {he polypeptide relative to the hom*ologous naturally-occurring ammo acid polypeptide. In further or additional embodiments,, such non-natural amino acid polypeptide modulates the immunogenic ity of the polypeptide relative to she hom*ologous naturally- occumπg amino acid polypeptide.

XJ. Therapeutic Use* of Modified Polypeptides |00573| For convenience, the "modified or unmodified" non-natural polypeptides described in this section have been described genetically and'or with specific examples. However, the "modified or unmodified" non- natural polypeptides described in this section should not be limited to just the generic descriptions or specific example provided in this section, but rather the "modified or unmodified" non-natural polypeptides described in iltis section apply equally welf to all "modified or unmodified" non-natural polypeptides comprising at least one amino acid which fails within the scope of Formulas J-XI and XXX1Ϊ1-XXXVII and compounds 1-6, including arty sub-lbimulas or specific compounds that fall within the scope of formulas Ϊ-Xl and XXX 11 L XX XV ϊl and compounds 1 -6 that are described in the specification, claims and figures herein.

100574] The "'modified or unmodified" non-natural amino acid polypeptides described herein, including hom*o- and hetero-mul timers, thereof find multiple uses, including but noi limited to: therapeutic, diagnostic, assay-based, industrial, cosmetic, plant biology, environmental, energy-production, and/or miliiaty uses. As a non-limiting illustration, the following therapeutic uses of "modified or unmodified" nori-narura) amino acid polypeptides are provided.

[Θ057SJ The "modi tied or unmodified" non-natural ammo acid polypeptides described herein are useful for treating a wide range of disorders, conditions or diseases. Administration of the "modified or unmodified" iron- nattiial amino acid polypeptide products described herein results in any of the activities demonstrated by commercially avaiϊahie polypeptide preparations it) humans. Average quantities of the '"modified or unmodified" noτi-naiura! amino acid polypeptide product may vary and it) particular should be based upon the recommendations and prescription of a qualified physician. The exact amount of the '"modified or unmodified" non-natural amino acid polypeptide is a matter of preference subject to such factors as the exact type of condition being treated, She condition of the patient being treated, as well as the other ingredients in the cojnposuicm.

A. Administration and Pharmaceutical Compositions

[00576| The "modified or unmodified" non-natural amino acid polypeptides described herein, including hooio- and heteto-mulrimers thereof find multiple uses., including but not limited io: therapeutic, diagnostic, a^ay-based, industrial, cosmetic, plant biology, environmental, energy-production, and/or military uses, As a non-limiting illustration, the following therapeutic uses of "modified or vmmodjfied" rton-natural amino acid polypeptides are provided.

1005771 TTic "modified or unmodified" non-iiarural amino acid polypeptides described herein are useful for treating a wide range of disorders. Administration of the "modified or unmodified" non-natural amino acid polypeptide products described herein results m any of the activities demonstrated by commercially available polypeptide preparations in humans. Average quantities of the "modified or unmodified" tion-natuxal amino acid polypeptide- product may vary and in particular should be based upon the recommendations, and prescription of a qualified physician. The exact amount of the "modified or unmodified" non-natural amino acid polypeptide is a πiaitcr of preference subject to such factors as the exact type of condition being treated, the condition of the patient being treated, as well as the other ingredients in ihc composition.

5 J0057S1 The non-natural amino acid polypeptides, modified or unmodified, as described hetein (including but noi limited to, synthetases, proteins comprising one or more non-natural ammo acid, etc. } are optionally employed fix therapeutic uses., including but not limited to. io combination with a suitable pharmaceutical earner. Such compositions, for example, comprise a therapeutically effective amount of she non-natural amino acid polypeptides, modified or unmodified, as described herein, and a pharmaceutically acceptable caπier or i O excipiertt Such a earner or excipient includes, but is not limited to, saline, buffered saline, dextrose, water, glycerol, ethanol, aτid'Or combinations thereof. The formulation is made to soil the mode of administration, in general, methods of administering proteins of natural amino acids can be applied to administration of the non- natural amino acid polypeptides, modified or unmodified, as described herein, |©057*>1 Therapeutic compositions comprising one or mojε of the non-natural amino acid polypeptides,

15 modified or unmodified, as. described herein are optionally tested in one or more appropriate in vitro and/or m vivo animal models ot' disease, to confirm efficacy, tissue metabolism, and to estimate dosages, according to documented methodologies. In particular, dosages cart be initially determined by activity, stability or other suitable measures of non-natural to natural amino acid hom*ologues ( including bus not limited to, comparison of a polypeptide modified to include one or more non-natural amino acids to a natural amino acid polypeptide).

20 i.e., in a relevant assay.

|00580 j Administration is by any of the routes normally used for introducing a molecule iπro ultimate contact with blood or tissue cells. The non-natural amino acid polypeptides, modified or unmodified, as described herein, are administered HI any suitable mariner, optionally with one or more pharmaceutically acceptable carriers Suitable methods of administering the non-natural amino acid polypeptides, modified ot

25 unmodified, as described herein, to a patient are available, and, although more than one route can be used to administer a particular composition, a particular route can often provide a more immediate and more effective action or reaction than another rou(e.

|flftS81 J Pharmaceutically acceptable carriers are determined in pars fay the particular composition being administered, as well as by (he particular method used to administer the coropmitioπ. Accordingly, (here is a 0 wide vaπeiy of suitable formulations of pharmaceutical compositions described herein.

[00582] The non-namral amino acid polypeptides described herein and compositions comprising such polypeptides ate administered by any route suitable for proteins or peptides, including, but not limited to parenterally, e.g. injections including, but not limited to. subeutaneously or intravenously or any other form of injections or infusions. Polypeptide pharmaceutical compositions (meJndiog the various non-natural amino acid 5 polypeptides described herein) can be administered by a number of routes including, but not limited to oral, intravenous, intraperitoneal, intramuscular, transdermal, subcutaneous, topieai, sublingual, or rectal means. Compositions comprising non-natural ammo acid polypeptides, modified or unmodified, as described herein. can also be adrriirwstered v ia liposomes. The non-natural amino acid polypeptides described herein are optionally used alone or in combination with other suitable components, including but not limited to. a 0 pharmaceutical carriet (005831 The non-natural amino acid polypeptides, modified or unmodified, as described herein, alone or in combination with other suitable components, can also be made into aerosol formulations ( i.e., they can be "nebulized") to be administered via inhalation. Aerosol formulations can be placed into pressurized acceptable propellants, sue!) m dichiorodifluororaethane, propane, nitrogen, and the like, J005S4J Formula! tons suitable for parenteral administration. such as, for example, by intraarticular s in the joints), intravenous, intramuscular, intradermal, intraperitoneal, and subcutaneous routes, include aqueous and non-aqueous, isotonic sterile injection solutions, which can contain antioxidants, buffers, bacteriostais, and solutes that render the formulation isotonic with the blood of the intended recipient, and aqueous and nonaqueous sterile suspensions that can include suspending agents, solubilizers, Jhickening agents, stabilizers, and preservatives. The formulations of packaged nucleic acid can be presented in unit-dose or multi-dose sealed containers, such as ampules and vials.

