You guys seem smart, how does streaming game textures through a online server work? (2024)

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  1. 3 days ago



    About the same as from a hard disk -- as you enter levels or pass loading zones it downloads the textures for the next area. This sounds like pure moronation and an attempt to make piracy more difficult. It's probably best to wait for someone to download all the textures and repack the game so it can run offline.

    • 3 days ago



      It's also because cowadoody install sizes have gotten fricking absurd in later instalments. So it serves to mask their incompetence and as an anti-piracy measure.

      • 3 days ago



        About the same as from a hard disk -- as you enter levels or pass loading zones it downloads the textures for the next area. This sounds like pure moronation and an attempt to make piracy more difficult. It's probably best to wait for someone to download all the textures and repack the game so it can run offline.

        its fricking moronic
        its gonna eat up the transfer limit like fricking cookies
        their sales are gonna tank even vurther

        wtfs with gayme studios and commiting ritual suicide, lately?

        • 3 days ago



          Execs are trying to copy mobile game strategies with zero knowledge of the key aspects that differentiate mobile and traditional gaming.

          • 3 days ago


            You guys seem smart, how does streaming game textures through a online server work? (6)

            its fricking moronic
            its gonna eat up the transfer limit like fricking cookies
            their sales are gonna tank even vurther

            wtfs with gayme studios and commiting ritual suicide, lately?

            what are the chances devs have tried to explain how dumb it is to managers and execs but they just get told to shut up and find a solution

          • 3 days ago


            dono. its a triple a industry were talking about
            people with a brain prolly left a while ago

            Transfer limits? Those are a thing outside of mobile data?

            Usually the game has a low quality version of the texture that serves as fallback, sometimes playing games you may notices that a texture looks quite blurry well that’s it.
            Virtual textures are textures that are streamed from disk instead of loaded upfront.
            There’s no difference between streaming from disk and streaming from the internet, really. From the point of the system, it’s requesting data on the fly. Where it comes from doesn’t matter

            >Transfer limits? Those are a thing outside of mobile data?
            yeah, i guess.
            in belgium all "unlimited" offers have actually a limit, written in fine print.
            usually its 1TB per month.

            and many people have a limit of 250Gb.
            its belgium were talking about, not some 3rd world sh*thole.
            albeit these tended to have better intenet offers to be honest.

          • 3 days ago


            Is that a soft limit for you? Like they limit your speed after 1tb? I'm an American and unlimited is unlimited. I'm legitimately interested.

          • 3 days ago


            >the eternal consoomers
            in my book theyre part of the problem.
            fricking Black personcattle.

            not necessarily. you could be loading the assets before each match, or upon connecting to the server.
            i wonder what the logistics of it are gonna look like, bc even dling a "measly" 1GB will take an appreciable amount of time.

            >cawadoody wont give a flying frick about any of this any time soon.
            i hope for the best, but ultimately i dont have a dog in this race
            not my company, not my consumers, not my money.
            its still bewildering and i still think its a risky and stupid idea.

            no, its a hard block in my case.
            (in belgium at least) residential internet, even when advertised as "unlimited", has a hard cap of 1TB
            to get true unlimited you have to pay the full price.
            which comes to pretty much the same as you would have to pay in america for the equivalent from what i saw. around 150 bucks per month (i didnt really comb through the internet offers available in usa. especially i cant even access the majority of ISP websites from europe)

            one caveat:
            i saw that some interent offers are advertised as unlimited in america, but you have a certain amount of data data already included in the package, and once you go beyond you pay extra.
            unlimited apparently is used as in "unlimited in absolute. but only 250GB included in your plan, 10 bucks extra for each 50GB above that"

            we dont have this here.
            unlimited means "unlimited" included in the package, even if theres a hard max cap (like the 1TB in my case)

          • 2 days ago


            The plans with limits are always mobile lines. Landlines do not usually have limits.

          • 3 days ago


            In The Netherlands an "unlimited" plan typically has a "fair use" clause.
            I don't think it's a hard cap or even a soft cap, but if you max out your connection 24/7 they can cancel your subscription.

