How to get whiter teeth: 5 best ways, and what to NOT do (2024)

This guide outlines several methods for how to get whiter teeth, and warns about which methods to NOT use.

Hundreds of years ago, the condition of your teeth was not so important. Back then, laughing was considered immoral, so poor oral hygiene wasn’t particularly noticeable. Nowadays things look completely different. Beautiful teeth and a white smile are among the beauty ideals of our time.

But what if the natural tooth color is brown-yellow or the teeth are discolored? We explain the various causes and introduce you to options for how to get whiter teeth again – from proper dental care to popular bleaching methods and effective home remedies.

How to get whiter teeth: 5 best methods

Whether you can get rid of yellow teeth depends primarily on whether the teeth are discolored due to an incorrect care routine or external influences or whether someone naturally has yellowish teeth. The latter has to do with the structure and shape of the teeth and unfortunately cannot be influenced.

If it’s just yellow discoloration on your teeth, there’s a good chance that it can be easily removed with the help of a few tips, leaving behind beautifully white teeth. Are you wondering what you can do effectively for how to get whiter teeth? Much more than you think! With the right tips and products, yellow teeth can be whitened without harming your dental health.

1. Brushing with a high-tech toothbrush

As already mentioned, the best tip that professionals can give for how to get whiter teeth is to optimize your own dental hygiene . Although you may not notice any whitening effect after a short time, in the long term , with the right brushing technique, you will prevent the formation of plaque and plaque, which will lighten the color of your teeth.

Studies have shown that ultrasonic toothbrushes are significantly better at removing plaque than conventional manual toothbrushes. Thanks to the ultrasonic rotating brush heads, you can target individual teeth. Some models even have a special cleaning program (“White”), which can help you get rid of more yellow discoloration.

Whether this really works for how to get whiter teeth depends, of course, on your lifestyle and diet. If you frequently drink coffee, tea or cigarettes, you will probably see less success with existing, older discolorations, but you will be able to delay the development of new ones for longer after a professional teeth cleaning.

How to brush your teeth correctly: 5 rules

Not only is it important what you use to brush for how to get whiter teeth again, but also how. Because if you brush your teeth incorrectly, even the best toothbrush is of no use. It’s better to leave these no-gos if you want to remove tooth discoloration and keep your teeth clean:

  • Brushing your teeth regularly is the be-all and end-all. Brush your teeth at least twice a day for about two to three minutes to give bacteria etc. no chance.
  • Do not press too hard. This damages the gums and leads to periodontal disease.
  • Run the toothbrush over your teeth in a circular motion .
  • The brush head should rest at a 45 degree angle to the gums to ensure thorough cleaning.
  • Do you have sensitive gums? Then you should choose a rather soft brush head.
  • Also important: Replace the brush head every three months to ensure perfect hygiene.

2. Use specialist toothpaste

“Which toothpaste helps against yellow teeth?” is one of the most frequently asked questions at the dentist for how to get whiter teeth. A so-called whitening toothpaste is the easiest and cheapest way to whiten yellow teeth at home. The so-called cleaning bodies can easily remove external discoloration.

Whitening toothpaste is particularly effective for discoloration caused by smoking or eating certain foods. The cleaning bodies work like small particles that sand away the unsightly discoloration.

But there is also a disadvantage in the particles: Dentists warn that whitening toothpaste not only has a whitening effect, but also attacks tooth enamel and can damage exposed tooth necks. So if you have sensitive teeth or are already struggling with dental health problems, you should instead opt for gentle alternatives and choose products that do not contain coarse cleaning particles.

Another alternative that is currently trendy is black toothpaste with activated charcoal. Admittedly, you don’t initially associate the color black in a toothpaste with white teeth.

In fact, when you brush, you get dark teeth at first, but that goes away after rinsing with a glass of water. The highlight of the whole thing: The natural activated carbon contained in the paste is supposed to whiten yellow teeth — without bleaching or sanding.

3. Use dental floss and remineralizing pastes

Do you now have the right toothbrush and the right toothpaste and think you are well equipped for how to get whiter teeth? Nearly. For healthy teeth you need a little more. The professionals recommend all-round care. That also includes:

  • Dental floss: It can permanently minimize brownish discoloration between the teeth. Dental floss is intended for everyday use.
  • Mouthwash: Mouthwash containing the ingredient chlorhexidine is particularly recommended. The antibacterial agent destroys bacteria in the mouth and forms a protective layer on the teeth. This can prevent new plaque formation for up to twelve hours.
  • Toothpastes: There are special toothpastes with amine fluoride, phosphates or calcium. These remineralize and strengthen tooth enamel and protect teeth from acid. Tip: You should use these creams once a week.

4. Have your teeth professionally cleaned regularly

Professional teeth cleaning does not in itself have a bleaching effect , but it can lighten discolorations. The reason for this: Yellow deposits and yellowish tartar are removed from the tooth surface and the natural whiteness is restored. A positive side effect of professional teeth cleaning: caries is detected early.
The treatment takes at least half an hour, but if the tooth enamel is severely contaminated, it can take twice as long. If you want healthy teeth , it is recommended to have your teeth cleaned by a professional twice a year . If you have additional private insurance, it may even cover part of the costs.