100585] Parenteral administration and intravenous administration are preferred methods of administration. In particular, the routes of administration already in use for natural amiaυ acid hom*ologue therapeutics (including but not limited to. those typically used for EPO, IFN, GH, G-CSF, GM-CSF, IFNs. antibodies, and/or any other pharmaceutically delivered protest!), along with formulations in current use, provide preferred routes of administration and formulation for the non-natural amino acid polypeptides: modified or unmodified, as described herein.

[00586] The dose administered to a patieni, in the context compositions and methods described heron, is sufficient to have a beneficial therapeutic response in flte patient over tioie. The dose is determined by the efficacy of the particular formulation, and the activity, stability or serum half-life of the non-nantra! amino acid polypeptides, modified or unmodified, employed and the condition of the patient, as well as the body weight ot surface area of the -patient to be treated. The size of the dose is also determined by the existence, nature, and extent of any adverse side-effects that accompany the administration of a particular formulation, or the like in a particular patient. [00587] In determining the effective amount of the formulation to be adroioisleted in the treatment or prophylaxis of disease (including but not limited to, cancers, inherited diseases, diabetes, AIDS, or She like), the physician evaluates circulating plasma levels, formulation toxicities, progression of the disease, and/or where relevant, the production of atiti-i-on-iiatura! amino acid polypeptide antibodies. [0058Sj The dose administered, for example, to a 70 kilogram patient, is typically in the range equivalent to dosages of currently-used therapeutic proteins, adjusted for the altered activity or setum half-life of the relevant composition. The pharmaceutical formulations described herein cart supplement treatment conditions by any known therapy, including antibody administration, vaccine administration, administration of cytotoxic agents, natural amino acid polypeptides, nucleic acids, nucleotide analogues, biologic response modifiers, and the like. 100589} For administration, the pharmaceutical formulations described herein are administered at a rate determined by the LD-50 or ED-50 of the relevant formulation, and/or observation of any side-effects of the non-natural amino acid polypeptides, modified or unmodified, at various concentrations, including but not bmiteii to, as applied to the mass and overall health of the patieni. Administration can be accomplished via single or divided doses. |0β590| IT a patient undergoing infusion of a formulation develops fevers, chills, or muscle aches, he-'she receives the appropriate dose of aspirin, ibuprofen, acetaminophen or other pam/iever controlling drug. Patients who experience reactions iα the infusion such as fever, rmiscie aches, and chilis are premeditated 30 minutes prior to the future infusions with either aspirin, acetaminophen, or, including but not limited to, diphenhydramine. Meperidine is used for more severe chills and aches that do not quickly respond to antipyretics and antihistamines. Cell infusion is slowed or discontinued depending upon the severity of the reaction.

(00591 J Nor.-namral amino acid polypeptides, modified or unmodified, as described herein, can be administered directly to a mammalian subject. Administration is by any of the routes normally used for introducing a polypeptide to a subject. The non-natural amino acid polypeptides, modified oτ unmodified, as described herein, include those suitable for oral, recta!, topical, inhalation (including but ooi limited to, via an aerosol), buccal ( including, but not limited Iu, sυb-lrognaS), vagin*l, parenteral (including but not limited to, •subcutaneous, intramuscular, intradermal, intraarticular, intrapleural, intraperitoneal, irtracerebral, intraarterial or intravenous), topical ( i.e., both skin and mucosa! surfaces, including airway surfaces.) and transdermal administration, although the most suitable route in any given ease will depend on the nature and severity of the condition being treated. Administration can be either local or systemic. The fbtmulaiious can be presented in unit-dose or rnυJti-dose sealed containers, such as ampoules and vials. The non-natural amino acid polypeptides, modified or unmodified, as described herein, can be prepared in a mixture in a unit dosage injectable form (including but not limited to, solution, suspension, or emulsion) with a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier. The non-na rural amino acid polypeptides, modified or unmodified, as described herein, can. also be administered by continuous infusion (using, including but not limited to, minipumps such as, osmotic pumps), single bolus or slow-release depot formulations.

[005921 Formulations suitable for administration include aqueous and πoo-aqueous solutions, isotonic sterile sohirtons, which can contain antioxidants, buffers, bacteriostats.. and solutes that render the formulation isotonic, and aqueous and non-aqueous sterile suspensions thai can include suspending agertls. solubiHxers, thickening agents, stabilizers, and preservatives. Solutions and suspensions can be prepared iϊom sierik* powders, granules, and tablets of the kind previously described.

[005931 Freeze-drymg is a technique for presenting proteins which serves to remove water from the protein preparation of interest. Freeze-drymg, or iyophifcation, is a process by which she material to be dried is first frozen and then the ice or frozen solvent is removed by sublimation in a vacuum environment. An excipiettf is optionally included in pre-lyophihzed formulations to enhance stability daring the freeze-drymg process and/or to improve stability of the lyophilued product upon storage. Pikal, M. Biopharm. 3(9)26-30 (1990) and Aπikawa et aϊ. Pharm. Res. 8(3}:285-29I ( 1991). {00594| The spray drying of pharmaceuticals includes methods m, for example, Broadhead. J. et aL, "The Spray Drying of Pharmaceuticals," in Drug Dev. ϊnd. Pharm, 18 (U & 12), H 69- 3206 (1992). In addition to small molecule pharmaceuticals, a variety of biological materials have been spray dried and these include: enzymes, sera, plasma, micro-organisms and yeasts. Spray drying is a useful technique because it can convert a liquid pharmaceutical preparation into a fine, dustleas or agglomerated powder in a tine-step process. The basic technique comprise? ihe following four steps: a) atomization of the feed solution into a spray; b} spray-air contact; c) drying of the spray; and d) separation of the dried product from the drying an. U.S. Patent Nos. 6,235,710 and 6,001 ,800. which are herein incorporated for this purpose, describe the preparation of teeombinant erythropoietin by s>piay drying,

