potato kugel (2024)

  • That’s exactly what I was thinking – why aren’t I making it yet! My first kugel, thanks for this delicious looking one.

  • Lila

    Potato starch?

  • Elizabeth

    I think I know what I’ll be making New Year’s Eve! Can’t wait to dollop it with sour cream, frill it with fresh dill, and pop the champagne. (And I’ll throw some caviar on the side for those who roll that way.) Yum!

  • Hurray! I’ll leave the latkes to my mom — I’m too lazy to fry (plus let me tell you about the time I splattered hot oil ALL OVER MYSELF while trying to flip). I desperately needed a good potato kugel recipe. This has my name written all over it.

    1. Leslie

      I searched and searched and decided to make this kugel. I just put it in my oven.
      Why am I not able to find how long to cook this for? Help!

      1. It’s in the recipe — “Bake in heated oven for 75 to 80 minutes…”

    2. Kevin Putnam

      I see nothing in the recipe saying you are supposed to write Sarah all over it. Was this a modification you made?

      1. Melissa

        I made this in muffin tins because I needed a K4P lunch that could be eaten cold to send with my four-year-old during her mini-camp this week while regular school is off. Planning to pack 1 kugel “muffin” with sour cream, a hard-boiled egg, string cheese, and some veggies with dip. Anyway, I followed the ingredients as written. I added oil to each muffin well/cup (no liners) and put in the preheated oven for about 5 minutes, until I heard the oil start sizzling and popping. I filled 16 cups (heaping) in 2 tins and drizzled the extra oil over the top. I think you could super-fill 12 cups or maybe stretch to 18-20, but not 24. Baked at 350 for 60 minutes. I did cover with foil after about 30/40 minutes because they were starting to brown fast in my oven. Getting them out of the tins was a struggle, but they taste good. I would use a cast iron skillet next time. It’s not really worth the hassle to have them in individual cups. I might try using ramekins sometime; maybe they’d release more easily.

  • Oh my yes. My family never did potato kugel, only noodle (and really, only sweet, luncheon kugle), so this is going to be a must-try next week!

    1. marcia landman

      Hee hee. Totally understandable mistake, like Ramona’s donzerly light. Not luncheon kugle. Lokshen kugel. Lokshen is Yiddish for noodles.

  • Erica

    Could corn starch be used instead of potato starch without affecting the thickness/taste?

  • Joanna

    Oh, my goodness. This looks divine. Is it time for me to buy a cast-iron skillet? Or, can this be made in any other skillet-type vessel? Also, I’m with Lila on this one, potato starch? I didn’t even know that was a thing. Is it readily available in most grocery stores?

    1. Susan Weiss

      Yes, an American-made Lodge 10 or 12-inch cast iron frying pay on Amazon is $30.00 or so. Do season it well and then keep it well seasoned. Nothing is better than this, especially for that price.

    2. Diana Cooper

      As mentioned at the bottom of the recipe, you can substitute corn starch for potato starch. It’s in the Notes section just below the recipe.

  • Jane M

    Please don’t judge … But I use SIMPLY POTATOES! OMG OMG they’re amazing. Plus I live with a Type 1 who can’t go near a potato so it’s just easy Peasy for me when I get a kugel hankering!!! Weeee!

    1. Janice Hellmann

      If using pre-shredded potatoes, how many cups??

      1. You’ll want to use it by weight — 3 pounds.

  • Cheryl

    This looks amazing… I have always wanted a great recipe for potato kugel and now I have one. I can’t wait to try this. God bless Smitten Kitchen.

  • That is pure crispy golden brown gorgeousness! My family makes something similar called rösti (Scandinavian), but yours looks ten times better. As potato fanantics, we’ll definetly give potato kugel a try.

  • Naomi

    Any thoughts on cutting the recipe in half? There’s only three of us here and I worry if I make the whole thing we’ll eat it. I guess my main question is what size pan you think is half a 10 inch?

    1. Chris Jordan

      geometrically, 7″ has half the area of 10″

    2. Claire

      I will just say that 2 of us demolished 3/4 of this for dinner … and that it freezes well…

  • Patti

    No need to squeeze the liquid out of the shreds?

    1. Carolyn

      That’s what the starch is for. It absorbs the liquid and helps it hold together, along with the eggs.

  • Sarah M.

    Deb, what would you think of doing these as an appetizer (for a New Year’s Eve party) with some creme fraiche and caviar? Do you think they’d dollop and bake well in muffin tins for small bites, oiling the tin rather than starting on the stove?

  • MaryM

    OMG giant hash browns! I’m with Naomi on halving the recipe. There are only two of us, and I’m sure that as long as there are potatoes in the pan we’re going to keep eating them until they’re gone! I do, however, have a smaller skillet that I’m willing to try. Jumbo eggs, sunny side up, here it comes!

  • I want to put a big fat yolky (is that a word??) egg all over this! Yum!

  • George Castonguay

    Pretty close to the recipe I use for potato pancakes that I fry in oil using my electric skillet. Might have to try this version, sure sounds easier!

  • Cheri

    I don’t have a cast iron skillet. I do have a non-stick (ceramic, not teflon) skillet with a metal handle–would that work?

    1. Diana Cooper

      EVERYONE needs to own at least one cast-iron skillet! I have a large square one, a large round one, a small round one and a medium square one (I use this one a lot for cornbread. They are indispensable kitchen items. We bought all of ours at either Goodwill or the Salvation Army store when we were first married over 50 years ago.I think we paid between 50 cents to a dollar back in the old days! Run out NOW and pick up a few. You’ll never regret it.

  • Wendy

    oh wow, I might just have to make this instead of latkes to go with my Christmas brisket (your recipe, which is amazing). Then I might have time to make matzo ball soup. I love a traditional Jewish Christmas dinner.

  • Elaine

    I am cast-iron-skillet-phobic. Too heavy, and mostly, there’s that initial seasoning and then the don’t-wash-it-with-soap-and-water thing, despite all the cooked-on debris. I can’t get over the ick. You don’t have to provide the therapy, but as an alternative, would a pre-heated baking pan in a hot oven work, do you think?

    1. Diana Cooper

      They’re easier than you think to take care of. First, wipe out as much of the oil or grease that you can with paper towels. Then wash in warm soapy water, using a scrubber if you want. Don’t worry about the soap and water; that’s just an old-wives tale. When the skillet is dry, add a few drops of vegetable oil and swish it around the bottom of the pan to prevent rust. That’s all the care they need. They’re ready for the next treat you care to make and enjoy.

  • minik

    It always confused me… You see, my MIL always makes her “latkes” in a big pan whereas I make them in individual portions. I thought it basically the same… Didn’t know it was called a kugel though, thanks for the info and clarity Deb!
    It’s funny, I just went upstairs and my in laws were having dinner – you guessed it, potato kugel!

  • Lisa

    What are your thoughts on using duck fat for the oil? I’ve not cooked with it before and wondering if it would impart the “wrong” flavour?

  • minik

    Elaine, comment 20 – yes, it’s the way my MIL always makes it… Melt the butter/oil in it too!

  • The ingredients list 5 TB of oil, but the directions list heating 1/4 cup of oil in the pan. Is the remaining tablespoon in the pan or supposed to be drizzled on top? This looks amazing and glad to have a lazy alternative to individual latkes!

  • kim dunn

    Again,not my recipes & I’m not tweeting these.But they do sound amazing so I’ll take the credit. :-)

  • Potato starch — I should add other options. Cornstarch works too. As does flour. Matzo meal is traditional. I like potato starch because it’s the least distracting and lightest, of course because it’s just potatoes! I buy mine from Bob’s Red Mill; usually in a section with other BRM products at just about any store these days (hooray).

    Without a cast-iron — Use a casserole baking dish. Just heat the oil first so it’s hot when the potato mixture lands in it. (You can do this in the oven, but it will take a good 5 minutes to get very hot. Might as well do it in 60 seconds on the stove.)

    In muffin tins for appetizers — 100% absolutely. I’ll be doing it for Hanukah when our family comes over; just decided to take the year off from frying, these were so good. ;)

    Halving this — Yes, you can. Just use a smaller pan.

    Last tablespoon of fat/oil — My bad! Now edited. You drizzle it over the top before baking.

    Patti — Nope, no need to squeeze. It’s my favorite part (that I get to skip this).

    Duck fat — Sounds amazing.

    Elaine — Most cast-iron skillets come pre-seasoned these days, such as the ones from Lodge. You’ll only need to reseason if you buy a used one or if you really wreck it, which you of course would never do. (And it’s as simple as baking it coated with oil for a while.) I am, however, really really overdue to write about cast iron care. Soon!

    1. Help, please. I need to maker these tomorrow. I don’t have a skillet and I’m wondering what size casserole dish to use. We like them a bit thinner. Worked 9 by 13 work?

      1. 9×13 will be fine, just slightly thinner.

        1. Thank you so very much for your quick reply! I just wanted to say at this holiday time, I really appreciate you and your commenters. You are also responsible and kind and helpful. Wishing you all a joyous 2017!

