How Long Does It Take for Bread to Rise? (2024)

Nearly everyone loves bread. It is tasty, can be great for you and is incredibly versatile. We use bread to make sandwiches, toast and even add it to soups and salads. While purchasing bread in stores may be the easy route, there's something about homemade bread that we can't get enough. Making bread at home offers up multiple different ways to customize your bread to your taste buds. Love bread with a thick crust? You can bake it that way. Are you a fan of bread with raisins in it? Add them in. When done right, making homemade bread can be an easy and fun baking experience.

When making your bread at home, there are a few tips and tricks that you should follow to ensure that you create the perfect light and fluffy bread loaf. Keep scrolling to discover how our Bob's Red Mill Bakers achieve the ideal bread every time.

Does Rising Bread Affect Its Texture?

For a fluffy bread texture, the key is to let the bread rise long enough. Now, you may be wondering “how long does it take for bread to rise?” The short answer is that it depends on the temperature of your kitchen. For bread to rise, yeast must be activated, and yeast is very sensitive to temperature.

For an easy way to tell if your dough has risen enough, don't look at the timer. Instead, thoroughly examine how your bread looks and feels. If your bread has adequately risen, it will look soft and bloated. Another way to tell is if when you lightly touch the dough, your finger leaves a mark. If your bread is not ready, the mixture will slowly spring back into place after touching it. This suggests that your bread has not risen enough and cooking it will create a flatter, more chewy-textured bread.

How to Achieve Light and Fluffy Bread

How Long Does It Take for Bread to Rise? (1)

So, what's the secret to light and fluffy bread? We already talked about the importance of letting the bread rise all the way, but there's another crucial component that all bakers must be aware of: you must use the right flour. While bread can be made with multiple kinds of flour, using a specialty bread flour like our Artisan Bread Flour is an excellent way to ensure that your texture will come out just right. High in protein and made with quality wheat, a bread flour like this ensures that your dough creates the optimum conditions for yeast growth and enables your bread to rise higher than if other powders were used.

If you're searching for a light and fluffy bread recipe that's also gluten free, make this Everyday Bread. By using our Gluten Free All Purpose Baking Flour, you can create an airy bread recipe in just a couple of hours. Perfect for sandwiches or toast, it's the ideal bread to make for those with food allergies.

Aside from using bread flour, several other tips and tricks can be used to ensure that your bread rises properly. Keep scrolling to discover some of our favorite ways to create the perfect loaf of bread.

Gas Is Key

If your goal is a bread that’s light and fluffy, the key is to allow the dough to rise until it is puffy. Mixtures with a higher gas content, create a lighter textured bread. Once you see a blister or two on the surface of your dough, it has likely risen enough. When this happens, be sure first to pop the blister with a toothpick and then quickly get your bread to the oven.

For the ideal bread rise, you want to make sure that your dough doubles or more in volume. The dough becomes softer as it rises, which helps create the texture that we all strive for. Rising your dough just long enough for blisters to start forming is a great way to tell that your bread is ready to go in the oven. But remember, too many blisters mean that there's too much gas in your dough and not baking it soon enough could cause it to flop.

How Do You Get Bread to Rise Faster?

Now that you understand how to tell if your dough has risen enough, you may be wondering how you can get it to rise faster. If you recently made a bread loaf that took longer than expected, the kitchen's temperature could be to blame. The next time you make homemade bread, try letting your dough rise next to a heat source. Heat helps bread rise and placing your bread in areas like on top of the fridge, next to the pre-heating stove, or in your oven with the light on are great ways to help it rise faster. The time that it takes for dough to grow also depends on the flour used. If you are making bread out of sweet flour or whole-grain flour, like our 10 Grain Bread Mix then it will naturally take longer to rise and you should plan accordingly.

How Long Should Bread Take to Rise?