(00595) The pharmaceutical compositions described herein optionaily comprise a pharmaceutically acceptable catiier. exeipietrt or stabilizer. Pharmaceutically acceptable earπets are determined in part by the particular composition being administered, as. well as by the particular method used to administer the composition. Accordingly, there is a wide vanety of suitable formulations of pharmaceutical compositions ( including opiional pharmaceutical Iy acceptable carriers, excipients, or stabilizers) for the non-riaturai amino acid polypeptides, modified oτ unmodified, described herein, (see, for example, in Remington: The Science ant! Practice of Pharmacy, Nineteenth Ed (EasioR, Pa.: Mack Publishing Company. 1995 ); Hoover, John E., Remington's Pharmaceutical Sciences, Mack Publishing Co., Eastern. Pennsylvania 1975; Libermm, H.A. and Laehinan. L.., Fds., Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms, Marcel Decker, New York, N.Y., 1980; and Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms and Drug Delivety Systems, Seventh Ed. (Lippincotf Wdiiams & Wilkins, 1999!}- Suitable earners include buffers containing succinate, phosphate, borate, HKPES, citrate, imidazole, acetate, bicarbonate, and other organic acids; antioxidants including but not limited to. ascorbic acid: Sow molecular weight polypeptides including but not limited to those icss than about H) residues; ptotems, including but not Homed to, serum albumin, gelatin, or immunoglobulins: hydrøphiiic poϊymets including but not limited to. polyvinylpyrrolidone; amino acid*, including bur not limited to, glycine, glutamic, asparagine, argmine. histidine or histidme derivatives, methionine, glutamate, or ly&inc; monosaccharides, disaccharides, and other carbohydrates, including but not limited to, trehalose, sucrose, glucose, mannαse, or dextrin*; chelating agents including but not liroiied to, KI)1TA; divalent metal ions, including but not limited to, zinc, cobalt, or copper; sugar alcohols including but not limited io, rnaurύtol ot sorbitol; sall-fotπiing counter ions including but not limited to. sodium; and/or iionionic surfadants, including but not limited Io Tween™ ( including but not iimiied io, Tween 80 {pdysorbate SO) and Tveen 2D tpolysorbaie 20j, PKiroiiics™ and other pluronic acids., including but not limited to, and other phironic acids, including but rioi limited to. pluronic acid Fo8 (poϊoxamer 588), or PEG. Suilabie surfactants include for example but ate not limited to pofyetliers bas,ed upon poiyfeihylene

oxide)-poly(ethyletie oxide), i.e , ( PEO-PPO-PEO), or po1y(ptopylene oxide)- ρoly(ethyiene oxide}-po!y(propylene oxide), i.e., (PPO-PEO-PPO), or a combination thereof. PEO-PPO-PSO and PPO-PEO-PPO are commercially available under the trade names PhfrøπicsTM, R-PhirotncsTM, TetronicsTM and R-


"etroπicsTM (BASF Wyandotte Corp,. Wyandolte, Mich, t and are further described in U.S. Pat, No. 4.820,352 incorporated herem in us enύrety by reference. Other eihylene-'poiypropyknc block poϊjτners are opiional suitable surfactants. A surfactant or a combination of surfactants are optionally used to stabilize PEGy Sated non-natural amino acid polypeptides against one or more stresses including but not limited to stress, that results from agitation. Some of the above are referred to ah "bulking agents," Some are also sefeiτed to as "tonicity modifiers." {06596] The non-natural amino aeid polypeptides, modified ur unmodified, as described herein, including those Sinkcd to water soluble polymers such as PBG can also be administered by or as part of sustained-release systems. Sustained-release compositions include, including but not limited to, semi-permeable polymer matrices in the form of shaped articles, including but not limited to. films, or microcapsules. Susiamed-reiease matrices, include ftoni biocompatible materials such as pofy{2- hydroxyethyl methacrylate) (Langer vi «/., J. Biomed, Mater Rex.. 15. 167-27? ( 198 Ϊ ); Longer. Cftfm Tech., 12: 98405 (19S2), ethylene vinyl acetate {Lunger rt aL, supra) or pα]y-D-(-)-3-b.ydroxybιtlyrie acid (EP J 33,988), polyiactides (polylactic acid) (U.S. Patent No, 3,773,919; EP 58,4S l ), polyglycolide (polymer of glyeolic acid), polylactide co-glycolide (copolymers of laetie acid and glycolic acid) polyanhydπdes, copolymers of [..-glutamic acid and gararcta-ethyl-L-glutaniate (Ii- Sidman el α/., Biopolymers, 22, 547-556 (1983), poly(ortho)es>ters, polypeptides, hyaluronic acid, collagen. chondroitiπ sulfate, catfoccylic acids, fatty acids, phospholipids., polysaccharides, nucleic acids, polyaπnoo acids, amnio acids such as phenylalanine, tyrosine, isoleucine, polynucleotides, polyvinyl propylene. polyvinylpyrrolidone and silicone. Sustained-release compositions also include a hposomaliy entrapped compound. Liposomes containing the compound are prepared by methods known per se: DE 3,218, 123 ; Epstein et «/., Fmc. Natl. Acad Sd. U.S.A., 82: 3688-3692 ( 1985): Hwang et al.. Prσc. hJσtl. Acad. Sa. U.S.A., 11: 4030-4034 (19S0); EP 52322; EP 36,6?6; EP 88,046; EP 343,949; EP 142,641; Japanese Pat. Applπ. 83- ! S 8008; U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,485,045 and 4,544,545: and EP 102.324.

J8Q597] Liposoitiaily entrapped polypeptides can be prepared by methods described isi, e.g.. DE 3,218 J 21; Epstein ei al , Proc. Natl. dead. ScL U.S.A. , 82; 36S8-3692 (lf^5); Hwang ft at , Proc. Nail. Acad Sd. U.S.A., 77: 4030-4034 (1980), EP 52,322; EP 36,676; EP JiS 8,046; KP 143,949; £P 142,641; Japanese Pat. Appln. 83- I S SOOS; U. S, Patent Nos. 4,485,045 and 4,544,545; and EP 102,324, Composition, and size of liposomes are determined empirically. Sonic examples of liposomes as described in: e.g., Park AV1 et a!.. Proc. Nail. Acad. ScL USA 92: 1327-133 ] ( 1995); Laste D and Papahadjopoulos D {edsV MH)IC Al. AfP LiCA TlONS OF LlPOSOMl-.S ( 1998); Druntmond .DC, et al., Liposomal drug delivery systems for cancer iherapy, in T'eicher B fed); C-ANfIVR DRUG .D)SCuV Bn' AND DEVELOPMENT (2002); Park JW, et a!.., Ctin. Cancer Res. 8:1 172-1 183 C20O2); Nklseτi SJB, ei a/., Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1591{1-3):1O9-1 3 S (1002); Mamot C, et «/., Cancer Re<. 63; 3I S4-:< i 6I (2003).

|§05*>Sj The dose adtnintstered to a patient in fhe context of the compositions, formulations and methods described lit-τein. should be sufficient to cause a beneficial response irt the subject over time. Genexaϊly, the toral phaiπiaceuHcally effective amount of the non-natural amino acid polypeptides,, modified m unmodified, as described herein, administered parenteral Iy per dose is m the range of about 0,01 μg/kg/day to about 100 jag/kg, or about 0.05 mg/kg to about [ mg/kg, of patient body weight, although this is subject to therapeutic discretion. I' he iτeqυeπcy of dosing is also subject to therapeutic discretion, and is, optionally more frequent or less, frcquenl than the corranerciaHy available products approved for use in hurnsas. Generally, a polyiϊieπpoϊypeptide conjugate, including by way of example only, a PEGylated polypeptide, as described herein, cars be administered by any of the routes of administration described above.