            I've never heard of anyone getting affected by "fair use" and I know people who were in the scene.
            I'm pretty sure that creating/restoring a 10TB online backup wouldn't be a problem for example.
            This is about people maxing out their connection on purpose to "frick the system" or people running a very popular server from home.

          • 3 days ago


            devs are incapable of not ducking away, if they had any interest in developing the profession they'd go "no, that's moronic and i dare you to try and find someone else to do it" and digital infrastructure wouldn't be in such a sorry state

          • 2 days ago


            This happens in all industries. Business school grads and/or knob polishers get into management positions, thinking all they have to do is tell other people what to do, and only paying attention to demand.

        • 3 days ago



          pajeet takeover

        • 3 days ago



          Transfer limits? Those are a thing outside of mobile data?

          You guys seem smart, how does streaming game textures through a online server work?

          Usually the game has a low quality version of the texture that serves as fallback, sometimes playing games you may notices that a texture looks quite blurry well that’s it.
          Virtual textures are textures that are streamed from disk instead of loaded upfront.
          There’s no difference between streaming from disk and streaming from the internet, really. From the point of the system, it’s requesting data on the fly. Where it comes from doesn’t matter

          • 3 days ago


            >There’s no difference between streaming from disk and streaming from the internet
            sh*ts up the global internet bandwidth for no reason
            wastes more electricity for no reason
            sh*ts up your bandwidth
            game does not work if internet is down

          • 3 days ago


            I'm not saying it's a good thing I'm explaining it from a systems perspective. Streaming is streaming whether it comes from disk or the network, the CPU/GPU only know about RAM/VRAM, they don't care about the source of the data

          • 3 days ago


            Transfer limits? Those are a thing outside of mobile data?

            Usually the game has a low quality version of the texture that serves as fallback, sometimes playing games you may notices that a texture looks quite blurry well that’s it.
            Virtual textures are textures that are streamed from disk instead of loaded upfront.
            There’s no difference between streaming from disk and streaming from the internet, really. From the point of the system, it’s requesting data on the fly. Where it comes from doesn’t matter

            >dear players, we have decided to drop support for the call of duty: black ops 6 texture streaming servers. you can no longer play this game ever again 😀

            >time passes
            >money stolen

            lol lmao

          • 3 days ago


            >Transfer limits? Those are a thing outside of mobile data?
            And why wouldn't i play the game on mobile data?
            Many normies only have mobile and nothing else.

        • 2 days ago



          Transfer limits? Are you gaming over 5G?

        • 2 days ago



          >murricans still being hostage to ISPs that have data caps on landlines
          fricking hilarious

        • 2 days ago



          >people replying to this guy genuinely think he's talking about consumer bandwidth limits
          the. absolute. fricking. state.

        • 2 days ago



          >gaymers complain about 150 gb install
          >>ok you will stream the textures in and out now
          lol fricktards

      • 3 days ago



        My pet tinfoil hat theory is that they are ballooning install sizes on purpose to make sure they're one of only a few games installed to keep you coming back.

        • 2 days ago



          They're doing it because it's not 2006 anymore. It is absolutely trivial to have enough storage space that a mere 316GB isn't blocking you from installing anything else. The 7th generation's stagnation ruined entire generations of idiots' minds. It's like you're all stuck thinking that 8 years of every game being 10GB max, 6-8 average, because they were all console ports that needed to fit on a dual-layer DVD, was how things were meant to be for all time. It's like whining in 2005 about how games installed from CDs took up 700+ megabytes of space on your computer, because ancient DOS-era games came on a couple 1.44MB 3.5" floppies. Except nobody complained back then, because people weren't genuine fricking morons who don't understand how technology progresses and how things with .wav audio, 1080p+ high bitrate FMVs that don't look like complete ass, 4096x4096 textures, high polycount models, and copies of assets for LOD and lower graphics settings will take up more space than something old enough to have 256x256 textures as the high graphics settings option.
          But go on, continue with your schizophrenic conspiracy theory about how the israelites are doing something because you insist on using a 250GB hard drive or on having just one single NVME drive to store everything. Get a job.