5. For a quick result: whitening

Teeth whitening is becoming more and more popular. In America there are now even bleaching studios where rows of customers sit under the UV lamps with their mouths open. But there are also bleaching treatments that work differently. The individual treatment methods differ primarily in price.

Professional whitening

Professional teeth whitening involves treating yellow teeth with a bleaching gel and a special UV light . The agent penetrates the tooth enamel and breaks down the yellow pigments there. The teeth then remain white for around two to four years.

  • Advantage: The professional knows what he is doing and the tooth enamel is not attacked. He is also allowed to use the bleaching agent in a higher concentration. This is how truly white teeth can be achieved.
  • Disadvantage: Professional whitening is not cheap and can cost around $500.
Teeth whitening kit

An inexpensive alternative to getting discolored teeth white again is so-called home bleaching . Here, a dental splint is filled with the bleaching agent and then placed on the upper and lower jaw for a certain period of time. This procedure must be repeated a few times until the yellow disappears completely and shiny, white teeth appear instead.

  • Advantage: The method is relatively cheap and can be carried out easily from home. The set also includes everything you need for teeth whitening, so no additional products need to be purchased.
  • Disadvantage: Since the dosage of whitening agent in DIY bleaching is very low, the optical effect is significantly less than with the professional version. In addition, some discipline and patience is required, as the first results only become visible after repeated use.

Whitening strips

Bleaching strips, which already contain the bleaching active ingredient and are stuck to the row of teeth like an adhesive strip, also work in a similar way to a teeth whitening set.

  • Advantage: It is easy to use and you save yourself a trip to the dentist and the high costs of professional whitening. You can also stick the strips on at any time and concentrate on other things while they are taking effect.
  • Disadvantage: The strips can only be used to remove light to moderate discoloration, as the brightening effect is relatively low even with this variant compared to a professional bleaching treatment.

6. How to get whiter teeth with home remedies

You have probably heard that there are numerous home remedies that are supposed to whiten your teeth. That’s actually true. While some foods etc. color the biters darker, others have the complete opposite effect.
But experts strongly advise against some of the home remedies that can make yellow discoloration on your teeth lighter . We’ll reveal which three commonly advertised home remedies you should stay away from and which tried-and-tested home remedies we can recommend instead.

These home remedies for white teeth are not a good choice:
  • Lemon juice: The acidity of lemon juice makes tooth structure porous and leads to demineralization of tooth enamel.
  • Baking soda: Baking soda has a strong abrasive effect. This makes the tooth surface very rough, which can lead to damage.
  • Strawberries: Here too, the fruit acid in strawberries attacks the tooth enamel and causes irreversible damage.
The best home remedy for how to get whiter teeth: coconut oil

If you are looking for a really good home remedy that will do something good for your mouth and teeth, you should use coconut oil . Oil pulling is an Ayurvedic ritual that has numerous health benefits . For example, it removes harmful bacteria and deposits in the mouth , which can prevent gum problems and counteract bad breath. At the same time, there is less deposits on the teeth, so they do not turn yellow as quickly.

The application is simple: Swish one to two tablespoons of coconut oil back and forth in your mouth for five to ten minutes and then spit it out (do not swallow!). Regular oil pulling leads to healthy and white teeth in the long term.

Possible causes of yellow teeth

Why are teeth yellow? The most common causes of yellowish discoloration – in addition to an incorrect dental care routine – are external influences. This includes eating acidic foods (or stimulants). The acid it contains roughens the tooth enamel and unwanted dyes can quickly settle and discolor it. But internal discoloration on the tooth can also be behind it.You should avoid the following foods and habits if you want perfectly white teeth:

  • tea, especially black and green tea
  • coffee
  • fruit juices and wine
  • dark berries
  • cigarettes and vapes
  • soft drinks
  • soy sauce
  • certain spices (e.g. curry and paprika)
  • dark vinegar
Internal tooth discolouration

If even a perfect dental care routine and avoiding some foods and unhealthy habits don’t help, the cause of yellow teeth is usually internal tooth discoloration. This includes, for example, the gray haze caused by a dead root. In this case, so-called walking bleaching helps , which combats the internal discoloration from the inside out.

Unfortunately, there is no treatment option for other internal tooth discolorations . A common problem: When the tooth enamel is so thin that the dentin (i.e. the dentin) shows through. The thin tooth enamel quickly appears dark in color because the bone-like dentin shines through in a grayish color. The only solution here is veneers (thin ceramic sheets in the desired color) that are glued to the tooth.

Photo by Vinicius Wiesehofer

How to get whiter teeth: 5 best ways, and what to NOT do (2024)


How to get whiter teeth: 5 best ways, and what to NOT do? ›

Professional teeth whitening is usually the most effective option, but it is also more expensive than at-home teeth whitening kits. Over-the-counter teeth whitening products are typically safe and effective, but they may take longer to produce results than professional teeth whitening treatments.