      1. It is never not okay to use butter.

  • SallyT

    Question – love the use of the food processor, but your strands look smaller in diameter than mine – which grating blade do you use? Thanks!

  • I grew up with (very sweet, practically dessert-like) noodle kugel containing raisins and canned pineapple. At the risk of sounding blasphemous, this potato version looks much better.

  • Lauren

    This looks yummy, as does Anna and the portion of Jacob’s adoring face. “Potatoes Anna” being one of my faves, any chance of a riff on those sometime? Seems appropriate. For those of you not raised with Kosher or “jewish” food, I can tell you there are lots of nifty things to try in the Kosher section of your supermarket. Kedem Grape Juice ( for anyone with kids, or for non-red wine drinkers) just for starters. I “married into” a sweet kugel family, and have found some great products as a result. My mom ( Episcopalian with German roots) always made potato pancakes with applesauce for Shrove Tuesday. I prefer the sour cream and chive treatment now; although I would not turn any version away. At holiday time the Kosher aisle can yield a lot of interesting items… it’s like a trip to a new country, worth exploring!

  • Jacqui

    Would this work well with sweet potatoes?

  • I’m in love with how brown and crunchy this turned out!

  • Awads

    How do you grate your potatoes in the processor on their sides? my feed tube (16 year old cuisinart that still works like a dream) is too narrow. what do you use? i want mine to look as pretty as yours!

  • Food processor blade — I have a DLC-837 “medium shredding disc” that came with my Cuisinart, just over 10 years ago!

    Awads — My food processor is the 11-cup and has a large oval chute with a small round one inside. I lay the potatoes on their side in the large oval.

    Sweet potatoes — Haven’t tested this recipe with them but don’t see why it wouldn’t work. I’ve seen a few variations on sweet potato kugels in recipes online.

    1. Susan Weiss

      Sweet potato kugel and loads of scallions cut in 1″ lengths: divine! Also sweet potato latkes, also with scallions. For an extra kick, grate in some fresh ginger.

  • Liz

    Yup, you absolutely have to heat the oil first! That’s the secret my mom taught me. We don’t usually drizzle oil on top, though, because the hot oil basically comes up the sides and on top when you pour the mixture in. We’ve always made it in a metal 9×13 dish, and we put it in the oven while it’s heating up, so the oil gets hot with no wasted time :)

  • This looks just gorgeous! My knees go weak at the sight of crispy potato strands. I have yet to make potato kugel (the closest I’ve done is potato rosti, and plenty of latkes), but now I feel like I’ve been missing out.

  • That looks amazing, and as a German I’m always in favor of potatoes!

  • Anne

    …and can we talk about the hair on that baby? And those eyes!

  • Matt

    For Naomi who asked about having the recipe, half the area/volume of a ten inch pan would be right around a seven inch pan if the sides are the same height.

  • Marcia

    The virtues of this recipe are many. Less grease spattered in the kitchen. Less smoke in city kitchens , so you don’t have to beat the hair trigger smoke alarm into submission with a broom.! No one in this family complains about crispy potatoes in any form. This looks perfect, almost as perfect as the little pink latke in the picture!

  • Jacqueline Strand

    This type of kugel is my favorite. I have a similar recipe I use but I love how this is cooked in a cast iron pan.

  • Christine

    I mean, it takes an exceptionally cute kid to keep me from running to my kitchen to make a potato kugel, and good lord is that kid cute. The hair! the (blue!) eyes!

  • Ellen

    Love the idea of doing this in muffin tins!!! That would be an awesome alternative when hosting a larger group. Any chance you could give directions for using the recipe that way….oil? bake time? etc. I would love to try this for my Family Hanukah dinner next weekend :)

  • Susan

    I’ve made your noodle kugel a few times and wasn’t aware there was any other kind! This looks, like you said, a giant latke..which I love! Can’t wait to try this.

  • Kay

    I’ll have to substitute the potatoes as these aren’t locally available- Are Russett or Idaho potatoes waxy or floury?

  • Shuggie’s Mom

    About cast iron! Best ones found in antique store. They have been used for years (usually) and have a super smooth inferior that takes YEARS to develop in a brand new pan.

  • june2

    I could never understand sweet noodle kugal…I’m not Jewish, but still. This however, seems right on. Love the strands and I have a spiralizer so I’ll try using that for the potatoes!

  • Janice F

    I made these for dinner with some aging red potatoes we had sprouting in the cabinet, in mini muffin tin with the oil drizzled over each one. Baked probably 30 m at 350 and another 30 at 300 while waiting for my spouse. Delicious. Crispy on the outside, tender on the inside, better and easier than my last twenty years of latkes! Even my kids ate them (with applesauce).

    On cast iron: I’ve found that Lodge’s preseasoning doesn’t hold up well- it seems to be applied as a too-thick layer or layers, and eventually starts to peel off. I’ve had to reseason mine. I highly recommend this method: (http://sherylcanter.com/wordpress/2010/01/perfect-popovers-and-how-to-clean-reseason-cast-iron/) and found cheap organic flax oil in the vitamin aisle at the local big box.

    1. TriciaPDX

      Thanks for sharing the cast iron cleaning link. Not only was it instructive, it was really fun to read. I have a Lodge 10″ skillet that could use a touch up, not the draconian measures of this post, but I might invest in some avocado oil or flax seed oil for the task.

  • Luzia

    This is my absolute favorite dish! I’m from Cologne, Germany and my mom used to make this all the time when I was growing up. In the Rhineland we call it “Döbbekuchen” (roughly pronounced Doebbakuchan) and even in Berlin, where I live now most people don’t know about it. I love that you (living in NY) always know my favorite, even regional dishes!

  • Susan

    Russets and Idahos, which are russet potatoes grown in Idaho, are both floury. Reds and whites are waxey. Yukon Golds are floury/creamy.

  • nm

    I wash my cast iron pans. With actual water and soap. Sacrilege, supposedly, but I can’t deal with not washing pans. And they still work just fine. I just take care not to scrub off the seasoning. While the seasoning is still getting established, it helps to warm some oil in the pan after washing and drying, and then wipe off the excess oil.

  • Anna

    I have a starch question and please bare with me:-)
    I think if you drain grated potatoes the liquid drains off and there is starch in the liquid. Since you are not draining the potatoes why do you need to add more starch to the recipe?

  • R

    Just made this for dinner and it received rave reviews! I halved the recipe, which worked well! I used two large Russets and a smaller Idaho, two eggs, and regular flour. I also used an 8 inch square glass pan and heated the oil in the oven. It was Thanks for the recipe!

  • Eileen

    This was perfect for the cold rainy day. I can’t believe I made dinner out of the bag of potatoes on the counter, and with plenty to have friends over… You literally made our evening. Thank you!

  • Just made this to go with dinner! Mine was completely soft and almost hom*ogeneous in the middle – no potato like structure. Not quite custardy either…kind of a grainy custard I guess? I thought it was alright but my family wasn’t into it.

    My potatoes seemed very wet (I used Yukon Gold) and that may have been the problem. Darn it!

  • Pru

    I’m confused. You grate the potatoes twice? Or should the first instruction be to coarsely chop them, not coarsely grate them?

  • Pru

    Oh wait. Nevermind! I just read it a third time and it was clear. Long day!

  • Ugh, why?! I’m trying to get back on the diet wagon and then you go and post this and now I have to make it. And we’re totally just going to eat them as a main dish.

  • J.B.

    OMG, this looks so fab! Like many others, I don’t love sweet noodle kugel, but I can’t wait to try this delish potato kugel. But, even more–that girl of yours! Looking at your gorgeous pictures of her almost hurts! Those little ginger eyebrows!

  • Next time, add a teaspoon of garlic powder. And it has to be powder, that’s what makes potato kugel taste like potato kugel, rather than a ginormous, and admittedly delicious-looking, hash brown. I don’t think the roe would work with the garlic powder, though…A few things: For those without a cast-iron skillet — grease a brownie pan and toss it in the oven while it’s pre-heating. Once you make your kugel, dump it directly into the pan — you want to hear a sizzle. I’ve found sweet potatoes grate differently than regular potatoes, which makes a different textured kugel. Most recipes for sweet potato kugel involve cinnamon and sugar. I tried making a savory one with cumin and coriander. It was very peculiar and will never be repeated.

    Have you ever tried making a Jerusalem kugel? Salt and pepper and sugar that caramelizes all around the noodles. It’s been on my to-do list for ages.

  • Sarah — The Yukon Golds could have done it. They’re waxier, so they might taste more smooth here.

    Kay — As mentioned above, they’re floury/dry.

    In muffin tins — I’d put some oil in each indentation and heat it in the oven until very hot before adding the potato mixture.

    Anna — Just because we’re not draining off the starch doesn’t mean that the kugel cannot benefit from extra thickener. Not everyone adds matzo meal or flour or the like, but I find a little help pulls it together. As I mentioned above, potato starch is my first choice because it’s the least distracting/lightest.

