Szechuan-Style Tofu with Peanuts Recipe (2024)

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Szechuan-Style Tofu with Peanuts Recipe (1)


Rating: 4 stars


The "Szechuan" in the title is not a misnomer- this had a fair amount of heat and spice, but not overwhelming and it all worked together. I used petite cut baby carrots (very small and thin) instead of matchstick cut carrots, which I suspected would not cook in the one minute allotted. I also added some red bell pepper strips and some sugar snap peas for extra vegetables and for color. I also doubled the sauce, which I would recommend. Broiling the tofu was a good touch. This dish came together easily and was quite tasty. No need for takeout.

Szechuan-Style Tofu with Peanuts Recipe (2)


Rating: 4 stars


It was a little salty, but I only had regular soy sauce and forgot and added salt to the rice. So, regular soy sauce and not salting the rice was probably the best thing to do.

Szechuan-Style Tofu with Peanuts Recipe (3)


Rating: 4 stars


This was great. I screwed up and forgot to drain the tofu. Didn't seem to matter. It toasted up nicely. Other than that I made it exactly as directed and it turned out very good.

Szechuan-Style Tofu with Peanuts Recipe (4)


Rating: 5 stars


This has been my husband's favorite so far. And it's the first time he's eaten tofu! It's a little spicy but not too bad. We'll be coming back to this recipe again.

Szechuan-Style Tofu with Peanuts Recipe (5)


Rating: 5 stars


SSSSSOOOO delicious! I made this for my husband when I first went vegetarian (switch chicken broth to veggie) and he adored it so now it is a go-to recipe each week! The flavors are wonderful, you NEED the chili paste, and broiling the tofu works fantastic in a lot of other recipes too (like a Thai stir fry)! (I broil on high because I LIKE when it burns a little on top - but low works well but keep it in longer). This is one of my favorites - the page of my CL Vegetarian Cookbook is a mess because I make it so often!

Rating: 4 stars


This is a very good recipe. I've tried lots of tofu recipes over the years from CL and the broil technique is definitely my favorite! The tofu has a great texture and not mushy whatsoever.

Szechuan-Style Tofu with Peanuts Recipe (7)


Rating: 5 stars


This recipe received a fabulous reception from my vegetarian daughter and vegan son-in-law. He said, this one of the best tofu recipes I have ever had, my absolute favorite. The only change I made was to use veg. broth instead of chicken broth to make it vegan.

Szechuan-Style Tofu with Peanuts Recipe (8)


Rating: 4 stars


Very tasty and easy to put together. I liked the broiled tofu and will use that method in the future. I added onions, zucchini and at the very end, spinach. I did not add salt with the mushrooms as I thought there was enough sodium in the soy sauce and black bean sauce. (true)

Szechuan-Style Tofu with Peanuts Recipe (9)


Rating: 2 stars


Unbalanced flavors and a bit too spicy for an entree dish unless accompanied w/ a cool crisp salad instead of rice. Quite possibly a better appetizer.

Szechuan-Style Tofu with Peanuts Recipe (10)


Rating: 4 stars


Pretty nice flavors. I had never used black bean garlic sauce, and it was a nice different addition. I really liked how great the tofu browned up- it doesn't get mushy once you add it back to the mix. Would make again. I used brown rice instead.

Szechuan-Style Tofu with Peanuts Recipe (11)


Rating: 5 stars


very easy to make, nice flavor. on the spicy side, needs a pinch of sugar to enhance flavors. made with tofu and meat & tofu, both were very good

Szechuan-Style Tofu with Peanuts Recipe (12)


Rating: 4 stars


We all thought this was excellent. I used short-grain brown rice cooked with a dash of sesame oil and added 2 cups of steamed snow peas with an "asian" seasoning blend. Also used a full TB of fresh chopped ginger. I also made 50% more sauce, as we find CL recipes to be short on sauce. With these additions and changes, it was wonderfully flavorful and fed three people (2 men with big appetites plus me).