Example I; Synthesis of the hydrochloride salt of 2~amino-i-(Ηpropyt~l ,2~4iβne)phenyl)propanoic acid, 100599} The 1,2-dicarbonyl containing non-natural amino acid was ptepared according to the synthetic scheme given below: tøeCQHN-CHξCOOEtfcj

iCO,. XK DMSO 90 ;;C. overnight 22% tor 2 steps

100600) To a solution of 4'-methyipropioρhetione ( 20 g, ! 22 mmol) and tV-broraosuccJnJmde ( NBS, 23 g, 130 :nitviol) in benzene (3OD ml,} at 90 0C was added 2. 2 '-azαbisi5.obιit>τonimk' (AIBN, 0,6 g> 3,6 mmol). The resultant solution was beaicd Kt reΩux oveπiight. The reaction was then cooled to room Eeπφeratttte. The brown solution was washed sυccessivcly wiili }ijθ and brine, then dried over anhydrous Na.;SO.t, lϊitered, and

10 concentrated in vacuo, ilie residue was. crystaHtzetl ft out hexanεs to afford product as a Ugh! yellow solid (27 g, 87%),

{00601 } To a solution of EtONa (14.5 g, 203 mmol) in EtOH (4QO rtiL) at 0 ''C svas. added dieihyl acetarnidornalonate (39 g, 180 nmωl) followed by the solution of the above bromide (2? g, i 19 mmol) in EtOH ( 100 ml.). The resultant mixture was heated to reflux for 1 h and quenched with citric acid (30 g) and dilated

I S with HjO (300 rol,j. After most solvent was, removed in vacuo, the residue was extracted with HtOAc. The orgatiic layer was washed successively with H >0 and brrae, then dried over anhydrous Na2SO4, filtered, and concentrated in vacuo. 'The residue was purified by Hash chromatography (silica. S O: ! 3: 1 hexaπe: EfOAc) to aiϊord product ( 37 g. 88%) as a yellow solid.

100602] To a solution of the ketone (5 g, 13.S mrnol) in ether (100 niL) at 0 "C was added Br2 (0.8 ml, 0 15,6 mmol). The mixture was stirred at room temperature for 3 h and then quenched with saturated aqueous NaHCO3. The miKture was extracted with Et:O. The organic layer was washed successively wrth M>0 and brine, then dried over anhydrous Na--SO+, filtered, and concentrated in vacuo to afford product as a yellow soiid (5.4 g, 88%) which was directly used for the next step with further purification. (00603 J To the solution of α-bromo ketone (5.4 g, 12.2 nimol) and Na3CO3 (2.0 g, 18.9 mmol) in DMSO

25 (20 SΏL) was, added KI (2,1 g, 53.2 ramαl). The mixture was stirred at 90 "C under a nitrogen atmosphere for 28 hours. The reaction was then quenched with H»O and diluted with EtOAc. The organic layer was separated and washed successively with H,O and brine, then dried over anhydrous Na2SOj, filtered, and concentrated in vacua. The residue was purified by flash chromatography (silica, 6: 1- — 1 : 10 bexane: CtOAc) to afford product as a sohd t 1.12 g. 24%). [00694J The solution of diketone (1.12 g. 3.0 mmol) in cone. HCl ( 10 mL) and dioxane (10 oil.) was heated to reflux overnight. After the solvent was removed in vacuo, MeOH (3 mL) was added to dissolve the residue. Elher (300 ml.) was then added to precipitate the produci (302 mg, 42%) as a hghi yellow solid. Example 2; Synthesis of the the hydrochloride salt {sf2-amπw-3~(4~(hutyl-lt2-άiwιe}ρhenyi)prøpatwsc acid. 500605) The 1 ,2-diearbonyi containing non-natural amino acid was produced according to the synthetic scheme given below

Dsas-Martin 0.>.:rfn 91% 2 steps


C'C, «verr>:ght

Br;.. Oxii: ssjjss


'006061 Io a solution of C


7MgCl C2 M

1 50 mmι>i) in ether (25 ml.) at 0

CC was added bcBzaϊdehyde { 5 nil., 42.5 truxiol) in ether ( 50 nil..). The re&ultant sohition was suited at 0

3C for 30 minutes. The reaction was then quenched wish saturated NIi

+Cl and diluted with ether. The organic layer was separated and washed successively with H

;Q and brine, then dried over anliydroas Na^SO

4, filtered, and concentrated in vacuo to afford the crude product (7.2 g) which was directly used for the next reaction without purification. 500607! To a solution of the above alcohol f

'7.2 g, 43.9 JTUTIO!) and pyridine (

"? mL, 86.7 mmol j in CF-LCh (300 mL) at 0 "C was added Dess-Maπin periodiπanε ( 19.2 g, 45.3 mmol}. The resultant mixUire was stirred overnight and quenched with saturated aqueous and saturated aqueous

"NaMCO; ( 1 : 1 ). The organic Jayer was washed successively with H

2O and brine, then dried over anhydrous Na


(, fihered, arwi conceutraied in vacuo. The residue was purified by flash chromatography (silica, S: 1 -4 -J hexane- EtOAc) to aiTorcJ product us a colorless oil (6.28 g. 91 % for two steps), {0060$ I To a solution of the above ketone (4.43 g. 27,3 raraol) and <V-broinosuceJnimd<? (NBS

: 5.5 g. 30,

s> nmiol) in benzene ( 150 mL) was added 2, 2'-azohisisob»tyro!iitrile CAiBN, 0.2 g. 1.2 mmol) at 90

CC. The resultant solution was iieaied Kt reflux overnight and then cooled to iootn tcmpcraiiire. The brown solution was washed successive!}- with H

3O and bπne, then dried over anhydrous Na,>SO

Λ. filtered, and concetsttated in vacuo. The residue was crystallized from hexaoes to afford product as a white solid (6,21 g, 95%). |00609] To u soiuJion of EtONa (2.5 g, 34.9 tnmol) m EtOH (200 mL) at 0"C was added diethyl acetamidomakmafe (6 7 g, 30.9 rnmol) followed by the solution of the above bromide (6.2 g, 25,8 mmoO in EtOH ( JOO ml.). Tlic resuhaπi mrxrure was healed to reflux for 1 h and then quenched with citric acid ( 9 g) and diluted vvirh HjO. After most solvent was removed, the residue was extracted with EtOAc. The organic layer was washed successively with M

2O and brine, then dried over anhydrous. Na


4. filtered, and concentrated in VtKtW. The residue was purified by Ωash chromatography (silica, 4:1 -2: 1 hexane: EtOAc) so afford product as a light yellow solid (8.92 g. 92%).