    Re, cast iron — I too will use soap if needed or if something was particularly… aromatic. But just a little, as little as needed, and I almost always: dry the pan with a paper towel immediately and if it’s looking a little raw, coat it lightly with oil, put the pan over a very high flame for a full minute and then let it cool completely. I will wipe off any extra oil before the next use. This is an old trick I got from Cook’s Illustrated and it’s like a mini-reseasoning, and I find all I need for long-term care.

  • Ivy

    Early this evening I saw this post, showed the picture to my husband, and we both spontaneously decided that we were having potato kugel for dinner. We used duck fat and it came out great. Next time I will cut back the onion (it was really strong onion) and maybe add some garlic and herbs. We ate way too much and I can’t wait to have some for breakfast. Thanks!

  • Any suggestions if you have a crappy food processor without a grating blade? Will a regular box grater work well enough?

  • Casey

    This looks amazing! I am hosting a New Year’s party this year, and after going down the kugel rabbithole on your site I am tempted to make BOTH this AND your cream cheese noodle kugel. I figure that I can pair them with lox and other charcuterie on the side, add a big bowl (or two!) of punch, and call my hostessing work done! However, I welcome any suggestions for other easy-peasy food items or recipes that could share a buffet with this kugel — especially anything that will be substantial enough to ground all the punch and/or champagne that I expect folks will be downing.

  • Sue O’Sullivan

    With more comments than ever today rhapsodising over pix of Anna and Jacob, I am compelled to ask why don’t I see them way over here in England? Surely they’re not getting lost in space. Is there something extra I have to do to get your fabulous recipes with photos PLUS the family pix? Thanks.

  • This sounds amazing! I agree that hash browns can be a lot more complicated to get that perfect texture balance. I will be trying this soon!

  • I love your recipes!

  • JS

    Sitting in my office yesterday, looking at all the gross, clammy, freezing rain, and I spontaneously decided we needed this for dinner. I cut the recipe by a third and used a 1 lb bag of TJs shredded potatoes, a small onion, a tablespoon of flour, one egg, and eyeballed the rest. Hot damn, woman — I’m already excited about leftovers for dinner tonight.

  • Christina — You can absolutely grate by hand. The strands end up less thick, otherwise no difference. A couple people have mentioned using spiralizers (because everyone has one these days, apparently!… er, not me) and I think it would be gorgeous.

    Rachel — It’s so pretty with the fine noodles! You almost make me want to try something different. ;)

    Sue — There’s usually a buried link in each post to a photo (so people who are into kids can look and those that are not won’t be inundated). Here, it’s under “best quality control.”

  • Lori Hendrickson

    Deb: you mentioned in the recipe notes that you wring the potatoes until your arms hurt – then you said that you make them the easy way, no wringing – ? Should I wring them?? Thank you! I love your recipes – they are my go-to every single week. xo

  • Alene

    Hi! I am thrilled that you wrote about this today! I never thought of shredding the potatoes. That must make the kugel much lighter. I alway pulverized them and it can be a little dense. That was my mother’s version as well as the New York Times Passover Cookbook’s. Yes, there is one, and the recipes are perfect for weekday dinners. It has multiple authors. There are some divine fish recipes in it. You don’t have to celebrate Passover to use it! And I have to be gluten-free now. I never thought of potato starch instead of matzo meal. So so clever, girl. Thank you and my husband thanks you even more!!!

  • I am cooking for a large party brunch in someone else’s kitchen. I was looking for a casserole potato dish that didn’t include “2 bags of frozen hash browns” or some such–this looks perfect. But I really don’t want to haul my food processor and do a lot of prep in someone else’s house. Do you think I could make the mixture ahead, including eggs and onions, and bring it in ziplocs to bake there? I know that nude potato strands would go brown in the air, but how about egg-coated ones? Or do you think I should make the casserole completely at my house and reheat in their oven?

    1. What did you decide to do with this? I’m now asking the same question. How did it work for you?

  • Suki

    Oh my goodness, your kids!! YOUR KIDS!! They are so gorgeous, your daughter’s hair is just the loveliest shade of red! (I adore red hair, perhaps because mine is black and so the total opposite). Thanks so much for sharing them with us!

  • Maybe it’s because I’m on Day 3 of the South Beach Diet (no carb phase), but I so want to eat this now! Kugels and latkes are not familiar fare on my lapsed Catholic table, but I managed to put together some butternut fritters a few weeks ago and posted them on my site today. I don’t think they’re “authentic”, but I’d love your take on them – I live in Boca Raton – which I believe is the third largest Jewish enclave in the world after Israel and New York – so I’m taking cues from my neighbors.

  • Susan

    I will try this over the weekend. I made my stuffing at thanksgiving as stuffing muffins and love the idea of doing this in muffin pans. Larger percentage of crispiness I would think and more closely emulating latkes. Which, by the way, have never tasted as good as those my mother made. She had a very old cast iron pan that disappeared (sadly).

  • Diana

    My grandmother was Luthanian and made these shredding the potato, then squeezing out the liquid, added the eggs, then she fried onion and bacon together and stirred in the potatoes and baked. It was simply delicious, but lots of work. I will most certainly try this version with cooked bacon and onions and some of its remaining drippings. Can’t wait to try this one.

  • emily

    in my family the big debate was how to pronounce “kugel”. my mother’s family pronounced it as spelled, my father’s family (from the Ukraine area) pronounced it “kiggel”. this debate was as heated as the hard vs. soft matzoh ball battle.

  • Diana

    Of course we always topped ours with sour cream too. Thank you Deb and Happy Holidays to everyone.

  • Diana

    That’s funny, since my family pronounced it as kuggely.

  • L8Blmr

    Do you think this can be made with jicama? (p.s. – I finally got around to some of the recipes in your book and LOVE them!)

  • Great recipe and when I went to take a closer look on the flickr photostream and I saw the cutest little dumpling ever! Auburny even!

  • Elaine

    I’ve always been a noodle kugel (the rich dairy kind) gal and never understood the appeal of the potato kugel. But this looks great, and a lot easier than making latkes (which I hate to do).

  • Beth

    YES!!! I will try it out this winter and then it will be back on teh menu for Pesach. I HATED my mother’s potato kugel

  • This is a pretty standard recipe, made with potato starch or flour. I suggest waking up the flavor with poultry seasoning. Add a tablespoon, mixed in well to the batter, and the kugel loses its starchy taste and goes well with any main dish.

  • Bahb

    I bought a new Lodge cast iron pan a few weeks ago. The new one says it is pre-seasoned but it isn’t. My 50-year old ones aren’t traditionally seasoned either. Still, I love them and here’s how I treat them:

    I never use soap. Really hot water ,and sometimes a brush, works fine. I store the pans with an oiled circle of parchment paper between them, making sure they are dry as a bone first. Every so seldom I smear vegetable oil all over them. They don’t have the slick surface of a truly seasoned pan, but they are the most non-stick pans I own. I learned never to start cooking anything (onions, meat, eggs, etc.) until the oil in the pan is very hot but not smoking. I seldom have anything sticking except the sugary residue from frying a pound of bacon. The brush removes that.

  • Mmm – I’m going to give this a go and serve with salty caviar and sour cream – the ultimate winter warmer for Autumn guests!

  • Jeanne

    Deb, I would love a tutorial on cast iron. My pan seems ok, but if I wipe it with a paper towel, the towel is black, and just typing that makes me die of embarrassment. What am I doing wrong? I wash it, but just try not to scour the heck out of it. A more important question is that I need to replace my 9 or 10 inch Calpholon saute pan that no longer sits flat, but tilts. It is 25 years old. What would you buy? There are so many brands and price points that I am in a quandry. I got the Calphalon set for a wedding gift so I am a rookie at this. Thanks for any advice on pan material or brand! love your recipes–everything is just great and so easy to follow.

  • Brilliant!! I was just thinking that I wanted an alternative to frying latkes this year. My mom always makes a sweet noodle kugel with cream cheese, ricotta, a small amount of sugar, and a little cinnamon mixed in with the eggs. I think I may have to make a batch of this in muffin tins and make 1/2 savory (your way) and 1/2 sweet. Thanks so much for this!

  • Simone

    Deb-thanks so much for this recipe! I can’t wait to try it. Happy Chanukah!

  • c

    Thanks for the potato starch alternatives. I have another recipe that calls for it. Does Bob’s Red Mill really make a difference? Has anyone found it elsewhere? I tried the baking, kosher, and natural food aisles at a local supermarket but didn’t see any.

  • Jane

    Oh my god, your children are adorable! That hair! :)

  • Polish Princess

    Holy Pierogi!! This recipe is simply stellar, a new staple over here. My family LOVES potato pancakes, I, however, had never heard of potato kugel…until today :) Thank you so much for this wonderful recipe, I made it today for dinner & I have a very happy & full wife & mother-in-law. I did made 1 minor substitution, I traded the potato starch for potato flour (I had it on hand) it was a huge hit :) Thanks Again!!

  • Deb; I was just stressing about making latkes; thank you for lowering my blood pressure. I usually make potato kugel only for Passover.
    Potato starch is readily available at Passover time; I put remaining in a jar, then into the freezer for use the rest of the year. When Passover rolls around again the next spring, I buy a new box.
    My red-headed, green eyed grand-daughter became a Bat Mitzvah in Oct. You have so much to look forward to. Thank you for taking us along on your ride.