How Long Does It Take for Bread to Rise? (2)

Now that we've talked about how you can get bread dough to rise faster, it's time to tackle the question at hand, "how long does it take bread to rise." Though this answer may vary, if you're cooking in a warm kitchen with a moist dough, your bread will likely rise in 45 minutes or less. Now, if you're working with a firm dough with less moisture, it will take longer than 45 minutes to rise. When ensuring that your bread is rising correctly, it's essential to set a timer to tell you when to check on your dough. A timer will give you a good indication of if your bread is rising. However, it will not necessarily tell you when the bread is ready to go into the oven. Every batch of bread is different, as is every batch of yeast. The type of bread you're making and your kitchen's temperature can significantly affect the rise time.

If you are looking for ways to cut your rise time in half, as previously mentioned, we recommend putting the dough somewhere warm like on top of a warm appliance. Another trick you can use to decrease your rise time is to invest in a proofing bag. Placing your dough inside a proofing bag will help capture the heat and lock in the moisture, to create an environment where the dough will rise significantly faster.

If you're in a time crunch, make this Honey Whole Wheat Bread for a simple, quick-rising bread recipe. It is the perfect bread for toast, sandwiches, or to enjoy with fresh jam. To make this loaf, we chose to use a combination of half all-purpose flour and half whole wheat flour. This unique flour combo creates a bread that is wonderfully chewy, but not overly dense. Sweet in flavor and oh-so-delicious, we hope you enjoy this loaf as much as we do.

How Can You Extend the Rise Time?

How Long Does It Take for Bread to Rise? (3)

Not in a hurry? If you're not in a rush, then it's not a bad idea to let the dough rise slowly. Slow-risen dough has a much more acidic flavor than a fast risen dough. An example of a more acidic bread is sourdough bread. When you slow down the rising process in a dough, it causes a much different chemical reaction. Instead of the yeast creating bubbles in the batter, it begins to break down the sugars and form alcohol within the bread—minimal amounts, of course. The small amount of alcohol is what gives slow rising bread its lovely flavor.

How can you slow the rise of the bread? Many professional Baker's often use the refrigerator to slow down the growth or find a cool spot in the house. An open window on a chilly day or even a shady spot in the yard will help create a slow rise bread with a delicious flavor that can't be matched.

Eager to make a slow rising bread? Use this No-Knead Artisan Bread Recipe to make the loaf of your dreams. While this recipe is simple to make, it does require a slow rise time—10 hours, to be exact. To make, mix the dough and let it sit overnight (or for 10 hours). While you may have to plan for the 10 hours rise time, it's a much easier process than kneading the bread by hand. Plus, it's the perfect bread to mix in the morning before work and then pop in the oven that evening to enjoy a fresh slice with dinner.

Now that you know the different methods you can use to help your bread rise, it's time to hit the kitchen. Whether you choose to make a simple everyday bread recipe or challenge yourself with a more time-consuming sourdough, we're confident that your loaf will be delicious. From everyone at Bob's Red Mill, happy baking.

Have a favorite bread recipe of your own? Let us know how you create the perfect loaf in the comments below.

How Long Does It Take for Bread to Rise? (2024)


How Long Does It Take for Bread to Rise? ›

Most recipes call for the bread to double in size – this can take one to three hours, depending on the temperature, moisture in the dough, the development of the gluten, and the ingredients used. Generally speaking, a warm, humid environment is best for rising bread.

Is bread better the longer you let it rise? ›

If you're not in a rush, then it's not a bad idea to let the dough rise slowly. Slow-risen dough has a much more acidic flavor than a fast risen dough. An example of a more acidic bread is sourdough bread.

How much time does yeast take to rise? ›

Within five minutes, the yeast should have absorbed enough water to activate. After ten minutes, the yeast mixture should be very foamy and have risen to at least the 1-cup measurement, as shown in the above photo. If your yeast did not rise to the 1-cup mark, it should be discarded.

Is bread still good if it doesn't rise? ›

If your bread dough doesn't rise, you can still use it and fix it by changing up the temperature or mixing in more yeast. Keep reading for instructions on how to revive your dough and learn the top reasons behind why dough won't rise.