          • 2 days ago


            >But go on, continue with your schizophrenic conspiracy theory about how the israelites are doing something because you insist on using a 250GB hard drive or on having just one single NVME drive to store everything
            You might have a point if a 2TB expansion card wasn't half the price of an Xbox series x

            Me personally I have 14TB of flash on my PC but console users are getting buttfricked, either it's overpriced expansion cards on the xbox or the single m.2 port on the PS5 that must also be pcie 4

          • 2 days ago


            Skill issue. It's trivial to add more expansion in other methods.

          • 2 days ago


            Like what, slow ass USB? Jury rugged PLX cards?

    • 2 days ago



      It will take people less than a day to locally map all temp files with their respective textures, then repack it on a cracked version of the game.
      Who even pirates call of duty, though.

    • 2 days ago



      It's also because cowadoody install sizes have gotten fricking absurd in later instalments. So it serves to mask their incompetence and as an anti-piracy measure.

      The only game that even has an excuse for this sh*t is flight simulator, because otherwise it would be several terabytes.

  2. 3 days ago



    It downloads the textures previous to a match and deletes them at some point afterwards. Kinda like a counterstrike server in 1999.

  3. 3 days ago



    it's not. if you expect to stream big textures to save a lot of space, you're going to have to get a cdn that can transfer massive amounts of data to tons of people at the same time, which isn't going to be cheap. at some point the number of people who are buying new copies/mtx isn't going to be enough to offset the cost of that and they'll shut everything down

    • 3 days ago



      The only space it would save would be the initial install space, it would build up over time and cause massive amounts of network traffic. For ameribros with metered connections this is a bad idea.

    • 3 days ago



      Yeah, central servers would never work.
      But maybe it's peer-to-peer so gamer have to upload textures as well as download them?

      I suspect it's bullsh*t though and it only has to download some small files like icons as an anti-piracy measure.

    • 2 days ago



      Its always the same data so it's not that costly. Like a single netflix show single episode.

  4. 3 days ago



    More like Bankruptvision

    • 3 days ago




  5. 3 days ago



    it's all so tiresome

    • 3 days ago



      Its hilarious.

      Don't play slop.

      This. I havent bought a new "esporty" game in 7 years.

  6. 3 days ago



    you vill own nothing and vill be happy

  7. 3 days ago



    its most likely just UX telemetry data.

  8. 3 days ago



    Don't play slop.

  9. 3 days ago



    You guys seem smart, how does streaming game textures through a online server work? (7)

    Remember when game consoles didn't even have operating systems and fit in 64MB cartridges? Because I do.

    • 3 days ago



      You'd think programming on bare metal would be more expensive and result in sh*ttier games, but nope

      • 3 days ago



        Sounds extraordinarily stupid. Obviously it "could" be done, just load the textures over the internet rather than from some local storage medium, but it would be prone to extreme unreliability and absurd variance in load times. Honestly I'd be more inclined to believe that this texture streaming thing is a literal lie and they "just" have always-online DRM in the game. If every player is constantly loading textures from the servers rather than from local storage it would also drive their bills up way more than just running game servers would, since it would use a lot more bandwidth for them too.

        Well, to be fair, the "metal" back then was a lot simpler and there was a lot less of it.

        Transfer limits? Those are a thing outside of mobile data?

        Usually the game has a low quality version of the texture that serves as fallback, sometimes playing games you may notices that a texture looks quite blurry well that’s it.
        Virtual textures are textures that are streamed from disk instead of loaded upfront.
        There’s no difference between streaming from disk and streaming from the internet, really. From the point of the system, it’s requesting data on the fly. Where it comes from doesn’t matter

        >Where it comes from doesn’t matter
        It does matter though, because local storage will have some level of predictable performance and behavior, the internet really doesn't and neither do people's internet connections. You can and will get random latency spikes, people WILL have sh*tty connections, you WILL get packet loss and so on.

    • 3 days ago



      and 30 years later people still enjoy the games produced. 50 years from now we'll still be playing Mario 64 while black ops 6 won't be remembered at all except for this scandal.