  • Penny

    Looks delicious…can’t wait to try it! How will the kugel turn out if I’m using a 12″ cast iron skillet? Thanks!

  • On the spiralizer note, I did your zucchini fritters with it once–so good!!

  • We made this today as part of our Hanukkah unit at preschool. So much easier than the latkes we usually make. And I will make it again at home for my husband.

  • Yup, we’re having this tonight. Thanks for the inspiration!

  • Jonathan G.

    Darling,thank you for the perfect,timely,Chanukah gift!

  • Caitlin

    This will be the most expensive potato dish that I’ve ever prepared. I’ve been eyeing a food processor for years. This kugel looks so completely amazing that it is the final push I needed to purchase one so I can recreate this dish exactly as portrayed. Most certainly worth the $140 I’ll end up spending.

  • Gail

    I make latkes on a regular basis and love them, but didn’t really know what a kugel was… thank you! This save a ton of work and time usually spent flipping individual pancakes on the griddle. I like a lot of crust, though, and I wonder if the ratio I love will be thrown off.. It looks like a lot of steamy soft inside and not so much crust. Does the bottom get crusty? Thanks for the recipe!

  • Miriam F

    I make potato kugel every week and i am a grater, not a shredder. While i will stick to my own recipe (it has more eggs to potato ratio and no onion), i love the idea of making it in a cast iron skillet. Thanks!

  • Christine

    I would so rather this than oily latkas! Can’t wait to make it!

  • Your children are beautiful! This little baby is stunning. As a redhead myself, my only wish was that I had been kept out of the sun as a child. My skin was ruined. My mom didn’t know, being the first red headed child in the family. Potato pancakes and kugel-Yes!!!

  • This will be on Christmas eve dinner list.

  • I’ve always been a noodle kugel gal and never understood the appeal of the potato kugel. But this looks great, and a lot easier than making latkes.

  • Made this today for an office party and have already tried some. It’s WONDERFUL! I’m thrilled I didn’t have to squeeze out the water and yet it still cooked just fine. I look forward to making it again and again.

  • cate

    so i’m a single girl who prefers to cook, rather than eat out, more often than not…and you, my dear, are my “go to” girl for all things full of yum…i dig a proper latke…the down side of eating home cooking is the surplus of food after the fact…so, while i followed your lead, i made these with lamb fat(from lamb breasts i had leftover) and rosemary and put them in a larger muffin tin(6 in a tray) for single servings and froze them to hold shape for future use and then baked one for my dinner…it was delicious…thank you so…i’d never thought to make kugel and with “strings” of potato…my mandoline worked great. i look forward to your next adventure and thank you for being the “little brave one”, by making a second attempt.

  • Dave

    I made this tonight and while it was very tasty the texture was .. well a bit like a rubber doorstop. I think the culprit was likely my not so sharp grater blade on my food processor. There was copious liquid in the bowl after I dumped out the contents of the food processor. Fortunately the potato starch had no problem soaking all that up, but by the time the inside cooked up (took ~90 mins) the potato shreds became one large starch cake.

    Don’t get me wrong – it is awesome to not have to wring out the potatoes, but next time I think I’ll just dump out the ~1/3 cup of liquid that was hanging out in the bottom of the bowl before mixing in the other ingredients.

    Or maybe I’ll get one of those infomercial-esque spiralizer and try that out!

    I can see the promise of this recipe though!

  • I made something like this last night using Salter products. Take a look at the website.

  • Melodious

    I made this using frozen hash brown potatoes and it was very good, so today I broke out my spiralizer and did it with fresh potatoes for a friend’s party later tonight. It’s in the oven, and I’m sure it will taste great. A word for anyone who wants to try it with the spiraled potatoes. It was very difficult to get the onion to integrate with the long strands. I ended up getting the kitchen shears and snipping the strands down to smaller, more manageable lengths.

    Also, is potato starch and potato flour the same thing? I found BRM potato four in my store, but not potato starch. I ended up using matzo meal, but it lends a slightly grainy texture, so I’d love to find the potato starch and use that instead.

  • Eibhlin Ni Fithcealligh

    The potato. The cast iron pan. Goddessliness.

  • Pia

    Made this today with duck fat, and it was ridiculously amazingly good. I LOVE the lack of draining the water, as that is something I detest doing and usually end up muttering profanities over. We served it with your corn, cheddar and scallion strata, and I can now die happy. I only had an 8-inch skillet, so I filled that one up and then made a teeny baby one in my 3-inch skillet that I’m saving for when child and husband are out of the house so I don’t have to share. Thanks Deb!

  • Rebekah

    Since nobody has mentioned it yet, I’ll just say that I made it tonight but subbed in 1 roasted spaghetti squash (mine made just under a pound of squash) for some of the potatoes and added about a teaspoon of roasted garlic powder. My food processor blade is thinner than yours, Deb, so my top crisped up a little bit more. The squash was unnoticeable to me (and my squash-hating husband – shhhh!). Mmmmm.

  • Erin

    I made this on Saturday night. I’ve never had kugel before, so I wasn’t sure what to expect. Mine came out crispy on top, but otherwise soggy. I made it in a cast iron skillet, and baked it for 80 minutes – the kugel was quite brown on top and looked pretty. The potatoes were cooked through, but were kind of stuck together and mushy. Is this just the texture of a kugel or did I do something wrong? Thanks!

  • Oh, thank you for this. I’ve got some potatoes that have been calling my name, and couldn’t decide what to do with them. DINNER~!

  • I made this last night for the first night of Hanukkah. What a hit! Kids and husband loved it, and we ate the whole thing. The 12yo put ketchup on his, but that is the 12yo for you. It was delectably crispy outside and tender inside, and so easy and quick to put together. They all want me to make it again, and soon. Thank you!

  • Karen

    Not nearly as good as individual latkes

  • Deb, can you indulge a caviar novice? Where/what kind do you get and is it particularly expensive? I’d love to do these as little hors d’oeuvres, but I’ve never bought (or, honestly, eaten) caviar except for the type that comes on sushi.

  • Helen

    This is a really versatile recipe. I substituted spaghetti squash for the potatoes to make it LCHF and it came out pretty well. The spaghetti squash retained texture and did not turn to mush. It was a little oily due to the squash not sopping up oil the way potatoes do, but was delicious over all. I ate the whole thing (an entire large squash).

  • Morgan

    i’m planning to make this on saturday and serve on sunday for brunch… will it be okay (covered) reheating @ 425? about low long do you imagine it would take? i don’t want it to dry out…

    1. Morgan — I would not expect to dry out. I’m not sure if you’re taking it right from the fridge or if it will have been at room temperature or whether you’re using the same size skillet but all of these will affect warming time. My advice would be to get it closer to room temperature if you can because you’re reheating at a high-ish temp and you don’t want it to overly brown before the center is hot.

  • Christine — Caviar is from “the Russian store” [i.e. whichever one is closest to you] and it’s salmon roe, probably the cheapest kind. Maybe it was $30/quarter-pound? Or a little less? Note: I am not into caviar so can offer no further reviews.

  • As a German I have to admit that I’ve never actually heard of those :-)
    It looks like a huge Rösti or some kind of vegetarian Döppekoche variation to me. But it really looks good and I’m sure it does taste pretty good as well, one just can’t go wrong with roasted potatoes…

  • Re, heavy-centered kugels — Yes, this is the “correct” result. Think of kugels like a casserole. You can halve this to make it thinner (or bake it in a larger frying pan) to make it more thin and crisp, with less of a center factor.

  • This looks so yummy! Can’t wait to try it! I’m cooking the next 2 weeks dinner using all your recipes! Now I’ll have to make some adjustments to next weeks’ meals .

  • pjcamp

    Tried this. It is actually better as a leftover than as a main dish. Something about being in the refrigerator I guess.

  • I think I’ll a little more garlic but I can’t wait to try this, I’ve never even had Kugel!

  • Harvey Greenberg

    What a revelation! As good or better than latkas, one quarter of the work, and with that little fork twirl you suggested a feast for the eyes! Thanks so much. Done with latkas.

  • Stephanie

    I made this for my husband’s birthday brunch this morning (he’s Irish American, so when I introduced him to latkes, his mind was blown). My food processor is a tiny 4-cup that can only chop and grind, so I had to hand grate the potatoes, but our grater has a julienne attachment. It took longer than it would have if I had a grater in my food processor, so my potatoes oxidized, but it still ended up tasting great.

    I hope next time I make it, it’ll look prettier, but as long as it tastes the same, I’ll still be happy!

  • Sharon

    This was so light & easy to make – i used the big grating attachment of my Maximix – i had not discolouration.

    I added 1 & half TSPS garlic powder & some fresh thyme – its my favourite herb!
    I also added 4 eggs as I used about 1.5kg potatoes, sea salt flavoured with rosemary & olives
    – it was hit served in my 32cm cotton Le Creuset buffet dish & looked exactly like yours.
    Thank you very very much for sharing this recipe – my potatoes, cream & cheese bake will be replaced with this lighter version – next time I may try & leave out the starch as I am sure the eggs will do their job!!!
    Many Many thanks – I have friends visiting from UK and I think this will be served with fillet steak coated in a dried porcini mushroom powder….. x

  • I’ve had great success when making potato kugel by adding Bells Poultry seasoning, probably about a tablespoon for this recipe. It adds flavor and takes away that starchy aftertaste.