[00610! To a solution of the above ketone (1.4 g, 3.71 mmoi} in HOAc (SO mL) was added Bt;, (0:7 mL, 13.6 nana!). The mixture was stirred at room temperature overnight and then quenched with saturated aqueous NaHCO3. The mixture was extracted with Et1O. The organic layer was washed successively with H7O and brine, then dried over anhydrous Na2SG.*, filtered, and concentrated m vacuo, The residue was purified by flash chromatography (silica, 5: 1 -3:2 hexane: EtOAc) to afford product as a yellow solid ( 1.23 g: 73%). |0G61 I J To a solution of α-bromo ketone U.12 g, 2.46 mitwl) and Na2CO3 (0.4 g, 3.77 mrool l m DMSO (30 ml,} was added Kϊ (0.45 g, J 3,2 ramoi). The mixture was stirred at 90 "C overnight and then quenched with citric acid (2 g) and H^O (2(K) mL). The mixture was extracted with FtOAc. The organic layer was washed successively with H;O and brine, then dried over anhydrous NajSOj. filtered, and concentrated in vacuo. The residue was purified by [lash chromatography (silica, 6: 1- ! : 50 hexane: EtOΛc) to afford α-hydroxyi ketone as an oil (0.62 g, 64%}, |006OJ To a solutioii of the above alcohol (0.62 g, 1.58 πitnoi) and pyridine (0.5 mL, 6Λ9 mmol) in CYhCIi ( 100 mL) ai 0 0C was added Dess-Martin penodinane (0.9 g, 2.12 ΠHΠOI ). The testilϊant mixiurc was stirred overnight and then quenched w«h saruratcd aqueous Na3S >O; and saturated aqueous NaHCO*, ( 1 :1), The organic layer was washed sαiceessivεly with. H^O and brine, then dried over anhydrous Na^SO4, filtered, and coπcentraicd in vacuo. The residue was puiiftet! by flash diromatography (silica, 9: 1-3:2 hexane: EEOAC) to afford product as a yelϊow oil (287 mg, 30 % for two steps}. J0Q613J The mixture of the above d (ketone (272 rag, 0.7 mmαl) in cone. HCl ( S 0 mL) and dioxaτie (' 10 mL) was heated to reflux overnight. After the solvent was removed in vacuo, MeOH (I rat) was added to dissolve the residue. Ether (200 ml.; was then added to precipitate the product as a yellow solid ( 162 mg, Sl %). Example 3; Synthesis of the hydrochloride salt af2~ttminø-3~(3,4~diøxoeycløhexβ-l,5-ilietiyl)propanøic acid, |00614] The L2-dicarl>onyt containing rκm-πaturai ammo acid was prepared according to the synthetic .scheme given below;

Example 4: Synthesis øf the hydrochloride salt of 2-amitiθ'3-(l,2~dihydro-l,2-diøxønaphtkalett~6^ }'f)prøpanøic mid.

[Θ0615] The 1,2-diearbonyl containing non-natural amino acid was prepared according io the synthetic scheme given below:


Example 5: Synthesis of the hydrøchorMe salt of2~4m>iftø~3'(3,4-diamittøpheHyt)prøpanøic mid. JOO61&5 The 1 ,2-aryldϊaraine containing non-natural amino acid was prepared according w the synthetic scheme given below;

Example 6

1006171 Synthesis of 2-Phcny?quinoxaUne, as outlined tn the synthetic scheme given below. The HPLC trace of this reaction is shown in Figure 3:

Example 7 fββft J B) Synthesis of 2-Ethyi-3-ruethylqtύoosaHne. as ouilhied in the synthetic scheme given below. The

HPLC trace is show in Figure 4;

Exampie S

|00619) Synthesis of 2-Methyl-3-phenylqumoxaline, as outlined in the synthetic scheme given below. The

HPLC trace is shown io Figure 5;

Example 9

[00620J This example deiϊiik the synthesis of 2,3-Diphen.ylqwinoxaline. as outlined JΪI the synthetic scheme given below. The HPLC trace is shown i:n Figure 6.

Example 1(1

J0Θ62 I ] This example details ihe synthesis of 2,3-Di(pyridm-2-yi)quiπαxahne. as outlined in the synthetic scheme given below. The HPLC trace is. shown in Figure ?.

Example II

|(røf>22j This example details tlie synthesis of Benzo[a]phenaxin.e, as outlined ra the synthetic scheme given below. The HPlC trace is shown in Figure 8.

Example 12

|80623] This example details the synthesis of 4-Sulfonylbeπzα[a]f>hetiaκirte, as outlined in the synthetic scheme given below. The HPLC trace JS shown in f igure 9.

Example ii J00624J Phenazme synthesis via reaction between 1.10-phenantbroUn?-?>6-dione and o-Phcαyldiaπnne. as outlined in the synthetic scheme given below. The IiPLC trace is shown in Figure 10.

Example 14

[0062Sf Phenazsϊse synthesis via reaclion between PhcπaiiUireiie -9.10-dioiic and o-F'heiiyldtaπήnc. as outlined in the synthetic scheme given below. The HPLC trace is shown m Figure I ! .

Example IS: Clϋtting atiii expression of a modified polypeptide in E. atli.