    • 3 days ago



      >Remember when game consoles didn't even have operating systems and fit in 64MB cartridges? Because I do.
      they did have simple operating systems linked to the game binary as a library. something like an NES was totally bare metal though

      • 3 days ago



        yea, the "OS" is the libultra libraries/development software which ends up being shipped as part of the game rom
        there was also an official "off-the-shelf" 3D engine for it (Fast3D and it's variants)
        developers didn't really start from nothing like you might assume just because the n64 console itself doesn't come with any kind of bios/os, unlike older consoles, the n64 was too complex to really expect devs to do all the work themselves

  10. 3 days ago



    You guys seem smart, how does streaming game textures through a online server work? (8)

    It's complete marketing bullsh*t, considering that the install size is 310 GB. Or maybe they're telling the truth and the actual size is 500+ gigs or something.
    Either way I think we can all agree that "AAA" "game" "devs" need to be executed with anti-aircraft guns for their crimes.

    • 3 days ago



      >310 GB
      what the frick

      • 3 days ago



        Pls understand, audio and texture compression is hard

        • 3 days ago



          its time for the invisible hand of the market to break some teeth

          • 3 days ago


            >VoTe WiTh YoUr WaLlEtS
            guess what fricknuts, publishers keep doing this sh*t because it keeps working, the kind of moron that buys yearly and plays cawadoody wont give a flying frick about any of this any time soon.

          • 2 days ago


            If that were true they wouldn’t have bought CoD to shore up their gamepass.

      • 3 days ago



        You guys seem smart, how does streaming game textures through a online server work? (9)

        • 3 days ago



          its fricking insane
          we'll run out of storage space on this gay earth

      • 3 days ago



        it's intentional
        if you make you games big enough users can't install any of your competitor's games (including your own older titles, which they consider as competition)
        this is legitimately the strategy they're using

        • 3 days ago



          this actually makes sense.
          what doesnt make sense, however, is that their anti consumer bullsh*t is gonna make em lose money in the mid to short term.
          its not like we dont have examples of consumer uprisings in very recent memory (helldivers psn debacle, stellar blade censorship issue)
          or companies going bankirupt bc they went woke (disney, marvel, and holywood at large)

          and what makes even less sense is that depending on the actual amount of data the texture streaming will take, some or many players will have to pay several times the original purchasing price in internet data fees.
          given how abysmally moronic woke c-suite is, i dont think its beyond them to frickup that hard;
          this sounds like a class action lawsuit in the making

        • 3 days ago



          i buy 2tb nvme ssd. maybe we should start buying 100TB other style ssd’s? what u fink? i get annoyed seeing 800GB remaining. on my main nvme drive and on the hdd

          • 2 days ago


            Modern SSDs throttle hard once you fill them to more than half.
            So with a 2TB SSD, you got 1TB available till it starts slowing you down significantly, so you can install 2 to 3 games.

      • 3 days ago



        has nothing to do with that at all

        >4k texture
        you fricking compress it
        COD is almost a rail-shooter given how linear it is and has usually around 5-7hrs of gameplay in it.
        it has no fricking right weighing 320 gigs + downloads.

        fricking rdr2 weighed 100gb, and its an open-world
        if we go by resolution, and assume rdr2 had textures for 1080p MAX, it would take 400 gigs for a 4k open world with natural environment.

        320 gigs for a cod is either malice or utter incompetence
        or maybe both, actually

        • 3 days ago



          i dont know bro but we’re not populated by people who care. it makes me mad cause this sh*t is the outcome. why wont somebody care, please? if i was in charge no game would be released till it was made, regardless.

          • 3 days ago


            >the eternal consoomers
            in my book theyre part of the problem.
            fricking Black personcattle.

            does texture streaming not have any effect on frame render time then?

            not necessarily. you could be loading the assets before each match, or upon connecting to the server.
            i wonder what the logistics of it are gonna look like, bc even dling a "measly" 1GB will take an appreciable amount of time.

            >VoTe WiTh YoUr WaLlEtS
            guess what fricknuts, publishers keep doing this sh*t because it keeps working, the kind of moron that buys yearly and plays cawadoody wont give a flying frick about any of this any time soon.