Szechuan-Style Tofu with Peanuts Recipe (13)


Rating: 4 stars


I thought this was a great recipe...spicy, delicious, and extremely filling. Broiling the tofu on low worked fine for me, but I can see how it would burn on a higher setting. Like another commenter, I added baby bok choy for extra veggies, and I subbed in fresh ginger and cashews because that's what I had on hand. Perhaps the commenters who were less than pleased with the taste don't like black bean sauce? It does have rather a rich taste.

Szechuan-Style Tofu with Peanuts Recipe (14)


Rating: 2 stars


This is the only CL recipe I've ever not eaten. To be fair, it was probably at least partly my fault - I didn't have low sodium soy sauce, so I used regular. I've done this before with no problems, but this recipe came out SALTY. So I could probably try again with the low sodium stuff, but I still don't think it will be great. I guess I'm not a fan of the black bean garlic sauce. Oh well. I did like the broiled tofu.

Szechuan-Style Tofu with Peanuts Recipe (15)


Rating: 1 stars


I cook with tofu often. The picture on this recipe looked so yummy and the recipe was easy, you can imagine my disappointment. Too many flavors in this recipe competing with one another. Also, I could not for the life of me get the sauce to thicken, so I increased the cornstarch to 1TBSP and it did the trick nicely. CL had a Ma Po Tofu recipe several years back that we adore, and I;ll just keep making that one.

Szechuan-Style Tofu with Peanuts Recipe (16)


Rating: 3 stars


This is a good recipe - but not vegetarian unless you sub vegetable broth for the chicken broth!

Szechuan-Style Tofu with Peanuts Recipe (17)


Rating: 5 stars


Very easy and very tasty. Not sure what the complaints are about... my husband enjoyed it and he's not much of a tofu guy. I did use chile garlic sauce instead of chile paste, so maybe that added some more flavor? Used extra firm tofu and broiled - came out fine.

Szechuan-Style Tofu with Peanuts Recipe (18)


Rating: 1 stars


I have been cooking from CL since 1994, and this is the first time I thought a recipe was not even worth tinkering with. I followed the recipe exactly, except, like another reviewer, I added baby bok choy for more veggies. Even my husband, who will eat ANYTHING, gave it two thumbs down.

Szechuan-Style Tofu with Peanuts Recipe (19)


Rating: 1 stars


How can you call a dish "vegetarian" when one of the ingredients is chicken broth?

Szechuan-Style Tofu with Peanuts Recipe (20)


Rating: 5 stars


I made this for my family of 4. I was worried that it would not be filling. We loved it. It is great warmed up the next day, too.

Szechuan-Style Tofu with Peanuts Recipe (21)


Rating: 2 stars


This recipe is definitely lacking flavor compared with other CL stir-fries I've tried. The tofu burned under the broiler (even with the door open and turning it once). If you're going to make this, cut back the broiling time and be sure to turn the tofu a few times. I would not make this one again.

Szechuan-Style Tofu with Peanuts Recipe (22)


Rating: 5 stars


Yummy. Broiled the tofu, and liked that. Stir fried all the rest in a wok. Also made a couple of substitutions. Used a slice of fresh ginger and two whole garlic cloves, and stir fried those before adding the mushrooms and carrots.Omitted black bean garlic sauce, since I didn't have any. Added a whole bunch of baby bok choy near the end, to up the veggie proportions. I will make this again.

Szechuan-Style Tofu with Peanuts Recipe (23)


Rating: 5 stars


Very tasty. Rather not broil the tofu-it made it tough and rubbery. Subtituted pine nuts vs. peanuts due to gout diet. Will definitely make again.

Szechuan-Style Tofu with Peanuts Recipe (24)


Rating: 5 stars


I really liked the method of broiling the tofu instead of stir-frying. The sauce was delicious!

Szechuan-Style Tofu with Peanuts Recipe (25)


Rating: 5 stars


This is the first recipe that I've ever made using tofu as the main ingredient and I thought it was outstanding! I didn't have any dry roasted peanust on hand, so I left them out. I also added a TBSP of sugar to sweeten the sauce. I will definitely make this again and I'm also now searching for additional recipes that use Tofu!

Szechuan-Style Tofu with Peanuts Recipe (2024)


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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

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Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.