    Try it, Deb!

    1. Thank you for the suggestion — I just ordered a 2-pack online!

  • Sharon

    Made this again – as per my comment above I used same variations
    – perfect again & a hit !!!……Thank you!!

  • I made this during the holidays for a dinner party and it was perfect ! I didn’t change anything and it was so easy to make. I made it in advance (2h before dinner) and reheated it in the oven before serving. I was a great side dish to my vinegar chicken.
    Thanks Deb !

  • We are about to Kugel! So excited. I remember someone bringing a noodle kugel to our Episcopal Church pot luck once when I was a kid, and it was the most delicious thing I’d ever eaten. This took me right back there. Can’t wait for the potato version. Thanks for sharing!

  • Holly

    I didn’t even know my life was incomplete before potato kugel. Thank you! My husband and I have made this twice now; once for brunch with two other couples, and then just recently we mixed in the last of our Christmas Eve spiral cut ham leftovers and gave them a delicious potato send-off. We like our pieces with truffle oil or an egg over the top, or just shredded sharp cheddar and scallions. So yummy and versatile. I am actually dreaming up new mix-ins and variations!

  • Steph

    been really getting into these smitten recipes lately! always loved cooking, but pregnancy has amped up my need to be creative. question: how do you keep your strands so white and avoid the unavoidable browning? thanks!

  • Steph — First, definitely work quickly. That said, all browning seems to disappear for me in the oven, so I don’t fret if it appears when I’m prepping.

  • Erin

    Used a combo of schmaltz and olive oil, added a bit of garlic, and used cornstarch (and reduced the amount to a very underfilled 1/3 cup), in cast iron. Was perfect and I will make this regularly now.

  • Nancy

    I made this for Easter — actually I made it in the morning to free up the oven and reheated it for dinner. Delicious and very pretty! I modified @Lucy L’s suggestion and added about 1/2 tbsp Bell’s poultry seasoning, which was an interesting and welcome addition.

    I’m looking forward to slicing the leftovers cross-wise (so they are thinner) and waffling them for added crispiness!

  • Aidel.K

    Hi Deb-Just a little love note here. I’m remodeling and my house is upside-down. I’m cooking for Shabbos whilst I can, and I can’t find my usual kugel recipe. (Yes, I should have it memorized by now.) I googled, and remembered liking the recipes I’ve made from your site (and really enjoying your interview on Diane Rehm a while ago). What a pleasure your beautiful writing is! I wish I had time to sit here all day and read every word on the site. And the knowledge behind it is equally impressive. Thank you for being here in my hour of need and helping me start my cooking day on a wonderfully positive note.

  • Kim

    I would like to make this for a larger crowd. Any suggestions for doing it in a 13×9?

  • Ellen

    Kim: I made it last night in a 9×13 and froze it. I doubled the recipe and baked for about 90 minutes. Haven’t tasted it yet, but it looks delicious.

  • Kim

    Awesome, Ellen. Thank you! I will try that!!

  • Beth

    Deb, have you ever experimented with using some beets in there in lieu of 100% potatoes? i’m considering it for seder…

  • sher

    Rut roh. Made it with aforementioned generous black pepper. Just tasted it. It is a bit too peppery, certainly for the under 18 set for seder tonight. I am doomed :(

  • Marianne

    I’m a little late to the party on this recipe but I have to say it’s just brilliant. I will never make kugel any other way. I made it for Passover and my husband, who grew up in Borough Park, could not get enough. In fact, I’m making it again tonight. Easy and spectacular. Thanks, Deb!

  • I’m not one to post stating how good a recipe sounds. However, I made this potato kugel in a cast iron pan (using schmaltz because it was Passover), and followed the recipe to the letter with the exception that I don’t have a wide tube on my food processor. In short, it was absolutely fabulous and gorgeous. I’m giving up my recipe from a vintage Hadassah cookbook for this one. It is going to become a staple. Thanks.

  • Maryse42

    Riffing on this recipe, I concocted a root vegetable kugel last night, replacing the potatoes with a combination of parsnips, carrots, baby turnips, and sweet potato, and while the texture was a bit different and it certainly wasn’t traditional, it sure was yummy! (I should have used a little more egg to hold the drier vegetables together.) Thanks for the inspiration! (I have also made the original potato kugel in muffin tins before — when I brought leftovers to work, I was told by at least one coworker she considered stealing the one I was reheating in the toaster oven because it smelled so good!)

  • Shay

    I made this without flour/ matzoh/ potato starch (I was trying to do a gluten free Passover dish without having to leave the house to find potato starch) and it turned out wonderfully!

  • Sarah

    Any thoughts on why my kugel turned sort of gray and mushy in the interior? I’ve had this happen when making hash browns, too (even when following Cook’s Illustrated’s instructions to the letter). I can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong.

    1. Sarah

      This happens to me too. I made this recipe last year and it got all gummy and gray. Same deal with the CI hash browns. I can’t figure out why.

  • Rosalie

    I am late to the discussion. I have a 12″ cast iron pan and will be having a crowd. Alternatively, I can use a 9′ x 13″ Pyrex pan. In what proportions should I increase the ingredients?

      1. Rosalie

        I increased all ingredients by approximately 1.5 times as much and used a 12″ cast iron pan. Worked perfectly and everybody loved it.

  • Monica

    I moved away from family and couldn’t make it home this year. But my kids needed some potato kugel in their lives. So of course I turn to you. And this is so so much better than mom’s. Thank you! Just don’t tell my mom I said so…

  • Carrie

    I made this almost* exactly as written, in a cast iron skillet, as a side dish for steaks – going with the “giant hash brown” idea. I liked it, as did my family, but I will make a few changes the next time:

    1. Because there are only 3 of us, I would halve the recipe, but I’d still use the 10-inch cast iron. My hope is that it would ultimately yield a “thinner” kugel, with a higher crispy outside – to – tender inside ratio.

    2. I might reduce the percentage of onion to potato by just a small amount.

    3. I would add some chopped fresh parsley.

    4. I might dot the top with a couple of tablespoons of butter (I don’t need it be to dairy-free).

    Overall another SK hit!

  • Johnathan

    Another 10/10 recipe. The only things I did differently were using a shallot and a small onion instead of a big onion and dotting the top with butter. It came out just like the picture and tasted incredible. Thanks!

  • Diane

    I am guessing duck fat will work as well as schmaltz?

  • I like this as a unique alternative to the potato kugel I grew up with. My mother and nana used to make them in individual glass ramekins so everyone at the table would have their own miniature kugel. My 10″ cast iron pan wants me to make this, so I must heed the call, to go with our roast butterflied chicken tonight.

  • haviechenberg

    What a delicious way to make this – love short-cuts when they taste this good!

  • Made this last night and it was so good that from now on it may be the only way I ever make potatoes again! :D As long as you have a food processor, the recipe whips up in no time at all.
    I was making it for a dinner party to accompany roast chicken, and because I wanted the chicken to be roasted at the last minute, I made the kugel earlier in the day. After it finished baking, I just kept it in the cast iron pan, and then, while the chicken was resting, I put the kugel back in the oven, at 100 degrees celsius for about 20 minutes. It was perfect!

  • Joyce

    I really like the SS knife you show in the email you sent. It looks like it might be Japanese…..the one with little dots on the handle, for better grip.

    Can you tell me where to buy that knife or knife set. I’ve looked on Amazon but couldn’t find it.

    1. Was it the Monday newsletter? I usually use a Global chef’s knife, looks like this. Going strong for 10+ years!

    1. Possibly, but I’ve only made this with Russets. I worry the gold potatoes might be more dense.

  • I can’t wait to make this for Passover! I have a 14 inch le creuset cast iron skillet. Should I double the recipe or 1 1/2 it? Please advise!

    1. Jane Simon

      Please help me adjust the recipe for a 14 inch skillet!

      1. Jane Simon

        Sorry – I meant to post this as a new comment. I think I forgot to enter my email address and name before.

  • Barbara

    I want to make this for our Seder on Monday. Because I’m having 20 people, can I make it in disposable foil pans?

    1. I don’t see why not but keep an eye on it for browning as it might brown faster in a thinner pan. Or! You could rest the foil pan inside a sturdier baking pan (like a skillet or cake pan) while it bakes.

      1. Barbara

        I want to make this for our Seder on Monday. Because I’m having 20 people, can I make it in disposable foil pans?

        Thanks for the quick reply! I’m excited to try another recipe of yours! I’ll post back after to let others know how it came out. When are you coming out to California? We have great weather and loads of people wanting to cook great food!

        1. Barbara

          I made this in two almost 9×13 foil pans after doubling the recipe. It tasted amazing after I cooked it! I didn’t drain any liquids first (I see people asking that). I re warmed it the next day and the middle was delicious but the crispy top was kinda chewy instead. It definitely tasted better right out of the oven. Could I do something different when re heating it so that the top is crispy again?