            >cawadoody wont give a flying frick about any of this any time soon.
            i hope for the best, but ultimately i dont have a dog in this race
            not my company, not my consumers, not my money.
            its still bewildering and i still think its a risky and stupid idea.

            Is that a soft limit for you? Like they limit your speed after 1tb? I'm an American and unlimited is unlimited. I'm legitimately interested.

            no, its a hard block in my case.
            (in belgium at least) residential internet, even when advertised as "unlimited", has a hard cap of 1TB
            to get true unlimited you have to pay the full price.
            which comes to pretty much the same as you would have to pay in america for the equivalent from what i saw. around 150 bucks per month (i didnt really comb through the internet offers available in usa. especially i cant even access the majority of ISP websites from europe)

          • 3 days ago


            $150 is standard here. Like I could go cheaper but it's just slower. I get 1TiB down and 768MiB up for that $150. For $100 it's like 500d and 350u, $50 is the lowest I can go and it's 130d and 130u. But it's unlimited regardless. Around here they can't limit you by law because ISPs operate as a monopoly and you have no real choice. If they tried to limit us, the government would fine the sh*t out of them or make them shut down until they listened. There's a few states where it's legal and people move out of those areas leaving behind the poorest of poors who can't afford to move. They either get inundated with Black folk who destroy everything or overrun with nature to the point spiders and mountain lions and bears and coyotes take over the areas making it impossible to go outside at night which further drives people out or they die off. It's so bad that Walmart in those areas closed shop because it was not profitable to keep their doors open. Easy way to kill of middle America. All the bellyaching and sh*t they tried throughout the years, and all it took was Internet caps to kill "real America". I hope it gets better in Europe. The eu really should crack down on data caps.

          • 3 days ago


            >I hope it gets better in Europe. The eu really should crack down on data caps.
            data caps is not something that really bothers us. most of europe are somewhat poorgay-ish. the unexepcted upside of that is that consumerism is much less ingrained into europeans.
            so, no netflix, older computers, and both add up to less bandwidth needed.
            but also most people have a 250GB data package, not needing more.
            i wonder how are they even going to download the latest COD.
            thats a non-negligible portion of revenue lazyvision just pissed away.

            and were living on top of eachother compared to america, so a regional emigration is not really a thing here.
            europe is the size of a handkerchief with 1.5x the population of usa. for reference, france is 900 kms across, or merely 560 miles across

          • 3 days ago


            Absolutely none of that is a positive at the frick all. Sorry mate, I'll stay in counties where they don't assrape us. Data caps are abuse, pure and simple.

          • 3 days ago


            >Data caps are abuse, pure and simple.
            if i paid 150 id have my line uncapped just like you
            why bother tho?
            i use around 300 gigs per month
            of which 250 comes from scraping

        • 3 days ago



          does texture streaming not have any effect on frame render time then?

    • 3 days ago



      My Gentoo install with sh*t ton of programs, their source code, couple of games and media takes less space than this sh*t. What the actual frick?

    • 2 days ago



      310GBs, Christ, and some people b***h if a Minecraft modpack with hundrefs of hours exceeds 4GBs in uncompressed size.

  11. 3 days ago



    You vill stream everything and you vill own nothing.

  12. 3 days ago



    >playing singleplayer campaign
    >all is good
    >suddently the internet connection le dies because third world country tier ISP
    >textures glitch out
    >game crashes
    >pc crashes
    >save corrupted

    future of gaming right here
    imagine the mutliplayer experience

  13. 3 days ago



    >black ops 6
    what the hell? last one I remember hearing about was 3

    • 3 days ago



      4 in 2018 (the one without campaign and the one with battle royale that died next year because of Warzone)
      Cold War in 2020 (the one that basically served to add power creep to Warzone)

  14. 3 days ago



    >internet gets laggy
    >textures disappear
    >shader stutter
    >game crashes

    • 3 days ago



      >Running out of space notification

  15. 3 days ago



    One of these days this type of stuff will fail spectacularly.