I&0626S An introduced translation system that comprises an orthogonal tRN A (O-tRNA) and an orthogonal anunoaeyl IRNA synthetase (O-RS) is used to express the polypeptide containing a non-natural ammo acid. The O-KS preferential!}' aminoacylates the O-tRNA with a non-natural amino acid, in tarn the translation system inserts the non-natural amino aod into the polypeptide, in response to an encoded selector codon. Amino acid and polynucleotide sequences of O-tRNA and O-RS useful for the incorporation of non-natural amino acids are described in U.S. Patent application serial no. K)-i 26,92? entitled "in Vivo Incorporation of Unnatural Amino Λcida" and U.S. Patent application serial no. 10/126,931 entitled "Methods and Compositions for the Production of Orthogonal tRHA-Aminoacyl tRNiA Synthetase Pairs." which are incorporated by reference herein. The following G-RS and O-tRNA sequences are also optionally used:

hom*ologous sequences are used to incorporate compounds of Formulas i , 3 and 6.

|00627| T"he trans format ion of /•:. call with pϊasmids, containing the modified gene and the orthogonal ansiπøaeyi tRNA synthetase/tRNA pair <speci.5c for the desired non-natural amino acid) allows the site-specific incorporation of non-natural amino acid into the polypeptide. The transformed E. col L grown at 37° C in media contaiϊiitig between about 0,01 to about 100 πiM of the particular noa-natural amino acid, expresses modified polypeptide with high fidelity and efficiency. The His-iagged polypeptide containing a non-naturai amino acid is produced by the E. coli .host cells as inclusion bodies or aggregates. The aggregates ate. sotubiliztxi and afimify purified under denaturing conditions in 6M giiaiudine HQ, Refokiasg is perfornied by dialysis at 4"C overnight in 5OmM TRIS-HC"], pHS.O, 40/i.M CuSO4, and 2% (w.V) Sarkosyl. The tnatcrini us then dialw.ed against 20tnM TRIS-HCl ≠\ 8.0, 10GmM NaCl, 2roM CaCJ3, followed by removal of the His-tag. Sec Boissel ef al, L Biol. Cb em., ( 1993) 268: 15983-93. Methods for purification of polypeptides are documented and are confirmed by SDS-PAGK, Wesiern Blot atiBlyses, or eiectrospray-ioπizaiion ion trap mass spectrometry and the like. Example 16; Testing Non-Natural Amino Acids

{00628] This example provides results of four tests that were conducted «τi certain illustrative noii-ngfurai amino acid? as an aid for predicting their properties for incorporation into non-natural amino acid polypeptides.

Example 17

[00629$ This example describes the derivatizatioti of the chemically synthesized !JT-IS in Fig. 16. Nt-Ix- SIu-- The —Pro— Asp — Cys— X— Trp — Lys— — Tyr— Cys — Va=- COOH i

Example IS

[Θ0630J Tins example describes the derivatizarion of the diemicafly synthesized .XT in Fig. 17.


Example 19; PEGylsttion ύf Human Growth Hormone (ItGH) containing a non-natural amino acid with an adryϊdwmitie group

100631] Human Growth Hormone (hϋϊij with e-phenyldiaπrinc (oPDA) located oκ amino acid 35 is reacted vith mPBG30k containing pentatie-2,3-dioπe rcaulπiig in the PEGylation of hGH via a quinoxaiine linkage.

Example 20; Flnorescently labeling Hitman Growth Hormone (HGH) containing a nan-natural amino acid with an adryldiamiite group

[08632 j Human Growth Hormone (hGH) with ø-phenyldianiine (oPDA) located on amino acid 35 is reacted with naphthalene- 1.2-dioπe resulting in the formation oϊ the pheiwine, benzo[a]phenaκine, therein flnorescently labeling hGH.

[00633] The following examples describe methods So measure and compare the in viiro and in viva activity of a modified therapeutically active non-natural amino acid polypeptide to the in vitro aod in rn-o activity of a therapeutically active natural amino acid polypeptide. Example 21: Ceil Binding Assays |006341 Cells, (3x10*) are incubated in duplicate in PBS/1 % BSA ( 100 μlj in the absence or presence of various concentrations (volume: 10 μϊ) of unlabeled GH, hGH or GM-CSF and in the presence of '"^ L-GH (appros. UXU)OO cpm or 1 ng) at 0 X~ for 90 minutes (iota! volume: 120 μ\). Cells are then resuspendεd and layered over 2(K) μi ice cold FCS in a 330 μl plastic cemriliige tube and centrifuged f 1000 g; I tninute). The pellet is coiSected by catting off the ead of the tube and pellet and supernatant counted separately m a gaπinia counter (Packard). f00635] Specific binding (cpm) is. determined as total binding ra the absence of a competitor (mean of duplicates) minus binding (cpra) in the presence of 100-fold excess of unlabeled GIi (non-specific binding). The Hoo-s pecifiL- binding is measured for each of the celi types used. [Experiments ace ran on separate days using die same preparation of U>1-GH arid should display internal consistency. s"'ϊ-GU demonstrates binding to the GH receptor-producing cells. The binding is inhibited in a dose dependent manner by unlabeled natural GH or hGH, but not by GM-CSF or other negative control. The ability of hGH to compete for the binding of natural 1 ; '!~GH, similar to natural GH, suggests that the receptors recognize both forms equally well. Example 22; hi ϊ'ivo Studies of PEGylaied hGH [00636] PEG-hGH, unmodified hGH and buffet solution are administered to mice ot rate. The results wiϊi show superior activity and prolonged half life of the PHGylated hGH of the present invention compared TO unmodified hGH which is indicated by significantly increased body weight.

Example 2$: Measurement of the in vivo Half-life of Conjugated and Non-conjugated hGH and Valiums Thereof. |00637] Ai! animal experimentation is conducted in an AAALAC accredited facility and under protocols approved by the Institutional Animal Care: and Use Committee of St. Louis University. Rats are housed individually in cages in rooms with a 12-houτ light/dark cycle. Animals are provided access to certified Purina rodent chow 5001 and water ad libitum. For hypophysectoinized rats, (.he drinking water additionally contains 5% glucose. Example 24; Pharmaco*kinetic studies

SGIM381 The qualify of each PEGyUted mutant hGH was evaluated by three assays before entering animal experiments. The purity of the PEG-IiGH was examined by running a 4-12% acrylamidε NuPAGE Bis-Tris gel with MES SDS running buffer under not) -reducing conditions (Inviirogen, Carlsbad. CA). The gels were stained 5 wish Coomassie blue. The PEG -hGH band was greater than 95% pure based on densitometry scan. The endotoxin level in each PEG-IiGH was tested by a kinetic LAL assay using the KTA' kit from Charles River Laboratories ( Wilmington, MA), and was less than 5 EU per dose. The biological activity of the PEG-hϋH was assessed with a IM-9 pSTATS bioassay, and the EC?(, value confirmed io be less than 15 nM, {006391 Pharmaco*kinetic properties of PEG-niαdified growth hormone compounds were compared to each

1 0 other and to norϊPEGylated growth hormone m male Sprague-Dawley tats (26! -425g) obtained from Charles Rivet Laboratories. Catheters were surgically installed into the carotid artery for Mood collection. Following successful catheter installation, animals were assigned to treatment groups (three to six per group) prior to closing. Animals were dosed subcutaneous Iy with about t mg/kg of compound in a dose volume of abouJ 0.4 ! to about 0.55 ml/kg. Blood samples were collected at various time points via the indwelling catheter and into

1.5 EDTA-eoated microfuge tubes. Plasma was collected alter ceniri {ligation, atκl stored at -SO vlC until analysis. Compound concentrations were measured using antibody sandwich growth hormone F; USA kite from eithet BioSoutce international (Camarillo, CA) or Diagnostic Systems Laboratories {Webster. TX). Concentrations were calculated using standards corresponding to the analog that was dosed. Pharmaco*kinetic parameters were estimated using the modeling program WmNoolin (Phaxsight, version 4.1 ). NOiicompartmenfal analysis wiih

20 liπear-up/log-dowα trapezoidal integration was used, and concentration data was uniformly weighted.