          1. Sorry so late to this comment but did you rewarm it with foil on or foil off?

            1. Barbara

              I had the foil off.

            2. Lauren

              Just curious, I have a 2.3L corningware dish. Do I have to adjust the measurements.

  • megalita101

    Can I add crushed garlic to this? If so, do I need to saute it with some of the onions and let cool before adding?

    1. megalita101

      Also, can I add shredded carrot and/or zucchini for color and a bit more veg?

      1. TriciaPDX

        You shouldn’t have any trouble adding a few more colors of veggies and (sauteed) garlic to the recipe. Maryse42 above made it with root vegetables and although the texture was different it worked fine. Go big!

  • TreaclePie

    I just bought a spiralizer online, then your recipe popped up on fb. It’s like it was meant to be. Quick question though, how vital is it the onions are ground? This is a food processing-free kitchen (no space to store it – I know you’ll feel my pain.

  • Daryl

    How does it turn out with matzoh meal? Only asking because I just bought it!

  • Robin Shore

    Can this be prepared ahead of time and cooked later? Will the potatoes get brown? I want to make it for Seder tonight but need to make earlier in the day. Any thoughts?

  • Maxine

    Should I run the potato’s through a strainer or cheesecloth after grating to get rid of the liquid?

    1. Nope, no need to here, part of the beauty of this recipe.

  • Mara

    Making it right now for Passover with cauliflower instead of potatoes 🥔

  • Sara

    Hi! If I make it the day before and reheat it the following day, have you ever left it in the cast iron pan overnight then rewarmed it? i’ve always been told never to do this but it would be so much easier. thanks!

    1. I just did what you describe. Made it Sunday, refrigerated until Tuesday, and reheated at ~225F for quite a while before serving. The taste didn’t suffer nor did the texture. The discoloring I mention below was evident on Sunday after I cooked the kugel.

  • Sunday, I made 1 1/2 of these kugels (added a middle layer of caramelized onions because I like them and why not?) for my seder last night, using one 10″ and one 7.5″ skillet. I’m eating leftovers as I write this (the taste was excellent but I probably needed more salt).

    Anyway, your picture, Deb, makes the non-browned potato look pretty white. Mine was kind of gray. Is there any way to slow the discoloration of the grated potatoes?

    1. Sorry so late to respond to this comment; I think I just work quickly with this so it didn’t get gray. However, I’m not sure if this is correct all the time but I’ve found that while these potatoes can get gray after being cut or grated, it usually disappears when you cook it. Or, I find this often with latkes. But I guess this wasn’t the case for you.

  • Lisa

    Deb, I have followed you from the beginning, and every single one of your recipes that I have made is a knockout. I made this kugel last night for our super-secular seder, along with your matzo ball recipe (which I follow every year, with a few additions). No surprise, both were a huge hit. Even my kugel-hating spouse is still talking about it. I thank you for all of your recipe testing, your diligence, and your superb writing. Gut yontif!

  • Laura

    I made this with cornstarch and in a 12in cast iron skillet, and it was delicious. Thank you! However, I would not want to plan on this serving 12 people, as said in the recipe; 8 at most and more likely 6. Next time I might also reduce the oil by a tablespoon.

  • Linde (Auntie Linde)

    Had a taste for something potato, and usually find something I like here…sooo, I drained the spiralized potatoes I had in a skillet/wok, (I let them cook in boiling salted water to just starting to get tender, just about 6-7 minutes) and let them sit and dry while I mixed the eggs, some fresh sour cream, FINELY sliced onion, garlic cornstarch, and S & P…added some olive oil, truffle oil and salted butter…had my pan on high…tossed the drained potatoes into the creamy egg mixture just to mix and then into the hot pan. The no stick pan allowed me to turn the whole thing over…crispy brown,tender middle all in about 12 minutes. Totally enjoyed with a little more sour cream, some smoked salmon and a squeeze of lemon juice. AWESOME!! Thank you for the inspiration!!

  • carrie penner

    good morning!! Can I freeze the kugel? and if yes, how would you wrap it (i.e. leave it in the original pan and cover with foil, remove from pan, etc.) AND when I go to cook it – should I defrost it, or cook it frozen? (what if I make it in a glass pyrex?) Thanks so much !! this recipe is a keeper :) !!!!

    1. You can freeze it, either method would work. I’d defrost it first in the fridge if you have time because you don’t want the outside to overbrown before the inside is thawed.

  • carrie penner

    Can I freeze this? if yes, can you give me the details (i.e. I make it in a pyrex glass dish usually. Can I freeze it in that and cover with foil? remove from glass and put in foil only? etc.) Also, would I defrost it first or cook it frozen?? covered?

    thanks A LOT! Can wait to make this dish :)

  • CeeJohanna

    Hi Deb, would potato flour work here instead of potato starch? I find they’re different on the palate (I thought the flour worked just as well (and better for me) with your Potatoes Anna recipe).

    1. I wasn’t sure of the difference so I read this. This part is interesting: Potato Flour is heavy with a definite potato flavor made from the actual potato including the potato skin and will absorb large amounts of water because it has been cooked and contains the peel. (Emphasis added by me.) So, it might work here but you also might want less so it doesn’t become gummy or heavy. I haven’t actually used it before.

    2. Elizabeth

      Hi! Did you do the swap? How was it?

  • Can you prep before and bake when you get home from shul

  • Patricia

    I have a question about the salt – I have congestive heart failure and I can and do swell up like Veruca Salt when I eat too much sodium. This is very hard on my body have a limit of 2000 mg a day. I can and do on occasion go over my limit. In the recipe 2 teaspoons is a lot. I understand what salt does in a recipe and know that I need to use some. What is the least amount of salt I can use and still get the desired effect. Thank you very much.

    1. Use the amount that’s safe for you to eat. I suggested the amount that tastes good to me but I don’t have any health restrictions and like potatoes well-seasoned.

    2. Barbara

      I have a family member who also cannot have salt. I personally love the taste of thyme (fresh or dried) with potatoes. Rosemary is a stronger flavor and that tastes good too. Try using whatever herbs you enjoy! Although not the same as salt, it will definitely improve the taste when leaving out salt.

  • Liz

    Can this be made with golden potatoes or do they have to be russet/Idaho?

  • Granny Smith

    CAUTION: When you are pouring the potato mixture into the pan with the hot oil, be sure to pour away from your body. As you pour, the heated oil sort of gets pushed ahead of the potatoes (does this make sense?) and you don’t want it to splatter up onto you. It happened to a friend of mine and she was badly burned.
    In no way would I ever deter anyone from making potato kugel, I’ve been making kugels for almost 50 years, and eating them even longer than that. Just be careful.

    1. leslie

      I noticed that when I poured my potatoes in, but during baking the oil moved all around the pan, and was evenly distributed

  • How would you suggest modifying this recipe for a crowd of 14 people?

    1. Probably bake it in a 9×13-inch casserole dish. It will give you 10 to 12 servings normal-sized servings. You could also double it and bake two.

  • leslie

    Saw the picture, had potatoes that needed to be used. Turned out just like you said. Will make again and share with others, just not yet!

  • Toby

    Can this be frozen?

  • cathydellinger

    Ok, so I’m sure somewhere in the plethora of comments my question has been asked and answered many times. But, I’m moving into my tunnel vision, Passover cooking mode, and can’t go through them, again. So, how far ahead can I make this? At what temp and for how long? Covered or not? I do remember reading bringing it to room temp before reheating. Passover Seder Saturday afternoon. Doing it in a 9×13 metal pan. Help!! 🙄😊

  • Barbara

    I just made this kugel and will be freezing it. I have read your comments and plan to defrost it in the refrigerator and let it come to room temperature before reheating it. My question is “What temperature should I reheat it at and should it be covered during reheating?” Thanks for a great recipe.

    1. Janice

      I have the same question!

      1. 350 is my go-to for reheating. If yours is as thick as I make it, maybe 325. I don’t cover mine unless it’s getting really dark.

      2. Erin

        Hard to emphasize how good and how easy this is. Five minutes of prep, in the oven and get on with your life for an hour – a perfect brunch dish if you’re having people over. I served it with smoked salmon, creme fraiche and dill. I never have potato starch in, but it works really well with a mix of cornstarch and panko. Used a mix of sunflower oil and butter for the fat.

  • I just made this for Passover and all I can say is WOW, WOW, WOW!!! It looked so good and it tasted amazing! It was a huge hit with my family too. It was perfectly flavored and had the yummy crunch on the outside with this insane creaminess inside. My mom told me her grandma made potato kugel this way so I’m doubly happy I found this recipe. I will never make potato kugel another way. I followed the recipe and only changed the potato starch to arrowroot powder. This was SO gooooood!! Thank you!!

  • Jessica A

    I’ve made this for every Jewish holiday since you posted it and it’s always a hit! It’s sooo good and so much easier than latkes. I make it just as is with no changes. Thank you!