What is the longest you should let bread rise? ›

The proofing time for bread dough varies based on the dough's makeup (amount of preferment, flour choices, and hydration) and the temperature at which it's proofed. The dough should generally be proofed for around 1 to 4 hours at a warm temperature or overnight (or more) at a cold refrigerator temperature.

What happens if you don't let bread rise for long enough? ›

If baked too soon or too late, loaves can collapse and have a dense, gummy center. “There are so many factors that affect rise time, so exact time will vary for every baker.

How long should bread rise the first time? ›

The secret of successful rising

Most recipes call for the bread to double in size – this can take one to three hours, depending on the temperature, moisture in the dough, the development of the gluten, and the ingredients used. Generally speaking, a warm, humid environment is best for rising bread.

Why isn't my bread rising? ›

Yeast is too cold If the other ingredients are too cold, it could cause some of the yeast to die. Was the dough kneaded properly? Dough may not have been kneaded enough. Kneading 'exercises' the gluten in the bread and gives it the elasticity to hold in the air bubbles produced by the yeast.

How to make bread rise faster? ›

A Bowl of Steaming Water is the Key to Quickly Proofing Bread. In the winter, when your house and kitchen are at a crisp temperature and you need a warm spot for your dough to rise, create a makeshift “proof box” by placing a bowl of steaming water inside your oven alongside your bowl of dough.

What does overproofed bread look like? ›

What to look for in an over proofed loaf. Similar to the signs of over proofed dough, an over proofed loaf will be very flat, without much rise or retention of shaping. Over proofing destroys the structural integrity of the bread, so loaves that have gone over are unable to hold their shape in the oven.

Why do you proof bread twice? ›

Once shaped, the dough is left to proof a second time — this is the step that “proofing” technically refers to. Much of the air was knocked out of the dough while shaping, so this is a chance for the dough to expand again before baking. This step is sometimes called second rise or second proof.

Is it better to rise dough in the fridge or room temperature? ›

In lieu of a typical 1- to 3-hour rise at room temperature, you'd opt for a long (8- to 12-hour) rise in the refrigerator. This slow refrigerated rise is referred to as "cold fermentation" and has many benefits ranging from flexibility to flavor.

How do I know if my bread has risen enough? ›

Feel: Bread dough that has successfully risen/proofed will spring back slowly when poked and leave an indent. If it snaps back too quickly, it needs more time.

What temperature kills yeast? ›

Regardless of the type of yeast you use, if your water reaches temperatures of 120°F or more, the yeast will begin to die off. Once water temps reach 140°F or higher, that is the point where the yeast will be completely killed off.

Can you fix dough that didn't rise? ›

But almost as good as a proofing box is taking a Mason jar filled halfway up with water, microwaving it for two minutes, then putting your bowl of dough into the microwave with the jar to rise. The other thing you can do is place your lidded container or bowl of dough into a second, larger bowl of warm water.

How long should you leave bread to rise? ›

Most recipes call for the bread to double in size – this can take one to three hours, depending on the temperature, moisture in the dough, the development of the gluten, and the ingredients used. Generally speaking, a warm, humid environment is best for rising bread.

Is it better to let bread rise twice? ›

The second proving has given the bread more elasticity, and made it harder to deflate the air. Second rises may add significantly to the total time it takes to complete a loaf of bread, but the step can be essential to achieving the taste and texture inherent to a number of popular breads.

What is the secret to bread rising? ›

You can also put hot water in a heat-safe dish and place it on the floor of a cold oven (or on a lower shelf). The steam and heat from the water will help the temperature rise just enough that the yeast is active. The steam will also assist in keeping the surface of the dough moist so it will stretch as it rises.

Why does slow rise bread taste better? ›

Because bread is a fermented food, like pickles or kimchi. The longer it ferments, the longer the microbes have to fill your bread with the flavors only they can create. Quickly proofed bread tastes like wheat flour.


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