[ODMO I Plasma concentrations were obtained at regular intervals following a single subcutaneous dose in rats. Rats (iv: 3-6 per group) were given a single bolus dose of 1 mg/kg protein. hG.H wild-type protein (WHO IiGH). MJS- tagged hOH polypeptide (his-frG.H), or H is, -tagged hOH polypeptide comprising a non- oamral amino acid of Formula 1 covalently linked to 30 kDa PEG at each of six different positions were compared to WHO

25 hGH and (hisj-hGH. Plasma samples were taken over the regular time intervals and assayed for injected compound as described. Example 25: Pharmacodynamic studies

[00641] H ypophysectomized male Sprague-Dawley rats were obtained from Charles River Laboratories. Pituitaries were surgically removed at 3-4 weeks of age. Animals were allowed to acclimate for a period of three

30 weeks, daring winch rime bodyweight was monitored. Animals with a bodywetght gain of 0-8g over a period of seven days before the start of tlie study were included and randomized to treatment groups. Rats were administered either a bolus dose or daily dose subcutaneous!)', llrroughoui: the study rats were daily and sequentially weighed, anesthetized, bled, and dosed (when applicable). Blood was collected from the orbital sinus using a hcparinixcd capillary tube and placed into an .EDTA coated mictofuge lube. Plasma was isokiied

35 by eeutrifttgatjoπ and stored Ά\ -8(TC until analysis. The mean ( * /- S. D.) plasma concentrations were plotted versus time intervals.

]00642{ The peptide .IGF-S is a member of She family of somatomedins or insulm-iike growth factors. IGF- ϊ mediates many of the growth-promoting effects of growth hormone. IGF-I concentrations were measured usiϊic a competitive binchtig enzyme immunoassay kit against the provided rat/mouse tGTM standards 0 (Diagnosie Systems Laboratories). Hypophyseelomized rats. Raw (n~ 5-7 per group) were given either a single dose of daily dose subcutaneous Iy. Animals were sequentially weighed, anesthetized, bled, and closed (when applicable) daily. Bodywetght results ate taken for placebo treatment, wild t>pe hGH (hGH), His-iagged hGH C(bis)hGH), and hGH polypeptides comprising a non-natural amino acid of Formula 3 covstently-lϊnked to 30 kDa PI:.G at positions 35 and 92. Example 26: Human Clinical Trial of the Safely and/or Efficacy o/ FfiGylated hGH Comprising a /V»«- Encoded Λmitto AcM

£00643] The following example of a clinical {rial is used to treat childhood and adult growth hormone deficiency, Turner syndrome, chronic renal failure, Prader-Willi syndrome, children with intrauterine growth retardation, idiopathic shorl stature, growth failure associated wish chronic high dose glucocorticoid use, posi- transplant growth failure, X -linked hypophosphatemia rickets, inflammatory bowel disease, Noonan syndrome, bone dysplasia, growth failure associated with Celiac's disease, muscle wasting associated, e.g., with advance acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, promote heaimg of burns, side effects of severe dieting for obese individuals, fybrαmyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, debilities associated with aging, and other uses of human growth hormone. [00644} Objective To compare the safety and pharmaco*kinetics of sυbcut;meous!y administered PEGylated recombinant human hGH comprising a »on-«atwal1y encoded amino acid of FotrnuSa 1 with one or more of the commercially available hGH products (including, but not limited to Humatrope™ (Eh Lilly & Co.), Nutrapin™ (Getientech), Nordiixopin™ (Novo-Nordisk), Geπotropm™ ( Pfizer) and Sai&eπ/Serostirn™ {Serono}}. 1006451 Patiems Eighteen healthy vohtntee*ts ranging between 20-40 years of age and weighing between 60-90 kg are enrolled in the study. The subjects will have no clinically significant abnormal laboratory values for hematology or serum chemistry, and a negative urine toxicology screen, HIV" screen, and hepatitis B surface antigen. They should not have any evidence of (he following: hypertension; a history of any primary hematologic disease; history of significant hepatic, renal, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, genitourinary, metabolic, neurologic disease; a history of anemia or seizure disorder; a known sensitivity to bacterial or mammalian-derived products, PEG, or human serum albumin; habitual and heavy consumer to beverages containing caffeine; participation ra any other eUracal trial or had blood transfused or donated within 30 days, of study entry; had exposure to hGH within three months of study entry, had an illness within seven days of study entry; and have significant abnormalities on the pre-study physical examination or the clinical laboratory evaluations within \ 4 days of study entry, AH subjects are evaluated for safety arid all blood collections for pharmaco*kinetic analysis are collected as scheduled. ΛU studies are performed with insutwiional ethics committee approval and patient consent. f06ή4C>) SfΛjdχJ>esjigβ This will be a Phase L single -center, open-label, randomized, two-period crossover study in healthy male volunteers. Eighteen subjects are randomly assigned to one of two treatment sequence groups ('mt)e subjects/gtoup). GH is administered over two separate dosing periods as a bolus s.c. injection in the upper thigh using equivalent doses of the PKGyiated hGH comprising a nxm-πaturally encoded amino acid of Formula l and the commercially available product chosen. The dose and frequency of administration of the commercially available product is as instructed in the. package label Additional dosing, dosing frequency, or other parameter as desired, using the commercially available products are added to she study by including additional groups of subjects. Each dosing period is separated by a 14-day washout period. Subjects are confined io she study center at least 12 hours prior to and 72 horns following dosing for each of' the two dosing periods, but not between dosing periods. Additional groups of subjects are added if there are to bε additional dosing, frequency, or aiher parameter, to be tested for the PEGylated hGH as we U. Multiple formulations of OH that are approved Tor human use are optionally used in this study, Huinatrape™ (Eli LiSIy & Co.), Nutropm™ (Geneirtech), 'Nαrditxopm™ (Novo-^ordisk), Geπotropm™ ( Pfizer) and Saύen/Sermtsm™ (Serono)} are commercially available GH products approved for hmnan use. The experimental formulation of hGH is the PEGyiated hGH comprising a son -natural Iy encoded amino acid of Formula 1