    • 3 days ago



      not as long as there are morons who keep buying the same game every year (and make fun of me for playing the same 500mb games for hundreds of hours)

  16. 3 days ago



    Who cares? Only boomers play cod

  17. 3 days ago



    They're putting the game on gamepass. This is probably so that it can be added seamlessly to the xbox cloud gaming streaming service

  18. 3 days ago



    so when they shut the servers off in a few years you literally wont be able to play the game lmao

  19. 3 days ago



    I know how to get around this. I won't tell you because they'll patch the game, or you'll go on reddit and tell everyone and someone there will tell the developers because bypassing always online drm is le bad.

  20. 3 days ago



    >sell game exe as 100 MB
    >game.exe connects to internet to download data folder with sound.mpq, art.mpq, entities.npc, etc
    >once fully downloaded it plays game.exe
    >quit the game
    >start up again
    >game.exe checks for those mpq files and checks online for valid copy
    >game.exe runs if its valid copy

    • 3 days ago



      What point does this serve that just downloading the game outright doesn't? If they're doing a one-time download then they'd just do it at install time, if they're "streaming" textures while reducing the local storage space required, then they're not saving that sh*t locally after the first encounter.

      • 3 days ago



        Well its an example. The actual game is shipped with 99% data and 1% online download checks prob. Then there are dlcs/costumes/etc downloads

        • 3 days ago



          Yeah, obviously it was an example, my point is that the example implies the game would only download the textures once and then store them locally, but that is not what the statement provided say. It will not download once, it will download the textures every time.

      • 3 days ago



        Yeah, obviously it was an example, my point is that the example implies the game would only download the textures once and then store them locally, but that is not what the statement provided say. It will not download once, it will download the textures every time.

        considering all the industry trends and SAAS bullsh*t thats been normalized, the intent is probably to puts an expiration date on your videogames making it both DRM and planned obsculcence. you need an official version of the game to play the game, and they can make it so you can never play the game ever again if they ever drop streaming texture support.

        >but why would normies accept that

        maybe they will claim its streaming super HD 9999p textures that are too big to put on disk and they need to dynamically swap them out between maps or levels or some other bullsh*t. they could even claim the ai will choose for you and normies wont question it.

    • 2 days ago



      It's streaming not downloading clown, everything will be on the fly and vanish once you close the game.

  21. 3 days ago



    You can either push the textures in advance during the initial install or send pre-compressed textures (like DXT5 or DXT3) on the fly.

  22. 3 days ago



    You guys seem smart, how does streaming game textures through a online server work? (10)

    america bros, surely this means that our internet speeds will be uncapped once all games start using up all the monthly data limits just to play them, right?

  23. 3 days ago



    since when does texture streaming refer to streaming across the fricking INTERNET and not dynamically loading/unloading and resizing textures on the fly for memory and storage?

    • 3 days ago



      >for memory and storage?
      *from memory and storage

    • 3 days ago



      it doesn't, you're right, the technical definition is, iirc, sampling from sparse/virtual textures initially populated with low detail textures and then over time paging in the full sized ones
      they're just using a phrase most people might be vaguely familiar with but don't know the technical meaning of

      • 3 days ago



        *to justify bullsh*t

  24. 3 days ago



    That's how they'll keep ads fresh for a prime user experience. Now shut up and pay full price goyim.

  25. 3 days ago



    Microsoft Flight simulator did the same thing. Because the game is basically the whole fricking plaent.

    • 3 days ago



      Flight Sim is also notorious for running like absolute dogsh*t. You're 100% CPU bound with a 4090 or even datacenter GPU.

  26. 3 days ago



    I think they're probably just straight up lying, texture streaming from the internet sounds moronic. There's no way they're doing that, they're just telling lies to justify an anti-piracy measure.

  27. 3 days ago



    play secondlife on a 5400rpm hdd and you too can experience textures slowly rezing in.

    • 3 days ago



      SecondLife is the prime example.
      20 years old and as bandwidth and computing power became better, they just started to send higher res textures. It was always laggy and will always be laggy.

  28. 3 days ago



    Are gamers the cucks of the computer world? I know it implies they would have to have girlfriends but let's ignore that briefly.
    They just take whatever is thrown at them by devs. Not only that, they seek it out.