  • I have made this 3 times in the last couple of months. The latest is to serve in little squares with home made apple mint chutney and creme fraiche at my partner’s sculpture exhibition on the weekend. Going to reheat to get crunchy again and make it look super fancy. People are looking forward as much to my catering as the sculpture.

  • leslie trumble

    After seeing the picture of this dish I could not resist making it and my husband and I are so glad I did! Delectable! Delicious! Love, love, love!

  • Allison

    If you put the kugel mixture into a larger pan, 9×13 in. or larger, it becomes a potato Nik. Mark Bittman has a recipe for this on his new site or on the New York Times cooking site.

  • If I were to grate the potatoes by hand and lollygagged a bit because of nerves and re-reading the recipe, how much prep time do you think I would need to make this?
    I don’t want to still be grating potatoes when my guests arrive…!

  • Victoria

    I’d like to make this ahead of time, to bring to my in-laws who live out of town. I’d rather make it in my own kitchen so I don’t have to lug my food processor (or stand in their kitchen grating potatoes) etc. What would be the best way to make ahead? I’d be making it Friday, and serving Sunday. Thanks!

    1. It reheats really well!

  • what is your opinion of making this in muffin tins that are well heated with oil, adding the potato mixture and then baking them.
    do you think they will be crispy on top and hopefully on the bottom and sides.

    its a busy time, I know, but am hoping for a response before Friday if possible.

    1. Rachel

      Did you try this in muffins tins? Would love to know the results.

  • Lori

    I used my Spiralizer to cut the potatoes. I did not squeeze out liquid. I heated up the oil in my porcelain coated cast iron baking dish on the stovetop. It came out perfectly and this shiksa was the hero of her Jewish in-laws’ Seder! Thanks for the recipe! I will make it again.

  • I made this for second seder, as written and was so happy with the results. I felt it wouldn’t really make 12 servings, but once I took out of pan and cut into more or less square pieces, it would serve 8-12, depending on how much other food. This being Seder, the full meal following hard boiled eggs, gefilte for some, and matzoh ball soup, no one looked for seconds and it would have stretched to 12 for sure. This is a keeper – thank you!

    1. forgot to say – I used chicken schmaltz (fat) for the fat and stuck with cornstarch

  • Chris

    You don’t drain the potato mix?

  • Carol Rose

    Try using a French Press to wring out you potatoes

  • Rosie

    Made this yesterday for the Christmas brunch hubs and I hosted for my in-laws. I prepared it to the letter using grapeseed oil as my fat of choice as well as potato starch vs flour. It did not disappoint in terms of appearance or taste and everyone loved it. Easy preparation as well as a great presentation. Thank you!

  • Erica

    This was a huge miss for me. I cook and bake in cast iron on a daily basis and have enjoyed many of your recipes. But, this was a gray, starchy, fairly bland lump out of the oven and was no better reheated. Top did not crisp, seems like it needed some sort of cheese or egg wash on top to help it out, or some spices? Not sure what I’m missing on this one.

  • AB

    Seventh day of social distancing here in cloudy Minnesota. My first time attempting potato kugel, and this turned out wonderfully: even though I accidentally grabbed gold potatoes at the store! (Was trying to get in and out as quickly as possible.) After grating the potato by hand, I squeezed as much moisture out as I could with a cloth napkin, and I think that did the trick. Threw sour cream and parsley on top, with another handful of pepper. Thank you, Deb, for brightening my day and bringing comfort at a time when I need it most. Hope you and your family are staying healthy.

  • Leslie

    Do you think you could add some grated asparagus here? Looking for a kugel for passover but also want to have something green on the table.

    1. I think it could be nice, but I’ve never tried it so can’t give much cooking advice

  • mare

    I made, this, cooked it ALMOST all the way thru, and will reheat b4 the seder tomorrow. The weirdest thing happened: I’d grate the potato in the food processor and it was like they turned brown b4 my eyes. The potatoes were fresh, we were moving fast. Very odd. I’ve never had anything happen like that. So, I don’t have that lovely golden- yellow color you have. Hoping it tastes great!

  • Andrea


  • Helene

    How do you recommend preparing this in advance, storing, and re-heating? And if making and serving the same day, can it be prepped early and cooked later?

  • Wowza! I made this last night and gotta say it’s absolutely fabulous. I didn’t weigh our potatoes so I think it was a little less than required. I also only had yuca flour(or tapioca starch, the bag claimed both). Crispy, creamy, delicious. Bonus, it was really fast with a Cuisinart, probably took 10 minutes to put together. We had no issues with browning. This has been bookmarked as my Passover potato kugel for all time. Thank you!

  • Hannah

    I made this exactly as instructed and it tastes great – however, my potatoes became brown and then grey during the time it took me to get it all mixed & into the oven, and the final product looks VERY grey. How do you keep the potatoes from losing color and looking gross? Do you just have to move quickly with the grating/mixing/into the oven?

    1. Blestree

      Hannah, to keep potatoes from turning grey, make sure it’s well mixed with the onion! Husband likes a creamy blended kugel in my house, so I just blend potatoes + onions together with the S blade (no grating = easier cleanup!). You would expect a completely pulverized potato to turn pink/gray very quickly but it’s white like anything and I think it’s because the onion pungency is working some sort of magic. (Also, you are probably already doing this, but peeled potatoes should be kept in water until ready to grate).

  • I made this as written and it was delicious. Perfect for Passover. Thanks for the recipe!

  • Ima

    Excellent! I made this tonight… I really really wanted to get to the only grocery store nearby that I know carries schmaltz, but alas I didn’t make it. I used gee instead and it came out wonderfully. My husband over stuffed himself joyously, as did I! I haven’t had potato kugel since my childhood. I’ve only carried on making noodle. Your recipe is exactly how I do my latkes, so I’m excited to test this out on my Family… Adult children and the young ones who are all Katie obsessed. This could be a game changer in the muffin tins as suggested in the comments! Delicious!

    1. Ima

      *Latke obsessed. Not “Katie”. Oy lol

  • Mary Dalnekoff

    There are no words to describe its amazingmess! This has and always will be my only potato kugel. Thank you Deb.

  • Elizabeth

    Have made this before, and absolutely loved it! Planning to make again for a socially-distanced seder, and curious if you think this would work making in a cupcake pan for individual portions – of course heating the schmaltz in the oven first. I’d imagine it would take approx. half of the recommended time? Thoughts?

  • Stefanie Friedland

    Can this be prepared ahead of time (night before or morning of seder) and cooked in the afternoon? Will the potatoes get brown or will the consistency change? This recipe is a huge hit in my family.

    1. They will probably discolor. I’d bake it sooner and reheat when needed; it will reheat well.

  • Amy Wolf

    Do you only put oil in the pan? None in the potato mixture?
    I’ve been making the Spice and Spirit Chabad cookbook kugel for years and it has a half cup of oil in the batter.

    1. I just put it in the pan.

  • laura

    About 30 years ago a great cook I knew said she never peeled potatoes for kugel. I’ve been doing the same ever since! Also she sautéed the onions oil golden brown before adding them, Fantastic! Try it–you’ll love it!

  • Marla Neufeld

    Can I use matzo meal instead of potato starch?

    1. I haven’t tested it with, but I’m sure it would be fine.

  • Alexandra

    Hi Deb, I always use your recipes as my go-to for special occasions, and this is no exception! I’m making my first-ever potato kugel for Passover this year and wondering if red potatoes could be substituted for Idaho or Russet. I’m not a potato aficionado so I’m out of my comfort zone, but have a lot of red potatoes on hand waiting to be used…Can’t wait to serve this to my potato-loving family!

    1. Thank you. I don’t red potatoes as much here — they’re a bit heavier/more waxy. I love them for roasting, though.

  • anna

    If making a day in advance would it be best if I fully cooked it or undercook by about 15 min.?

    1. You can undercook it just slightly — maybe less than 15 minutes.

  • Melissa g

    Hi was wondering if you could use Yukon gold or mix golds with Idaho’s for this?

    1. It’s much better with Russets or Idahos

  • Katie

    My question is the same…I accidentally bought Yukon gold potatoes to make this recipe. Would these work?

    1. I wouldn’t use them here, no.

  • Heidi Mojen

    I just made this and used Yukon gold/yellow potatoes and just for fun added a sweet potato. It looks almost like yours and the taste is really good. Almost burnt my mouth since I could not wait for it to cool down… certainly on the list to make again and again etc. Thank you, Deb for this one!

  • I made a half-recipe (weighed out two russets, used two eggs, one onion, oil and starch cut in half), using an 8×8 glass baking dish. It worked like a charm and came out delicious–crispy on the outside and tender in the middle. However, I did find that my mixture was excessively wet (maybe I had very juicy potatoes?) with about a cup of pinky-brown potato juice at the bottom of the bowl. So, instead of pouring the mixture, I used my hands to scoop it into the baking dish, and squeezed the last few handfuls (just with my fists, didn’t wring it out or anything). The mix was still quite wet, but it worked beautifully, and was an excellent accompaniment to brisket!