1006471 lilowLSanjjling Seiial blood is drawn by direct vein puncture before and after admmistra! ton of hGH. Venous blood samples (5 mi.) for detemumuion of serum GH concentrations are obtained at about 30, 20, and 10 minufes prior to closing (3 baseline samples) and at approximately the following times after dosmg: 30 minutes, and at ! , 2, 5. H, 12, 15, 58, 24, 30, 36. 48, 60 and 72 hours. Each serum sample is divided into two aliquots. AlS serum samples are stored at -20"C. Serum samples are shipped on dry ice. fasting clinical laboratory tests (hematology, serum chemistry, and urinalysis) are performed immediately prior to the instial dose on day L the morning of day 4, immediately prior to dosing on day 16, and the morning of day 19. {006481 BiMnaJilicaL.Methρds An ELISA kit procedure (Diagnostic Systems Laboratory [DSL], Webster TX), is used for the determination of serum GM concentrations,

[00649} Safety Deiermmalions Vital signs are recorded immediately prior to each dosing ( Days 1 and 16). and at 6, 24, 48, and 72 hours after each dosing. Safety determinations are based on the incidence and type of adverse events and the changes JO clinical laboratory tests from baseline. In addition, changes from pre-study in vita! sign measurements, including blood pressure, and physical examination results are evaluated. [006501 Dafa_Artalysig Post-dose serum concentration values are corrected for pre-dose baseline GH concentrations by subtracting from each of the post-dose values the mean baseline GM concentration determined from averaging the GH levels from the three samples collected at 30. 20, and 10 minutes before dosmg. Pre- dosc serum GH concentrations arc not included in the calculation of the mean value if they are below the quantification level of the assay. Pharmaco*kinetic parameters are determined from seππn concentration data corrected for baseline GH concentrations. Pharmaco*kinetic parameters are calculated by model independent methods on a Digital Equipment Corporation VAX 8600 computer system using the latest version of the BK)AVL software. The following pharmaco*kinetics parameters are determined: peak serum concentration (C,-,,,!.,.); lime Io peak serum concentration (tltMv); area under the concentration-time curve (AUC) from time zero to the last btood sampling time ( AUC1L7;.) calculated with the use of the linear trapcxoidal rule; and terminal elimination half-life H-m), computed from the elimination rate constant, The elimination rate constant is estimated by linear regression of coniecusive data points m the termmai linear region of the log-linear concentration-time piot. The mean, standard deviation (SDj, and coefficient of variation (CV) of the pharmaco*kinetic parameters are calculated for each treatment. The ratio of the parameter means (preserved fornm!atton<'non-pr.eserved formulation.) is calculated. j 00651 ] Safety.ResuHg The incidence of adverse events is equally distributed across the treatment groups. There are no clinically significant changes from baseline or pre-study clinical laboratory tests or blood pressures, and no notable changes from pre-study in physical examination results and viial sign measurements. The safety profiles For the two treatment groups should appear similar. [00652] Pharmaco*kinetic Results Mean serum GH concentration-time profiles (uncαrrected for baseline GH levels) in all I S subjects after receiving a single dose of one or more of commercially available hGH produc is ( including, bid not limited to Humatrope™ (KiIi Lilly & Co. J, Nutropin™ (Genemceh), Nordπropin™ (Novo-Nordiskj, Genotropiu™ (P&er) and Saizen/Serostim™ (Seionoj) are compared to the P KGy Ia ted liGH comprising a πon-naturally encoded amino acid of Formula S at each time po;nt measured. Al! subjects ilxmld have pre-dosc baseline GH concentrations within the τioπnal physiologic range. Pharmaco*kinetic parameters ate determined from semm data corrected lor pre-dose mean baseline GH concentrations and the Csm>, and tUK,x arc determined. The τncart t,TOJ for the clinical comparators) chosen (Htimatrope™ (Eli Liiiy & Co.), ftulropin™ (Gerteruech), Norditrapirt™ (Novo-Nordisk), Genotropin™ (Pfizer), SaJze«/Serostim"m (Seronoi) is significantly shorter than the tire;y for the PBGylaϊed hGH comprising the non-naturally encoded amino acid of formula 1. Terminal half-life values 3τe significantly shorter for the commercially available hGH products tested compared with the terminal baϊi-ϊife for the PEGylaied hGH comprising a non -natural Iy encoded amino acid of Formula ϊ . 1006531 Although the present srudy is conducted in healthy male subjects, simiiar absorption characteristics and safety profiles would be anticipated in other patient populations; such as male or female patients with cancer or chronic renal failure, pediatric renal failure patients, patients in autologous predeposii programs, oτ patients scheduled for elective surgery.

[00654 i ϊo conclusion, subcutaneously administered single doses of PEGyϊated hGH comprising ison- naturaOy encoded amino acid of Formula I svjll be safe and well tolerated by healthy mate subjects. Based on a cmπparaiivc incidence of adverse events, clinical laboratory values, vital signs, and physical exatninϋtiori resαfis, the safety profiles of the comπicrciaUy available forms of hGH and PEGytatεd I)GH comprising noπ- uatutally encoded amino acid of Formula 1 will be equivalent The FEGySated hGH comprising παn-naturatly encoded amino acid of Formula E potentially provides large clinical utility to patients and health care providers. Example 27; Comparison of water solttbiUty ofVEGyluteά hGH and non-I'EGyltued kGfϊ [006551 'Hie water solubility of hGH wild-type proiein ( WHO hGH), His-Sagged bGH polypeptide (kis- hGH), or Hh -tagged hGH polypeptide comprising non- natutal amino acid of FotinuJa lcovaieiitly UtiJked to 30 kDa PEG at position 92 are obtained by deteπmining the quantity of the respective polypeptides which can dissolve on 100 μL of water. The quantity of PEGylated hGH is larger than the quantities for WHO hGH and hGH which shows that FBGyiation of non-natural amino acid polypeptides increases the water soiubibty. Example 28; In Vivo Studies of modified therapeutically active nøn-natural amino acid polypeptide

[00656] Prostate cancer tumor xenografts are implanted into mice which are then separated into two groups. Ofiε group is treated daily with a modified therapeutically active non-natural amino acid polypeptide and the other group is treated daily with therapeutically active natural amino acid polypeptide. The tumor size is. measured daily ant! the modified therapeutically active non-uaturaS amino acid polypeptide has improved therapeutic effectiveness compared to the therapeutically active natural amino acid polypeptide as indicated by a decrease in tumor size for the group treated with the modified therapeutically active πon-narura] amino acid polypeptide.

(00657J The examples and embodiments described herein are tor illustrative purposes only and that various ϊtKKΪiftcaf ions oi changes m light thereof are to be included within the spirit and purview of this application and scope of the appended claims..




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