    • 3 days ago



      You guys seem smart, how does streaming game textures through a online server work? (11)

      >Are gamers the cucks of the computer world?
      yes. gamers and gaming press sat on their obese arses and sucked corporate wieners so hard that these garbage game developers can serve bloated slop and corporation expects money and praise. sadly they'll get everything that they wished for. consumers get fricked in the ass. some gaming press is too scared to say anything in case they lose access to whatever publisher is involved.

  29. 2 days ago



    Why are they doing that without offering the option to download the textures for people with enough storage space?
    This is so stupid, whether you play in solo (because you should be able to play without the internet) or in multiplayer (because if you have a slow internet, it will increase your latency by a huge factor, with random spikes).

  30. 2 days ago



    total dogsh*t, honestly baffling that theyre getting away with such a blatant lie
    does the FTC just not care anymore? there is no way theyre streaming 256mb+ texture files that have to be streamed in less than a second in

  31. 2 days ago



    It legitimately confounds me. I have an idea I cooked up in about 5 minutes in my head with near 0 knowledge of how feasible it actually is.
    The whole texture itself is not sent, just a barebones structure made up of "hints" the client GPU renders client side. The client eats up the structure and processes the hints, such as a chair of a certain color being on a certain point.
    It is still insanely moronic because the amount of copies sold is destined to plateau at some point, so this architecture(and by extension the game) is doomed from the outset. At least you can still play BO1 campaign or LAN matches even now that the servers have shut down

  32. 2 days ago



    I saw this and figure this is either a straight up lie (always online is required for other reasons) or the person answering the question (ChatGPT) not understanding something correctly.
    MAYBE textures will stream in the first time you play the game if you don't download them first, but the bandwidth costs will be nuts and absolutely will destroy their network if they're constantly streaming textures to their whole userbase all the time.
    My only question is figuring out if they're actually serious so I know whether to short MSFT the day before launch or not.

  33. 2 days ago



    I hope when 1983 happens to the game market again, it stays that way.

  34. 2 days ago



    Let me guess, the on-disk install is still like 150GB even with all the textures streamed in remotely?

    • 2 days ago



      310GB lmao

      • 2 days ago



        Christ on a fricking bike

  35. 2 days ago



    Turns out its just giving players option to download different resolution based on what they're playing on.

    If you're playing 1080p, it downloads 1080p resolution textures. If you play 4K, it downloads 4K. Thats what constitutes as streamed texture contents. That way ~70% of the players who are on 1080p dont have to waste 300+GB of their 1TB storage drive for 4K sh*ts when they can just use 25GB of space to play 1080p textures instead.

    A whole lot of nothingburgers crying.

    • 2 days ago



      >A whole lot of nothingburgers crying.
      *Gamers. And of course they're crying, that's how people at their developmental level respond to stress.

    • 2 days ago



      >A whole lot of nothingburgers crying.
      *Gamers. And of course they're crying, that's how people at their developmental level respond to stress.

      They are using this phony excuse to require constant internet connection to play single player.

      • 2 days ago



        Tell me the part that I, someone who has never enjoyed video games and likely never will, am supposed to care about.

        • 2 days ago



          If you don't care about video games then frick off from this thread and stop wasting everyone's time.

          • 2 days ago


            >stop wasting everyone's time
            You do plenty of that yourself, I'm sure...

          • 2 days ago


            Everyone does, you moron.

      • 2 days ago



        buy the bluray version if you want a full 300GB game

  36. 2 days ago



    honestly can't wait to see what a glorious disaster this will turn into...

  37. 2 days ago



    You guys seem smart, how does streaming game textures through a online server work? (12)

    >whoops my sh*tty internet connection didn't load the walls

  38. 2 days ago



    You guys seem smart, how does streaming game textures through a online server work? (13)

    >310GB + ondemand texture downloading
    We'll circle back to game cartridges, but now they're 1TB SSDs.
    You hard it here first.

  39. 2 days ago



    It's just storagelets b***hing. if your only storage solution is that 2017 1 tb drive in your rig its a you problem.
    yea, because you're moronic
    yea your 2500k wont run this game anyway

You guys seem smart, how does streaming game textures through a online server work? (2024)


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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.