    1. Oh, and I left it in the oven for maybe 1.5 hour in total? But then reheated it, covered, in a 300 degree oven for about 40 minutes before eating. Because I was working by hand (i.e. slower), I found that my potatoes did remain discoloured a bit, but I let the top get good and cripsy, which definitely made up for it.

  • Sasha

    Long time reader, first time commenter. I made this for last night’s sedar. Even though there are only two of us, I can’t wait until I get to eat more for leftovers. This recipe is so easy; I especially love that I didn’t need to wring out the onion/potato mixture.

  • Made this for Passover. It was SO GOOD. Tasted identical to a potato latke without all the hassle. highly recommend. I was doubtful but it was very crispy on the outside. I did cook it for about 20 min longer than indicated because I wanted to guarantee crispyness.

  • Rachel

    Hi Deb,

    I would like to make this in a cast iron pan, but only have one that is 12″. Do you think this is okay, and if so, how should I adjust the cooking time?

    1. That’s what I make this in! You’ll be just fine.

  • Annette

    Would flax eggs work with this recipe to make it vegan friendly?

  • Rachel

    I just made this tonight in preparation for Rosh Hashanah. It’s the best potato kugel I’ve ever made. So moist inside and crispy on the outside. I used matzo meal instead of potato starch because I had extra from making matzo balls, and I baked it in a glass dish, but otherwise, I followed the recipe to a t. Shanah Tovah!

  • Eliza

    The adults loved it but the kids just wanted latkes. I am not sure if I’ll make it again but I am really looking forward to leftovers for lunch tomorrow. Thanks for another great recipe!

  • I loved our neighbors noodle kugel! I love potatoes on holidays so this is a win win in my book! Can’t wait to try it!

  • Jackie

    Can I make ahead and reheat in oven?

  • Barbara

    My mixture was quite watery. Is it supposed to be? I poured the liquid over the potato mixture in the bowl and then baked it. Was that correct?

  • Noemi H.

    This was so delicious. I had leftover bacon grease, so I used that in place of schmaltz. I kept an eye on it, and the top and sides never burned, only deliciously crisping up. I am so happy with this, I am even more delighted that I will have plenty for leftovers! I am cooking for just myself, but I have a feeling I can enjoy this one for days to come.

  • Becca

    Will this work with pre-shredded refrigerated potatoes? If not, do you need to squeeze the grated potato or no?

    1. Are there anything else in them? I haven’t tried them before.

  • Dianne Novelly

    Can this recipe be prepared the day before?

  • Meg

    Can you make and bake the kugel a day or two ahead, then reheat on the day of the Seder, or will this compromise the crispness? Thanks for the advice.

    1. Yes, you can. It can get crisp again.

  • Arlene D Fisk

    Has anyone tried making this in a convection microwave oven?

  • Amy K

    I made this last night for our first Seder dinner, and it was a huge hit. I was a little concerned b/c we only had a nine-inch cast iron pan, but it worked perfectly fine. I did everything as instructed, using shmaltz and potato starch, and it turned out beautifully, and better (sorry, Ma!) than my mom and grandma’s more traditional kugel!

  • Michelle Stein

    Made this for a vegan Seder last night and it was a hit! I easily adapted the recipe to vegan by using aqua faba-the liquid from a can of chick peas-just the right amount! Three tablespoons of liquid equals three eggs, exactly as specified in the recipe. Just a side note that may be helpful: mixing the finely grated onions with the shredded potatoes before adding the rest of the ingredients helps to keep the potatoes from browning. Happy Passover!

  • Madeline

    Made your potato kugel for the first Seder this year – came out delicious with thecrispy edges that we all fight over! Used 2 large Vidalia onions, a ceramic baking dish & heated up the oil on my stovetop – this will replace my mom’s recipe lol! YUM!!!

  • LarryBoston

    Great recipe. Couldn’t find the schmaltz I thought I had in the bottom of the freezer. Used ghee. Then I forgot the starch. And it still worked. This will be a staple.

  • Lisa

    Thank you! I made this recipe yesterday for Rosh Hashanah using skimmed chicken fat from my soup and matzo meal. Loved the no squeeze method although I drained some liquid in the mixing bowl before I poured into the cast iron! Everyone loved it!!

  • Kimberly

    Another winner! I used 3 T of cornstarch and a cast iron skillet – it turned out great. We enjoyed it with sour cream and scallions on the side.

  • kate

    I will make this over and over and over again. We had this Christmas Day. Because I’m not Jewish, we had a few modifications:

    Made bacon that AM, used bacon fat instead of oil in heated pan.
    Topped with grated Parm

    WOW. Did my potatoes look a bit grey? Kind of. Did anyone care? Nope. Loved this.

  • Hani

    I love this recipe. Make it on all the holidays and in between. I am now on a keto diet and will try with shredded kohlrabi and use coconut flour instead of potato starch. What do you think? I recently made kohlrabi gratin and has same consistency as potato and almost same taste.

  • Erin

    Since discovering this in the archives I’ve made it four times. Yesterday I forgot the flour and it still turned out great. A generous hand with the salt is necessary, I think.
    I love it with eggs, smoked salmon, creme fraiche and dill as a very easy but charming brunch dish when we have people over. You can whizz it through the processor and get it into the oven to take care of itself long before anyone arrives.

  • Adrienne

    How do you prevent your potatoes from turning pink after shredding, ending up with a yucky grey kugel? I’ve wound up rinsing the potatoes with water and then writing out the water, but wonder if there’s any easier way? Thanks!

    1. LarryBoston

      Your grated potatoes turn pink because they’ve oxidized from air exposure. To prevent this, dump freshly grated potatoes (optionally add 1 tsp salt) into a clean dish towel and twist the towel closed. This process also allows you to wring out excess water from the potatoes.

  • Lorraine Gangbar

    Can I make this ahead? Will it reheat nicely?

  • Melissa L. Ellis

    Hi Deb,
    I’m making this for my Seder (in a casserole baking dish). If I make it in advance, do I need to cook it immediately and then refrigerate until needed (and then reheat) or can I make it and hold it in the refrigerator uncooked until needed.

    Thanks, Melissa

    PS – my daughter and I are cooking our way through Keepers and love every recipe we’ve made so far.

    PPS – happy holiday

    1. I’m glad you’re enjoying the book! I’d bake it in full and then reheat it.

  • Pam

    This recipe is great but how do you get a long shred with a food processor? I have to put the potato in the safety chute standing up tall, and it won’t fit in the chute sideways. Thanks!!

    1. I usually trim mine down if they don’t fit sideways.

  • Kim Cooper

    Unbelievably good!! The best I’ve ever had and easy to make. So many compliments and requests for the recipe. Your books are an easy go to gift in my “book”! Thank you, thank you thank you for making great cooking something even I can do!

    1. Kim Cooper

      Also everyone:
      Don’t drain the liquid! From potato mixture! I promise you will end up with a perfect dish, crispy outside, soft inside, just perfect. I think the cooking time does its magic!
      Also, I used a baking dish in the oven bc I can’t use cast iron on my glass stovetop. Still perfect!

  • Tammy Salzman Goldenberg

    I cannot shred the potatoes on their sides in my food processor, any suggestions? I want them long.

  • Beth

    I made this tonight, and we loved the flavor and the crispy outsides, but we thought we might prefer insides that were a bit less “steamy-soft”, so I will definitely make this again but with a cheesecloth squeeze-out of the shredded potatoes and see how that goes. Thanks for sharing this recipe, Deb!

  • Ck

    This was really good. Did about a 2/3 recipe because my cast iron skillet is 8 inches. Broiled for a few mins at the end to brown nicely. And I added cayenne, dried mustard and garlic powder so there would be some non black pepper flavor. Ate with Frank’s hot sauce. ( Call me a reform Jew I guess. I have been known to add cheddar and chives to Deb’s excellent latkes recipe)

  • Julie

    Hi there-
    I made a test tonight with 1 pound of potatoes and it came out great. I plan the make a double recipe for Passover a few days prior. My question: is it better to make it and bake it and warm up for Seder or make it and refrigerate the mixture in a bowl for a few days and then bake it day of (I’ll rinse the potatoes so it does not turn dark) or freeze it after cooking and re heat? Which tastes best?

    1. Bake it and reheat it or the potatoes will discolor and get mushy.

      1. Julie Bodnick

        Thank you will do. Julie

  • Rachel

    Can this be made vegan (egg allergy friendly) with an egg substitute like Just Egg or no egg at all?

    1. Julie Bodnick

      When you warm up on 225, do you cover with foil or warm open faced?

  • Kim

    What temperature is the oven for baking?

  • John

    Do you need to squeeze out the potato liquid like you do with a latke?

  • Irina

    Yay, my first kugel was a success thanks to this wonderfully simple and delicious recipe! All the seder guests loved it too. Will be making this on repeat. Thank you!

  • Stefanie

    I made this last night and while I was apprehensive about the number of servings I served it to 3 people (including myself) and we managed to eat half!! Way better than individual servings of latkes (or Reibekuchen) which I find can be quite greasy. I had the apple sauce out but instead thickened the ham juices and that was all that was needed.
    Good workout for the arm if grating by hand 😀

  • potato kugel (2024)


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