How can I whiten my teeth quickly? ›

Seven Ways to Naturally Whiten Teeth
  1. Eat Strawberries. One of the simplest ways to naturally whiten your teeth is just by eating strawberries. ...
  2. Eat Plenty of Fruits and Vegetables. ...
  3. Brush After You Eat or Drink. ...
  4. Rinse with Apple Cider Vinegar. ...
  5. Apply Coconut Oil. ...
  6. Brush Your Tongue. ...
  7. Use Baking Soda and Hydrogen Peroxide.

What is the most powerful way to whiten teeth? ›

Professional teeth whitening is usually the most effective option, but it is also more expensive than at-home teeth whitening kits. Over-the-counter teeth whitening products are typically safe and effective, but they may take longer to produce results than professional teeth whitening treatments.

How to permanently whiten teeth? ›

Dental veneers are a great way to permanently whiten your teeth, so no more white strips and no need for whitening treatments. A dental veneer is a thin piece of porcelain material that is placed on top of natural teeth. They are bonded to the tooth with a cement-like material to ensure a stronghold.

How can I keep my teeth white all day? ›

The most important steps that contribute to healthy white teeth are daily brushing, flossing, and mouthwash. This daily routine is a great way to keep superficial staining from occurring or even help remove the stains after they have occurred.

How to whiten teeth in 2 minutes? ›

Just mix a teaspoon of baking powder and a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice and brush your teeth with the paste this mixture will work wonders in just two minutes.

Can salt whiten teeth? ›

Since salt and baking soda are abrasive they could remove stains from teeth, but that's like trying to lighten your floors by sanding them down, said Messina, who is also a spokesperson for the American Dental Association.

How to whiten teeth overnight? ›

No treatment can whiten teeth overnight, but some options are faster than others. Natural or over-the-counter treatment may take longer than treatments at the dentist's office. Even in the latter case, whitening is likely to require several treatment sessions of several hours each.

Do strawberries whiten teeth? ›

"Strawberries contain citric acid which may give teeth a very temporary whiter appearance after you apply it," she says. But that doesn't mean the stains on your teeth have been removed. The acid from the berries breaks down your tooth enamel and causes dehydration. So, the teeth may temporarily appear whiter.

How do people get their teeth so white? ›

Follow good oral hygiene practices. Brush your teeth at least twice daily, floss at least once daily to remove plaque, and rinse with an antiseptic mouthwash at least once a day to kill bacteria that cause plaque. Use a whitening toothpaste (once or twice a week only) to remove surface stains and prevent yellowing.

How to get a big white smile? ›

What Is The Best Way To Whiten Your Teeth? The safest, quickest, and most effective way of getting your whitened is professional whitening. This is because dentists use very potent bleaching agents that perform much faster and more efficiently than those used in at-home whitening formulas.

What is the cheapest way to whiten your teeth? ›

Over-the-counter options, like whitening toothpastes, strips, and kits, tend to be the cheapest options. If you feel self-conscious about the brightness of your smile, you are far from alone.

How to whiten teeth home remedy? ›

Remedies for yellow teeth
  1. Brushing your teeth. Your first plan of action should be to brush your teeth more often and in the correct manner. ...
  2. Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. ...
  3. Coconut oil pulling. ...
  4. Apple cider vinegar. ...
  5. Lemon, orange, or banana peels. ...
  6. Activated charcoal. ...
  7. Eating fruits and vegetables with a higher water content.

What food whitens teeth? ›

Strawberries, watermelon, and dairy products may help whiten your teeth. These foods contain compounds with lightening properties. Pineapple and papaya also have proteolytic enzymes that dissolve stain-causing proteins on your teeth.

How to clean teeth at home? ›

Find out 6 easy ways to keep your teeth clean in a natural way
  1. #1 Oil Pulling. Oil pulling is the process of moving oil through teeth and around the mouth to clean and detoxify teeth and gums. ...
  2. #2 Chemical Free Toothpaste. ...
  3. #3 Chewing Sesame Seeds. ...
  4. #4 Baking Soda Brush. ...
  5. #5 Healthy Diet. ...
  6. #6 Bamboo Toothbrush.

How can I make my teeth super white in a week? ›

Here are some tips for achieving a brighter smile in just one week !
  1. Brush a nd Floss Regularly:
  2. Avoid Foods a nd Drinks That Stain Teeth:
  3. Use a Whitening Kit:
  4. Visit Your Dentist f or Professional Whitening:
  5. Wrapping Up.
Apr 10, 2023

Can yellow teeth become white again? ›

What Can Be Done to Whiten Yellow Teeth? If you're looking for a radical change in the coloring of your teeth, you need professional-grade whitening to get the job done. Your cosmetic dentist can provide treatment that penetrates deep into the enamel and removes years of stains with a powerful bleaching agent.

What whitens teeth the fastest at home? ›

Combine 2 teaspoons (10 ml) of hydrogen peroxide with 1 teaspoon (6 grams) of baking soda and gently brush your teeth with the mixture. Limit the use of this homemade paste to a few times per week, as overuse can erode your tooth enamel.


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